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After this date, applications will continue to be accepted and considered until all student volunteer positions are filled. </p> <p> <strong>How to Apply?</strong><br> To apply to be a Student Volunteer, please fill out the information in the following Google Form and submit it: <a class="hyperlinks" href="" target="_blank">Student volunteer application form</a>. If you are unable to access the form, e.g., due to firewalls, please instead fill out this <a class="hyperlinks" href="/files/TextApplication.html" target="_blank">plain text file</a> and submit it via email to <a class="hyperlinks" href=""></a>. This email should have the title "Student Volunteer Application". Note that an email submission should only be done if it isn't possible for you to apply via the regular form. </p> <p> <strong>What Are the Responsibilities of a Student Volunteer?</strong><br> We have a variety of volunteer opportunities and will coordinate with selected students to identify the most appropriate volunteer role for each student. Many of the positions involve working for 2-3 shifts (each about 2 hours) during the course of the conference to transport materials, manage registrations at the desk, help session chairs, etc. </p> <p> <strong>What are the Benefits of Participating as a Student Volunteer?</strong><br> Your conference registration fee is waived. We ask that you register as normal and once you have satisfied your volunteer duties, we will refund the registration. Note that registration fee will be reimbursed to the credit card that was used when registering. These are not travel grants. So if your professor paid for registration, the fee will be returned to your professor鈥檚 card. </p> <p> You also will get to meet individuals organizing the conference. This opportunity is incredibly valuable for growing your professional network. </p> <p> <strong>Questions?</strong><br> If you have any questions not answered above, please contact the Student Activities Chairs <strong>Marcus Brubaker</strong> and <strong>Danna Gurari</strong> at <a class="hyperlinks" href=""></a>. </p> <br><br> </div> </div> </div><!-- body-container --> <div class="footer-container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 text-center social-media"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-instagram"></i></a> </div> </div> <div class="row footer-style"> <p>© 2018 CVPR</p> </div> </div><!-- footer-container --> </div> </body> </html>