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<p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2407.15918</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics of Galaxies">astro-ph.GA</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Solar and Stellar Astrophysics">astro-ph.SR</span> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Combined Gemini-South and HST photometric analysis of the globular cluster NGC 6558. The age of the metal-poor population of the Galactic Bulge </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Souza%2C+S+O">S. O. Souza</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Libralato%2C+M">M. Libralato</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Nardiello%2C+D">D. Nardiello</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">L. O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Ortolani%2C+S">S. Ortolani</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=P%C3%A9rez-Villegas%2C+A">A. P茅rez-Villegas</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Oliveira%2C+R+A+P">R. A. P. Oliveira</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Barbuy%2C+B">B. Barbuy</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Bica%2C+E">E. Bica</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Griggio%2C+M">M. Griggio</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Dias%2C+B">B. Dias</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2407.15918v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> NGC~6558 is a low-galactic latitude globular cluster projected in the direction of the Galactic bulge. Due to high reddening, this region presents challenges in deriving accurate parameters, which require meticulous photometric analysis. We present a combined analysis of near-infrared and optical photometry from multi-epoch high-resolution images collected with Gemini-South/GSAOI+GeMS (in the $J$… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2407.15918v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2407.15918v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2407.15918v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> NGC~6558 is a low-galactic latitude globular cluster projected in the direction of the Galactic bulge. Due to high reddening, this region presents challenges in deriving accurate parameters, which require meticulous photometric analysis. We present a combined analysis of near-infrared and optical photometry from multi-epoch high-resolution images collected with Gemini-South/GSAOI+GeMS (in the $J$ and $K_S$ filters) and HST/ACS (in the F606W and F814W filters). We aim to refine the fundamental parameters of NGC~6558, utilizing high-quality Gemini-South/GSAOI and HST/ACS photometries. Additionally, we intend to investigate its role in the formation of the Galactic bulge. We studied the impact of two differential reddening corrections on the age derivation. When removing as much as possible the Galactic bulge field star contamination, the isochrone fitting combined with synthetic colour-magnitude diagrams gives a distance of $8.41^{+0.11}_{-0.10}$ kpc, an age of $13.0\pm 0.9$ Gyr, a reddening of E($B-V$)$\,\,=0.34\pm0.02$, and a total-to-selective coefficient R$_V = 3.2\pm0.2$ thanks to the simultaneous near-infrared$-$Optical synthetic colour-magnitude diagram fitting. The orbital parameters showed that NGC~6558 is confined whitin the inner Galaxy and it is not compatible with a bar-shape orbit, indicating that it is a bulge member. The old age of NGC~6558, combined with similar metallicity and a blue horizontal branch in the Galactic bulge, indicates that it is part of the moderately metal-poor globular clusters. Assembling the old and moderately metal-poor ([Fe/H]$\,\,\sim-1.1$) clusters in the Galactic bulge, we derived their age-metallicity relation with star formation stars at $13.6\pm0.2$ Gyr and effective yields of $蟻=0.007\pm0.009\,\, Z_\odot$ showing a chemical enrichment ten times faster than the ex-situ globular clusters branch. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2407.15918v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2407.15918v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 22 July, 2024; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> July 2024. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">Accepted for publication in A&A. 14 pages, 12 figures, and 4 tables. The abstract is a reduced version of the accepted one</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2310.15158</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics of Galaxies">astro-ph.GA</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1093/mnras/stad3276 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Ages and metallicities of stellar clusters using S-PLUS narrow-band integrated photometry: the Small Magellanic Cloud </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=de+Souza%2C+G+F">Gabriel Fabiano de Souza</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Westera%2C+P">Pieter Westera</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Almeida-Fernandes%2C+F">Felipe Almeida-Fernandes</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Limberg%2C+G">Guilherme Limberg</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Dias%2C+B">Bruno Dias</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Hernandez-Jimenez%2C+J+A">Jos茅 A. Hernandez-Jimenez</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Herpich%2C+F+R">F谩bio R. Herpich</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">Leandro O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Machado-Pereira%2C+E">Eduardo Machado-Pereira</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Perottoni%2C+H+D">H茅lio D. Perottoni</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Guer%C3%A7o%2C+R">Rafael Guer莽o</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Li%2C+L">Liana Li</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Sampedro%2C+L">Laura Sampedro</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kanaan%2C+A">Antonio Kanaan</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Ribeiro%2C+T">Tiago Ribeiro</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Schoenell%2C+W">William Schoenell</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=de+Oliveira%2C+C+M">Claudia Mendes de Oliveira</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2310.15158v2-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> The Magellanic Clouds are the most massive and closest satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, with stars covering ages from a few Myr up to 13 Gyr. This makes them important for validating integrated light methods to study stellar populations and star-formation processes, which can be applied to more distant galaxies. We characterized a set of stellar clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), us… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2310.15158v2-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2310.15158v2-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2310.15158v2-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> The Magellanic Clouds are the most massive and closest satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, with stars covering ages from a few Myr up to 13 Gyr. This makes them important for validating integrated light methods to study stellar populations and star-formation processes, which can be applied to more distant galaxies. We characterized a set of stellar clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), using the $\textit{Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey}$. This is the first age (metallicity) determination for 11 (65) clusters of this sample. Through its 7 narrow bands, centered on important spectral features, and 5 broad bands, we can retrieve detailed information about stellar populations. We obtained ages and metallicities for all stellar clusters using the Bayesian spectral energy distribution fitting code $\texttt{BAGPIPES}$. With a sample of clusters in the color range $-0.20 < r-z < +0.35$, for which our determined parameters are most reliable, we modeled the age-metallicity relation of SMC. At any given age, the metallicities of SMC clusters are lower than those of both the Gaia Sausage-Enceladus disrupted dwarf galaxy and the Milky Way. In comparison with literature values, differences are $螖$log(age)$\approx0.31$ and $螖$[Fe/H]$\approx0.41$, which is comparable to low-resolution spectroscopy of individual stars. Finally, we confirm a previously known gradient, with younger clusters in the center and older ones preferentially located in the outermost regions. On the other hand, we found no evidence of a significant metallicity gradient. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2310.15158v2-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2310.15158v2-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 30 November, 2023; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">v1</span> submitted 23 October, 2023; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> October 2023. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">12 pages, 11 figures</span> </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 527, Issue 2, January 2024, Pages 1733-1744 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2306.05503</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics of Galaxies">astro-ph.GA</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Solar and Stellar Astrophysics">astro-ph.SR</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1093/mnras/stad1827 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> The VISCACHA survey -- VII. Assembly history of the Magellanic Bridge and SMC Wing from star clusters </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Oliveira%2C+R+A+P">R. A. P. Oliveira</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Maia%2C+F+F+S">F. F. S. Maia</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Barbuy%2C+B">B. Barbuy</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Dias%2C+B">B. Dias</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Santos%2C+J+F+C">J. F. C. Santos Jr.</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Souza%2C+S+O">S. O. Souza</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">L. O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Bica%2C+E">E. Bica</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Sanmartim%2C+D">D. Sanmartim</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Quint%2C+B">B. Quint</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Fraga%2C+L">L. Fraga</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Armond%2C+T">T. Armond</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Minniti%2C+D">D. Minniti</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Parisi%2C+M+C">M. C. Parisi</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Santrich%2C+O+J+K">O. J. Katime Santrich</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Angelo%2C+M+S">M. S. Angelo</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=P%C3%A9rez-Villegas%2C+A">A. P茅rez-Villegas</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=De+B%C3%B3rtoli%2C+B+J">B. J. De B贸rtoli</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2306.05503v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> The formation scenario of the Magellanic Bridge during an encounter between the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds $\sim200\,$Myr ago, as proposed by $N$-body models, would be imprinted in the chemical enrichment and kinematics of its stars, and sites of ongoing star formation along its extension. We present an analysis of 33 Bridge star clusters using photometry obtained with the SOAR 4-m telescop… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2306.05503v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2306.05503v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2306.05503v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> The formation scenario of the Magellanic Bridge during an encounter between the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds $\sim200\,$Myr ago, as proposed by $N$-body models, would be imprinted in the chemical enrichment and kinematics of its stars, and sites of ongoing star formation along its extension. We present an analysis of 33 Bridge star clusters using photometry obtained with the SOAR 4-m telescope equipped with adaptive optics for the VISCACHA survey. We performed a membership selection and derived self-consistent ages, metallicities, distances and reddening values via statistical isochrone fitting, as well as tidal radii and integrated masses from structure analysis. Two groups are clearly detected: 13 well-studied clusters older than the Bridge, with $0.5-6.8\,$Gyr and $\rm{[Fe/H]}<-0.6\,$dex; and 15 clusters with $< 200\,$Myr and $\rm{[Fe/H]}>-0.5\,$dex, probably formed in-situ. The old clusters follow the overall age and metallicity gradients of the SMC, whereas the younger ones are uniformly distributed along the Bridge. The main results are as follows: $(i)$ we derive ages and metallicities for the first time for 9 and 18 clusters, respectively; $(ii)$ we detect two metallicity dips in the age-metallicity relation of the Bridge at $\sim 200\,$Myr and $1.5\,$Gyr ago for the first time, possibly chemical signatures of the formation of the Bridge and Magellanic Stream; $(iii)$ we estimate a minimum stellar mass for the Bridge of $3-5 \times 10^5\,M_\odot$; $(iv)$ we confirm that all the young Bridge clusters at $\rm{RA} < 3^h$ are metal-rich $\rm{[Fe/H]} \sim -0.4\,$dex. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2306.05503v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2306.05503v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 8 June, 2023; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> June 2023. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">15 pages, 13 figures + appendix. Accepted for publication in MNRAS</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2201.11119</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics of Galaxies">astro-ph.GA</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Solar and Stellar Astrophysics">astro-ph.SR</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1093/mnras/stac259 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> The VISCACHA survey -- IV. The SMC West Halo in 8D </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Dias%2C+B">B. Dias</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Parisi%2C+M+C">M. C. Parisi</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Angelo%2C+M">M. Angelo</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Maia%2C+F">F. Maia</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Oliveira%2C+R+A+P">R. A. P. Oliveira</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Souza%2C+S+O">S. O. Souza</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">L. O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Santos%2C+J+F+C">J. F. C. Santos Jr.</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=P%C3%A9rez-Villegas%2C+A">A. P茅rez-Villegas</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Sanmartim%2C+D">D. Sanmartim</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Quint%2C+B">B. Quint</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Fraga%2C+L">L. Fraga</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Barbuy%2C+B">B. Barbuy</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Bica%2C+E">E. Bica</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Santrich%2C+O+J+K">O. J. Katime Santrich</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Hernandez-Jimenez%2C+J+A">J. A. Hernandez-Jimenez</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Geisler%2C+D">D. Geisler</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Minniti%2C+D">D. Minniti</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=De+B%C3%B3rtoli%2C+B+J">B. J. De B贸rtoli</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Bassino%2C+L+P">L. P. Bassino</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Rocha%2C+J+P">J. P. Rocha</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2201.11119v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> The structure of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) is very complex, in particular in the periphery that suffers more from the interactions with the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). A wealth of observational evidence has been accumulated revealing tidal tails and bridges made up of gas, stars and star clusters. Nevertheless, a full picture of the SMC outskirts is only recently starting to emerge with a… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2201.11119v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2201.11119v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2201.11119v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> The structure of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) is very complex, in particular in the periphery that suffers more from the interactions with the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). A wealth of observational evidence has been accumulated revealing tidal tails and bridges made up of gas, stars and star clusters. Nevertheless, a full picture of the SMC outskirts is only recently starting to emerge with a 6D phase-space map plus age and metallicity using star clusters as tracers. In this work, we continue our analysis of another outer region of the SMC, the so-called West Halo, and combined it with the previously analysed Northern Bridge. We use both structures to define the Bridge and Counter-bridge trailing and leading tidal tails. These two structures are moving away from each other, roughly in the SMC-LMC direction. The West Halo form a ring around the SMC inner regions that goes up to the background of the Northern Bridge shaping an extended layer of the Counter-bridge. Four old Bridge clusters were identified at distances larger than 8 kpc from the SMC centre moving towards the LMC, which is consistent with the SMC-LMC closest distance of 7.5 kpc when the Magellanic Bridge was formed about 150Myr ago; this shows that the Magellanic Bridge was not formed only by pulled gas, but it also removed older stars from the SMC during its formation. We also found age and metallicity radial gradients using projected distances on sky, which are vanished when we use the real 3D distances. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2201.11119v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2201.11119v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 26 January, 2022; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> January 2022. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">14 pages, 8 figures + appendix. Accepted for publication in MNRAS</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2110.13943</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics of Galaxies">astro-ph.GA</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Solar and Stellar Astrophysics">astro-ph.SR</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1051/0004-6361/202141596 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Precise distances from OGLE-IV member RR Lyrae stars in six bulge globular clusters </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Oliveira%2C+R+A+P">R. A. P. Oliveira</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Ortolani%2C+S">S. Ortolani</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Barbuy%2C+B">B. Barbuy</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">L. O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Maia%2C+F+F+S">F. F. S. Maia</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Bica%2C+E">E. Bica</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Cassisi%2C+S">S. Cassisi</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Souza%2C+S+O">S. O. Souza</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=P%C3%A9rez-Villegas%2C+A">A. P茅rez-Villegas</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2110.13943v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Context. RR Lyrae stars are useful standard candles allowing one to derive accurate distances for old star clusters. Based on the recent catalogues from OGLE-IV and Gaia Early Data Release 3 (EDR3), the distances can be improved for a few bulge globular clusters. Aims. The aim of this work is to derive an accurate distance for the following six moderately metal-poor, relatively high-reddening bulg… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2110.13943v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2110.13943v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2110.13943v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Context. RR Lyrae stars are useful standard candles allowing one to derive accurate distances for old star clusters. Based on the recent catalogues from OGLE-IV and Gaia Early Data Release 3 (EDR3), the distances can be improved for a few bulge globular clusters. Aims. The aim of this work is to derive an accurate distance for the following six moderately metal-poor, relatively high-reddening bulge globular clusters: NGC 6266, NGC 6441, NGC 6626, NGC 6638, NGC 6642, and NGC 6717. Methods. We combined newly available OGLE-IV catalogues of variable stars containing mean I magnitudes, with Clement's previous catalogues containing mean V magnitudes, and with precise proper motions from Gaia EDR3. Astrometric membership probabilities were computed for each RR Lyrae, in order to select those compatible with the cluster proper motions. Applying luminosity-metallicity relations derived from BaSTI $伪$-enhanced models (He-enhanced for NGC 6441 and canonical He for the other clusters), we updated the distances with relatively low uncertainties. Results. Distances were derived with the I and V bands, with a $5-8\%$ precision. We obtained 6.6 kpc, 13.1 kpc, 5.6 kpc, 9.6 kpc, 8.2 kpc, and 7.3 kpc for NGC 6266, NGC 6441, NGC 6626, NGC 6638, NGC 6642, and NGC 6717, respectively. The results are in excellent agreement with the literature for all sample clusters, considering the uncertainties. Conclusions. The present method of distance derivation, based on recent data of member RR Lyrae stars, updated BaSTI models, and robust statistical methods, proved to be consistent. A larger sample of clusters will be investigated in a future work. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2110.13943v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2110.13943v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 26 October, 2021; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> October 2021. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">11 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A</span> </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> A&A 657, A123 (2022) </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2108.00561</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics of Galaxies">astro-ph.GA</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1093/mnras/stab2248 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> GALExtin: An alternative online tool to determine the interstellar extinction in the Milky Way </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Amores%2C+E+B">Eduardo B. Amores</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Jesus%2C+R+M">Ricardo M. Jesus</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Moitinho%2C+A">Andre Moitinho</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Arsenijevic%2C+V">Vladan Arsenijevic</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Levenhagen%2C+R+S">Ronaldo S. Levenhagen</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Marshall%2C+D+J">Douglas J. Marshall</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">Leandro O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kunzel%2C+R">Roseli Kunzel</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Moura%2C+R+A">Rodrigo A. Moura</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2108.00561v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Estimates of interstellar extinction are essential in a broad range of astronomical research. In the last decades, several maps and models of the large scale interstellar extinction in the Galaxy have been published. However, these maps and models have been developed in different programming languages, with different user interfaces and input/output formats, which makes using and comparing results… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2108.00561v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2108.00561v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2108.00561v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Estimates of interstellar extinction are essential in a broad range of astronomical research. In the last decades, several maps and models of the large scale interstellar extinction in the Galaxy have been published. However, these maps and models have been developed in different programming languages, with different user interfaces and input/output formats, which makes using and comparing results from these maps and models difficult. To address this issue, we have developed a tool called GALExtin (\url{}) - that estimates interstellar extinction based on both 3D models/maps and 2D maps available. The user only needs to provide a list with coordinates (and distance) and to choose a model/map. GALExtin will then provide an output list with extinction estimates. It can be implemented in any other portal or model that requires interstellar extinction estimates. Here, a general overview of GALExtin is presented, along with its capabilities, validation, performance and some results. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2108.00561v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2108.00561v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 1 August, 2021; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> August 2021. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">12 pages, 2 figures</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2001.08611</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics of Galaxies">astro-ph.GA</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Solar and Stellar Astrophysics">astro-ph.SR</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.3847/1538-4357/ab6f76 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. XX. Ages of single and multiple stellar populations in seven bulge globular clusters </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Oliveira%2C+R+A+P">R. A. P. Oliveira</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Souza%2C+S+O">S. O. Souza</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">L. O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Barbuy%2C+B">B. Barbuy</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Ortolani%2C+S">S. Ortolani</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Piotto%2C+G">G. Piotto</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Nardiello%2C+D">D. Nardiello</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=P%C3%A9rez-Villegas%2C+A">A. P茅rez-Villegas</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Maia%2C+F+F+S">F. F. S. Maia</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Bica%2C+E">E. Bica</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Cassisi%2C+S">S. Cassisi</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=D%27Antona%2C+F">F. D'Antona</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Lagioia%2C+E">E. Lagioia</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Libralato%2C+M">M. Libralato</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Milone%2C+A+P">A. P. Milone</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Anderson%2C+J">J. Anderson</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Aparicio%2C+A">A. Aparicio</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Bedin%2C+L+R">L. R. Bedin</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Brown%2C+T+M">T. M. Brown</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=King%2C+I+R">I. R. King</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Marino%2C+A+F">A. F. Marino</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Pietrinferni%2C+A">A. Pietrinferni</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Renzini%2C+A">A. Renzini</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Sarajedini%2C+A">A. Sarajedini</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=van+der+Marel%2C+R">R. van der Marel</a> , et al. (1 additional authors not shown) </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2001.08611v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> In the present work we analyzed seven globular clusters selected from their location in the Galactic bulge and with metallicity values in the range $-1.30\lesssim\rm{[Fe/H]}\lesssim-0.50$. The aim of this work is first to derive cluster ages assuming single stellar populations, and secondly, to identify the stars from first (1G) and second generations (2G) from the main sequence, subgiant and red… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2001.08611v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2001.08611v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2001.08611v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> In the present work we analyzed seven globular clusters selected from their location in the Galactic bulge and with metallicity values in the range $-1.30\lesssim\rm{[Fe/H]}\lesssim-0.50$. The aim of this work is first to derive cluster ages assuming single stellar populations, and secondly, to identify the stars from first (1G) and second generations (2G) from the main sequence, subgiant and red giant branches, and to derive their age differences. Based on a combination of UV and optical filters used in this project, we apply the Gaussian mixture models to distinguish the multiple stellar populations. Applying statistical isochrone fitting, we derive self-consistent ages, distances, metallicities, and reddening values for the sample clusters. An average of $12.3\pm0.4$ Gyr was obtained both using Dartmouth and BaSTI (accounting atomic diffusion effects) isochrones, without a clear distinction between the moderately metal-poor and the more metal-rich bulge clusters, except for NGC 6717 and the inner halo NGC 6362 with $\sim 13.5$ Gyr. We derived a weighted mean age difference between the multiple populations hosted by each globular cluster of $41\pm170$ Myr adopting canonical He abundances; whereas for higher He in 2G stars, this difference reduces to $17\pm170$ Myr, but with individual uncertainties of $500$ Myr. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2001.08611v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2001.08611v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 23 January, 2020; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> January 2020. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">25 pages, 16 figures and 7 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2001.02697</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Solar and Stellar Astrophysics">astro-ph.SR</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.3847/1538-4357/ab6a0f <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Self-consistent analysis of stellar clusters: An application to HST data of the halo globular cluster NGC 6752 </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Souza%2C+S+O">Stefano O. Souza</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">Leandro O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Barbuy%2C+B">Beatriz Barbuy</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=P%C3%A9rez-Villegas%2C+A">Angeles P茅rez-Villegas</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Oliveira%2C+R+A+P">Raphael A. P. Oliveira</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Nardiello%2C+D">Domenico Nardiello</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2001.02697v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> The Bayesian isochrone fitting using the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is applied, to derive the probability distribution of the parameters age, metallicity, reddening, and absolute distance modulus. We introduce the \texttt{SIRIUS} code by means of simulated color-magnitude diagrams, including the analysis of multiple stellar populations. The population tagging is applied from the red giant… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2001.02697v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2001.02697v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2001.02697v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> The Bayesian isochrone fitting using the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is applied, to derive the probability distribution of the parameters age, metallicity, reddening, and absolute distance modulus. We introduce the \texttt{SIRIUS} code by means of simulated color-magnitude diagrams, including the analysis of multiple stellar populations. The population tagging is applied from the red giant branch to the bottom of the main sequence. Through sanity checks using synthetic {\it HST} color-magnitude diagrams of globular clusters we verify the code reliability in the context of simple and multiple stellar populations. In such tests, the formal uncertainties in age or age difference, metallicity, reddening, and absolute distance modulus can reach $400$ Myr, $0.03$ dex, $0.01$ mag, and $0.03$ mag, respectively. We apply the method to analyse NGC 6752, using Dartmouth stellar evolutionary models. Assuming a single stellar population, we derive an age of $13.7\pm0.5$ Gyr and a distance of $d_{\odot}=4.11\pm 0.08$ kpc, with the latter in agreement within $~3蟽$ with the inverse Gaia parallax. In the analysis of the multiple stellar populations, three {populations} are clearly identified. From the Chromosome Map and UV/Optical two-color diagrams inspection, we found a fraction of stars of $25\pm5$, $46\pm7$, and $29\pm5$ per cent, for the first, second, and third generations, respectively. These fractions are in good agreement with the literature. An age difference of $500\pm410$ Myr between the first and the third generation is found, with the uncertainty decreasing to $400$ Myr when the helium enhancement is taken into account. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2001.02697v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2001.02697v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 8 January, 2020; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> January 2020. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">17 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:1907.01567</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics of Galaxies">astro-ph.GA</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics">astro-ph.CO</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena">astro-ph.HE</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics">astro-ph.IM</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Solar and Stellar Astrophysics">astro-ph.SR</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1093/mnras/stz1985 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> The Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS): improved SEDs, morphologies and redshifts with 12 optical filters </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=de+Oliveira%2C+C+M">C. Mendes de Oliveira</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Ribeiro%2C+T">T. Ribeiro</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Schoenell%2C+W">W. Schoenell</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kanaan%2C+A">A. Kanaan</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Overzier%2C+R+A">R. A. Overzier</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Molino%2C+A">A. Molino</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Sampedro%2C+L">L. Sampedro</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Coelho%2C+P">P. Coelho</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Barbosa%2C+C+E">C. E. Barbosa</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Cortesi%2C+A">A. Cortesi</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Costa-Duarte%2C+M+V">M. V. Costa-Duarte</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Herpich%2C+F+R">F. R. Herpich</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Hernandez-Jimenez%2C+J+A">J. A. Hernandez-Jimenez</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Placco%2C+V+M">V. M. Placco</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Xavier%2C+H+S">H. S. Xavier</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Abramo%2C+L+R">L. R. Abramo</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Saito%2C+R+K">R. K. Saito</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Chies-Santos%2C+A+L">A. L. Chies-Santos</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Ederoclite%2C+A">A. Ederoclite</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=de+Oliveira%2C+R+L">R. Lopes de Oliveira</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Gon%C3%A7alves%2C+D+R">D. R. Gon莽alves</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Akras%2C+S">S. Akras</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Almeida%2C+L+A">L. A. Almeida</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Almeida-Fernandes%2C+F">F. Almeida-Fernandes</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Beers%2C+T+C">T. C. Beers</a> , et al. (120 additional authors not shown) </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="1907.01567v2-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> The Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS) is imaging ~9300 deg^2 of the celestial sphere in twelve optical bands using a dedicated 0.8 m robotic telescope, the T80-South, at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, Chile. The telescope is equipped with a 9.2k by 9.2k e2v detector with 10 um pixels, resulting in a field-of-view of 2 deg^2 with a plate scale of 0.55"/pixel. The sur… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('1907.01567v2-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('1907.01567v2-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="1907.01567v2-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> The Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS) is imaging ~9300 deg^2 of the celestial sphere in twelve optical bands using a dedicated 0.8 m robotic telescope, the T80-South, at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, Chile. The telescope is equipped with a 9.2k by 9.2k e2v detector with 10 um pixels, resulting in a field-of-view of 2 deg^2 with a plate scale of 0.55"/pixel. The survey consists of four main subfields, which include two non-contiguous fields at high Galactic latitudes (8000 deg^2 at |b| > 30 deg) and two areas of the Galactic plane and bulge (for an additional 1300 deg^2). S-PLUS uses the Javalambre 12-band magnitude system, which includes the 5 u, g, r, i, z broad-band filters and 7 narrow-band filters centered on prominent stellar spectral features: the Balmer jump/[OII], Ca H+K, H-delta, G-band, Mg b triplet, H-alpha, and the Ca triplet. S-PLUS delivers accurate photometric redshifts (delta_z/(1+z) = 0.02 or better) for galaxies with r < 20 AB mag and redshift < 0.5, thus producing a 3D map of the local Universe over a volume of more than 1 (Gpc/h)^3. The final S-PLUS catalogue will also enable the study of star formation and stellar populations in and around the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, as well as searches for quasars, variable sources, and low-metallicity stars. In this paper we introduce the main characteristics of the survey, illustrated with science verification data highlighting the unique capabilities of S-PLUS. We also present the first public data release of ~336 deg^2 of the Stripe-82 area, which is available at <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('1907.01567v2-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('1907.01567v2-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 2 September, 2019; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">v1</span> submitted 2 July, 2019; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> July 2019. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">Updated to reflect the published version (MNRAS, 489, 241). For a short introductory video of the S-PLUS project, see - The S-PLUS Data Release 1 is available at</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:1901.03721</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Solar and Stellar Astrophysics">astro-ph.SR</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics of Galaxies">astro-ph.GA</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1093/mnras/stz003 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> A Deep View of a Fossil Relic in the Galactic Bulge: The Globular Cluster HP$\,$1 </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">L. O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Libralato%2C+M">M. Libralato</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Souza%2C+S+O">S. O. Souza</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Oliveira%2C+R+A+P">R. A. P. Oliveira</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Ortolani%2C+S">S. Ortolani</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=P%C3%A9rez-Villegas%2C+A">A. P茅rez-Villegas</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Barbuy%2C+B">B. Barbuy</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Dias%2C+B">B. Dias</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Bica%2C+E">E. Bica</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Nardiello%2C+D">D. Nardiello</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="1901.03721v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> HP$\,$1 is an $伪$-enhanced and moderately metal-poor bulge globular cluster with a blue horizontal branch. These combined characteristics make it a probable relic of the early star formation in the innermost Galactic regions. Here we present a detailed analysis of a deep near-infrared (NIR) photometry of HP$\,$1 obtained with the NIR GSAOI+GeMS camera at the Gemini-South telescope. $J$ and… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('1901.03721v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('1901.03721v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="1901.03721v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> HP$\,$1 is an $伪$-enhanced and moderately metal-poor bulge globular cluster with a blue horizontal branch. These combined characteristics make it a probable relic of the early star formation in the innermost Galactic regions. Here we present a detailed analysis of a deep near-infrared (NIR) photometry of HP$\,$1 obtained with the NIR GSAOI+GeMS camera at the Gemini-South telescope. $J$ and $K_{\rm S}$ images were collected with an exquisite spatial resolution (FWHM $\sim 0.1$ arcsec), reaching stars at two magnitudes below the MSTO. We combine our GSAOI data with archival F606W-filter $HST$ ACS/WFC images to compute relative proper motions and select bona fide cluster members. Results from statistical isochrone fits in the NIR and optical-NIR colour-magnitude diagrams indicate an age of $12.8^{+0.9}_{-0.8}$ Gyr, confirming that HP$\,$1 is one of the oldest clusters in the Milky Way. The same fits also provide apparent distance moduli in the $K_{\rm S}$ and $V$ filters in very good agreement with the ones from 11 RR Lyrae stars. By subtracting the extinction in each filter, we recover a heliocentric distance of $6.59^{+0.17}_{-0.15}$ kpc. Furthermore, we refine the orbit of HP$\,$1 using this accurate distance and update and accurate radial velocities (from high resolution spectroscopy) and absolute proper motions (from Gaia DR2), reaching mean perigalactic and apogalactic distances of $\sim$0.12 and $\sim$3 kpc respectively. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('1901.03721v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('1901.03721v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 11 January, 2019; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> January 2019. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">22 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:1801.03876</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Solar and Stellar Astrophysics">astro-ph.SR</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics of Galaxies">astro-ph.GA</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.3847/1538-4357/aaa3fc <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Ages of the Bulge globular clusters NGC 6522 and NGC 6626 (M28) from HST Proper-motion-cleaned Color-Magnitude Diagrams </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">L. O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Nardiello%2C+D">D. Nardiello</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Ortolani%2C+S">S. Ortolani</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Barbuy%2C+B">B. Barbuy</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Bica%2C+E">E. Bica</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Cassisi%2C+S">S. Cassisi</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Libralato%2C+M">M. Libralato</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Vieira%2C+R+G">R. G. Vieira</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="1801.03876v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Bulge globular clusters (GCs) with metallicities [Fe/H] <~ -1.0 and blue horizontal branches are candidates to harbor the oldest populations in the Galaxy. Based on the analysis of HST proper-motion-cleaned color-magnitude diagrams in filters F435W and F625W, we determine physical parameters for the old bulge globular clusters NGC 6522 and NGC 6626 (M28), both with well-defined blue horizontal bra… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('1801.03876v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('1801.03876v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="1801.03876v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Bulge globular clusters (GCs) with metallicities [Fe/H] <~ -1.0 and blue horizontal branches are candidates to harbor the oldest populations in the Galaxy. Based on the analysis of HST proper-motion-cleaned color-magnitude diagrams in filters F435W and F625W, we determine physical parameters for the old bulge globular clusters NGC 6522 and NGC 6626 (M28), both with well-defined blue horizontal branches. We compare these results with similar data for the inner halo cluster NGC 6362. These clusters have similar metallicities (-1.3 <= [Fe/H] <= -1.0) obtained from high resolution spectroscopy. We derive ages, distance moduli, and reddening values by means of statistical comparisons between observed and synthetic fiducial lines employing likelihood statistics and the Markov chain Monte Carlo method. The synthetic fiducial lines were generated using alpha-enhanced BaSTI and Dartmouth stellar evolutionary models, adopting both canonical (Y ~ 0.25) and enhanced (Y~ 0.30-0.33) helium abundances. RR Lyrae stars were employed to determine the HB magnitude level, providing an independent indicator to constrain the apparent distance modulus and the helium enhancement. The shape of the observed fiducial line could be compatible with some helium enhancement for NGC 6522 and NGC 6626, but the average magnitudes of RR Lyrae stars tend to rule out this hypothesis. Assuming canonical helium abundances, BaSTI and Dartmouth models indicate that all three clusters are coeval, with ages between ~ 12.5 and 13.0 Gyr. The present study also reveals that NGC 6522 has at least two stellar populations, since its CMD shows a significantly wide subgiant branch compatible with 14% +/- 2% and 86% +/- 5% for first and second generations, respectively. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('1801.03876v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('1801.03876v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 11 January, 2018; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> January 2018. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">25 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:1002.0805</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics">astro-ph.CO</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics of Galaxies">astro-ph.GA</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.16390.x <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Probing the LMC age gap at intermediate cluster masses </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Balbinot%2C+E">E. Balbinot</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Santiago%2C+B+X">B. X. Santiago</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">L. O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Barbuy%2C+B">B. Barbuy</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Dias%2C+B+M+S">B. M. S. Dias</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="1002.0805v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> The LMC has a rich star cluster system spanning a wide range of ages and masses. One striking feature of the LMC cluster system is the existence of an age gap between 3-10 Gyrs. But this feature is not as clearly seen among field stars. Three LMC fields containing relatively poor and sparse clusters whose integrated colours are consistent with those of intermediate age simple stellar populations… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('1002.0805v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('1002.0805v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="1002.0805v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> The LMC has a rich star cluster system spanning a wide range of ages and masses. One striking feature of the LMC cluster system is the existence of an age gap between 3-10 Gyrs. But this feature is not as clearly seen among field stars. Three LMC fields containing relatively poor and sparse clusters whose integrated colours are consistent with those of intermediate age simple stellar populations have been imaged in BVI with the Optical Imager (SOI) at the Southern Telescope for Astrophysical Research (SOAR). A total of 6 clusters, 5 of them with estimated initial masses M < 10^4M_sun, were studied in these fields. Photometry was performed and Colour-Magnitude Diagrams (CMD) were built using standard point spread function fitting methods. The faintest stars measured reach V ~ 23. The CMD was cleaned from field contamination by making use of the three-dimensional colour and magnitude space available in order to select stars in excess relative to the field. A statistical CMD comparison method was developed for this purpose. The subtraction method has proven to be successful, yielding cleaned CMDs consistent with a simple stellar population. The intermediate age candidates were found to be the oldest in our sample, with ages between 1-2 Gyrs. The remaining clusters found in the SOAR/SOI have ages ranging from 100 to 200 Myrs. Our analysis has conclusively shown that none of the relatively low-mass clusters studied by us belongs to the LMC age-gap. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('1002.0805v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('1002.0805v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 3 February, 2010; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> February 2010. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">9 pages, 8 figures. Accepted to MNRAS</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:0809.3982</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics">astro-ph</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1017/S1743921308028755 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> On the self-consistent physical parameters of LMC intermediate-age clusters </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">L. O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Santiago%2C+B+X">B. X. Santiago</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="0809.3982v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> The LMC clusters are unique templates of simple stellar population (SSP), being crucial to calibrate models describing the integral light as well as to test the stellar evolution theory. With this in mind we analyzed HST/WFPC2 (V, B--V) colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of 15 populous LMC clusters with ages between ~0.3 Gyr and ~4 Gyr using different stellar evolutionary models (Padova, PEL or Pi… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('0809.3982v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('0809.3982v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="0809.3982v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> The LMC clusters are unique templates of simple stellar population (SSP), being crucial to calibrate models describing the integral light as well as to test the stellar evolution theory. With this in mind we analyzed HST/WFPC2 (V, B--V) colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of 15 populous LMC clusters with ages between ~0.3 Gyr and ~4 Gyr using different stellar evolutionary models (Padova, PEL or Pisa, BaSTI or Teramo). Following the approach described by Kerber, Santiago & Brocato (2007), we determined accurate and self-consistent physical parameters (age, metallicity, distance modulus and reddening) for each cluster by comparing the observed CMDs with synthetic ones. We found significant trends in the physical parameters due to the choice of stellar evolutionary model and treatment of convective core overshooting. In general, models that incorporate overshooting presented more reliable results than those that do not. Comparisons with the results found in the literature demonstrated that our derived metallicities are in good agreement with the ones from the spectroscopy of red giants. We also confirmed that, independent of the adopted stellar evolutionary library, the recovered 3D distribution for these clusters is consistent with a thick disk roughly aligned with the LMC disk as defined by field stars. Finally, we also provide new estimates of distance modulus to the LMC center, that are marginally consistent with the canonical value of 18.50. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('0809.3982v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('0809.3982v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 23 September, 2008; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> September 2008. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">6 pages, 4 figures, conference contribution to IAU Symposium 256, van Loon J.T. & Oliviera J.M., eds</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:0809.3775</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics">astro-ph</span> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Self-consistent physical parameters for MC clusters from CMD modelling: application to SMC clusters observed with the SOAR telescope </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Dias%2C+B+M+S">Bruno M. S. Dias</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">Leandro O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Santiago%2C+B+X">Bas铆lio X. Santiago</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Barbuy%2C+B">Beatriz Barbuy</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Balbinot%2C+E">Eduardo Balbinot</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="0809.3775v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> The Magellanic Clouds (MCs) present a rich system of stellar clusters that can be used to probe the dynamical and chemical evolution of these neighboring and interacting irregular galaxies. In particular, these stellar clusters (SCs) present combinations of age and metallicity that are not found for this class of objects in the Milky Way, being therefore very useful templates to test and to cali… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('0809.3775v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('0809.3775v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="0809.3775v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> The Magellanic Clouds (MCs) present a rich system of stellar clusters that can be used to probe the dynamical and chemical evolution of these neighboring and interacting irregular galaxies. In particular, these stellar clusters (SCs) present combinations of age and metallicity that are not found for this class of objects in the Milky Way, being therefore very useful templates to test and to calibrate integrated light simple stellar population (SSP) models applied to unresolved distance galaxies. On its turn, the age and metallicity for a cluster can be determined spatially resolving its stars, by means of analysis of its colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs). In this work we present our method to determine self-consistent physical parameters (age, metallicity, distance modulus and reddening) for a stellar cluster, from CMDs modelling of relatively unstudied SCs in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) imaged in the BVI filters with the 4.1 m SOAR telescope. Our preliminary results confirm our expectations that come from a previous integrated spectra and colour analysis: at least one of them (Lindsay 2) is an intermediate-age stellar cluster with ~ 2.6 Gyr and [Fe/H] ~ -1.3, being therefore a new interesting witness regarding the reactivation of the star formation in the MCs in the last 4 Gyr. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('0809.3775v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('0809.3775v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 22 September, 2008; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> September 2008. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">4 pages, 2 figures. To be published in the proceedings of IAUS256: The Magellanic System: Stars, Gas, and Galaxies</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:astro-ph/0610722</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics">astro-ph</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1051/0004-6361:20066128 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Physical parameters of 15 intermediate-age LMC clusters from modelling of HST colour-magnitude diagrams </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">L. O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Santiago%2C+B+X">B. X. Santiago</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Brocato%2C+E">E. Brocato</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="astro-ph/0610722v2-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> We analyzed HST/WFPC2 colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of 15 populous Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) stellar clusters with ages between ~ 0.3 Gyr and ~ 3 Gyr. These (V, B-V) CMDs are photometrically homogeneous and typically reach V \~ 22. Accurate and self-consistent physical parameters (age, metallicity, distance modulus and reddening) were extracted for each cluster by comparing the observed CM… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('astro-ph/0610722v2-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('astro-ph/0610722v2-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="astro-ph/0610722v2-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> We analyzed HST/WFPC2 colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of 15 populous Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) stellar clusters with ages between ~ 0.3 Gyr and ~ 3 Gyr. These (V, B-V) CMDs are photometrically homogeneous and typically reach V \~ 22. Accurate and self-consistent physical parameters (age, metallicity, distance modulus and reddening) were extracted for each cluster by comparing the observed CMDs with synthetic ones. These determinations involved simultaneous statistical comparisons of the main-sequence fiducial line and the red clump position, offering objective and robust criteria to determine the best models. The models explored a regular grid in the parameter space covered by previous results found in the literature. In general, the best models show a satisfactory fit to the data, constraining well the physical parameters of each cluster. The age-metallicity relation derived by us presents a lower spread than similar results found in the literature for the same clusters. Our results are in accordance with the published ages for the oldest clusters, but reveal a possible underestimation of ages by previous authors for the youngest clusters. Our metallicity results in general agree with the ones based on spectroscopy of giant stars and with recent works involving CMD analyses. The derived distance moduli implied by the most reliable solutions, correlate with the reddening values, as expected from the non-negligible three-dimensional distribution of the clusters within the LMC. The inferred spatial distribution for these clusters is roughly aligned with the LMC disk, being also more scattered than recent numerical predictions, indicating that they were not formed in the LMC disk. The set of ages and metallicities homogeneously derived here can be used to calibrate integrated light studies applied to distant galaxies. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('astro-ph/0610722v2-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('astro-ph/0610722v2-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 27 October, 2006; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">v1</span> submitted 24 October, 2006; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> October 2006. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">20 pages, 35 Postscript figures, A&A, accepted 03 October 2006</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:astro-ph/0604619</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics">astro-ph</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1051/0004-6361:20054198 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Mass segregation in rich LMC clusters from modelling of deep HST colour-magnitude diagrams </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">L. O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Santiago%2C+B+X">B. X. Santiago</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="astro-ph/0604619v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> We used the deep colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of five rich LMC clusters (NGC1805, 1818, 1831, 1868, and Hodge14) observed with HST/WFPC2 to derive their present day mass function (PDMF) and its variation with position within the cluster. The PDMF was parameterized as a power law in the available main-sequence mass range of each cluster, typically 0.9 <~ m/M_sun <~ 2.5; its slope was determin… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('astro-ph/0604619v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('astro-ph/0604619v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="astro-ph/0604619v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> We used the deep colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of five rich LMC clusters (NGC1805, 1818, 1831, 1868, and Hodge14) observed with HST/WFPC2 to derive their present day mass function (PDMF) and its variation with position within the cluster. The PDMF was parameterized as a power law in the available main-sequence mass range of each cluster, typically 0.9 <~ m/M_sun <~ 2.5; its slope was determined at different positions spanning from the very centre out to several core radii. The CMDs in the central regions of the clusters were carefully studied earlier, resulting in accurate age, metallicity, distance modulus, and reddening values. The slope alpha (where Salpeter is 2.35) was determined in annuli by following two distinct methods: 1) a power law fit to the PDMF obtained from the systemic luminosity function (LF); 2) a statistical comparison between observed and model CMDs. In all clusters, significant mass segregation is found from the positional dependence of the PDMF slope: alpha <~ 1.8 for R <= 1.0 R_core and alpha ~ Salpeter inside R=2~3 R_core (except for Hodge 14, where alpha ~ Salpeter for R ~ 4 R_core). The results are robust in the sense that they hold true for both methods used. The CMD method reveals that unresolved binaries flatten the PDMF obtained form the systemic LF, but this effect is smaller than the uncertainties in the alpha determination. For each cluster we estimated dynamical ages inside the core and for the entire system. In both cases we found a trend in the sense that older clusters have flatter PDMF, consistent with a dynamical mass segregation and stellar evaporation. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('astro-ph/0604619v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('astro-ph/0604619v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 28 April, 2006; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> April 2006. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">11 pages, 11 Postscript figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics, accepted 10 January 2006</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:astro-ph/0509804</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics">astro-ph</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1051/0004-6361:20053573 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Probing disk properties with open clusters </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Bonatto%2C+C">C. Bonatto</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">L. O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Bica%2C+E">E. Bica</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Santiago%2C+B+X">B. X. Santiago</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="astro-ph/0509804v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> We use the open clusters (OCs) with known parameters available in the WEBDA database and in recently published papers to derive properties related to the disk structure. The sample totals 654 OCs, consisting basically of Trumpler types I to III clusters. Because of the completeness effects, the observed radial distribution of OCs with respect to Galactocentric distance does not follow the expect… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('astro-ph/0509804v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('astro-ph/0509804v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="astro-ph/0509804v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> We use the open clusters (OCs) with known parameters available in the WEBDA database and in recently published papers to derive properties related to the disk structure. The sample totals 654 OCs, consisting basically of Trumpler types I to III clusters. Because of the completeness effects, the observed radial distribution of OCs with respect to Galactocentric distance does not follow the expected exponential profile. We simulate the effects of completeness assuming that the observed distribution of the number of OCs with a given number of stars above the background, measured in a restricted zone outside the Solar circle, is representative of the intrinsic distribution of OCs throughout the Galaxy. As a result we derive completeness-corrected radial distributions which agree with exponential disks throughout the observed Galactocentric distance range 5--14\,kpc, with scale lengths in the range $1.5 - 1.9\,kpc$. In particular we retrieve the expected exponential-disk radial profile for the highly depleted regions internal to the Solar circle. Extrapolation of the completeness-corrected radial distributions down to the Galactic center indicates a total number of OCs in the range $\rm(1.8 - 3.7)\times10^5$. These estimates are upper-limits because they do not take into account depletion in the number of OCs by dynamical effects in the inner parts of the Galaxy. The observed and completeness-corrected age-distributions of the OCs can be fitted by a combination of two exponential-decay profiles characterized by age scales of $\rm\sim100\,Myr$ and $\rm\sim1.9\,Gyr$, respectively. This rules out evolutionary scenarios based on constant star-formation and OC-disruption rates. We estimate that 3.4--8\% of the embedded clusters do actually emerge from the parent molecular clouds as OCs. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('astro-ph/0509804v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('astro-ph/0509804v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 27 September, 2005; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> September 2005. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">17 pages and 17 figures</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:astro-ph/0504029</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics">astro-ph</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1051/0004-6361:20042240 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> A low-absorption disk zone at low Galactic latitude in Centaurus </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Bica%2C+E">Eduardo Bica</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Bonatto%2C+C">Charles Bonatto</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Santiago%2C+B+X">Basilio X. Santiago</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">Leandro O. Kerber</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="astro-ph/0504029v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> We investigate the properties of two stellar concentrations in a low-absorption disk zone in Centaurus, located respectively at $\ell=306.47^{\circ}$, $b=-0.61 ^{\circ}$, and $\ell=307.01^{\circ}$, $b=-0.74 ^{\circ}$. The present analysis is based mostly on 2MASS photometry, as well as optical photometry. Based on colour-magnitude diagrams and stellar radial density profiles, we show that these… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('astro-ph/0504029v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('astro-ph/0504029v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="astro-ph/0504029v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> We investigate the properties of two stellar concentrations in a low-absorption disk zone in Centaurus, located respectively at $\ell=306.47^{\circ}$, $b=-0.61 ^{\circ}$, and $\ell=307.01^{\circ}$, $b=-0.74 ^{\circ}$. The present analysis is based mostly on 2MASS photometry, as well as optical photometry. Based on colour-magnitude diagrams and stellar radial density profiles, we show that these concentrations are not open star clusters. Instead, they appear to be field stars seen through a differentially-reddened window. We estimate that the bulk of the stars in both stellar concentrations is located at $\sim1.5$ kpc from the Sun, a distance consistent with that of the Sgr-Car arm in that direction. This low-absorption window allows one to probe into distant parts of the disk besides the Sgr-Car arm, probably the tangent part of the Sct-Cru arm, and/or the far side of the Sgr-Car arm in that direction. The main sequence associated to the Sgr-Car arm is reddened by $\ebv\sim0.5$, so that this window through the disk is comparable in reddening to Baade's window to the bulge. We also investigate the nature of the open cluster candidate Ru 166. The presently available data do not allow us to conclude whether Ru 166 is an actual open cluster or field stars seen through a small-scale low-absorption window. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('astro-ph/0504029v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('astro-ph/0504029v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 1 April, 2005; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> April 2005. </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:astro-ph/0412530</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics">astro-ph</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1051/0004-6361:20041057 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Constraints on the star formation history of the Large Magellanic Cloud </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Javiel%2C+S+C">S. C. Javiel</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Santiago%2C+B+X">B. X. Santiago</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">L. O. Kerber</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="astro-ph/0412530v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> We present the analysis of deep colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of 6 stellar fields in the LMC. The data were obtained using HST/WFPC2 in the I and V filters, reaching V=26.5. We discuss and apply a method of correcting CMDs for photometric incompleteness. A method to generate artificial CMDs based on a model star formation history is also developed. This method incorporates photometric error e… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('astro-ph/0412530v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('astro-ph/0412530v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="astro-ph/0412530v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> We present the analysis of deep colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of 6 stellar fields in the LMC. The data were obtained using HST/WFPC2 in the I and V filters, reaching V=26.5. We discuss and apply a method of correcting CMDs for photometric incompleteness. A method to generate artificial CMDs based on a model star formation history is also developed. This method incorporates photometric error effects, unresolved binaries, reddening and allows use of different forms of the initial mass function and of the SFH itself. We use the Partial Models Method, as presented by Gallart and others, for CMD modelling, and include control experiments to prove its validity in a search for constraints on the Large Magellanic Cloud star formation history in different regions. Reliable star formation histories for each field are recovered by this method. In all fields, a gap in star formation with t=700 Myrs is observed. Field-to-field variations have also been observed. The two fields near the LMC bar present some significant star forming events, having formed both young (t < 1Gyr) and old (t > 10 Gyrs) stars, with a clear gap from 3-6 Gyrs. Two other fields display quite similar SFHs, with increased star formation having taken place at t=2-3 Gyrs and 6 < t < 10 Gyrs. The remaining two fields present star formation histories closer to uniform, with no clear event of enhanced star formation. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('astro-ph/0412530v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('astro-ph/0412530v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 20 December, 2004; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> December 2004. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">16 pages, 14 figures, A&A (2005) in press</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:astro-ph/0207182</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics">astro-ph</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1051/0004-6361:20020692 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Analysis of colour-magnitude diagrams of rich LMC clusters: NGC 1831 </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">L. O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Santiago%2C+B+X">B. X. Santiago</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Castro%2C+R">R. Castro</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Valls-Gabaud%2C+D">D. Valls-Gabaud</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="astro-ph/0207182v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> We present the analysis of a deep colour-magnitude diagram (CMD) of NGC 1831, a rich star cluster in the LMC. The data were obtained with HST/WFPC2 in the F555W (~V) and F814W (~I) filters, reaching m_555 ~ 25. We discuss and apply a method of correcting the CMD for sampling incompleteness and field star contamination. Efficient use of the CMD data was made by means of direct comparisons of the… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('astro-ph/0207182v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('astro-ph/0207182v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="astro-ph/0207182v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> We present the analysis of a deep colour-magnitude diagram (CMD) of NGC 1831, a rich star cluster in the LMC. The data were obtained with HST/WFPC2 in the F555W (~V) and F814W (~I) filters, reaching m_555 ~ 25. We discuss and apply a method of correcting the CMD for sampling incompleteness and field star contamination. Efficient use of the CMD data was made by means of direct comparisons of the observed to model CMDs. The model CMDs are built by an algorithm that generates artificial stars from a single stellar population, characterized by an age, a metallicity, a distance, a reddening value, a present day mass function and a fraction of unresolved binaries. Photometric uncertainties are empirically determined from the data and incorporated into the models as well. Statistical techniques are presented and applied as an objective method to assess the compatibility between the model and data CMDs. By modelling the CMD of the central region in NGC 1831 we infer a metallicity Z = 0.012, 8.75 < log(tau) < 8.80, 18.54 < (m-M)_0 < 18.68 and 0.00 < E(B-V) < 0.03. For the position dependent PDMF slope (alpha = -dlog(Phi(M))/dlog(M)), we clearly observe the effect of mass segregation in the system: for projected distances R < 30 arcsec, alpha ~ 1.7, whereas 2.2 < alpha < 2.5 in the outer regions of NGC 1831. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('astro-ph/0207182v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('astro-ph/0207182v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 8 July, 2002; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> July 2002. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">12 pages, 14 figures</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:astro-ph/0102494</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Astrophysics">astro-ph</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1051/0004-6361:20000140 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Constraints on thick disc and halo parameters from HST photometry of field stars in the Galaxy </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Kerber%2C+L+O">L. O. Kerber</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Javiel%2C+S+C">S. C. Javiel</a>, <a href="/search/astro-ph?searchtype=author&query=Santiago%2C+B+X">B. X. Santiago</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="astro-ph/0102494v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> We analyse a sample of over 1000 stars from 32 fields imaged in the V and I bands with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera, on board of the Hubble Space Telescope. The fields are located at Galactic latitudes | b | >= 15deg and in various directions on the sky. We consider models for the structure of the Galaxy with different choices for the main parameters governing the shape and luminosity fun… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('astro-ph/0102494v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('astro-ph/0102494v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="astro-ph/0102494v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> We analyse a sample of over 1000 stars from 32 fields imaged in the V and I bands with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera, on board of the Hubble Space Telescope. The fields are located at Galactic latitudes | b | >= 15deg and in various directions on the sky. We consider models for the structure of the Galaxy with different choices for the main parameters governing the shape and luminosity function of the thick disk and stellar halo. Comparing model predictions with the observed colour-magnitude diagram we are able to rule out an increasing or flat stellar luminosity function at the low-luminosity end. We also rule out large values of the vertical scale height of the thick disc, z_0, finding it to be in the range 800 <= z_0 <= 1200 pc. As for the local density normalization, values within the range 4 % <= n_0 <= 8 % seem to better reproduce the data. Our data essentially rule out a flattened stellar halo (c/a <~ 0.5) or models with both large local normalization and effective radii. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('astro-ph/0102494v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('astro-ph/0102494v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 28 February, 2001; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> February 2001. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">7 pages LaTeX, 9 Postscript figures</span> </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.365, p.424-430 (2001) </p> </li> </ol> <div 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