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<!--<TD><div><b><a href="/data/index.jsp">PANTHER17.0 Released</a>.</b></div></TD>--> <!-- <TD class=listResult valign=top>PANTHER version 17.0 contains <ul> <li>15,619 gene family phylogenetic trees -covering ~2 million genes</li> <li>from different species across the tree of life. <a href="/panther/summaryStats.jsp">more</a></li> </ul> </TD> <TD class=listResult valign=top>Each gene is classified by <ul> <li>protein class</li> <li>protein family and subfamily</li> <li>function (GO terms, pathways)</li> <li><a href="/data/">more</a></li> </TD> --> <TD align = "right" class="formLabel"> Current Release: <a href="/news/news20240620.jsp"><b>PANTHER 19.0</a></b> | <b><a href="/panther/index.jsp">15,683</a></b> family phylogenetic trees | <b><a href="/panther/summaryStats.jsp">144</a></b> species | <a href="/news/news20240620.jsp">News</a> <br><A href="/servlet/GenomeFunctionChartServlet?chartType=1&listType=1&annotType=5&species=Homo sapiens">Whole genome function views</A> </TD> </TR> 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