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src='./images/logo/LinkedIn.png' alt='X'></a> <span class='global_message'>Tous les 25 du mois, le LIP6 soutient la « <a target:'_new' href=''>Journée Orange</a> » contre les violences faites aux femmes !</span></div> <!-- end haut --> </div> <!-- header-content --> </header> <!-- Header End --> <!-- Content ================================================== --> <div id='content-wrap'> <div class='actualite'> <h1>À la une</h1> <div class='row'> <span class='encadre Niveau1 col-sm-6 col-md-6 not_highlight animate__zoomIn'><a href='./actualite/information-fiche.php?ident=OL270'><p><img class='ACT' src='./actualite/images/OL270-illustration-a413870fd8.jpg' alt='Motion du LIP6 au sujet des "CNRS Key Labs"'></p><p class='title'>Motion du LIP6 au sujet des "CNRS Key Labs"</p><p class='accroche'>Le LIP6, au cours de l'AG extraordinaire du jeudi 30 janvier matin à propos des "CNRS Key Labs", a voté à une très forte majorité (85,25% pour, 3,83% contre, 10,93% sans avis) la motion suivante ... </p></a></span> <span class='encadre Niveau2 col-sm-6 col-md-6 highlight animate__zoomIn'><a href='./colloquium/?guest=Berthoud'><p><img class='COL' src='./colloquium/images/CL75-affiche-7937a53640-crop.jpg' alt=''></p><p class='title'>Colloquium : </p><p class='accroche'>Sobriété Numérique : Pourquoi il faut y aller et quels sont les freins ?<br>par Françoise Berthoud (GRICAD / CNRS)<br><span class='date'>Jeudi 13 mars 2025</span> : <span class='horaire'>18 h</span><br>Amphi 43</p></a></span> </div> </div> <div class='actualite'> <h1>Actualités</h1> <div class='row first'> <span class='encadre justify nouvelle_3 col-sm-4 col-md-4 animate__zoomIn highlight'><a href='./actualite/information-fiche.php?ident=OL274'><p><img class='ACT' src='./actualite/images/OL274-illustration-445686cf46.jpg' alt='À la rencontre de... Jean-Luc Mounier'></p><p class='title'>À la rencontre de... Jean-Luc Mounier</p><p class='accroche'>Ingénieur informatique au sein de notre Direction de l’Ingénierie Numérique, Jean-Luc est passionné d’informatique depuis la fin des années 70. Responsable des postes de travail et outils numériques du LIP6, il a fait toute sa carrière au sein de la Faculté des sciences et ingénierie de Sorbonne Université...</p></a></span> <span class='encadre justify nouvelle_4 col-sm-4 col-md-4 animate__zoomIn not_highlight'><a href='./actualite/information-fiche.php?ident=OL273'><p><img class='ACT' src='./actualite/images/OL273-illustration-1fc308b6a0.jpg' alt='PyAgrum dépasse les 100 000 téléchargements par mois !'></p><p class='title'>PyAgrum dépasse les 100 000 téléchargements par mois !</p><p class='accroche'>Logiciel open source développé depuis environ 8 ans par notre équipe DECISION, PyAgrum a récemment dépassé les 100 000 téléchargements par mois ...</p></a></span> <span class='encadre justify nouvelle_5 col-sm-4 col-md-4 dernier animate__zoomIn highlight'><a href='./actualite/information-fiche.php?ident=OL272'><p><img class='ACT' src='./actualite/images/OL272-illustration-261b9da329.jpg' alt='Serge Fdida nommé IEEE Fellow '></p><p class='title'>Serge Fdida nommé IEEE Fellow </p><p class='accroche'>Professeur d'informatique membre de notre équipe NPA, Serge Fdida a récemment été nommé IEEE Fellow par l'Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ... </p></a></span> </div> <div class='row first'> <span class='encadre justify nouvelle_6 col-sm-4 col-md-4 animate__zoomIn not_highlight'><a href='./actualite/information-fiche.php?ident=OL267'><p><img class='ACT' src='./actualite/images/OL267-illustration-35301fe93a.jpg' alt='Retour sur la Galette des Rois du LIP6'></p><p class='title'>Retour sur la Galette des Rois du LIP6</p><p class='accroche'>Les membres du LIP6 ont officiellement lancé la nouvelle mandature de direction 2025-2029 le 9 janvier, avant de se retrouver pour la traditionnelle Galette des Rois du labo, et la remise - surprise ! - des palmes académiques à Francis Hulin-Hubard. </p></a></span> <span class='encadre justify nouvelle_7 col-sm-4 col-md-4 animate__zoomIn highlight'><a href='./actualite/information-fiche.php?ident=OL269'><p><img class='ACT' src='./actualite/images/OL269-illustration-249010bed0.jpg' alt='À la rencontre de... Julien Tierny'></p><p class='title'>À la rencontre de... Julien Tierny</p><p class='accroche'>Directeur de recherches CNRS au sein de notre équipe APR, Julien Tierny est spécialiste de la visualisation et de l'analyse topologique de données massives. Ses recherches ont de nombreuses applications dans des secteurs tels que la chimie, l'énergie, ou encore l'astrophysique ...</p></a></span> <span class='encadre justify nouvelle_8 col-sm-4 col-md-4 dernier animate__zoomIn not_highlight'><a href='./actualite/information-fiche.php?ident=OL252'><p><img class='ACT' src='./actualite/images/OL252-illustration-4763896974.jpg' alt='Eleni Diamanti lauréate de la médaille de l'innovation CNRS'></p><p class='title'>Eleni Diamanti lauréate de la médaille de l'innovation CNRS</p><p class='accroche'>Peu après l’obtention de sa médaille d’argent, Eleni Diamanti, directrice de recherches CNRS au sein de l'équipe QI, vient d’être annoncée parmi les 3 lauréat(e)s de la Médaille de l’innovation 2024 du CNRS...</p></a></span> </div> </div> <div class='row'><div class='col-12'><a class='voir archives' href='./recherche/organise-archive.php?acronyme=LIP6'><i class='fa-solid fa-calendar-check'></i> Archives</a></div></div><div class='row'> <div 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clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> </defs> <g clip-path="url(#e583546b7b)"> <g clip-path="url(#817d0c3ce6)"> <path d="M 64.519531 64.519531 L 799.480469 64.519531 L 799.480469 799.480469 L 64.519531 799.480469 Z M 64.519531 64.519531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> </g> </g> <g clip-path="url(#8b81706f21)"> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 317.320312 279.097656 L 386.507812 279.097656 L 373.511719 219.085938 C 364.722656 217.171875 358.222656 209.148438 358.222656 199.972656 C 358.222656 188.886719 367.015625 180.097656 378.097656 180.097656 C 389.183594 180.097656 397.976562 188.886719 397.976562 199.972656 C 397.976562 209.148438 391.476562 217.171875 382.6875 219.085938 L 395.683594 279.097656 L 464.871094 279.097656 L 451.871094 219.085938 C 443.464844 216.792969 436.964844 209.148438 436.964844 199.972656 C 436.964844 188.886719 445.757812 180.097656 456.84375 180.097656 C 467.546875 180.097656 476.71875 188.886719 476.71875 199.972656 C 476.71875 209.527344 469.839844 217.171875 461.046875 219.085938 L 474.042969 279.097656 L 547.433594 279.097656 C 565.78125 279.097656 581.453125 292.859375 584.128906 310.824219 L 644.523438 297.828125 C 645.289062 287.507812 653.699219 279.480469 664.402344 279.480469 C 675.105469 279.480469 683.898438 288.273438 683.898438 299.355469 C 683.898438 310.441406 675.105469 319.234375 664.402344 319.234375 C 655.992188 319.234375 648.730469 313.882812 645.671875 306.621094 L 584.511719 319.996094 L 584.511719 388.800781 L 644.523438 376.1875 C 645.289062 366.25 654.082031 358.222656 664.402344 358.222656 C 675.105469 358.222656 683.898438 367.015625 683.898438 378.097656 C 683.898438 389.183594 675.105469 397.976562 664.402344 397.976562 C 655.609375 397.976562 648.347656 392.625 645.671875 384.980469 L 584.511719 397.976562 L 584.511719 467.164062 L 644.523438 454.546875 C 645.671875 444.609375 654.082031 436.964844 664.402344 436.964844 C 675.105469 436.964844 683.898438 445.757812 683.898438 456.84375 C 683.898438 467.546875 675.105469 476.71875 664.402344 476.71875 C 655.609375 476.71875 648.347656 470.984375 645.671875 463.339844 L 584.511719 476.335938 L 584.511719 547.050781 C 584.511719 565.398438 570.75 581.070312 552.785156 583.746094 L 565.78125 644.523438 C 576.101562 644.90625 584.511719 653.699219 584.511719 664.402344 C 584.511719 675.105469 575.722656 683.898438 564.636719 683.898438 C 553.933594 683.898438 545.140625 675.105469 545.140625 664.402344 C 545.140625 655.992188 549.726562 649.113281 556.992188 646.054688 L 543.613281 584.128906 L 474.425781 584.128906 L 487.421875 644.523438 C 497.742188 645.289062 505.769531 653.699219 505.769531 664.402344 C 505.769531 675.105469 496.976562 683.898438 485.894531 683.898438 C 475.191406 683.898438 466.398438 675.105469 466.398438 664.402344 C 466.398438 655.992188 471.367188 648.730469 478.628906 646.054688 L 465.25 584.128906 L 396.066406 584.128906 L 409.0625 644.523438 C 419.382812 645.289062 427.027344 653.699219 427.027344 664.402344 C 427.027344 675.105469 418.234375 683.898438 407.148438 683.898438 C 396.445312 683.898438 387.65625 675.105469 387.65625 664.402344 C 387.65625 655.609375 393.007812 648.730469 400.269531 645.671875 L 386.890625 584.128906 L 316.941406 584.128906 C 299.738281 584.128906 285.214844 572.28125 280.625 556.609375 L 219.085938 569.605469 C 216.792969 578.398438 209.148438 584.511719 199.972656 584.511719 C 188.886719 584.511719 180.097656 575.722656 180.097656 564.636719 C 180.097656 553.933594 188.886719 545.140625 199.972656 545.140625 C 209.527344 545.140625 217.171875 551.640625 219.085938 560.429688 L 279.480469 547.816406 C 279.480469 547.433594 279.480469 547.050781 279.480469 547.050781 L 279.480469 478.628906 L 219.085938 491.625 C 216.410156 499.652344 208.765625 505.769531 199.972656 505.769531 C 188.886719 505.769531 180.097656 496.976562 180.097656 485.894531 C 180.097656 475.191406 188.886719 466.398438 199.972656 466.398438 C 209.527344 466.398438 217.554688 473.277344 219.46875 482.453125 L 279.480469 469.457031 L 279.480469 400.269531 L 218.703125 413.265625 C 216.410156 421.292969 208.765625 427.027344 199.972656 427.027344 C 188.886719 427.027344 180.097656 418.234375 180.097656 407.148438 C 180.097656 396.445312 188.886719 387.65625 199.972656 387.65625 C 209.527344 387.65625 217.9375 394.535156 219.46875 404.09375 L 279.480469 391.097656 L 279.480469 316.175781 C 279.480469 298.59375 292.09375 284.066406 308.53125 280.246094 L 295.535156 219.46875 C 286.359375 217.554688 279.480469 209.527344 279.480469 199.972656 C 279.480469 188.886719 288.273438 180.097656 299.355469 180.097656 C 310.441406 180.097656 319.234375 188.886719 319.234375 199.972656 C 319.234375 209.148438 312.734375 216.792969 304.324219 219.085938 Z M 324.96875 289.417969 L 539.023438 289.417969 C 557.753906 289.417969 573.046875 304.707031 573.046875 323.4375 L 573.046875 539.789062 C 573.046875 558.519531 557.753906 573.808594 539.023438 573.808594 L 324.96875 573.808594 C 306.238281 573.808594 290.945312 558.519531 290.945312 539.789062 L 290.945312 323.4375 C 290.945312 304.707031 306.238281 289.417969 324.96875 289.417969 Z M 324.96875 289.417969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/> </g> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 482.070312 503.859375 L 451.109375 503.859375 L 438.496094 470.984375 L 381.15625 470.984375 L 369.308594 503.859375 L 338.347656 503.859375 L 394.152344 360.515625 L 424.734375 360.515625 Z M 429.320312 446.902344 L 409.0625 393.773438 L 389.949219 446.902344 Z M 496.597656 503.859375 L 496.597656 360.515625 L 525.648438 360.515625 L 525.648438 503.859375 Z M 496.597656 503.859375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> </svg> </a> <a href='./recherche/team.php?acronyme=AID'>Intelligence artificielle et sciences des données</a></div> <div class='col-3 text-center'> <a href='./recherche/team.php?acronyme=ASN' title='ASN'><svg id="ASN" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="ASN" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 864 863.999991" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"> <defs> <clipPath id="1bfeadfffa"> <path d="M 180.097656 180.097656 L 684 180.097656 L 684 684 L 180.097656 684 Z M 180.097656 180.097656 " clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="852c1bb645"> <path d="M 64.839844 64.839844 L 799.160156 64.839844 L 799.160156 799.160156 L 64.839844 799.160156 Z M 64.839844 64.839844 " clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="7203f78767"> <path d="M 432 64.839844 C 229.222656 64.839844 64.839844 229.222656 64.839844 432 C 64.839844 634.777344 229.222656 799.160156 432 799.160156 C 634.777344 799.160156 799.160156 634.777344 799.160156 432 C 799.160156 229.222656 634.777344 64.839844 432 64.839844 Z M 432 64.839844 " clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="6cca9aa76c"> <path d="M 196.792969 231.628906 L 667 231.628906 L 667 600.628906 L 196.792969 600.628906 Z M 196.792969 231.628906 " clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> </defs> <g clip-path="url(#1bfeadfffa)"> <path fill="#000000" d="M 317.320312 279.097656 L 386.507812 279.097656 L 373.511719 219.085938 C 364.722656 217.171875 358.222656 209.148438 358.222656 199.972656 C 358.222656 188.886719 367.015625 180.097656 378.097656 180.097656 C 389.183594 180.097656 397.976562 188.886719 397.976562 199.972656 C 397.976562 209.148438 391.476562 217.171875 382.6875 219.085938 L 395.683594 279.097656 L 464.871094 279.097656 L 451.871094 219.085938 C 443.464844 216.792969 436.964844 209.148438 436.964844 199.972656 C 436.964844 188.886719 445.757812 180.097656 456.84375 180.097656 C 467.546875 180.097656 476.71875 188.886719 476.71875 199.972656 C 476.71875 209.527344 469.839844 217.171875 461.046875 219.085938 L 474.042969 279.097656 L 547.433594 279.097656 C 565.78125 279.097656 581.453125 292.859375 584.128906 310.824219 L 644.523438 297.828125 C 645.289062 287.507812 653.699219 279.480469 664.402344 279.480469 C 675.105469 279.480469 683.898438 288.273438 683.898438 299.355469 C 683.898438 310.441406 675.105469 319.234375 664.402344 319.234375 C 655.992188 319.234375 648.730469 313.882812 645.671875 306.621094 L 584.511719 319.996094 L 584.511719 388.800781 L 644.523438 376.1875 C 645.289062 366.25 654.082031 358.222656 664.402344 358.222656 C 675.105469 358.222656 683.898438 367.015625 683.898438 378.097656 C 683.898438 389.183594 675.105469 397.976562 664.402344 397.976562 C 655.609375 397.976562 648.347656 392.625 645.671875 384.980469 L 584.511719 397.976562 L 584.511719 467.164062 L 644.523438 454.546875 C 645.671875 444.609375 654.082031 436.964844 664.402344 436.964844 C 675.105469 436.964844 683.898438 445.757812 683.898438 456.84375 C 683.898438 467.546875 675.105469 476.71875 664.402344 476.71875 C 655.609375 476.71875 648.347656 470.984375 645.671875 463.339844 L 584.511719 476.335938 L 584.511719 547.050781 C 584.511719 565.398438 570.75 581.070312 552.785156 583.746094 L 565.78125 644.523438 C 576.101562 644.90625 584.511719 653.699219 584.511719 664.402344 C 584.511719 675.105469 575.722656 683.898438 564.636719 683.898438 C 553.933594 683.898438 545.140625 675.105469 545.140625 664.402344 C 545.140625 655.992188 549.726562 649.113281 556.992188 646.054688 L 543.613281 584.128906 L 474.425781 584.128906 L 487.421875 644.523438 C 497.742188 645.289062 505.769531 653.699219 505.769531 664.402344 C 505.769531 675.105469 496.976562 683.898438 485.894531 683.898438 C 475.191406 683.898438 466.398438 675.105469 466.398438 664.402344 C 466.398438 655.992188 471.367188 648.730469 478.628906 646.054688 L 465.25 584.128906 L 396.066406 584.128906 L 409.0625 644.523438 C 419.382812 645.289062 427.027344 653.699219 427.027344 664.402344 C 427.027344 675.105469 418.234375 683.898438 407.148438 683.898438 C 396.445312 683.898438 387.65625 675.105469 387.65625 664.402344 C 387.65625 655.609375 393.007812 648.730469 400.269531 645.671875 L 386.890625 584.128906 L 316.941406 584.128906 C 299.738281 584.128906 285.214844 572.28125 280.625 556.609375 L 219.085938 569.605469 C 216.792969 578.398438 209.148438 584.511719 199.972656 584.511719 C 188.886719 584.511719 180.097656 575.722656 180.097656 564.636719 C 180.097656 553.933594 188.886719 545.140625 199.972656 545.140625 C 209.527344 545.140625 217.171875 551.640625 219.085938 560.429688 L 279.480469 547.816406 C 279.480469 547.433594 279.480469 547.050781 279.480469 547.050781 L 279.480469 478.628906 L 219.085938 491.625 C 216.410156 499.652344 208.765625 505.769531 199.972656 505.769531 C 188.886719 505.769531 180.097656 496.976562 180.097656 485.894531 C 180.097656 475.191406 188.886719 466.398438 199.972656 466.398438 C 209.527344 466.398438 217.554688 473.277344 219.46875 482.453125 L 279.480469 469.457031 L 279.480469 400.269531 L 218.703125 413.265625 C 216.410156 421.292969 208.765625 427.027344 199.972656 427.027344 C 188.886719 427.027344 180.097656 418.234375 180.097656 407.148438 C 180.097656 396.445312 188.886719 387.65625 199.972656 387.65625 C 209.527344 387.65625 217.9375 394.535156 219.46875 404.09375 L 279.480469 391.097656 L 279.480469 316.175781 C 279.480469 298.59375 292.09375 284.066406 308.53125 280.246094 L 295.535156 219.46875 C 286.359375 217.554688 279.480469 209.527344 279.480469 199.972656 C 279.480469 188.886719 288.273438 180.097656 299.355469 180.097656 C 310.441406 180.097656 319.234375 188.886719 319.234375 199.972656 C 319.234375 209.148438 312.734375 216.792969 304.324219 219.085938 Z M 324.96875 289.417969 L 539.023438 289.417969 C 557.753906 289.417969 573.046875 304.707031 573.046875 323.4375 L 573.046875 539.789062 C 573.046875 558.519531 557.753906 573.808594 539.023438 573.808594 L 324.96875 573.808594 C 306.238281 573.808594 290.945312 558.519531 290.945312 539.789062 L 290.945312 323.4375 C 290.945312 304.707031 306.238281 289.417969 324.96875 289.417969 Z M 324.96875 289.417969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/> </g> <path fill="#000000" d="M 482.070312 503.859375 L 451.109375 503.859375 L 438.496094 470.984375 L 381.15625 470.984375 L 369.308594 503.859375 L 338.347656 503.859375 L 394.152344 360.515625 L 424.734375 360.515625 Z M 429.320312 446.902344 L 409.0625 393.773438 L 389.949219 446.902344 Z M 496.597656 503.859375 L 496.597656 360.515625 L 525.648438 360.515625 L 525.648438 503.859375 Z M 496.597656 503.859375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <g clip-path="url(#852c1bb645)"> <g clip-path="url(#7203f78767)"> <path d="M 64.839844 64.839844 L 799.160156 64.839844 L 799.160156 799.160156 L 64.839844 799.160156 Z M 64.839844 64.839844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> </g> </g> <g clip-path="url(#6cca9aa76c)"> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 659.695312 466.753906 L 607.613281 466.753906 L 607.613281 408.089844 C 607.613281 404.046875 604.320312 400.757812 600.277344 400.757812 L 439.328125 400.757812 L 439.328125 349.425781 L 526.007812 349.425781 C 530.050781 349.425781 533.339844 346.136719 533.339844 342.09375 L 533.339844 238.960938 C 533.339844 234.917969 530.050781 231.628906 526.007812 231.628906 L 337.886719 231.628906 C 333.84375 231.628906 330.554688 234.917969 330.554688 238.960938 L 330.554688 342 C 330.554688 346.042969 333.84375 349.332031 337.886719 349.332031 L 424.566406 349.332031 L 424.566406 400.664062 L 263.804688 400.664062 C 259.761719 400.664062 256.472656 403.953125 256.472656 407.996094 L 256.472656 466.660156 L 204.296875 466.660156 C 200.253906 466.660156 196.960938 469.953125 196.960938 473.996094 L 196.960938 592.828125 C 196.960938 596.871094 200.253906 600.160156 204.296875 600.160156 L 323.128906 600.160156 C 327.171875 600.160156 330.460938 596.871094 330.460938 592.828125 L 330.460938 474.089844 C 330.460938 470.046875 327.171875 466.753906 323.128906 466.753906 L 271.140625 466.753906 L 271.140625 415.425781 L 424.664062 415.425781 L 424.664062 466.753906 L 372.578125 466.753906 C 368.535156 466.753906 365.246094 470.046875 365.246094 474.089844 L 365.246094 592.921875 C 365.246094 596.964844 368.535156 600.253906 372.578125 600.253906 L 491.410156 600.253906 C 495.453125 600.253906 498.746094 596.964844 498.746094 592.921875 L 498.746094 474.089844 C 498.746094 470.046875 495.453125 466.753906 491.410156 466.753906 L 439.328125 466.753906 L 439.328125 415.425781 L 592.851562 415.425781 L 592.851562 466.753906 L 540.769531 466.753906 C 536.726562 466.753906 533.433594 470.046875 533.433594 474.089844 L 533.433594 592.921875 C 533.433594 596.964844 536.726562 600.253906 540.769531 600.253906 L 659.601562 600.253906 C 663.644531 600.253906 666.933594 596.964844 666.933594 592.921875 L 666.933594 474.089844 C 667.027344 470.046875 663.738281 466.753906 659.695312 466.753906 Z M 345.316406 246.390625 L 518.769531 246.390625 L 518.769531 334.667969 L 345.316406 334.667969 Z M 315.796875 585.589844 L 211.722656 585.589844 L 211.722656 481.515625 L 315.890625 481.515625 L 315.890625 585.589844 Z M 484.078125 585.589844 L 379.910156 585.589844 L 379.910156 481.515625 L 484.078125 481.515625 Z M 652.265625 585.589844 L 548.195312 585.589844 L 548.195312 481.515625 L 652.363281 481.515625 L 652.363281 585.589844 Z M 652.265625 585.589844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> </g> </svg> </a> <a href='./recherche/team.php?acronyme=ASN'>Architecture, systèmes et réseaux</a></div> <div class='col-3 text-center'> <a href='./recherche/team.php?acronyme=SSR' title='SSR'><svg id="SSR" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="SSR" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 864 863.999991" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"> <defs> <clipPath id="752c325fee"> <path d="M 180.097656 180.097656 L 684 180.097656 L 684 684 L 180.097656 684 Z M 180.097656 180.097656 " clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="266dcd9d60"> <path d="M 64.839844 64.839844 L 799.160156 64.839844 L 799.160156 799.160156 L 64.839844 799.160156 Z M 64.839844 64.839844 " clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="726fa4fb4c"> <path d="M 432 64.839844 C 229.222656 64.839844 64.839844 229.222656 64.839844 432 C 64.839844 634.777344 229.222656 799.160156 432 799.160156 C 634.777344 799.160156 799.160156 634.777344 799.160156 432 C 799.160156 229.222656 634.777344 64.839844 432 64.839844 Z M 432 64.839844 " clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="e04b7890dd"> <path d="M 279.4375 211.074219 L 584.6875 211.074219 L 584.6875 624.324219 L 279.4375 624.324219 Z M 279.4375 211.074219 " clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> </defs> <g clip-path="url(#752c325fee)"> <path fill="#000000" d="M 317.320312 279.097656 L 386.507812 279.097656 L 373.511719 219.085938 C 364.722656 217.171875 358.222656 209.144531 358.222656 199.972656 C 358.222656 188.886719 367.015625 180.097656 378.097656 180.097656 C 389.183594 180.097656 397.976562 188.886719 397.976562 199.972656 C 397.976562 209.144531 391.476562 217.171875 382.6875 219.085938 L 395.683594 279.097656 L 464.871094 279.097656 L 451.871094 219.085938 C 443.464844 216.792969 436.964844 209.144531 436.964844 199.972656 C 436.964844 188.886719 445.757812 180.097656 456.84375 180.097656 C 467.546875 180.097656 476.71875 188.886719 476.71875 199.972656 C 476.71875 209.527344 469.839844 217.171875 461.046875 219.085938 L 474.042969 279.097656 L 547.433594 279.097656 C 565.78125 279.097656 581.453125 292.859375 584.128906 310.824219 L 644.523438 297.828125 C 645.289062 287.507812 653.699219 279.480469 664.402344 279.480469 C 675.105469 279.480469 683.898438 288.273438 683.898438 299.355469 C 683.898438 310.441406 675.105469 319.234375 664.402344 319.234375 C 655.992188 319.234375 648.730469 313.882812 645.671875 306.621094 L 584.511719 319.996094 L 584.511719 388.800781 L 644.523438 376.1875 C 645.289062 366.25 654.082031 358.222656 664.402344 358.222656 C 675.105469 358.222656 683.898438 367.015625 683.898438 378.097656 C 683.898438 389.183594 675.105469 397.976562 664.402344 397.976562 C 655.609375 397.976562 648.347656 392.625 645.671875 384.980469 L 584.511719 397.976562 L 584.511719 467.164062 L 644.523438 454.546875 C 645.671875 444.609375 654.082031 436.964844 664.402344 436.964844 C 675.105469 436.964844 683.898438 445.757812 683.898438 456.84375 C 683.898438 467.546875 675.105469 476.71875 664.402344 476.71875 C 655.609375 476.71875 648.347656 470.984375 645.671875 463.339844 L 584.511719 476.335938 L 584.511719 547.050781 C 584.511719 565.398438 570.75 581.070312 552.785156 583.746094 L 565.78125 644.523438 C 576.101562 644.90625 584.511719 653.699219 584.511719 664.402344 C 584.511719 675.105469 575.722656 683.898438 564.636719 683.898438 C 553.933594 683.898438 545.140625 675.105469 545.140625 664.402344 C 545.140625 655.992188 549.726562 649.113281 556.992188 646.054688 L 543.613281 584.128906 L 474.425781 584.128906 L 487.421875 644.523438 C 497.742188 645.289062 505.769531 653.699219 505.769531 664.402344 C 505.769531 675.105469 496.976562 683.898438 485.894531 683.898438 C 475.191406 683.898438 466.398438 675.105469 466.398438 664.402344 C 466.398438 655.992188 471.367188 648.730469 478.628906 646.054688 L 465.25 584.128906 L 396.066406 584.128906 L 409.0625 644.523438 C 419.382812 645.289062 427.027344 653.699219 427.027344 664.402344 C 427.027344 675.105469 418.234375 683.898438 407.148438 683.898438 C 396.445312 683.898438 387.65625 675.105469 387.65625 664.402344 C 387.65625 655.609375 393.007812 648.730469 400.269531 645.671875 L 386.890625 584.128906 L 316.941406 584.128906 C 299.738281 584.128906 285.214844 572.28125 280.625 556.609375 L 219.085938 569.605469 C 216.792969 578.398438 209.148438 584.511719 199.972656 584.511719 C 188.886719 584.511719 180.097656 575.722656 180.097656 564.636719 C 180.097656 553.933594 188.886719 545.140625 199.972656 545.140625 C 209.527344 545.140625 217.171875 551.640625 219.085938 560.429688 L 279.480469 547.816406 C 279.480469 547.433594 279.480469 547.050781 279.480469 547.050781 L 279.480469 478.628906 L 219.085938 491.625 C 216.410156 499.652344 208.765625 505.769531 199.972656 505.769531 C 188.886719 505.769531 180.097656 496.976562 180.097656 485.894531 C 180.097656 475.191406 188.886719 466.398438 199.972656 466.398438 C 209.527344 466.398438 217.554688 473.277344 219.46875 482.453125 L 279.480469 469.457031 L 279.480469 400.269531 L 218.703125 413.265625 C 216.410156 421.292969 208.765625 427.027344 199.972656 427.027344 C 188.886719 427.027344 180.097656 418.234375 180.097656 407.148438 C 180.097656 396.445312 188.886719 387.65625 199.972656 387.65625 C 209.527344 387.65625 217.9375 394.535156 219.46875 404.09375 L 279.480469 391.097656 L 279.480469 316.175781 C 279.480469 298.59375 292.09375 284.066406 308.53125 280.246094 L 295.535156 219.46875 C 286.359375 217.554688 279.480469 209.527344 279.480469 199.972656 C 279.480469 188.886719 288.273438 180.097656 299.355469 180.097656 C 310.441406 180.097656 319.234375 188.886719 319.234375 199.972656 C 319.234375 209.144531 312.734375 216.792969 304.324219 219.085938 Z M 324.96875 289.417969 L 539.023438 289.417969 C 557.753906 289.417969 573.046875 304.707031 573.046875 323.4375 L 573.046875 539.789062 C 573.046875 558.519531 557.753906 573.808594 539.023438 573.808594 L 324.96875 573.808594 C 306.238281 573.808594 290.945312 558.519531 290.945312 539.789062 L 290.945312 323.4375 C 290.945312 304.707031 306.238281 289.417969 324.96875 289.417969 Z M 324.96875 289.417969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/> </g> <path fill="#000000" d="M 482.070312 503.859375 L 451.109375 503.859375 L 438.496094 470.984375 L 381.15625 470.984375 L 369.308594 503.859375 L 338.347656 503.859375 L 394.152344 360.515625 L 424.734375 360.515625 Z M 429.320312 446.902344 L 409.0625 393.773438 L 389.949219 446.902344 Z M 496.597656 503.859375 L 496.597656 360.515625 L 525.648438 360.515625 L 525.648438 503.859375 Z M 496.597656 503.859375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <g clip-path="url(#266dcd9d60)"> <g clip-path="url(#726fa4fb4c)"> <path d="M 64.839844 64.839844 L 799.160156 64.839844 L 799.160156 799.160156 L 64.839844 799.160156 Z M 64.839844 64.839844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> </g> </g> <g clip-path="url(#e04b7890dd)"> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 569.269531 378.644531 L 548.1875 378.644531 L 548.1875 327.390625 C 548.269531 263.238281 496.105469 211.074219 431.957031 211.074219 C 367.804688 211.074219 315.640625 263.238281 315.640625 327.390625 L 315.640625 378.644531 L 294.644531 378.644531 C 286.292969 378.644531 279.515625 385.421875 279.515625 393.773438 L 279.515625 609.371094 C 279.515625 617.640625 286.292969 624.417969 294.644531 624.417969 L 569.351562 624.417969 C 577.699219 624.417969 584.480469 617.640625 584.480469 609.289062 L 584.480469 393.773438 C 584.398438 385.421875 577.617188 378.644531 569.269531 378.644531 Z M 345.898438 327.390625 C 345.898438 279.9375 384.503906 241.332031 431.957031 241.332031 C 479.40625 241.332031 518.015625 279.9375 518.015625 327.390625 L 518.015625 378.644531 L 345.898438 378.644531 Z M 447.082031 512.402344 L 447.082031 552.167969 C 447.082031 560.515625 440.304688 567.292969 431.957031 567.292969 C 423.605469 567.292969 416.828125 560.515625 416.828125 552.167969 L 416.828125 512.402344 C 406.410156 506.945312 399.300781 496.035156 399.300781 483.550781 C 399.300781 465.53125 413.933594 450.980469 431.871094 450.980469 C 449.894531 450.980469 464.445312 465.613281 464.445312 483.550781 C 464.609375 496.035156 457.5 506.945312 447.082031 512.402344 Z M 447.082031 512.402344 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> </g> </svg> </a> <a href='./recherche/team.php?acronyme=SSR'>Sécurité, sûreté et fiabilité</a></div> <div class='col-3 text-center'> <a href='./recherche/team.php?acronyme=TMC' title='TMC'><svg ID="TMC" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="TMC" zoomAndPan="magnify" viewBox="0 0 864 863.999991" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" version="1.0"> <defs> <clipPath id="7b24dd872e"> <path d="M 64.839844 64.839844 L 799.160156 64.839844 L 799.160156 799.160156 L 64.839844 799.160156 Z M 64.839844 64.839844 " clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="2c2f701fef"> <path d="M 432 64.839844 C 229.222656 64.839844 64.839844 229.222656 64.839844 432 C 64.839844 634.777344 229.222656 799.160156 432 799.160156 C 634.777344 799.160156 799.160156 634.777344 799.160156 432 C 799.160156 229.222656 634.777344 64.839844 432 64.839844 Z M 432 64.839844 " clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="77814fa712"> <path d="M 400 127.265625 L 463 127.265625 L 463 190 L 400 190 Z M 400 127.265625 " clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="eb24e37990"> <path d="M 674 326 L 736.601562 326 L 736.601562 389 L 674 389 Z M 674 326 " clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="a96ec09794"> <path d="M 127.601562 326 L 190 326 L 190 389 L 127.601562 389 Z M 127.601562 326 " clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="c13d57c948"> <path d="M 227 651 L 290 651 L 290 713.015625 L 227 713.015625 Z M 227 651 " clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> <clipPath id="493bf04410"> <path d="M 569 651 L 632 651 L 632 713.015625 L 569 713.015625 Z M 569 651 " clip-rule="nonzero"/> </clipPath> </defs> <g clip-path="url(#7b24dd872e)"> <g clip-path="url(#2c2f701fef)"> <path d="M 64.839844 64.839844 L 799.160156 64.839844 L 799.160156 799.160156 L 64.839844 799.160156 Z M 64.839844 64.839844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> </g> </g> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 510.539062 548.429688 L 440.078125 497.246094 L 486.875 463.082031 L 513.863281 545.507812 C 516.785156 543.511719 520.242188 542.050781 523.832031 541.785156 L 495.914062 456.433594 L 569.433594 402.855469 C 566.640625 400.597656 564.378906 397.804688 562.917969 394.347656 L 492.457031 445.796875 L 474.644531 391.425781 L 561.988281 391.691406 C 561.457031 389.960938 561.191406 388.234375 561.191406 386.503906 C 561.191406 384.644531 561.324219 382.78125 561.855469 381.054688 L 471.1875 380.789062 L 436.488281 274.832031 L 426.382812 274.832031 L 391.6875 380.65625 L 277.621094 380.390625 L 274.429688 389.960938 L 366.558594 456.964844 L 331.195312 564.78125 L 339.4375 570.765625 L 431.171875 503.894531 L 505.621094 558.003906 C 506.417969 554.414062 508.144531 551.222656 510.671875 548.5625 Z M 431.4375 293.445312 L 460.019531 380.65625 L 402.851562 380.65625 C 402.851562 380.523438 431.4375 293.445312 431.4375 293.445312 Z M 293.972656 390.890625 L 388.097656 391.160156 L 370.015625 446.195312 Z M 346.484375 552.417969 L 375.734375 463.480469 L 422.128906 497.246094 Z M 431.171875 490.601562 L 379.1875 452.84375 L 399.398438 391.292969 L 463.609375 391.292969 C 463.609375 391.425781 483.550781 452.445312 483.550781 452.445312 Z M 431.171875 490.601562 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 255.683594 661.433594 L 157.570312 359.117188 L 416.148438 171.535156 C 413.886719 168.742188 412.292969 165.421875 411.628906 161.699219 L 145.074219 355.128906 L 245.847656 665.6875 C 248.769531 663.558594 252.09375 661.964844 255.683594 661.566406 Z M 255.683594 661.433594 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 452.175781 162.097656 C 451.511719 165.6875 449.78125 169.007812 447.390625 171.800781 L 705.433594 359.519531 L 600.675781 681.507812 L 278.949219 681.242188 L 278.949219 682.039062 C 279.082031 685.628906 278.152344 688.953125 276.421875 691.878906 L 608.386719 692.144531 L 717.933594 355.53125 Z M 452.175781 162.097656 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 153.75 364.179688 L 156.066406 353.796875 L 281.011719 381.726562 L 278.691406 392.105469 Z M 153.75 364.179688 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 602.402344 386.503906 L 602.402344 387.4375 L 706.367188 364.171875 L 704.105469 353.800781 L 599.878906 377.066406 C 601.339844 379.859375 602.269531 383.046875 602.402344 386.371094 Z M 602.402344 386.503906 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 431.835938 178.980469 C 429.839844 178.980469 427.980469 178.714844 426.117188 178.183594 L 426.117188 281.878906 L 436.753906 281.878906 L 436.753906 178.316406 C 435.160156 178.714844 433.429688 178.980469 431.835938 178.980469 Z M 431.835938 178.980469 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 273.765625 668.480469 L 342.761719 566.644531 L 333.988281 560.660156 L 265.121094 662.363281 C 268.578125 663.558594 271.503906 665.6875 273.898438 668.480469 Z M 273.765625 668.480469 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 539.121094 577.679688 C 536.328125 580.070312 533.007812 581.667969 529.417969 582.332031 L 599.878906 686.292969 L 608.652344 680.3125 Z M 539.121094 577.679688 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 458.425781 280.550781 C 458.425781 294.773438 446.992188 306.207031 432.765625 306.207031 C 418.539062 306.207031 407.109375 294.773438 407.109375 280.550781 C 407.109375 266.324219 418.539062 254.890625 432.765625 254.890625 C 446.992188 254.890625 458.425781 266.324219 458.425781 280.550781 Z M 458.425781 280.550781 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 432.765625 311.523438 C 415.75 311.523438 401.789062 297.566406 401.789062 280.550781 C 401.789062 263.53125 415.75 249.574219 432.765625 249.574219 C 449.78125 249.574219 463.742188 263.53125 463.742188 280.550781 C 463.742188 297.566406 449.78125 311.523438 432.765625 311.523438 Z M 432.765625 260.207031 C 421.597656 260.207031 412.425781 269.382812 412.425781 280.550781 C 412.425781 291.714844 421.597656 300.890625 432.765625 300.890625 C 443.933594 300.890625 453.105469 291.714844 453.105469 280.550781 C 453.105469 269.382812 443.933594 260.207031 432.765625 260.207031 Z M 432.765625 260.207031 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 364.035156 562.390625 C 364.035156 576.613281 352.601562 588.046875 338.375 588.046875 C 324.148438 588.046875 312.71875 576.613281 312.71875 562.390625 C 312.71875 548.164062 324.148438 536.730469 338.375 536.730469 C 352.601562 536.730469 364.035156 548.164062 364.035156 562.390625 Z M 364.035156 562.390625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 338.375 593.367188 C 321.359375 593.367188 307.398438 579.40625 307.398438 562.390625 C 307.398438 545.375 321.359375 531.414062 338.375 531.414062 C 355.390625 531.414062 369.351562 545.375 369.351562 562.390625 C 369.351562 579.40625 355.390625 593.367188 338.375 593.367188 Z M 338.375 542.050781 C 327.207031 542.050781 318.035156 551.222656 318.035156 562.390625 C 318.035156 573.558594 327.207031 582.730469 338.375 582.730469 C 349.542969 582.730469 358.714844 573.558594 358.714844 562.390625 C 358.714844 551.222656 349.542969 542.050781 338.375 542.050781 Z M 338.375 542.050781 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 525.828125 536.730469 C 511.601562 536.730469 500.167969 548.164062 500.167969 562.390625 C 500.167969 576.613281 511.601562 588.046875 525.828125 588.046875 C 540.050781 588.046875 551.484375 576.613281 551.484375 562.390625 C 551.484375 548.164062 540.050781 536.730469 525.828125 536.730469 Z M 525.695312 582.863281 C 514.128906 582.863281 505.621094 573.425781 505.085938 562.257812 C 504.554688 551.089844 514.925781 541.652344 525.695312 541.652344 C 536.460938 541.652344 545.769531 551.089844 546.300781 562.257812 C 546.832031 573.425781 536.460938 582.863281 525.695312 582.863281 Z M 525.695312 582.863281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 525.828125 531.414062 C 508.808594 531.414062 494.851562 545.371094 494.851562 562.390625 C 494.851562 579.40625 508.808594 593.367188 525.828125 593.367188 C 542.84375 593.367188 556.804688 579.40625 556.804688 562.390625 C 556.804688 545.371094 542.84375 531.414062 525.828125 531.414062 Z M 531.808594 581.800781 C 529.816406 582.464844 527.820312 582.730469 525.695312 582.730469 C 514.128906 582.730469 505.621094 573.292969 505.085938 562.125 C 504.554688 550.957031 514.925781 541.519531 525.695312 541.519531 C 536.460938 541.519531 545.769531 550.957031 546.300781 562.125 C 546.566406 567.574219 544.171875 572.757812 540.316406 576.480469 C 537.925781 578.875 535 580.734375 531.808594 581.667969 Z M 531.808594 581.800781 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 581.664062 361.246094 C 567.4375 361.246094 556.003906 372.679688 556.003906 386.902344 C 556.003906 401.128906 567.4375 412.5625 581.664062 412.5625 C 595.886719 412.5625 607.320312 401.128906 607.320312 386.902344 C 607.320312 372.679688 595.886719 361.246094 581.664062 361.246094 Z M 581.796875 407.113281 C 570.230469 407.113281 561.722656 397.671875 561.191406 386.503906 C 560.660156 375.339844 571.027344 365.898438 581.796875 365.898438 C 592.566406 365.898438 601.871094 375.339844 602.402344 386.503906 C 602.933594 397.671875 592.566406 407.113281 581.796875 407.113281 Z M 581.796875 407.113281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 581.664062 355.929688 C 564.648438 355.929688 550.6875 369.886719 550.6875 386.902344 C 550.6875 403.921875 564.648438 417.878906 581.664062 417.878906 C 598.679688 417.878906 612.640625 403.921875 612.640625 386.902344 C 612.640625 369.886719 598.679688 355.929688 581.664062 355.929688 Z M 596.289062 400.996094 C 592.566406 404.851562 587.378906 407.246094 581.664062 407.246094 C 570.628906 407.246094 561.722656 398.46875 561.324219 387.570312 L 561.324219 386.503906 C 560.792969 375.339844 571.160156 365.898438 581.929688 365.898438 C 592.699219 365.898438 602.003906 375.339844 602.535156 386.503906 C 602.800781 392.089844 600.277344 397.273438 596.289062 401.128906 Z M 596.289062 400.996094 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 304.207031 385.574219 C 304.207031 399.800781 292.773438 411.234375 278.550781 411.234375 C 264.324219 411.234375 252.890625 399.800781 252.890625 385.574219 C 252.890625 371.351562 264.324219 359.917969 278.550781 359.917969 C 292.773438 359.917969 304.207031 371.351562 304.207031 385.574219 Z M 304.207031 385.574219 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 278.550781 416.550781 C 261.53125 416.550781 247.574219 402.589844 247.574219 385.574219 C 247.574219 368.558594 261.53125 354.597656 278.550781 354.597656 C 295.566406 354.597656 309.527344 368.558594 309.527344 385.574219 C 309.527344 402.589844 295.566406 416.550781 278.550781 416.550781 Z M 278.550781 365.234375 C 267.382812 365.234375 258.210938 374.40625 258.210938 385.574219 C 258.210938 396.742188 267.382812 405.914062 278.550781 405.914062 C 289.71875 405.914062 298.890625 396.742188 298.890625 385.574219 C 298.890625 374.40625 289.71875 365.234375 278.550781 365.234375 Z M 278.550781 365.234375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <g clip-path="url(#77814fa712)"> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 431.4375 127.265625 C 414.417969 127.265625 400.460938 141.222656 400.460938 158.242188 C 400.460938 175.257812 414.417969 189.21875 431.4375 189.21875 C 448.453125 189.21875 462.414062 175.257812 462.414062 158.242188 C 462.414062 141.222656 448.453125 127.265625 431.4375 127.265625 Z M 431.835938 178.980469 C 426.25 178.980469 421.332031 176.71875 417.742188 173.261719 C 413.753906 169.542969 411.097656 164.222656 411.097656 158.242188 C 411.097656 152.257812 411.097656 155.980469 411.363281 154.917969 L 411.363281 154.253906 C 411.363281 154.121094 411.363281 153.855469 411.496094 153.722656 C 411.496094 153.320312 411.761719 152.789062 411.894531 152.390625 C 414.019531 145.613281 419.472656 140.425781 426.382812 138.699219 C 428.113281 138.167969 429.839844 137.902344 431.703125 137.902344 C 443.269531 137.902344 451.777344 147.339844 452.308594 158.507812 C 452.839844 169.675781 442.472656 179.113281 431.703125 179.113281 Z M 431.835938 178.980469 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> </g> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 730.960938 357.65625 C 730.960938 371.882812 719.527344 383.316406 705.300781 383.316406 C 691.078125 383.316406 679.644531 371.882812 679.644531 357.65625 C 679.644531 343.429688 691.078125 332 705.300781 332 C 719.527344 332 730.960938 343.429688 730.960938 357.65625 Z M 730.960938 357.65625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/> <g clip-path="url(#eb24e37990)"> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 705.300781 388.632812 C 688.285156 388.632812 674.324219 374.671875 674.324219 357.65625 C 674.324219 340.640625 688.285156 326.679688 705.300781 326.679688 C 722.320312 326.679688 736.277344 340.640625 736.277344 357.65625 C 736.277344 374.671875 722.320312 388.632812 705.300781 388.632812 Z M 705.300781 337.316406 C 694.132812 337.316406 684.960938 346.488281 684.960938 357.65625 C 684.960938 368.824219 694.132812 377.996094 705.300781 377.996094 C 716.46875 377.996094 725.640625 368.824219 725.640625 357.65625 C 725.640625 346.488281 716.46875 337.316406 705.300781 337.316406 Z M 705.300781 337.316406 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> </g> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 184.558594 357.65625 C 184.558594 371.882812 173.125 383.316406 158.898438 383.316406 C 144.675781 383.316406 133.242188 371.882812 133.242188 357.65625 C 133.242188 343.429688 144.675781 332 158.898438 332 C 173.125 332 184.558594 343.429688 184.558594 357.65625 Z M 184.558594 357.65625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/> <g clip-path="url(#a96ec09794)"> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 158.898438 388.632812 C 141.882812 388.632812 127.925781 374.671875 127.925781 357.65625 C 127.925781 340.640625 141.882812 326.679688 158.898438 326.679688 C 175.917969 326.679688 189.875 340.640625 189.875 357.65625 C 189.875 374.671875 175.917969 388.632812 158.898438 388.632812 Z M 158.898438 337.316406 C 147.734375 337.316406 138.558594 346.488281 138.558594 357.65625 C 138.558594 368.824219 147.734375 377.996094 158.898438 377.996094 C 170.066406 377.996094 179.242188 368.824219 179.242188 357.65625 C 179.242188 346.488281 170.066406 337.316406 158.898438 337.316406 Z M 158.898438 337.316406 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> </g> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 258.609375 656.382812 C 244.382812 656.382812 232.949219 667.8125 232.949219 682.039062 C 232.949219 696.265625 244.382812 707.695312 258.609375 707.695312 C 272.832031 707.695312 284.265625 696.265625 284.265625 682.039062 C 284.265625 667.8125 272.832031 656.382812 258.609375 656.382812 Z M 272.832031 696.398438 C 268.976562 700.253906 263.660156 702.777344 258.078125 702.777344 C 246.511719 702.777344 238.003906 693.339844 237.46875 682.171875 C 237.203125 676.589844 239.730469 671.402344 243.71875 667.546875 C 247.574219 663.691406 252.890625 661.167969 258.476562 661.167969 C 270.042969 661.167969 278.550781 670.605469 279.082031 681.773438 C 279.347656 687.355469 276.820312 692.542969 272.832031 696.398438 Z M 272.832031 696.398438 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/> <g clip-path="url(#c13d57c948)"> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 258.609375 651.0625 C 241.589844 651.0625 227.632812 665.023438 227.632812 682.039062 C 227.632812 699.054688 241.589844 713.015625 258.609375 713.015625 C 275.625 713.015625 289.585938 699.054688 289.585938 682.039062 C 289.585938 665.023438 275.625 651.0625 258.609375 651.0625 Z M 268.046875 699.988281 C 264.988281 701.714844 261.53125 702.644531 258.078125 702.644531 C 246.511719 702.644531 238.003906 693.207031 237.46875 682.039062 C 237.203125 676.457031 239.730469 671.269531 243.71875 667.414062 C 247.574219 663.558594 252.890625 661.035156 258.476562 661.035156 C 264.058594 661.035156 270.972656 664.359375 274.695312 669.277344 C 277.21875 672.601562 278.816406 676.589844 279.082031 681.109375 L 279.082031 681.773438 C 279.214844 685.363281 278.285156 688.820312 276.421875 691.878906 C 274.429688 695.332031 271.636719 698.125 268.179688 699.988281 Z M 268.046875 699.988281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> </g> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 625.933594 682.039062 C 625.933594 696.265625 614.5 707.695312 600.277344 707.695312 C 586.050781 707.695312 574.617188 696.265625 574.617188 682.039062 C 574.617188 667.8125 586.050781 656.382812 600.277344 656.382812 C 614.5 656.382812 625.933594 667.8125 625.933594 682.039062 Z M 625.933594 682.039062 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/> <g clip-path="url(#493bf04410)"> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 600.277344 713.015625 C 583.257812 713.015625 569.300781 699.054688 569.300781 682.039062 C 569.300781 665.023438 583.257812 651.0625 600.277344 651.0625 C 617.292969 651.0625 631.25 665.023438 631.25 682.039062 C 631.25 699.054688 617.292969 713.015625 600.277344 713.015625 Z M 600.277344 661.699219 C 589.109375 661.699219 579.933594 670.871094 579.933594 682.039062 C 579.933594 693.207031 589.109375 702.378906 600.277344 702.378906 C 611.441406 702.378906 620.617188 693.207031 620.617188 682.039062 C 620.617188 670.871094 611.441406 661.699219 600.277344 661.699219 Z M 600.277344 661.699219 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> </g> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 331.328125 658.773438 C 332.527344 658.773438 333.457031 658.507812 333.855469 658.109375 C 334.519531 657.578125 335.183594 656.515625 335.582031 654.917969 L 342.097656 631.386719 L 342.628906 629.394531 L 342.628906 628.195312 C 342.628906 627.398438 342.363281 626.734375 341.832031 626.46875 C 341.300781 626.203125 340.238281 625.9375 338.90625 625.9375 L 338.90625 625.140625 L 352.070312 625.140625 C 354.726562 625.140625 356.988281 625.539062 358.582031 626.203125 C 361.773438 627.53125 363.234375 629.792969 363.234375 633.25 C 363.234375 636.707031 362.570312 637.238281 361.375 638.832031 C 358.980469 642.023438 354.59375 643.617188 348.347656 643.617188 C 342.097656 643.617188 346.882812 643.617188 346.085938 643.617188 C 345.289062 643.617188 344.625 643.484375 343.957031 643.351562 L 341.035156 653.589844 C 340.902344 654.253906 340.769531 654.785156 340.636719 655.183594 C 340.503906 655.847656 340.371094 656.382812 340.371094 656.78125 C 340.371094 657.710938 340.636719 658.242188 341.167969 658.507812 C 341.699219 658.773438 342.628906 659.039062 343.957031 659.039062 L 343.957031 659.835938 L 330.929688 659.835938 L 330.929688 659.039062 Z M 345.953125 641.226562 L 347.8125 641.226562 C 350.472656 641.226562 352.46875 640.828125 353.929688 640.160156 C 356.722656 638.832031 358.050781 636.304688 358.050781 632.453125 C 358.050781 628.597656 357.386719 628.597656 356.191406 627.664062 C 354.992188 626.734375 353.265625 626.335938 351.269531 626.335938 C 349.277344 626.335938 349.808594 626.335938 349.410156 626.601562 C 349.011719 626.867188 348.746094 627.132812 348.480469 627.796875 L 344.757812 640.960938 C 345.023438 640.960938 345.421875 640.960938 345.953125 641.09375 Z M 345.953125 641.226562 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 406.574219 649.867188 L 405.910156 653.058594 L 379.1875 653.058594 L 379.855469 649.867188 Z M 408.835938 639.363281 L 408.171875 642.554688 L 381.449219 642.554688 L 382.113281 639.363281 Z M 408.835938 639.363281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 424.257812 658.773438 C 425.71875 658.507812 426.917969 657.976562 427.449219 657.179688 C 427.980469 656.382812 428.777344 654.253906 429.707031 650.929688 L 435.824219 628.597656 C 435.824219 628.597656 435.824219 628.195312 435.425781 627.664062 C 435.160156 627.132812 434.761719 626.734375 434.492188 626.601562 C 434.226562 626.335938 433.828125 626.203125 433.296875 626.070312 C 432.765625 625.9375 432.234375 625.804688 431.4375 625.804688 L 431.4375 625.007812 L 439.945312 625.007812 L 450.847656 651.328125 L 450.980469 651.328125 L 456.296875 631.121094 C 456.429688 630.457031 456.5625 629.925781 456.695312 629.527344 L 456.695312 628.460938 C 456.695312 627.53125 456.296875 626.867188 455.5 626.46875 C 454.96875 626.203125 454.167969 626.070312 452.972656 626.070312 L 452.972656 625.273438 L 463.609375 625.273438 L 463.609375 626.070312 C 462.011719 626.46875 460.949219 627 460.285156 627.796875 C 459.753906 628.597656 458.957031 630.589844 458.023438 633.914062 L 451.644531 656.648438 C 451.378906 657.445312 451.246094 657.976562 451.246094 658.242188 C 451.246094 658.507812 450.980469 659.4375 450.582031 660.769531 L 449.648438 660.769531 L 437.550781 631.785156 L 437.285156 631.785156 L 431.4375 653.855469 C 431.4375 654.253906 431.171875 654.785156 431.171875 655.316406 C 431.171875 655.847656 431.039062 656.25 431.039062 656.648438 C 431.039062 657.578125 431.4375 658.242188 432.367188 658.640625 C 432.898438 658.90625 433.695312 659.039062 434.761719 659.039062 L 434.761719 659.835938 L 424.125 659.835938 L 424.125 659.039062 Z M 424.257812 658.773438 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 460.816406 658.773438 C 462.011719 658.773438 462.945312 658.507812 463.34375 658.109375 C 464.007812 657.578125 464.671875 656.515625 465.070312 654.917969 L 471.585938 631.386719 L 472.117188 629.394531 L 472.117188 628.195312 C 472.117188 627.398438 471.851562 626.734375 471.320312 626.46875 C 470.789062 626.203125 469.722656 625.9375 468.394531 625.9375 L 468.394531 625.140625 L 481.554688 625.140625 C 484.214844 625.140625 486.476562 625.539062 488.070312 626.203125 C 491.261719 627.53125 492.722656 629.792969 492.722656 633.25 C 492.722656 636.707031 492.058594 637.238281 490.863281 638.832031 C 488.46875 642.023438 484.082031 643.617188 477.832031 643.617188 C 471.585938 643.617188 476.371094 643.617188 475.574219 643.617188 C 474.777344 643.617188 474.113281 643.484375 473.445312 643.351562 L 470.523438 653.589844 C 470.390625 654.253906 470.257812 654.785156 470.125 655.183594 C 469.988281 655.847656 469.855469 656.382812 469.855469 656.78125 C 469.855469 657.710938 470.125 658.242188 470.65625 658.507812 C 471.1875 658.773438 472.117188 659.039062 473.445312 659.039062 L 473.445312 659.835938 L 460.417969 659.835938 L 460.417969 659.039062 Z M 475.441406 641.226562 L 477.300781 641.226562 C 479.960938 641.226562 481.957031 640.828125 483.417969 640.160156 C 486.210938 638.832031 487.539062 636.304688 487.539062 632.453125 C 487.539062 628.597656 486.875 628.597656 485.675781 627.664062 C 484.480469 626.734375 482.753906 626.335938 480.757812 626.335938 C 478.765625 626.335938 479.296875 626.335938 478.898438 626.601562 C 478.5 626.867188 478.234375 627.132812 477.96875 627.796875 L 474.246094 640.960938 C 474.511719 640.960938 474.910156 640.960938 475.441406 641.09375 Z M 475.441406 641.226562 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 515.855469 659.4375 C 515.324219 659.96875 514.660156 660.238281 513.863281 660.238281 C 513.0625 660.238281 512.53125 659.96875 511.867188 659.4375 C 511.335938 658.90625 511.070312 658.242188 511.070312 657.445312 C 511.070312 656.648438 511.335938 655.980469 511.867188 655.449219 C 512.398438 654.917969 513.0625 654.652344 513.863281 654.652344 C 514.660156 654.652344 515.191406 654.917969 515.855469 655.449219 C 516.386719 655.980469 516.785156 656.648438 516.785156 657.445312 C 516.785156 658.242188 516.519531 658.90625 515.855469 659.4375 Z M 527.15625 626.203125 C 528.484375 627.53125 529.152344 629.128906 529.152344 630.988281 C 529.152344 632.851562 528.75 634.046875 527.953125 635.242188 C 527.15625 636.441406 525.828125 637.636719 524.230469 638.964844 L 521.972656 640.695312 C 520.375 642.023438 519.179688 643.085938 518.382812 644.015625 C 517.050781 645.480469 516.253906 647.074219 515.855469 648.804688 L 515.457031 650.398438 L 514.527344 650.398438 C 514.792969 646.675781 516.785156 642.953125 520.109375 639.097656 C 523.433594 635.507812 525.027344 632.316406 525.027344 629.792969 C 525.027344 627.265625 524.628906 627.132812 523.832031 626.46875 C 523.035156 625.804688 521.972656 625.40625 520.90625 625.40625 C 519.84375 625.40625 519.445312 625.40625 518.78125 625.804688 C 517.585938 626.203125 517.050781 627 517.050781 627.929688 C 517.050781 628.863281 517.050781 628.195312 517.050781 628.328125 L 517.050781 628.730469 L 517.320312 629.261719 C 517.453125 629.660156 517.585938 629.925781 517.71875 630.191406 L 517.71875 630.722656 C 517.71875 631.253906 517.453125 631.652344 517.050781 632.050781 C 516.652344 632.449219 516.121094 632.585938 515.589844 632.585938 C 515.058594 632.585938 514.394531 632.316406 513.996094 631.917969 C 513.597656 631.519531 513.332031 630.855469 513.332031 629.792969 C 513.332031 628.328125 513.996094 627 515.324219 625.804688 C 516.652344 624.609375 518.382812 624.074219 520.640625 624.074219 C 522.902344 624.074219 525.296875 624.742188 526.625 626.070312 Z M 527.15625 626.203125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 206.359375 423.199219 C 206.894531 424.394531 207.425781 425.191406 207.824219 425.589844 C 208.488281 426.121094 209.550781 426.121094 211.015625 425.589844 L 223.777344 421.335938 C 224.972656 420.9375 225.769531 420.539062 226.035156 420.007812 C 226.304688 419.609375 226.304688 418.945312 226.035156 418.277344 C 225.769531 417.613281 225.769531 417.613281 225.769531 417.480469 C 225.769531 417.347656 225.503906 417.082031 225.371094 416.949219 L 226.171875 416.683594 L 227.367188 418.277344 C 227.765625 418.8125 228.5625 419.742188 229.625 421.070312 C 230.691406 422.398438 231.222656 423.066406 231.222656 423.066406 L 231.222656 423.199219 C 231.222656 423.199219 230.957031 423.199219 230.824219 423.332031 L 227.5 424.394531 C 229.492188 425.589844 230.957031 426.65625 232.019531 427.585938 C 232.949219 428.648438 233.613281 429.710938 234.011719 430.910156 C 234.546875 432.636719 234.414062 434.097656 233.613281 435.5625 C 233.214844 436.359375 232.417969 437.023438 231.488281 437.6875 C 233.082031 438.488281 234.414062 439.285156 235.210938 439.949219 C 236.804688 441.144531 237.734375 442.609375 238.269531 444.203125 C 239.199219 446.863281 238.667969 448.988281 236.804688 450.585938 C 235.742188 451.515625 233.878906 452.445312 231.222656 453.242188 L 220.984375 456.566406 C 219.789062 456.964844 219.125 457.496094 218.859375 458.160156 C 218.59375 458.828125 218.59375 459.890625 218.859375 461.21875 L 218.191406 461.484375 L 214.472656 450.316406 L 215.136719 450.050781 C 215.800781 451.382812 216.332031 452.3125 216.863281 452.578125 C 217.394531 452.84375 218.460938 452.84375 219.789062 452.3125 L 230.425781 448.855469 C 232.019531 448.324219 233.082031 447.792969 233.746094 447.128906 C 234.945312 446.0625 235.210938 444.601562 234.546875 442.875 C 234.148438 441.808594 233.480469 440.878906 232.417969 440.082031 C 231.753906 439.550781 230.957031 439.019531 229.757812 438.484375 L 217.128906 442.609375 C 215.800781 443.007812 214.871094 443.671875 214.335938 444.335938 C 213.804688 445 213.804688 446.195312 214.335938 447.660156 L 213.671875 447.925781 L 209.949219 436.625 L 210.617188 436.359375 C 211.28125 437.820312 212.078125 438.753906 212.742188 439.019531 C 213.40625 439.285156 214.871094 439.019531 217.128906 438.351562 L 224.042969 436.09375 C 226.570312 435.296875 228.296875 434.496094 229.09375 433.832031 C 230.558594 432.769531 230.957031 431.308594 230.425781 429.578125 C 230.160156 428.515625 229.492188 427.71875 228.5625 426.921875 C 227.632812 426.121094 226.703125 425.457031 225.503906 425.058594 L 212.078125 429.445312 C 210.882812 429.84375 210.082031 430.375 209.683594 430.910156 C 209.285156 431.441406 209.417969 432.503906 209.816406 433.964844 L 209.152344 434.230469 L 205.429688 423.066406 L 206.09375 422.800781 Z M 206.359375 423.199219 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 230.957031 463.613281 C 232.417969 464.808594 234.8125 467.335938 238.003906 471.324219 L 240.128906 470.660156 C 241.855469 470.125 242.921875 469.59375 243.453125 469.0625 C 244.382812 468.132812 244.515625 466.804688 243.984375 465.074219 C 243.71875 464.277344 243.1875 463.480469 242.523438 462.949219 C 241.855469 462.28125 241.058594 462.148438 240.261719 462.417969 C 240.128906 462.417969 239.730469 462.683594 239.332031 462.816406 C 238.933594 462.949219 238.667969 463.214844 238.535156 463.214844 C 237.601562 463.480469 236.804688 463.480469 236.273438 462.949219 C 236.007812 462.683594 235.742188 462.28125 235.609375 461.882812 C 235.34375 461.085938 235.476562 460.554688 235.742188 459.890625 C 236.140625 459.359375 236.539062 458.960938 237.203125 458.828125 C 238.402344 458.429688 239.730469 458.828125 241.457031 459.757812 C 243.1875 460.820312 244.515625 462.683594 245.445312 465.339844 C 246.511719 468.53125 246.113281 471.058594 244.515625 472.785156 C 243.585938 473.714844 241.992188 474.648438 239.863281 475.3125 L 230.023438 478.503906 C 229.09375 478.769531 228.429688 479.035156 228.164062 479.300781 C 227.632812 479.699219 227.367188 480.230469 227.632812 480.894531 C 227.632812 481.292969 227.898438 481.558594 228.164062 481.824219 C 228.296875 482.09375 228.828125 482.359375 229.359375 482.890625 L 228.03125 483.289062 C 227.234375 483.023438 226.570312 482.625 225.902344 482.089844 C 224.972656 481.425781 224.308594 480.496094 224.042969 479.566406 C 223.644531 478.503906 223.777344 477.570312 224.308594 476.773438 C 224.839844 475.976562 225.636719 475.445312 226.570312 475.046875 C 225.105469 474.113281 223.910156 473.316406 223.113281 472.652344 C 221.78125 471.457031 220.851562 470.125 220.320312 468.796875 C 219.921875 467.335938 219.921875 466.003906 220.585938 464.675781 C 221.25 463.347656 222.316406 462.417969 223.910156 461.882812 C 226.304688 461.085938 228.695312 461.617188 231.089844 463.480469 Z M 236.804688 471.855469 C 235.609375 470.125 234.414062 468.796875 233.214844 467.867188 C 230.957031 466.003906 228.960938 465.339844 227.101562 466.003906 C 225.636719 466.539062 224.707031 467.335938 224.308594 468.53125 C 224.042969 469.328125 224.042969 470.125 224.308594 470.925781 C 224.574219 471.722656 225.371094 472.917969 226.304688 473.714844 C 227.234375 474.515625 228.164062 474.78125 229.09375 474.382812 L 236.9375 471.855469 Z M 236.804688 471.855469 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 252.226562 488.472656 L 251.5625 488.738281 C 251.296875 488.074219 251.03125 487.675781 250.765625 487.277344 C 250.5 486.878906 250.101562 486.746094 249.566406 486.878906 C 249.300781 486.878906 248.503906 487.675781 247.308594 489.003906 C 246.777344 489.667969 245.980469 490.601562 245.179688 491.664062 C 246.777344 492.195312 248.105469 492.59375 249.035156 492.726562 C 250.5 493.125 251.429688 493.257812 251.828125 493.125 C 252.226562 492.992188 252.492188 492.726562 252.492188 492.328125 C 252.492188 491.929688 252.492188 491.398438 252.359375 490.734375 L 253.023438 490.46875 L 255.683594 498.445312 L 255.019531 498.710938 C 254.621094 497.914062 254.222656 497.246094 253.554688 496.582031 C 252.890625 495.917969 252.226562 495.519531 251.429688 495.386719 L 243.984375 493.125 L 236.140625 502.832031 C 235.078125 504.027344 234.546875 505.089844 234.414062 505.753906 C 234.28125 506.421875 234.28125 507.21875 234.414062 508.015625 L 233.746094 508.28125 L 230.425781 498.046875 L 231.089844 497.777344 L 231.355469 498.445312 C 231.488281 498.84375 231.753906 499.109375 232.019531 499.242188 C 232.285156 499.375 232.550781 499.507812 232.949219 499.375 C 233.214844 499.375 233.878906 498.710938 234.679688 497.777344 C 235.078125 497.246094 235.742188 496.582031 236.40625 495.785156 C 236.804688 495.386719 237.203125 494.722656 237.867188 493.921875 C 238.535156 493.125 239.066406 492.460938 239.464844 491.929688 L 231.886719 489.933594 C 230.957031 489.667969 230.425781 489.535156 230.160156 489.535156 L 229.492188 489.535156 C 229.226562 489.535156 228.960938 489.800781 228.960938 490.070312 C 228.960938 490.335938 228.960938 491 229.226562 491.796875 L 228.5625 492.0625 L 226.171875 484.75 L 226.835938 484.484375 C 227.367188 485.28125 227.765625 485.945312 228.164062 486.214844 C 228.5625 486.613281 229.359375 486.878906 230.691406 487.277344 L 240.925781 490.070312 L 246.644531 483.15625 C 247.707031 481.691406 248.371094 480.761719 248.503906 480.363281 C 248.636719 479.964844 248.503906 479.035156 248.238281 477.835938 L 248.902344 477.570312 L 252.359375 488.074219 Z M 252.226562 488.472656 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 274.5625 533.40625 C 274.03125 533.140625 273.632812 532.742188 273.367188 532.078125 C 273.230469 531.546875 273.230469 531.015625 273.367188 530.484375 C 273.632812 529.953125 273.898438 529.6875 274.429688 529.550781 C 274.695312 529.550781 275.359375 529.417969 276.289062 529.550781 C 276.554688 529.550781 276.6875 529.285156 276.820312 529.019531 L 276.820312 528.222656 C 276.421875 527.027344 274.695312 526.363281 271.769531 526.496094 C 270.042969 526.496094 267.382812 526.894531 263.527344 527.425781 L 265.386719 532.875 L 263.660156 532.875 C 263.660156 533.007812 261.800781 527.425781 261.800781 527.425781 L 244.117188 527.957031 C 239.464844 528.355469 235.609375 528.089844 232.417969 527.292969 C 229.226562 526.496094 227.234375 524.765625 226.304688 522.109375 C 225.902344 520.910156 225.902344 519.847656 226.304688 518.785156 C 226.703125 517.855469 227.234375 517.1875 228.03125 516.921875 C 228.828125 516.65625 229.09375 516.789062 229.625 516.921875 C 230.160156 517.054688 230.558594 517.453125 230.691406 518.121094 C 230.824219 518.652344 230.824219 519.183594 230.691406 519.714844 C 230.425781 520.246094 230.023438 520.511719 229.492188 520.777344 L 227.898438 520.777344 C 227.765625 520.777344 227.632812 520.910156 227.632812 521.175781 L 227.632812 521.976562 C 228.03125 523.4375 229.625 524.234375 232.152344 524.5 C 233.480469 524.5 235.210938 524.5 237.335938 524.367188 L 260.46875 523.304688 L 259.007812 518.785156 L 260.734375 518.785156 C 260.734375 518.652344 262.332031 523.304688 262.332031 523.304688 C 266.453125 522.90625 269.644531 523.039062 271.769531 523.570312 C 275.09375 524.367188 277.21875 525.832031 278.019531 528.355469 C 278.417969 529.417969 278.417969 530.484375 278.019531 531.414062 C 277.621094 532.34375 276.953125 533.007812 276.15625 533.273438 C 275.625 533.40625 275.09375 533.40625 274.5625 533.273438 Z M 274.5625 533.40625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 280.941406 541.25 C 278.816406 540.1875 276.820312 539.523438 275.09375 538.992188 C 272.035156 538.195312 268.710938 537.796875 265.121094 537.796875 C 261.933594 537.796875 258.875 538.0625 256.082031 538.59375 C 253.289062 539.125 251.03125 539.65625 249.300781 540.1875 C 246.511719 541.117188 244.382812 542.050781 242.65625 542.847656 C 240.925781 543.777344 238.933594 545.105469 236.40625 547.101562 L 235.875 546.304688 C 238.269531 543.511719 240.925781 541.25 243.71875 539.523438 C 246.511719 537.664062 249.433594 536.332031 252.492188 535.269531 C 256.480469 533.941406 260.335938 533.40625 263.792969 533.808594 C 269.109375 534.339844 274.960938 536.464844 281.609375 540.320312 L 281.074219 541.25 Z M 280.941406 541.25 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 275.625 565.316406 L 253.421875 556.40625 C 253.554688 557.472656 253.554688 558.402344 253.421875 559.199219 C 253.289062 560.394531 252.757812 561.59375 251.960938 562.789062 L 250.5 564.914062 C 250.101562 565.449219 249.835938 565.980469 249.699219 566.511719 C 249.566406 567.042969 249.566406 567.707031 249.699219 568.238281 C 249.835938 568.636719 249.96875 568.902344 250.234375 569.171875 C 250.5 569.4375 250.765625 569.4375 250.898438 569.4375 C 250.898438 569.4375 251.296875 569.171875 251.695312 568.769531 C 252.09375 568.371094 252.492188 568.105469 252.890625 567.972656 C 253.421875 567.839844 253.824219 567.972656 254.222656 568.105469 C 254.621094 568.371094 254.886719 568.769531 255.019531 569.171875 C 255.285156 569.835938 255.152344 570.234375 255.019531 570.765625 C 254.753906 571.164062 254.355469 571.429688 253.691406 571.695312 C 252.757812 571.960938 251.828125 571.695312 250.765625 571.164062 C 249.699219 570.5 248.902344 569.4375 248.503906 568.105469 C 248.238281 567.308594 248.105469 566.511719 248.238281 565.714844 C 248.238281 565.183594 248.238281 564.648438 248.503906 563.984375 L 249.167969 560.394531 C 249.433594 559.199219 249.566406 558.269531 249.566406 557.605469 C 249.566406 556.9375 249.566406 556.273438 249.300781 555.609375 C 249.167969 555.210938 249.035156 554.8125 248.769531 554.546875 C 248.503906 554.28125 248.238281 554.015625 247.707031 553.617188 L 247.972656 552.949219 L 271.902344 562.523438 L 269.511719 555.210938 C 269.109375 554.148438 268.710938 553.351562 268.046875 552.816406 C 267.382812 552.285156 266.453125 552.152344 265.121094 552.019531 L 265.121094 551.089844 L 271.371094 550.691406 L 276.023438 565.046875 L 275.492188 565.046875 Z M 275.625 565.316406 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 246.644531 576.347656 C 249.035156 577.414062 251.03125 578.210938 252.757812 578.742188 C 255.683594 579.539062 258.875 579.804688 262.464844 579.804688 C 265.523438 579.804688 268.445312 579.539062 271.105469 579.140625 C 273.898438 578.742188 276.421875 578.078125 278.816406 577.28125 C 281.742188 576.347656 284.265625 575.285156 286.261719 573.957031 C 288.253906 572.757812 289.984375 571.5625 291.179688 570.367188 L 291.84375 571.164062 C 289.851562 573.558594 287.324219 575.683594 284.53125 577.679688 C 281.609375 579.671875 278.550781 581.136719 275.359375 582.199219 C 271.636719 583.394531 268.3125 583.925781 264.988281 583.792969 C 259.140625 583.527344 252.890625 581.269531 246.113281 577.28125 Z M 246.644531 576.347656 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 484.082031 274.035156 C 484.878906 274.699219 485.675781 274.964844 486.34375 274.964844 C 487.007812 274.964844 487.671875 274.699219 488.46875 274.035156 L 509.074219 257.550781 C 509.609375 257.152344 509.875 256.886719 510.140625 256.621094 C 510.273438 256.351562 510.539062 256.21875 510.539062 256.085938 C 510.9375 255.554688 510.9375 255.15625 510.804688 254.625 C 510.671875 254.09375 510.140625 253.695312 509.476562 253.164062 C 509.339844 253.164062 509.207031 253.03125 509.074219 252.898438 C 509.074219 252.898438 508.808594 252.765625 508.675781 252.632812 L 509.074219 251.964844 L 516.652344 255.820312 L 516.652344 256.085938 C 516.386719 256.351562 516.253906 256.488281 516.121094 256.488281 L 512.132812 259.542969 C 513.996094 259.011719 515.457031 258.613281 516.652344 258.480469 C 518.914062 258.347656 520.773438 258.746094 522.238281 259.808594 C 523.832031 260.875 524.628906 262.203125 524.894531 263.796875 C 525.164062 265.394531 524.496094 267.121094 523.167969 268.984375 C 520.773438 272.308594 517.1875 274.433594 512.265625 275.496094 C 507.347656 276.429688 503.492188 275.894531 500.433594 273.769531 C 499.902344 273.371094 499.371094 272.972656 499.105469 272.574219 C 498.839844 272.171875 498.441406 271.640625 498.042969 270.84375 L 496.710938 271.90625 C 495.25 273.105469 494.320312 273.902344 493.789062 274.433594 C 492.324219 275.761719 491.394531 276.5625 491.261719 276.828125 C 490.863281 277.359375 490.730469 277.890625 490.996094 278.289062 C 491.261719 278.6875 491.925781 279.351562 492.988281 280.148438 L 492.589844 280.816406 L 483.550781 274.433594 L 484.082031 273.769531 Z M 520.640625 264.195312 C 520.90625 262.867188 520.640625 261.804688 519.445312 261.007812 C 518.515625 260.339844 517.050781 260.074219 515.191406 260.207031 C 513.332031 260.339844 511.203125 261.273438 508.808594 263 C 506.949219 264.328125 505.085938 265.792969 503.09375 267.253906 C 501.097656 268.71875 500.167969 269.78125 499.902344 270.046875 C 499.503906 270.578125 499.503906 271.109375 499.769531 271.640625 C 500.035156 272.171875 500.433594 272.707031 501.097656 273.105469 C 503.492188 274.832031 506.816406 274.832031 510.9375 273.105469 C 514.660156 271.507812 517.453125 269.382812 519.445312 266.589844 C 520.109375 265.660156 520.507812 264.863281 520.640625 264.195312 Z M 520.640625 264.195312 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 530.480469 291.582031 L 532.472656 288.792969 L 558.53125 307.402344 L 556.535156 310.195312 Z M 536.863281 282.941406 L 538.855469 280.148438 L 564.914062 298.761719 L 562.917969 301.554688 Z M 543.109375 274.167969 L 545.105469 271.375 L 571.160156 289.988281 L 569.167969 292.78125 Z M 543.109375 274.167969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 596.820312 314.582031 C 596.820312 315.113281 596.820312 315.914062 596.554688 317.109375 L 598.546875 315.644531 L 601.738281 317.90625 L 576.878906 337.980469 L 576.613281 338.113281 C 576.613281 338.113281 576.613281 338.246094 576.480469 338.378906 C 576.078125 338.910156 576.078125 339.441406 576.480469 340.109375 C 576.746094 340.507812 577.542969 341.039062 578.738281 341.96875 L 578.207031 342.765625 L 567.835938 335.320312 L 568.371094 334.65625 C 569.964844 335.585938 571.027344 335.988281 571.691406 336.121094 C 572.359375 336.121094 573.15625 335.988281 574.085938 335.1875 L 586.582031 325.351562 C 583.523438 326.414062 581.265625 327.078125 579.667969 327.34375 C 576.878906 327.746094 574.617188 327.34375 572.757812 326.015625 C 571.824219 325.351562 571.027344 324.15625 570.628906 322.691406 C 570.230469 321.097656 570.628906 319.367188 572.089844 317.507812 C 574.21875 314.449219 577.941406 312.324219 583.125 311.125 C 588.3125 309.929688 592.167969 310.328125 594.957031 312.191406 C 596.023438 312.988281 596.6875 313.785156 596.820312 314.714844 Z M 595.753906 315.113281 C 595.488281 314.316406 595.089844 313.652344 594.558594 313.253906 C 592.566406 311.789062 589.375 311.925781 584.988281 313.652344 C 580.867188 315.246094 578.074219 317.242188 576.347656 319.769531 C 575.414062 321.097656 575.015625 322.160156 575.28125 322.957031 C 575.414062 323.890625 575.8125 324.421875 576.480469 324.953125 C 578.472656 326.28125 581.664062 326.148438 586.050781 324.289062 C 590.304688 322.558594 593.230469 320.566406 595.089844 318.039062 C 595.890625 316.976562 596.15625 315.914062 596.023438 315.113281 Z M 595.753906 315.113281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 279.214844 341.835938 C 280.144531 341.039062 280.808594 340.375 280.941406 339.84375 C 281.210938 339.042969 281.074219 337.714844 280.542969 336.121094 L 272.699219 312.988281 C 272.433594 312.324219 272.300781 311.65625 272.035156 311.257812 C 271.902344 310.726562 271.636719 310.328125 271.371094 309.929688 C 270.972656 309.265625 270.308594 309 269.644531 309 C 268.976562 309 267.914062 309.53125 266.71875 310.328125 L 266.1875 309.664062 L 278.285156 301.421875 L 278.816406 302.085938 C 277.621094 303.015625 276.953125 303.8125 276.6875 304.480469 C 276.15625 305.542969 276.15625 306.871094 276.6875 308.46875 L 280.011719 318.4375 L 280.410156 318.171875 L 283.335938 310.726562 C 284.265625 308.203125 284.929688 306.207031 285.464844 304.480469 C 286.261719 301.554688 286.527344 299.824219 285.996094 299.160156 C 285.730469 298.761719 285.332031 298.496094 284.796875 298.628906 C 284.265625 298.628906 283.601562 299.160156 282.539062 299.824219 L 282.007812 299.160156 L 291.710938 292.515625 L 292.242188 293.179688 C 291.84375 293.578125 291.578125 293.84375 291.3125 294.242188 C 290.914062 294.90625 290.382812 295.835938 289.984375 297.035156 L 283.601562 315.914062 L 300.351562 324.15625 C 301.550781 324.820312 302.613281 325.085938 303.277344 324.953125 C 303.941406 324.820312 305.007812 324.421875 306.203125 323.621094 L 306.734375 324.289062 L 294.636719 332.53125 L 294.105469 331.867188 C 295.300781 330.933594 295.964844 330.269531 296.230469 330.003906 C 296.761719 329.472656 296.761719 328.808594 296.496094 328.410156 C 296.230469 328.011719 295.566406 327.476562 294.371094 326.8125 C 293.308594 326.148438 291.84375 325.351562 290.25 324.6875 L 280.941406 320.300781 L 280.410156 320.300781 C 280.410156 320.433594 284.398438 331.867188 284.398438 331.867188 L 285.0625 333.859375 C 285.0625 334.125 285.199219 334.257812 285.332031 334.390625 C 285.332031 334.523438 285.464844 334.65625 285.597656 334.921875 C 286.128906 335.722656 286.792969 335.988281 287.589844 335.855469 C 288.121094 335.855469 288.917969 335.453125 289.984375 334.789062 L 290.515625 335.453125 L 279.613281 342.898438 L 279.082031 342.234375 Z M 279.214844 341.835938 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 315.109375 291.847656 L 335.714844 277.890625 L 337.710938 280.683594 L 317.105469 294.640625 L 320.960938 300.359375 L 341.566406 286.398438 L 343.558594 289.191406 L 322.953125 303.148438 L 327.605469 310.0625 L 324.550781 312.191406 L 307.796875 287.59375 L 310.855469 285.46875 Z M 315.109375 291.847656 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 365.761719 282.941406 C 367.488281 281.613281 368.554688 280.417969 368.820312 279.484375 C 368.953125 278.953125 368.953125 278.421875 368.820312 277.757812 C 368.820312 277.226562 368.554688 276.5625 368.289062 275.761719 L 365.894531 268.585938 C 362.835938 270.3125 359.914062 271.109375 357.386719 270.976562 C 354.859375 270.976562 352.734375 269.78125 351.136719 267.386719 C 350.605469 266.589844 350.207031 265.792969 349.808594 264.863281 C 349.410156 263.929688 349.011719 263 348.746094 262.070312 C 348.480469 261.140625 348.082031 260.207031 347.8125 259.277344 C 347.414062 258.347656 347.015625 257.683594 346.617188 257.152344 C 346.21875 256.621094 345.953125 256.21875 345.554688 255.953125 C 345.15625 255.820312 344.757812 255.6875 344.359375 255.6875 C 343.558594 255.820312 342.761719 256.21875 341.832031 256.886719 L 341.433594 255.820312 C 342.363281 255.15625 343.292969 254.359375 344.359375 253.695312 C 345.6875 252.898438 346.882812 252.632812 348.214844 252.898438 C 349.542969 253.164062 350.605469 253.960938 351.402344 255.15625 C 352.46875 256.753906 353.132812 258.480469 353.664062 260.339844 C 354.195312 262.335938 354.992188 264.0625 355.921875 265.527344 C 358.050781 268.851562 361.242188 269.382812 365.363281 267.253906 L 359.644531 249.839844 C 359.511719 249.308594 359.246094 248.777344 358.980469 248.242188 C 358.582031 247.578125 358.050781 247.3125 357.253906 247.3125 C 356.457031 247.3125 355.125 247.976562 353.398438 249.042969 L 353.132812 248.109375 L 366.160156 239.335938 L 366.425781 240.265625 C 364.832031 241.464844 363.902344 242.527344 363.765625 243.324219 C 363.5 244.253906 363.765625 245.1875 364.035156 246.25 L 369.882812 264.195312 C 372.941406 261.804688 374.667969 259.675781 375.199219 257.417969 C 375.597656 255.289062 375.199219 252.5 374.003906 249.042969 C 373.472656 247.445312 372.941406 245.851562 372.410156 244.386719 C 371.878906 242.925781 371.609375 241.464844 371.34375 240.132812 C 371.210938 238.804688 371.34375 237.476562 371.878906 236.144531 C 372.410156 234.949219 373.472656 233.753906 375.066406 232.691406 C 375.597656 232.289062 376.265625 232.023438 376.929688 231.625 L 377.328125 232.691406 C 376.265625 233.355469 375.734375 234.417969 375.734375 235.613281 C 375.734375 236.945312 376 238.40625 376.53125 240 C 376.796875 240.800781 377.0625 241.597656 377.328125 242.394531 C 377.59375 243.191406 377.859375 244.121094 378.257812 244.921875 C 378.921875 246.648438 379.320312 248.242188 379.453125 249.839844 C 379.722656 251.433594 379.722656 252.765625 379.453125 254.226562 C 379.054688 255.6875 378.523438 257.019531 377.726562 258.214844 C 376.929688 259.410156 375.867188 260.609375 374.535156 261.804688 C 373.207031 263 371.746094 264.195312 370.148438 265.394531 L 372.410156 272.171875 C 372.542969 272.839844 372.808594 273.503906 373.207031 274.167969 C 373.605469 274.832031 374.402344 275.230469 375.199219 275.097656 C 376.132812 275.097656 377.460938 274.433594 379.054688 273.371094 L 379.320312 274.300781 L 365.628906 283.605469 L 365.363281 282.675781 Z M 365.761719 282.941406 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 576.078125 559.332031 L 586.050781 559.332031 C 586.050781 559.199219 590.703125 545.105469 590.703125 545.105469 L 582.992188 538.328125 L 584.324219 534.207031 L 611.308594 558.402344 L 610.113281 562.125 L 574.617188 563.585938 L 576.078125 559.199219 Z M 593.628906 547.765625 L 589.90625 559.199219 L 606.257812 558.800781 Z M 593.628906 547.765625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 612.90625 543.644531 C 612.773438 543.113281 612.773438 542.714844 612.90625 542.316406 C 612.90625 542.183594 613.039062 541.917969 613.171875 541.785156 C 613.304688 541.652344 613.4375 541.382812 613.703125 541.25 L 614.5 540.585938 L 614.765625 540.320312 C 614.765625 540.320312 614.765625 540.054688 614.898438 539.921875 C 615.03125 539.523438 615.03125 539.125 614.898438 538.859375 C 614.898438 538.59375 614.234375 537.796875 613.304688 536.464844 C 612.640625 535.535156 611.175781 533.542969 608.785156 530.351562 C 608.785156 530.351562 607.722656 530.21875 605.992188 530.085938 C 604.265625 529.953125 602.667969 529.820312 601.472656 529.6875 L 598.945312 529.6875 C 598.546875 529.6875 598.148438 530.21875 597.882812 530.882812 C 597.882812 531.148438 597.75 531.546875 597.75 532.34375 L 597.75 533.808594 L 596.953125 533.808594 L 596.953125 528.621094 C 596.953125 527.957031 597.085938 527.425781 597.21875 527.027344 C 597.484375 526.363281 597.882812 525.832031 598.28125 525.699219 C 599.078125 525.429688 600.542969 525.429688 602.667969 525.699219 L 605.59375 526.097656 C 603.867188 523.835938 602.535156 522.242188 602.003906 521.042969 C 601.472656 519.980469 601.074219 519.183594 600.808594 518.386719 C 600.675781 517.585938 600.675781 516.921875 600.808594 516.257812 C 600.941406 515.726562 601.207031 515.328125 601.472656 514.929688 C 602.003906 514.398438 602.667969 514.265625 603.464844 514.53125 C 604 514.664062 604.398438 515.0625 604.664062 515.460938 C 604.929688 515.859375 604.929688 516.390625 604.664062 516.789062 C 604.664062 516.921875 604.53125 517.1875 604.398438 517.320312 C 604.398438 517.453125 604.132812 517.589844 604 517.722656 L 603.464844 518.253906 L 603.066406 518.652344 C 603.066406 518.785156 602.933594 518.917969 602.800781 519.050781 C 602.535156 519.847656 603.199219 521.175781 604.664062 523.039062 C 606.125 525.03125 607.054688 525.964844 607.320312 526.097656 C 607.585938 526.097656 608.386719 526.230469 609.847656 526.496094 C 611.308594 526.628906 612.90625 526.761719 614.5 526.894531 C 616.097656 527.027344 617.160156 527.027344 617.691406 527.027344 C 618.753906 527.027344 619.285156 526.628906 619.417969 526.230469 C 619.554688 525.832031 619.417969 525.296875 619.152344 524.632812 C 618.753906 523.96875 618.089844 523.039062 617.160156 521.710938 L 617.824219 521.175781 C 618.886719 522.242188 619.6875 523.4375 620.351562 524.5 C 621.546875 526.496094 621.945312 528.089844 621.546875 529.417969 C 621.28125 530.21875 620.617188 530.75 619.6875 531.015625 C 619.152344 531.015625 618.222656 531.148438 617.160156 531.015625 L 610.511719 530.484375 L 615.429688 537.664062 C 616.230469 538.992188 616.761719 540.054688 617.027344 540.71875 C 617.292969 541.382812 617.160156 542.050781 617.027344 542.847656 C 616.628906 543.910156 616.097656 544.441406 615.296875 544.707031 L 613.96875 544.707031 C 613.304688 544.441406 612.90625 544.175781 612.773438 543.644531 Z M 612.90625 543.644531 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 629.257812 505.488281 C 627.796875 509.742188 625.667969 512.667969 622.875 514.265625 C 620.085938 515.859375 616.894531 515.992188 613.171875 514.796875 C 609.582031 513.597656 606.921875 511.472656 605.460938 508.546875 C 604 505.488281 603.734375 501.902344 604.929688 497.511719 L 594.292969 494.058594 L 595.621094 489.933594 L 606.257812 493.390625 C 607.855469 489.136719 609.980469 486.214844 612.773438 484.617188 C 615.566406 483.023438 618.753906 482.890625 622.476562 484.085938 C 624.871094 484.882812 626.863281 486.082031 628.328125 487.808594 C 629.789062 489.402344 630.71875 491.398438 631.117188 493.789062 C 631.519531 496.183594 631.386719 498.710938 630.585938 501.5 L 640.824219 504.824219 L 639.496094 508.945312 L 629.257812 505.621094 Z M 627.261719 504.824219 L 606.789062 498.046875 C 606.125 500.96875 606.523438 503.363281 607.855469 505.355469 C 609.183594 507.351562 611.308594 508.945312 614.5 509.878906 C 617.425781 510.808594 619.953125 510.808594 622.210938 509.878906 C 624.472656 508.945312 626.199219 507.21875 627.261719 504.558594 Z M 628.59375 500.703125 C 629.125 497.914062 628.859375 495.519531 627.53125 493.390625 C 626.199219 491.398438 624.207031 489.800781 621.28125 488.871094 C 618.222656 487.808594 615.429688 487.808594 613.304688 488.605469 C 611.042969 489.402344 609.449219 491.265625 608.121094 493.921875 Z M 628.59375 500.703125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 607.585938 458.828125 C 608.785156 460.953125 609.847656 462.683594 610.910156 464.011719 C 612.773438 466.539062 615.296875 468.796875 618.222656 470.925781 C 620.882812 472.785156 623.40625 474.382812 625.933594 475.578125 C 628.460938 476.773438 630.585938 477.703125 632.316406 478.371094 C 635.105469 479.300781 637.367188 479.832031 639.230469 480.097656 C 641.089844 480.363281 643.617188 480.496094 646.804688 480.496094 L 646.804688 481.425781 C 643.21875 482.226562 639.761719 482.492188 636.4375 482.226562 C 633.113281 481.957031 629.921875 481.425781 626.863281 480.363281 C 622.875 479.035156 619.554688 477.171875 616.894531 474.914062 C 612.90625 471.457031 609.449219 466.136719 606.390625 459.09375 L 607.320312 458.695312 Z M 607.585938 458.828125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 637.632812 468.53125 C 637.5 468 637.5 467.601562 637.632812 467.203125 C 637.632812 467.070312 637.765625 466.804688 637.898438 466.671875 C 637.898438 466.539062 638.164062 466.273438 638.429688 466.136719 L 639.230469 465.472656 L 639.496094 465.207031 C 639.628906 465.074219 639.496094 464.941406 639.628906 464.808594 C 639.761719 464.410156 639.761719 464.011719 639.628906 463.746094 C 639.496094 463.480469 638.960938 462.683594 638.03125 461.351562 C 637.367188 460.421875 635.90625 458.429688 633.511719 455.238281 C 633.511719 455.238281 632.449219 455.105469 630.71875 454.972656 C 628.992188 454.839844 627.398438 454.707031 626.199219 454.574219 L 623.675781 454.574219 C 623.273438 454.574219 622.875 455.105469 622.609375 455.769531 C 622.609375 456.035156 622.476562 456.433594 622.476562 457.230469 L 622.476562 458.695312 L 621.679688 458.695312 L 621.679688 453.507812 C 621.679688 452.84375 621.8125 452.3125 621.945312 451.914062 C 622.210938 451.25 622.609375 450.71875 623.007812 450.585938 C 623.808594 450.316406 625.269531 450.316406 627.398438 450.585938 L 630.320312 450.984375 C 628.59375 448.722656 627.261719 447.128906 626.730469 445.929688 C 626.199219 444.867188 625.800781 444.070312 625.535156 443.273438 C 625.402344 442.476562 625.402344 441.808594 625.535156 441.144531 C 625.667969 440.613281 625.933594 440.214844 626.199219 439.816406 C 626.730469 439.285156 627.398438 439.152344 628.195312 439.417969 C 628.726562 439.550781 629.125 439.949219 629.390625 440.347656 C 629.65625 440.746094 629.65625 441.277344 629.390625 441.675781 C 629.390625 441.808594 629.257812 442.074219 629.125 442.207031 C 629.125 442.339844 628.859375 442.476562 628.726562 442.609375 L 628.195312 443.140625 C 628.0625 443.273438 627.929688 443.40625 627.796875 443.539062 C 627.796875 443.671875 627.664062 443.804688 627.53125 443.9375 C 627.261719 444.734375 627.929688 446.0625 629.390625 447.925781 C 630.851562 449.785156 631.785156 450.851562 632.050781 450.984375 C 632.316406 450.984375 633.113281 451.117188 634.574219 451.382812 C 636.039062 451.515625 637.632812 451.648438 639.230469 451.78125 C 640.824219 451.914062 641.886719 451.914062 642.417969 451.914062 C 643.484375 451.914062 644.015625 451.515625 644.148438 451.117188 C 644.28125 450.71875 644.148438 450.183594 643.882812 449.519531 C 643.484375 448.855469 642.816406 447.925781 641.886719 446.597656 L 642.550781 446.0625 C 643.617188 447.128906 644.414062 448.324219 645.078125 449.386719 C 646.273438 451.382812 646.671875 452.976562 646.273438 454.304688 C 646.007812 455.105469 645.34375 455.636719 644.414062 455.902344 C 643.882812 455.902344 642.949219 456.035156 641.886719 455.902344 L 635.242188 455.371094 L 640.160156 462.550781 C 640.957031 463.878906 641.488281 464.941406 641.753906 465.605469 C 642.019531 466.273438 641.886719 466.9375 641.753906 467.734375 C 641.355469 468.796875 640.824219 469.328125 640.027344 469.59375 L 638.695312 469.59375 C 638.03125 469.328125 637.632812 469.0625 637.5 468.53125 Z M 637.632812 468.53125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M 656.910156 448.191406 C 655.582031 445.929688 654.515625 444.070312 653.453125 442.742188 C 651.59375 440.480469 649.199219 438.21875 646.273438 436.09375 C 643.75 434.363281 641.355469 432.769531 638.828125 431.574219 C 636.304688 430.242188 633.910156 429.3125 631.519531 428.515625 C 628.59375 427.585938 625.933594 426.921875 623.542969 426.65625 C 621.148438 426.386719 619.152344 426.386719 617.558594 426.65625 L 617.558594 425.589844 C 620.617188 424.925781 623.808594 424.527344 627.398438 424.660156 C 630.851562 424.792969 634.175781 425.457031 637.5 426.519531 C 641.222656 427.71875 644.28125 429.3125 646.671875 431.441406 C 651.195312 435.164062 654.917969 440.613281 657.972656 447.925781 L 657.042969 448.324219 Z M 656.910156 448.191406 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> </svg> </a> <a href='./recherche/team.php?acronyme=TMC'>Théorie et outils mathématiques pour l’informatique</a></div> </div> </div> <div class='actualite col-md-4'> <h1>Médias</h1> <a href='./actualite/information-fiche.php?ident=OL251'><p class='title'><span lang='en'>From the lab: Celebrating 25 years of LIP6 computer science laboratory • RFI English</span></p><p class='accroche'><span lang='en'></span></p></a></div> </div> <div class='row'> <span class='actualite col'> <h1>Agenda</h1> <div class='row'> <div class='col listes'> <h2>Évènements <a href='./actualite/rss_news.php'><i class='fa-solid fa-square-rss'></i></a></h2> <ul> <li class='actu_organise'><span class='date'>03/03/2025</span> - <span class='horaire'>12 h 30</span> : <a href='liens/organise-fiche.php?ident=O1166'><span class='titre'>Déj' Egalité Pro - Journée du droit des femmes</span></a><br><span class='rubrique'># <a href='./actualite/information.php?id=80'>Évènement - LIP6</a></span></li> <li class='actu_organise'><span class='date'>06/03/2025</span> - <span class='horaire'>9 h</span> : <a href='liens/organise-fiche.php?ident=O1164'><span class='titre'>Visite des étudiants de l'ENS Paris Saclay</span></a><br><span class='rubrique'># <a href='./actualite/information.php?id=80'>Évènement - LIP6</a></span></li> <li class='actu_organise'><span class='date'>13/03/2025</span> - <span class='horaire'>18 h</span> : <a href='liens/organise-fiche.php?ident=O1167'><span class='titre'>Colloquium d'informatique - Françoise Berthoud</span></a><br><span class='intervenant'>Françoise Berthoud (CNRS, GRICAD & EcoInfo)</span><br><span class='rubrique'># <a href='./actualite/information.php?id=80'>Conférence / Colloque - LIP6</a></span></li> <li class='actu_organise'><span class='date'>20/03/2025</span> - <span class='horaire'>18 h</span> : <a href='liens/organise-fiche.php?ident=O1173'><span class='titre'>Crémaillère de la nouvelle Salle des doctorants !</span></a><br><span class='rubrique'># <a href='./actualite/information.php?id=80'>Évènement - LIP6</a></span></li> <li class='actu_organise'><span class='date'>25/03/2025</span> - <span class='horaire'>16 h</span> : <a href='liens/organise-fiche.php?ident=O1165'><span class='titre'>Café LIP6 #1 - Intégrité Scientifique : Expérimentations et Données</span></a><br><span class='intervenant'>Roger Guerin (Référent à l'Intégrité Scientifique, SU)</span><br><span class='rubrique'># <a href='./actualite/information.php?id=80'>Évènement - LIP6</a></span></li> <li class='actu_organise'><span class='date'>03/04/2025</span> - <span class='horaire'>18 h</span> : <a href='liens/organise-fiche.php?ident=O1159'><span class='titre'>Colloquium d'informatique - Véronique Cortier</span></a><br><span class='intervenant'>Véronique Cortier (CNRS, LORIA)</span><br><span class='rubrique'># <a href='./actualite/information.php?id=80'>Conférence / Colloque - LIP6</a></span></li> <li class='actu_organise'><span class='date'>12/06/2025</span> - <span class='horaire'>18 h</span> : <a href='liens/organise-fiche.php?ident=O1158'><span class='titre'>Colloquium d'informatique - Agnès Crepet</span></a><br><span class='intervenant'>Agnès Crepet (FairPhone)</span><br><span class='rubrique'># <a href='./actualite/information.php?id=80'>Conférence / Colloque - LIP6</a></span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </span><!-- actualite --> </div> <!-- row --> <div class='actualite bas col-12'> <a href='./actualite/information.php'><i class='fa-solid fa-calendar'></i> Tout l’agenda…</a> <a href='./actualite/ical.php'><i class='fa-regular fa-calendar-days'></i> S’abonner</a></div> <!-- Footer ================================================== --> </div> <!-- end content-wrap --> <footer > <div class='row'> <div class='footer-content twelve columns'> <span class='vcard'> <span class='geo'>48.8469752;2.3543572</span> <span class='fn org'>LIP6</span> <span class='adr'> <span class='post-office-box'>Boîte courrier 169</span> <span class='street-address'>Tour 26, Couloir 26-00, 2<sup>e</sup> étage</span> <span class='street-address'>4 place Jussieu</span> <span class='postal-code'>75252</span> <span 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11.799999 L 20.299999 11.799999 L 20.299999 14 L 25.9 14 L 25.9 11.700001 C 25.799999 4.5 20.6 0.099998 13.7 0 L 13.9 1.900002 Z"/> <path id="path5" fill="var(--SU_logo_color)" stroke="none" d="M 12.9 3.5 L 12.9 4.799999 L 14.3 4.799999 L 14.3 3.5 C 14.3 3.099998 14 2.799999 13.6 2.799999 C 13.2 2.900002 12.9 3.200001 12.9 3.5"/> <path id="path6" fill="var(--SU_logo_color)" stroke="none" d="M 12.9 3.5 L 12.9 4.799999 L 14.3 4.799999 L 14.3 3.5 C 14.3 3.099998 14 2.799999 13.6 2.799999 C 13.2 2.900002 12.9 3.200001 12.9 3.5"/> <path id="path7" fill="var(--SU_logo_color)" stroke="none" d="M 14.6 17.6 C 8.9 16.1 6.7 14.9 6.7 11.299999 C 6.7 8.700001 8.4 6.5 10.9 5.5 L 10.9 4.900002 L 11.8 4.900002 L 11.8 3.599998 C 11.8 3 12.2 2.099998 13.2 1.900002 L 13.4 0 C 6.5 0.099998 0.6 4.799999 0.9 11.299999 C 1.2 18.5 9.1 20.5 13.4 21.4 C 16.799999 22.1 24.799999 24 26.799999 29.700001 C 26.799999 29.700001 27.6 20.299999 14.6 17.6"/> <path id="path8" fill="var(--SU_logo_color)" stroke="none" 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26.5 27.4 18.4 24.5 14 23.5 C 10.5 22.700001 1.6 20.4 0 15.4 C 0.1 15.4 -1.7 24 12.7 27.6"/> <path id="path11" fill="var(--SU_color)" stroke="none" d="M 35.200001 18.799999 C 35.200001 18.799999 36.200001 19.700001 37.5 19.700001 C 38.200001 19.700001 38.799999 19.4 38.799999 18.6 C 38.799999 17 34.5 17.299999 34.5 14.6 C 34.5 13.1 35.799999 12.100002 37.599998 12.100002 C 39.400002 12.100002 40.299999 13 40.299999 13 L 39.599998 14.299999 C 39.599998 14.299999 38.700001 13.5 37.599998 13.5 C 36.799999 13.5 36.200001 13.9 36.200001 14.5 C 36.200001 16.1 40.5 15.700001 40.5 18.5 C 40.5 19.9 39.400002 21.1 37.5 21.1 C 35.5 21.1 34.400002 19.9 34.400002 19.9 L 35.200001 18.799999 Z"/> <path id="path12" fill="var(--SU_color)" stroke="none" d="M 47.5 19.799999 C 49.200001 19.799999 50.5 18.5 50.5 16.700001 C 50.5 15 49.200001 13.700001 47.5 13.700001 C 45.799999 13.700001 44.5 15 44.5 16.700001 C 44.5 18.4 45.799999 19.799999 47.5 19.799999 M 47.5 12.200001 C 50.200001 12.200001 52.200001 14.200001 52.200001 16.700001 C 52.200001 19.299999 50.200001 21.299999 47.5 21.299999 C 44.799999 21.299999 42.799999 19.299999 42.799999 16.700001 C 42.799999 14.1 44.799999 12.200001 47.5 12.200001"/> <path id="path13" fill="var(--SU_color)" stroke="none" d="M 58 16.4 C 58.900002 16.4 59.400002 15.9 59.400002 15 C 59.400002 14.200001 59 13.6 57.700001 13.6 L 56.400002 13.6 L 56.400002 16.299999 L 58 16.4 L 58 16.4 Z M 54.799999 12.299999 L 57.700001 12.299999 C 58.700001 12.299999 59.099998 12.400002 59.5 12.5 C 60.400002 12.900002 61 13.700001 61 14.9 C 61 15.9 60.400002 16.9 59.5 17.299999 L 59.5 17.299999 C 59.5 17.299999 59.599998 17.4 59.799999 17.700001 L 61.700001 21 L 59.900002 21 L 58.099998 17.700001 L 56.5 17.700001 L 56.5 21 L 54.799999 21 C 54.799999 21 54.799999 12.299999 54.799999 12.299999 Z"/> <path id="path14" fill="var(--SU_color)" stroke="none" d="M 67.5 19.700001 C 68.300003 19.700001 68.800003 19.200001 68.800003 18.4 C 68.800003 17.700001 68.300003 17.1 67.5 17.1 L 65.699997 17.1 L 65.699997 19.6 L 67.5 19.700001 L 67.5 19.700001 Z M 67.300003 15.9 C 68 15.9 68.400002 15.4 68.400002 14.799999 C 68.400002 14.200001 68 13.700001 67.199997 13.700001 L 65.599998 13.700001 L 65.599998 15.9 L 67.300003 15.9 Z M 64.099998 12.299999 L 67.400002 12.299999 C 69 12.299999 70.199997 13.1 70.199997 14.6 C 70.199997 15.4 69.800003 16.1 69.099998 16.5 L 69.099998 16.5 C 70.099998 16.799999 70.599998 17.700001 70.599998 18.6 C 70.599998 20.299999 69.099998 21.1 67.5 21.1 L 64.199997 21.1 L 64.199997 12.299999 L 64.099998 12.299999 Z"/> <path id="path15" fill="var(--SU_color)" stroke="none" d="M 77.400002 19.799999 C 79.099998 19.799999 80.400002 18.5 80.400002 16.700001 C 80.400002 15 79.099998 13.700001 77.400002 13.700001 C 75.699997 13.700001 74.400002 15 74.400002 16.700001 C 74.400002 18.4 75.699997 19.799999 77.400002 19.799999 M 77.400002 12.200001 C 80.099998 12.200001 82.099998 14.200001 82.099998 16.700001 C 82.099998 19.299999 80.099998 21.299999 77.400002 21.299999 C 74.699997 21.299999 72.699997 19.299999 72.699997 16.700001 C 72.699997 14.1 74.699997 12.200001 77.400002 12.200001"/> <path id="path16" fill="var(--SU_color)" stroke="none" d="M 84.900002 12.299999 L 86.599998 12.299999 L 90 17.299999 C 90.300003 17.799999 90.800003 18.700001 90.800003 18.700001 L 90.800003 18.700001 C 90.800003 18.700001 90.699997 17.9 90.699997 17.299999 L 90.699997 12.299999 L 92.300003 12.299999 L 92.300003 21 L 90.699997 21 L 87.199997 16 C 86.900002 15.5 86.400002 14.6 86.400002 14.6 L 86.400002 14.6 C 86.400002 14.6 86.5 15.4 86.5 16 L 86.5 21 L 84.800003 21 L 84.900002 12.299999 L 84.900002 12.299999 Z"/> <path id="path17" fill="var(--SU_color)" stroke="none" d="M 95.599998 12.299999 L 97.300003 12.299999 L 100.699997 17.299999 C 101 17.799999 101.5 18.700001 101.5 18.700001 L 101.5 18.700001 C 101.5 18.700001 101.400002 17.9 101.400002 17.299999 L 101.400002 12.299999 L 103 12.299999 L 103 21 L 101.400002 21 L 98 16 C 97.699997 15.5 97.199997 14.6 97.199997 14.6 L 97.199997 14.6 C 97.199997 14.6 97.300003 15.4 97.300003 16 L 97.300003 21 L 95.599998 21 L 95.599998 12.299999 Z"/> <path id="path18" fill="var(--SU_color)" stroke="none" d="M 106.400002 12.299999 L 106.400002 21.1 L 112 21.1 L 112 19.700001 L 108 19.700001 L 108 17.4 L 111.099998 17.4 L 111.099998 16 L 108 16 L 108 13.700001 L 111.800003 13.700001 L 111.800003 12.299999 Z"/> <path id="path19" fill="var(--SU_color)" stroke="none" d="M 34.5 24.9 L 36.200001 24.9 L 36.200001 30.599998 C 36.200001 31.799999 37 32.5 38.200001 32.5 C 39.400002 32.5 40.200001 31.799999 40.200001 30.599998 L 40.200001 25 L 41.900002 25 L 41.900002 30.700001 C 41.900002 32.700001 40.400002 34 38.200001 34 C 36 34 34.5 32.700001 34.5 30.700001 L 34.5 24.9 Z"/> <path id="path20" fill="var(--SU_color)" stroke="none" d="M 44.700001 25 L 46.400002 25 L 49.799999 30 C 50.099998 30.5 50.599998 31.400002 50.599998 31.400002 L 50.599998 31.400002 C 50.599998 31.400002 50.5 30.599998 50.5 30 L 50.5 25 L 52.099998 25 L 52.099998 33.700001 L 50.5 33.700001 L 47.099998 28.700001 C 46.799999 28.200001 46.299999 27.299999 46.299999 27.299999 L 46.299999 27.299999 C 46.299999 27.299999 46.400002 28.099998 46.400002 28.700001 L 46.400002 33.700001 L 44.700001 33.700001 L 44.700001 25 Z"/> <path id="path21" fill="var(--SU_color)" stroke="none" d="M 55 25 L 56.700001 25 L 56.700001 33.700001 L 55 33.700001 Z"/> <path id="path22" fill="var(--SU_color)" stroke="none" d="M 58.5 25 L 60.299999 25 L 62.299999 30.700001 C 62.5 31.200001 62.599998 32 62.599998 32 L 62.599998 32 C 62.599998 32 62.799999 31.200001 62.900002 30.700001 L 64.900002 25 L 66.699997 25 L 63.400002 33.700001 L 61.799999 33.700001 L 58.5 25 Z"/> <path id="path23" fill="var(--SU_color)" stroke="none" d="M 68.599998 25 L 74 25 L 74 26.400002 L 70.199997 26.400002 L 70.199997 28.700001 L 73.300003 28.700001 L 73.300003 30 L 70.199997 30 L 70.199997 32.400002 L 74.199997 32.400002 L 74.199997 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