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If they sign up some other way, (like through a switching website), we have to honour their chosen switching method, and neither of you will be able to get your referral rewards 😢</p><p data-block-key="lb0hx">We'd much rather give the reward for spreading the word directly to our customers – that's why we created our referral scheme – so please don't forget to share your link!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cms-block"> <A NAME="yourreferrallink"></a> </div> <div class="cms-block cms-block--paragraph"> <h2 data-block-key="45rbk"><b>Where is my referral link?</b></h2><p data-block-key="93z1y">You can get your link right now from the box below, just log in to get your referral. You can also get it from the homepage of our website.</p><p data-block-key="cp0k3"><b>FYI:</b> It looks similar to this: <b></b></p> </div> <div class="cms-block referrals-block referrals-block-auth referrals-block--hide"> <div class="referral__container"> <div class="referral__content referral__content--logged-in"> <h3 id="referral-header">Refer your friends</h3> <div class="referral__divider"></div> <div class="referral__text"> <p id="referral-description">Split <span class="referral__amount">£100</span> with every friend who signs up with this link</p> </div> <div class="referral__share"> <div class="referral__share__link"></div> <button class="referral__share__button" data-clipboard-text="" data-gtm="referral-home__copy-share-link">copy</button> </div> <a class="referral__share-social-media" id="referral__share-social-media--facebook" data-gtm="referral-home__share-facebook" target="_blank"> <div class="referral__share-social-media__icon referral__share-social-media__icon--facebook"></div> <p class="referral__share-social-media__text">Share referral link</p> </a> <a class="referral__share-social-media" id="referral__share-social-media--x" data-gtm="referral-home__share-twitter" target="_blank"> <div class="referral__share-social-media__icon referral__share-social-media__icon--x"></div> <p class="referral__share-social-media__text">Post referral link</p> </a> <a class="referral__share-social-media" id="referral__share-social-media--whatsapp" data-gtm="referral-home__share-whatsapp"> <div class="referral__share-social-media__icon referral__share-social-media__icon--whatsapp"></div> <p class="referral__share-social-media__text referral__share-social-media__text--whatsapp">WhatsApp referral link</p> </a> <a class="referral__share-social-media" id="referral__share-social-media--email" data-gtm="referral-home__share-email"> <div class="referral__share-social-media__icon referral__share-social-media__icon--email"></div> <p class="referral__share-social-media__text">Email referral link</p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cms-block referrals-block referrals-block-not-auth referrals-block--hide"> <div class="referral__container"> <div class="referral__content referral__content--not-logged-in"> <h2 id="referral-header">Get your referral code</h2> <p class="sr-only" id="referral-description">Sign up or sign in to get your referral code</p> <div class="referral__divider"></div> <div> <h3>Not yet a customer?</h3> <p>Get a quote and join Octopus Energy Energy in under two minutes</p> <a href="/quote/" class="referral-popup__button" data-gtm="referral-home__quote">Join Octopus Energy</a> </div> <div class="referral__divider"></div> <div> <h3>Already a customer?</h3> <p>Log in to get your referral code to share and earn <span class="referral-popup__modal__amount">£50</span> for every referral</p> <a href="/dashboard/#account-referrals" class="referral-popup__button" data-gtm="referral-home__login">Log in</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cms-block cms-block--paragraph"> <h2 data-block-key="hkngx">Do I need to create an online account to see my link?</h2><p data-block-key="k2qmu">Yes. Just go to and find the Account button in the top right corner of the homepage. Click on this, then follow the steps to set up your account (you must have registered to be on supply with Octopus Energy and use the same email you supplied when you first contacted us).</p><p data-block-key="hge57">Once you’ve registered your account, you can log in from the homepage by clicking that same Account button in the top right hand corner.</p> </div> <div class="cms-block"> <A NAME="thirdparty"></a> </div> <div class="cms-block cms-block--paragraph"> <h2 data-block-key="6egsk">Why don't I get the reward money if I join through a third party?</h2><p data-block-key="q8eij">In order to offer this reward, it has to be commercially viable for us. That’s why it’s only available when your referee uses your link and signs up directly through our website.</p><p data-block-key="w6ea5">We partner with a lot of great organisations - from switching sites like Moneysupermarket, to independent sales companies, to charitable organisations like Easyfundraising - but we have to pay these third parties for every customer who joins us through them. The extra cost associated with these new customers means that we’d actually lose money on each new customer if we offered the referral bonus as well.</p><p data-block-key="kyt35">We’ve seen the way loss-leading acquisition tactics play out in the energy market, and have even campaigned to prevent them. They create an unfair business model, with older customers having to subsidise the offers given to new customers. That’s why we only pay for referrals that come directly to us.</p> </div> <div class="cms-block"> <A NAME="guidelines"></a> </div> <div class="cms-block cms-block--paragraph"> <h2 data-block-key="vsmc5">Where can I distribute my referral code?</h2><p data-block-key="93ro3"><i>We love our customers using ingenuity to spread the word about Octopus, but there are a few restrictions to how you can share your link.</i></p><p data-block-key="l16b1"></p> </div> <div class="list-numbered"> <ol><li data-block-key="r03y2">You can’t spam third party sites with it, such as adding it to your TrustPilot review – it’s against their regulations, and we get contacted with a request to remove it every time it happens.</li><li data-block-key="fgkgs">No paid ads. It's great that you love us so much that you're willing to pay to spread the word. But, if you pay for ads you're really not sharing with friends and family and our advertising costs also increase.</li><li data-block-key="4e0k8">Your code is designed for you to share with people you know, so go mad on your own Facebook page (but not really in the comments of our Facebook page... you're kind of preaching to the choir), pin it to the top of your Twitter page, etc. Please don’t spam our Twitter page, it’s an important place for people to come for help, and we ask that you only share links if someone has asked for a specific recommendation about signing up (and then it’s fastest finger first).</li><li data-block-key="4envu">We also feel a bit awkward about you setting up accounts or profiles that use our name or branding and which might indicate you’re an official Octopus account, or affiliated with us <b>–</b> our customers need to know what is ‘us’ and don’t take information from the unofficial sources.</li></ol> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-sm-10 mx-auto align-center"> <div class="info blog-block--reference"> <div class="emphasis"> <h3 data-block-key="5h722">We don’t like to add this bit, but just so it’s fair</h3><p data-block-key="1l6rv">If we notice someone consistently doing any of these, some of our friendly octo-people may get in touch with you to remind you of the rules (we also cover them in our formal <a>Terms and Conditions</a>). If someone keeps doing it, we’ve a couple of options, such as <b>charging accounts for any referral credit made through uncool means</b>, or even taking someone’s referral link down. We don’t like to do this, but we do want to keep our online community safe and free from unsolicited spam or rudeness.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cms-block"> <A NAME="whenarerefferalspaid"></a> </div> <div class="cms-block cms-block--paragraph"> <h2 data-block-key="w1865">When do I get paid my referral credit?</h2><p data-block-key="yf4fa">Understandably, this is one of the most common questions we get asked. The answer is that credit is paid once the new user is on supply<b> and</b> their first month’s direct debit has been successfully taken. Our referral system automatically pays you after both these events have happened, and the whole process typically takes around four weeks (although this can be longer if the previous supplier delays the switch).</p> </div> <div class="cms-block"> <A NAME="referralwhenwillIknow"></a> </div> <div class="cms-block cms-block--paragraph"> <h2 data-block-key="rpihv"><b>How do I know I’ve received my credit?</b></h2><p data-block-key="y96q6">To see if your referral credit has been applied:</p><ul><li data-block-key="fe50e"><b>On the app:</b> Go to the <b>'Bills'</b> tab at the bottom of the screen. Your referral credit should be displayed as REFERRAL REWARD +£50,00.</li><li data-block-key="do8bi"><b>On the website:</b> Click on the <b>'Payments'</b> tab on the left-hand side, scroll to the bottom, and select <b>'View My Balance History'</b> to find your referral reward credit.</li></ul><p data-block-key="c6pjf">If you don’t see the credit yet, the person you referred may still be in the process of switching from their old supplier or setting up their Direct Debit.</p> </div> <div class="cms-block"> <A NAME="referralaftersignup"></a> </div> <div class="cms-block cms-block--paragraph"> <h2 data-block-key="xjdz4"><b>Can I add a referral after I’ve already signed up?</b></h2><p data-block-key="7jc5q">If you forgot to use your friend's referral link when you signed up, just get in touch and let us know the referral code. As long as you signed up directly through our site, we'll be able to add the referral to both you and your friend's accounts.</p> </div> <div class="cms-block"> <A NAME="referrallimit"></a> </div> <div class="cms-block cms-block--paragraph"> <h2 data-block-key="xjdz4"><b>What if I have a pre-pay meter?</b></h2><p data-block-key="7jc5q">If you've got a traditional pre-pay meter, sign up using your friend's referral link. Once your account is set up, get in touch with our energy specialists and ask for the referral credit - you can then either:</p><p data-block-key="bg50">● Send us direct debit details, which allows us to process the referral credit as a refund that can then be used to top up your meter.</p><p data-block-key="ddria">● Ask for the credit to be sent out as a key or card with £50 as pre-loaded credit.</p><p data-block-key="4pfa9">You'll need to have signed up directly through our site so that we can add the referral to both you and your friend's accounts.</p> </div> <div class="cms-block cms-block--paragraph"> <h2 data-block-key="xjdz4"><b>What if I have a smart pre-pay meter?</b></h2><p data-block-key="7jc5q">If you've got a smart pre-pay meter, sign up using your friend's referral link. Once your account is set up, get in touch with our energy specialists and ask them to add the referral credit to your smart pre-pay meter.</p><p data-block-key="bg50">You'll need to have signed up directly through our site so that we can add the referral to both you and your friend's accounts.</p> </div> <div class="cms-block cms-block--paragraph"> <h2 data-block-key="24f3q"><b>Is there a limit to the number of people I can refer?</b></h2><p data-block-key="aa6pc">Nope! In fact, we have one entrepreneurial customer who’s switched over 20 people - that’s £1000 credit to their Octopus account! And since that’s an awful lot of energy, we arranged a bank transfer, so they can spend it however they want.</p><p data-block-key="zy29m">So, there’s nothing more to say except: go forth and disperse those referral links! And thanks again for helping us spread the Octopus Energy message. We like to think that it’s not just the account credit that has you referring friends and family to us, but that you’re a satisfied customer, happy to share your Octopus Energy experience.</p><p data-block-key="qta76"></p><p data-block-key="tqtzz">As always, we’re keen to hear what we’re doing right and where we can improve, so if you do have thoughts, let us know on <a href="">Twitter</a> or <a href="">Facebook</a>.</p><p data-block-key="lwsel"></p><p data-block-key="5ssty">Love and Power,</p> </div> </div> <div class="well my-5"> <div class="container"> <div class="row align-items-center py-4"> <div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 mt-2"> <p class="mb-1">Published on 14th February 2025 by:</p> <div class="author"> <div class="author-image"> <img src="" width="184" alt="image of Maddie Inglis" /> </div> <div class="author-profile"> <p class="author-profile--name"> Maddie Inglis </p> <p class="author-profile--title"> Social Media Manager </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 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