Regulatory information on costs

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</div> <div class="section overview" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="1000"> <div class="overview__inner container"> <div class="overview__body" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="1000" data-aos-delay="150"> <div class="section section--rich-text " data-collapse-threshold="100" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="1000"> <div class="container"> <div class="content--body"> <p>The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), the regulatory body for solicitors and law firms in England and Wales, requires those that it regulates to publish specific information, including associated costs and timeframes, about certain types of legal services. Some of the services we offer to clients from our UK offices are subject to this requirement, and where applicable we provide the relevant information below.</p> <p>Should you have any questions, please <a href="" title="Email us">contact us</a>.&nbsp;</p> <p>Taylor Wessing LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (the SRA) under number 463016.</p> <p><em>Information correct as of 23 February 2024.</em></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="overview__sidebar " data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="1000" data-aos-delay="300"> </div> <div class="overview__additional" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="1000" data-aos-delay="300"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section section--accordion" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="1000"> <div class="container"> <h1>Information on costs</h1> <div class="accordion--group"> <div class="accordion--title"> Probate </div> <div class="accordion--content"> <div class="section section--rich-text collapsible collapsed" data-collapse-threshold="40" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="1000"> <div class="container"> <div class="content--body"> <p>Due to the nature of our client base, the estates which we administer are invariably high value and often complex. Many are estates with multi-jurisdictional elements, unique assets, tax&ndash;related issues and other complications. In these cases, the exact cost will depend on the individual facts and circumstances of the matter and it will always be necessary for your Taylor Wessing contact to give you an estimate which is tailored to these specific facts and circumstances. We do not offer fixed fees for our work on an estate administration, but charge on a time-spent basis. We do not typically charge our fees on a percentage of the value of the estate, although we reserve our right to do so.&nbsp;We will provide you with an estimate, tailored to those specific circumstances together with details of the hourly rates of those who will be working on your transaction. These range from &pound;250 for a paralegal to &pound;975 for a senior partner.</p> <h4>Fees</h4> <p>Using the example of a relatively straightforward estate, we estimate that our fees would be up to &pound;30,000 plus VAT and disbursements, where the following criteria apply:</p> <ul> <li>There is a valid Will.</li> <li>All assets are in the UK.</li> <li>The estate contains:<br /> &gt; One residential property;<br /> &gt; An investment portfolio with a single investment manager;<br /> &gt; Up to three bank accounts; and<br /> &gt; No intangible assets.</li> <li>There are no more than five cash legacies made under the Will.</li> <li>There is no inheritance tax payable on the estate, as the estate qualifies for the spousal exemption from inheritance tax.</li> <li>There are no lifetime gifts made by the deceased which need to be reported to HMRC.</li> <li>The executors need to submit a full set of inheritance tax forms (known as an IHT400) to HMRC given the value of the estate.</li> </ul> <p>Where VAT is payable, it is currently charged at 20%.</p> <h4>Disbursements</h4> <p>Disbursements are charged in addition to the fees noted above. Disbursements are costs related to an estate administration that are payable to third parties, such as court fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process, and these are then added to our invoices. Typical disbursements for an estate administration include:</p> <ul> <li>The probate application fee (currently &pound;273 where the value of the estate is over &pound;5,000. If the estate is valued at under &pound;5,000, there is no fee). There is no VAT payable on this amount; and</li> <li>around &pound;200 plus VAT for posts in the London Gazette and a local newspaper &ndash; these posts protect against unexpected claims from unknown creditors.<br /> <br /> </li> </ul> <h4>Potential additional costs</h4> <p>There are likely to be additional costs that could range significantly depending on the estate and how it is to be dealt with. For example, the following costs are not included and will be in addition to the fees that we charge:</p> <ul> <li>If any additional copies of the Grant are required, they currently cost &pound;1.50 each;</li> <li>The fees quoted above do not include our fees for dealing with the sale or transfer of the property in the estate or any Land Registry fees payable as part of the sale or transfer;</li> <li>There may be valuation fees, such as fees payable to an investment manager or professional valuers; and</li> <li>Fees for accountancy work are not included within our fees, such as fees for the completion of lifetime tax returns up to the date of death, the completion of tax returns on behalf of the personal representatives of the estate and the preparation of estate accounts.</li> </ul> <p>If the estate does not qualify for relief from inheritance tax, there will be inheritance tax to pay. There may also be income and capital gains tax payable during the estate administration period. Further details can be found <a rel="noopener noreferrer" title="read more on inheritance tax" href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> <p>We can give you a more accurate estimate once we have all of the relevant information. If disputes between beneficiaries on division of assets and claims made against the estate arise, this will lead to an increase in costs.</p> <h4>What are the key stages of the process?</h4> <p>The precise stages involved will vary according to the circumstances. However as part of our estimated fees we will cover:</p> <ul> <li>Identifying the legally appointed personal representatives and beneficiary(ies);</li> <li>Ascertaining the extent and value of the assets held and liabilities owed by the deceased and obtaining the relevant documents required;</li> <li>Identifying the type of probate application you will require;</li> <li>Completing the relevant forms reporting the estate to HMRC&nbsp;(if necessary);</li> <li>Completing the online probate application;</li> <li>Arranging for personal representatives&nbsp;to sign the Legal Statement;</li> <li>Making the application to the Probate Registry for the Grant of Representation;</li> <li>Obtaining the Grant of Representation;</li> <li>Collecting in the assets of the estate and paying the liabilities of the estate;</li> <li>Liaising with HMRC on the inheritance tax forms, finalising the inheritance tax position with HMRC and obtaining clearance (if necessary); and</li> <li>Distributing the estate in accordance with the terms of the Will.</li> </ul> <h4>How long will this take?</h4> <p>On average, estates such as those described in the example above are dealt with in nine to twelve months. Typically, obtaining the Grant of Probate takes 25-30 weeks. This includes the time it takes to wait for a receipt to be issued by HMRC for the inheritance tax forms, which is necessary in order to make the application for the Grant of Representation (usually around four weeks) and the time it takes for the Probate Registry to process the application for the Grant of Representation (which can be up to 16 weeks, although this can be longer in certain circumstances). Collecting assets and paying the liabilities then follows and this usually takes between 6-10 weeks. Once this has been done, the estate can then be distributed which usually takes 4-8 weeks. This is subject to receipt of clearance from HMRC on the inheritance tax position of the estate which is dependent on HMRC's own timescales.&nbsp;<a rel="noopener noreferrer" title="read more on timescales" href="" target="_blank">Further information can be found here</a>.&nbsp;Where the estate is more complicated and falls outside of the example given above, this can substantially extend the time it takes to conclude the estate administration.&nbsp;</p> <h4>Our team</h4> <p>Our team has many years of collective experience in delivering high quality work in all matters relating to estate administration. All of the UK-based Private Client team are able to undertake estate administration work and the team member CVs can be viewed at the link below this section. All of our estate administration matters are supervised by a Partner in the Private Client team. The day-to-day work is carried out by a Senior Counsel or associate, assisted by a paralegal or trainee.</p> <p><a class="btn green-bg-navy-text" href="/fr/legal/regulatory-information/regulatory-information-on-costs/related-people#Probate">See related experts</a></p> </div> <div class="content--trigger"> <a class="btn btn--expand" href="#"> <span class="closed">Voir plus</span> <span class="open">Voir moins</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion--group"> <div class="accordion--title"> Residential conveyancing </div> <div class="accordion--content"> <div class="section section--rich-text " data-collapse-threshold="100" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="1000"> <div class="container"> <div class="content--body"> <p class="tertiary">Our Residential and Rural Group advises on all aspects of residential sales and purchases as well as mortgages and re-mortgages. Our client base comprises UK and overseas high-net-worth individuals, international families and family offices as well as property developers and investors. The transactions with which we deal are usually complex and of high value and for this reason we do not have a standard fee. The precise cost of the work we do for you will depend on the facts and circumstances of the transaction and the seniority and experience of those working on your matter. We will provide you with an estimate, tailored to those specific circumstances together with details of the hourly rates of those who will be working on your transaction. These range from &pound;250 plus VAT for a paralegal to &pound;895 plus VAT for a senior partner. We have provided below an indication of our fees for certain scenarios.</p> <h4>Fees</h4> <p>Using the example of a straightforward sale, purchase, mortgage or re-mortgage for a private individual, we estimate our fees would be:</p> <div class="table--wrapper"> <table class="variant--cookies"> <thead> <tr> <th>Value of property</th> <th>Residential Freehold Purchase</th> <th>Residential Freehold Sale</th> <th>Residential Leasehold Purchase</th> <th>Residential Leasehold Sale</th> <th>Mortgage</th> <th>Re-mortgage</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Up to &pound;750,000</td> <td>&pound;7,000 + VAT</td> <td>&pound;7,000 + VAT</td> <td>&pound;7,500 + VAT</td> <td>&pound;7,500 + VAT</td> <td>*&pound;3,500 - &pound;10,000 + VAT</td> <td>*&pound;3,500 - &pound;10,000 + VAT</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&pound;750,000 to &pound;1,500,000</td> <td>&pound;7,000 - &pound;9,000 + VAT</td> <td>&pound;7,000 - &pound;9,000 + VAT</td> <td>&pound;8,000 - &pound;9,000 + VAT</td> <td>&pound;8,000 - &pound;9,000 + VAT</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Over &pound;1,500,000</td> <td>*&pound;8,000- &pound;30,000 + VAT</td> <td>*&pound;8,000- &pound;30,000 + VAT</td> <td>*&pound;8,000- &pound;30,000 + VAT</td> <td>*&pound;8,000- &pound;30,000 + VAT</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p> All fee estimates assume that:</p> <ul> <li>The transaction in question is broadly standard;</li> <li>Your instructions will not change significantly as the transaction progresses;</li> <li>No unforeseen complexities arise;</li> <li>The other parties to the transaction will conduct themselves reasonably; and</li> <li>The transaction proceeds in a timely manner.</li> </ul> <p class="tertiary">We have provided a range of estimated fees as the amount charged will depend on factors such as the complexity of the transaction, the timeframe for completion and the value of the property. There are a number of factors that could increase the overall cost. These could include, for example, if the purchase is "off plan", or where there have been significant construction works to a property, where there is a defective title and an indemnity policy needs to be sourced, or where there has been non-compliance with a planning permission or building regulations approval.&nbsp;</p> <p class="tertiary">Please contact us separately to discuss our services and charges for all work that involves agricultural property, landed or sporting estates.</p> <p>Where VAT is payable, it is currently charged at 20%.</p> <h4>Disbursements</h4> <p>Disbursements are costs related to the matter which are payable to third parties, such as the Land Registry. We handle the payment of disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process and these are added to our invoice. Disbursements are charged in addition to the fees noted above. Typical disbursements are set out below:</p> <h4><strong>Residential Freehold Purchase</strong></h4> <ul> <li>Search fees: &pound;500 - &pound;750 + VAT&nbsp;</li> <li>Land Registry Fees: &pound;40 - &pound;1,105</li> <li>Telegraphic transfer fee: &pound;15 + VAT per transfer</li> <li>Stamp Duty Land Tax: Depends on the purchase price, whether you (or your spouse or civil partner) own other residential property and whether you are deemed to be UK resident for SDLT purposes.</li> <li>If documents need to be downloaded from the Land Registry, this will cost &pound;3 per document</li> </ul> <h5><strong>Residential Freehold Sale</strong></h5> <ul> <li>Telegraphic transfer fee: &pound;15 + VAT per transfer</li> <li>If documents need to be downloaded from the Land Registry, this will cost &pound;3 per document</li> </ul> <h5><strong>Residential Leasehold Purchase</strong></h5> <ul> <li>Search fees: &pound;500 - &pound;750 + VAT</li> <li>Land Registry Fees: &pound;40 - &pound;1,105</li> <li>Telegraphic transfer fee: &pound;15 + VAT per transfer</li> <li>Stamp Duty Land Tax: Depends on the purchase price and whether you (or your spouse or civil partner) own other residential property.</li> <li>If documents need to be downloaded from the Land Registry, this will cost &pound;3 per document</li> <li>If the Landlord's consent is required for the assignment and a rent deposit deed is needed (for non-UK resident purchasers) an additional fee of &pound;1,000 - &pound;1,500</li> <li>Landlord's fees for notice of assignment/ notice of charge: &pound;50 &ndash; &pound;150 + VAT</li> </ul> <h5><strong>Residential Leasehold Sale</strong></h5> <ul> <li>Telegraphic transfer fee: &pound;15 + VAT per transfer</li> <li>Management and service charge pack payable to managing agents: &pound;350 - &pound;700 + VAT</li> <li>If documents need to be downloaded from the Land Registry, this will cost &pound;3 per document</li> <li>The Landlord's solicitor will charge a fee for dealing with the consent to assign &ndash; approximately &pound;1,000 - &pound;2,000 + VAT</li> </ul> <h5><strong>Mortgage</strong></h5> <ul> <li>Search fees: &pound;500 - &pound;750 + VAT</li> <li>Land registry fee: &pound;40 - &pound;305</li> <li>If leasehold, notice of charge fee payable to landlord&nbsp;- &pound;50 - &pound;150</li> </ul> <h5><strong>Re-mortgage</strong></h5> <ul> <li>Search fees: &pound;500 - &pound;750 + VAT</li> <li>Land registry fee: &pound;40 - &pound;305</li> <li>If leasehold, notice of charge fee <span>payable to landlord&nbsp;</span>: &pound;50 - &pound;150</li> </ul> <p>Disbursements such as courier charges are not listed here, as these will vary according to the volume and places of collection/ delivery. Nor are we able to estimate disbursements such as charges that may be made by a local authority for the provision of copy documents such as a building regulations completion certificate, as these costs vary according to the particular authority.</p> <h4>Potential additional costs</h4> <p class="tertiary">The fee estimates listed in the table above exclude advice in relation to the structuring of a transaction or the taxation aspects of it. Separate charges will be made if specialist advice is required, such as in relation to construction issues, planning or contentious elements. We will discuss and agree these fees with you as and when required.&nbsp;</p> <p class="tertiary">The majority of our clients do not use mortgage finance and the fee estimates for purchases assume the purchase will be completed without a mortgage. Should you intend to take out a mortgage, we will confirm if we are registered on your lender's panel and if we are able to act for you and your lender. Additional fees of between &pound;2,500 - &pound;4,000 plus VAT will apply in these circumstances. If a separate firm is instructed to act for your lender, and we are required to deal with that firm's due diligence enquiries, an additional fee of &pound;3,000 - &pound;7,000 plus VAT will also be charged and the exact cost will depend upon the lender's requirements and the extent of the proposed security package.</p> <p><span style="font-size: 16px;">The fee estimates for mortgages and re-mortgages listed in the table above assume a discrete instruction for that work. </span></p> <h3>Purchase of a freehold or leasehold residential property</h3> <p>Our fees cover the legal work required to complete the purchase of your property, deal with registration of the title in your name at the Land Registry and deal with the payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax to HMRC.</p> <p class="tertiary">Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) is payable on freehold and leasehold purchases. The level of SDLT payable depends on the purchase price of your property, whether you or your spouse or civil partner owns other residential property anywhere in the world, whether you are replacing your main residence and whether you are UK resident for SDLT purposes. You can calculate the amount you will need to pay by using the SDLT calculator on HMRC's website <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank" title="Read more">found here</a>. Our stated fees do not include providing you with advice on your level of SDLT liability nor the availability of any reliefs. If you require advice on these areas, this can be provided separately.</p> <h4>What are the key stages of the process?</h4> <p>The precise stages involved in the purchase of a residential property vary according to the circumstances. However, the estimated fees will usually encompass:</p> <ul> <li>Taking your instructions and giving you initial advice;</li> <li>Checking finances are in place to fund the purchase;</li> <li>Receiving and advising on title and contract documents;</li> <li>Carrying out standard conveyancing searches;</li> <li>Making any necessary enquiries of the seller's solicitor;</li> <li>Giving you advice on all documents and information received and preparing a comprehensive report;</li> <li>Sending the final contract to you for signature;</li> <li>Ensuring you have received the landlord's approval to the assignment of the lease (if your property is leasehold and this is required);</li> <li>Agreeing the completion date;</li> <li>Exchanging contracts and notifying you that this has happened;</li> <li>Arranging for all monies needed to be received from you;</li> <li>Completing the purchase;</li> <li>Dealing with the payment of SDLT; and</li> <li>Dealing with the application for registration at Land Registry.</li> </ul> <h4>How long will the purchase take?</h4> <p class="tertiary">The length of time the process will take can vary depending on a number of factors, including any specific timescales agreed between the parties to the transaction. The average period leading to exchange of contracts is between four and six weeks, but it can be faster or slower. For example, if you are a first time buyer, purchasing a new build property that is fully constructed, it could take three to four weeks. However, if you are buying a leasehold property that requires the approval of the landlord, the overall process is likely to be longer.&nbsp;We will advise you of the likely timescales once we know the details of your particular purchase and any relevant factors.</p> <h3>Sale of a freehold or leasehold residential property</h3> <p>Our fees cover the legal work required to complete the sale of your property, to repay any mortgages secured over it from the proceeds of sale and to account to you for the net proceeds of sale.</p> <p class="tertiary">There are generally fewer disbursements payable on a sale than on a purchase. If your property is leasehold then you should expect to pay whoever manages the building in which your property is located (either your landlord or a firm of managing agents) a fee for the provision of a management and service charge pack. Details of the usual charges for this are set out above. If your lease says you need the landlord's approval in order to sell your flat then an additional fee will be payable to the landlord's solicitors. The level of this fee will vary and is usually between &pound;750 + VAT and &pound;1,500 + VAT.&nbsp;</p> <h4>What are the key stages of the process?</h4> <p>As part of the estimated fee, our work will include:</p> <ul> <li>Taking your instructions and providing you with initial advice;</li> <li>Reviewing the title to your property and obtaining copies of the title documents from the Land Registry;</li> <li>Preparing a contract;</li> <li>Arranging for you to complete standard pre-contract forms and advising you in relation to any queries you may have on these;</li> <li>Assembling a pre-contract package to send to your buyer's solicitors;</li> <li>If leasehold, obtaining a management and service charge pack from the managing agents of the building and applying for the landlord's consent to the sale (if required);</li> <li>Dealing with any enquiries raised by your buyer's solicitors;</li> <li>Agreeing the final form of contract and sending this to you for signature;</li> <li>Approving the draft transfer and arranging for this to be signed by you together with any licence to assign (if leasehold); and</li> <li>Dealing with completion and the repayment of any mortgage.</li> </ul> <h4>How long will the sale take?</h4> <p class="tertiary">As with a purchase, the length of time the process takes can vary depending on a number of factors, including whether your buyer requires a mortgage and how quickly their mortgage offer can be procured. If there are a number of parties in a chain then this can sometimes slow down the process. The average period leading to an exchange of contracts is between four and six weeks. We will advise you of the likely timescales once we know the details of your particular purchase.</p> <h3>Mortgage or re-mortgage of a residential property</h3> <p class="tertiary">Our fees cover the legal work required to deal with your lender's requirements in relation to the taking of security over the property. If you are re-mortgaging then we will also liaise with your existing lender to obtain the title deeds to the property and confirm the amount outstanding under your current mortgage. In circumstances where we are able to act for both you and the lender, we will advise you in relation to the terms of the lender's mortgage offer, its standard terms and conditions and the nature and effect of the legal mortgage that you would be required to sign in due course. We will also arrange the usual searches that we would expect to conduct on the purchase of a residential property. We will also advise you in relation to any special conditions that are contained within the mortgage offer and with which you will need to comply before the mortgage funds can be requested from our lender.</p> <h4>What are the key stages of the process?</h4> <ul> <li>Taking your instructions and establishing if we will be acting for you or both you and your lender;</li> <li>Dealing with the lender's due diligence requirements;</li> <li>Organising standard conveyancing searches;</li> <li>Liaising with your lender's valuer in relation to any queries that may be raised in the valuation report;</li> <li>Providing a certificate of title to your lender and requesting the mortgage advance;</li> <li>Advising on the mortgage documents;</li> <li>Liaising with your existing lender (if applicable) in relation to the redemption of the existing mortgage;</li> <li>Completing the mortgage and arranging registration at the Land Registry; and</li> <li>If the property is leasehold, giving notice of the charge to your landlord.</li> </ul> <h4>How long will the mortgage or re-mortgage take?</h4> <p class="tertiary">The duration of the mortgage or re-mortgage process is dependent upon a number of factors including the speed with which the lender issues the mortgage offer, whether or not there are any complexities with the title, the complexity of the mortgage documents and whether or not there are a significant number of conditions with which you will need to comply with prior to completion of the mortgage.&nbsp;</p> <h4>Our team</h4> <p class="tertiary">Our Residential and Rural Team is made up of a partner, two senior counsel, two senior associates and two associates, all of whom are qualified solicitors. Each team member is experienced in all aspects of the work streams listed above. The team is supported by paralegals and all team members work under the supervision of <a href="/fr/people/united-kingdom/london/elaine-dobson">Elaine Dobson</a>, a partner who qualified as a solicitor in 1999 and has over 15 years' experience working in residential conveyancing. Further information about the Residential and Rural team members can be found at the link below this section.</p> <p><a class="btn green-bg-navy-text" href="/fr/legal/regulatory-information/regulatory-information-on-costs/related-people#Residential">See related experts</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion--group"> <div class="accordion--title"> Immigration </div> <div class="accordion--content"> <div class="section section--rich-text " data-collapse-threshold="100" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="1000"> <div class="container"> <div class="content--body"> Our Immigration and Mobility team advises individuals on certain types of immigration applications, which are set out below. We focus on business immigration, private client and associated family needs. Our advice is personal to each applicant's circumstances and we give our clients fee estimates appropriate to those facts and circumstances. We do not usually advise on Student visa applications, asylum or other humanitarian applications, appeals or judicial review applications. We typically charge our fees on a time-spent basis. We will provide you with an estimate, tailored to those specific circumstances together with details of the hourly rates of those who will be working on your transaction. These range from &pound;250 plus VAT for an immigration adviser to &pound;895 plus VAT for a partner. <h4>Fees</h4> <p><span>The following fee estimates for different types of application by a single applicant are listed below:</span></p> <div class="table--wrapper"> <table class="variant--cookies"> <thead> <tr> <th>Application</th> <th>Application filed overseas</th> <th>Application filed in the UK </th> <th>Indefinite leave to remain (ILR)</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Global Talent</td> <td>&pound;8,000 - &pound;12,000</td> <td>&pound;8,000 - &pound;12,000</td> <td>&pound;8,000 - &pound;12,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Naturalisation as British Citizen </td> <td>N/A</td> <td>&pound;4,000 - &pound;7,000</td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Registration as a British Citizen (Adult)</td> <td>&pound;3,000 - &pound;5,000</td> <td>&pound;3,000 - &pound;5,000</td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Registration as a British Citizen (Child)</td> <td>&pound;3,000 - &pound;4,000</td> <td>&pound;2,000 - &pound;3,000</td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Spouse / civil partner / unmarried partner of a British Citizen</td> <td>&pound;6,000 - &pound;12,000</td> <td>&pound;6,000 - &pound;12,000</td> <td>&pound;7,500 - &pound;12,500</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UK Ancestry application</td> <td>&pound;4,000 - &pound;5,000</td> <td>&pound;4,000 - &pound;5,000</td> <td>&pound;4,000 - &pound;5,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Youth Mobility</td> <td>&pound;3,000 - &pound;3,500</td> <td>&pound;3,000 - &pound;3,500</td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>High potential individual</td> <td>&pound;4,000 - &pound;5,000</td> <td>N/A</td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Graduate route</td> <td>N/A</td> <td>&pound;3,000 - &pound;4,000</td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Standard visitor visa application</td> <td>&pound;3,000 - &pound;5,000</td> <td>N/A</td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Replacement Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)</td> <td>&pound;1,000 - &pound;2,500</td> <td>N/A</td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Long residence settlement</td> <td>N/A</td> <td>&pound;6,000 to &pound;12,000</td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h5><strong> Additional fees for all applications&nbsp;</strong></h5> <div class="table--wrapper"> <table class="variant--cookies"> <thead> <tr> <th>Application</th> <th>Application filed overseas</th> <th>Application filed in the UK</th> <th>Indefinite leave to remain (ILR)</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Family members (civil partner / spouse / unmarried partner / child under 18) applying at the same time as main applicant*</td> <td>&pound;750 to &pound;1,000 per additional applicant or &pound;1,500 to &pound;2,000 for unmarried partner*</td> <td>&pound;750 to &pound;1,000 per additional applicant or &pound;1,500 to &pound;2,000 for unmarried partner*</td> <td>&pound;2,500 to &pound;3,500 for spouse / partner; &pound;750 to &pound;1,000 per child*</td> </tr> <tr> <td>*additional fees will apply for a child applicant in family cases where only one parent is applying for a visa with the child or if the child is aged 16 &ndash; 18 years.</td> <td>*additional fees will apply for a child applicant in family cases where only one parent is applying for a visa with the child.</td> <td>*additional fees will apply for a child applicant in family cases where only one parent is applying for a visa with the child.</td> <td>*additional fees will apply for a child applicant in family cases where only one parent is applying for a visa with the child or if the child is aged 16 &ndash; 18 years.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p>These fee estimates exclude VAT and application costs, and are based on the following criteria:</p> <ul> <li>An assumption that there are no unexpected or unusual circumstances in the application that would result in additional work being required, such as an applicant having prior criminal convictions or charges, or prior visa refusals anywhere in the world.</li> <li>The actual fees charged for the application will depend on a number of factors, including: <ul> <li>the complexity of the application:&nbsp;</li> <li>the personal/business circumstances of the visa applicant and/or family members;</li> <li>the nationality of the applicant (for example if English language evidence is required);&nbsp;</li> <li>the country of application; and&nbsp;</li> <li>the urgency of the case.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul> <li>VAT may be payable on our fees, depending on whether you are resident in the UK when the application is made. VAT is not chargeable on Home Office application fees. Where VAT is payable, it is currently charged at 20%.</li> </ul> <h4>Disbursements</h4> <p>Disbursements are charged in addition to the fees noted above. Disbursements are costs related to an application that are payable to third parties. We may agree to handle the payment of disbursements on your behalf using Taylor Wessing's credit card to ensure a smoother process, in which case the disbursements will added to our invoices. Our standard policy is to request that you transfer the equivalent cash funds to us before we make the payment. Typical disbursements for an immigration application include:</p> <ul> <li>Government visa application fees (listed here as at 31 January 2024)&nbsp;and expedited processing fees. <a rel="noopener noreferrer" title="View a list of current Home Office fees" href="" target="_blank">Home Office fees</a>&nbsp;are typically updated every April (but also during the year from time to time); and</li> <li>Other disbursements such as appointment fees,&nbsp;courier/delivery, photocopying, third party degree verification fees or translation charges. These vary according to volume, urgency and the places of collection/delivery.&nbsp;</li> </ul> <h4>What are the key stages of the process?</h4> <p class="tertiary">Each matter is unique because it is specific to the type of application, the applicant's location and their personal circumstances, but typically this will involve:</p> <ul> <li class="tertiary">Discussing your circumstances and objectives and scoping out the most suitable application or course of action for you and your family members (where relevant), and what other options may be available to you.</li> <li class="tertiary">Advising you on the requirements of the visa routes available to you and whether you meet the criteria (and if not, what steps can be taken to address the situation).</li> <li class="tertiary">Helping you to contact any third party whose input is required (for example external translators or ECCTIS to verify English language or degree level).</li> <li class="tertiary">Preparing the relevant application(s) based on information we gather from you, so that you can review and approve the application(s) prior to submission.</li> <li class="tertiary">Submitting the application(s) on your behalf where we are permitted to do so.</li> <li class="tertiary">If necessary, liaising with the Home Office until a decision is issued.</li> <li class="tertiary">Giving you advice about the outcome of the application(s) and what it means for you (and your family where applicable) an any further steps you need to take.</li> </ul> <h4>How long will this take?</h4> <p>The timing of each case will differ depending on the amount of preparation required, the type of application and whether you pay for expedited processing. It also depends on Home Office visa processing times which are outside of our control and which can fluctuate significantly depending on demand, staffing levels and other factors. The timings referred to below are only estimates, as they will vary from time to time.</p> <p>Where you have the information available and do not need to wait responses from third parties, we would normally expect to be able to prepare and agree an application with you within one month of instruction to proceed, but this will depend on the circumstances.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Applications submitted outside the UK</strong></p> <p>The standard processing time for most visa applications submitted outside the UK is around three to six weeks from application, but this depends on the availability of biometric appointments and assumes that the Home Office does not raise any queries concerning your application.</p> <p><strong>Applications submitted inside the UK</strong></p> <p>The standard processing time of most visa applications submitted inside the UK is around eight to ten weeks from delivering biometric information, so total processing time depends on the availability of biometric appointments where one is required (appointments can be difficult to find and may not be available immediately). This time estimate assumes that the Home Office does not raise any queries concerning your application.&nbsp;</p> <p>The timing estimates above for applications inside and outside the UK are standard timings (where the applicant does not pay an additional fee for a faster decision, where that service is available) and do not apply for applications for:</p> <ul> <li>Settlement, which can take six months to process from delivering biometrics;</li> <li>British citizenship, which can take at least six months to process from delivering biometrics (or longer if the application is filed outside the UK); or</li> <li>Family visas (including a partner visa) under Appendix FM which can take up to six months from delivering biometrics for applications submitted outside the UK.</li> </ul> <p>Information on expedited visa processing can be found on the <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank">Home Office website.</a>&nbsp;</p> <h4>Our team</h4> <p>Our Immigration and Mobility team is made up of two Partners, two Senior Counsel (all of whom are qualified solicitors) and four immigration advisers. The team is supervised by Partners&nbsp;<a href="/fr/people/united-kingdom/london/sean-nesbitt">Sean Nesbitt</a>&nbsp;and <a href="/fr/people/united-kingdom/london/paul-callaghan">Paul Callaghan</a>, and Senior Counsels <a href="/fr/people/united-kingdom/london/charlie-pring">Charlie Pring</a>&nbsp;and <a href="/fr/people/united-kingdom/london/vikki-wiberg">Vikki Wiberg</a>. Further information about the team can be found at the link below this section.</p> <p><a class="btn green-bg-navy-text" href="/fr/legal/regulatory-information/regulatory-information-on-costs/related-people#Immigration">See related experts</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion--group"> <div class="accordion--title"> Employment tribunals  </div> <div class="accordion--content"> <div class="section section--rich-text " data-collapse-threshold="100" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="1000"> <div class="container"> <div class="content--body"> <p class="tertiary">Our Employment team provide advice to both claimants and respondents in relation to claims for unfair dismissal and wrongful dismissal before the employment tribunals. The claims on which we advise are often complicated by other employment claims such as other breach of contract or discrimination claims. In these cases, the exact costs will depend on the individual facts and circumstances of the matter and it will always be necessary for your Taylor Wessing contact to give you an estimate tailored to your specific facts and circumstances. We typically charge on a time-spent basis.&nbsp;-<span> </span>We will provide you with an estimate, tailored to those specific circumstances together with details of the hourly rates of those who will be working on your transaction. These range from &pound;460-&pound;755 for an associate to &pound;895-&pound;975 for a senior partner.&nbsp;</p> <h4>Fees</h4> <p>Estimates are given for our services acting for individual claimants or business respondents, in the employment tribunals:</p> <div class="table--wrapper"> <table class="variant--cookies"> <thead> <tr> <th>Type of proceedings</th> <th>1-3 day hearing</th> <th>3-5 day hearing</th> <th>5-10 day hearing</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Unfair dismissal</strong></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>for Respondent</td> <td>&pound;25,000 - &pound;35,000 + VAT</td> <td>&pound;35,000 - &pound;60,000 + VAT</td> <td>&pound;60,000 - &pound;120,000 + VAT</td> </tr> <tr> <td>for Claimant</td> <td>&pound;25,000 - &pound;35,000 + VAT</td> <td>&pound;35,000 - &pound;60,000 + VAT</td> <td>&pound;60,000 - &pound;120,000 + VAT</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Wrongful dismissal claims in the employment tribunal</strong></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>for Respondent</td> <td>&pound;25,000 - &pound;35,000 + VAT</td> <td>&pound;35,000 - &pound;60,000 + VAT</td> <td>&pound;60,000 - &pound;120,000 + VAT</td> </tr> <tr> <td>for Claimant</td> <td>&pound;25,000 - &pound;35,000 + VAT</td> <td>&pound;35,000 - &pound;60,000 + VAT</td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p>The fee estimates are based on the following assumptions:</p> <ul> <li>The claim involves a single individual claimant or single business respondent, rather than multiple parties;</li> <li>There are no unexpected or unusual circumstances in the litigation, or compounding factors such as overlapping claims of unlawful discrimination, whistleblowing/protected disclosures, or other claims for breach of contract apart from wrongful dismissal;</li> <li>A reasonable degree of cooperation by opposing parties and their advisers in accordance with the Employment Tribunal Rules of Procedure;</li> <li>The location within the UK; and</li> <li>The urgency of the case.</li> <li>Where VAT is payable, it is currently charged at 20%.</li> </ul> <h4>Disbursements</h4> <p>Disbursements are charged in addition to the fees noted above. Disbursements are costs related to an application that are payable to third parties, such as processing fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process, and these are then added to our invoices. Typical disbursements for an employment claim can include:</p> <ul> <li>Fees for Counsel to act as advocates in the proceedings. These can vary according to seniority, complexity and urgency;</li> <li>Courier/delivery, photocopying or translation charges. These can vary according to urgency and places of collection/delivery. If you are the employer, it is usually required that you pay for the preparation and photocopying of the files used by the parties and the tribunal at the hearing; and</li> <li>Expert fees are also excluded. In general these will not be required for most cases of unfair or wrongful dismissal within the scope of these estimates, but may be needed where medical evidence relates to alleged loss, or where opinions eg as to foreign law are required.</li> </ul> <p>At present no payment is necessary to present or defend a tribunal claim. If fees are reintroduced in the future then this will be included as a further disbursement.</p> <h4>What are the key stages of the process?</h4> <p>As part of our estimated fees we will cover:</p> <ul> <li>Taking your instructions and giving you initial advice;</li> <li>Entering into Acas pre-claim conciliation to explore whether settlement can be reached;</li> <li>Preparing your claim or response;</li> <li>Reviewing and advising on the claim or response from the other party;</li> <li>Exploring settlement opportunities throughout the process;</li> <li>Preparing or considering a schedule of loss;</li> <li>Preparing for a preliminary hearing (if required), which may include instructions to counsel to attend;</li> <li>Reviewing the documentary evidence in the case to determine what should be disclosed to the other party, exchanging documents with the other party and agreeing the relevant documents to be relied upon at the hearing;</li> <li>Meeting the witnesses, taking and preparing their statements for signature;</li> <li>Agreeing a list of issues with the other party; and</li> <li>Preparing for and attending the final hearing, which may include instructions to counsel to attend.</li> </ul> <h4>How long will this take?</h4> <p class="tertiary">The time that it takes from taking your initial instruction to the final resolution of your matter depends largely on the stage your case is resolved. If a settlement is reached during pre-claim conciliation, your case is likely to take one-two months. If your claim proceeds to a final hearing, your case is likely to take up to 12 to 18 months, or this could be longer due to delays resulting from the pandemic. or longer If the hearing is expected to take 5-10 days, this time period could be longer.&nbsp;This is largely due to the availability of tribunals to hear your claim.&nbsp;</p> <p>In our experience it is unlikely that a case will take less than one day to be heard by the tribunal. Most cases we act on take at least two days to be heard. Because of the number of variables, we can give you further guidance on the duration of your case once we have more information and as the matter progresses.</p> <h4>Our team</h4> <p>Our Employment team has many years of collective experience in delivering high quality work in employment tribunal claims, and all of the Employment group are able to undertake unfair dismissal claims. Information on each of the team members can be found at the link below this section.</p> <p><a class="btn green-bg-navy-text" href="/fr/legal/regulatory-information/regulatory-information-on-costs/related-people#Employment">See related experts</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section section--footer"> <div class="container"> <a class="btn btn--subscribe" href="/fr/subscribe" target=""> Abonnez-vous &agrave; nos derni&egrave;res actualit&eacute;s </a> <div class="footer--navigation__primary"> <ul> <li> <a href="/fr/about-us" target=""> À propos de nous </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/online-services" target=""> Campaigns and online tools </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/insights-and-events/news" target=""> Actualités </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/people" target=""> Équipe </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/expertise" target=""> Expertise </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/global-reach" target=""> Bureaux </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/insights-and-events/insights" target=""> Publications </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/insights-and-events/events" target=""> Événements </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/insights-and-events/news/media-centre" target=""> Communiqués de Presse </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/contact-us" target=""> Contact </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/careers" target=""> Carrières </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/alumni" target=""> Alumni </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer--social__icons"> <a href="/fr/social-media" target="" aria-label="fa-instagram"> <span class="fab fa-instagram"> </span> </a> <a href="/fr/social-media" target="" aria-label="fa-x-twitter"> <span class="fab fa-x-twitter"> </span> </a> <a href="/fr/social-media" target="" aria-label="fa-linkedin"> <span class="fab fa-linkedin"> </span> </a> <a href="/fr/social-media" target="" aria-label="fa-youtube"> <span class="fab fa-youtube"> </span> </a> <a href="/fr/social-media" target="" aria-label="fa-xing"> <span class="fab fa-xing"> </span> </a> </div> <div class="footer--navigation__secondary"> <ul> <li> <a href="/fr/legal/data-protection-privacy-policy" target=""> Politique de Confidentialité </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/legal/cookie-policy" target=""> Politique en matière de confidentialité et de cookies </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/legal/regulatory-information" target=""> Informations légales et réglementaires </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/legal/regulatory-information/regulatory-information-on-costs" target=""> Informations réglementaires sur les coûts </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/legal/complaints-procedure-for-clients" target=""> Procédure de plainte pour les clients </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/legal/terms-of-use" target=""> Conditions d’utilisation </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/legal/anti-slavery-statement" target=""> Anti-slavery statement </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/legal/environmental" target=""> Environnement </a> </li> <li> <a href="/fr/legal/scam-emails" target=""> Emails frauduleux </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="copyright">&#169; Taylor Wessing</p> </div> </div> </div> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- pd1ldwk00093G - W - v1.3.5.202 --> <script src="/sitecore%20modules/Web/ExperienceForms/scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js"></script> <script src="/sitecore%20modules/Web/ExperienceForms/scripts/form.validate.js"></script> <script src="/sitecore%20modules/Web/ExperienceForms/scripts/form.tracking.js"></script> <script src="/sitecore%20modules/Web/ExperienceForms/scripts/form.conditions.js"></script> <script src="/sitecore%20modules/Web/ExperienceForms/scripts/formsextensions.validate.js"></script> <div id="contextMenu" class="custom-context-menu" role="menu"> <button id="copyEmail" role="menuitem"></button> </div> <input type="text" id="emailInput" style="position: absolute; top: -9999px;"> </body> </html>

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