Statistical Science Web: Search this Site

<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="description" content="Search page for keyword and phrase search of local site."> <title>Statistical Science Web: Search this Site</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dir.css"> </head> <body> <!--webbot bot="Include" U-Include="_private/sitelogo.html" TAG="BODY" startspan --> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><img border="0" src="images/statsci24.png" width="148" height="27"></td> <td> <font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><b>&nbsp;/</b> <small><a href="index.html">Home</a></small></font></td> </tr> </table> <!--webbot bot="Include" i-checksum="65025" endspan --> <h1>Search this Site</h1> <blockquote> <form METHOD="GET" ACTION="" NAME="SearchForm"> <p><input NAME="Terms" SIZE="50" MAXLENGTH="800" VALUE> <input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search"> <br> Example: <strong>+rats econometric -rodents</strong></p> </form> <p><em><strong>Scope: </strong></em>This search includes all Statistical Science Web archives except for the job advertisement database. To search the advertisements see the <a href="jobs/search.html">Job Search</a> page. </p> <!--webbot bot="Include" U-Include="_private/srchhelp.html" TAG="BODY" startspan --> <h3><font color="#FF0000">Search Help</font></h3> <p>To find information about a topic, simply type in a few keywords. If you want to do a more refined search, most queries which work with AltaVista will also work here. For example <strong>sas -excel</strong> finds documents mentioning SAS but not Excel, <strong>+s-plus sas</strong> finds documents mentioning S-Plus and preferably SAS as well, <strong>biometric*</strong> finds biometrics as well as biometrician, and <strong>&quot;generalized linear models&quot;</strong> finds the complete phrase. A more careful search for a phrase, allowing for different spellings and word endings, might be <strong>&quot;generali* linear model*&quot;</strong>. Detailed help follows below.</p> <p><b><font FACE="arial, helvetica" COLOR="#FF0000" size="-1">Natural Language queries:</font></b> <ul> <p>A simple string of terms like <b>sas excel spss</b> will find documents containing one or more of the terms. Better matches, preferably containing more than one of the terms, will be listed first. A natural language question like <b>what are generalized linear models?</b> will also work.</p> </ul> <b><font FACE="arial, helvetica" COLOR="#FF0000" size="-1"> <p>Requiring/Excluding Words:</font></b> <ul> <p>To require that a word appear in all of the results, attach a &quot;<b>+</b>&quot; to the beginning of the word (for example, to find software on influence diagnostics, you might try <b>+influen* diagnostic* s-plus sas</b>). You can exclude a word from all results by attaching a &quot;-&quot; to it (for example, if you don't want SAS software you might try <b>+influen* diagnostic* s-plus -sas</b>).</p> </ul> <p><b><font FACE="arial, helvetica" COLOR="#FF0000" size="-1">Exact Phrases:</font></b> <ul> <p>If you know that a certain phrase will appear on the page you are looking for, put the phrase in quotes (for example, <b>&quot;against all odds&quot;</b> will find information on the video series by that name.)</p> </ul> <p><b><font FACE="arial, helvetica" COLOR="#FF0000" size="-1">Case Sensitivity:</font></b> <ul> <p>Use only lower case unless you want your search to be case sensitive. If you search for <b>TeX</b>, you'll get only documents that include that word with just that capitalization. If you search for <b>tex</b>, you'll get any document containing that term.</p> </ul> <p><b><font FACE="arial, helvetica" COLOR="#FF0000" size="-1">Using Wildcards:</font></b> <ul> <p>Use an asterisk (*) to broaden your search. For example, use <b>biometr*</b> to find matches for biometry, biometrics or biometrical. Use this if the word you are searching for could have different endings. The asterix can be used anywhere in a word (for example, <strong>*gamma</strong> will match polygamma and trigamma as well as gamma, and <strong>generali*ed</strong> will match generalised as well as generalized). To avoid overly broad searches, the asterix can represent at most four letters or numbers (so that <b>biometr*</b> would not find biometrician), and at least three alpha-numeric characters must be included (so that the search term <strong>bi*</strong> would be ignored).</p> <p>Wild cards work even within phrases. For example, <strong>&quot;generali* linear model*&quot;</strong> will match any of the phrases &quot;generalised linear model&quot;, &quot;generalized linear model&quot; or &quot;generalized linear models&quot;.</p> </ul> <p><b><font FACE="arial, helvetica" COLOR="#FF0000" size="-1">Special Characters and Punctuation</font></b> <ul> <p>Search defines a word as any string of letters and digits that is separated by either: White space, such as spaces, tabs, line ends, or the start or end of a document, or Special characters and punctuation, such as %, $, /, #, and _ </p> <p>Search ignores punctuation except to interpret it as a separator for words. Placing punctuation or special characters between each word, with no spaces between the characters and the words, is also a way to indicate a phrase. For example, <b>against-all-odds</b> is an equally acceptable but less natural syntax for <strong>&quot;against all odds&quot;</strong>. Hyphenated words, such as <b>S-Plus</b> or <b>CD-ROM</b>, also automatically form phrases because of the hyphen.</p> </ul> <!--webbot bot="Include" i-checksum="58644" endspan --> <hr> <!--webbot bot="Include" u-include="_private/signdir.html" tag="BODY" startspan --> <div align="center"><center> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td height="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><form align="center" action="" method="get" name="SearchForm"> <p><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><input type="text" size="32" name="Terms"> <input type="submit" value="Search"> <font size="2"><a href="search.html">Help</a></font></font></p> </form> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" valign="bottom" height="50"> <font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><small> <a href="index.html">Home</a> - <a href="about.html">About Us</a> - <a href="contact.html">Contact Us</a><br> Copyright &copy; <a href="smyth/index.html">Gordon Smyth</a></small></font></td> </tr> </table> </center></div> <!--webbot bot="Include" i-checksum="20407" endspan --> </body> </html>

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