State of error (PoemTalk #50) | Jacket2

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class="title">State of error (PoemTalk #50)</h1> <div id="content-area"> <div id="node-7571" class="node node-type-podcast-post clearfix"> <div class="content"> <!--print display title if present --> <h3 class="subtitle">Tom Raworth, &#039;Errory&#039;</h3><div class="podcast-series-byline"><a href="/content/poem-talk">PoemTalk</a></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-image-feature"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <figure><img src="" alt="" title="" class="imagecache imagecache-wide_main_column imagecache-default imagecache-wide_main_column_default" /></figure> </div> </div> </div> <p><a href="">LISTEN TO THE SHOW</a></p> <p>For our 50th episode, <a href="">Charles Bernstein</a>, <a href="">Michael Hennessey</a>, and <a href="">Marjorie Perloff</a> gathered at the <a href="">Kelly Writers House</a> to talk about Tom Raworth’s poem, “Errory.”&nbsp; The poem was published in <em>Clean &amp; Well Lit</em> in 1996, and has been reprinted in the <a href="">Carcanet Press</a> <em><a href="">Collected Poems</a></em> (2003). Our recording of “Errory” comes from audio material produced in 2004 by the Contemporary Poetics Research Center (CPRC) at Birkbeck College of the University of London, and we thank Colin Still for making these recordings available to PennSound.</p> <p><a href="">Here</a> is the CPRC/PennSound recording of Raworth performing “Errory,” at somewhat more than his usual breakneck speed. <a href="">Listen</a> to “Out of a Sudden,” for instance — from the same recording session — and you'll notice a more deliberate pace. <img src="" alt="&lt;--break- />" title="&lt;--break-->"></p> <p>The 32-minute <a href="">recording</a> of “Writing,” read at typical Raworthian canter, is certainly worth hearing for similarities to the aural feel of “Errory”: urgent, converging, phrases “clawing back,” “free-falling into mind,” “vibrations of division,” “small notes to the rhythm of the train,” “things whiz past.” These are all, of course, phrases from our poem, which is, in a sense, in addition to everything else that it is, a poem about the urgency of its soundings. The pace of Raworth’s delivery is clearly a crucial aspect of the signifying, and, as if anyone needed further evidence, underscores the importance of close listening in the sound archive.</p> <p>Michael and Marjorie are especially interested in “Errory” as a war poem of some sort. Michael reminds us of Raworth’s childhood experiences of the Blitz. All the talkers comment on the use of a vocabulary and diction of martial industrial (<em>not</em> post-industrial) mechanism. Al sees, as well, a embedded sequence of landscapes, and Al and Charles note that, if the poem is slowed way down (Charles performs this briefly), we’ll hear little <img src="/sites/" width="350" height="108" class="right " />seemingly set-piece nature lyrics — lyrics that are, of course, challenged by the ubiquitous presence of “landing sites” and “transmitting unit[s].” The “scanty pastures” with which the poem ends are sites on which communication is destroyed “more easily” than otherwise.</p> <p>“Errory,” as Marjorie points out, is so much more than a single fault or misdirection, indicated by the conventional term “error”; “errory” is, rather, an ongoing condition or state of error, a continuous striking of the so-called false note, “free-falling into mind” to the point where it becomes a “joined harmonising.”</p> <div> <div style="text-indent: -1em; padding-left: 1em;"><strong>Errory</strong></div> <div style="text-indent: -1em; padding-left: 1em;"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></div> <div style="text-indent: -1em; padding-left: 1em;">joined harmonising the best</div> <div style="text-indent: -1em; padding-left: 1em;"> <div>so it needn’t wait</div> <div>phrase: the question are you sure?</div> <div>hanging three feet off the ground</div> <div>silent, absolutely quiet</div> <div>headquarters – we travelled north</div> <div>clawing back small shelter</div> <div>hung with screaming</div> <div>on the same rig</div> <div>blended in enthusiasm</div> <div>as the race approached</div> <div>through cracks in snow</div> <div>free-falling into mind</div> <div>alive with brightness shivering</div> <div>instantly into sleep</div> <div>changed, re-formed</div> <div>they run, they run</div> <div>with madness into chutes</div> <div>of changed values</div> <div>all of them conventional</div> <div>vibrations of division</div> <div>dare to refuse the glass</div> <div>lazily through long green</div> <div>discrete landing sites</div> <div>to a transmitting unit</div> <div>over the protective line</div> <div>wave patterns in space</div> <div>form black against</div> <div>sifted patches of moonlight</div> <div>birds move in the dark</div> <div>their faint contours</div> <div>singing small notes</div> <div>to the rhythm of a train</div> <div>so empty at this hour</div> <div>silence in between</div> <div>contains the words</div> <div>things whiz past</div> <div>once more</div> <div>the sound of calculation</div> <div>by indirect means</div> <div>receives its full due</div> <div>along the wet pavement</div> <div>human flesh</div> <div>fallen in all directions</div> <div>to fresh eyes</div> <div>something to do with the sky</div> <div>senselessly dishevelled</div> <div>resolves and fixes</div> <div>the foundation</div> <div>desirable to guard against</div> <div>relative soundness of approach</div> <div>including human shapes</div> <div>used by the dealer</div> <div>connecting them</div> <div>to a sense of common</div> <div>unforeseeable properties of relics</div> <div>considered in place</div> <div>so deceptive</div> <div>their firesides play</div> <div>optimism for its object</div> <div>without arousing</div> <div>constitutional tradition</div> <div>beyond the rules of the game</div> <div>hailstones imagine</div> <div>moist sea air</div> <div>disordered beyond it rise</div> <div>drearier philosophies</div> <div>to resist retrogression</div> <div>faster than anything</div> <div>directly stimulating receptors</div> <div>attention moves</div> <div>many possible representations</div> <div>inside the heart</div> <div>decayed into blackness</div> <div>fine details of the scene</div> <div>creep along for years</div> <div>hard to become</div> <div>immune to a predator</div> <div>silhouettes of participants</div> <div>dangle in their own data</div> <div>faint green clouds</div> <div>in almost pure alcohol</div> <div>calibrate the equipment</div> <div>to assume a more personal form</div> <div>susceptible to psychic influences</div> <div>does not contempt breed</div> <div>often in disguise?</div> <div>slipping past a window</div> <div>on communal stairs</div> <div>into faded yellow</div> <div>flashed with orange</div> <div>slanting through smoke</div> <div>swished into a perfect dome</div> <div>dissatisfied when calm returns</div> <div>centered around a food animal</div> <div>mastery of areas</div> <div>managed to neutralise</div> <div>subjects into waves</div> <div>to destroy communication</div> </div> <div style="text-indent: -1em; padding-left: 1em;"> <div>more easily on scanty pasture </div> </div> </div> <p><br />PoemTalk was edited this time, as forty-nine times previously, by<a href=""> Steve McLaughlin</a>. The show is produced at the Kelly Writers House in collaboration with the <a href="">Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing</a> at the University of Pennsylvania, <a href="">PennSound</a>, and the <a href="">Poetry Foundation</a>.</p> <div class="field field-type-link field-field-podcast-link"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="">LISTEN TO THE SHOW</a> </div> </div> </div> <br /><div class="meta"><span class="submitted">February 28, 2012</span></div><div class="terms"> <div class="field-label">TAGS:</div><ul class="links inline"><li class="taxonomy_term_3141 first"><a href="/category/al-filreis-tags/charles-bernstein" rel="tag" title="">Charles Bernstein</a></li> <li class="taxonomy_term_3139"><a href="/category/al-filreis-tags/marjorie-perloff" rel="tag" title="">Marjorie Perloff</a></li> <li class="taxonomy_term_5493"><a href="/category/commentary-tags/michael-hennessey" rel="tag" title="">Michael Hennessey</a></li> <li class="taxonomy_term_3757 last"><a href="/category/commentary-tags/tom-raworth" rel="tag" title="">Tom Raworth</a></li> </ul><br /></div> </div> <ul class="links inline"><li class="addthis first last"><span> <a class="addthis-button" href="" onfocus="return addthis_open(this, '', '[URL]', '[TITLE]')" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '[URL]', '[TITLE]')" onblur="addthis_close()" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()"><img src="" width="125" height="16" alt="share" class="addthisimage" /></a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></span></li> </ul></div> <!-- /.node --> </div> </section> <aside id="secondary" class="column sidebar second"> <div class="region region-right"> <div id="block-views-podcasts_section_series-block_9" class="block block-views region-odd odd region-count-1 count-1"> <div class="content"> <div class="view view-podcasts-section-series view-id-podcasts_section_series view-display-id-block_9 view-dom-id-1 view-podcasts-section-series view-id-podcasts_section_series view-display-id-block_9 view-dom-id-1"> <div class="view-content"> <div class="views-row views-row-1 views-row-odd views-row-first views-row-last"> <div class="views-field-field-podcast-sidebar-value"> <div class="field-content"><p><strong>POEMTALK</strong> is a collaboration of the <a href="">Kelly Writers House</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a href="">PennSound</a>. PoemTalk’s producer and host is <a href="">Al Filreis</a>, our engineer is <img src="/sites/" width="115" height="92" class="right" />Zach Carduner, and our editor is the same talented Zach Carduner (whose predecessors were Amaris Cuchanski, Allison Harris, and for most of the early episodes, Steve McLaughlin). PoemTalk is also available by subscription on many podcast platforms, including Spotify.<br /></p> <p><strong>INDEX OF EPISODES:</strong><a href=""><br /></a><a href="">PT#1</a>:&nbsp;William Carlos Williams between walls <a href=""><br /> </a><a href="">PT#2</a>: Adrienne Rich won’t wait <br /><a href="">PT#3</a>: George Oppen’s ballad <br /><a href="">PT#4</a>: Allen Ginsberg sings Blake <br /><a href="">PT#5</a>: Ted Berrigan’s “3 Pages”&nbsp;<br /><a href="">PT#6</a>: Jaap Blonk sound poem <br /><a href="">PT#7</a>: Jerome Rothenberg’s paradise <br /><a href="">PT#8</a>: Rae Armantrout’s “The Way”&nbsp;<br /><a href="">PT#9</a>: John Ashbery at a crossroads <br /><a href="">PT#10</a>: One of Gertrude Stein’s portraits <br /><a href="">PT#11</a>: Erica Hunt’s “voice of no”&nbsp;<br /><a href="">PT#12</a>: Ezra Pound’s America <br /><a href="">PT#13</a>: Kathleen Fraser’s dangerous highway <br /><a href="">PT#14</a>: Wallace Stevens at the end <br /><a href="">PT#15</a>: Lyn Hejinian’s change <br /><a href="">PT#16</a>: Creeley driving the car <br /><a href="">PT#17</a>: Rodrigo Toscano’s political poetics <br /><a href="">PT#18</a>: Lydia Davis has a position <br /><a href="">PT#19</a>: Bob Perelman’s inner unruly child <br /><a href="">PT#20</a>: Amiri Baraka’s Kenyatta <br /><a href="">PT#21</a>: Charles Bernstein’s restlessness <br /><a href="">PT#22</a>: Louis Zukofsky begins anew <br /><a href="">PT#23</a>: Cid Corman really knew terror <br /><a href="">PT#24</a>: Barbara Guest, a poem about painting <br /><a href="">PT#25</a>: Alice Notley on the Lower East Side <br /><a href="">PT#26</a>: wild Vachel Lindsay <br /><a href="">PT#27</a>: Robert Duncan opens the field <br /><a href="">PT#28</a>: Jack Spicer to shrink: drop dead <br /><a href="">PT#29</a>: Kit Robinson ponders mad men <br /><a href="">PT#30</a>: the W. C. Williams we remember <br /><a href="">PT#31</a>: Robert Grenier’s box of poem-cards <br /><a href="">PT#32</a>: Susan Howe’s Emily Dickinson <br /><a href="">PT#33</a>: flarfist Sharon Mesmer <br /><a href="">PT#34</a>: Charles Olson’s Maximus <br /><a href="">PT#35</a>: Bruce Andrews at the center <br /><a href="">PT#36</a>: J. Scappettone writes through H.D. <br /><a href="">PT#37</a>: Jena Osman drops leaflets <br /><a href="">PT#38</a>: Norman Fischer would like to see it<br /><a href="">PT#39</a>: Etheridge Knight and Gwendolyn Brooks<br /><a href="">PT#40</a>: Susan Schultz blogs dementia<br /><a href="">PT#41</a>: Ezra Pound in Venice<br /><a href="">PT#42</a>: Nathaniel Tarn’s ecopoetics<br /><a href="">PT#43</a>: John Weiners by night<br /><a href="">PT#44</a>: Fred Wah’s race to go<br /><a href="">PT#45</a>: Eileen Myles does what they teach<br /><a href="">PT#46</a>: Jackson Mac Low writes through Ezra<br /><a href="">PT#47</a>: Rosmarie Waldrop’s America<br /><a href="">PT#48</a>: Edgar Allan Poe’s “Dream-Land”<br /><a href="">PT#49</a>: P. Inman advocates slow writing<br /><a href="">PT#50</a>: Tom Raworth’s state of error<br /><a href="">PT#51</a>: Linh Dinh on race, food, and war<br /><a href="">PT#52</a>: Cole Swensen on art and gardens<br /><a href="">PT#53</a>: Joan Retallack’s homage to Cage<br /><a href="">PT#54</a>: Ron Silliman’s “You”<br /><a href="">PT#55</a>: Jennifer Moxley’s line<br /><a href="">PT#56</a>: Charles Reznikoff’s Mishnaic poetics<br /><a href="">PT#57</a>: Djanikian and the alphabet of genocide<a href=""><br />PT#58:</a> Mayer’s Statue of Liberty<br /><a href="">PT#59</a>: Blackburn on baseball and imperialism<br /><a href="">PT#60</a>: The bebop verse of Clark Coolidge<br /><a href="">PT#61</a>: Bill Berkson’s signature song<br /><a href="">PT#62</a>: Charles Alexander’s post-9/11 poem<br /><a href="">PT#63</a>: Laynie Browne’s daily sonnets<br /><a href="">PT#64</a>: Bergvall chants Dante translations<br /><a href="">PT#65</a>: Lisa Robertson on the weather<br /><a href="">PT#66</a>: W. B. Yeats longs for Ireland<br /><a href="">PT#67</a>: Catherine Wagner’s fucking poem<br /><a href="">PT#68</a>: Ray DiPalma’s languagy optimism<br /><a href="">PT#69</a>: Rachel Blau DuPlessis’s <em>Drafts<br /></em><a href="">PT#70</a>: Laura Mullen on wars and weddings<br /><a href="">PT#71</a>: Claude McKay’s political sonnet<br /><a href="">PT#72</a>: Bob Cobbing sound poem <br /><a href="">PT#73</a>: Steve Benson improvises questions<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#74</a>: Basil Bunting performs Whitman<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#75</a>: Will Alexander’s galvanics<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#76</a>: Anne Waldman vs. Jesse Helms<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#77</a>: Lorine Niedecker, home and country<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#78</a>: Muriel Rukeyser teaches in East Harlem<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#79</a>: Joanne Kyger’s revolutionary notes<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#80</a>: Tom Leonard does Shelley in voices<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#81</a>: Fanny Howe’s deep descent<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#82</a>: Carl Rakosi and what makes the poetic “I”<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#83</a>: Wallace Stevens climbs a mountain poem<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#84</a>: H.D. rewrites the story of Helen<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#85</a>: James Schuyler’s New York February<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#86</a>: Tyrone Williams’s eshuneutics<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#87</a>: Emily Dickinson reckons requirements<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#88</a>: Kathy Acker’s punk translations<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#89</a>: Nathaniel Mackey on survival<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#90</a>: Gertrude Stein and her brother(s)<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#91</a>: Gil Ott and the invisible wound<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#92</a>: Bob Perelman’s confession<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#93</a>: Helen Adam’s witchy ballad<br /><a href="" target="_blank">PT#94</a>: CA Conrad’s somatic poetry<br /><a href="">PT#95</a>: Rob Fitterman’s “Sprawl”<br /><a href="">PT#96</a>: Allen Grossman in the synagogue<br /><a href="">PT#97</a>: Larry Eigner’s unyielding rock<br /><a href="">PT#98</a>: James Weldon Johnson’s onward feet<br /><a href="">PT#99</a>: William Bronk, poet of bleakness<br /><a href="">PT#100</a>: A PoemTalk retrospective<br /><a href="">PT#101</a>: Ed Dorn’s ’60s political synthesis<br /><a href="" title="PoemTalk 102">PT#102</a>: Robert Lowell in the off-season<br /><a href="" title="PoemTalk 103">PT#103</a>: Simone White and the ferocity of dispersal<br /><a href="" title="PoemTalk 104">PT#104</a>: Akilah Oliver’s flesh memory<br /><a href="" title="PoemTalk 105">PT#105</a>: Michael Magee walks Philadelphia<br /><a href="" title="PoemTalk 106">PT#106</a>: C. D. Wright on mass incarceration<br /><a href="" title="PoemTalk 107">PT#107</a>: Paul Celan declares that it’s time<br /><a href="" title="PoemTalk 108">PT#108</a>: Tracie Morris radicalizes the voice<br /><a href="" title="PoemTalk 109">PT#109</a>: Kate Colby’s long poem on meaning<br /><a href="">PT#110</a>: Philip Whalen in Bolinas<br /><a href="">PT#111</a>: Naomi Replansky’s metrical radicalism<br /><a href="">PT#112</a>: Patrick Rosal’s “Instance of an Island”<br /><a href="">PT#113</a>: Robin Blaser’s “A Bird in the House”<br /><a href="">PT#114</a>: Claudia Rankine’s “Don’t Let Me Be Lonely”<br /><a href="">PT#115</a>: Lorenzo Thomas’s “An Arc Still Open”<br /><a href="">PT#116</a>: Ann Tardos’s “Uxudo”<br /><a href="">PT#117</a>: Larissa Lai’s “Nascent Fashion”<br /><a href="">PT#118</a>: M. Nourbese Philip’s “Zong!”<br /><a href="">PT#119</a>: Fatemah Shams and the wars of Iran<br /><a href="">PT#120</a>: Ann Lauterbach’s complex dream<br /><a href="">PT#121</a>: Jerome Rothenberg sings&nbsp;<em>Poland/1931</em><br /><a href="">PT#122</a>: Sean Bonney’s happiness (in London)<br /><a href="">PT#123</a>: A David Antin talk-poem about war<br /><a href="">PT#124</a>: Jack Kerouac’s experimental poetry<br /><a href="">PT#125</a>: Erica Baum’s ‘Dog Ear’<br /><a href="">PT#126</a>: A live PoemTalk on Baraka<br /><a href="">PT#127</a>: Ashbery’s short answer<br /><a href="">PT#128</a>: Sueyeun Juliette Lee’s “perfect villagers” series<br /><a href="">PT#129</a>: Sylvia Plath’s “The Stones”<br /><a href="">PT#130</a>: Gwendolyn Brooks’s “Riot”<br /><a href="">PT#131</a>: Syd Zolf’s Markov Chain text<br /><a href="">PT#132</a>: Maria Hindmarch on Vancouver’s poetry scene<br /><a href="">PT#133</a>: Divya Victor on Whitman’s colonial extraction<br /><a href="">PT#134</a>: Berssenbrugge greets the roses<br /><a href="">PT#135</a>: Cage's writing through James Joyce<br /><a href="">PT#136</a>: Nasser Hussain writes with airport codes<br /><a href="">PT#137</a>: psychiatrists talk about Anne Sexton<br /><a href="">PT#138</a>: Maggie Nelson’s “Bluets”<br /><a href="">PT#139</a>: poems from the Worker Writers School<br /><a href="">PT#140</a>: Barbara Guest ascends the blue stairs<br /><a href="">PT#141</a>: Rosmarie Waldrop remembers Nazi Germany<br /><a href="">PT#142</a>: an early Charles Bernstein poem<br /><a href="">PT#143</a>: Hannah Weiner’s “Clairvoyant Journal”<br /><a href="">PT#144</a>: Michael McClure’s “Ghost Tantras”<br /><a href="">PT #145</a>: Tonya Foster’s <em>A Swarm of Bees in High Court<br /></em><a href="">PT #146</a>: Robert Frost’s “Mending Wall”<br /><a href="">PT #147</a>: “By the road to the contagious hospital”<br /><a href="">PT #148</a>: Erica Hunt’s “Should You Find Me”<br /><a href="">PT #149</a>: Kamau Brathwaite’s “Negus”<br /><a href="">PT #150</a>: Two Terrance Hayes poems<br /><a href="">PT #151</a>: Two Eileen Myles poems<br /><a href="">PT #152</a>: “The Poem That Took the Place of a Mountain”<br /><a href="">PT #153</a>: Daphne Marlatt’s “Arriving”<br /><a href="">PT#154</a>: Liz Willis &amp; her great flower<br /><a href="">PT#155</a>: Lorenzo Thomas on passion &amp; race<br /><a href="">PT#156</a>: Steve Dalachinsky remembers Brooklyn<br /><a href="">PT #157</a>: Kevin Killian’s “Is It All over My Face?”<br /><a href="">PT #158</a>: Bob Kaufman’s “Suicide”<br /><a href="">PT #159</a>: bpNichol’s small songs<br /><a href="">PT #160</a>: Sonnets from Edna St. Vincent Millay<br /><a href="">PT #161</a>: Sarah Dowling’s&nbsp;<em>Entering Sappho</em><br /><a href="">PT #162</a>: Tuli Kupferberg’s verse<br /><a href="">PT #163</a>: Daphne Marlatt, “Steveston, B.C.”<br /><a href="">PT #164</a>: Scalapino’s “‘Can’t’ is ‘Night’”<br /><a href="">PT #165</a>: Punch fascists<br /><a href="">PT #166</a>: Cecilia Vicuña in performance<br /><a href="">PT #167</a>: Myung Mi Kim’s “And Sing We”<br /><a href="">PT #168</a>: Jayne Cortez’s “She Got He Got”<br /><a href="">PT #169</a>: George Quasha’s preverbs<br /><a href="">PT #170</a>: di Prima’s “Revolutionary Letters”<br /><a href="">PT #171</a>: Two poems from Eugene Ostashevsky<br /><a href="">PT #172</a>: Harryette Mullen &amp; her dictionary<br /><a href="">PT #173</a>: Divya Victor on anti-Asian violence<br /><a href="">PT #174</a>: Sawako Nakayasu's girls on the run<br /><a href="">PT #175</a>: Joan Retallack's poethical wager<br /><a href="">PT #176</a>: cruising John Ashbery's early poem<br /><a href="">PT #177</a>: Maggie O'Sullivan paw mouthings<br /><a href="">PT #178</a>: Matvei Yankelevich's "Dear Winter"<br /><a href="">PT #179</a>: Armand Schwerner's tablet<br /><a href="">PT #180</a>: Lisa Fishman in Chicago<br /><a href="">PT #181</a>: Hoa Nguyen's "Long Light"<br /><a href="">PT #182</a>: Doug Kearney's sounded art<br /><a href="">PT #183</a>: Dodie Bellamy's "Vomit Journal"<br /><a href="">PT #184</a>: John Giorno's sound art<br /><a href="">PT #185</a>: Frank O'Hara's dirty songs<br /><a href="">PT #186</a>: Tina Darragh's wire boxes<br /><a href="">PT #187</a>: Mina Loy's love songs<br /><a href="">PT #188</a>: Ted Pearson's catenary odes<br /><a href="">PT #189</a>: Gregory Corso in Europe<br /><a href="">PT #190</a>: Aldon Nielsen's "Tray"<br /><a href="">PT #191</a>: Kenward Elmslie sings<br /><a href="">PT #192</a>: Owen Dodson's "For Billie Holiday"<br /><a href="">PT #193</a>: Ariana Reines' "To the Reader"<br /><a href="">PT #194</a>:&nbsp;Veronica Forrest-Thomson's “S/Z”<br /><a href="">PT #195</a>:&nbsp;Ron Padgett's “The Austrian Maiden”&nbsp;<br /><a href="">PT #196</a>:&nbsp;Hart Crane’s “The Harbor Dawn”<br /><a href="">PT #197</a>:&nbsp;Marjorie Welish's&nbsp;“Begetting Textile”</p> <p><img src="" alt="" title="PoemTalk on Erica Hunt" width="300" height="225" /><em>The recording of <a href="">PoemTalk #11</a> on Erica Hunt’s “The Voice of No.” Clockwise from left: Julia Bloch, our editor Steve McLaughlin, Elizabeth Willis, Al Filreis, and Jessica Lowenthal.</em><br /></p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /.view --> </div> </div> <!-- /.block --> </div> <!-- /.region --> <h2>Tags</h2><div class="view view-podcasts-section-series view-id-podcasts_section_series view-display-id-block_11 view-dom-id-3 view-podcasts-section-series view-id-podcasts_section_series view-display-id-block_11 view-dom-id-3"> <div class="view-content"> <div class="views-row views-row-1 views-row-odd views-row-first"> <div class="views-field-name"> <span class="field-content"><a href="/category/commentary-tags/al-filreis">Al Filreis</a></span> </div> </div> <div class="views-row views-row-2 views-row-even"> <div class="views-field-name"> <span class="field-content"><a href="/category/commentary-tags/bob-holman">Bob Holman</a></span> </div> </div> <div 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