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With its high quality and low cost, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.</p> <br> <div> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/sponsors/cvf_.jpg" width="40%"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/sponsors/ieee_cs_.jpg" width="55%"></a> </div> <br> <div class="social-media hidden-sm"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-instagram"></i></a> </div> </div> <!-- end of about cvpr --> <div class="col-md-12 hidden-md hidden-lg"> <div id="outer-home-cta-container"></div> </div> <div class="clearfix visible-xs"></div> <div id="lg-home-banner-container" class="col-md-9 col-sm-9 col-xs-12 no-padding"> <img src="/images/salt_lake_city_7.jpg" alt="Salt Lake City" height="auto" width="100%"> </div> </div><!-- end of topleft image and overlay submission --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 card-popup text-center card-fixed light-grey"> <div class="card-fixed-content"> <a href="/program/main_conference"> <h3 class="dark-h3" style="color:rgb(223,82,3);font-weight:bold">CONFERENCE</h3> </a> <p>June 19 - 21</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 card-popup text-center card-fixed"> <div class="card-fixed-content"> <a href="/program/tutorials"> <h3 class="dark-h3" style="color:rgb(223,82,3);font-weight:bold">TUTORIALS</h3> </a> <p>June 18 and 22</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 card-popup text-center card-fixed light-grey"> <div class="card-fixed-content"> <a href="/program/workshops"> <h3 class="dark-h3" style="color:rgb(223,82,3);font-weight:bold">WORKSHOPS</h3> </a> <p>June 18 and 22</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 card-popup text-center card-fixed"> <div class="card-fixed-content"> <a href="/exhibit/exhibitor_information"> <h3 class="dark-h3" style="color:rgb(223,82,3);font-weight:bold">EXPO</h3> </a> <p>June 19 - 21</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 card-popup text-center light-grey card-fixed"> <div class="card-fixed-content"> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 card-popup text-center card-fixed"> <div class="card-fixed-content"> <a href="/files/CVPR_2018_Pocket_Guide_Main_Conference_Final_merged.pdf" target="_blank"> <h3 class="dark-h3" style="color:rgb(223,82,3); font-weight:bold">POCKET GUIDE</h3> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 card-popup text-center light-grey card-fixed"> <div class="card-fixed-content"> <a href="/files/CVPR_2018_Summary_Main_Conference.pdf" target="_blank"> <h3 class="dark-h3" style="color:rgb(223,82,3); font-weight:bold">AT A GLANCE</h3> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 card-popup text-center card-fixed"> <div class="card-fixed-content"> </div> </div> </div> --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 card-popup text-center card-fixed"> <div class="card-fixed-content"> <a href="/files/CVPR_2018_Pocket_Guide_Main_Conference_Final_merged.pdf" target="_blank"> <h3 class="dark-h3" style="color:rgb(223,82,3); font-weight:bold">MAIN CONFERENCE POCKET GUIDE</h3> </a> <a href="/files/CVPR_2018_Summary_Main_Conference.pdf" target="_blank"> <h3 class="dark-h3" style="color:rgb(223,82,3); font-weight:bold">AT A GLANCE</h3> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 card-popup text-center card-fixed light-grey"> <div class="card-fixed-content"> <a href="/files/CVPR_2018_Pocket_Guide_Workshops_Tutorials_Final_merged_.pdf" target="_blank"> <h3 class="dark-h3" style="color:rgb(223,82,3); font-weight:bold">WORKSHOPS & TUTORIALS POCKET GUIDE</h3> </a> <a href="/files/CVPR_2018_Summary_Workshops_Tutorials.pdf" target="_blank"> <h3 class="dark-h3" style="color:rgb(223,82,3); font-weight:bold">AT A GLANCE</h3> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 card-popup text-center card-fixed"> <div class="card-fixed-content"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <h3 class="dark-h3" style="color:rgb(223,82,3); font-weight:bold">CVPR 2018 PAPERS</h3> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 card-popup text-center card-fixed light-grey"> <div class="card-fixed-content"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <h3 class="dark-h3" style="color:rgb(223,82,3); font-weight:bold">GOOD CITIZEN OF CVPR</h3> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- next row: opennig slides, awards, .., ..? <!-- <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 card-popup text-center card-fixed-short light-grey"> <div class="card-fixed-content light-grey"> <a href="/files/CVPR_2018_Pocket_Guide_Main_Conference_Final_merged.pdf" target="_blank"> <h3 class="dark-h3 light-grey" style="color:rgb(223,82,3); font-weight:bold">POCKET GUIDE</h3> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 card-popup text-center card-fixed-short "> <div class="card-fixed-content"> <a href="/files/CVPR_2018_Summary_Main_Conference.pdf" target="_blank"> <h3 class="dark-h3" style="color:rgb(223,82,3); font-weight:bold">AT A GLANCE</h3> </a> </div> </div> </div> --> <div class="row row-card"> <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 card card-popup bg-grey"> <h3>MESSAGE FROM US</h3> <p> WELCOME TO CVPR 2018 </p> <p> CVPR 2018 will take place at the <a class="hyperlinks" href="" target="_blank"><strong>Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center</strong></a> the week of June 18-22, 2018 in Salt Lake City, Utah. <br> <a class="hyperlinks" href="/program/main_conference"><strong>Main Conference</strong></a> and <a class="hyperlinks" href="/exhibit/exhibitor_information"><strong>Exhibition</strong></a>: June 19-21 <br> <a href="/program/workshops"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>Workshops</strong></span></a> and <a href="/program/tutorials"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>Tutorials</strong></span></a>: June 18, 22 </p> <p> With over 3300 main-conference paper submissions and 979 accepted papers, CVPR 2018 offers an exciting program covering a wide variety of state-of-the-art work in the field of computer vision. In addition to the main program, CVPR 2018 includes 21 tutorials, 48 workshops, our annual doctoral consortium, and a growing industrial exhibition featuring over 115 companies. We are grateful to our numerous <a class="hyperlinks" href="/sponsors"><strong>sponsors</strong></a> for their continued support. </p> <p> We hope you enjoy CVPR while you're here and take some time either before or after the meeting to <a class="hyperlinks" href="" target="_blank"><strong>enjoy the mountains, lakes, national parks, and other attractions of Utah</strong></a>. </p> </hr> <p> CVPR represents an international community of scholars whose collective efforts are embodied in one of the finest conferences in all of Computer Science. </p> <p> The CVPR organizers take the view that good ideas can come from anyone, anywhere and that these good ideas should be disseminated for the good of all humanity – without exception. The organizing committee will continue to work to ensure that we do all we can to live up to these ideals. Our community knows no boundaries and we will strive to help researchers to participate, no matter where they live and without regard to race, gender, or background. </p> <p> All participants are expected to abide by the meeting's <a class="hyperlinks" href="/attend/code_of_conduct"><strong>Code of Conduct</strong></a>. </p> <p> You do not have to be an author to attend. </p> </div> <!--<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 card card-popup bg-dark">--> <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 card card-popup lighter-grey"> <h3>NEWS AND UPDATES</h3> <h4>Videos are available now. More to be added.</h4> <p>Videos of the CVPR 2018 conference sessions and some tutorials/workshops are now available on the Computer Vision Foundation YouTube channel (<a class="hyperlinks" href=""><b>here</b></a>).</p> <h4>CVPR 2018 Awards</h4> <p>CVPR 2018 Awards can be found <a class="hyperlinks" href="/program/main_conference#awards"><b>here</b></a>.</p> <h4>Opening Slides</h4> <p>The slides from the opening ceremony are available <a class="hyperlinks" href="/files/CVPR 2018 Opening 2.pdf" target="_blank"><b>here</b></a>, describing statistics about the technical program and the Expo; the best paper award winners; and the PAMI-TC award winners.</p> <h4>CVPR 2018 Interactive Data Viz (by GVU Center at Georgia Tech)</h4> <p>A high-level interactive data vizualization of research topics and details for each paper can be found <a class="hyperlinks" href="" target="_blank"><b>here</b></a>.</p> <h4>Reminders for Thursday.</h4> <p>On Thursday, we will not have Halls ABC, to reach Halls 1-4, you must go through the corridors. <br> The Coffee breaks will be in the Expo and the corridors with multiple access points. <br> Please remember to bring your badge - you must have the proper credentials to get into the Expo and the Oral Sessions. <br> Remember to take your posters down at the end of day. We will recycle any that are left behind! </p> <h4>CVPR Daily - Wednesday</h4> <p>Today's CVPR Daily magazine is <a class="hyperlinks" href="" target="_blank"><b>here</b></a>.</p> <h4>PAMI-TC Voting is open now.</h4> <p>You can participate in PAMI-TC Voting <a class="hyperlinks" href="" target="_blank"><strong>here</strong></a>. <br> It will close Wednesday 10:00 PM MT. </p> <h4>CVPR 2018 proceedings are available now.</h4> <p>CVPR 2018 proceedings can be downloaded form <a class="hyperlinks" href="" target="_blank"><strong>here</strong></a>.<br> Please download prior to arrival at the convention. It will be halted during conference hours.<br> Username: cvpr18<br> Password: conf18 </p> <h4>The CVPR 2018 App is available now.</h4> <p> Password: cvpr18<br> <a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Get it on Google Play" src="" width="25%" style="vertical-align: center;"/></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Download on the App Store" src="/images/appstore.svg" width="19%" style="vertical-align: center;"/></a> <br> Web App: <a class="hyperlinks" href="" target="_blank"><strong>here</strong></a>. </p> <h4>CVPR 2018 Papers are available now.</h4> <p>CVPR 2018 Papers can be found <a class="hyperlinks" href="" target="_blank"><strong>here</strong></a>.</p> <h4>Social media pages and hashtag.</h4> <p>Follow CVPR 2018 social media pages:</p> <div class="social-media hidden-sm"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-instagram"></i></a> </div> <p>Use hashtag <b>#CVPR18</b></p> <h4>Accepted demos and demo schedule are available now.</h4> <p>Schedule of accepted demos can be found <a class="hyperlinks" href="/program/demos"><strong>here</strong></a>.</p> <h4>Late spotlight video submissions!</h4> <p>Spotlight video submission deadline <b>WAS</b> Monday, June 11th at 9:00 AM, Mountain Daylight Time (MDT). We strongly encourage you to submit your video spotlight presentations within the next few hours. By failing to do so, you will put yourself at a very high risk of missing your spotlight presentation.</p> <h4>Workshops & Tutorials Pocket Guide is available now.</h4> <p>Workshops & Tutorials Pocket Guide can be found <a href="/files/CVPR_2018_Pocket_Guide_Workshops_Tutorials_Final_merged_.pdf" target="_blank"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <p>At-a-glance summary can be found <a href="/files/CVPR_2018_Summary_Workshops_Tutorials.pdf" target="_blank"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4>Main Conference Pocket Guide is available now.</h4> <p>Main Conference Pocket Guide can be found <a href="/files/CVPR_2018_Pocket_Guide_Main_Conference_Final_merged.pdf" target="_blank"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <p>At-a-glance summary can be found <a href="/files/CVPR_2018_Summary_Main_Conference.pdf" target="_blank"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4>Presenter Instructions are available now.</h4> <p>Presenter Instructions can be found <a href="/submission/presenter_instructions"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4>Outstanding and Emergency Reviewers.</h4> <p>List of Outstanding and Emergency Reviewers can be found <a href="/program/reviewer_acknowledgements"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4>Exhibitor Manual is available now.</h4> <p>Exhibitor Manual can be found <a href="/exhibit/exhibitor_manual"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4>Announcements from CVPR 2018 Sponsors are available now.</h4> <p>Announcements from Sponsors can be found <a href="/sponsors/sponsor_announcements"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4><span style="color:red;"><strong>[NEW]</strong></span> Panel on being a good citizen of CVPR has been scheduled on Friday, June 22, 2018.</h4> <p>Find out more at <a class="hyperlinks" href="" target="_blank"><strong>Good Citizen of CVPR</strong></a>.</p> <h4>Presentation Schedule is available now.</h4> <p>The presentation schedule can be found <a href="/program/main_conference"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4>Camera-Ready Deadline has been extended.</h4> <p>Camera-Ready Deadline is now March 29, 2018 [11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time].</p> <h4>List of Accepted Doctoral Consortium Applicants is available now.</h4> <p>List of Accepted DC Applicants can be found <a href="/program/doctoral_consortium"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4>Camera-Ready Deadline has been extended.</h4> <p>Camera-Ready Deadline is now March 28, 2018 [11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time].</p> <h4>Job Board is available now.</h4> <p>Posted jobs can be viewed <a class="hyperlinks" href="/jobs/job_board"><strong>here</strong></a>. <br> New jobs can be posted <a class="hyperlinks" href="/jobs/post_a_new_job"><strong>here</strong></a>. </p> <h4>Call for Demos is available now.</h4> <p>Call for demos and related dates can be found <a class="hyperlinks" href="/program/demos"><strong>here</strong></a>.</p> <h4>Registration is available now.</h4> <p>Registration link and requirements can be found <a class="hyperlinks" href="/attend/registration"><strong>here</strong></a>.<br> More information about the conference venue and hotels can be found <a class="hyperlinks" href="/attend/travel"><strong>here</strong></a>.<br> Please register EARLY and request a visa letter EARLY so that you have plenty of time to process the application. </p> <h4>CVPR 2018 Accepted Papers List is available now.</h4> <p>The list of accepted papers can be found <a class="hyperlinks" href="/files/cvpr_2018_final_accept_list.txt"><strong>here</strong></a>. <br> The final reviews are available on CMT (<a target="_blank" href=""><span class="hyperlinks" target="_blank"><strong>link</strong></span></a>). <br> The decisions of oral/spotlight/poster will be announced soon.</p> <h4>Doctoral consortium applications are now open.</h4> <p>Information about the doctoral consortium can be found <a href="/program/doctoral_consortium"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4>Student volunteer applications are now open.</h4> <p>Information and FAQ about student volunteering can be found <a href="/attend/student_volunteer"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4>Rebuttal period is closed.</h4> <p>Please check other important dates <a href="/submission/timeline"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4>Paper reviews are available now.</h4> <p>Paper reviews can be viewed through the CVPR 2018 CMT website (<a href=""><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>link</strong></span></a>). <br> Rebuttal deadline is January 25, 2018 [11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time]. <br> Please follow the example in the rebuttal kit when preparing your rebuttal (<a href="/submission/main_conference/author_guidelines#rebuttal_instructions"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>link</strong></span></a>). </p> <h4>Accepted Tutorials are available now.</h4> <p>Accepted Tutorials can be found <a href="/program/tutorials"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4>Accepted Workshops are available now.</h4> <p>Accepted Workshops can be found <a href="/program/workshops"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4>Tutorial submissions are now closed.</h4> <p>Tutorial submissions are now closed. Please check other important dates <a href="/submission/timeline"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4>Tutorial submission is still open.</h4> <p>Tutorials deadline is November 20, 2017 [11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time].<br> Call for tutorials can be found <a href="/submission/tutorial_proposals"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4>CMT Submissions Website is now closed.</h4> <p>Paper Submissions are now closed. Please check other important dates <a href="/submission/timeline"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>here</strong></span></a>.</p> <h4>CMT Submissions Website is now open.</h4> <p>CVPR 2018 CMT site is now open for paper submissions (<a href=""><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>link</strong></span></a>).<br> Paper submission deadline is November 15, 2017 [11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time]. <br> There is no paper abstract deadline.</p> <!-- Call for Papers --> <h4>Calls for Papers/Workshops/Tutorials are available now.</h4> <p> Call for <a href="/submission/main_conference/author_guidelines#call_for_papers"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>Papers</strong></span></a>/ <a href="/submission/workshop_proposals"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>Workshops</strong></span></a>/ <a href="/submission/tutorial_proposals"><span class="hyperlinks"><strong>Tutorials</strong></span></a>. </p> </div> </div> <div class="row row-card"> </div><!-- end of speakers --> <!-- TODO: --> </div><!-- body-container --> <div class="footer-container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 text-center social-media"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-instagram"></i></a> </div> </div> <div class="row footer-style"> <p>© 2018 CVPR</p> </div> </div><!-- footer-container --> <script type="text/javascript" src="home.js"></script> </div> </body> </html>