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design</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="Data Whisperers, Pinocchios, and Sentient Design" rel="bookmark">Data Whisperers, Pinocchios, and Sentient Design</a></h3><div class="bma_desc">Podcasts from PDFs! Working code from pen-and-paper sketches! Discover the new AI-powered design patterns that liberate content from frozen formats—and create new experience paradigms.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bmw_link bma_page1684"> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="" class="bma_thumb"><img src="" class="bma_thumb" alt="A lightbulb with a right-facing arrow pointing towards three cogs" srcset=" 1066w, 1000w, 500w, 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1050px) 449px, 50vw" /></a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <a href="" class="kicker kicker--tout kicker--invert">ai</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="The Already-Here Future of Prototyping" rel="bookmark">The Already-Here Future of Prototyping</a></h3><div class="bma_desc">With LLM tools like ChatGPT and Claude, it’s easier than ever for anyone — including and perhaps especially non-developers — to develop ideas in code.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bmw_link bma_page1665"> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="" class="bma_thumb"><img src="" class="bma_thumb" alt="Illustration of four computers and devices lighting up with Sentient Design awareness" srcset=" 1200w, 1000w, 500w, 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1050px) 449px, 50vw" /></a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <a href="" class="kicker kicker--tout kicker--invert">sentient design</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="Say Hello to Sentient Design" rel="bookmark">Say Hello to Sentient Design</a></h3><div class="bma_desc">Sentient Design is the already-here future of intelligent interfaces and AI-mediated experiences. Discover this framework and philosophy for working with AI as a design material.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bmw_link bma_page1654"> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="" class="bma_thumb"><img src="" class="bma_thumb" alt="Photo of Josh Clark speaking in front of a screen with the text, "Get cozy with casual intelligence"" srcset=" 960w, 500w, 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1050px) 449px, 50vw" /></a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <a href="" class="kicker kicker--tout kicker--invert">sentient design</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="Sentient Design: AI and the Next Chapter of UX" rel="bookmark">Sentient Design: AI and the Next Chapter of UX</a></h3><div class="bma_desc">Josh Clark introduces Sentient Design, the already-here future of intelligent interfaces and AI-mediated experiences. Learn to design radically adaptive experiences that feel almost self-aware in their response to user needs.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bmw_link bma_page1675"> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="" class="bma_thumb"><img src="" class="bma_thumb" alt="Illustration of two hands holding aloft a triangle with AI sparkles inside" srcset=" 1200w, 1000w, 500w, 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1050px) 449px, 50vw" /></a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <a href="" class="kicker kicker--tout kicker--invert">sentient design</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="The Shape of Sentient Design" rel="bookmark">The Shape of Sentient Design</a></h3><div class="bma_desc">Use this diagram to think through and explore AI-mediated experiences in your product design.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bmw_link bma_page1674"> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="" class="bma_thumb"><img src="" class="bma_thumb" alt="AI Robot wielding a blade" srcset=" 1440w, 1000w, 500w, 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1050px) 449px, 50vw" /></a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <a href="" class="kicker kicker--tout kicker--invert">sentient design</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="Has the “AI Edge” Become a Dull Blade?" rel="bookmark">Has the “AI Edge” Become a Dull Blade?</a></h3><div class="bma_desc">Today’s cutting-edge technology is becoming tomorrow’s ho-hum office tool. And that’s a good thing.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bmw_link bma_page1666"> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="" class="bma_thumb"><img src="" class="bma_thumb" alt="Illustration of a rocket on top of a sturdy platform" srcset=" 1200w, 1000w, 500w, 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1050px) 449px, 50vw" /></a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <a href="" class="kicker kicker--tout kicker--invert">future</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="The Future is Built on Solid Foundations" rel="bookmark">The Future is Built on Solid Foundations</a></h3><div class="bma_desc">Stability and innovation can sometimes seem to be in tension, but they are more complementary than competitive. Consider AI and design systems.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bmw_link bma_page1700"> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="" class="bma_thumb"><img src="" class="bma_thumb" alt="Q&A Illustration" srcset=" 2000w, 1000w, 500w, 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1050px) 449px, 50vw" /></a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <a href="" class="kicker kicker--tout kicker--invert">design systems</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="Design Systems Q&A" rel="bookmark">Design Systems Q&A</a></h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bmw_link bma_page1695"> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="" class="bma_thumb"><img src="" class="bma_thumb" alt="Headshots of Josh Clark and Veronika Kindred promoting the Design of AI podcast and talking about Sentient Design" srcset=" 840w, 500w, 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1050px) 449px, 50vw" /></a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <a href="" class="kicker kicker--tout kicker--invert">podcast</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="Design of AI: Sentient Design" rel="bookmark">Design of AI: Sentient Design</a></h3><div class="bma_desc">Josh Clark and Veronika Kindred share the importance of design in shaping AI-powered experiences in this podcast conversation about Sentient Design, their new book, moving beyond the chatbot, generational views of technology, and much more.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bmw_link bma_page1630"> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="" class="bma_thumb"><img src="" class="bma_thumb" alt="Illustration of a robot with ribbon coming out of its mouth, surrounded by UI components" srcset=" 2000w, 1000w, 500w, 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1050px) 449px, 50vw" /></a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <a href="" class="kicker kicker--tout kicker--invert">ai</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="AI and Design Systems" rel="bookmark">AI and Design Systems</a></h3><div class="bma_desc">The new crop of AI tools are already supercharging design system efforts across many categories, and we’re helping our clients use AI to do exactly that. Big Medium’s Brad Frost, Kevin Coyle, and Ian Frost show how.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bmw_link bma_page1604"> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="" class="bma_thumb"><img src="" class="bma_thumb" alt="Brad Frost at Front Conference 2023: "Is Atomic Design Dead?"" srcset=" 1200w, 1000w, 500w, 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1050px) 449px, 50vw" /></a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <a href="" class="kicker kicker--tout kicker--invert">design system</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="Is Atomic Design Dead?" rel="bookmark">Is Atomic Design Dead?</a></h3><div class="bma_desc">Brad Frost explores today’s design system ecosystem and peeks into the exciting future of design systems. (Spoiler: Atomic Design is going stronger than ever, thank you very much.)</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bmw_link bma_page1664"> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="" class="bma_thumb"><img src="" class="bma_thumb" alt="Bottle of snake oil surrounded by AI sparkles" srcset=" 1200w, 1000w, 500w, 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1050px) 449px, 50vw" /></a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <a href="" class="kicker kicker--tout kicker--invert">sentient design</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="A.I., Snake Oil, and Miracle-Cure Expectations" rel="bookmark">A.I., Snake Oil, and Miracle-Cure Expectations</a></h3><div class="bma_desc">Be distrustful when AI is hyped as a cure-all—but don’t assume it’s useless just because it doesn’t live up to outlandish promises.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bmw_link bma_page1650"> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="" class="bma_thumb"><img src="" class="bma_thumb" alt="Making friends with the robots" srcset=" 2000w, 1000w, 500w, 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1050px) 449px, 50vw" /></a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <a href="" class="kicker kicker--tout kicker--invert">ai</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="Online Event: AI and Design Systems" rel="bookmark">Online Event: AI and Design Systems</a></h3><div class="bma_desc">The Big Medium team shares the many ways that we use AI to build and maintain design systems. (You can totally do it, too.)</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bmw_link bma_page1636"> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="" class="bma_thumb"><img src="" class="bma_thumb" alt="Kevin Coyle at Smashing Meet 2024: "The Future of Design Systems"" srcset=" 346w, 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1050px) 449px, 50vw" /></a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <a href="" class="kicker kicker--tout kicker--invert">ai</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="When will AI Replace Us?" rel="bookmark">When will AI Replace Us?</a></h3><div class="bma_desc">Kevin Coyle addresses and subdues fears about AI taking out jobs. (Spoiler: This isn’t a new problem.) Instead, he shows how your new robot colleagues can help you do your job even better—right now, today.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bmw_link bma_page1591"> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="" class="bma_thumb"><img src="" class="bma_thumb" alt="You're Not Too Late" srcset=" 2000w, 1000w, 500w, 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1050px) 449px, 50vw" /></a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <a href="" class="kicker kicker--tout kicker--invert">sentient design</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="You’re Not Late to Machine Learning" rel="bookmark">You’re Not Late to Machine Learning</a></h3><div class="bma_desc">If you’re worried that you’re behind in getting in on machine learning, never fear: AI has not so much come of age as reached an awkward adolescence. You’re right on time.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bmw_link bma_page1582"> <div class="bma_mediatop"> <a href="" class="bma_thumb"><img src="" class="bma_thumb" alt="Making friends with the robots" srcset=" 2000w, 1000w, 500w, 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1050px) 449px, 50vw" /></a> </div> <div class="bma_body"> <div class="bma_body-wrap"> <a href="" class="kicker kicker--tout kicker--invert">sentient design</a><h3 class="bma_head"><a href="" title="Why Machine Learning and AI Matter for Design Teams" rel="bookmark">Why Machine Learning and AI Matter for Design Teams</a></h3><div class="bma_desc">There’s a critical role for design in the era of the algorithm—and your organization almost certainly has what it needs to jump in today.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end <%tags%> --> <!-- start overflow_nav --> <ul class="bmw_overflowNav"> <li><span class="bma_inertPage">Previous</span></li> <li><a href="" class="bma_thisPage">1</a></li> <li><a href="">2</a></li> <li><a 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