Uptodown Technologies SL - Job offers, offices and team

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We develop tools and services so that everyone can easily download software legally and securely. We love working on our project, and we think you would too. Join our team and help us make Android even better! </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='relative z-10 hidden md:block'> <div class='container mx-auto pl-6 pr-6'> <div class='flex flex-wrap -ml-4 -mr-4 justify-start'> <div class='pl-4 pr-4 block w-full md:block md:w-3/12 md:ml-8/12'> <div class='absolute factorial__dotted-div -bottom-32' style='height: 200px;width: 220px;'></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='relative z-10 hidden md:block'> <div class='container mx-auto pl-6 pr-6'> <div class='flex flex-wrap -ml-4 -mr-4 justify-start'> <div class='pl-4 pr-4 block w-full md:block md:w-5/12 md:ml-1/12'> <div class='absolute factorial__dotted-div' style='bottom: -36rem;height: 200px;width: 220px;'></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <svg class='absolute w-full text-white bottom-0 fill-current' height='192px' preserveAspectRatio='none' viewBox='0 0 100 100'></svg> </div> <div class='relative z-20 overflow-hidden w-full -mt-10 md:-mt-64'> <div class='factorial__jumbotron'> <img class="factorial__jumbotron__image" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class='relative z-0 md:-mt-16'> <div class='relative bg-white z-30' id='values'> <div class='py-16 sm:py-32'> <div class='absolute z-10 inset-0 right-auto bg-themed-500' style='width: 50%;'></div> <div class='container mx-auto pl-6 pr-6 relative'> <div class='absolute left-0 right-0 bg-themed-500 -top-16 sm:-top-32 -bottom-16 sm:-bottom-32'></div> <div class='relative z-20'> <div class='flex flex-wrap -ml-4 -mr-4 justify-start'> <div class='pl-4 pr-4 block w-full sm:block sm:w-4/12'> <div class='mb-12 sm:mb-0'><div class='flex'> <div class='flex flex-col'> <div class='mb-0'><div class='mb-2 sm:mb-4'><h2 class="text-xl2 sm:text-xl3 leading-lg sm:leading-xl font-bold text-themed-inverted factorial__headingFontFamily">Our values </h2></div> <div class=''> <div class='mb-8'><p class="text-sm sm:text-base leading-sm sm:leading-base font-normal text-themed-inverted text-left">It is clear to us that the foundation of our project is based on the well-being of our team and the passion to work toward an exciting goal. </p></div> </div> <div class='flex'> <div class='w-10 h-1 rounded-full bg-themed-inverted'></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='pl-4 pr-4 block w-full sm:block sm:w-7/12'> <div class='flex flex-wrap -ml-4 -mr-4 justify-start'> <div class='pl-4 pr-4 block w-full sm:block sm:w-6/12'> <div class='mb-12'><div class='mb-2 sm:mb-4'><h3 class="text-xl sm:text-xl2 leading-base sm:leading-lg font-bold text-themed-inverted factorial__headingFontFamily">A robust project </h3></div> <div class="text-sm sm:text-base leading-sm sm:leading-base font-normal text-themed-inverted text-left">After 20 years of experience in the industry, we are still in constant growth, self-financed, and without the help of external investment. </div></div> </div> <div class='pl-4 pr-4 block w-full sm:block sm:w-6/12'> <div class='mb-12'><div class='mb-2 sm:mb-4'><h3 class="text-xl sm:text-xl2 leading-base sm:leading-lg font-bold text-themed-inverted factorial__headingFontFamily">We are all important </h3></div> <div class="text-sm sm:text-base leading-sm sm:leading-base font-normal text-themed-inverted text-left">All team members have a say in day-to-day operations. Feeling an integral part of the project is fundamental to innovate and continue growing. </div></div> </div> <div class='pl-4 pr-4 block w-full sm:block sm:w-6/12'> <div class='mb-12 sm:mb-0'><div class='mb-2 sm:mb-4'><h3 class="text-xl sm:text-xl2 leading-base sm:leading-lg font-bold text-themed-inverted factorial__headingFontFamily">For a better mobile industry </h3></div> <div class="text-sm sm:text-base leading-sm sm:leading-base font-normal text-themed-inverted text-left">We are one of the world&#39;s leading players in mobile app distribution. We fight against the big gatekeepers to promote a fairer industry for users and developers. </div></div> </div> <div class='pl-4 pr-4 block w-full sm:block sm:w-6/12'> <div class='mb-0'><div class='mb-2 sm:mb-4'><h3 class="text-xl sm:text-xl2 leading-base sm:leading-lg font-bold text-themed-inverted factorial__headingFontFamily">Without forgetting our roots </h3></div> <div class="text-sm sm:text-base leading-sm sm:leading-base font-normal text-themed-inverted text-left">Although we are an international company, we maintain our main offices in Malaga, where we were born and grew up. We always keep in mind our origin as a Spanish and European project. </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='relative bg-gray-25 z-30' id='benefits'> <div class='py-16 sm:py-32'> <div class='container mx-auto pl-6 pr-6'> <div class='flex flex-wrap -ml-4 -mr-4 justify-center'> <div class='pl-4 pr-4 block w-full sm:block sm:w-6/12'> <div class='flex justify-center'> <div class='flex flex-col text-center'> <div class='mb-8'><div class='mb-2 sm:mb-4'><h2 class="text-xl2 sm:text-xl3 leading-lg sm:leading-xl font-bold text-gray-500 factorial__headingFontFamily">Benefits of working at Uptodown </h2></div> <div class='text-center'> <div class='mb-0'><p class="text-sm sm:text-base leading-sm sm:leading-base font-normal text-gray-500 text-left">The best results are obtained when the work of all the people who are part of the company is valued. The vote of confidence we place in our entire staff, together with the tools we provide to bring out the best in each of its members, is the best formula for Uptodown to be considered by its employees as a great project worth being part of.<br /><br />“100% of employees think this is a great place to work” - Great Place to Work Spain 2022/2023 Certification </p></div> </div> </div> <div class='flex justify-center'> <div class='flex justify-center'> <div class='w-6 h-1 rounded-full bg-gray-50' data-index='0' style=''></div> <div class='w-6 h-1 rounded-full ml-4 bg-gray-600' data-index='1' style='background-color: #00aad5'></div> <div class='w-6 h-1 rounded-full ml-4 bg-gray-50' data-index='2' style=''></div> <div class='w-6 h-1 rounded-full ml-4 bg-gray-50' data-index='3' style=''></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='mt-16 relative'> <div class='-mt-10 relative'></div> <div class='js-slick'> <div class='relative mr-4 ml-4 outline-none'> <div class='relative mt-10 ml-6 inline-block z-10'> <svg fill='none' height='40' viewBox='0 0 40 40' width='40' xmlns=''> <g opacity='0.6'> <path d='M29.1667 39.1667C34.6895 39.1667 39.1667 34.6895 39.1667 29.1667C39.1667 23.6438 34.6895 19.1667 29.1667 19.1667C23.6438 19.1667 19.1667 23.6438 19.1667 29.1667C19.1667 34.6895 23.6438 39.1667 29.1667 39.1667Z' fill='#00aad5'></path> <path d='M34.1666 12.5H0.833313V5.83334C0.833313 4.91286 1.57951 4.16667 2.49998 4.16667H32.5C33.4205 4.16667 34.1666 4.91286 34.1666 5.83334V12.5Z' fill='#00aad5'></path> </g> <path d='M29.1667 39.1667C34.6895 39.1667 39.1667 34.6895 39.1667 29.1667C39.1667 23.6438 34.6895 19.1667 29.1667 19.1667C23.6438 19.1667 19.1667 23.6438 19.1667 29.1667C19.1667 34.6895 23.6438 39.1667 29.1667 39.1667Z' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M32.5 29.1667H29.1667V24.1667' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' 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class='mb-0 sm:mb-2'><h3 class="text-base sm:text-lg leading-sm sm:leading-base font-bold text-gray-500 text-left factorial__headingFontFamily">Flexible calendar </h3></div> <div class="text-sm sm:text-base leading-sm sm:leading-base font-normal text-gray-500 text-left">We do not want you to sacrifice your personal life for your professional life, so we look for the best solution for each employee. </div> </div></div> </div> <div class='relative mr-4 ml-4 outline-none'> <div class='relative mt-10 ml-6 inline-block z-10'> <svg fill='none' height='40' viewBox='0 0 40 40' width='40' xmlns=''> <g opacity='0.6'> <path d='M5.83203 16.6654H2.4987C2.05667 16.6654 1.63275 16.4898 1.32019 16.1772C1.00763 15.8647 0.832031 15.4407 0.832031 14.9987V9.99871C0.832031 9.55668 1.00763 9.13276 1.32019 8.82019C1.63275 8.50763 2.05667 8.33204 2.4987 8.33204H5.83203' fill='#00aad5'></path> <path d='M34.168 16.6654H37.5013C37.9433 16.6654 38.3673 16.4898 38.6798 16.1772C38.9924 15.8647 39.168 15.4407 39.168 14.9987V9.99871C39.168 9.55668 38.9924 9.13276 38.6798 8.82019C38.3673 8.50763 37.9433 8.33204 37.5013 8.33204H34.168' fill='#00aad5'></path> <path d='M34.1654 23.332H5.83203V29.9987C5.83203 31.8397 7.32442 33.332 9.16536 33.332H30.832C32.673 33.332 34.1654 31.8397 34.1654 29.9987V23.332Z' fill='#00aad5'></path> </g> <path d='M9.16797 33.332V36.6654C9.16797 37.1074 9.34356 37.5313 9.65612 37.8439C9.96869 38.1564 10.3926 38.332 10.8346 38.332C11.2767 38.332 11.7006 38.1564 12.0131 37.8439C12.3257 37.5313 12.5013 37.1074 12.5013 36.6654V33.332' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M27.5 33.332V36.6654C27.5 37.1074 27.6756 37.5313 27.9882 37.8439C28.3007 38.1564 28.7246 38.332 29.1667 38.332C29.6087 38.332 30.0326 38.1564 30.3452 37.8439C30.6577 37.5313 30.8333 37.1074 30.8333 36.6654V33.332' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M5.83203 16.6654H2.4987C2.05667 16.6654 1.63275 16.4898 1.32019 16.1772C1.00763 15.8647 0.832031 15.4407 0.832031 14.9987V9.99871C0.832031 9.55668 1.00763 9.13276 1.32019 8.82019C1.63275 8.50763 2.05667 8.33204 2.4987 8.33204H5.83203' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M34.168 16.6654H37.5013C37.9433 16.6654 38.3673 16.4898 38.6798 16.1772C38.9924 15.8647 39.168 15.4407 39.168 14.9987V9.99871C39.168 9.55668 38.9924 9.13276 38.6798 8.82019C38.3673 8.50763 37.9433 8.33204 37.5013 8.33204H34.168' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M34.1654 23.332H5.83203V29.9987C5.83203 31.8397 7.32442 33.332 9.16536 33.332H30.832C32.673 33.332 34.1654 31.8397 34.1654 29.9987V23.332Z' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M9.16797 26.668H12.5013' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M27.5 26.668H30.8333' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M10.832 5.41796C10.9425 5.41796 11.0485 5.46186 11.1267 5.54C11.2048 5.61814 11.2487 5.72412 11.2487 5.83463' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M10.418 5.83463C10.418 5.72412 10.4619 5.61814 10.54 5.54C10.6181 5.46186 10.7241 5.41796 10.8346 5.41796' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M10.8346 6.24871C10.7241 6.24871 10.6181 6.20481 10.54 6.12667C10.4619 6.04853 10.418 5.94255 10.418 5.83204' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M11.2487 5.83204C11.2487 5.94255 11.2048 6.04853 11.1267 6.12667C11.0485 6.20481 10.9425 6.24871 10.832 6.24871' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M15 5.83204H23.3333' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M30.832 1.66796H9.16536C7.32442 1.66796 5.83203 3.16035 5.83203 5.00129V30.0013C5.83203 31.8422 7.32442 33.3346 9.16536 33.3346H30.832C32.673 33.3346 34.1654 31.8422 34.1654 30.0013V5.00129C34.1654 3.16035 32.673 1.66796 30.832 1.66796Z' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> </svg> </div> <div class='relative -mt-10'> <div class="outline-none bg-white rounded-sm px-8 py-8"><div class='mt-5'></div> <div class='mb-0 sm:mb-2'><h3 class="text-base sm:text-lg leading-sm sm:leading-base font-bold text-gray-500 text-left factorial__headingFontFamily">Remote </h3></div> <div class="text-sm sm:text-base leading-sm sm:leading-base font-normal text-gray-500 text-left">You decide where, how, and when to structure your work schedule, although we give you total freedom to come to our physical offices if you wish. </div> </div></div> </div> <div class='relative mr-4 ml-4 outline-none'> <div class='relative mt-10 ml-6 inline-block z-10'> <svg fill='none' height='40' viewBox='0 0 40 40' width='40' xmlns=''> <g opacity='0.6'> <path d='M26.6667 3.97845C26.6665 3.79323 26.728 3.61321 26.8414 3.46683C26.9549 3.32045 27.1139 3.21605 27.2934 3.17012C28.9732 2.74341 30.6799 2.42993 32.4017 2.23178C32.519 2.21808 32.6378 2.22946 32.7504 2.26516C32.8629 2.30086 32.9666 2.36007 33.0545 2.43886C33.1424 2.51765 33.2126 2.61423 33.2604 2.7222C33.3082 2.83016 33.3325 2.94705 33.3317 3.06512V15.2734L29.9984 11.9401L26.665 15.2734L26.6667 3.97845Z' fill='#00aad5'></path> </g> <path d='M20 10.2734V37.5651' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M15.8333 13.6057C12.3383 12.4073 8.69075 11.7115 5 11.5391' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M15.8333 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3.06512V15.2734L29.9984 11.9401L26.665 15.2734L26.6667 3.97845Z' stroke='#1C242B' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='1.66667'></path> <path d='M33.3346 4.66666C34.398 4.56666 35.5013 4.49999 36.613 4.46166C36.8363 4.45451 37.0588 4.49233 37.2672 4.57288C37.4756 4.65343 37.6657 4.77507 37.8261 4.93055C37.9866 5.08603 38.1141 5.27219 38.2012 5.47795C38.2883 5.68372 38.3331 5.90489 38.333 6.12832V30.295C38.3332 30.7285 38.1644 31.145 37.8626 31.4562C37.5608 31.7673 37.1496 31.9487 36.7163 31.9617C27.653 32.2333 20.0013 34.73 20.0013 37.7733C20.0013 34.73 12.3496 32.2333 3.28464 31.9633C2.85133 31.9503 2.44014 31.769 2.13832 31.4578C1.83649 31.1467 1.66777 30.7302 1.66797 30.2967V6.13332C1.66785 5.90989 1.71267 5.68872 1.79974 5.48295C1.88681 5.27719 2.01437 5.09103 2.17483 4.93555C2.33528 4.78007 2.52537 4.65843 2.73377 4.57788C2.94218 4.49733 3.16465 4.45951 3.38797 4.46666C12.4063 4.75166 20.0013 7.24166 20.0013 10.2733C20.0013 9.08832 21.168 7.98666 23.113 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