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Em geral, seu uso deve ser restrito a páginas de teste e documentações. -- Os campos colocados na lista de proibições não serão exibidos de forma alguma, ou seja, o módulo deverá retornar nul para esses campos -- Os campos colocados na lista de permissões terão valores devolvidos sempre que existirem localmente -- O nome do campo em que esta função é chamada é passado através do parâmetro nomeado |nome -- O nome é obrigatório somente quando a lista de proibições e/ou a lista de permissões são usadas. O módulo retornará nul caso ele não seja passado -- A lista de proibições é passada através do parâmetro nomeado |supressfields -- A lista de permissões é passada através do parâmetro nomeado |fetchwikidata local p = {} local wiki = { langcode = mw.language.getContentLanguage().code } local i18n = { ["errors"] = { ["property-not-found"] = "Propriedade não encontrada.", ["entity-not-found"] = "Entidade Wikidata desconhecida.", ["unknown-claim-type"] = "Tipo claim com valor desconhecido.", ["unknown-entity-type"] = "Tipo entity com valor desconhecido.", ["qualifier-not-found"] = "Qualificador não encontrado.", ["site-not-found"] = "Projeto Wikimedia não encontrado.", ["unknown-datetime-format"] = "Formato datatempo desconhecido.", ["local-article-not-found"] = "Notícia ainda não se encontra disponível nesta wiki." }, ["editenowikidata"] = "Edite no Wikidata", ["filespace"] = "Ficheiro", ["months"] = { "janeiro", "fevereiro", "março", "abril", "maio", "junho", "julho", "agosto", "setembro", "outubro", "novembro", "dezembro" }, ["ac"] = "a.C.", ["century"] = "[[Século $1]]", ["centurysemlink"] = "século $1", ["decade"] = "[[Década de $1]]", ["decadesemlink"] = "década de $1" } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- formatDate pega uma data no formato usual de mw.wikibase.entity:formatPropertyValues -- como "1 de agosto de 30 aC" como primeiro parâmetro e o formata de acordo com os parâmetros dateformat (formato de data), bc (indicador de era), idioma e datasemlink -- df = <"dmy"/"mdy"/"y">. O valor padrão é "dmy" -- bc = <"a.C.">. O valor padrão será "a.C." -- idioma = <"pt"/"pt-ao"/"">. O valor padrão é "", e significa que a data será exibida no formato português brasileiro. "pt" representa o formato português europeu e "pt-ao" o formato do português angolano. -- datasemlink = <"sim"/"">. O valor padrão é "", e significa que a data será devolvida em formato wiki. -- primeiro a versão local local format_Date = function(frame,datetime, dateformat, bc, idioma, datasemlink) local datetime = datetime or "14 de fevereiro 1 August 30 BCE" -- in case of nil value -- chop off multiple vales and/or any hours, mins, etc. -- keep anything before punctuation - we just want a single date: local dateval = string.match( datetime, "[%w ç]+") local dateformat = string.lower(dateformat or "dmy") -- default to dmy local datasemlink = datasemlink local c1 local c2 if datasemlink == "sim" then c1 = "" c2 = "" else c1 = "[[" c2 = "]]" end local bc = string.upper(bc or "") -- can't use nil for bc -- we only want to accept two possibilities: BC or default to BCE if bc=="BCE" then bc = " " .. i18n["ac"] -- prepend the space. **internationalise later** else bc = " " .. i18n["ac"] end local postchrist = true -- start by assuming no BCE local dateparts = {} for word in string.gmatch(dateval,"([%w-ç]+)") do if word == "BC" or word=="BCE" then -- **internationalise later** postchrist = false else -- we'll keep the parts that are not 'BCE' in a table dateparts[#dateparts + 1] = word end end if postchrist then bc = "" end -- set AD dates to no suffstring.("$1","$1",**internationalise later** local sep = " de " -- separator is nbsp local fdate = table.concat(dateparts, " de ") -- formatted date defaults to same order as input -- if we have day month year, check dateformat if #dateparts == 3 then --por padrão dmy --se é dia primeiro if idioma == "pt" then fdate = c1..dateparts[1]..sep..dateparts[2]..c2..sep..c1..dateparts[3]..bc..c2 elseif idioma =="pt-ao" then fdate = c1..dateparts[1]..sep..dateparts[2]:gsub("^%l", string.upper)..c2..sep..c1..dateparts[3]..bc..c2 else if dateparts[1]==tostring(1) then fdate = c1..dateparts[1].."º"..sep..dateparts[2]..c2..sep..c1..dateparts[3]..bc..c2 else fdate = c1..dateparts[1]..sep..dateparts[2]..c2..sep..c1..dateparts[3]..bc..c2 end end if dateformat == "y" then fdate = c1..dateparts[3]..bc..c2 elseif dateformat == "my" then if idioma =="pt-ao" then fdate = c1..dateparts[2]:gsub("^%l", string.upper) ..c2.. sep .. c1 .. dateparts[3] ..bc.. c2 else fdate = c1..dateparts[2]:gsub("^%l", string.upper) ..c2.. sep .. c1 .. dateparts[3] ..bc.. c2 end end elseif #dateparts == 2 then if dateformat == "y" then fdate = c1..dateparts[2]..bc..c2 else if idioma == "pt-ao" then fdate = c1..dateparts[1]:gsub("^%l", string.upper)..c2..sep..c1..dateparts[2]..bc..c2 else fdate = c1..dateparts[1]..c2..sep..c1..dateparts[2]..bc..c2 end end else fdate = c1..dateparts[1]..bc..c2 end return fdate end local format_Date_template = function(frame,datetime, dateformat, bc, idioma) local datetime = datetime or "14 de fevereiro" local dateval = string.match( datetime, "[%w ç]+") local dateformat = string.lower(dateformat or "dmy") local bc = string.upper(bc or "") bc = "-" local function _numes(mes) local result = mes for k, v in ipairs(i18n["months"]) do if mes == v then result = tostring(k) end end return result end local postchrist = true -- start by assuming no BCE local dateparts = {} for word in string.gmatch(dateval,"([%w-ç]+)") do if word == "BC" or word=="BCE" then -- **internationalise later** postchrist = false else -- we'll keep the parts that are not 'BCE' in a table dateparts[#dateparts + 1] = _numes(word) end end if postchrist then bc = " " end local sep = "|" local fdate = table.concat(dateparts, sep) if #dateparts == 3 then if dateformat == "y" then fdate =[3] elseif dateformat == "my" then fdate = sep..dateparts[2][3] else fdate = dateparts[1]..sep..dateparts[2][3] end elseif #dateparts == 2 then if dateformat == "y" then fdate =[2] else fdate = sep..dateparts[1][2] end else fdate =[1] end return fdate end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- parseParam takes a (string) parameter, e.g. from the list of frame arguments, -- and makes "false", "no", and "0" into the (boolean) false -- it makes the empty string and nil into the (boolean) value passed as default -- allowing the parameter to be true or false by default. local parseParam = function(param, default) if param and (#param > 0) then param = param:lower() if (param == "false") or (param == "no") or (param == "não") or (param == "0") then return false else return true end else return default end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The label in a Wikidata item is subject to vulnerabilities -- that an attacker might try to exploit. -- It needs to be 'sanitised' by removing any wikitext before use. -- If it doesn't exist, just return the id for the item local labelOrId = function (id,idioma) local label = "" if idioma == "pt" or idioma == "pt-ao" then label = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(id,'pt') or mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(id,'pt-br') or "" else label = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(id,'pt-br') or mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(id,'pt') or "" end if label ~= "" then return mw.text.nowiki(label) else return id end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- sourced takes a table representing a statement that may or may not have references -- it counts how many references are sourced to something not contianing the word "wikipedia" -- the reference string "ref" is available for debugging -- it returns a boolean = true if there are any sourced references. local sourced = function(claim) local refs = 0 if claim.references then for kr, vr in pairs(claim.references) do local ref = mw.wikibase.renderSnaks(vr.snaks) if not ref:find("Wikipedia") then refs = refs + 1 end end end return refs > 0 end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- parseInput processes the Q-id , the blacklist and the whitelist -- if an input parameter is supplied, it returns that and ends the call. -- it returns a boolean indicating whether or not the call should continue -- and an object containing all of the Wikidata for the Qid supplied or the current page local parseInput = function(frame, input_parm, property_id) -- can take a named parameter |qid which is the Wikidata ID for the article. -- This will not normally be used because it's an expensive call. local qid = frame.args.qid if qid and (#qid == 0) then qid = nil end -- The blacklist is passed in named parameter |suppressfields local blacklist = frame.args.suppressfields -- The whitelist is passed in named parameter |fetchwikidata local whitelist = frame.args.fetchwikidata -- The name of the field that this function is called from is passed in named parameter |name local fieldname = if blacklist then -- The name is compulsory when blacklist is used, so return nil if it is not supplied if not fieldname or (#fieldname == 0) then return false, nil, nil end -- If this field is on the blacklist, then return nil if blacklist:find(fieldname) then return false, nil, nil end end -- If we got this far then we're not on the blacklist -- The blacklist overrides any locally supplied parameter as well -- If a non-blank input parameter was supplied return it if input_parm then return false, input_parm, nil end -- Otherwise see if this field is on the whitelist: if not (whitelist and (whitelist == 'ALL' or whitelist:find(fieldname))) then -- not on the whitelist so just return what should be a nil input parameter return false, input_parm, nil end -- See what's on Wikidata: local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qid) if entity and then local props =[property_id] if props and props[1] then return true, entity, props end end -- no property on Wikidata return false, input_parm, nil end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function _getvalue(frame, entity, props, filter, propertyID, unit) -- onlysourced is a boolean passed to return only values sourced to other than Wikipedia -- if nothing or an empty string is passed set it true -- if "false" or "no" or "0" is passed set it false local onlysrc = parseParam(frame.args.onlysourced, true) -- noicon is a boolean passed to suppress the trailing "edit at Wikidata" icon -- for use when the value is processed further by the infobox -- if nothing or an empty string is passed set it false -- if "false" or "no" or "0" is passed set it false local noic = parseParam(frame.args.noicon, false) -- wdlinks is a boolean passed to enable links to Wikidata when no article exists -- if nothing or an empty string is passed set it false -- if "false" or "no" or "0" is passed set it false local wdl = parseParam(frame.args.wdlinks, false) -- sorted is a boolean passed to enable sorting of the values returned -- if nothing or an empty string is passed set it false -- if "false" or "no" or "0" is passed set it false local sorted = parseParam(frame.args.sorted, false) -- separator is a string that is used to separate multiple returned values -- if nothing or an empty string is passed set it to the default -- any double-quotes " are stripped out, so that spaces may be passed -- e.g. |sep=" - " local sepdefault = ", " -- **internationalise later** local separator = frame.args.sep or "" if separator=="nenhum" then separator = "" else separator = string.gsub(separator, '"', '') if #separator == 0 then separator = sepdefault end end -- list is a string that may be "", "hlist" or "ubl" -- this controls whether multiple values are output as comma-separated -- as a horizontal list (hlist) or unbulleted list (ubl) local list = frame.args.list or "" if list~="hlist" and list~="ubl" then list = "" end -- prefix is a string that may be nil, empty (""), or a string of characters -- this is prefixed to each value -- useful when when multiple values are returned -- any double-quotes " are stripped out, so that spaces may be passed local prefix = frame.args.prefix or "" prefix = string.gsub(prefix, '"', '') -- postfix is a string that may be nil, empty (""), or a string of characters -- this is postfixed to each value -- useful when when multiple values are returned -- any double-quotes " are stripped out, so that spaces may be passed local postfix = frame.args.postfix or "" postfix = string.gsub(postfix, '"', '') -- linkprefix is a string that may be nil, empty (""), or a string of characters -- this creates a link and is then prefixed to each value -- useful when when multiple values are returned and indirect links are needed -- any double-quotes " are stripped out, so that spaces may be passed local lprefix = frame.args.linkprefix or "" lprefix = string.gsub(lprefix, '"', '') -- linkpostfix is a string that may be nil, empty (""), or a string of characters -- this is postfixed to each value when linking is enabled with lprefix -- useful when when multiple values are returned -- any double-quotes " are stripped out, so that spaces may be passed local lpostfix = frame.args.linkpostfix or "" lpostfix = string.gsub(lpostfix, '"', '') -- maxvals is a string that may be nil, empty (""), or a number -- this determines how many items may be returned when multiple values are available -- the behaviour is customisable for each different data type local maxvals = tonumber(frame.args.maxvals) or -1 -- contagem is a string that may be empty (""), or "sim" -- for use when one wants to get the quantity of values returned local contagem = frame.args.contagem or "" -- So now we have something to return: deal with: -- (1) ["datatype"] = "wikibase-item"; -- (2) ["datatype"] = "time"; -- (3) ["datatype"] = "commonsMedia", -- ["datatype"] = "external-id", -- ["datatype"] = "string", -- ["datatype"] = "url" -- (4) ["datatype"] = "quantity" -- (5) ["datatype"] = "globe-coordinate", or anything else local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage().code local thisQid = -- table 'out' is going to to store the return value(s): local out = {} local semlink = frame.args.semlink or "não" local semlink = frame.args.artigosemlink or "não" local icon = " [[" .. i18n["filespace"] .. ":Blue pencil.svg |frameless |text-top |10px |alt=" .. i18n["editenowikidata"] .. "|link=" .. thisQid .. "?uselang=" .. lang .. "#" .. propertyID .. "|" .. i18n["editenowikidata"] .. "]]" local dni = frame.args.dni or "não" -- data type is a wikibase item: if props[1].mainsnak.datatype == "wikibase-item" then -- it's wiki-linked value, so output as link if possible for k, v in pairs(props) do if filter(v) and ((onlysrc == false) or sourced(v)) then -- has valid refs or all values required if v.mainsnak.snaktype == "somevalue" then -- check for value is unknown out[#out + 1] = "Desconhecido" elseif v.mainsnak.snaktype == "novalue" then -- check for value is none -- out[#out + 1] = "No value" -- don't return a value for this else local qnumber = "Q" .. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] local sitelink = mw.wikibase.sitelink(qnumber) local label = labelOrId(qnumber,frame.args.idioma or "pt-br") local gender = frame.args.gender or "" if gender ~= "" and["P21"] then local genderID =["P21"][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value["id"] if genderID == "F" or genderID == "Q6581072" or genderID == "Q1052281" or genderID == "Q43445" then local genderEntity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qnumber) if["P2521"] then for k2,v2 in pairs(["P2521"]) do if filter(v2) and (v2.mainsnak.datavalue.value["language"] == "pt-br" or v2.mainsnak.datavalue.value["language"] == "pt") then label = v2.mainsnak.datavalue.value["text"] end end end end end if label ~= qnumber then if sitelink then if semlink == "sim" then out[#out + 1] = label else if sitelink ~= label then if artigosemlink == "sim" then out[#out + 1] = sitelink else out[#out + 1] = "[[" .. sitelink .. "|" .. label .. "]]" -- devolve o link pro artigo com um rótulo label end else if artigosemlink == "sim" then out[#out + 1] = sitelink else out[#out + 1] = "[[" .. sitelink .. "]]" -- devolve o link pro artigo com um rótulo sitelink end end end else -- no sitelink, so check first for a redirect with that label local artitle =, 0) if > 0 then if artitle.isRedirect then -- no sitelink, but there's a redirect with the same title as the label -- let's link to that out[#out + 1] = label -- Devolve só o label, pois ter um redirecionamento com o mesmo rótulo não implica que os itens estão ligados. else -- no sitelink and not a redirect but an article exists with the same title as the label -- that's probably a dab page, so output the plain label out[#out + 1] = label -- Devolve só o label, pois título do artigo igual ao label não implica que os itens estão ligados. end else -- no article or redirect with the same title as the label if wdl then -- show that there's a Wikidata entry available out[#out + 1] = "[[:d:Q" .. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] .. "|" .. label .. "]] <span title='" .. i18n["errors"]["local-article-not-found"] .. "'>[[File:Wikidata-logo.svg|16px|alt=|link=]]</span>" else -- no wikidata links required, so don't show it out[#out + 1] = label end end end end -- If the property has a qualifier of latest date, add that in all cases: if v.qualifiers then local quals = v.qualifiers["P1326"] -- latest date qualifier if quals and #out>0 then out[#out] = out[#out] .. " (" .. ")" end end end -- check for unknown value end -- check for sourced if maxvals > 0 and #out >= maxvals then break end end -- loop through k-v pairs -- data type is time: elseif props[1].mainsnak.datatype == "time" then local datamorte = "" -- it's a date value, so output according to formatting preferences for k, v in pairs(props) do -- check for references, and count valid references if filter(v) and ((onlysrc == false) or sourced(v)) then if v.mainsnak.snaktype == "somevalue" then -- check for value is unknown out[#out + 1] = "Desconhecido" elseif v.mainsnak.snaktype == "novalue" then -- check for value is none -- out[#out + 1] = "No value" -- don't return a value for this else local timestamp = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.time -- A year can be stored like this: "+1872-00-00T00:00:00Z", -- which is processed here as if it were the day before "+1872-01-01T00:00:00Z", -- and that's the last day of 1871, so the year is wrong. -- So fix the month 0, day 0 timestamp to become 1 January instead: timestamp = timestamp:gsub("%-00%-00T", "-01-01T") local dateprecision = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.precision local fpvdate = tonumber(timestamp:sub(2, 5)) local fdate if dateprecision >= 9 then -- 9 is year precision local dateformat = "y" if dateprecision >= 10 then -- prepend month if dni ~= "não" then fpvdate = tonumber(timestamp:sub(7, 8)) .. " " .. fpvdate else fpvdate = i18n.months[tonumber(timestamp:sub(7, 8))] .. " " .. fpvdate end dateformat = frame.args.df if dateprecision >= 11 then -- prepend day fpvdate = tonumber(timestamp:sub(10, 11)) .. " " .. fpvdate end if timestamp:sub(1, 1) == "-" then fpvdate = fpvdate .. " BCE" end else if timestamp:sub(1, 1) == "-" then fpvdate = fpvdate.." BCE" end end local idioma = frame.args.idioma or "pt-br" local datasemlink = frame.args.datasemlink or semlink if dni ~= "não" then if["P570"] then datamorte = "existe" end end if frame.args.display=="predefinição" then fdate = format_Date_template(frame,fpvdate,dateformat,frame.args.bc,frame.args.idioma) else fdate = format_Date(frame,fpvdate, dateformat, frame.args.bc,frame.args.idioma,frame.args.datasemlink,datamorte,dni) end elseif dateprecision == 8 then -- decade local datasemlink = frame.args.datasemlink or semlink local decade = fpvdate or "" if timestamp:sub(1, 1) == "-" then -- date is BC if datasemlink == "sim" then fdate = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n["decadesemlink"], "$1", decade.." "..i18n["ac"]) else fdate = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n["decade"], "$1", decade.." "..i18n["ac"]) end else if datasemlink == "sim" then fdate = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n["decadesemlink"], "$1", decade) else fdate = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n["decade"], "$1", decade) end end if frame.args.display=="predefinição" then fdate = decade end elseif dateprecision == 7 then -- century local datasemlink = frame.args.datasemlink or semlink local century = require("Módulo:Romano")._main({math.floor((fpvdate - 1) / 100) + 1}) if timestamp:sub(1, 1) == "-" then -- date is BC if datasemlink == "sim" then fdate = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n["centurysemlink"], "$1", century.." "..i18n["ac"]) else fdate = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n["century"], "$1", century.." "..i18n["ac"]) end else if datasemlink == "sim" then fdate = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n["centurysemlink"], "$1", century) else fdate = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n["century"], "$1", century) end end else -- date precisions 0 to 6 (billion years to millenium) TODO: -- end out[#out+1] = fdate end -- check for unknown value end -- check for sourced if maxvals > 0 and #out >= maxvals then break end end -- loop through k-v pairs -- data types which are strings: elseif props[1].mainsnak.datatype == "commonsMedia" or props[1].mainsnak.datatype == "external-id" or props[1].mainsnak.datatype == "string" or props[1].mainsnak.datatype == "url" then -- commonsMedia or external-id or string or url -- all have mainsnak.datavalue.value as string for k, v in pairs(props) do if filter(v) and ((onlysrc == false) or sourced(v)) then -- has valid refs or all values required if v.mainsnak.snaktype == "somevalue" then -- check for value is unknown out[#out + 1] = "Desconhecido" elseif v.mainsnak.snaktype == "novalue" then -- check for value is none -- out[#out + 1] = "No value" -- don't return a value for this else if lprefix > "" then out[#out+1] = "[[" .. lprefix .. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value .. lpostfix .. "|" .. prefix .. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value .. postfix .. "]]" else if postfix == "ref" then out[#out+1] = "<ref name =" .. string.match(v.mainsnak.datavalue.value, "%.(.-)%.") .. "-" .. string.match(v.mainsnak.datavalue.value, "^.+/(.-)$") .. ">" .. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value .. "</ref>" else out[#out+1] = prefix .. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value .. postfix end end -- check for link requested end -- check for unknown value end -- check for sourced if maxvals > 0 and #out >= maxvals then break end end -- loop through k-v pairspairs -- data types which are quantities: elseif props[1].mainsnak.datatype == "quantity" then for k, v in pairs(props) do if filter(v) and ((onlysrc == false) or sourced(v)) then -- has valid refs or all values required if v.mainsnak.snaktype == "somevalue" then -- check for value is unknown out[#out + 1] = "Desconhecido" elseif v.mainsnak.snaktype == "novalue" then -- check for value is none -- out[#out + 1] = "No value" -- don't return a value for this else local amount = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.amount amount = mw.ustring.gsub(amount, "%+", "") local sortkey = string.format("%09d", amount) local lang = amount = lang:formatNum(tonumber(amount)) -- This is used to get the unit name for a numeric value local suffix = "" local unitID = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.unit unitID = mw.ustring.sub(unitID, mw.ustring.find(unitID, "Q"), -1) if mw.ustring.sub(unitID, 1, 1) == "Q" then local unit_label = mw.wikibase.label(unitID) suffix = " " .. require("Módulo:Wikidata/Unidades").getUnit(amount, unit_label, unitID, unit == "unidade") end out[#out+1] = amount .. suffix .. postfix end end if maxvals > 0 and #out >= maxvals then break end end -- data types which are monolingualtext: elseif props[1].mainsnak.datatype == "monolingualtext" then for k, v in pairs(props) do if filter(v) and ((onlysrc == false) or sourced(v)) then -- has valid refs or all values required if v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language == 'pt-br' or v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language == 'pt' then out[#out+1] = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.text end -- check for language values end -- check for sourced if maxvals > 0 and #out >= maxvals then break end end -- some other data type: else -- some other data type -- e.g. globe-coordinate where mainsnak.datavalue.value is a table -- either write a specific handler -- or we can use formatPropertyValues() as a temporary measure. This won't work with multiple valid values. for k, v in pairs(props) do if filter(v) and ((onlysrc == false) or sourced(v)) then -- has valid refs or all values required local propertyValue = entity:formatPropertyValues(propertyID).value out[#out+1] = propertyValue break end -- check for sourced if maxvals > 0 and #out >= maxvals then break end end end -- if there's anything to return, then return a list -- comma-separated by default, but may be specified by the sep parameter -- optionally specify a hlist or ubl if #out > 0 then if sorted then table.sort(out) end if list == "hlist" then return frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Hlist', args = out} elseif list == "ubl" then return frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Unbulleted list', args = out} else if noic then if contagem == "sim" then return #out else return table.concat(out, separator) end else if contagem == "sim" then return #out else return table.concat(out, separator) .. icon end end end else return nil -- no items had valid reference end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Public functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getValue is used to get a value, or a comma separated list of them if multiple values exist -- p.getValue = function(frame) local propertyID = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") -- There may be a local parameter supplied, if it's blank, set it to nil local input_parm = mw.text.trim(frame.args[2] or "") local unit = mw.text.trim(frame.args[3] or "") if input_parm and (#input_parm == 0) then input_parm = nil end local success, errorOrEntity, props = parseInput(frame, input_parm, propertyID) if not success then return errorOrEntity else entity = errorOrEntity end local function filter(claim) return true end return _getvalue(frame, entity, props, filter, propertyID, unit) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getPreferredValue is used to get a value, or a comma separated list of them if multiple values exist -- If preferred ranks are set, it will return those values, otherwise values with normal ranks -- p.getPreferredValue = function(frame) local propertyID = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") -- There may be a local parameter supplied, if it's blank, set it to nil local input_parm = mw.text.trim(frame.args[2] or "") local unit = mw.text.trim(frame.args[3] or "") if input_parm and (#input_parm == 0) then input_parm = nil end local success, errorOrEntity, props = parseInput(frame, input_parm, propertyID) if not success then return errorOrEntity else entity = errorOrEntity end local prefflag = false for k, v in pairs(props) do if v.rank == "preferred" then prefflag = true break end end local function filter(claim) return claim.rank == "preferred" or prefflag == false end return _getvalue(frame, entity, props, filter, propertyID, unit) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getSourcedValue is used to get a value, or a comma separated list of them if multiple values exist -- but only values that are sourced are returned -- redundant to getValue with onlysourced=true but kept for backwards compatibility -- now defined via getValue -- p.getSourcedValue = function(frame) frame.args.onlysourced = "yes" return p.getValue(frame) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getCoords is used to get coordinates for display in an infobox -- whitelist and blacklist are implemented -- optional 'display' parameter is allowed, defaults to "inline, title" -- p.getCoords = function(frame) local propertyID = "P625" local input_parm = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") if input_parm and (#input_parm == 0) then input_parm = nil end -- if there is a 'display' parameter supplied, use it -- otherwise default to "inline, title" local disp = frame.args.display if (not disp) or (#disp == 0) then disp = "inline, title" end local success, errorOrEntity = parseInput(frame, input_parm, property_id) if not success then return errorOrEntity else local entity = errorOrEntity local lat_long = {} local coords = entity:formatPropertyValues(propertyID).value -- the latitude and longitude are returned like this: nn°nn&#39;nn.n&#34; -- using html entities with hex values really screws up parsing the numbers - thanks devs local lat = mw.ustring.match(coords, "^[^,]*") -- everything from the start to before the comma local long = mw.ustring.match(coords, "[^ ]*$") -- everything from after the space to the end lat = lat:gsub("&#%d%d;", ":") -- clean out the html entities long = long:gsub("&#%d%d;", ":") -- clean out the html entities -- read the latitude numbers into a table for num in mw.ustring.gmatch(lat, "%d+%.?%d*") do lat_long[#lat_long + 1] = num end -- add the N/S lat_long[#lat_long + 1] = lat:sub(-1) -- read the longitude numbers into a table for num in mw.ustring.gmatch(long, "%d+%.?%d*") do lat_long[#lat_long + 1] = num end -- add E/W for long lat_long[#lat_long + 1] = long:sub(-1) -- add named parameter for display lat_long["display"] = disp -- invoke template Coor dms with the values stored in the table return frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Coor dms', args = lat_long} end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getQualifierValue is used to get a formatted value of a qualifier -- -- The call needs: a property (the unnamed parameter or 1=) -- a target value for that property (pval=) -- a qualifier for that target value (qual=) -- The usual whitelisting and blacklisting of the property is implemented -- The boolean onlysourced= parameter can be set to return nothing -- when the property is unsourced (or only sourced to Wikipedia) -- p.getQualifierValue = function(frame) local propertyID = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") -- The PropertyID of the target value of the property -- whose qualifier is to be returned is passed in named parameter |pval= local propvalue = frame.args.pval -- The PropertyID of the qualifier -- whose value is to be returned is passed in named parameter |qual= local qualifierID = frame.args.qual -- onlysourced is a boolean passed to return qualifiers -- only when property values are sourced to something other than Wikipedia -- if nothing or an empty string is passed set it false -- if "false" or "no" or 0 is passed set it false local onlysrc = parseParam(frame.args.onlysourced,false) local success, errorOrEntity, props = parseInput(frame,nil, propertyID) if not success then return errorOrEntity else local entity = errorOrEntity -- Scan through the values of the property -- we want something like property is P793, significant event (in propertyID) -- whose value is something like Q385378, construction (in propvalue) -- then we can return the value(s) of a qualifier such as P580, start time (in qualifierID) for k1, v1 in pairs(props) do if v1.mainsnak.snaktype == "value" and v1.mainsnak.datavalue.type == "wikibase-entityid" then -- It's a wiki-linked value, so check if it's the target (in propvalue) -- and if it has qualifiers if == propvalue and v1.qualifiers then if (onlysrc == true) and not sourced(v1) then return end -- if we've got this far, we have a (sourced) claim with qualifiers -- which matches the target, so find the value(s) of the qualifier we want local quals = v1.qualifiers[qualifierID] local out = {} if quals then if quals[1].datatype == "wikibase-item" then for k2, v2 in pairs(quals) do local valueID = local sitelink = mw.wikibase.sitelink(valueID) local label = labelOrId(valueID,frame.args.idioma or "pt-br") if sitelink then out[#out + 1] = "[[" .. sitelink .. "|" .. label .. "]]" else out[#out + 1] = "[[:d:" .. valueID .. "|" .. label .. "]] <span title='" .. i18n["errors"]["local-article-not-found"] .. "'>[[Ficheiro:Wikidata-logo.svg|16px|alt=|link=]]</span>" end end return table.concat(out, ", ") else return mw.wikibase.renderSnaks(quals) end end end end -- of loop through values of propertyID end end return nil end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getLink returns the label for a Qid wiki-linked to the local article (if the article exists) -- if label doesn't exist, it returns the Qid wiki-linked to the local article (if the article exists) -- p.getLink = function(frame) local itemID = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") if itemID == "" then return end local sitelink = mw.wikibase.sitelink(itemID) local idioma = frame.args.idioma or "pt-br" local label = labelOrId(itemID,idioma) if sitelink then return "[[" .. sitelink .. "|" .. label .. "]]" else return label end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getID returns the qid for the local article (if the article has one) -- if qid doesn't exist, it returns an empty string -- p.getID = function() local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject() if entity == nil then return "" end return end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getLabel returns the label for a Qid -- if label doesn't exist, it returns the Qid -- p.getLabel = function(frame) local itemID = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") if itemID == "" then return end return labelOrId(itemID,frame.args.idioma or "pt-br") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getAT returns the article title for a Qid -- or nothing if it doesn't exist -- p.getAT = function(frame) local itemID = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") if itemID == "" then return end return mw.wikibase.sitelink(itemID) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getSitelink returns the article title for a Qid in a globalSiteId wiki (like "enwiki" or "ptwiki") -- or nothing if it doesn't exist -- p.getSitelink = function(frame) local itemID = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") local globalSiteId = mw.text.trim(frame.args[2] or "") return mw.wikibase.sitelink(itemID,globalSiteId) end local _getSitelink = function(qid,wiki) local qid = qid or "" local wiki = wiki or "" return mw.wikibase.sitelink(qid,wiki) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- formatDate is a wrapper to export the private function format_Date -- p.formatDate = function(frame) return format_Date(frame,frame.args[1], frame.args.df, frame.args.bc,frame.args.idioma, frame.args.datasemlink) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checkBlacklist allows a test to check whether a named field is suppressed -- {{#if:{{#invoke:WikidataIB |checkBlacklist |name=Joe |suppressfields=Dave; Joe; Fred}} | not blacklisted | blacklisted}} -- displays "blacklisted" -- {{#if:{{#invoke:WikidataIB |checkBlacklist |name=Jim |suppressfields=Dave; Joe; Fred}} | not blacklisted | blacklisted}} -- displays "not blacklisted" -- p.checkBlacklist = function(frame) local blacklist = frame.args.suppressfields local fieldname = if blacklist and fieldname then if blacklist:find(fieldname) then return nil end return true end end p.predMorte = function(frame) local result1 = {} local result2 = {} local idioma for word in string.gmatch(frame.args[1],"[^|]+") do result1[#result1+1] = word end for word2 in string.gmatch(frame.args[2],"[^|]+") do result2[#result2+1] = word2 end if #result1 == 2 then result1[3] = result1[2] result1[2] = result1[1] result1[1] = "" elseif #result1 == 1 then result1[3] = result1[1] result1[2] = "" result1[1] = "" end if #result2 == 2 then result2[3] = result2[2] result2[2] = result2[1] result2[1] = "" elseif #result2 == 1 then result2[3] = result2[1] result2[2] = "" result2[1] = "" end if frame.args.idioma == "pt-ao" then idioma = "ao" else idioma = "br" end if (result1[1]=="Desconhecido") or (result1[2]== "Desconhecido") or (result1[3]== "Desconhecido") then return "Desconhecido" else if (result2[1]=="Desconhecido") or (result2[2]== "Desconhecido") or (result2[3]== "Desconhecido") then return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Morte', args = {result1[1],result1[2],result1[3],lang = idioma}} else return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Morte', args = {result1[1],result1[2],result1[3],result2[1],result2[2],result2[3],lang = idioma}} end end end p.predDni = function(frame) local result = {} local idioma local comidade = frame.args[2] or "" for word in string.gmatch(frame.args[1],"[^|]+") do result[#result+1] = word end if #result == 2 then result[3] = result[2] result[2] = result[1] result[1] = "" elseif #result == 1 then result[3] = result[1] result[2] = "" result[1] = "" elseif #result == 0 then result[3] = "" result[2] = "" result[1] = "" end if frame.args.idioma == "pt-ao" then idioma = "ao" else idioma = "br" end if (result[1]=="Desconhecido") or (result[2]== "Desconhecido") or (result[3]== "Desconhecido") then return "Desconhecido" end if result[3]~="" and tonumber(result[3])<1900 then comidade = "si" end if string.match(result[3], "-") then result[3] = string.gsub(result[3], "-", "") result[3] = result[3].." a.C." end if comidade then return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Dni', args = {result[1],result[2],result[3],comidade,lang = idioma}} else return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Dni', args = {result[1],result[2],result[3],lang = idioma}} end end p.getValueQualIndirect = function(frame) local propertyID = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") -- The PropertyID of the qualifier -- whose value is to be returned is passed in named parameter |qual= local qualifierID = frame.args.qual -- onlysourced is a boolean passed to return qualifiers -- only when property values are sourced to something other than Wikipedia -- if nothing or an empty string is passed set it false -- if "false" or "no" or 0 is passed set it false local onlysrc = parseParam(frame.args.onlysourced,false) local artigosemlink = frame.args.artigosemlink or "não" local success, errorOrEntity, props = parseInput(frame,nil, propertyID) if not success then return errorOrEntity else local entity = errorOrEntity -- Scan through the values of the property -- we want something like property is P793, significant event (in propertyID) -- whose value is something like Q385378, construction (in propvalue) -- then we can return the value(s) of a qualifier such as P580, start time (in qualifierID) local sep = frame.args.sep or ", " local out = {} local onlyvalue = frame.args.onlyvalue or "" local comlink = frame.args.comlink or "" for k1, v1 in pairs(props) do if v1.mainsnak.snaktype == "value" then --and v1.mainsnak.datavalue.type == "wikibase-entityid" then -- It's a wiki-linked value, so check if it's the target (in propvalue) -- and if it has qualifiers if v1.mainsnak.datatype == "wikibase-item" then local propid = local propsitelink = mw.wikibase.sitelink(propid) local proplabel = labelOrId(propid,frame.args.idioma or "pt-br") if propsitelink then if propsitelink == proplabel then propvalue = "[["..propsitelink.."]]" else propvalue = "[["..propsitelink.."|"..proplabel.."]]" end else if comlink == "sim" then propvalue = "[["..proplabel.."]]" else propvalue = proplabel end end end --elseif quantity, url etc TODO if v1.qualifiers then == propvalue and if (onlysrc == true) and not sourced(v1) then return end -- if we've got this far, we have a (sourced) claim with qualifiers -- which matches the target, so find the value(s) of the qualifier we want local quals = v1.qualifiers[qualifierID] if quals then local sep_qual = frame.args.sep_qual or ": " local sep_inter_qual = frame.args.sep_inter_qual or ", " local valuequal = {} local postfix = frame.args.postfix or "" if quals[1].datatype == "wikibase-item" then for k2, v2 in pairs(quals) do local valueID = local sitelink = mw.wikibase.sitelink(valueID) local label = labelOrId(valueID,frame.args.idioma or "pt-br") if sitelink then if sitelink ~= label then if artigosemlink == "sim" then valuequal[#valuequal+1] = sitelink..postfix else valuequal[#valuequal+1] = "[[" .. sitelink .. "|" .. label .. "]]"..postfix end else if artigosemlink == "sim" then valuequal[#valuequal+1] = sitelink..postfix else valuequal[#valuequal+1] = "[["..label.."]]"..postfix end end else if artigosemlink == "sim" then valuequal[#valuequal+1] = label..postfix else valuequal[#valuequal+1] = "[["..label.."]]"..postfix end end end if onlyvalue == "sim" then out[#out+1] = table.concat(valuequal, sep_inter_qual) else out[#out+1] = propvalue .. sep_qual .. table.concat(valuequal, sep_inter_qual) end else for k2, v2 in pairs(quals) do valuequal[#valuequal+1] = mw.wikibase.renderSnak(v2)..postfix end if onlyvalue == "sim" then out[#out+1] = table.concat(valuequal, sep_inter_qual) else out[#out+1] = propvalue .." ".. sep_qual .. table.concat(valuequal, sep_inter_qual) end end end end end -- of loop through values of propertyID end return table.concat(out, sep) end return nil end p.getValueIndirect = function(frame) local property1 = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") local property2 = mw.text.trim(frame.args[2] or "") -- Can take a named parameter |qid which is the Wikidata ID for the article. -- This will not normally be used because it's an expensive call. local qid1 = frame.args.qid if qid1 and (#qid1 == 0) then qid1 = nil end local entity1 = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qid1) local props1 if entity1 and then props1 =[property1] end local out = {} local oo = {} local sep = frame.args.sep or "," if props1 then -- Check that the first value of the property is a wikibase-item for k1, v1 in pairs(props1) do if v1.mainsnak.datatype == "wikibase-item" then local qid2 = local entity2 = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qid2) if then -- only need props2 if we want a more sophisticated parsing, e.g. mdy dates -- local props2 =[property2] out[#out+1] = entity2:formatPropertyValues(property2).value else out[#out+1] = qid2 .. " has no claims." end else out[#out+1] = "not wikibase-item: " .. v1.mainsnak.datatype --debug end end end return table.concat(out, sep.." ") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- _getCommonslink takes an optional qid of a Wikidata entity passed as |qid= -- It returns one of the following in order of preference: -- the Commons sitelink of the linked Wikidata item; -- the Commons sitelink of the topic's main category of the linked Wikidata item; -- the Commons category. -- If the optional parameter onlycat is true/yes/1 then only categories are returned -- defaults to false. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dependencies: _getSitelink(); parseParam() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local _getCommonslink = function(qid, onlycat, fallback) qid = (qid or ""):upper() if qid == "" then qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() end if not qid then return nil end onlycat = parseParam(onlycat, false) local sitelink = _getSitelink(qid, "commonswiki") if onlycat and sitelink and sitelink:sub(1,9) ~= "Category:" then sitelink = nil end if not sitelink then -- check for topic's main category local prop910 = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(qid, "P910")[1] if prop910 then local tmcid = sitelink = _getSitelink(tmcid, "commonswiki") end end if not sitelink and fallback then -- check for Commons category (string value) local prop373 = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(qid, "P373")[1] if prop373 then sitelink = prop373.mainsnak.datavalue.value if sitelink then sitelink = "Category:" .. sitelink end end end return sitelink end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getCommonsLink takes an optional qid of a Wikidata entity passed as |qid= -- It returns one of the following in order of preference: -- the Commons sitelink of the linked Wikidata item; -- the Commons sitelink of the topic's main category of the linked Wikidata item; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dependencies: _getCommonslink(); _getSitelink(); parseParam() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p.getCommonsLink = function(frame) local oc = frame.args.onlycat or frame.args.onlycategories local fb = parseParam(frame.args.fallback or frame.args.fb, true) return _getCommonslink(frame.args.qid, oc, fb) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local ArtsIDs = { ['P347'] = '$1', ['P350'] = '$1', ['P1212'] = '$1', ['P1428'] = '$1', ['P1679'] = '$1', ['P1726'] = '$1', ['P2014'] = '$1', ['P2092'] = '$1.html', ['P2108'] = '$1', ['P2242'] = '$1&value=1', ['P2282'] = '$1', ['P2344'] = '$1', ['P2511'] = '$1', ['P2539'] = '$1&viewType=detailView', ['P2582'] = '$1', ['P3272'] = '$1/', ['P3293'] = '$1', ['P3386'] = '$1', ['P3386'] = '$1', ['P3467'] = '$1', ['P3504'] = '$1', ['P3634'] = '$1', ['P3711'] = '$1', ['P3855'] = '$1/', ['P3929'] = '$1', ['P4144'] = '$1', ['P4257'] = '$1', ['P4373'] = '$1', ['P4380'] = '$1', ['P4399'] = '$1', ['P4525'] = '$1', ['P4564'] = '$1', ['P4582'] = '$1', ['P4610'] = '$1', ['P4611'] = '$1', ['P4625'] = '$1', ['P4643'] = '$1.html', ['P4659'] = '$1', ['P4659'] = '$1', ['P4673'] = '$1', ['P4674'] = '$1/', ['P4683'] = '$1.html', ['P4684'] = '$1/', ['P4686'] = '$1', ['P4692'] = '$1.html', ['P4701'] = '$1', ['P4704'] = '$1', ['P4709'] = '$1/details', ['P4712'] = '$1', ['P4713'] = '$1', ['P4721'] = '$1', ['P4737'] = '$1', ['P4738'] = '$1', ['P4739'] = '$1', ['P4740'] = '$1', ['P4761'] = '$1', ['P4761'] = '$1', ['P4764'] = '$1', ['P4814'] = '$1', ['P4905'] = '$1', ['P5210'] = '$1/', ['P5223'] = '$1', ['P5265'] = '$1', ['P5268'] = '$1', ['P5269'] = '$1', ['P5407'] = '$1', ['P5499'] = '$1', ['P5783'] = '$1', ['P5823'] = '$1/', ['P5891'] = '$1', ['P6004'] = '$1/wd', ['P6007'] = '$1', ['P6020'] = '$1.html', ['P6141'] = '$1', ['P6152'] = '$1', ['P6238'] = '$1/wd/', ['P6239'] = '$1', ['P6246'] = '$1', ['P6246'] = '$1', ['P6246'] = '$1', ['P6310'] = '$1', ['P6332'] = '$1', ['P6355'] = '$1', ['P6356'] = '$1&lang=eng', ['P6358'] = '$1', ['P6372'] = '$1', ['P6374'] = '$1' } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- getArtIdentifiers takes an optional qid of a Wikidata entity passed as |qid= -- It returns all art identifiers of that entity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function p.getArtIdentifiers(frame) local qid = frame.args.qid or "" if qid == "" then qid = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() end local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qid) local props local out = {} for k, v in pairs(ArtsIDs) do if entity and[k] then props =[k] for k2, v2 in pairs(props) do if v2.mainsnak.snaktype ~= 'novalue' then out[#out+1] = '[' .. mw.ustring.gsub(v, '$1', v2.mainsnak.datavalue.value) .. ']' end end end end return table.concat(out,"") end return p </textarea><div id="mw-scribunto-console"></div><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p>Predefinições utilizadas nesta página: </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/Predefini%C3%A7%C3%A3o:Documenta%C3%A7%C3%A3o" title="Predefinição:Documentação">Predefinição:Documentação</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Predefini%C3%A7%C3%A3o:Documenta%C3%A7%C3%A3o&action=edit" title="Predefinição:Documentação">ver código-fonte</a>) (semiprotegida)</li><li><a href="/wiki/Predefini%C3%A7%C3%A3o:Editar" title="Predefinição:Editar">Predefinição:Editar</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Predefini%C3%A7%C3%A3o:Editar&action=edit" title="Predefinição:Editar">editar</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Predefini%C3%A7%C3%A3o:Grande" title="Predefinição:Grande">Predefinição:Grande</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Predefini%C3%A7%C3%A3o:Grande&action=edit" title="Predefinição:Grande">editar</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Predefini%C3%A7%C3%A3o:Purgar" title="Predefinição:Purgar">Predefinição:Purgar</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Predefini%C3%A7%C3%A3o:Purgar&action=edit" title="Predefinição:Purgar">editar</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Predefini%C3%A7%C3%A3o:Testes_outro" title="Predefinição:Testes outro">Predefinição:Testes outro</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Predefini%C3%A7%C3%A3o:Testes_outro&action=edit" title="Predefinição:Testes outro">editar</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/M%C3%B3dulo:String" title="Módulo:String">Módulo:String</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=M%C3%B3dulo:String&action=edit" title="Módulo:String">ver código-fonte</a>) (semiprotegida)</li><li><a href="/wiki/M%C3%B3dulo:WikidataIB" title="Módulo:WikidataIB">Módulo:WikidataIB</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=M%C3%B3dulo:WikidataIB&action=edit" title="Módulo:WikidataIB">ver código-fonte</a>) (protegida)</li><li><a href="/wiki/M%C3%B3dulo:WikidataIB/doc" title="Módulo:WikidataIB/doc">Módulo:WikidataIB/doc</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=M%C3%B3dulo:WikidataIB/doc&action=edit" title="Módulo:WikidataIB/doc">editar</a>) </li></ul></div><p id="mw-returnto">Voltar para <a href="/wiki/M%C3%B3dulo:WikidataIB" title="Módulo:WikidataIB">Módulo:WikidataIB</a>.</p> <!--esi <esi:include src="/esitest-fa8a495983347898/content" /> --><noscript><img src="" alt="" width="1" height="1" style="border: none; position: absolute;"></noscript> <div class="printfooter" data-nosnippet="">Obtida de "<a dir="ltr" href="ódulo:WikidataIB">ódulo:WikidataIB</a>"</div></div> <div id="catlinks" class="catlinks catlinks-allhidden" data-mw="interface"></div> </div> </main> </div> <div class="mw-footer-container"> <footer id="footer" class="mw-footer" > <ul id="footer-info"> </ul> <ul id="footer-places"> <li id="footer-places-privacy"><a href="">Política de privacidade</a></li> <li id="footer-places-about"><a href="/wiki/Wikinot%C3%ADcias:Sobre">Sobre o Wikinotícias</a></li> <li id="footer-places-disclaimers"><a href="/wiki/Wikinot%C3%ADcias:Aviso_geral">Aviso geral</a></li> <li id="footer-places-wm-codeofconduct"><a href="">Código de conduta</a></li> <li id="footer-places-developers"><a href="">Programadores</a></li> <li id="footer-places-statslink"><a href="">Estatísticas</a></li> <li id="footer-places-cookiestatement"><a href="">Declaração sobre ''cookies''</a></li> <li id="footer-places-mobileview"><a href="//" class="noprint stopMobileRedirectToggle">Versão móvel</a></li> </ul> <ul id="footer-icons" class="noprint"> <li id="footer-copyrightico"><a href="" class="cdx-button cdx-button--fake-button cdx-button--size-large cdx-button--fake-button--enabled"><img src="/static/images/footer/wikimedia-button.svg" width="84" height="29" alt="Wikimedia Foundation" loading="lazy"></a></li> <li id="footer-poweredbyico"><a href="" class="cdx-button cdx-button--fake-button cdx-button--size-large cdx-button--fake-button--enabled"><img src="/w/resources/assets/poweredby_mediawiki.svg" alt="Powered by MediaWiki" width="88" height="31" loading="lazy"></a></li> </ul> </footer> </div> </div> </div> <div class="vector-settings" id="p-dock-bottom"> <ul></ul> </div><script>(RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.log.warn("This page is using the deprecated ResourceLoader module \"mediawiki.ui.button\".\n[1.41] Please use Codex. 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