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IT SETS FORTH THE LEGALLY BINDING TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR YOUR USE OF THIS WEBSITE.</strong></p> <p><strong>THESE TERMS OF USE DO NOT GOVERN THE PURCHASE OR LICENSING OF HEINEMANN PRODUCTS AND SERVICES THAT MAY BE LINKED TO OR FROM THIS SITE OR THAT MAY OTHERWISE BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE FROM HEINEMANN. </strong><strong>Terms applicable to the purchase of products/and or services can be found at: <a href=""></a>.</strong></p> <p>You have arrived at an online service location (e.g., web site or mobile app (each, a "<u>Site</u>")) that is owned and/or operated by Heinemann, a division of Greenwood Publishing Group, LLC ("<u>Heinemann</u>," "<u>we</u>," "<u>ou</u>r" or "<u>us</u>"). 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Therefore, to the fullest extent permissible by law, Heinemann and its subsidiaries and each of their respective employees, directors, members, managers, shareholders, agents, vendors, licensors, licensees, contractors, customers, successors, and assigns (collectively, "<u>Heinemann Parties</u>") hereby disclaim and make no representations, warranties, endorsements, or promises, express or implied, as to:</p> <ol class="sub"> <li>the Service (including the Content);</li> <li>the functions, features, or any other elements on, or made accessible through, the Service;</li> <li>any products, services, or instructions offered or referenced at or linked through the Service;</li> <li>whether the Service or the servers that make the Service available are free from any harmful components (including viruses, Trojan horses, and other technologies that could adversely impact your device);</li> <li>whether the information (including any instructions) on the Service is accurate, complete, correct, adequate, useful, timely, or reliable;</li> <li>whether any defects to or errors on the Service will be repaired or corrected;</li> <li>whether your access to the Service will be uninterrupted;</li> <li>whether the Service will be available at any particular time or location; and</li> <li>whether your use of the Service is lawful in any particular jurisdiction.</li> </ol> <p>EXCEPT FOR ANY SPECIFIC WARRANTIES PROVIDED HEREIN, Heinemann PARTIES HEREBY FURTHER DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT OR MISAPPROPRIATION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES, TITLE, CUSTOM, TRADE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, SYSTEM INTEGRATION, AND FREEDOM FROM COMPUTER VIRUS. Some jurisdictions limit or do not allow the disclaimer of implied or other warranties so the above disclaimers may not apply to the extent such jurisdictions' laws are applicable, and you may have additional rights.</p> </li> <a name="limitations" class="anchor"></a> <li><h3>LIMITATIONS OF OUR LIABILITY</h3> <p>TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL ANY Heinemann PARTIES BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, including personal injury or death or for any direct, indirect, economic, exemplary, special, punitive, incidental, or consequential losses or damages of any kind including without limitation loss of profits that are directly or indirectly related to:</p> <ol class="sub"> <li>the Service (including the Content);</li> <li>your use of or inability to use the Service, or the performance of the Service;</li> <li>any action taken in connection with an investigation by Heinemann Parties or law enforcement authorities regarding your access to or use of the Service;</li> <li>any action taken in connection with copyright or other intellectual property owners or other rights owners;</li> <li>any errors or omissions in the Service's technical operation; or</li> <li>any damage to any user's computer, hardware, software, modem, or other equipment or technology, including damage from any security breach or from any virus, bugs, tampering, fraud, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer line, or network failure or any other technical or other malfunction, including losses or damages in the form of lost profits, loss of goodwill, loss of data, work stoppage, accuracy of results, or equipment failure or malfunction.</li> </ol> <p>The foregoing limitations of liability will apply even if any of the foregoing events or circumstances were foreseeable and even if Heinemann Parties were advised of or should have known of the possibility of such losses or damages, regardless of whether you bring an action based in contract, negligence, strict liability, or tort (including whether caused, in whole or in part, by negligence, acts of god, telecommunications failure, or destruction of the Service).</p> <p>Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages of the sort that are described above, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you, and you may have additional rights.</p> </li> <a name="waiver" class="anchor"></a> <li><h3>Waiver of Injunctive or Other Equitable Relief</h3> <p>TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IF YOU CLAIM THAT YOU HAVE INCURRED ANY LOSS, DAMAGES, OR INJURIES IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR USE OF THE SERVICE, THEN YOU AGREE THAT THE LOSSES, DAMAGES, AND INJURIES WILL NOT BE IRREPARABLE OR SUFFICIENT TO ENTITLE YOU TO AN INJUNCTION OR TO OTHER EQUITABLE RELIEF OF ANY KIND,THAT YOU WILL NOT SEEK, AND THAT YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO OBTAIN, ANY SUCH RELIEF.</p> </li> <a name="indemnity" class="anchor"></a> <li><h3>Indemnity</h3> <p>You agree to, and you hereby, defend, indemnify, and hold Heinemann Parties harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, costs, investigations, liabilities, judgments, fines, penalties, settlements, interest, and expenses (including attorneys' fees) that directly or indirectly arise from or are related to any claim, suit, action, demand, or proceeding made or brought against any Heinemann Party, or on account of the investigation, defense, or settlement thereof, arising out of or in connection with, whether occurring heretofore or hereafter: (i) your use of the Service and your activities in connection with the Service; (ii) your breach or alleged breach of these Terms; (iii) your violation or alleged violation of any laws, rules, regulations, codes, statutes, ordinances, or orders of any governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in connection with your use of the Service or your activities in connection with the Service; (iv) information or material transmitted through your device, even if not submitted by you, that infringes, violates, or misappropriates any copyright, trademark, trade secret, trade dress, patent, publicity, privacy, or other right of any person or entity; and (v) any misrepresentation made by you (all of the foregoing, "<u>Claims and Losses</u>"). You will cooperate as fully required by Heinemann Parties in the defense of any Claim and Losses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Heinemann Parties retain the exclusive right to settle, compromise, and pay any and all Claims and Losses. Heinemann Parties reserve the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any Claims and Losses. You will not settle any Claims and Losses without, in each instance, the prior written consent of an officer of a Heinemann Party.</p></li> <a name="updates" class="anchor"></a> <li><h3>Updates to Terms</h3> <p>These Terms, in the form posted at the time of your use of the Services, shall govern such use. The Terms may be modified and we may cease offering the Service under the Terms for which they were previously offered. Accordingly, each time you use the Service you are entering into a new agreement with us on the then applicable Terms posted on the Site, and your use of the Service after such posting constitutes your agreement to the updated Terms going forward. You can reject any new, revised or additional Terms by discontinuing use of the Service and related services.</p> </li> <a name="general" class="anchor"></a> <li><h3>General Provisions</h3> <p><strong>Severability; Interpretation.</strong> If any provision of these Terms is for any reason deemed invalid, unlawful, void, or unenforceable by a court or arbitrator of competent jurisdiction, then that provision will be deemed severable from these Terms and the invalidity of the provision will not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of these Terms. To the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to waive, and you hereby waive, any applicable statutory and common law that may permit a contract to be construed against its drafter. Wherever the word "including" is used in these Terms, the word will be deemed to mean "including, without limitation,"</p> <p><strong>Investigations; Cooperation with Law Enforcement; Termination; Survival. </strong>Heinemann reserves the right, without any limitation, to: (i) investigate any suspected breaches of its Service security or its information technology or other systems or networks, (ii) investigate any suspected breaches of these Terms, (iii) investigate any information obtained by Heinemann in connection with reviewing law enforcement databases or complying with criminal laws, (iv) involve and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in investigating any of the foregoing matters, (v) prosecute violators of these Terms, and (vi) discontinue the Service, in whole or in part, or suspend or terminate your access to it, in whole or in part, at any time, without notice, for any reason and without any obligation to you or any third party. Any suspension or termination will not affect your obligations to Heinemann under these Terms. Upon suspension or termination of your access to the Service, or upon notice from Heinemann, all rights granted to you under these Terms will cease immediately, and you agree that you will immediately discontinue use of the Service. The provisions of these Terms, which by their nature should survive your suspension or termination will survive, including the rights and licenses you grant to Heinemann in these Terms, as well as the indemnities, releases, disclaimers, and limitations on liability and the provisions regarding jurisdiction and choice of law.</p> <p><strong>Assignment.</strong> Heinemann may assign its rights and obligations under these Terms, in whole or in part, to any party at any time without notice. These Terms may not be assigned by you, and you may not delegate your duties under them, without the prior written consent of an officer of Heinemann.</p> <p><strong>No Waiver.</strong> Except as expressly set forth in these Terms, (i) no failure or delay by you or Heinemann in exercising any of rights, powers, or remedies under will operate as a waiver of that or any other right, power, or remedy, and (ii) no waiver or modification of any term of these Terms will be effective unless in writing and signed by the party against whom the waiver or modification is sought to be enforced.</p> <p><strong>U.S. Government Restricted Rights.</strong> If you are a U.S. government end user, then this provision applies to you. The Service provided in connection with these Terms has been developed entirely at private expense, as defined in FAR section 2.101, DFARS section 252.227-7014(a)(1) and DFARS section 252.227-7015 (or any equivalent or subsequent agency regulation thereof), and is provided as "commercial items," "commercial computer site" and/or "commercial computer site documentation." Consistent with DFARS section 227.7202 and FAR section 12.212 and to the extent required under U.S. federal law, the minimum restricted rights as set forth in FAR section 52.227-19 (or any equivalent or subsequent agency regulation thereof), any use, modification, reproduction, release, performance, display, disclosure or distribution thereof by or for the U.S. Government shall be governed solely by these Terms and shall be prohibited except to the extent expressly permitted by these Terms.</p> <p><strong>Connectivity.</strong> You are responsible for obtaining and maintaining all devices and other equipment and software, and all internet service provider, mobile service, and other services needed for your access to and use of the Service and you will be responsible for all charges related to them.</p> </li> </ol> </div> <!--/.page-content--> </div> <!--/.grid-row--> </div> <!--/.wrapper--> </div> <!--/.envelope--> <style>footer.footer .social-icons li a {background:none; border-radius:0;height:unset; width:unset; padding-top:0;} footer.footer .social-icons li {margin-right: 18px;} </style> <!-- Footer --> <div class="clearit"></div> </main> <footer class="footer"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="left"> <nav> <ul class="footer-nav"> <li><a href="">Customer Service</a></li> <li><a href="">Catalogs</a></li> <li><a href="" >About Us</a></li> <!--<li><a href="">Heinemann Fellows</a></li>--> <li><a href="">College Exam/Desk</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Submit a Proposal (PDF) <img src="/shared/index_files/new-window-wht.png" alt="Document opens in a new window." /></a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> <div class="right"> <!--<div id="newsletter-signup" > <a class="white-btn float-right screen-800-no-float-center" href="" target="_blank" >Sign Up to Receive Email Updates</a> </div> <div id="errorMessageWrapper"></div>--> <div class="clearit"></div> <nav> <ul class="social-icons screen-800-no-float-center"> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" > <img src="" alt="Instagram"> </a></li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" > <img src="" alt="Linkedin"> </a></li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" > <img src="" alt="Facebook"> </a></li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" > <img src="" alt="YouTube"> </a></li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" > <img src="" alt="Heinemann Blog"> </a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="subfooter"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="textcenter"> <!--<a href="" class="lt-focus"><img src="" alt="Houghton Mifflin Harcourt" id="hmh-logo"></a>--> <br> <div id="copyright">© <script type="text/javascript"> var theDate = new Date() document.write(theDate.getFullYear()) </script> Heinemann. <span>A division of HMH Education Company.</span> </div> <br /> <div id="terms"> <ul class="small-text"> <li><a href="" aria-label="Permissions Request (link opens in a new window)">Permissions Request</a></li> <li><a href="" aria-label="Disability Request (link opens in a new window)">Disability Request</a></li> <br> <li><a href="" aria-label="Website Terms of Use (link opens in a new window)">Website Terms of Use</a></li> <li><a href="" aria-label="Privacy Policies (link opens in a new window)">Privacy Policies</a></li> <!--<li><a href="" aria-label="Accessibility Request (link opens in a new window)">Accessibility</a></li>--> </ul> <br><br> <!--<a href="#">Sitemap</a>--> <!--Back to Top Link--> <script type="text/javascript"> // create the back to top button $('body').append('<a href="#" class="back-to-top">Back to Top</a>'); var amountScrolled = 300; $(window).scroll(function () { if ($(window).scrollTop() > amountScrolled) { $('a.back-to-top').fadeIn('slow'); } else { $('a.back-to-top').fadeOut('slow'); } }); $('a.back-to-top, a.simple-back-to-top').click(function () { $('body,html').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'fast'); return false; }); </script> <!--End Back to Top Link--> </div> </div> <div class="clearit"></div> </div> </div> </footer> <!-- /footer --> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> var $messages = $('errorMessageWrapper'); $.validate({ validateOnBlur: false, errorMessagePosition: 'top', scrollToTopOnError: false }); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!--wistia callouts--> <script charset="ISO-8859-1" src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script> <script> wistiaEmbeds.onFind(function (video) { video.videoFoam(true); }); </script> <!--/ wistia callouts--> </body> </html> <script type="text/javascript" src="/_Incapsula_Resource?SWJIYLWA=719d34d31c8e3a6e6fffd425f7e032f3&ns=1&cb=866728425" async></script></body> </html>