Axe 芦 S茅curit茅, s没ret茅 et fiabilit茅 禄 (SSR)

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<a title='ComplexNetworks' href='team.php?acronyme=ComplexNetworks'>ComplexNetworks</a>, <a title='DistributEd aLgorithms and sYstems' href='team.php?acronyme=DELYS'>DELYS</a>, <a title='Mod&eacute;lisation et V&eacute;rification' href='team.php?acronyme=MoVe'>MoVe</a>, <a title='Networks and Performance Analysis' href='team.php?acronyme=NPA'>NPA</a>, <a title='Performance et Qualit&eacute; des Algorithmes Num&eacute;riques' href='team.php?acronyme=PEQUAN'>PEQUAN</a>, <a title='Systemes Polynomiaux' href='team.php?acronyme=PolSys'>PolSys</a>, <a title='Information Quantique' href='team.php?acronyme=QI'>QI</a>, <a title='Syst&egrave;mes Electroniques' href='team.php?acronyme=SYEL'>SYEL</a>.</p> <h1>Co-animateurs&nbsp;:</h1> <a href='../actualite/personnes-fiche.php?ident=P1338'>Damien&nbsp;Vergnaud</a> Campus Pierre et Marie Curie 24-25/412<br> <a href='../actualite/personnes-fiche.php?ident=P1038'>Antoine&nbsp;Min茅</a> Campus Pierre et Marie Curie 25-26/308</div> <div class='col-sm-4 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469.839844 217.171875 461.046875 219.085938 L 474.042969 279.097656 L 547.433594 279.097656 C 565.78125 279.097656 581.453125 292.859375 584.128906 310.824219 L 644.523438 297.828125 C 645.289062 287.507812 653.699219 279.480469 664.402344 279.480469 C 675.105469 279.480469 683.898438 288.273438 683.898438 299.355469 C 683.898438 310.441406 675.105469 319.234375 664.402344 319.234375 C 655.992188 319.234375 648.730469 313.882812 645.671875 306.621094 L 584.511719 319.996094 L 584.511719 388.800781 L 644.523438 376.1875 C 645.289062 366.25 654.082031 358.222656 664.402344 358.222656 C 675.105469 358.222656 683.898438 367.015625 683.898438 378.097656 C 683.898438 389.183594 675.105469 397.976562 664.402344 397.976562 C 655.609375 397.976562 648.347656 392.625 645.671875 384.980469 L 584.511719 397.976562 L 584.511719 467.164062 L 644.523438 454.546875 C 645.671875 444.609375 654.082031 436.964844 664.402344 436.964844 C 675.105469 436.964844 683.898438 445.757812 683.898438 456.84375 C 683.898438 467.546875 675.105469 476.71875 664.402344 476.71875 C 655.609375 476.71875 648.347656 470.984375 645.671875 463.339844 L 584.511719 476.335938 L 584.511719 547.050781 C 584.511719 565.398438 570.75 581.070312 552.785156 583.746094 L 565.78125 644.523438 C 576.101562 644.90625 584.511719 653.699219 584.511719 664.402344 C 584.511719 675.105469 575.722656 683.898438 564.636719 683.898438 C 553.933594 683.898438 545.140625 675.105469 545.140625 664.402344 C 545.140625 655.992188 549.726562 649.113281 556.992188 646.054688 L 543.613281 584.128906 L 474.425781 584.128906 L 487.421875 644.523438 C 497.742188 645.289062 505.769531 653.699219 505.769531 664.402344 C 505.769531 675.105469 496.976562 683.898438 485.894531 683.898438 C 475.191406 683.898438 466.398438 675.105469 466.398438 664.402344 C 466.398438 655.992188 471.367188 648.730469 478.628906 646.054688 L 465.25 584.128906 L 396.066406 584.128906 L 409.0625 644.523438 C 419.382812 645.289062 427.027344 653.699219 427.027344 664.402344 C 427.027344 675.105469 418.234375 683.898438 407.148438 683.898438 C 396.445312 683.898438 387.65625 675.105469 387.65625 664.402344 C 387.65625 655.609375 393.007812 648.730469 400.269531 645.671875 L 386.890625 584.128906 L 316.941406 584.128906 C 299.738281 584.128906 285.214844 572.28125 280.625 556.609375 L 219.085938 569.605469 C 216.792969 578.398438 209.148438 584.511719 199.972656 584.511719 C 188.886719 584.511719 180.097656 575.722656 180.097656 564.636719 C 180.097656 553.933594 188.886719 545.140625 199.972656 545.140625 C 209.527344 545.140625 217.171875 551.640625 219.085938 560.429688 L 279.480469 547.816406 C 279.480469 547.433594 279.480469 547.050781 279.480469 547.050781 L 279.480469 478.628906 L 219.085938 491.625 C 216.410156 499.652344 208.765625 505.769531 199.972656 505.769531 C 188.886719 505.769531 180.097656 496.976562 180.097656 485.894531 C 180.097656 475.191406 188.886719 466.398438 199.972656 466.398438 C 209.527344 466.398438 217.554688 473.277344 219.46875 482.453125 L 279.480469 469.457031 L 279.480469 400.269531 L 218.703125 413.265625 C 216.410156 421.292969 208.765625 427.027344 199.972656 427.027344 C 188.886719 427.027344 180.097656 418.234375 180.097656 407.148438 C 180.097656 396.445312 188.886719 387.65625 199.972656 387.65625 C 209.527344 387.65625 217.9375 394.535156 219.46875 404.09375 L 279.480469 391.097656 L 279.480469 316.175781 C 279.480469 298.59375 292.09375 284.066406 308.53125 280.246094 L 295.535156 219.46875 C 286.359375 217.554688 279.480469 209.527344 279.480469 199.972656 C 279.480469 188.886719 288.273438 180.097656 299.355469 180.097656 C 310.441406 180.097656 319.234375 188.886719 319.234375 199.972656 C 319.234375 209.144531 312.734375 216.792969 304.324219 219.085938 Z M 324.96875 289.417969 L 539.023438 289.417969 C 557.753906 289.417969 573.046875 304.707031 573.046875 323.4375 L 573.046875 539.789062 C 573.046875 558.519531 557.753906 573.808594 539.023438 573.808594 L 324.96875 573.808594 C 306.238281 573.808594 290.945312 558.519531 290.945312 539.789062 L 290.945312 323.4375 C 290.945312 304.707031 306.238281 289.417969 324.96875 289.417969 Z M 324.96875 289.417969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/> </g> <path fill="#000000" d="M 482.070312 503.859375 L 451.109375 503.859375 L 438.496094 470.984375 L 381.15625 470.984375 L 369.308594 503.859375 L 338.347656 503.859375 L 394.152344 360.515625 L 424.734375 360.515625 Z M 429.320312 446.902344 L 409.0625 393.773438 L 389.949219 446.902344 Z M 496.597656 503.859375 L 496.597656 360.515625 L 525.648438 360.515625 L 525.648438 503.859375 Z M 496.597656 503.859375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <g clip-path="url(#266dcd9d60)"> <g clip-path="url(#726fa4fb4c)"> <path d="M 64.839844 64.839844 L 799.160156 64.839844 L 799.160156 799.160156 L 64.839844 799.160156 Z M 64.839844 64.839844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/> </g> </g> <g clip-path="url(#e04b7890dd)"> <path fill="#ffffff" 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16.700001 C 80.400002 15 79.099998 13.700001 77.400002 13.700001 C 75.699997 13.700001 74.400002 15 74.400002 16.700001 C 74.400002 18.4 75.699997 19.799999 77.400002 19.799999 M 77.400002 12.200001 C 80.099998 12.200001 82.099998 14.200001 82.099998 16.700001 C 82.099998 19.299999 80.099998 21.299999 77.400002 21.299999 C 74.699997 21.299999 72.699997 19.299999 72.699997 16.700001 C 72.699997 14.1 74.699997 12.200001 77.400002 12.200001"/> <path id="path16" fill="var(--SU_color)" stroke="none" d="M 84.900002 12.299999 L 86.599998 12.299999 L 90 17.299999 C 90.300003 17.799999 90.800003 18.700001 90.800003 18.700001 L 90.800003 18.700001 C 90.800003 18.700001 90.699997 17.9 90.699997 17.299999 L 90.699997 12.299999 L 92.300003 12.299999 L 92.300003 21 L 90.699997 21 L 87.199997 16 C 86.900002 15.5 86.400002 14.6 86.400002 14.6 L 86.400002 14.6 C 86.400002 14.6 86.5 15.4 86.5 16 L 86.5 21 L 84.800003 21 L 84.900002 12.299999 L 84.900002 12.299999 Z"/> <path id="path17" 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