Law Firm Google Ads PPC & LSA Management | Facebook Ads | Bing & Microsoft Advertising | Justia Amplify

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class="text">PPC Management</h1> <ul class="_no-margin-top list ui-list -squares"> <li>Cost-effective paid <span class="_text-no-break">advertising solutions</span></li> <li>Google and Microsoft <span class="_text-no-break">PPC advertising</span></li> <li>Online ad campaign setup <span class="_text-no-break">and management</span></li> <li>Optimized landing page and online <span class="_text-no-break">ad creation</span></li> <li>Click fraud detection and call tracking integration</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ui-stripes"> <div class="featuring-stripe stripe sides-margin"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="wrapper _display-flex _align-middle"> <strong class="ui-badge -text -green"> Get Proof</strong> <p class="description _talign-left"> <strong> Let Our Results Speak for Themselves. <a data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="Marketing - Marquee - Get Free Case Study" data-gtm-action="Content" class="standout _display-inlineb" style="color: #BB1B16;" href="#our-results"> Get Free Case Study ›</a> </strong> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="linked-text-stripe stripe sides-margin"> <strong class="stripetitle ui-heading2">Boost Your Leads with Justia Amplify <span class="_text-no-break">PPC Management</span></strong> <div class="wrapper"> <p class="centered-text _talign-left">Justia delivers premium marketing solutions to lawyers seeking to expand their online marketing reach. Justia is proud to be a Google Partner, a distinction that showcases our team's extensive training and expertise in PPC advertising. <strong>We focus exclusively on law firms - we know what works to get you more leads and clients.</strong> <br /><br /> Our Google-certified, skilled marketing professionals provide clients with both Justia Amplify Advance and Justia Amplify Starter packages with high-quality campaign setup, consulting, and management services for Google Ads PPC. In addition, Justia Amplify Advance clients can leverage Microsoft Advertising PPC (formerly Bing Ads) and Google's Local Services Ads (LSAs) for greater local reach. All of our PPC management services are designed to optimize your cost per click (CPC), conversion rate, and return on investment (ROI).<br /><br /> <strong>Our Approach</strong><br /> PPC advertising is not “one-size-fits-all.” To ensure the optimal pay-per-click strategy for you, our program specifications are variable based on your firm's specific needs. There are several inputs required for creating the campaigns, such as your goals and your target locations/practice areas. If you are already running Google Ads PPC and need us to take over, we will take all of the necessary steps to make for a <span class="_text-no-break">smooth transition.</span></p> <div class="linked-text"> <div class="link "> <div class="graphic"> <svg class="ui-iconart" viewBox="0 0 146 146" title="Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising" alt="Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising" role="img"> <use xmlns:xlink="" href="/justatic/ash/images/icons/marketing-ppc-management-sprite.svg#seo-marketing"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <strong class="ui-heading4">Pay Per Click <span class="_text-no-break">(PPC) Advertising</span></strong> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="Marketing - Amplify PPC - Paid Search For Attorneys" data-gtm-action="Content">Paid search for attorneys</a> on Google and other search engines is extremely competitive, but for very good reason! As the SERP (search engine results page) continues to become more and more top-heavy with paid ads, PPC advertising is one of the best ways to capture new clients online. In recent years, the number of paid ads relative to organic results on the SERP has dramatically increased. Combined with the fact that most traffic now comes from mobile devices (and much smaller screens), organic visibility has decreased for many law firms. Thus, a diversified marketing strategy, including PPC, is critical for long-term success.<br/><br/> Justia provides both Google Ads PPC and Microsoft Advertising PPC setup <span class="_text-no-break">and management.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="link -odd"> <div class="graphic"> <svg class="ui-iconart" viewBox="0 0 146 146" title="Keyword Selection &amp; Ad Copy" alt="Keyword Selection &amp; Ad Copy" role="img"> <use xmlns:xlink="" href="/justatic/ash/images/icons/marketing-ppc-management-sprite.svg#keywords"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <strong class="ui-heading4">Keyword Selection & <span class="_text-no-break">Ad Copy</span></strong> <p> Law firms can target their ads using specific keywords and phrases in Google Ads PPC and Microsoft Advertising PPC. At Justia, we help our clients develop a set of keywords and phrases that best reflect their practice and the localities they serve. Negative keywords are just as important as they help to prevent irrelevant traffic and clicks. <br /><br />We also help our clients craft effective ad copy and optimize ad extensions for increased contacts and conversions. Optimization of ads and extensions can also result in a higher clickthrough rate (CTR) and an increased overall <span class="_text-no-break">quality score.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="link "> <div class="graphic -g3"> <svg class="ui-iconart" viewBox="0 0 146 146" title="Precision Targeting" alt="Precision Targeting" role="img"> <use xmlns:xlink="" href="/justatic/ash/images/icons/marketing-ppc-management-sprite.svg#precision-targeting"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <strong class="ui-heading4">Precision Targeting</strong> <p> Targeting your ads to the correct audiences and locations is one of the most crucial aspects of running a successful campaign. We can target by location, device, age, gender, and other demographic attributes. In addition, ads can be scheduled to run on certain days of the week or within certain hours of <span class="_text-no-break">the day.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="link -odd"> <div class="graphic"> <svg class="ui-iconart" viewBox="0 0 146 146" title="Focused Locality Settings" alt="Focused Locality Settings" role="img"> <use xmlns:xlink="" href="/justatic/ash/images/icons/marketing-ppc-management-sprite.svg#locality-settings"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <strong class="ui-heading4">Focused <span class="_text-no-break">Locality Settings</span></strong> <p> Attorneys and law firms can target their advertisements towards potential clients in a particular geographical area or to people who are looking for information in a specific location. To maximize your campaign’s effectiveness, you will likely want to have one or more focused location targets to attract <span class="_text-no-break">local clients.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="link "> <div class="graphic"> <svg class="ui-iconart" viewBox="0 0 146 146" title="Click Fraud Detection &amp; Prevention" alt="Click Fraud Detection &amp; Prevention" role="img"> <use xmlns:xlink="" href="/justatic/ash/images/icons/marketing-ppc-management-sprite.svg#click-fraud"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <strong class="ui-heading4">Click Fraud Detection <span class="_text-no-break">& Prevention</span></strong> <p> No lawyer wants to pay for spam clicks from bots or others on their PPC ads. At Justia, we make the most of your budget. We will monitor your clicks with advanced machine learning algorithms, which will separate real potential clients from fraudulent clickers and bots that look to deplete your budget. The algorithm digests hundreds of fraud signals and knows how to accurately differentiate innocent clicks from <span class="_text-no-break">click fraud.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="link -odd"> <div class="graphic -g6"> <svg class="ui-iconart" viewBox="0 0 146 146" title="Call Tracking Integration" alt="Call Tracking Integration" role="img"> <use xmlns:xlink="" href="/justatic/ash/images/icons/marketing-ppc-management-sprite.svg#call-tracking"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <strong class="ui-heading4">Call <span class="_text-no-break">Tracking Integration</span></strong> <p> As part of Justia Amplify Advance, we provide complimentary call tracking, allowing you to see which ad, campaign, or keyword led to a potential client's phone call. The ability to track calls takes the guesswork out of attributing a call to a particular advertising campaign. Justia Amplify Starter clients may also choose to implement call tracking integration for an <span class="_text-no-break">additional fee.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="link "> <div class="graphic"> <svg class="ui-iconart" viewBox="0 0 146 146" title="Optimized Landing Pages" alt="Optimized Landing Pages" role="img"> <use xmlns:xlink="" href="/justatic/ash/images/icons/marketing-ppc-management-sprite.svg#landing-pages"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <strong class="ui-heading4">Optimized <span class="_text-no-break">Landing Pages</span></strong> <p> Optimizing each landing page’s content and layout increases client contact conversions and maximizes the value of the clicks. Conversion rates on PPC ads increase when the landing pages are customized to the ad copy and designed to make it easy for visitors to contact the law firm. The more relevant these pages are to the search query, the more likely they are to capture the conversion. We create the PPC campaigns so that each ad group leads to a relevant landing page, thereby increasing the likelihood of visitors contacting the <span class="_text-no-break">law firm.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="link -last -odd" id="local-services-ads"> <div class="graphic"> <svg class="ui-iconart" viewBox="0 0 146 146" title="Google&#039;s Local Services Ads (LSAs)" alt="Google&#039;s Local Services Ads (LSAs)" role="img"> <use xmlns:xlink="" href="/justatic/ash/images/icons/marketing-ppc-management-sprite.svg#lsa"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="description"> <strong class="ui-heading4">Google's Local Services <span class="_text-no-break">Ads (LSAs)</span></strong> <p> Local Services Ads remain the newest way for law firms to reach potential clients. LSAs are sponsored listings that appear at the very top of a search engine results page (SERP). The listings allow potential clients to call or message you right away. Unlike Google Ads, which charges by click engagement (pay-per-click), with LSAs, you only pay for leads (pay-per-lead) related to your business and service offerings.<br/><br/> As an exclusive benefit for Justia Amplify Advance clients, our dedicated Search Engine Marketing professionals will set up and manage your LSAs, including navigating the onboarding and recertification processes, rapidly adjusting your campaigns for the ongoing changes in this relatively new product, and managing your <span class="_text-no-break">bids effectively.</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="google-stripe stripe sides-margin" id="google-stripe"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="description"> <div class="content"> <strong class="ui-heading2 stripetitle">Google Partner</strong> <p class="introduction">Justia is proud to be a Google Partner. Our Google-certified marketing professionals are known for maximizing client success by leveraging our digital marketing expertise to drive growth through our clients' PPC ad campaigns. Each day, our team diligently utilizes industry best practices learned through this Google partnership to help our law firm clients achieve their goals.</p> </div> <div class="gbadge"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Google Partner" /> </a> </div> </div> <div class="specialties"> <div class="specialty"> <img src="" alt="Google Partner - Search Advertising" class="badge"> <span class="name">Search Advertising</span> </div> <div class="specialty"> <img src="" alt="Google Partner - Video Advertising" class="badge"> <span class="name">Video Advertising</span> </div> <div class="specialty"> <img src="" alt="Google Partner - Display Advertising" class="badge"> <span class="name">Display Advertising</span> </div> <div class="specialty"> <img src="" alt="Google Partner - Google Analytics IQ" class="badge"> <span class="name">Google Analytics IQ</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="results-columns-stripe posts-columns-stripe stripe sides-margin case-studies" id="our-results"> <strong class="stripetitle ui-heading2">Our Results</strong> <div class="wrapper"> <p class="centered-text _talign-left">Our clients have seen exceptional results from their Justia Amplify services. Request one of our case studies to learn more about Justia Amplify client outcomes and the results Justia Amplify may be able to help <span class="_text-no-break">you achieve.</span> </p> <div class="ui-slider results-slider" data-directive="j-slider" data-slider-preset="three2one"> <div class="column -one-third post"> <div class="graphic"> <img src="" alt="Amplify Result" width="330" height="173"> </div> <div class="columns-content"> <div class="description"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="153% More Conversions With Justia Amplify - Title" data-gtm-action="Case Study" class="title read-more-popup" data-directive="j-lightbox" data-delegate-event-to=".results-slider" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" data-ref="personal-injury" data-field-ref="#form-comment">Justia Helps Injury Law Firm Increase Conversions by Over 150%</button> <p class="excerpt">With strategies from the Justia Amplify team, a Nashville personal injury firm significantly bolstered its online presence and exponentially increased conversions, exceeding the firm's goals for the year.</p> </div> <div class="popup-btn"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="153% More Conversions With Justia Amplify - Button" data-gtm-action="Case Study" class="ui-button -red" data-directive="j-lightbox" data-delegate-event-to=".results-slider" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" data-ref="personal-injury" data-field-ref="#form-comment">Request Case Study</button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column -one-third post"> <div class="graphic"> <img src="" alt="240 Conversions in 90 Days" width="330" height="173"> </div> <div class="columns-content"> <div class="description"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="240 Conversions in 90 Days With Justia Amplify - Title" data-gtm-action="Case Study" class="title read-more-popup" data-directive="j-lightbox" data-delegate-event-to=".results-slider" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" data-ref="estate-planning" data-field-ref="#form-comment">An Estate Planning Firm Captures 240 Conversions in 90 Days</button> <p class="excerpt">Discover how the Justia Amplify team implemented a tailored PPC advertising approach that helped an estate planning law firm capture more clients and exceed its goals in just 90 days.</p> </div> <div class="popup-btn"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="240 Conversions in 90 Days With Justia Amplify - Button" data-gtm-action="Case Study" class="ui-button -red" data-directive="j-lightbox" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" data-delegate-event-to=".results-slider" data-ref="estate-planning" data-field-ref="#form-comment" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" >Request Case Study</button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column -one-third post"> <div class="graphic"> <img src="" alt="" width="330" height="173"> </div> <div class="columns-content"> <div class="description"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="175% More Conversions than National Average - Title" data-gtm-action="Case Study" class="title read-more-popup" data-directive="j-lightbox" data-delegate-event-to=".results-slider" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" data-ref="criminal-law" data-field-ref="#form-comment">PPC Results Exceed Criminal Law Firm's Expectations</button> <p class="excerpt">The strategies implemented by the Justia Amplify team enabled a Mississippi criminal law firm to outperform industry benchmarks on key PPC metrics, including clickthrough rate and conversions.</p> </div> <div class="popup-btn"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="175% More Conversions than National Average - Button" data-gtm-action="Case Study" class="ui-button -red" data-directive="j-lightbox" data-delegate-event-to=".results-slider" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" data-ref="criminal-law" data-field-ref="#form-comment">Request Case Study</button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column -one-third post"> <div class="graphic"> <img src="" alt="" width="330" height="173"> </div> <div class="columns-content"> <div class="description"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="2x Conversion Rate Growth - Title" data-gtm-action="Case Study" class="title read-more-popup" data-directive="j-lightbox" data-delegate-event-to=".results-slider" data-lightbox-ref="#case-study-box" data-ref="family-law" data-field-ref="#form-comment">A Family Law Firm Sustained Growth With Justia Amplify</button> <p class="excerpt">With the PPC strategies implemented by the Justia Amplify team, a New Jersey family law firm experienced a consistent, sustainable increase in the leads and conversions received from its campaigns.</p> </div> <div class="popup-btn"> <button data-gtm-type="click" data-gtm-category="Navigation" data-gtm-label="2x Conversion Rate Growth - 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Their immense search and legal marketing expertise have helped me grow my business into what it is today.</q> <span class="author"><strong>Stephen Bilkis</strong>, Stephen Bilkis &amp; Associates</span> </div> </div> <div class="quotation"> <div class="photo"> <img src="" alt="Testimonial from Brian Bradford"> </div> <div class="quote"> <q>The PPC aspect of our marketing has been dialed in because of the qualified account managers who have been a joy to work with and build my law firm with. I would absolutely recommend Justia to anyone.</q> <span class="author"><strong>Brian Bradford</strong>, Cook, Bradford &amp; Levy, LLC</span> </div> </div> <div class="quotation"> <div class="photo"> <img src="" alt="Testimonial from Chris Rabideau"> </div> <div class="quote"> <q>Since the start of our Justia Amplify campaign, my law firm has seen a noticeable increase in quality new cases. Justia Amplify has been well worth the investment. I highly recommend Justia services!</q> <span class="author"><strong>Chris Rabideau</strong>, McCroskey Law</span> </div> </div> <div class="quotation"> <div class="photo"> <img src="" alt="Testimonial from Mark Lowry"> </div> <div class="quote"> <q>My firm has seen a surge in business since beginning PPC with Justia a few months ago. I am therefore very pleased with this team!</q> <span class="author"><strong>Mark Lowry</strong>, Lowry Legal, LLC</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="posts-columns-stripe stripe sides-margin "> <strong class="stripetitle ui-heading2">Justia Onward Legal Marketing &amp; Tech Blog</strong> <div class="wrapper"> <p class="centered-text _talign-left">Our blog covers new developments and best practices in online legal marketing. 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