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Note that search parameters are carried on the --> <!--URL search query to allow next/previous article navigation, and return to the search list --> <a href=""> Brandt’s fully private auction protocol revisited </a> </h2> </div> <div class="front-meta-data"> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Authors: </span> <a class="badge" href="">Dreier, Jannik</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Dumas, Jean-Guillaume</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Lafourcade, Pascal</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Article Type:</span> Research Article </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">Abstract: </span> <span>Auctions have a long history, having been recorded as early as 500 B.C. [Auction Theory , Academic Press, San Diego, USA, 2002]. Nowadays, electronic auctions have been a great success and are increasingly used in various applications, including high performance computing [Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14 (13–15) (2002), 1507–1542]. Many cryptographic protocols have been proposed to address the various security requirements of these electronic transactions, in particular to ensure privacy. Brandt [International Journal of Information Security 5 (2006), 201–216] developed a protocol that computes the winner using homomorphic operations on a distributed ElGamal encryption of the bids. He claimed</span> <span class="fold-elip">…</span><span class="below-fold hidden" >that it ensures full privacy of the bidders, i.e. no information apart from the winner and the winning price is leaked. We first show that this protocol – when using malleable interactive zero-knowledge proofs – is vulnerable to attacks by dishonest bidders. Such bidders can manipulate the publicly available data in a way that allows the seller to deduce all participants’ bids. We provide an efficient parallelized implementation of the protocol and the attack to show its practicality. Additionally we discuss some issues with verifiability as well as attacks on non-repudiation, fairness and the privacy of individual bidders exploiting authentication problems. </span> <a class="view-more-abstract" href="#">Show more</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Keywords: </span> Anonymity, applied cryptography, cryptographic protocols, privacy-enhancing technology </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">DOI: </span>10.3233/JCS-150535 </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Citation: </span> <a href="">Journal of Computer Security</a>, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 587-610, 2015 </p> </div> <div class="pricing"> <strong>Price: EUR 27.50</strong> <form class="add-to-cart-form" id="add-ArticleId_jcs535" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="ArticleId_jcs535" /> <button class="btn btn-arrow btn-cart add-single"><i class="icon-shopping-cart" role="presentation"></i> Add to cart</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class='result-item-wrapper'> <div class="result-item dc_type-journal-article " data-itemid="journal-of-computer-security/jcs244"> <div class="result-item-header"> <button class="icon-check-empty toggle-selection" data-cite-id="journal-of-computer-security/jcs244" data-itemid="ArticleId_jcs244"><span class="visuallyhidden">Select this result for bulk action</span></button> <h2 class="result-item-title book-title" data-p13n="journal-article" data-p13n-uri="" data-p13n-articleid="journal-of-computer-security/jcs244" data-p13n-title=" A survey of algebraic properties used in cryptographic protocols " <!-- Link to view the article. Note that search parameters are carried on the --> <!--URL search query to allow next/previous article navigation, and return to the search list --> <a href=""> A survey of algebraic properties used in cryptographic protocols </a> </h2> </div> <div class="front-meta-data"> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Authors: </span> <a class="badge" href="">Cortier, Véronique</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Delaune, Stéphanie</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Lafourcade, Pascal</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Article Type:</span> Research Article </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">Abstract: </span> <span>Cryptographic protocols are successfully analyzed using formal methods. However, formal approaches usually consider the encryption schemes as black boxes and assume that an adversary cannot learn anything from an encrypted message except if he has the key. Such an assumption is too strong in general since some attacks exploit in a clever way the interaction between protocol rules and properties of cryptographic operators. Moreover, the executability of some protocols relies explicitly on some algebraic properties of cryptographic primitives such as commutative encryption. We give a list of some relevant algebraic properties of cryptographic operators, and for each of them, we</span> <span class="fold-elip">…</span><span class="below-fold hidden" >provide examples of protocols or attacks using these properties. We also give an overview of the existing methods in formal approaches for analyzing cryptographic protocols. </span> <a class="view-more-abstract" href="#">Show more</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Keywords: </span> Cryptographic protocols, algebraic properties, decidability results, exclusive or, Abelian group, modular exponentiation, elliptic curves </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">DOI: </span>10.3233/JCS-2006-14101 </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Citation: </span> <a href="">Journal of Computer Security</a>, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 1-43, 2006 </p> </div> <div class="pricing"> <strong>Price: EUR 27.50</strong> <form class="add-to-cart-form" id="add-ArticleId_jcs244" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="ArticleId_jcs244" /> <button class="btn btn-arrow btn-cart add-single"><i class="icon-shopping-cart" role="presentation"></i> Add to cart</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class='result-item-wrapper'> <div class="result-item dc_type-journal-article " data-itemid="journal-of-computer-security/jcs210051"> <div class="result-item-header"> <button class="icon-check-empty toggle-selection" data-cite-id="journal-of-computer-security/jcs210051" data-itemid="ArticleId_jcs210051"><span class="visuallyhidden">Select this result for bulk action</span></button> <h2 class="result-item-title book-title" data-p13n="journal-article" data-p13n-uri="" data-p13n-articleid="journal-of-computer-security/jcs210051" data-p13n-title=" Secure protocols for cumulative reward maximization in stochastic multi-armed bandits " <!-- Link to view the article. Note that search parameters are carried on the --> <!--URL search query to allow next/previous article navigation, and return to the search list --> <a href=""> Secure protocols for cumulative reward maximization in stochastic multi-armed bandits </a> </h2> </div> <div class="front-meta-data"> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Authors: </span> <a class="badge" href="">Ciucanu, Radu</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Lafourcade, Pascal</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Lombard-Platet, Marius</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Soare, Marta</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Article Type:</span> Research Article </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">Abstract: </span> <span>We consider the problem of cumulative reward maximization in multi-armed bandits. We address the security concerns that occur when data and computations are outsourced to an honest-but-curious cloud i.e., that executes tasks dutifully, but tries to gain as much information as possible. We consider situations where data used in bandit algorithms is sensitive and has to be protected e.g., commercial or personal data. We rely on cryptographic schemes and propose UCB - MS , a secure multi-party protocol based on the UCB algorithm. We prove that UCB - MS computes the same cumulative reward as UCB while satisfying desirable security</span> <span class="fold-elip">…</span><span class="below-fold hidden" >properties. In particular, cloud nodes cannot learn the cumulative reward or the sum of rewards for more than one arm. Moreover, by analyzing messages exchanged among cloud nodes, an external observer cannot learn the cumulative reward or the sum of rewards produced by some arm. We show that the overhead due to cryptographic primitives is linear in the size of the input. Our implementation confirms the linear-time behavior and the practical feasibility of our protocol, on both synthetic and real-world data. </span> <a class="view-more-abstract" href="#">Show more</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Keywords: </span> Security in machine learning, cumulative reward maximization, honest-but-curious cloud, UCB algorithm, AES-GCM symmetric encryption scheme, Paillier’s additive homomorphic asymmetric encryption scheme </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">DOI: </span>10.3233/JCS-210051 </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Citation: </span> <a href="">Journal of Computer Security</a>, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 1-27, 2023 </p> </div> <div class="pricing"> <strong>Price: EUR 27.50</strong> <form class="add-to-cart-form" id="add-ArticleId_jcs210051" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="ArticleId_jcs210051" /> <button class="btn btn-arrow btn-cart add-single"><i class="icon-shopping-cart" role="presentation"></i> Add to cart</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class='result-item-wrapper'> <div class="result-item dc_type-journal-article " data-itemid="journal-of-computer-security/jcs210065"> <div class="result-item-header"> <button class="icon-check-empty toggle-selection" data-cite-id="journal-of-computer-security/jcs210065" data-itemid="ArticleId_jcs210065"><span class="visuallyhidden">Select this result for bulk action</span></button> <h2 class="result-item-title book-title" data-p13n="journal-article" data-p13n-uri="" data-p13n-articleid="journal-of-computer-security/jcs210065" data-p13n-title=" Optimal threshold padlock systems " <!-- Link to view the article. Note that search parameters are carried on the --> <!--URL search query to allow next/previous article navigation, and return to the search list --> <a href=""> Optimal threshold padlock systems </a> </h2> </div> <div class="front-meta-data"> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Authors: </span> <a class="badge" href="">Dreier, Jannik</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Dumas, Jean-Guillaume</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Lafourcade, Pascal</a> | <a class="badge" href="">Robert, Léo</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Article Type:</span> Research Article </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">Abstract: </span> <span>In 1968, Liu described the problem of securing documents in a shared secret project. In an example, at least six out of eleven participating scientists need to be present to open the lock securing the secret documents. Shamir proposed a mathematical solution to this physical problem in 1979, by designing an efficient k -out-of-n secret sharing scheme based on Lagrange’s interpolation. Liu and Shamir also claimed that the minimal solution using physical locks is clearly impractical and exponential in the number of participants. In this paper we relax some implicit assumptions in their claim and propose an optimal physical solution</span> <span class="fold-elip">…</span><span class="below-fold hidden" >to the problem of Liu that uses physical padlocks, but the number of padlocks is not greater than the number of participants. Then, we show that no device can do better for k -out-of-n threshold padlock systems as soon as k ⩾ 2 n , which holds true in particular for Liu’s example. More generally, we derive bounds required to implement any threshold system and prove a lower bound of O ( log ( n ) ) padlocks for any threshold larger than 2. For instance we propose an optimal scheme reaching that bound for 2-out-of-n threshold systems and requiring less than 2 log 2 ( n ) padlocks. We also discuss more complex access structures, a wrapping technique, and other sublinear realizations like an algorithm to generate 3-out-of-n systems with 2.5 n padlocks. Finally we give an algorithm building k -out-of-n threshold padlock systems with only O ( log ( n ) k − 1 ) padlocks. Apart from the physical world, our results also show that it is possible to implement secret sharing over small fields. </span> <a class="view-more-abstract" href="#">Show more</a> </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Keywords: </span> Threshold cryptography, physical secret sharing, block designs, packings </p> <p class="metadata-entry"> <span class="generated">DOI: </span>10.3233/JCS-210065 </p> <p class="metadata-entry"><span class="generated">Citation: </span> <a href="">Journal of Computer Security</a>, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 655-688, 2022 </p> </div> <div class="pricing"> <strong>Price: EUR 27.50</strong> <form class="add-to-cart-form" id="add-ArticleId_jcs210065" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="dest" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="ArticleId_jcs210065" /> <button class="btn btn-arrow btn-cart add-single"><i class="icon-shopping-cart" role="presentation"></i> Add to cart</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pagination-bottom"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="citation-popup-container"></div> <div class="sidebar col"> <div class="search-facets" id="search-filters"> <div class="search-collapse"> <nav class="search-filter folded-section"> <div> <h2 class="search-filter-heading">Filter by publication date</h2> <ul class="facet"> <li><a href="">Since 2023 (1)</a></li> <li><a href="">Since 2022 (2)</a></li> <li><a href="">Since 2015 (3)</a></li> <li><a href="">Since 2006 (4)</a></li> </ul> </div> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="ad-block"> <div id="search-sidebar-ad" data-mercury="full" class="sidebar-advert"><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="/fragr/images/FACEBOOK.jpg" /></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer" class="footer block"> <a href="#header-skiplink" class="skiplinks">Go to header</a><a href="#nav-skiplink" class="skiplinks">Go to navigation</a><a href="#search-bar" class="skiplinks">Go to search</a><a href="#content" class="skiplinks">Go to contents</a><a href="#footer-skiplink" class="skiplinks">Go to footer</a> <a href="#content" class="skiplinks" id="footer-skiplink">In footer section. 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