Science Fiction Awards Database

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Dick</div></a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Nebula</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Bram Stoker</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Chesley</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Shirley Jackson</div></a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">&nbsp;&nbsp;Andre Norton</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">British Fantasy</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Arthur C. Clarke</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Theodore <b>Sturgeon</b></div></a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">&nbsp;&nbsp;Ray Bradbury</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">British SF</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">International Fantasy Award</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">James <b>Tiptree</b> Jr</div></a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> <table class="mmaw" width="550"><tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">&#0151; Locus Poll and Awards &#0151;</div></a></td> </tr></table> <table class="mmaw" width="550"><tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Aurealis</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Aurora</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Ditmar</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Endeavour</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Kitschies</div></a></td><td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Mythopoeic</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Prometheus</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Sidewise</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Spectrum</div></a></td> <td><a href=""><div class="menutdl">Sunburst</div></a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr></table> <table class="mmaw" width="550"><tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">&#0151; &#0151; <b><i>complete Awards Directory</i></b> &#0151; &#0151;</div></a></td> </tr></table> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="">Citations</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><div class="menuhdr">&#0151; Citations Directory &#0151;</div></li> <li class="mm"><table class="mmaw" width="200"> <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></table> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="">Anthologies</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><div class="menuhdr">&#0151; Anthologies Directory &#0151;</div></li> <li class="mm"><table class="mmaw" width="200"> <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></table> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="">Rankings</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><table class="mmaw" width="200"> <tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Intro & Scoring Methodology</div></a></td></tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Short Stories</div></a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Novelettes</div></a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Novellas</div></a></td></tr> </table> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="">Timeline</a> </li> <li class="mm"><a href="#">More</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><table class="mmaw" width="200"> <tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Introduction</div></a></td></tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><div class="menutd">FAQS & Stats</div></a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Awards Results by Publisher</div></a></td></tr> <tr><td><a href=""><div class="menutd">Awards Results by Periodical</div></a></td></tr> </table> </li> </ul> </li> <!-- <li class="mm"><a href="">FAQs&Stats</a> <ul> <li class="mm"><div class="menuhdr">&#0151; FAQs & Stats Directory &#0151;</div></li> <li class="mm"><table class="mmaw" width="200"> <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></table> </li> </ul> </li> --> </ul> <br style="clear: left" /> </div> </div></div></div> <div id="wrap"> <div class="floatleft"> <a href=""><img src="" width="175" height="42" border="0"></a></div> <div class="pagetitle"> science fiction awards<sup>+</sup> database </div> <br clear="all"> <!-- here ends my header --> <!-- <div id="wrapper" class="hfeed"> <header> <div id="branding"> <div id="blog-title"><h1><a href="" title="Science Fiction Awards Database" rel="home">Science Fiction Awards Database</a></h1></div> <p id="blog-description">Listings and indexes to science fiction and fantasy awards &#8212; and more</p> </div> <div id="search"> <form method="get" id="searchform" action=""> <div id="search-inputs"> <input type="text" value="" name="s" id="s" /> <input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="Search" /> </div> </form></div> <nav> <div class="menu"></div> </nav> </header> <div id="container"> --> <!-- here begins my sidebar --> <div class="floatleft"><div class="leftpane"> <br> <!-- Place this tag where you want the search box to render --> <gcse:searchbox-only></gcse:searchbox-only> <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Awards"><img src="" width="51" height="148" border="0"></a> <br><br> <a href="" title="Nebula Awards"><img src="" width="66" height="125" border="0"></a> <br><br> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Awards"><img src="" width="75" height="100" border="0"></a> <br><br> <a href="" title="Science Fiction Hall of Fame"><img src="" width="125" height="70" border="0"></a> <br><br> <a href="" title="John W. Campbell Memorial Award"><img src="" width="81" height="125" border="0"></a> <br><br> <a href="" title="Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award"><img src="" width="81" height="120" border="0"></a> <br> <br> </div> <!-- leftpane --> </div> <!-- floatleft --> <!-- here ends my sidebar --> <div class="floatright"><div class="pagemain"> <p> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Introduction</a> | Send comments and corrections to <a href="">Mark R. Kelly</a><br><br> <div class="homepagehighlightbox"> <!-- why is empty floatleft div here..? --> <!-- <div class="floatleft"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </div> --> <div class="floatleftcovers"> <br> <div align="center"><b>-- Latest Updates --</b></div> <br><br> <div id="content"> <div class="post"> <h2><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="2025 Nebula, Andre Norton, and Ray Bradbury Finalists">2025 Nebula, Andre Norton, and Ray Bradbury Finalists</a></h2> <p class="postinfo"><i>&#0151; posted Friday 14 March 2025 @ 11:14 am PDT</i></p> <div class="contenttext"> <p><a href=";index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;tag=sciefictaward-20"><img src="" alt="" width="70" border="0" /></a> 聽 <a href=";index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;tag=sciefictaward-20"><img src="" alt="" width="70" border="0" /></a> 聽 <a href=";index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;tag=sciefictaward-20"><img src="" alt="" width="70" border="0" /></a> 聽 <a href=";index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;tag=sciefictaward-20"><img src="" alt="" width="70" border="0" /></a> 聽 <a href=";index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;tag=sciefictaward-20"><img src="" alt="" width="70" border="0" /></a> 聽 <a href=";index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;tag=sciefictaward-20"><img src="" alt="" width="70" border="0" /></a></p> <p><b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b><br /> <b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b><br /> <b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b></p> <p>Finalists for this year&#8217;s Nebula, Andre Norton, and Ray Bradbury Awards have been released. Winners will be announced on June 7, at the Nebula Conference in Kansas City MO.</p> </div> <br> <div align="center">- - -</div> <br> <!--omit category and comments <p class="postinfo"> Category: <a href="" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a><br /><a href=""><strong>Comments:</strong> none</a></p>--> </div> <div class="post"> <h2><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="2025 Philip K. Dick Finalists">2025 Philip K. Dick Finalists</a></h2> <p class="postinfo"><i>&#0151; posted Thursday 16 January 2025 @ 11:07 am PDT</i></p> <div class="contenttext"> <p><a href=";index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;tag=sciefictaward-20"><img src="" alt="" width="70" border="0" /></a> 聽 <a href=";index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;tag=sciefictaward-20"><img src="" alt="" width="70" border="0" /></a> 聽 <a href=",+the+Horizon,+and+the+Chain&amp;index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;tag=sciefictaward-20"><img src="" alt="" width="70" border="0" /></a> 聽 <a href="'s+Agent&amp;index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;tag=sciefictaward-20"><img src="" alt="" width="70" border="0" /></a> 聽 <a href=";index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;tag=sciefictaward-20"><img src="" alt="" width="70" border="0" /></a> 聽 <a href=";index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;tag=sciefictaward-20"><img src="" alt="" width="70" border="0" /></a></p> <p><b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b></p> <p>Finalists for this year&#8217;s Philip K. Dick Award, for best original science fiction paperback published in the US in 2024, have been announced. Winners will be announced at Norwescon 47 on April 18, 2025, in SeaTac WA.</p> </div> <br> <div align="center">- - -</div> <br> <!--omit category and comments <p class="postinfo"> Category: <a href="" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a><br /><a href=""><strong>Comments:</strong> none</a></p>--> </div> <div class="post"> <h2><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Most-Nominated Titles Pages">Most-Nominated Titles Pages</a></h2> <p class="postinfo"><i>&#0151; posted Thursday 16 January 2025 @ 10:16 am PDT</i></p> <div class="contenttext"> <p>&lt; <b><a href=""></a> </b> &gt;</p> <p>&lt; <b><a href=""></a> </b> &gt;</p> </div> <br> <div align="center">- - -</div> <br> <!--omit category and comments <p class="postinfo"> Category: <a href="" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a><br /><a href=""><strong>Comments:</strong> none</a></p>--> </div> <div class="post"> <h2><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Assorted 2024 and 2023 Updates">Assorted 2024 and 2023 Updates</a></h2> <p class="postinfo"><i>&#0151; posted Friday 10 January 2025 @ 11:28 am PDT</i></p> <div class="contenttext"> <p><b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b><br /> <b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b><br /> <b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b><br /> <b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b><br /> <b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b><br /> <b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b> (Infinity, Service to SFWA, Solstice)<br /> <b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b> (Infinity, Service to SFWA, Solstice)<br /> <b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b> (Scholarship, Clareson, Mary Kay Bray, etc.)<br /> <b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b> (Scholarship, Clareson, Mary Kay Bray, etc.)<br /> <b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b><br /> <b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b><br /> <b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b><br /> <b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b><br /> <b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b></p> </div> <br> <div align="center">- - -</div> <br> <!--omit category and comments <p class="postinfo"> Category: <a href="" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a><br /><a href=""><strong>Comments:</strong> none</a></p>--> </div> <div class="post"> <h2><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="2024 Kitschies Winners">2024 Kitschies Winners</a></h2> <p class="postinfo"><i>&#0151; posted Wednesday 11 December 2024 @ 3:29 pm PDT</i></p> <div class="contenttext"> <p><a href=";index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;tag=sciefictaward-20"><img src="" alt="" width="90" border="0" /></a> 聽 <a href=";index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;tag=sciefictaward-20"><img src="" alt="" width="90" border="0" /></a> 聽 <a href=";index=books&amp;linkCode=qs&amp;tag=sciefictaward-20"><img src="" alt="" width="90" border="0" /></a></p> <p><b>&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt;</b></p> <p>Winners of the 2024 (and final) Kitschies, announced November 26th, are Sandra Newman, Ayesha Manazir Siddiqi, and Janay Nachel Frazier, Stuart Wilson, and Arnold J. Kemp.</p> </div> <br> <div align="center">- - -</div> <br> <!--omit category and comments <p class="postinfo"> Category: <a href="" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a><br /><a href=""><strong>Comments:</strong> none</a></p>--> </div> <div class="navigation"> <p><span class="prevlink"><a href="" >&laquo; Previous entries</a></span> <span class="nextlink"></span></p> </div> </div> <hr size="1"> <hr size="1"> <br><br> Click headers for pages of complete results for each year. <br><br> <b>Hugo &nbsp;&nbsp;- Nebula &nbsp;- W'Fantasy &nbsp;-Campbell &nbsp;-Clarke &nbsp;-Locus SF / F</b><br> <br><br> <a href=""><b>2021 Results</b></a>: <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: Network Effect, by Martha Wells"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: Network Effect, by Martha Wells"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: Trouble with Saints, by Alaya Dawn Johnson"><img src=",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: none"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: The Animals in That Country, by Laura Jean McKay"><img src=",204,203,200_QL40_ML2_.jpg" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: Network Effect, by Martha Wells"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: The City We Became, by N.K. Jemisin"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <br><br> <a href=""><b>2020 Results</b></a>: <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: A Memory Called Empire, by Arkady Martine"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: A Song for a New Day, by Sarah Pinsker"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: Queen of the Conquered, by Kacen Callender"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: none"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: The Old Drift, by Namwali Serpell"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: The City in the Middle of the Night, by Charlie Jane Anders"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: Middlegame, by Seanan McGuire"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <br><br> <a href=""><b>2019 Results</b></a>: <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: The Calculating Stars, by Mary Robinette Kowal"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: The Calculating Stars, by Mary Robinette Kowal"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: Witchmark, by C.L. Polk"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: Blackfish City, by Sam J. Miller"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: Rosewater, by Tade Thompson"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: The Calculating Stars, by Mary Robinette Kowal"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: Spinning Silver, by Naomi Novik"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <br><br> <a href=""><b>2018 Results</b></a>: <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: The Stone Sky, by N.K. Jemisin"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: The Stone Sky, by N.K. Jemisin"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner (tie): The Changeling, by Victor LaValle"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner (tie): Jade City, by Fonda Lee"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: The Genius Plague, by David Walton"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: Dreams Before the Start of Time, by Anne Charnock"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: The Collapsing Empire, by John Scalzi"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: The Stone Sky, by N.K. Jemisin"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <br><br> <a href=""><b>2017 Results</b></a>: <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: The Obelisk Gate, by N.K. Jemisin"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: All the Birds in the Sky, by Charlie Jane Anders"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: The Sudden Appearance of Hope, by Claire North"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: Central Station, by Lavie Tidhar"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: The Underground Road, by Colson Whitehead"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: Death's End, by Cixin Liu"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: All the Birds in the Sky, by Charlie Jane Anders"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <br><br> <a href=""><b>2016 Results</b></a>: <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: The Fifth Season, by N.K. Jemisin"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: Uprooted, by Naomi Novik"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: The Chimes, by Anna Smaill"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: Radiomen, by Eleanor Lerman"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: Children of Time, by Adrian Tchaikovsky"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: Ancillary Mercy, by Ann Leckie"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: Uprooted, by Naomi Novik"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <br><br> <a href=""><b>2015 Results</b></a>: <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: The Three-Body Problem, by Cixin Liu"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: Annihilation, by Jeff VanderMeer"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: The Bone Clocks, by David Mitchell"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August, by Claire North"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: Station Eleven, by Emily St. John Mandel"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: Ancillary Sword, by Ann Leckie"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: The Goblin Emperor, by Katherine Addison"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <br><br> <a href=""><b>2014 Results</b></a>: <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: Ancillary Justice, by Ann Leckie"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: Ancillary Justice, by Ann Leckie"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="A Stranger in Olondria, by Sofia Samatar"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: Strange Bodies, by Marcel Theroux"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: Ancillary Justice, by Ann Leckie"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: Abaddon's Gate, by James S.A. Corey"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: The Ocean at the End of the Lane, by Neil Gaiman"><img src="" width="50" height="75"></a> <br><br> <a href=""><b>2013 Results</b></a> <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: Redshirts, by John Scalzi"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: 2312, by Kim Stanley Robinson"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: Alif the Unseen, by G. Willow Wilson"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: Jack Glass, by Adam Roberts"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: Dark Eden, by Chris Beckett"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: Redshirts, by John Scalzi"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: The Apocalypse Codex, by Charles Stross"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <br><br> <b>2012 Results</b> <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: Among Others, by Jo Walton"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: Among Others, by Jo Walton"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: Osama, by Lavie Tidhar"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner (tie): The Highest Frontier, by Joan Slonczewski"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner (tie): The Islanders, by Christopher Priest"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: The Testament of Jessie Lamb, by Jane Rogers"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: Embassytown, by China Mi茅ville"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: A Dance with Dragons, by George R.R. Martin"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <br><br> <b>2011 Results</b> <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: Blackout/All Clear, by Connie Willis"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: Blackout/All Clear, by Connie Willis"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: Who Fears Death, by Nnedi Okorafor"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: The Dervish House, by Ian McDonald"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: Zoo City, by Lauren Beukes"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: Blackout/All Clear, by Connie Willis"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: Kraken, by China Mi茅ville"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <br><br> <b>2010 Results</b> <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner (tie): The City & The City, by China Mi茅ville"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner (tie): The Windup Girl, by Paolo Bacigalupi"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: The Windup Girl, by Paolo Bacigalupi"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: The City & The City, by China Mi茅ville"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: The Windup Girl, by Paolo Bacigalupi"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: The City & The City, by China Mi茅ville"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: Boneshaker, by Cherie Priest"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: The City & The City, by China Mi茅ville"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <br><br> <b>2009 Results</b> <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: Powers, by Ursula K. Le Guin"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner (tie): The Shadow Year, by Jeffrey Ford"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner (tie): Tender Morsels, by Margo Lanagan"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner (tie): Little Brother, by Cory Doctorow"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner (tie): Song of Time, by Ian MacLeod"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: Song of Time, by Ian MacLeod"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: Anathem, by Neal Stephenson"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: Lavinia, by Ursula K. Le Guin"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <br><br> <b>2008 Results</b> <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: The Yiddish Policemen's Union, by Michael Chabon"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: The Yiddish Policemen's Union, by Michael Chabon"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: Ysabel, by Guy Gavriel Kay"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: In War Times, by Kathleen Ann Goonan"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: Black Man, by Richard Morgan"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: The Yiddish Policemen's Union, by Michael Chabon"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: Making Money, by Terry Pratchett"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <br><br> <b>2007 Results</b> <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: Rainbows End, by Vernor Vinge"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: Seeker, by Jack McDevitt"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: Soldier of Sidon, by Gene Wolfe"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: Titan, by Ben Bova"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: Nova Swing, by M. John Harison"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: Rainbows End, by Vernor Vinge"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: The Privelege of the Sword, by Ellen Kushner"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <br><br> <b>2006 Results</b> <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: Spin, by Robert Charles Wilson"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: Camouflage, by Joe Haldeman"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: Kafka on the Shore, by Haruki Murakami"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: Mindscan, by Robert J. Sawyer"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: Air, by Geoff Ryman"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: Accelerando, by Charles Stross"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: Ananso Boys, by Neil Gaiman"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <br><br> <b>2005 Results</b> <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: Paladin of Souls, by Lois McMaster Bujold"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: Market Forces, by Richard Morgan"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: Iron Council, by China Mi茅ville"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: The Baroque Cycle: The Confusion; The System of the World, by Neal Stephenson"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: Iron Council, by China Mi茅ville"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <br><br> <b>2004 Results</b> <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: Paladin of Souls, by Lois McMaster Bujold"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: The Speed of Dark, by Elizabeth Moon"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: Tooth and Claw, by Jo Walton"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: Omega, by Jack McDevitt"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: Quicksilver, by Neal Stephenson"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: Ilium, by Dan Simmons"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: Paladin of Souls, by Lois McMaster Bujold"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <br><br> <b>2003 Results</b> <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: Hominids, by Robert J. Sawyer"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: American Gods, by Neil Gaiman"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner (tie): The Facts of Life, by Graham Joyce"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner (tie): Ombria, by Patricia McKillip"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: Probability Space, by Nancy Kress"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: The Separation, by Christopher Priest"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: The Years of Rice and Salt, by Kim Stanley Robinson"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: The Scar, by China Mi茅ville"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <br><br> <b>2002 Results</b> <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: American Gods, by Neil Gaiman"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: The Quantum Rose, by Catherine Asaro"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner: The Other Wind, by Ursula K. Le Guin"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner (tie): The Chronoliths, by Robert Charles Wilson"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner (tie): Terraforming Earth, by Jack Williamson"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: Bold As Love, by Gwyneth Jones"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: Passage, by Connie Willis"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: American Gods, by Neil Gaiman"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <br><br> <b>2001 Results</b> <br><br> <a href="" title="Hugo Winner: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, by J.K. Rowling"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Nebula Winner: Darwin's Radio, by Greg Bear"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner (tie): Declare, by Tim Powers"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="World Fantasy Winner (tie): Galveston, by Sean Stewart"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Campbell Winner: Genesis, by Poul Anderson"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Clarke Winner: Perdido Street Station, by China Mi茅ville"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus SF Winner: The Telling, by Ursula K. Le Guin"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <a href="" title="Locus F Winner: A Storm of Swords, by George R.R. Martin"><img src="" width="50" height="75" border="0"></a> <br clear="all"> </div> <!--floatleftcovers--> <div class="floatright250"> <br> <b>Timeline</b> <br><br><br> <!-- <b><a href="">2023 Results So Far</a></b> <br><br><br> --> <b>2025 Finalists:</b> <br><br> <ul class="highlights"> <li class="home"> <a href="">Nebula</a> (7 Jun)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Andre Norton</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Ray Bradbury</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Philip K. Dick</a> (18 Apr)</li> </ul> <br><br> <b>2024 Winners:</b> (<a href="">Summary</a>) <br><br> <a href="">2024 Most-Nominated Titles</a> <br><br> <ul class="highlights"> <li class="home"> <a href="">Kitschies</a> (26 Nov)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Ignyte</a> (8 Nov)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Le Guin</a> (21 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">World Fantasy</a> (20 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Endeavour</a> (18 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">British Fantasy</a> (12 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Ditmar</a> (7 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Elgin</a> (7 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Dwarf Stars</a> (4 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Rhysling</a> (3 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">WSFA</a> (29 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sturgeon</a> (5 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Eugie</a> (2 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Dragon</a> (1 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sidewise</a> (11 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurora</a> (11 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Hugo</a> (11 Aug)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Lodestar</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Astounding</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Mythopoeic</a> (4 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Clarke</a> (24 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Cordwainer</a> (14 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Shirley Jackson</a> (13 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Prometheus</a> (10 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Seiun</a> (6 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Locus</a> (22 Jun)</li> <li class="home"><a href="">AnLab</a> (12 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Lambda</a> (11 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Nebula</a> (9 Jun)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Andre Norton</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Ray Bradbury</a></li> <li class="home"><a href="">Stoker</a> (2 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurealis</a> (18 May)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Compton Crook</a> (15 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">British SF</a> (30 Mar)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Philip K. Dick</a> (29 Mar)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Crawford</a> (16 Mar)</li> </ul> <br><br> <!-- <b>2023 Finalists:</b> <br><br> <ul class="highlights"> <li class="home"> <a href="">Chesley</a> (29 Mar 24)</li> </ul> <br><br> --> <b>2023 Winners</b> (<a href="">Summary</a>) <br><br> <a href="">2023 Most-Nominated Titles</a> <br><br> <ul class="highlights"> <li class="home"> <a href="">Chesley</a> (29 Mar 24)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Endeavour</a> (12 Nov)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">World Fantasy</a> (29 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sidewise</a> (29 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Le Guin</a> (27 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Ignyte</a> (21 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Hugo</a> (21 Oct)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Lodestar</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Astounding</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">WSFA</a> (30 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Ditmar</a> (30 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">British Fantasy</a> (17 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Dragon</a> (4 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Eugie</a> (4 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sturgeon</a> (25 Aug/22 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurora</a> (19 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Clarke</a> (16 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Mythopoeic</a> (6 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Seiun</a> (5 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Cordwainer</a> (16 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Shirley Jackson</a> (15 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Prometheus</a> (10 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Kitschies</a> (24 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Locus</a> (24 Jun)</li> <li class="home"><a href="">Stoker</a> (18 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Lambda</a> (9 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurealis</a> (3 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Nebula</a> (14 May)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Andre Norton</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Ray Bradbury</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Compton Crook</a> (9 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">British SF</a> (10 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Endeavour</a> (9 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Philip K. Dick</a> (7 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Crawford</a> (14 Feb)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Heinlein</a> (31 Jan)</li> </ul> <br><br> <b>2022 Winners:</b> <br><br> <ul class="highlights"> <li class="home"> <a href="">Otherwise</a> (19 Jan '23)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">World Fantasy</a> (6 Nov)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Shirley Jackson</a> (29 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Clarke</a> (26 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Le Guin</a> (21 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Kitschies</a> (13 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">WSFA</a> (2 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Ditmar</a> (1 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sturgeon</a> (27 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Ignyte</a> (17 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">British Fantasy</a> (17 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sidewise</a> (5 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Eugie</a> (5 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Dragon</a> (5 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Hugo</a> (5 Sep)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Lodestar</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Astounding</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurora</a> (13 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Mythopoeic</a> (31 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Prometheus</a> (8 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Locus</a> (25 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Lambda</a> (11 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurealis</a> (28 May)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Nebula</a> (21 May)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Andre Norton</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Ray Bradbury</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Stoker</a> (15 May)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">British SF</a> (18 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Philip K. Dick</a> (15 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Compton Crook</a> (11 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Skylark</a> (20 Feb)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Crawford</a> (10 Feb)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Heinlein</a> (15 Jan)</li> </ul> <br><br> <b>2021:</b> <br><br> <ul class="highlights"> <li class="home"> <a href="">Chesley</a> (6 Feb 22)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Hugo</a> (18 Dec)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Lodestar</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Astounding</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sidewise</a> (18 Dec)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Ditmar</a> (20 Nov)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">World Fantasy</a> (7 Nov)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">SFWA Grand Master</a> (5 Nov)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Mythopoeic</a> (17 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sturgeon</a> (17 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurora</a> (16 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">WSFA</a> (3 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Ignyte</a> (28 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">British Fantasy</a> (26 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Clarke</a> (26 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Elgin</a> (22 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Dwarf Stars</a> (10 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Otherwise</a> (6 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Dragon</a> (5 Sep)</li> <li class="home"><a href="">Asimov's Reader</a> (23 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Shirley Jackson</a> (15 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Cordwainer</a> (15 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Prometheus</a> (Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Kitschies</a> (21 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Seiun</a> (21 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurealis</a> (8 Jul)</li> <li class="home"><a href="">AnLab</a> (29 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Locus</a> (26 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">SFRA</a> (21 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Nebula</a> (5 Jun)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Andre Norton</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Ray Bradbury</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Imaginaire</a> (3 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Lambda</a> (1 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Stoker</a> (23 May)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Compton Crook</a> (12 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">British SF</a> (5 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Philip K. Dick</a> (2 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Crawford</a> [Mar]</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">SFWA Grand Master</a> [Dec]</li> </ul> <br><br> <b>2020:</b> <br><br> <ul class="highlights"> <li class="home"> <a href="">British Fantasy</a> (Feb 2021)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Mythopoeic</a> (Feb 2021)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Endeavour</a> (15 Nov)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">World Fantasy</a> (1 Nov)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Chesley</a> (25 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sturgeon</a> (20 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">WSFA</a> (18 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Clarke</a> (23 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Ditmar</a> (18 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sunburst</a> (31 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurora</a> (15 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Hugo</a> (1 Aug)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Lodestar</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Astounding</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Retro Hugo</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurealis</a> (25 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Shirley Jackson</a> (12 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Prometheus</a> (10 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">SF Hall of Fame</a> (2 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Rhysling</a> (26 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Lambda</a> (1 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Locus</a> (27 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Nebula</a> (30 May)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Andre Norton</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Ray Bradbury</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">British SF</a> (17 May)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Compton Crook</a> [mid-Apr]</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Stoker</a> (19 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Otherwise</a> (11 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Philip K. Dick</a> (10 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Kitschies</a> (6 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Spectrum Art</a> (4 April)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Crawford</a> [Feb]</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">SFWA Grand Master</a> [Dec]</li> </ul> <br><br> <b>2019:</b> <br><br> <ul class="highlights"> <li class="home"> <a href="">Endeavour</a> (8 Nov)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">World Fantasy</a> (3 Nov)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">British Fantasy</a> (20 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurora</a> (20 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">WSFA</a> (20 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sidewise</a> (15 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sunburst</a> (Fall)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Hugo</a> (18 Aug)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Campbell</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Retro Hugo</a> (15 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Mythopoeic</a> (5 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Seiun</a> (27 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Clarke</a> (17 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Shirley Jackson</a> (14 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Prometheus</a> (8 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Chesley</a> (7 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Locus</a> (29 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Campbell Memorial</a> (28 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sturgeon</a> (28 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Lambda</a> (3 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Nebula</a> (18 May)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Andre Norton</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Ray Bradbury</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Stoker</a> (11 May)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurealis</a> (4 May)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">British SF</a> (22 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Philip K. Dick</a> (19 Apr) <li class="home"> <a href="">Compton Crook</a> (15 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Kitschies</a> (15 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Tiptree</a> [25 Mar]</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Heinlein</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">SFWA Grand Master</a></li> </ul> <br><br> <b>2018:</b> <br><br> <ul class="highlights"> <li class="home"> <a href="">Endeavour</a> (9 Nov)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">World Fantasy</a> (4 Nov)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">British Fantasy</a> (21 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sunburst</a> (15 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurora</a> (7 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">WSFA</a> (30 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Hugo</a> (19 Aug)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Campbell</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">YA Book</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sidewise</a> (19 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Chesley</a> (17 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Retro Hugo</a> (16 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Mythopoeic</a> (23 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Clarke</a> (18 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Shirley Jackson</a> (15 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Gemmell</a> (14 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Prometheus</a> (9 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Rhysling</a> (6 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Locus</a> (23 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Campbell Memorial</a> (22 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sturgeon</a> (22 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Lambda</a> (4 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Compton Crook</a> (28 May)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Tiptree</a> (25 May)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Nebula</a> (19 May)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Andre Norton</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Ray Bradbury</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Spectrum Art</a> (5 May)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Kitschies</a> (9 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Ditmar</a> (2 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurealis</a> (2 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">British SF</a> (2 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Philip K. Dick</a> (30 Mar)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Stoker</a> (3 Mar)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Crawford</a> (Feb)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Heinlein</a> (Feb)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Skylark</a> (Feb)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Gaughan</a> (Feb)</li> </ul> <br><br> <b>2017:</b> <br><br> <ul class="highlights"> <li class="home"> <a href="">Endeavour</a> (18 Nov)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">World Fantasy</a> (5 Nov)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">WSFA</a> (8 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sunburst</a> (fall)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">British Fantasy</a> (1 Oct)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurora</a> (22 Sep)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sidewise</a> (20 Aug)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Hugo</a> (11 Aug)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Campbell</a></li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Mythopoeic</a> (30 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Clarke</a> (27 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Prometheus</a> (Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Shirley Jackson</a> (16 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Gemmell</a> (15 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Cordwainer</a> (14 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Rhysling</a> (12 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Chesley</a> (10 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Pilgrim</a>, <a href="">SFRA</a> (1 Jul)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Locus</a> (24 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Campbell Memorial</a> (18 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Sturgeon</a> (18 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Lambda</a> (12 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Ditmar</a> (11 Jun)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Tiptree</a> (29 May)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Compton Crook</a> (27 May)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Nebula</a> (20 May)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Andre Norton</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Ray Bradbury</a></li> <li class="home"><a href="">AnLab</a> (20 May)</li> <li class="home"><a href="">Asimov's Reader</a> (20 May)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Stoker</a> (29 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Spectrum Art</a> (22 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">British SF</a> (17 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Aurealis</a> (17 Apr)</li> <li class="home"> <a href="">Philip K. 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