Privacy Policy | Hasura GraphQL APIs, Backend & Engine
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WE WILL ALSO SEND YOU AN EMAIL DESCRIBING SUCH CHANGES. PLEASE REGULARLY REVIEW THIS PRIVACY POLICY. NOTWITHSTANDING IF YOU CONTINUE TO USE OUR HASURA SERVICES, YOU ARE BOUND BY ANY CHANGES THAT WE MAKE TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY.</div><ul class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:py-4 first:[&>li]:pt-0 last:[&>li]:pb-0"><li><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 ">INTRODUCTION</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-600 pt-4">Protecting your privacy is really important to us. Accordingly, Hasura, Inc.(“Hasura,” “we,” or “us”) is providing this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) to explain our privacy practices and our collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information (as defined below) that we receive or may receive when you (“Users,” “you,” or “your”) use or interact with our products and/or services, including, without limitation, the Hasura Cloud Platform/Services (Data Delivery Network), support services or our current or future website(s) (the “Websites”) (the “Hasura Services”) or as you otherwise interact with Hasura and its sales and marketing efforts.<br/><br/>Unless we define a term in this Policy, all capitalized words used in this Policy have the same meanings as in our<!-- --> <a class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700" href="/legal/website-terms-of-use">Website Terms of Use</a>,<!-- --> <a class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700" href="/legal/hasura-cloud-terms-of-service">Hasura Cloud Terms of Service</a>, Master Software and Services License Agreement, or any other similar agreement that you have entered into with Hasura with respect to the use of the applicable Hasura Services (the “Applicable Agreement(s)”).<br/><br/>IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS POLICY, DO NOT REQUEST, ACCESS, INSTALL, DOWNLOAD, REGISTER WITH, OR USE THE HASURA SERVICES.<br/><br/>IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PRIVACY POLICY, PLEASE SEND US AN EMAIL AT<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#aedddbdedec1dcdaeec6cfdddbdccf80c7c1" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="beedebeeeef1eceafef6ffedebecff90f7f1">[email protected]</span></a>.<br/><br/>WE DO NOT SELL YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION, NOR DO WE INTEND TO DO SO. WE DO NOT GIVE ACCESS TO YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION TO THIRD PARTIES EXCEPT TO SUBPROCESSORS TO ASSIST US IN THE PROVISION OF OUR SERVICES TO YOU OR AS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN THIS POLICY OR THE APPLICABLE AGREEMENT(S).</div></li><li><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 ">WEBSITES COVERED</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-600 pt-4">The Hasura Services are currently provided through the Websites identified with the following URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) and their subdomains:<!-- --> <a class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700" href="/"></a> <!-- -->and<!-- --> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"></a>.<br/><br/>Our Websites may contain links to other Websites where we might host conferences and/or events. We are not responsible for the information practices or the content of such other Websites. We encourage You to review the privacy statements of other Websites to understand their information practices.</div></li><li><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 ">INFORMATION THAT WE COLLECT</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-600 pt-4">We collect the following information from you, which is collectively referred to as Personal Information (“Personal Information”), as this information identifies you as an individual.<br/><br/>Note that Personal Information is commonly referred to as personal information or personally identifiable information (the “PII”) in the US and as Personal Data in Europe. Throughout this Policy, we will refer to such information as Personal Information, unless a statutory definition otherwise applies. Also note that Personal Information includes User Information as defined below.<br/><br/>There are three categories of information that we collect:<ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:py-4 last:[&>li]:pb-0"><li>Information that we need you to provide to enable you to sign up for Hasura Services or information that you otherwise provide us in connection with your use of the Hasura Services.<ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:pt-4"><li><b>Account Information: </b>When you sign up for an Hasura account (“User Account”), we require certain Personal Information such as name, your e-mail address, GitHub Id or Google Id, organization, job title and other such information regarding account registration and/or credentials, for the purpose of user registration, identification and account verification.</li><li><b>Payment Transaction Information: </b>We may collect your first name, last name, phone number, billing address, when you register for Hasura Services. Your credit card and credit card related billing details are collected through a third-party gateway to which you will be required to provide requisite information separately in order to process your payments. The third-party payment gateway will in turn share with us the last 4 (four) digits of your card number for identification purpose only. When you share any information with a third-party payment collector, please ensure reviewing their individual privacy policy and related documents. Please contact us at<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#7c0f090c0c130e083c141d0f090e1d521513" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="acdfd9dcdcc3ded8ecc4cddfd9decd82c5c3">[email protected]</span></a> <!-- -->for the name of our current third-party gateway provider.</li><li>Information you provide when you enter information on our website, or answer online questionnaires, surveys or feedback forms.</li><li>Information you provide when you subscribe to email newsletters such as name, email address, job title.</li><li>Any other information that you provide to us in connection with your use of or interaction with the Hasura Services.</li></ol></li><li>Information we automatically collect from your use of the Hasura Services.<br/><br/>When you use the Hasura Services, we automatically collect information, including Personal Information, about the services you use and how you use them. This information is necessary for the effective performance of the contract between you and us, to enable us to comply with applicable laws and to provide and improve the functionalities relating to the Hasura Services.<ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:pt-4"><li><b>IP and Geo-location Data: </b>When you use certain features of the Hasura Services, we may collect your IP address and infer other information from it like your location, your Internet Service Provider (the “ISP”), the type of your connection, and, if the connection is registered to a business, the name of the organization.</li><li><b>Service Usage Data: </b>We may collect information about your interactions with the Hasura Services and how you use them, such as the content viewed on the website and the account dashboard, clicks, domain names, landing pages and other such information, content viewed on the API console, logs of interactions with the Hasura command line tool, and details of features used, and the data set forth in<!-- --> <a href="" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700 break-all"></a>.</li><li><b>Device and Browser Information: </b>We may collect information about your devices that are used to interact with Hasura Services which includes the device's address, Operating System (the “OS”), system architecture, certain information that your web browser sends whenever you visit any website.</li><li><b>Cookies and Tracking Data: </b>Cookies are used by us (and certain third-party services) to help identify your previous interactions and sessions on the websites. Hasura may associate this information with your Hasura Account. You may decline these cookies by changing your browser settings, if permitted. However, do note that this may impact certain features of the Hasura Services offered or your experience in using the Hasura Services.</li></ol></li><li>Information you provide to us (i) in connection with our sales and/or marketing efforts, including, without limitation, our email newsletters and emails regarding Hasura product/services updates or information, websites, social media sites/applications, sale and/or marketing events or conferences or (ii) where we refer you to this Policy.<br/><br/>As part of our sales and marketing effort, we may collect and/or you may provide information about yourself or your company, including Personal Information. This information is necessary for us to manage, improve and promote our business, products, services and brand and administer and participate in conferences and other sales and marketing events and activities.<ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:pt-4"><li>Information you provide in connection with our attendance or participation in a conference or other sales and marketing events to receive information or research materials regarding Hasura products/services.</li><li>Information you provide when you interact with our social media sites or applications.</li><li>Information collected when you attend our sales and marketing events.</li></ol><div class="pt-6">This Policy does not apply to, nor does Hasura take any responsibility for any information that is collected by any third party either using the Hasura Services or through any third-party links made available to you during your use of the Hasura Services, through any advertisements or through bots. Please note that you will be bound by the terms and privacy policies published by third parties in respect of any information that you may provide to them by using Hasura Services. Please contact us at <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="92e1e7e2e2fde0e6d2faf3e1e7e0f3bcfbfd">[email protected]</a> if you wish to obtain a list of third-party providers who may have access to your information because of your use of Hasura Services.</div></li></ol></div></li><li><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 ">HOW WE USE THE INFORMATION WE COLLECT FROM YOU?</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-600 pt-4">Hasura will use the information collected from you for the following purposes:<ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:py-4 last:[&>li]:pb-0"><li>Enabling you to access your Hasura Account in order for us to provide you the Hasura Services;</li><li>Ensuring the services with respect to Hasura Services are presented in the most effective manner for your use;</li><li>To provide you with information pertaining to products and services, marketing and promotional activities, transactional and user support and products or services that you request from us which we feel may interest you, when you have signed up for Hasura Services, or when you have otherwise consented to be contacted for such purposes;</li><li>To carry our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us, including for support, billing and collection;</li><li>To notify you about any changes and improvements to Hasura Services or any applicable use terms and conditions; or</li><li>To conduct analytics, including but not limited to assessing usage data, usage patterns, and other similar activities;</li><li>Personalizing your experience of our websites, social mediate sites and applications;</li><li>Administering our websites, social media sites, and applications;</li><li>Investigating complaints;</li><li>Enabling you to attend our conferences and other sales and marketing events;</li><li>Providing recordings of certain conference sessions to interested business contacts, attendees, and online through our websites or Hasura social media sites.</li><li>Detecting and preventing fraudulent and/or unlawful use of our website(s), products and services, including user-provided review content;</li><li>We use information collected from cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your user experience;</li><li>We collect device specific information such as your hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers. Hasura may associate your device identifiers with your User Account; or</li><li>In any other way that Hasura may describe to you at the time you provide the information.</li></ol><div class="pt-6">Please do not include or provide any personal information unless specifically requested as part of the registration or other applicable processes. If any information you have provided or uploaded violates the terms of this Policy, Hasura may delete such information upon informing you of the same and revoke your access if required without incurring any liability to you.<br/><br/>If you post information on our Website(s) for persons other than Hasura, you do so at your own risk. By doing so, you consent to their use of such information including transmitting it to others off our Website(s). Please be aware that Hasura cannot control the actions of other users of the websites and mobile applications with whom you may choose to share information with.</div></div></li><li><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 ">HOW YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION CAN BE SHARED OR DISCLOSED?</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-600 pt-4">We may share your Personal Information only for the following and you consent to such use:<ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:py-4 last:[&>li]:pb-0"><li><b>To Conduct Analytics: </b>We are always looking for ways to make our Hasura Services smarter, faster, secure, integrated, and useful to you. We use collective learnings about how people use our Hasura Services and feedback provided directly to us to troubleshoot and to identify trends, usage, activity patterns and areas for integration and improvement of the Hasura Services. We also test and analyze certain new features with some users before rolling the feature out to all users. We may also share anonymized and/or aggregated information (information about our users that we combine together so that it no longer identifies or references an individual user) and other pseudonymized information for regulatory compliance, industry and market analysis, demographic profiling, marketing and advertising, and other business purposes.</li><li><b>For Customer Support: </b>We may use your Personal Information for our live chat functionality or other support mechanism, which are used to resolve technical issues you encounter, to respond to your requests for assistance, to analyze crash information, and to repair and improve the Hasura Services. We may use third party providers to provide such support on behalf of Us.</li><li><b>To Market, Promote and Drive Engagement with Hasura Services:<!-- --> </b>We use your contact Personal Information (and information about how you use Hasura Services) to send promotional messages, marketing, advertising and other information that may be of specific interest to you. These marketing communications are aimed at driving engagement and maximizing what you get out of the Hasura Services, including information about new features, survey requests, newsletters, and events we think may be of interest to you. We also communicate with you about new product offers and promotions. You can opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions included in our marketing communications or if you have previously consented to receiving such marketing communications, you can withdraw your consent by following the procedure set out in Section 7.3.4 of this Privacy Policy.</li><li><b>For Legal Reasons: </b>Hasura may also share information including Personal Information with individuals or entities to the extent it believes in good faith it is required to:<ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:pt-4"><li>ensure compliance with law/ regulations and/or pursuant to enforceable orders of government, law enforcement or regulatory authorities;</li><li>address fraud, security or technical issues;</li><li>protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of Hasura, its other users or the public as required or permitted by law.</li></ol></li><li><b>For Effective Provision of the Hasura Services: </b>We may share your Personal Information to Hasura employees, contractors and agents, who need to know that information in order to provide the Hasura Services to you and who are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations and may be disciplined or terminated if they fail to meet these obligations.</li><li>In addition, we may disclose your personal information to third parties as follows:<ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:pt-4"><li>When we have your consent or authorization to do so; or</li><li>Your personal information may be shared if we anonymize and/or aggregate it, as in these circumstances the information will cease to be personal information.</li></ol></li></ol></div></li><li><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 ">YOUR WORLDWIDE RIGHTS</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-600"><ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:py-4 last:[&>li]:pb-0"><li>Our organization is subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). This means that the FTC has the authority to examine and investigate our practices to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. In the event of non-compliance, the FTC has the power to take enforcement actions, which may include imposing penalties, mandating corrective actions, or other measures as deemed necessary to protect consumers and maintain fair business practices.</li><li><b>Where we store your Personal Information? </b>We store Personal Information in the United States, India, Ireland, Belgium, France, United Kingdom (“UK”), Germany, Australia, Canada, Japan and Singapore. If you are in the European Union (“EU”), the UK, or Switzerland, then your Personal Information may be transferred internationally to the United States, India, UK, Australia, Canada, Japan and Singapore on the basis of applicable adequacy decisions (such as the EU-U.S. DPF, the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. DPF, as discussed below) or subject to appropriate safeguards, such as the Standard Contractual Clauses, which are available at<!-- --> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"></a> <!-- -->(the “Standard Contractual Clauses”), as amended to comply with UK and Swiss legal requirements. Please do not hesitate to contact us at<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#85e1f5eac5ede4f6f0f7e4abecea" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="7f1b0f103f171e0c0a0d1e511610">[email protected]</span></a>, if you have any questions related to this Section.</li><li><b>How we store and protect your Personal Information? </b>Hasura stores Personal Information on its servers in various countries around the world, currently in Singapore, Ireland, Belgium, France, India, UK, Germany, Australia, Canada, Japan and the United States. We may store and process your Personal Information on a server located outside the country where you live.<br/><br/>The Personal Information that you provide, subject to disclosure in accordance with this Policy, shall be maintained in a safe and secure manner. Hasura databases and information are stored on secure servers with appropriate firewalls and physical and electronic safeguards.<br/><br/>Hasura uses industry standard physical, technical and administrative security measures designed to safeguard all Personal Information and keep it confidential and secure. We conduct periodic reviews of our security measures pertaining to our Personal Information collection, storage, to guard against unauthorized access to systems.<br/><br/>When you enter Personal Information (such as log in credentials) for your User Account (“User Information”), all communications between Hasura and the Users of Hasura Services are encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (the “SSL”) Certificates. While all reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that your User Information and all other information submitted by you is safe and secure, Hasura makes no representation, warranties or other assurances that the security measures are adequate, safe, fool proof or impenetrable.<br/><br/>Given the nature of internet transactions, Hasura does not take any responsibility for the transmission of information including User Information or Personal Information shared by you. Any transmission of User Information on the internet is done at your risk and shall not be responsible for the circumvention of the privacy settings or security measures either by you or any third party.<br/><br/>As a User of the Hasura Services, you have the responsibility to ensure data security. You should use the Hasura Services responsibly and not share your User Information, including your username or password or account information, with any person. Do remember that you are solely responsible for all acts done under the account registered to you including the use by others who steal or obtain your registration credentials.</li><li><b>Your Rights. </b>If you are based in the EU or UK, under certain circumstances, you have certain rights with respect to the processing of your personal data (referred to here as Personal Information), as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”). If you wish to exercise any of the rights set out below, please e-mail us at<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#4a393f3a3a25383e0a222b393f382b642325" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="d0a3a5a0a0bfa2a490b8b1a3a5a2b1feb9bf">[email protected]</span></a><ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:pt-4"><li><b>Access to Personal Information.</b><br/><div class="pt-4">You may have the right to request access to any Personal Information we hold about you as well as related information, including the purposes for processing the Personal Information, the recipients or categories of recipients with whom the Personal Information has been shared, where possible, the period for which the Personal Information will be stored, the source of the Personal Information, and the existence of any automated decision making.</div></li><li><b>Data Retention and Data Deletion.</b><ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:pt-4"><li>Request for Deletion. Hasura shall retain Personal Information that it collects for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which such Personal Information is processed. If you no longer want to use our Hasura Services, you may have the right to request that your User Information and/or Personal Information is deleted. If you wish to use Hasura Services once your User Information and/or Personal Information is deleted pursuant to your request, you will have to sign-up as a new User.</li><li>Deletion on Account of Non-Use. In the event you do not use/access the Hasura Services or your User Account in particular for a period of three years. Hasura may delete your User Account and all your User Information and Personal Information. If you wish to access Hasura Services once your User Account is deleted pursuant to non-use, you will have to sign-up as a new User.</li></ol></li><li><b>Rectification of Inaccurate or Incomplete Information.</b><ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:pt-4"><li>You may have the right to change, alter, modify, or delete your account information (including User Information). However, please note that in the event you alter, or update or delete your account information, we cannot ensure the continuity or quality of the Hasura Services being provided to you.</li><li>Hasura may permit or deny modification of any information, to the extent such information is required by it order to be compliant with and observe applicable laws. You have the right to ask us to correct inaccurate or incomplete Personal Information concerning you (which you cannot update yourself within your Hasura Account).</li></ol></li><li><b>Data Portability.</b><div class="pt-4">Data portability is the ability to obtain some of your Personal Information in a format you can move from one service provider to another. You may be entitled to request copies of Personal Information that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and/or request us to transmit this information to another service provider (where technically feasible). You may send such a request to<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#e99a9c9999869b9da981889a9c9b88c78086" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="c2b1b7b2b2adb0b682aaa3b1b7b0a3ecabad">[email protected]</span></a>.</div></li><li><b>Consent, Withdrawing Consent and Restriction of Collecting Personal Information.</b><div class="pt-4">You agree that have your consent (where required under applicable law) to collect and use your information as set forth in this Policy, including marketing. You may withdraw your consent at any time by specifying which consent you are withdrawing. Please note that the withdrawal of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of any processing activities based on such consent before its withdrawal or where Hasura is relying on another lawful basis to process Personal Information. However, please note that in the event you withdraw your consent, we cannot ensure the continuity or quality of the Hasura Services being provided to you.</div></li><li><b>Complaints.</b><ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:pt-4"><li>If you have any questions regarding our Policy, or the way Hasura collects, uses, or otherwise processes your Personal Information, or if you believe Hasura has not complied with this Policy or applicable law, please contact our Data Protection Officer/Grievance Redressal Officer, Anand Rajkumar at<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#9deee8ededf2efe9ddf5fceee8effcb3f4f2" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="45363035352a3731052d24363037246b2c2a">[email protected]</span></a> <!-- -->so that we can consider and respond to your request or resolve your concern.</li><li>We will respond to your inquiry within thirty (30) days of the receipt. Please see Section 16 for details regarding “Contacting Us.” You may also have the right to make a GDPR complaint to the relevant Supervisory Authority. A list of Supervisory Authorities is available<!-- --> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700">here</a></li></ol></li><li><b>European Complaints.</b><div class="pt-4">In compliance with the EU-U.S. DPF, the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. DPF, Hasura commits to resolve complaints about our collection or use of your personal information transferred to the U.S. pursuant to the EU-U.S. DPF, the UK extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. DPF. EU, UK and Swiss individuals with inquiries or complaints should first contact Hasura at Anand Rajkumar at<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#4734323737283533072f2634323526692e28" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="493a3c3939263b3d0921283a3c3b28672026">[email protected]</span></a> <!-- -->so that we can consider and respond to your request.<br/><br/>Hasura has further committed to refer unresolved DPF Principles-related complaints to a U.S.-based independent dispute resolution mechanism, BBB NATIONAL PROGRAMS. If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint, or if your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed, please visit<!-- --> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"></a> <!-- -->for more information and to file a complaint. This service is provided free of charge to you.<br/><br/>If your DPF complaint cannot be resolved through the above channels, under certain conditions, you may invoke binding arbitration for some residual claims not resolved by other redress mechanisms. See<!-- --> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700 break-all"></a>.<br/><br/>Hasura commits to cooperate with EU data protection authorities (DPAs), UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) and comply with the advice given by such authorities with regard to human resources data transferred from the EU, UK and Switzerland in the context of providing our Hasura Services to you.</div></li><li><b>Sharing Personal Information with Third Parties.</b><div class="pt-4">We do not (i) share Personal Information with third parties, other than Processors or Sub-Processor or certain third parties that may provide part of the Hasura Services to You on behalf of Us (collectively “Agents”), who comply with GDPR and are required by us to provide our Hasura Services under our Terms of Service or an agreement with Customers under which we provide our Hasura Services, or (ii) utilize any Personal Information for reasons other than that for which it was originally provided. If this practice should change in the future, we will update this<!-- --> <a class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700" href="/legal/hasura-privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a> <!-- -->to identify any third parties and provide you with opt-out or opt-in choice where applicable. You should submit inquiries or complaints to us at<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#4125312e012920323433206f282e" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="d1b5a1be91b9b0a2a4a3b0ffb8be">[email protected]</span></a> <!-- -->or at our mailing address:<br/><br/>Hasura, Inc.,<br/>576 Folsom St., Floor 3,<br/>San Francisco CA 94105, USA<br/>Attn: Privacy Officer</div></li></ol></li><li><b>EU-U.S. DPF.</b><div class="pt-4">Hasura, Inc. complies with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF), the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (Swiss-U.S. DPF) as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Hasura has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles (EU-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the processing of Personal Information received from the European Union in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF and from the United Kingdom (and Gibraltar) in reliance on the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF. Hasura has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles (Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the processing of Personal Information received from Switzerland in reliance on the Swiss-U.S. DPF. If there is any conflict between the terms in this Policy and the EU-U.S. DPF Principles and/or the Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles, the Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Data Privacy Framework (DPF) program, and to view our certification, please visit<!-- --> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"></a>.</div></li><li><b>EU Standard Contractual Clauses.</b><div class="pt-4">We will comply with the EU Standard Contractual Clauses with respect to the transfer of Personal Information from the EU to countries other than the US for processing. If there is any conflict between the terms and conditions in this Policy and your rights under the EU Standard Contractual Clauses, the terms and conditions in the EU Standard Contractual Clauses will govern. For the purposes of this Policy, “EU Standard Contractual Clauses” mean the standard contractual clauses for the transfer of Personal Information to processors established in third countries (Commission Decision 914/2021/EU).</div></li><li>Our organization recognizes its liability in cases of onward transfers of personal data to third parties. We ensure that any third party to whom we transfer personal data is contractually obligated to provide at least the same level of privacy protection as required by applicable law and our own privacy policies. In the event that a third party fails to meet these obligations, we remain liable for any harm caused unless we can prove that we are not responsible for the event giving rise to the damage.</li></ol></div></li><li><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 ">FOR OUR CALIFORNIA VISITORS AND CONSUMERS</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-600 pt-4">Hasura does not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside third parties your Personal Information as the term is defined under the California Civil Code Section § 1798.82(h). California Civil Code Section 1798.83 allows Users of the Hasura Services, who are California residents to request certain information regarding our use of and disclosure of Personal Information to third parties for their direct marketing and other purposes. While we do not sell your Personal Information to third parties, some third parties, such as credit card processors or platform monitors, may have access to your Personal Information to enable us to provide you with our Hasura Services. To make a request for the disclosure, identification and/or deletion of your Personal Information in all our systems, please send an email to<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#ff9b8f90bf979e8c8a8d9ed19690" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="36524659765e5745434457185f59">[email protected]</span></a> <!-- -->or write us at Hasura, Inc, 576 Folsom St., Floor 3, San Francisco, CA - 94105.<br/><br/>Additionally, this Section 8 provides additional information about our California consumers and applies to all visitors, users, and others to our Website, who reside in the State of California (“Consumers” or “you”). We adopt this Section to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) and any terms defined in the CCPA have the same meaning when used in this Section.<ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:py-4 last:[&>li]:pb-0"><li><b>Right to Request Personal Information. </b>Upon request, we will provide you with (i) a list of all Personal Information that we have collected on you, (ii) from whom we obtained such Personal Information, (iii) the reason why we collected such Personal Information, and (iv) with whom (if any) we have shared such Personal Information.</li><li><b>Sale of your Personal Information. </b>If we sell your Personal Information, which we currently do not, or disclose your Personal Information to third parties, upon request, we will provide you with (i) a list of the Personal Information that we have collected on you, (ii) a list of the Personal Information that we sell or disclose to others on you, and (iii) to whom we have sold or disclosed your Personal Information. A consumer can make such a request only twice in a 12-month period.</li><li><b>Why we need your Information. </b>We require such Personal Information to be able to provide to you the Hasura Services.</li><li><b>Collect Information Only from you. </b>Unless otherwise specified, we only collect Personal Information from you. We do not use others to provide us with your Personal Information.</li><li><b>Disclosure of Personal Information. </b>We only share your Personal Information with service providers, e.g., billing and collection agents, who enable us to provide our Hasura Services to you. We do not sell or give your Personal Information to third parties for purposes unrelated to our provision of the Hasura Services to you.</li><li><b>Right to have Personal Information Deleted. </b>Upon request, we will delete all of your Personal Information that we have collected on you and will direct our Service Providers to also delete all of your Personal Information. But note that if we do delete all of this Personal Information, you will no longer be able to use our Hasura Services.</li><li><b>Response. </b>We will acknowledge receipt of your inquiry within ten (10) days of the receipt. We will respond within forty-five (45) days of receiving such request or query. Within this period, we are required to verify your identity before further action. Additionally, in order for us to respond to your request or query, we will need to collect information from the requesting party to verify their identity.</li><li><b>Non-Discrimination Right. </b>We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your CCPA rights. We will not:<ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:pt-4"><li>Deny you goods or services.</li><li>Charge you different prices or rates for goods or services, including through granting discounts or other benefits, or imposing penalties.</li><li>Provide you a different level or quality of goods or services.</li><li>Suggest that you may receive a different price or rate for goods or services or a different level or quality of goods or services.</li></ol></li><li><b>Financial Incentives. </b>However, we may offer you certain financial incentives permitted by the CCPA that can result in different prices, rates, or quality levels. Any CCPA-permitted financial incentive we offer will reasonably relate to your Personal Information’s value and contain written terms that describe the program’s material aspects. Participation in a financial incentive program requires your prior opt in consent, which you may revoke at any time.</li><li><b>Contact Information. </b>You may contact us (i) at<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#6d091d022d050c1e181f0c430402" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="c7a3b7a887afa6b4b2b5a6e9aea8">[email protected]</span></a>, (ii) by phone at our toll-free number +1-833-690-2124, or (iii) by writing to us at Privacy Officer, at Hasura, Inc. 576 Folsom St., Floor 3, San Francisco, CA - 94105, to (i) make a Personal Information Request, (ii) lodge a complaint about our use or storage of your Personal Information, (iii) ask us to delete such Personal Information, and/or (iv) discuss our Privacy Policy and/or anything that has to do with it. Additionally, in order for us to respond to your request or query, we will need to collect information from the requesting party to verify their identity to prevent fraudulent requests. As mentioned above, we will respond within forty-five (45) days of receiving such verifiable consumer request or query. We document our verification process for full compliance with the CCPA.</li><li><b>Under 16. </b>We will not sell your Personal Information if you are under the age of 16 unless we have the consent of your parent or your guardian nor will we sell it if you ask us not to do so.</li><li><b>Opt Out Right. </b>Although we do not currently sell your Personal Information, if we do so in the future, then upon your request, we will stop selling your Personal Information (sometimes called your Opt Out Right). You may send the request to Opt Out (i) to<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#c8acb8a788a0a9bbbdbaa9e6a1a7" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="aacedac5eac2cbd9dfd8cb84c3c5">[email protected]</span></a>, (ii) by phone at our toll-free number +1-833-690-2124, or (iii) by writing to us at Privacy Officer, Hasura, Inc. 576 Folsom St., Floor 3, San Francisco, CA - 94105.</li><li><b>Personal Information that We Store. </b>For your information, we store/collect the following Personal Information on you including your full name, email address, geolocation, and information about your internet connection, the equipment you use to access our Website, and usage details of your use of our Hasura Services.</li></ol></div></li><li><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 ">FOR OUR NEW YORK CUSTOMERS</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-600 pt-4">We will fully comply with the letter and the spirit of the New York Shield Act (the “Act’), which became effective on January 1, 2020, to the fullest extent that it is applicable to us. We have adopted reasonable safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality, and integrity of your private information, as defined in the Act ("Private Information"). We will securely protect any personal information, as defined in the Act ("Personal Information"), and/or Private Information in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Act. We will notify you of any unauthorized access to or disclosure of your Personal Information or your Private Information in accordance with the requirements of the Act.</div></li><li><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 ">THE US CAN-SPAM ACT OF 2003</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-600 pt-4">The US CAN-SPAM Act establishes requirements for commercial messages, gives recipients the right to have businesses stop emailing them, and spells out penalties for violations. Per the CAN-SPAM Act, we will:<ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:py-4 last:[&>li]:pb-0"><li>not use false or misleading subjects or email addresses;</li><li>identify the email message as an advertisement in some reasonable way;</li><li>include the physical address of Hasura, Inc., which is 576 Folsom St., Floor 3, San Francisco, CA - 94105;</li><li>monitor third-party email marketing services for compliance, if one is used;</li><li>honor opt-out/unsubscribe requests quickly; and</li><li>give an “opt-out” or “unsubscribe” option.</li></ol><div class="pt-4">If you wish to opt out of email marketing, follow the instructions at the bottom of each email or contact us at<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#11626461617e6365517970626463703f787e" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="394a4c4949564b4d7951584a4c4b58175056">[email protected]</span></a>io and we will promptly remove you from all future marketing correspondences.</div></div></li><li><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 ">CHILDREN UNDER THIRTEEN (13)</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-600 pt-4">Hasura Services are not intended for children under 13 years of age, and we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under 13. If we learn we have collected or received Personal Information from a child under 13, we will delete that information. If you believe we might have any information about a child under 13, please contact us at<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#5e2d2b2e2e312c2a1e363f2d2b2c3f703731" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="a1d2d4d1d1ced3d5e1c9c0d2d4d3c08fc8ce">[email protected]</span></a>.</div></li><li><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 ">ACCESSING AND CORRECTING YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-600 pt-4">You can review and change your Personal Information by logging into the Platform and visiting your Account page. You can also request us to make changes to your Personal Information by sending us an email at<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#ed899d82ad858c9e989f8cc38482" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="2c485c436c444d5f595e4d024543">[email protected]</span></a>, if you are unable to make the change on the Account. However, we reserve the right to deny your request if we believe the change would violate any applicable law or legal requirement.</div></li><li><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 ">CHANGES TO OUR PRIVACY POLICY</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-600 pt-4">Hasura reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change or modify this Policy at any time. In the event, we modify this Policy, such modifications shall be binding on you only upon your acceptance of the modified Policy. We will inform you about the modifications via email or comparable means within 15 days of such modification. We will also post the modified version on this page. Your continued use of the Hasura Services shall constitute your consent to such changes. Hasura may change, modify, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Hasura Services at any time without notice or liability.</div></li><li><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 ">COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT/DMCA NOTICE</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-600 pt-4">If you believe that any content on our Website(s) or platforms violates your copyright, and wish to have the allegedly infringing material removed, the following information in the form of a written notification pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 512(c) (“DMCA Takedown Notice”) must be provided to our designated Copyright Agent. It is our policy to terminate the accounts of repeat infringers.<ol class="numberOlWrapper [&>li]:py-4 last:[&>li]:pb-0"><li>Your physical or electronic signature;</li><li>Identification of the copyrighted work(s) that you claim to have been infringed;</li><li>Identification of the material on our services that you claim is infringing and that you request us to remove;</li><li>Sufficient information to permit us to locate such material;</li><li>Your address, telephone number, and e-mail address;</li><li>A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the objectionable material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or under the law; and</li><li>A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are either the owner of the copyright that has allegedly been infringed or that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.</li></ol><div class="pt-6">Hasura’s Copyright Agent to receive DMCA Takedown Notices is Anand Rajkumar,<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#12737c737c76527a73616760733c7b7d" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="d4b5bab5bab094bcb5a7a1a6b5fabdbb">[email protected]</span></a>, at HASURA, INC. Attn: DMCA Notice, 576 Folsom St., Floor 3, San Francisco, CA - 94105. You acknowledge that for us to be authorized to take down any content, your DMCA Takedown Notice must comply with all the requirements of this Section. Please note that, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 512(f), any misrepresentation of material fact (falsities) in a written notification automatically subjects the complaining party to liability for any damages, costs and attorney's fees incurred by us in connection with the written notification and allegation of copyright infringement.</div></div></li><li><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 ">Anti-Bribery Compliance</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-600 pt-4">Hasura represents and warrants that it is fully aware of and will comply with, and in the performance of its obligations hereunder will not take any action or omit to take any action that would cause it or its customers to be in violation of, (i) U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, (ii) U.K. Anti-Bribery Act, (iii) India Prevention of Corruption Act of 1988, or (iv) any other applicable anti-bribery statutes and regulations, and (v) any regulations promulgated under any such laws. Company represents and warrants that neither it nor any of its employees, officers, or directors is an official or employee of any government (or any department, agency or instrumentality of any government), political party, state owned enterprise or a public international organization such as the United Nations, or a representative or any such person (each, an "Official"). Company further represents and warrants that, to its knowledge, neither it nor any of the Supplier Personnel has offered, promised, made or authorized to be made, or provided any contribution, thing of value or gift, or any other type of payment to, or for the private use of, directly or indirectly, any Official for the purpose of influencing or inducing any act or decision of the Official to secure an improper advantage in connection with, or in any way relating to, (A) any government authorization or approval involving Hasura or (B) the obtaining or retention of business by Hasura. Supplier further represents and warrants that it will not in the future offer, promise, make or otherwise allow to be made or provide any payment and that it will take all lawful and necessary actions to ensure that no payment is promised, made or provided in the future by any of the Supplier Personnel.</div></li><li><h5 class="text-hds-m-h5 tb:text-hds-t-h5 db:text-hds-d-h5 ">CONTACTING US</h5><div class="text-hds-m-body1 tb:text-hds-t-body1 db:text-hds-d-body1 text-neutral-600 pt-4">To ask questions or comment about this Policy and our privacy practices, contact us at:<br/>Privacy Officer<br/>Email:<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#5135213e113930222423307f383e" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="96f2e6f9d6fef7e5e3e4f7b8fff9">[email protected]</span></a><div class="pt-6"><b>Address:</b><br/>Hasura, Inc,<br/>576 Folsom St., Floor 3,<br/>San Francisco, CA - 94105, USA</div><div class="pt-6">If you are a resident of India and have any questions or concerns regarding this Policy or our privacy practices, please write to us at the following address:<br/>The Grievance Officer<br/>Name: Anand Rajkumar<br/>Email:<!-- --> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#7410041b341c15070106155a1d1b" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="17736778577f7664626576397e78">[email protected]</span></a></div><div class="pt-6"><b>Address:</b><br/>Hasura, Inc,<br/>576 Folsom St., Floor 3,<br/>San Francisco, CA - 94105, USA</div><div class="pt-6"><b>Representative</b><br/>We value your privacy and your rights as a data subject and have therefore appointed Prighter Group with its local partners as our privacy representative and your point of contact for the following regions:<div class="py-5">• European Union (EU)</div>Prighter gives you an easy way to exercise your privacy-related rights (e.g. requests to access or erase personal data). If you want to contact us via our representative, Prighter or make use of your data subject rights, please visit the following website:<!-- --> <a href="" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"></a><br/><br/>PLEASE NOTE: WE DO NOT SELL YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION, NOR DO WE INTEND TO DO SO.</div><div class="pt-6">IF YOU USE OUR HASURA SERVICES, YOU HAVE AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS DESCRIBED IN THIS POLICY AND THE APPLICABLE AGREEMENT(S). IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS POLICY OR THE APPLICABLE AGREEMENT(S), PLEASE DO NOT ACCESS OR USE THE HASURA SERVICES, OR ANY COMPONENT THEREOF.</div></div></li></ul></div></div></div></div></main><div class="px-4 "><div class="max-w-7xl mx-auto"><div class="w-full"><div class="rounded-3xl shadow overflow-hidden bg-blue-400"><div class="tb-l:flex gap-6 tb:gap-12 tb-l:gap-0 db:gap-24"><div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-center px-6 py-6 pr-0 tb-l:px-14 tb-l:py-10 tb-l:pr-0 db:py-14 db:px-20 db:pr-0"><div><div class="text-hds-m-h6 tb:text-hds-t-h6 db:text-hds-d-h6 text-blue-500 uppercase text-neutral-0 pb-2 ">2024 Edition</div></div><p class="pb-2 font-bold text-[24px] md:text-[32px] lg:text-[40px] leading-leading-snug tracking-[-1.2px] __className_e6e279 text-neutral-0">The GraphQL Handbook</p><div class="text-hds-m-sub2 tb:text-hds-t-sub2 db:text-hds-d-sub2 text-neutral-0">A GraphQL Handbook for developers and architects to help plan your GraphQL adoption journey.</div><a class="mt-6 inline-flex" href=""><div><button type="button" class="inline-flex items-center whitespace-pre rounded-full text-hds-d-body3c-medium rounded-full py-2.5 pl-5 pr-3 group db:w-fit tb:w-fit w-full justify-center border-2 border-neutral-0 text-neutral-0 hover:text-neutral-0 hover:border-opacity-0 hover:shadow-md hover:shadow hover:transition-all hover:ease-out hover:duration-300 focus:text-neutrak-0 focus:border-2 border-neutral-0 focus:outline-none focus:text-neutral-0 hover:bg-blue-500 hover:border-blue-500 hover:text-neutral-0 ">Get your copy<div class="group-hover:transition-all group-hover:stroke-neutral-0"><div style="stroke:#FFF"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" height="1em" class="h-5 w-5 group-hover:stroke-neutral-0 z-10 stroke-2 group-hover:translate-x-[0.15rem] group-hover:transition-all group-hover:duration-300"><path d="m9 18 6-6-6-6"></path></svg></div><div style="stroke:#FFF"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" 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db:text-hds-d-body3c-semi-bold text-neutral-600">Platform</div><a href=""><div class="text-hds-m-body3 tb:text-hds-t-body3 db:text-hds-d-body3 text-neutral-600 mt-2 tb:mt-4 hover:text-neutral-1000">Hasura DDN</div></a><a href=""><div class="text-hds-m-body3 tb:text-hds-t-body3 db:text-hds-d-body3 text-neutral-600 mt-2 tb:mt-4 hover:text-neutral-1000">Connectors</div></a><a href=""><div class="text-hds-m-body3 tb:text-hds-t-body3 db:text-hds-d-body3 text-neutral-600 mt-2 tb:mt-4 hover:text-neutral-1000">Pricing</div></a><a href=""><div class="text-hds-m-body3 tb:text-hds-t-body3 db:text-hds-d-body3 text-neutral-600 mt-2 tb:mt-4 hover:text-neutral-1000">Security</div></a></div><div class="min-w-[130px] db-s:min-w-fit"><div class="text-hds-m-body3c-semi-bold tb:text-hds-t-body3c-semi-bold db:text-hds-d-body3c-semi-bold text-neutral-600">Build</div><a href=""><div class="text-hds-m-body3 tb:text-hds-t-body3 db:text-hds-d-body3 text-neutral-600 mt-2 tb:mt-4 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class="text-hds-m-body3 tb:text-hds-t-body3 db:text-hds-d-body3 text-neutral-600 mt-2 tb:mt-4 hover:text-neutral-1000">GraphQL Hub</div></a></div><div class="min-w-[130px] db-s:min-w-fit"><div class="text-hds-m-body3c-semi-bold tb:text-hds-t-body3c-semi-bold db:text-hds-d-body3c-semi-bold text-neutral-600">Company</div><a href=""><div class="text-hds-m-body3 tb:text-hds-t-body3 db:text-hds-d-body3 text-neutral-600 mt-2 tb:mt-4 hover:text-neutral-1000">Our Story</div></a><a href=""><div class="text-hds-m-body3 tb:text-hds-t-body3 db:text-hds-d-body3 text-neutral-600 mt-2 tb:mt-4 hover:text-neutral-1000">Careers</div></a><a href=""><div class="text-hds-m-body3 tb:text-hds-t-body3 db:text-hds-d-body3 text-neutral-600 mt-2 tb:mt-4 hover:text-neutral-1000">Partners</div></a><a href=""><div class="text-hds-m-body3 tb:text-hds-t-body3 db:text-hds-d-body3 text-neutral-600 mt-2 tb:mt-4 hover:text-neutral-1000">Legal</div></a><a href=""><div class="text-hds-m-body3 tb:text-hds-t-body3 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