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margin:20px;" > <p> <p>While exploring a range of real-world nonfiction texts, <em>Explorations in Nonfiction Writing</em> supports teachers in guiding their students to work collaboratively as researchers and develop their skills as writers. In addition to learning how to access, interpret, and publish informational texts, students will also consider ways to activate their voice and make their nonfiction writing clearer, more authoritative, and better organized.</p> <p>This grade-by-grade Heinemann Curricular Resource contains: a lesson book containing all of the core resources needed to plan, teach, and assess nonfiction writing; In grades K&ndash;2, a BigBook of Mentor Texts provides an anthology of exemplar nonfiction texts in an expansive format; In grades 3&ndash;5, mentor texts are provided as posters and as reproducible blackline masters; Each unit also has a guide to teaching nonfiction writing which explains how to integrate nonfiction writing throughout the day, including how to conduct effective minilessons and writing conferences. </p> </p> </div> </div> <div class="clearit"></div> <hr> </div> </div> <div class="series_results"> <!-- Cover Image --> <div class="series_results_image "> <a href="../products/E04223.aspx"><img src='../shared/covers/9780325042237.png' alt="Link to Nonfiction Writing PLUS Pack: Grade K"></a> </div> <!-- End Cover Image --> <!-- Main Content--> <div class="series_results_text_main"> <div class="series_results_title"><a href="../products/E04223.aspx" >Nonfiction Writing PLUS Pack: Grade K</a></div> <div class="series_results_subtitle"></div> <p> <a href='../authors/1298.aspx'>Linda Hoyt</a>, <a href='../authors/1123.aspx'>Anthony Stead</a> </p> <p><span>The <em><strong>Nonfiction Writing PLUS Pack, Grade K</strong></em> includes <em><a href=""><em>Explorations in Nonfiction Writing, Grade K</em></a></em> and <em><a href=""><em>Crafting Nonfiction, Grades K-2</em>.</a></em> Click on their respective links to learn more about these resources or read sample chapters.</span>... <a href="../products/E04223.aspx">more</a></p> </div> <!-- End Main Content--> <!-- Other Formats--> <div class="series_results_formats"> <p> <div style="text-transform:uppercase;"><strong>Bundle</strong></div> <hr class="hr-series" /> <div style="text-align:left;"></div> </p> <div class="series_results_btn"><a class="btn" href="../products/E04223.aspx">Learn More</a></div> </div> <!-- End Other Formats--> <div class="clearit"></div> </div> <div class="series_results"> <!-- Cover Image --> <div class="series_results_image "> <a href="../products/E10872.aspx"><img src='../shared/covers/9780325108728.jpg' alt="Link to Crafting Nonfiction Primary"></a> </div> <!-- End Cover Image --> <!-- Main Content--> <div class="series_results_text_main"> <div class="series_results_title"><a href="../products/E10872.aspx" >Crafting Nonfiction Primary</a></div> <div class="series_results_subtitle">Lessons on Writing Process, Traits, and Craft</div> <p> <a href='../authors/1298.aspx'>Linda Hoyt</a> </p> <p><em>“Nonfiction writing does not need to sound like an encyclopedia. It can be richly constructed with a wide variety of sentence patterns. Craft elements and literary devices should be highlighted and employed in nonfiction selections just as carefully as we implement them in fiction.”</em> <cite><strong>Linda Hoyt</strong></cite> Nonfiction writers need to develop a broad arsenal of sentence structures so their writing is rich, varied,... <a href="../products/E10872.aspx">more</a></p> </div> <!-- End Main Content--> <!-- Other Formats--> <div class="series_results_formats"> <p> <div style="text-transform:uppercase;"><strong>BOOK WITH ONLINE</strong></div> <hr class="hr-series" /> <div style="text-align:left;"></div> </p> <div class="series_results_btn"><a class="btn" href="../products/E10872.aspx">Learn More</a></div> </div> <!-- End Other Formats--> <div class="clearit"></div> </div> <div class="series_results"> <!-- Cover Image --> <div class="series_results_image "> <a href="../products/E03142.aspx"><img src='../shared/covers/9780325031422.png' alt="Link to Explorations in Nonfiction Writing, Grade K"></a> </div> <!-- End Cover Image --> <!-- Main Content--> <div class="series_results_text_main"> <div class="series_results_title"><a href="../products/E03142.aspx" >Explorations in Nonfiction Writing, Grade K</a></div> <div class="series_results_subtitle"></div> <p> <a href='../authors/1123.aspx'>Anthony Stead</a>, <a href='../authors/1298.aspx'>Linda Hoyt</a> </p> <p><em> “Nonfiction texts govern as much as 90% of the reading and writing done by literate adults and comprise more than 70% of standardized assessments. For our children to succeed in school and beyond they need to be fluent in the different purposes of nonfiction writing. They need to know how to plan, compose, revise, edit, and publish a range of nonfiction texts.”<br> </em>—Tony Stead and Linda Hoyt In <em>Explorations in Nonfiction</em>... <a href="../products/E03142.aspx">more</a></p> </div> <!-- End Main Content--> <!-- Other Formats--> <div class="series_results_formats"> <p> <div style="text-transform:uppercase;"><strong>Bundle</strong></div> <hr class="hr-series" /> <div style="text-align:left;"></div> </p> <div class="series_results_btn"><a class="btn" href="../products/E03142.aspx">Learn More</a></div> </div> <!-- End Other Formats--> <div class="clearit"></div> </div> <div class="series_results"> <!-- Cover Image --> <div class="series_results_image "> <a href="../products/E02797.aspx"><img src='../shared/covers/9780325027975.jpg' alt="Link to Nonfiction Writing"></a> </div> <!-- End Cover Image --> <!-- Main Content--> <div class="series_results_text_main"> <div class="series_results_title"><a href="../products/E02797.aspx" >Nonfiction Writing</a></div> <div class="series_results_subtitle">Intentional, Connected, and Engaging (DVD, K-2)</div> <p> <a href='../authors/1298.aspx'>Linda Hoyt</a>, <a href='../authors/1123.aspx'>Anthony Stead</a> </p> <p><em><span> “Young children need control over the various types of nonfiction texts. They need to take these into their lives. In these DVDs, we and other master teachers, model powerful ways to achieve this with real children in real classrooms.”<br> </span></em><span>—Tony Stead and Linda Hoyt <em></em></span> <span><a href="//" class="wistia-popover[height=375,playerColor=7b796a,width=500]">View</a></span>... <a href="../products/E02797.aspx">more</a></p> </div> <!-- End Main Content--> <!-- Other Formats--> <div class="series_results_formats"> <p> <div style="text-transform:uppercase;"><strong>DVD</strong></div> <hr class="hr-series" /> <div style="text-align:left;"></div> </p> <div class="series_results_btn"><a class="btn" href="../products/E02797.aspx">Learn More</a></div> </div> <!-- End Other Formats--> <div class="clearit"></div> </div> <div class="series_results"> <!-- Cover Image --> <div class="series_results_image "> <a href="../products/E04224.aspx"><img src='../shared/covers/9780325042244.png' alt="Link to Nonfiction Writing PLUS Pack: Grade 1"></a> </div> <!-- End Cover Image --> <!-- Main Content--> <div class="series_results_text_main"> <div class="series_results_title"><a href="../products/E04224.aspx" >Nonfiction Writing PLUS Pack: Grade 1</a></div> <div class="series_results_subtitle"></div> <p> <a href='../authors/1298.aspx'>Linda Hoyt</a>, <a href='../authors/1123.aspx'>Anthony Stead</a> </p> <p>The <em><strong>Nonfiction Writing PLUS Pack, Grade 1</strong></em> includes <em><a href="">Explorations in Nonfiction Writing, Grade 1</a></em> and <em><a href=""><em>Crafting Nonfiction, Grades K-2.</em></a>. Click on their respective links to learn more about these resources or read sample chapters.</em>... <a href="../products/E04224.aspx">more</a></p> </div> <!-- End Main Content--> <!-- Other Formats--> <div class="series_results_formats"> <p> <div style="text-transform:uppercase;"><strong>Bundle</strong></div> <hr class="hr-series" /> <div style="text-align:left;"></div> </p> <div class="series_results_btn"><a class="btn" href="../products/E04224.aspx">Learn More</a></div> </div> <!-- End Other Formats--> <div class="clearit"></div> </div> <div class="series_results"> <!-- Cover Image --> <div class="series_results_image "> <a href="../products/E04225.aspx"><img src='../shared/covers/9780325042251.png' alt="Link to Nonfiction Writing PLUS Pack: Grade 2"></a> </div> <!-- End Cover Image --> <!-- Main Content--> <div class="series_results_text_main"> <div class="series_results_title"><a href="../products/E04225.aspx" >Nonfiction Writing PLUS Pack: Grade 2</a></div> <div class="series_results_subtitle"></div> <p> <a href='../authors/1298.aspx'>Linda Hoyt</a>, <a href='../authors/1123.aspx'>Anthony Stead</a> </p> <p><span><em>Explorations in Nonfiction Writing, Grade 2</em> and <em><a href=""><em>Crafting Nonfiction, Grades K-2</em>.</a></em> Click on their respective links to learn more about these resources or read sample chapters.</span>... <a href="../products/E04225.aspx">more</a></p> </div> <!-- End Main Content--> <!-- Other Formats--> <div class="series_results_formats"> <p> <div style="text-transform:uppercase;"><strong>Bundle</strong></div> <hr class="hr-series" /> <div style="text-align:left;"></div> </p> <div class="series_results_btn"><a class="btn" href="../products/E04225.aspx">Learn More</a></div> </div> <!-- End Other Formats--> <div class="clearit"></div> </div> <div class="series_results"> <!-- Cover Image --> <div class="series_results_image "> <a href="../products/E03722.aspx"><img src='../shared/covers/9780325037226.jpg' alt="Link to Crafting Nonfiction Intermediate"></a> </div> <!-- End Cover Image --> <!-- Main Content--> <div class="series_results_text_main"> <div class="series_results_title"><a href="../products/E03722.aspx" >Crafting Nonfiction Intermediate</a></div> <div class="series_results_subtitle">Lessons on Writing Process, Traits, and Craft (grades 3-5)</div> <p> <a href='../authors/1298.aspx'>Linda Hoyt</a>, <a href='../authors/5262.aspx'>Kelly Boswell</a> </p> <p><em>“Nonfiction writing does not need to sound like an encyclopedia. It can be richly constructed with a wide variety of sentence patterns. Craft elements and literary devices should be highlighted and employed in nonfiction selections just as carefully as we implement them in fiction.”</em> <cite><strong>Linda Hoyt</strong></cite> Nonfiction writers need to develop a broad arsenal of sentence structures so their writing is rich, varied,... <a href="../products/E03722.aspx">more</a></p> </div> <!-- End Main Content--> <!-- Other Formats--> <div class="series_results_formats"> <p> <div style="text-transform:uppercase;"><strong>BOOK WITH CD</strong></div> <hr class="hr-series" /> <div style="text-align:left;"></div> </p> <div class="series_results_btn"><a class="btn" href="../products/E03722.aspx">Learn More</a></div> </div> <!-- End Other Formats--> <div class="clearit"></div> </div> <div class="series_results"> <!-- Cover Image --> <div class="series_results_image "> <a href="../products/E03784.aspx"><img src='../shared/covers/9780325037844.png' alt="Link to Explorations in Nonfiction Writing, Grade 3"></a> </div> <!-- End Cover Image --> <!-- Main Content--> <div class="series_results_text_main"> <div class="series_results_title"><a href="../products/E03784.aspx" >Explorations in Nonfiction Writing, Grade 3</a></div> <div class="series_results_subtitle"></div> <p> <a href='../authors/1298.aspx'>Linda Hoyt</a>, <a href='../authors/1123.aspx'>Anthony Stead</a> </p> <p><em>“Nonfiction texts govern as much as 90% of the reading and writing done by literate adults and comprise more than 70% of standardized assessments. For our children to succeed in school and beyond they need to be fluent in the different purposes of nonfiction writing. They need to know how to plan, compose, revise, edit, and publish a range of nonfiction texts.”</em> <cite><strong>Tony Stead</strong> and <strong>Linda Hoyt</strong></cite> In... <a href="../products/E03784.aspx">more</a></p> </div> <!-- End Main Content--> <!-- Other Formats--> <div class="series_results_formats"> <p> <div style="text-transform:uppercase;"><strong>Bundle</strong></div> <hr class="hr-series" /> <div style="text-align:left;"></div> </p> <div class="series_results_btn"><a class="btn" href="../products/E03784.aspx">Learn More</a></div> </div> <!-- End Other Formats--> <div class="clearit"></div> </div> <div class="series_results"> <!-- Cover Image --> <div class="series_results_image "> <a href="../products/E04622.aspx"><img src='../shared/covers/9780325046228.png' alt="Link to Nonfiction Writing Plus Pack Grade 3"></a> </div> <!-- End Cover Image --> <!-- Main Content--> <div class="series_results_text_main"> <div class="series_results_title"><a href="../products/E04622.aspx" >Nonfiction Writing Plus Pack Grade 3</a></div> <div class="series_results_subtitle"></div> <p> <a href='../authors/1298.aspx'>Linda Hoyt</a>, <a href='../authors/1123.aspx'>Anthony Stead</a> </p> <p>The <em><strong>Nonfiction Writing PLUS Pack, Grade 3</strong></em> includes <a href=""><em>Explorations in Nonfiction Writing, Grade 3</em></a> and <em><a href=""><em>Crafting Nonfiction, Intermediate</em></a>. </em> Click on their respective links to learn more about these resources or read sample chapters.... <a href="../products/E04622.aspx">more</a></p> </div> <!-- End Main Content--> <!-- Other Formats--> <div class="series_results_formats"> <p> <div style="text-transform:uppercase;"><strong>Bundle</strong></div> <hr class="hr-series" /> <div style="text-align:left;"></div> </p> <div class="series_results_btn"><a class="btn" href="../products/E04622.aspx">Learn More</a></div> </div> <!-- End Other Formats--> <div class="clearit"></div> </div> <div class="series_results"> <!-- Cover Image --> <div class="series_results_image "> <a href="../products/E04623.aspx"><img src='../shared/covers/9780325046235.png' alt="Link to Nonfiction Writing Plus Pack Grade 4"></a> </div> <!-- End Cover Image --> <!-- Main Content--> <div class="series_results_text_main"> <div class="series_results_title"><a href="../products/E04623.aspx" >Nonfiction Writing Plus Pack Grade 4</a></div> <div class="series_results_subtitle"></div> <p> <a href='../authors/1298.aspx'>Linda Hoyt</a>, <a href='../authors/1123.aspx'>Anthony Stead</a> </p> <p>The <em><strong>Nonfiction Writing PLUS Pack, Grade 4</strong></em> includes <a href=""><em>Explorations in Nonfiction Writing, Grade 4</em></a> and <em><a href=""><em>Crafting Nonfiction, Intermediate</em></a>. </em> Click on their respective links to learn more about these resources or read sample chapters.... <a href="../products/E04623.aspx">more</a></p> </div> <!-- End Main Content--> <!-- Other Formats--> <div class="series_results_formats"> <p> <div style="text-transform:uppercase;"><strong>Bundle</strong></div> <hr class="hr-series" /> <div style="text-align:left;"></div> </p> <div class="series_results_btn"><a class="btn" href="../products/E04623.aspx">Learn More</a></div> </div> <!-- End Other Formats--> <div class="clearit"></div> </div> <div class="series_results"> <!-- Cover Image --> <div class="series_results_image "> <a href="../products/E03786.aspx"><img src='../shared/covers/9780325037868.png' alt="Link to Explorations in Nonfiction Writing, Grade 5"></a> </div> <!-- End Cover Image --> <!-- Main Content--> <div class="series_results_text_main"> <div class="series_results_title"><a href="../products/E03786.aspx" >Explorations in Nonfiction Writing, Grade 5</a></div> <div class="series_results_subtitle"></div> <p> <a href='../authors/1298.aspx'>Linda Hoyt</a>, <a href='../authors/1123.aspx'>Anthony Stead</a> </p> <p><em>“Nonfiction texts govern as much as 90% of the reading and writing done by literate adults and comprise more than 70% of standardized assessments. For our children to succeed in school and beyond they need to be fluent in the different purposes of nonfiction writing. They need to know how to plan, compose, revise, edit, and publish a range of nonfiction texts.”</em> <cite><strong>Tony Stead</strong> and <strong>Linda Hoyt</strong></cite> In... <a href="../products/E03786.aspx">more</a></p> </div> <!-- End Main Content--> <!-- Other Formats--> <div class="series_results_formats"> <p> <div style="text-transform:uppercase;"><strong>Bundle</strong></div> <hr class="hr-series" /> <div style="text-align:left;"></div> </p> <div class="series_results_btn"><a class="btn" href="../products/E03786.aspx">Learn More</a></div> </div> <!-- End Other Formats--> <div class="clearit"></div> </div> <div class="series_results"> <!-- Cover Image --> <div class="series_results_image "> <a href="../products/E04624.aspx"><img src='../shared/covers/9780325046242.png' alt="Link to Nonfiction Writing Plus Pack Grade 5"></a> </div> <!-- End Cover Image --> <!-- Main Content--> <div class="series_results_text_main"> <div class="series_results_title"><a href="../products/E04624.aspx" >Nonfiction Writing Plus Pack Grade 5</a></div> <div class="series_results_subtitle"></div> <p> <a href='../authors/1298.aspx'>Linda Hoyt</a>, <a href='../authors/1123.aspx'>Anthony Stead</a> </p> <p>The <em><strong>Nonfiction Writing PLUS Pack, Grade 5</strong></em> includes <a href=""><em>Explorations in Nonfiction Writing, Grade 5</em></a> and <em><a href=""><em>Crafting Nonfiction, Intermediate</em></a>. </em> Click on their respective links to learn more about these resources or read sample chapters.... <a href="../products/E04624.aspx">more</a></p> </div> <!-- End Main Content--> <!-- Other Formats--> <div class="series_results_formats"> <p> <div style="text-transform:uppercase;"><strong>Bundle</strong></div> <hr class="hr-series" /> <div style="text-align:left;"></div> </p> <div class="series_results_btn"><a class="btn" href="../products/E04624.aspx">Learn More</a></div> </div> <!-- End Other Formats--> <div class="clearit"></div> </div> </div> <div class="clearit"></div> </div> <!-- End Main Content --> <style>footer.footer .social-icons li a {background:none; 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