Yahoo privacy policy | Yahoo
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</li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </aside> <main class="col-12 col-9-small col-9-medium" id="site-main"> <section class="no-top-margin full-width-mobile"> <div id="pcMainContainer" class="container"> <div class="grid"> <div class="grid-item col-12-small content-container entry__content"> <div class="pcBanner"> <div class="pcBannerText"> <h1>Yahoo privacy policy</h1> </div> <div class="pcBannerImg"> <img src="" alt="" /> </div> </div> <div class="pcBannerTextMove"> <h1>Yahoo privacy policy</h1> </div> <div id="expandCollapseAll"> <span tabindex="0" id="expandAll" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Expand all">Expand all</span> <span tabindex="0" id="collapseAll" role="button" aria-expanded="true" aria-label="Collapse all" style="display: none;">Collapse all</span> </div> <div class="nonAccordion subColor pcTextXlrg pcTextMed pcList"> <article class="nonAccordion-item"><div class="nonAccordion-info"> <p>Version 3.1, last updated July 2023 (see the <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/privacypolicy/previousversion-3-0/index.html">previous privacy policy</a> here).</p> <p>This privacy policy describes who we are, what information we collect from you, how we process your information, who we share it with, and your rights under data protection laws.</p> <p>To make it easier for you to navigate this privacy policy, we have put certain words and phrases in <strong>bold</strong>. You can click on them to see a definition of the word or phrase.</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="nonAccordion subColor pcTextXlrg pcTextMed pcList"> <article class="nonAccordion-item"><div class="nonAccordion-info"> <h2>1. Who we are</h2> <p>We, Yahoo EMEA Limited, are a technology and media company. Yahoo EMEA Limited is a company established under the laws of Ireland and with headquarters located at ####Dublin-v2address#### Ireland. Yahoo EMEA Limited is the data controller, meaning that we are responsible for why and how the personal information we collect through our services is used and held.</p> <div class="bulletBackground"> <p>We provide the following services.</p> <ul><li>Our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span>, under brands such as Yahoo and AOL. We can offer you most of these sites and apps for free, thanks to our digital advertising services.</li> <li>Our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Platforms that help advertisers reach users, help us and our publishers sell advertising space, and help users see ads that are relevant to them." data-cardtitle="Digital advertising services" role="button" tabindex="0">digital advertising services</span>, which choose, display and measure the ads which are shown to you on our, and our partners’, sites and apps. <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/advertising/index.html">Learn more about how digital advertising works</a>.</li> </ul></div> <p>In this privacy policy, our consumer services and digital advertising services are referred to together as ‘our services’.</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="nonAccordion subColor pcTextXlrg pcTextMed pcList"> <article class="nonAccordion-item"><div class="nonAccordion-info"> <h2>2. When this privacy policy applies</h2> <div class="bulletBackground"> <p>This privacy policy applies when:</p> <ul><li>you use the <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span>, as described in our <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/terms/otos/index.html">Terms of Service</a>, in the United Kingdom, the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA), the Middle East or Africa</li> <li>you use other companies’ sites and apps that use our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Platforms that help advertisers reach users, help us and our publishers sell advertising space, and help users see ads that are relevant to them." data-cardtitle="Digital advertising services" role="button" tabindex="0">digital advertising services</span>, or</li> <li>we use your information that was provided to us by others (for example, if we process information about you that we get from partners or publicly accessible websites).</li> </ul></div> <div class="bulletBackground"> <p>This privacy policy does not apply:</p> <ul><li>when you are a business customer of our digital advertising services (our <a href="/xw/en/yahoo/privacy/topic/b2bprivacypolicy/index.html">business to business privacy policy</a> applies instead)</li> <li>when you visit other websites and apps through links on our consumer services</li> <li>when you do not use our services (our <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/non-user-privacy-notice/index.html">information notice for people who do not use Yahoo services</a> applies instead)</li> <li>to our employees, during the course of their work, or</li> <li>when the provider of the services you use is another Yahoo company (and not Yahoo EMEA Limited).</li> </ul></div> </div> </article></div> <div class="mainAccordion subColor pcTextXlrg pcTextMed pcList"> <article class="mainAccordion-item"><h2 aria-controls="22" aria-expanded="false" class="mainAccordion-header" id="bookmarkA" name="bookmarkA" role="button" tabindex="0">3. Categories of information</h2> <div class="mainAccordion-info"> <p>Throughout this privacy policy we refer to different categories of personal information that we process.</p> <p>Click on + on the right to learn more about these categories of information.</p> </div> <div aria-labelledby="Mainheader1" class="mainAccordion-answer" id="Mainpanel" role="region"> <p>The table below provides more detail about the categories of information we collect and process.</p> <table class="table tableHeader duo1st33Column"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Category</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>Description</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p>Account information</p> </td> <td> <p>Information such as your username, password, log-in activity and the unique identifiers we create for your account.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Approximate geolocation information</p> </td> <td> <p>Information about your approximate location (for example, the country or city you are in). This does not include precise geolocation information (as described below).</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Call recordings</p> </td> <td> <p>Recordings of phone calls you have with us, such as those with our Member Services team.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Commercial emails</p> </td> <td> <p>Emails from retailers and other organisations (not personal emails between individuals).</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Contact information</p> </td> <td> <p>Information such as your name, email address, phone number and postal address.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Declared user-preference information</p> </td> <td> <p>Information you provide to customise or improve your use of our consumer services, such as the stock symbols you add to your finance portfolio or the sports teams you follow on our sports site.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Demographic information</p> </td> <td> <p>This includes your age, gender, marital status and socioeconomic information (for example, your level of education, employment status and income range).</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Device information</p> </td> <td> <p>Information about your device, such as your browser (and the version), operating system (and the version), screen resolution and device type.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Email information</p> </td> <td> <p>Information about the emails (including <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Emails from retailers and other organisations (these are not personal emails between individuals)." data-cardtitle="Commercial emails" role="button" tabindex="0">commercial emails</span>) you send and receive through our email service, such as the subject line, the content of incoming and outgoing emails and attachments (in limited circumstances as described in this privacy policy), and <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Data that describes and gives information about other data. Examples of metadata include the size of a file, the date a document was created and the time an email was sent. It does not include the content of the data it describes." data-cardtitle="Metadata" role="button" tabindex="0">metadata</span> about your emails, such as the times they are sent.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Feedback</p> </td> <td> <p>Comments, suggestions or survey responses that you give us about our consumer services, or after contacting our Member Services team.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Financial information</p> </td> <td> <p>Information such as payment information, including debit card and credit card numbers, expiry dates, card verification codes and PayPal account details.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Identity documents</p> </td> <td> <p>Details of official identity documents, such as your driving licence, passport or national ID card, when we need to verify your identity.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Inferred interests</p> </td> <td> <p>Interests that we think you have, based on your activity on our consumer services. For example, we assume that you are interested in sports if you visit our sports sites and apps, search for sports related content using our search services, or receive sports-related commercial emails using our email services.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Online activity information</p> </td> <td> <p>Information about your interaction with our consumer services, such as your search history, and information about your interaction with our digital advertising services.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Precise geolocation information</p> </td> <td> <p>Information that describes where you are in a precise way. This can include the coordinates (latitude and longitude) of your device, which are precise enough to locate it at a specific place (for example, an address).</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Purchase information</p> </td> <td> <p>Information about your purchases, receipts and subscriptions with us.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Technical identifiers</p> </td> <td> <p>A series of letters and numbers that identifies, for example, your device or an IP address. This category includes identifiers stored in <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on your device when you visit a site or use an app. The website or app decides the name of cookies, what information they contain and how long they are kept on your device for. See our <a data-cke-saved-href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/cookies/index.html href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/cookies/index.html>Cookie Policy</a> for more details about how we use cookies and similar technologies." data-cardtitle="Cookies" role="button" tabindex="0">cookies</span>.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>User-generated content</p> </td> <td> <p>Survey responses, and comments on articles on our consumer services and Yahoo-sponsored promotions.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></div> </article></div> <div class="nonAccordion subColor pcTextXlrg pcTextMed pcList"> <article class="nonAccordion-item"><div class="nonAccordion-info"> <h2>4. How we collect your information</h2> <div class="bulletBackground"> <p>We collect information about you at different times and from different sources, depending on:</p> <ul><li>how you use our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span></li> <li>how you interact with our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Platforms that help advertisers reach users, help us and our publishers sell advertising space, and help users see ads that are relevant to them." data-cardtitle="Digital advertising services" role="button" tabindex="0">digital advertising services</span></li> <li>your privacy settings with us</li> <li>your privacy settings with other companies who have the right to share information with us, and</li> <li>whether we have the right to use your information from publicly available sources.</li> </ul></div> <p>We collect some of this information by using <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on your device when you visit a site or use an app. The website or app decides the name of cookies, what information they contain and how long they are kept on your device for. See our <a data-cke-saved-href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/cookies/index.html href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/cookies/index.html>Cookie Policy</a> for more details about how we use cookies and similar technologies." data-cardtitle="Cookies" role="button" tabindex="0">cookies and similar technologies</span>. Learn more in our <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/cookies/index.html">cookie policy</a>.</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="mainAccordion subColor pcTextXlrg pcTextMed pcList"> <article class="mainAccordion-item"><h2 aria-controls="22" aria-expanded="false" class="mainAccordion-header" id="2" role="button" tabindex="0">5. When we collect your information</h2> <div class="mainAccordion-info"> <p>When you use our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span> or use other companies' sites or apps that use our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Platforms that help advertisers reach users, help us and our publishers sell advertising space, and help users see ads that are relevant to them." data-cardtitle="Digital advertising services" role="button" tabindex="0">digital advertising services</span>, we collect your information.</p> <p>Click on + on the right to learn more about when we collect your information.</p> </div> <div aria-labelledby="Mainheader1" class="mainAccordion-answer" id="Mainpanel" role="region"> <ol type="a"><li> <h4>We collect the following information that you provide to us when you use our consumer services.</h4> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Type of information</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>When we collect it</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p>Your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as the unique identifiers associated with your account, login activity, username and password." data-cardtitle="Account information" role="button" tabindex="0">account information</span>, <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="This includes your age, gender, marital status and socioeconomic information (for example, your level of education, employment status and income range)." data-cardtitle="Demographic information" role="button" tabindex="0">demographic information</span>, <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as your name, email address, phone number and postal address." data-cardtitle="Contact information" role="button" tabindex="0">contact information</span>.</p> </td> <td> <p>When you sign up for an account.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as your name, email address, phone number and postal address." data-cardtitle="Contact information" role="button" tabindex="0">contact information</span>, <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as the unique identifiers associated with your account, login activity, username and password." data-cardtitle="Account information" role="button" tabindex="0">account information</span>, and <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Details of official identity documents, such as your driving licence, passport or national ID card, when we need to verify your identity." data-cardtitle="Identity documents" role="button" tabindex="0">identity documents</span>.</p> </td> <td> <p>To provide customer support or manage your account in limited cases.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Comments, suggestions or survey responses you give us about our consumer services, or after contacting our Member Services team." data-cardtitle="Feedback" role="button" tabindex="0">feedback</span> and <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Recordings of phone calls you have with us, such as those with our Member Services team." data-cardtitle="Call recordings" role="button" tabindex="0">call recordings</span>.</p> </td> <td> <p>During phone calls and whenever you interact with our customer support team.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information you provide to customise or improve your use of our consumer services, such as the stock symbols you add to your finance portfolio or the sports teams you follow on our sport site." data-cardtitle="Declared user-preference information" role="button" tabindex="0">Declared user-preference information</span> you provide to tailor your experience, such as stock symbols and favourite sports teams.</p> </td> <td> <p>At the time you provide the information.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as payment information, including debit card and credit card numbers, expiry dates, card verification codes and PayPal account details." data-cardtitle="Financial information" role="button" tabindex="0">Financial information</span> you provide to pay for subscription services.</p> </td> <td> <p>When you make the payment or subscribe to our services.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as your name, email address, phone number and postal address." data-cardtitle="Contact information" role="button" tabindex="0">Contact information</span> and <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Comments, photos and videos that you upload to our consumer services and make available to other people." data-cardtitle="User-generated content" role="button" tabindex="0">user-generated content</span> that you provide in surveys, comments, and Yahoo-sponsored promotions.</p> </td> <td> <p>When you provide information on our consumer services in surveys, comments, and Yahoo-sponsored promotions.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></li> <li> <h4>We collect the following information when you use our consumer services (direct collection).</h4> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Type of information</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>When we collect it</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr class="title"><td colspan="2"> <p style="text-align: left;">Information about your activity, including the following:</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your interaction with our consumer services, such as your browsing history and search history, and information about your interaction with our digital advertising services." data-cardtitle="Online activity information" role="button" tabindex="0">online activity information</span> on our consumer services, such as which ads or articles you clicked on, your search queries, apps you’ve installed or used, and the frequency, duration and time of day of your visits.</p> </td> <td> <p>When you click on ads or articles or install or use our sites and apps.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about the emails (including commercial emails) you send and receive through our email service, such as the subject line, the content of incoming and outgoing emails and attachments (in limited circumstances as described in this Privacy Policy), and metadata about your emails, such as the times they are sent." data-cardtitle="Email information" role="button" tabindex="0">email information</span>.</p> </td> <td> <p>When you use Yahoo or AOL email services to send or receive emails.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>The site you visited or the app you used immediately before and after using our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span>.</p> </td> <td> <p>When you start using and stop using our consumer services.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your purchases, receipts and subscriptions." data-cardtitle="Purchase information" role="button" tabindex="0">Purchase information</span> about the type and duration of your subscriptions or purchases from us on our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span>.</p> </td> <td> <p>When your subscription with us starts and ends, or the purchase is made.</p> </td> </tr><tr class="title"><td colspan="2"> <p style="text-align: left;">Information about your device, including the following:</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your device, such as your browser (and the version), operating system (and the version), screen resolution and device type." data-cardtitle="Device information" role="button" tabindex="0">Device information</span> such as your device’s language settings, geographic region and time zone.<br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A series of letters and numbers that identifies, for example, a device or an IP address. This category includes identifiers stored in cookies." data-cardtitle="Technical identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">Technical identifiers</span> such as IP addresses, internet service provider, <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Also referred to as advertising identifiers. A sequence of letters and numbers that distinguish one device from other devices. We use these identifiers in various ways (for example, to remember your preferences in connection with a website or app, to link your devices, for analytics purposes and to provide relevant ads)." data-cardtitle="Device identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">device identifiers</span> and mobile phone network.<br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information that describes where you are in a precise way. This can include the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your device, which are precise enough to locate it at a specific place (for example, at a particular residential or business address)." data-cardtitle="Precise geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">Precise geolocation information</span> and <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your approximate location (for example, the country or county you are in). This does not include precise geolocation information, which provides more specific details, such as the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your position or a specific address." data-cardtitle="Approximate geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">approximate geolocation information</span>, based on your IP address and GPS, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth signals.</p> </td> <td> <p>When you use our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span>.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></li> <li> <h4>We collect the following information when you use third party sites and apps that use our digital advertising services (indirect collection).</h4> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Type of information</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>When we collect it</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr class="title"><td colspan="2"> <p style="text-align: left;">Information about your activity, including the following:</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p>Your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your interaction with our consumer services, such as your browsing history and search history, and information about your interaction with our digital advertising services." data-cardtitle="Online activity information" role="button" tabindex="0">online activity information</span> on third party sites and apps, such as which ads or articles you clicked on.</p> </td> <td> <p>When you click on ads that we provide through our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Platforms that help advertisers reach users, help us and our publishers sell advertising space, and help users see ads that are relevant to them." data-cardtitle="Digital advertising services" role="button" tabindex="0">digital advertising services</span>.</p> </td> </tr><tr class="title"><td colspan="2"> <p style="text-align: left;">Information about your device, including the following:</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your device, such as your browser (and the version), operating system (and the version), screen resolution and device type." data-cardtitle="Device information" role="button" tabindex="0">Device information</span> such as your device’s language settings, geographic region and time zone.<br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A series of letters and numbers that identifies, for example, a device or an IP address. This category includes identifiers stored in cookies." data-cardtitle="Technical identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">Technical identifiers</span> such as IP addresses, internet service provider, <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Also referred to as advertising identifiers. A sequence of letters and numbers that distinguish one device from other devices. We use these identifiers in various ways (for example, to remember your preferences in connection with a website or app, to link your devices, for analytics purposes and to provide relevant ads)." data-cardtitle="Device identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">device identifiers</span> and mobile phone network.<br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information that describes where you are in a precise way. This can include the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your device, which are precise enough to locate it at a specific place (for example, at a particular residential or business address)." data-cardtitle="Precise geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">Precise geolocation information</span> and <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your approximate location (for example, the country or county you are in). This does not include precise geolocation information, which provides more specific details, such as the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your position or a specific address." data-cardtitle="Approximate geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">approximate geolocation information</span>, based on your IP address and GPS, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth signals.</p> </td> <td> <p>When you use a partner site or app that uses our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Platforms that help advertisers reach users, help us and our publishers sell advertising space, and help users see ads that are relevant to them." data-cardtitle="Digital advertising services" role="button" tabindex="0">digital advertising services</span>.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></li> <li> <h4>We collect the following information from partners through contractual agreements, or from publicly available sources.</h4> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Type of information</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>When we collect it</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p>Information from publicly available sources, or from our commercial partners and third-party data providers under contracts with them, including <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A series of letters and numbers that identifies, for example, a device or an IP address. This category includes identifiers stored in cookies." data-cardtitle="Technical identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">technical identifiers</span>, <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="This includes your age, gender, marital status and socioeconomic information (for example, your level of education, employment status and income range)." data-cardtitle="Demographic information" role="button" tabindex="0">demographic information</span>, <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your device, such as your browser (and the version), operating system (and the version), screen resolution and device type." data-cardtitle="Device information" role="button" tabindex="0">device information</span>, <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your interaction with our consumer services, such as your browsing history and search history, and information about your interaction with our digital advertising services." data-cardtitle="Online activity information" role="button" tabindex="0">online activity information</span>, <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Interests that we think you have, based on your activity on our consumer services. For example, we may assume that you are interested in sports if you often visit our sport sites and apps, search for sports related content using our search services, or receive sports-related commercial emails using our email services." data-cardtitle="Inferred interests" role="button" tabindex="0">inferred interests</span>, <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information that describes where you are in a precise way. This can include the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your device, which are precise enough to locate it at a specific place (for example, at a particular residential or business address)." data-cardtitle="Precise geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">precise geolocation information</span> and <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your approximate location (for example, the country or county you are in). This does not include precise geolocation information, which provides more specific details, such as the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your position or a specific address." data-cardtitle="Approximate geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">approximate geolocation information</span>.</p> </td> <td> <p>When we access the information from publicly available sources or enter into agreements with partners who provide the services to us.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as your name, email address, phone number and postal address." data-cardtitle="Contact information" role="button" tabindex="0">Contact information</span> and <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="This includes your age, gender, marital status and socioeconomic information (for example, your level of education, employment status and income range)." data-cardtitle="Demographic information" role="button" tabindex="0">demographic information</span> from social media platforms.</p> </td> <td> <p>When you use your social media login to use our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span>.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></li> </ol></div> </article></div> <div class="mainAccordion subColor pcTextXlrg pcTextMed pcList"> <article class="mainAccordion-item"><h2 aria-controls="22" aria-expanded="false" class="mainAccordion-header" id="2" role="button" tabindex="0">6. How we use your information and the legal bases we rely on</h2> <div class="mainAccordion-info"> <div class="bulletBackground"> <p>When you use our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span> or use other companies' sites or apps that use our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Platforms that help advertisers reach users, help us and our publishers sell advertising space, and help users see ads that are relevant to them." data-cardtitle="Digital advertising services" role="button" tabindex="0">digital advertising services</span>, we use your information for the following purposes:</p> <ul><li>to provide the consumer services to you</li> <li>to provide advertising to you, including to build <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="An interest profile used to personalise the content or ads you see. Interest profiles are created using a technique called profiling. Profiling is when personal information is processed by a computer system to analyse certain things about you or make predictions, such as about your personal preferences, interests, traits and behaviour. Profiling is used to show you content and advertising that you will find interesting and relevant. See <a data-cke-saved-href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/advertising/index.html href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/advertising/index.html>How digital advertising works</a> for more information." data-cardtitle="Interest profiles" role="button" tabindex="0">interest profiles</span> to personalise the ads we show to you</li> <li>to personalise the content we show you, including to build interest profiles</li> <li>to directly market our consumer services to you</li> <li>to understand, develop, and improve our services</li> <li>to develop and provide insights about our services</li> <li>to authenticate our users and protect our systems from, for example, fraudulent, abusive or unlawful activity</li> <li>to investigate, identify, bring or defend against legal claims, and</li> <li>to keep to relevant laws and regulations (that is, for legal compliance).</li> </ul></div> <div class="bulletBackground"> <p>When we process information in connection with these purposes, we rely on legal bases (valid legal reasons). The legal bases we rely on are as follows.</p> <ul><li><strong>Contract</strong> - the processing is necessary for a contract you have with us, or because you have asked us to take specific steps before entering into a contract with us.</li> <li><strong>Consent</strong> - you have given us clear permission.</li> <li><strong>Legitimate interests</strong> - the processing is necessary for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party, unless there is a good reason to protect your personal information and that takes priority over our or a third party’s legitimate interests.</li> <li><strong>Legal obligation</strong> - the processing is necessary for us to keep to any law that applies (not including our obligations under any contract).</li> <li><strong>Vital interests</strong> - the processing is necessary to protect someone’s life.</li> </ul></div> <p>Click on + on the right to learn more.</p> </div> <div aria-labelledby="Mainheader1" class="mainAccordion-answer" id="Mainpanel" role="region"> <ol type="a"><li> <h3>To perform our contract with you</h3> <p>We process your information when it is necessary to enter into or keep our contract with you. You can find the terms of the contract in the <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/terms/otos/index.html">Terms of Service</a>.</p> <ol type="i"><li> <h4>Processing carried out to provide you with our consumer services</h4> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Category of information we process</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>Why we process this information</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about the emails (including commercial emails) you send and receive through our email service, such as the subject line, the content of incoming and outgoing emails and attachments (in limited circumstances as described in this Privacy Policy), and metadata about your emails, such as the times they are sent." data-cardtitle="Email information" role="button" tabindex="0">Email information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as your name, email address, phone number and postal address." data-cardtitle="Contact information" role="button" tabindex="0">Contact information</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To provide our email service to you.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as your name, email address, phone number and postal address." data-cardtitle="Contact information" role="button" tabindex="0">Contact information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as payment information, including debit card and credit card numbers, expiry dates, card verification codes and PayPal account details." data-cardtitle="Financial information" role="button" tabindex="0">Financial information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your purchases, receipts and subscriptions." data-cardtitle="Purchase information" role="button" tabindex="0">Purchase information</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To provide you with a subscription service, process your subscription payment, and provide you with a record of your purchase history.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as the unique identifiers associated with your account, login activity, username and password." data-cardtitle="Account information" role="button" tabindex="0">Account information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as your name, email address, phone number and postal address." data-cardtitle="Contact information" role="button" tabindex="0">Contact information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Details of official identity documents, such as your driving licence, passport or national ID card, when we need to verify your identity." data-cardtitle="Identity documents" role="button" tabindex="0">Identity documents</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To give you secure access to your account, and in certain circumstances to verify your identity when you contact us for customer support. We only ask for identity documents if necessary for security purposes.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your device, such as your browser (and the version), operating system (and the version), screen resolution and device type." data-cardtitle="Device information" role="button" tabindex="0">Device information</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To optimise the version of our consumer services that you request. For example, if you use our consumer services on a mobile device, we will show you the mobile version, and will show you the desktop version if you are on a laptop or desktop computer.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A series of letters and numbers that identifies, for example, a device or an IP address. This category includes identifiers stored in cookies." data-cardtitle="Technical identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">Technical identifiers</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To remember your log-in information when you sign into our consumer services.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information you provide to customise or improve your use of our consumer services, such as the stock symbols you add to your finance portfolio or the sports teams you follow on our sport site." data-cardtitle="Declared user-preference information" role="button" tabindex="0">Declared user-preference information</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To provide you with features or display content that you have requested on our consumer services. For example, we will save and maintain the stock symbols you add to your finance portfolio or the sports teams you follow on our sports site.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your interaction with our consumer services, such as your browsing history and search history, and information about your interaction with our digital advertising services." data-cardtitle="Online activity information" role="button" tabindex="0">Online activity information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A series of letters and numbers that identifies, for example, a device or an IP address. This category includes identifiers stored in cookies." data-cardtitle="Technical identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">Technical identifiers</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your approximate location (for example, the country or county you are in). This does not include precise geolocation information, which provides more specific details, such as the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your position or a specific address." data-cardtitle="Approximate geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">Approximate geolocation information</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To process the queries that you type into our <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/topic/ourproducts/index.html">search services</a> and provide you with relevant search results.</p> <p>To display articles, videos and other content from us and our content partners. We will not personalise the content we show you without your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Sometimes, we need specific consent (permission) from you to use your information for certain activities. This means that we will carry out those activities only if you agree by doing something such as clicking ‘I agree’. You can withdraw your consent at any time." data-cardtitle="Consent" role="button" tabindex="0">consent</span>.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your interaction with our consumer services, such as your browsing history and search history, and information about your interaction with our digital advertising services." data-cardtitle="Online activity information" role="button" tabindex="0">Online activity information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A series of letters and numbers that identifies, for example, a device or an IP address. This category includes identifiers stored in cookies." data-cardtitle="Technical identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">Technical identifiers</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your approximate location (for example, the country or county you are in). This does not include precise geolocation information, which provides more specific details, such as the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your position or a specific address." data-cardtitle="Approximate geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">Approximate geolocation information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Also referred to as advertising identifiers. A sequence of letters and numbers that distinguish one device from other devices. We use these identifiers in various ways (for example, to remember your preferences in connection with a website or app, to link your devices, for analytics purposes and to provide relevant ads)." data-cardtitle="Device identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">Device identifiers</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To detect network and system outages, monitor our system and network performance, and balance traffic across our network infrastructure.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your approximate location (for example, the country or county you are in). This does not include precise geolocation information, which provides more specific details, such as the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your position or a specific address." data-cardtitle="Approximate geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">Approximate geolocation information</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To provide you with the appropriate consumer services available in your region (for example, providing localised search results such as restaurants near your current location when you search for restaurants). We will not use your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information that describes where you are in a precise way. This can include the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your device, which are precise enough to locate it at a specific place (for example, at a particular residential or business address)." data-cardtitle="Precise geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">precise geolocation information</span> without your consent.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information you provide to customise or improve your use of our consumer services, such as the stock symbols you add to your finance portfolio or the sports teams you follow on our sport site." data-cardtitle="Declared user-preference information" role="button" tabindex="0">Declared user-preference information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as your name, email address, phone number and postal address." data-cardtitle="Contact information" role="button" tabindex="0">Contact information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="This includes your age, gender, marital status and socioeconomic information (for example, your level of education, employment status and income range)." data-cardtitle="Demographic information" role="button" tabindex="0">Demographic information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Comments, suggestions or survey responses you give us about our consumer services, or after contacting our Member Services team." data-cardtitle="Feedback" role="button" tabindex="0">Feedback</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To increase engagement with you on our consumer services through promotions you choose to take part in.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></li> </ol></li> <li> <h3>With your consent</h3> <p>We need your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Sometimes, we need specific consent (permission) from you to use your information for certain activities. This means that we will carry out those activities only if you agree by doing something such as clicking ‘I agree’. You can withdraw your consent at any time." data-cardtitle="Consent" role="button" tabindex="0">consent</span> (permission) to use your information for certain processing activities. This means that we will only perform this processing once you agree by taking an action such as clicking ‘I agree’. You can withdraw your consent for any of the processing stated below (i to v) through <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/yourprivacycontrols/index.html">your privacy controls</a>.</p> <ol type="i"><li> <h4>Processing carried out to provide certain features of our consumer services</h4> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Category of information we process</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>Why we process this information</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about the emails (including commercial emails) you send and receive through our email service, such as the subject line, the content of incoming and outgoing emails and attachments (in limited circumstances as described in this Privacy Policy), and metadata about your emails, such as the times they are sent." data-cardtitle="Email information" role="button" tabindex="0">Email information</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To provide you with product features such as:</p> <ul><li>email features (for example, tracking packages, identifying travel-related emails, including those relating to flight and hotel bookings, and one-tap unsubscribing from emails you no longer want to receive), and</li> <li>other features across our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span> (for example, on the Yahoo homepage in certain countries you can view your spending based on the purchase receipts you have been emailed).</li> </ul><p>If you are using our services in the EEA, UK, or Switzerland you can go to <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/yourprivacycontrols/index.html">your privacy controls</a> to control how we use your email information for product features.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as your name, email address, phone number and postal address." data-cardtitle="Contact information" role="button" tabindex="0">Contact information</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To send you newsletters that you have subscribed to as part of your use of our consumer services.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></li> <li> <h4>Processing carried out to provide tailored advertising, including to build an advertising interest profile</h4> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Category of information we process</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>Why we process this information</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as the unique identifiers associated with your account, login activity, username and password." data-cardtitle="Account information" role="button" tabindex="0">Account information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your approximate location (for example, the country or county you are in). This does not include precise geolocation information, which provides more specific details, such as the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your position or a specific address." data-cardtitle="Approximate geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">Approximate geolocation information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as your name, email address, phone number and postal address." data-cardtitle="Contact information" role="button" tabindex="0">Contact information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information you provide to customise or improve your use of our consumer services, such as the stock symbols you add to your finance portfolio or the sports teams you follow on our sport site." data-cardtitle="Declared user-preference information" role="button" tabindex="0">Declared user-preference information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="This includes your age, gender, marital status and socioeconomic information (for example, your level of education, employment status and income range)." data-cardtitle="Demographic information" role="button" tabindex="0">Demographic information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your device, such as your browser (and the version), operating system (and the version), screen resolution and device type." data-cardtitle="Device information" role="button" tabindex="0">Device information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Interests that we think you have, based on your activity on our consumer services. For example, we may assume that you are interested in sports if you often visit our sport sites and apps, search for sports related content using our search services, or receive sports-related commercial emails using our email services." data-cardtitle="Inferred interests" role="button" tabindex="0">Inferred interests</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your interaction with our consumer services, such as your browsing history and search history, and information about your interaction with our digital advertising services." data-cardtitle="Online activity information" role="button" tabindex="0">Online activity information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information that describes where you are in a precise way. This can include the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your device, which are precise enough to locate it at a specific place (for example, at a particular residential or business address)." data-cardtitle="Precise geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">Precise geolocation information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your purchases, receipts and subscriptions." data-cardtitle="Purchase information" role="button" tabindex="0">Purchase information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A series of letters and numbers that identifies, for example, a device or an IP address. This category includes identifiers stored in cookies." data-cardtitle="Technical identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">Technical identifiers</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To target and deliver tailored ads to you on our consumer services and on the sites and apps of other companies that use our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Platforms that help advertisers reach users, help us and our publishers sell advertising space, and help users see ads that are relevant to them." data-cardtitle="Digital advertising services" role="button" tabindex="0">digital advertising services</span>.</p> <p>To measure how effective our ads are and to create advertising <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="An interest profile used to personalise the content or ads you see. Interest profiles are created using a technique called profiling. Profiling is when personal information is processed by a computer system to analyse certain things about you or make predictions, such as about your personal preferences, interests, traits and behaviour. Profiling is used to show you content and advertising that you will find interesting and relevant. See <a data-cke-saved-href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/advertising/index.html href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/advertising/index.html>How digital advertising works</a> for more information." data-cardtitle="Interest profiles" role="button" tabindex="0">interest profiles</span> based on your inferred interests.</p> <p>If you withhold or withdraw your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Sometimes, we need specific consent (permission) from you to use your information for certain activities. This means that we will carry out those activities only if you agree by doing something such as clicking ‘I agree’. You can withdraw your consent at any time." data-cardtitle="Consent" role="button" tabindex="0">consent</span> for us to use your personal information to target and deliver advertising to you, we will still show you ads, but these ads will not be tailored to you based on these categories of information.</p> <p>Please see <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/advertising/index.html">how digital advertising works</a> to learn more about how we use your information to provide advertising to you. Yahoo's <a href="">advertising policies</a> do not allow the processing of data from children known to be under 18 for targeted advertising purposes.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Emails from retailers and other organisations (these are not personal emails between individuals)." data-cardtitle="Commercial emails" role="button" tabindex="0">Commercial emails</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To create advertising <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="An interest profile used to personalise the content or ads you see. Interest profiles are created using a technique called profiling. Profiling is when personal information is processed by a computer system to analyse certain things about you or make predictions, such as about your personal preferences, interests, traits and behaviour. Profiling is used to show you content and advertising that you will find interesting and relevant. See <a data-cke-saved-href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/advertising/index.html href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/advertising/index.html>How digital advertising works</a> for more information." data-cardtitle="Interest profiles" role="button" tabindex="0">interest profiles</span> to personalise the ads we show you across our services.</p> <p>You can use <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/yourprivacycontrols/index.html">your privacy controls</a> to control whether we can analyse your commercial emails, such as receipts from retailers, for advertising purposes.</p> <p>Please see the ‘Yahoo and AOL Mail’ section in <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/topic/ourproducts/index.html">our consumer services</a> page for more information.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></li> <li> <h4>Processing carried out to provide tailored content to you, including to build a content interest profile</h4> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Category of information we process</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>Why we process this information</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as the unique identifiers associated with your account, login activity, username and password." data-cardtitle="Account information" role="button" tabindex="0">Account information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your approximate location (for example, the country or county you are in). This does not include precise geolocation information, which provides more specific details, such as the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your position or a specific address." data-cardtitle="Approximate geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">Approximate geolocation information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as your name, email address, phone number and postal address." data-cardtitle="Contact information" role="button" tabindex="0">Contact information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information you provide to customise or improve your use of our consumer services, such as the stock symbols you add to your finance portfolio or the sports teams you follow on our sport site." data-cardtitle="Declared user-preference information" role="button" tabindex="0">Declared user-preference information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="This includes your age, gender, marital status and socioeconomic information (for example, your level of education, employment status and income range)." data-cardtitle="Demographic information" role="button" tabindex="0">Demographic information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your device, such as your browser (and the version), operating system (and the version), screen resolution and device type." data-cardtitle="Device information" role="button" tabindex="0">Device information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Interests that we think you have, based on your activity on our consumer services. For example, we may assume that you are interested in sports if you often visit our sport sites and apps, search for sports related content using our search services, or receive sports-related commercial emails using our email services." data-cardtitle="Inferred interests" role="button" tabindex="0">Inferred interests</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your interaction with our consumer services, such as your browsing history and search history, and information about your interaction with our digital advertising services." data-cardtitle="Online activity information" role="button" tabindex="0">Online activity information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information that describes where you are in a precise way. This can include the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your device, which are precise enough to locate it at a specific place (for example, at a particular residential or business address)." data-cardtitle="Precise geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">Precise geolocation information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your purchases, receipts and subscriptions." data-cardtitle="Purchase information" role="button" tabindex="0">Purchase information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A series of letters and numbers that identifies, for example, a device or an IP address. This category includes identifiers stored in cookies." data-cardtitle="Technical identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">Technical identifiers</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To provide tailored content to you and to create content <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="An interest profile used to personalise the content or ads you see. Interest profiles are created using a technique called profiling. Profiling is when personal information is processed by a computer system to analyse certain things about you or make predictions, such as about your personal preferences, interests, traits and behaviour. Profiling is used to show you content and advertising that you will find interesting and relevant. See <a data-cke-saved-href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/advertising/index.html href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/advertising/index.html>How digital advertising works</a> for more information." data-cardtitle="Interest profiles" role="button" tabindex="0">interest profiles</span> based on your inferred interests.</p> <p>For example, if you frequently read articles on our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span> about sports or financial markets, we will create profiles that identify you as a ‘sports enthusiast’ or ‘financial news consumer’. When you visit our consumer services in the future, you will see more articles about those interests. Similarly, if you add a company’s stock symbol to your Yahoo stock portfolio, we will show you more news articles about that company.</p> <p>If you withhold or withdraw your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Sometimes, we need specific consent (permission) from you to use your information for certain activities. This means that we will carry out those activities only if you agree by doing something such as clicking ‘I agree’. You can withdraw your consent at any time." data-cardtitle="Consent" role="button" tabindex="0">consent</span> for us to use your personal information to provide tailored content to you, we will still show you content, but it will not be based on your inferred interests. Also, we will not use <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on your device when you visit a site or use an app. The website or app decides the name of cookies, what information they contain and how long they are kept on your device for. See our <a data-cke-saved-href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/cookies/index.html href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/cookies/index.html>Cookie Policy</a> for more details about how we use cookies and similar technologies." data-cardtitle="Cookies" role="button" tabindex="0">cookies and similar technologies</span> to measure how you interact with the content we show you.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Emails from retailers and other organisations (these are not personal emails between individuals)." data-cardtitle="Commercial emails" role="button" tabindex="0">Commercial emails</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To create content <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="An interest profile used to personalise the content or ads you see. Interest profiles are created using a technique called profiling. Profiling is when personal information is processed by a computer system to analyse certain things about you or make predictions, such as about your personal preferences, interests, traits and behaviour. Profiling is used to show you content and advertising that you will find interesting and relevant. See <a data-cke-saved-href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/advertising/index.html href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/advertising/index.html>How digital advertising works</a> for more information." data-cardtitle="Interest profiles" role="button" tabindex="0">interest profiles</span> to personalise the content we show you on our consumer services.</p> <p>You can use <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/yourprivacycontrols/index.html">your privacy controls</a> to control whether we use your commercial emails to personalise the content we show you.</p> <p>Please see the ‘Yahoo and AOL Mail’ section in <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/topic/ourproducts/index.html">our consumer services</a> page for more information.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></li> <li> <h4>Processing carried out to market our services directly to you and promote partners’ products and services</h4> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Category of information we process</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>Why we process this information</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as your name, email address, phone number and postal address." data-cardtitle="Contact information" role="button" tabindex="0">Contact information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="This includes your age, gender, marital status and socioeconomic information (for example, your level of education, employment status and income range)." data-cardtitle="Demographic information" role="button" tabindex="0">Demographic information</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To directly market our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span> to you, and promote partners’ products and services, when you:</p> <ul><li>sign up for an account with any of our consumer services</li> <li>tell us what you are interested in, or</li> <li>use certain consumer services for which your information is needed so we can provide the feature you are requesting.</li> </ul><p>We also use your email address to send you newsletters that you have subscribed to as part of our consumer services.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></li> <li> <h4>Processing carried out to understand, develop and improve our consumer services</h4> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Category of information we process</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>Why we process this information</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Emails from retailers and other organisations (these are not personal emails between individuals)." data-cardtitle="Commercial emails" role="button" tabindex="0">Commercial emails</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To create <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Also referred to as aggregate insights. Information that has been compiled into statistical summaries. Aggregate information is not personal information. Examples of aggregate information include counts, sums and averages derived from larger sets of data, such as traffic statistics, polls and survey responses." data-cardtitle="Aggregate information" role="button" tabindex="0">aggregate statistics</span> using non-identifiable information from commercial emails that you and our other users have received.</p> <p>These aggregate statistics help us to understand how our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span> are used, what commercial products and services are most popular, and other consumer behaviour.</p> <p>If you are using our services in the EEA, UK or Switzerland, you can use <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/yourprivacycontrols/index.html">your privacy controls</a> to control whether we include non-identifiable information from your commercial emails in our aggregate statistics.</p> <p>Please see the ‘Yahoo and AOL Mail’ section in <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/topic/ourproducts/index.html">our consumer services</a> page for more information.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></li> </ol></li> <li> <h3 id="6-c">Based on legitimate interest</h3> <p>We process your information when it is in our or our partners’ <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A genuine legal reason (legal basis) for processing personal information. This legal basis applies if the processing is necessary for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party, unless there is a good reason to protect your personal information and that takes priority over our legitimate interests." data-cardtitle="Legitimate interests" role="button" tabindex="0">legitimate interests</span>.</p> <ol type="i"><li> <h4>Processing carried out to measure, understand, develop, and improve our consumer services</h4> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Category of information we process</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>Why we process this information</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as the unique identifiers associated with your account, login activity, username and password." data-cardtitle="Account information" role="button" tabindex="0">Account information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as your name, email address, phone number and postal address." data-cardtitle="Contact information" role="button" tabindex="0">Contact information</span><br /><br /><strong><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information you provide to customise or improve your use of our consumer services, such as the stock symbols you add to your finance portfolio or the sports teams you follow on our sport site." data-cardtitle="Declared user-preference information" role="button" tabindex="0">Declared user-preference information</span></strong><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="This includes your age, gender, marital status and socioeconomic information (for example, your level of education, employment status and income range)." data-cardtitle="Demographic information" role="button" tabindex="0">Demographic information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your device, such as your browser (and the version), operating system (and the version), screen resolution and device type." data-cardtitle="Device information" role="button" tabindex="0">Device information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Comments, suggestions or survey responses you give us about our consumer services, or after contacting our Member Services team." data-cardtitle="Feedback" role="button" tabindex="0">Feedback</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as payment information, including debit card and credit card numbers, expiry dates, card verification codes and PayPal account details." data-cardtitle="Financial information" role="button" tabindex="0">Financial information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your approximate location (for example, the country or county you are in). This does not include precise geolocation information, which provides more specific details, such as the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your position or a specific address." data-cardtitle="Approximate geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">Approximate geolocation information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Interests that we think you have, based on your activity on our consumer services. For example, we may assume that you are interested in sports if you often visit our sport sites and apps, search for sports related content using our search services, or receive sports-related commercial emails using our email services." data-cardtitle="Inferred interests" role="button" tabindex="0">Inferred interests</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your interaction with our consumer services, such as your browsing history and search history, and information about your interaction with our digital advertising services." data-cardtitle="Online activity information" role="button" tabindex="0">Online activity information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information that describes where you are in a precise way. This can include the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your device, which are precise enough to locate it at a specific place (for example, at a particular residential or business address)." data-cardtitle="Precise geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">Precise geolocation information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your purchases, receipts and subscriptions." data-cardtitle="Purchase information" role="button" tabindex="0">Purchase information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A series of letters and numbers that identifies, for example, a device or an IP address. This category includes identifiers stored in cookies." data-cardtitle="Technical identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">Technical identifiers</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Comments, photos and videos that you upload to our consumer services and make available to other people." data-cardtitle="User-generated content" role="button" tabindex="0">User-generated content</span><br /> </p> </td> <td> <p>To create insights which help us to:</p> <ul><li>measure and understand how our consumer services are working and how they are being used, and</li> <li>create more relevant content, services and features for our consumer services</li> <li>compile <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Also referred to as aggregate insights. Information that has been compiled into statistical summaries. Aggregate information is not personal information. Examples of aggregate information include counts, sums and averages derived from larger sets of data, such as traffic statistics, polls and survey responses." data-cardtitle="Aggregate information" role="button" tabindex="0">aggregate statistics</span> on the use of our consumer services and create general website metrics (for example, the number of users who visited a Yahoo site, read an article or watched a video on our consumer services).</li> </ul><p>Examples of this type of processing include:</p> <ul><li>counting the number of times an article is read or a video is watched on our consumer services</li> <li>counting and comparing the different types of browsers or devices that are used to access our consumer services</li> <li>testing for quality assurance (including security testing), bug detection and removal, and measuring service performance (for example, the time it takes our pages and apps to load).</li> </ul></td> </tr></tbody></table></li> <li> <h4>Processing carried out for authentication and security purposes, including to prevent and detect fraudulent, abusive or unlawful activity</h4> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Category of information we process</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>Why we process this information</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as the unique identifiers associated with your account, login activity, username and password." data-cardtitle="Account information" role="button" tabindex="0">Account information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as your name, email address, phone number and postal address." data-cardtitle="Contact information" role="button" tabindex="0">Contact information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Details of official identity documents, such as your driving licence, passport or national ID card, when we need to verify your identity." data-cardtitle="Identity documents" role="button" tabindex="0">Identity documents</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To verify your identity in certain cases, such as when you forget your password or when you request access to your information.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><strong>All <a href="#bookmarkA">categories of information</a></strong></p> </td> <td> <p>To prevent and detect fraudulent, abusive or unlawful activity and to protect your account and our systems.</p> <p>We use your IP address to protect our consumer services from advertising-related fraud and other harmful technologies and activities.</p> <p>We also analyse your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about the emails (including commercial emails) you send and receive through our email service, such as the subject line, the content of incoming and outgoing emails and attachments (in limited circumstances as described in this Privacy Policy), and metadata about your emails, such as the times they are sent." data-cardtitle="Email information" role="button" tabindex="0">email information</span> for viruses and other malware that would harm the performance or security of our email services and network. For example, we use email information for performance monitoring, security analysis, failure and outage detection and repair, troubleshooting and debugging, capacity planning and forecasting, traffic optimisation and load balancing.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></li> <li> <h4>Processing carried out to investigate, identify, bring or defend against legal claims, to share information with other relevant parties, including law-enforcement agencies, and to respond to legal requests</h4> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Category of information we process</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>Why we process this information</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p><strong>All <a href="#bookmarkA">categories of information</a></strong></p> </td> <td> <p>To consider, and where appropriate, respond to legal requests, legal claims, litigation or other disputes.</p> <p>To detect, investigate or tackle:</p> <ul><li>fraud and other illegal activity, or</li> <li>security and technical issues.</li> </ul><p>This may involve sharing information with other technology companies to protect against security threats and report illegal material or content to law-enforcement agencies, government departments or other authorities.</p> <p>We share your information with our external advisors when we get legal advice, or with others in connection with legal claims and other disputes.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></li> <li> <h4>Processing carried out to provide advertising</h4> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Category of information we process</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>Why we process this information</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A series of letters and numbers that identifies, for example, a device or an IP address. This category includes identifiers stored in cookies." data-cardtitle="Technical identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">Technical identifiers</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To deliver ads to you and protect our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span> from advertising-related fraud.</p> <p>For example, if we do not have your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Sometimes, we need specific consent (permission) from you to use your information for certain activities. This means that we will carry out those activities only if you agree by doing something such as clicking ‘I agree’. You can withdraw your consent at any time." data-cardtitle="Consent" role="button" tabindex="0">consent</span> to use <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on your device when you visit a site or use an app. The website or app decides the name of cookies, what information they contain and how long they are kept on your device for. See our <a data-cke-saved-href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/cookies/index.html href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/cookies/index.html>Cookie Policy</a> for more details about how we use cookies and similar technologies." data-cardtitle="Cookies" role="button" tabindex="0">cookies and similar technologies</span> to provide you with ads, or to personalise the ads we show you, we will show you ads based on information like the page you are on or the time of day (these are often referred to as basic or contextual ads). When we show these ads, we will use your IP address to deliver the ads and make sure that you are not a fraudulent user.</p> <p>Please see <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/advertising/index.html">how digital advertising works</a> to learn more about how we use your information to provide advertising to you.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></li> </ol></li> <li> <h3>Meet our legal obligations</h3> <p>We process your information when it is necessary for us to do so in order to meet our legal obligations.</p> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Category of information we process</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>Why we process this information</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your approximate location (for example, the country or county you are in). This does not include precise geolocation information, which provides more specific details, such as the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your position or a specific address." data-cardtitle="Approximate geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">Approximate geolocation information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A series of letters and numbers that identifies, for example, a device or an IP address. This category includes identifiers stored in cookies." data-cardtitle="Technical identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">Technical identifiers</span></p> </td> <td> <p>We will process your IP address to determine the jurisdiction and legal terms that apply to you.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information such as the unique identifiers associated with your account, login activity, username and password." data-cardtitle="Account information" role="button" tabindex="0">Account information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your interaction with our consumer services, such as your browsing history and search history, and information about your interaction with our digital advertising services." data-cardtitle="Online activity information" role="button" tabindex="0">Online activity information</span><br /><br /><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A series of letters and numbers that identifies, for example, a device or an IP address. This category includes identifiers stored in cookies." data-cardtitle="Technical identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">Technical identifiers</span></p> </td> <td> <p>To apply your privacy choices across our services.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><strong>All <a href="#bookmarkA">categories of information</a></strong></p> </td> <td> <p>To respond to a valid legal request from a regulator, law-enforcement agency or other public authority. Examples of valid legal requests include search warrants or court orders.</p> <p>The following are examples of our legal obligations under Irish and EU laws:</p> <ul><li>If public bodies including the Irish Revenue Commissioners and the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement ask us for information, we must keep to company and taxation laws (such as the Companies Act 2014).</li> <li>If Irish law-enforcement agencies ask us for information relating to a criminal investigation, we must keep to the Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1997 (as amended), where it applies.</li> <li>If the Irish Competition and Consumer Protection Commission asks us for information, we must keep to competition and consumer law (such as the Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2014).</li> <li>When we collect, process, store and keep personal information we must keep to data protection law (including the General Data Protection Regulation, the Data Protection Act 2018 and the European Communities (Electronic Communications Networks and Services) (Privacy and Electronic Communications) Regulations 2011).</li> <li>We must keep to any court order requiring us to provide information relating to legal proceedings, including orders made under regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 on jurisdiction and recognising and enforcing judgments in civil and commercial matters.</li> </ul></td> </tr></tbody></table></li> <li> <h3>Protect vital interests</h3> <p>We process your information when it is necessary for us to do so in order to protect your vital interests or those of another person.</p> <table class="table tableHeader duoEqualColumn"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Category of information we process</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>Why we process this information</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p><strong>All <a href="#bookmarkA">categories of information</a></strong></p> </td> <td> <p>To review and share information, including with law-enforcement agencies and others, in circumstances where your or someone else’s vital interests need to be protected, such as in an emergency.</p> <p>Vital interests include protecting your (and other people’s) life and physical or mental wellbeing, and detecting, removing and reporting illegal content. For example, we use detection tools to identify child sexual abuse material (CSAM) in our email service. When we detect CSAM, it is reported to the United States National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.</p> <p>When protecting vital interests we aim to combat harmful conduct and promote safety, integrity and security, including when we are investigating reports of harmful behaviour or are taking appropriate action, such as sharing information with relevant authorities when someone needs help.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></li> </ol></div> </article></div> <div class="mainAccordion subColor pcTextXlrg pcTextMed pcList"> <article class="mainAccordion-item"><h2 aria-controls="22" aria-expanded="false" class="mainAccordion-header" id="2" role="button" tabindex="0">7. Sharing your information</h2> <div class="mainAccordion-info"> <p>Below are the categories of recipients we share your information with.</p> <p>Click on + on the right to learn more about these recipients and why we share your information with them.</p> </div> <div aria-labelledby="Mainheader1" class="mainAccordion-answer" id="Mainpanel" role="region"> <table class="table tableHeader duo1st33Column"><thead><tr><th> <p><b>Category of recipient</b></p> </th> <th> <p><b>Why we share your information</b></p> </th> </tr></thead><tbody><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Companies within the Yahoo group with which we share your data with. This includes Yahoo Inc. and Yahoo Ad Tech LLC." data-cardtitle="Yahoo companies" role="button" tabindex="0">Yahoo companies</span></p> </td> <td> <p>We share your information with other Yahoo companies for a variety of purposes, including to:</p> <ul><li>provide you with the <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span> that you use</li> <li>protect our consumer services and systems, by preventing and detecting unauthorised access or use</li> <li>understand how our consumer services and <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Platforms that help advertisers reach users, help us and our publishers sell advertising space, and help users see ads that are relevant to them." data-cardtitle="Digital advertising services" role="button" tabindex="0">digital advertising services</span> work, and</li> <li>improve existing services and features, and develop new ones.</li> </ul></td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="The person or organisation who is responsible, on behalf of the data controller, for correctly processing personal information." data-cardtitle="Data Processors" role="button" tabindex="0">Processors</span> acting on our behalf</p> </td> <td> <p>We share your information with processors that work on our behalf and process your information as instructed by us. Processors include:</p> <ul><li>providers of cloud storage</li> <li>application service providers</li> <li>subscription-management and payment services</li> <li>security partners and service providers, and</li> <li>feedback and comments platforms.</li> </ul></td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Also referred to as advertising technology partners. Companies that provide online advertising services on our sites and apps, such as advertisers and their advertising agencies, and data providers." data-cardtitle="Advertising partners" role="button" tabindex="0">Advertising partners</span></p> </td> <td> <p>If you <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Sometimes, we need specific consent (permission) from you to use your information for certain activities. This means that we will carry out those activities only if you agree by doing something such as clicking ‘I agree’. You can withdraw your consent at any time." data-cardtitle="Consent" role="button" tabindex="0">consent</span> to the sharing of your information with our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Also referred to as advertising technology partners. Companies that provide online advertising services on our sites and apps, such as advertisers and their advertising agencies, and data providers." data-cardtitle="Advertising partners" role="button" tabindex="0">advertising partners</span> for the purposes mentioned below, we will share and allow our advertising partners to collect your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your interaction with our consumer services, such as your browsing history and search history, and information about your interaction with our digital advertising services." data-cardtitle="Online activity information" role="button" tabindex="0">online activity information</span>, <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your device, such as your browser (and the version), operating system (and the version), screen resolution and device type." data-cardtitle="Device information" role="button" tabindex="0">device information</span>, <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your approximate location (for example, the country or county you are in). This does not include precise geolocation information, which provides more specific details, such as the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your position or a specific address." data-cardtitle="Approximate geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">approximate geolocation information</span>, and <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A series of letters and numbers that identifies, for example, a device or an IP address. This category includes identifiers stored in cookies." data-cardtitle="Technical identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">technical identifiers</span> so they can:</p> <ul><li>show ads on our consumer services to people who are most likely to be interested in seeing them</li> <li>match the information they have about you with the information we have about you</li> <li>create advertising <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="An interest profile used to personalise the content or ads you see. Interest profiles are created using a technique called profiling. Profiling is when personal information is processed by a computer system to analyse certain things about you or make predictions, such as about your personal preferences, interests, traits and behaviour. Profiling is used to show you content and advertising that you will find interesting and relevant. See <a data-cke-saved-href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/advertising/index.html href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/advertising/index.html>How digital advertising works</a> for more information." data-cardtitle="Interest profiles" role="button" tabindex="0">interest profiles</span> about you and your device</li> <li>keep track of the number of users who saw or clicked on a particular ad</li> <li>analyse the performance and effectiveness of our ads and those of third parties</li> <li>develop and improve their services</li> <li>reduce fraud and detect non-human traffic, and</li> <li>perform auditing, research and reporting for advertisers, including about the audience we reach.</li> </ul><p>With your consent, Yahoo will also share the <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Interests that we think you have, based on your activity on our consumer services. For example, we may assume that you are interested in sports if you often visit our sport sites and apps, search for sports related content using our search services, or receive sports-related commercial emails using our email services." data-cardtitle="Inferred interests" role="button" tabindex="0">inferred interests</span> we have created about you with Taboola so that Taboola can perform the above activities. To learn more about Taboola, you can read their <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>.</p> <p>You can <a href="">view a list of the advertising partners</a> we work with or manage how they use your information at any time, by clicking on the 'Privacy & cookie settings' or 'Privacy dashboard' links on our sites and apps.</p> <p>We take part in the <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A set of technical specifications and policies that participating companies (‘members’) must keep to. Members include stakeholders in the online advertising chain, such as publishers, advertisers and technology providers." data-cardtitle="IAB Europe Transparency Consent Framework" role="button" tabindex="0">IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework</span> and keep to its specifications and policies. We operate the Consent Management Platform and our identification number is 14.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Companies that we partner with to power or provide results for internet searches made through our search products, such as Yahoo Search or AOL Search." data-cardtitle="Search partners" role="button" tabindex="0">Search partners</span></p> </td> <td> <p>When you use our search services, we share your information with <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Companies that we partner with to power or provide results for internet searches made through our search products, such as Yahoo Search or AOL Search." data-cardtitle="Search partners" role="button" tabindex="0">search partners</span> to provide our search services. Search partners receive your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your interaction with our consumer services, such as your browsing history and search history, and information about your interaction with our digital advertising services." data-cardtitle="Online activity information" role="button" tabindex="0">online activity information</span>, <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="A series of letters and numbers that identifies, for example, a device or an IP address. This category includes identifiers stored in cookies." data-cardtitle="Technical identifiers" role="button" tabindex="0">technical identifiers</span> and <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your approximate location (for example, the country or county you are in). This does not include precise geolocation information, which provides more specific details, such as the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your position or a specific address." data-cardtitle="Approximate geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">approximate geolocation information</span>. They may use your information to provide extra search features such as maps, local business listings or flight information. For more information about our <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/topic/ourproducts/index.html#SearchProducts">search services</a> and how we share your information with search partners, go to our <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/topic/ourproducts/index.html">consumer services</a> page.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Partners that provide content and features on our sites and apps. They may provide services (such as providing you with maps) or news (such as articles and videos). We may implement an application or ‘widget’ from a social media partner on some of our consumer services to allow interactions or content sharing. These widgets are visible to you on the page you visit." data-cardtitle="Content and social media partners" role="button" tabindex="0">Content and social media partners</span></p> </td> <td> <p>If we have your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Sometimes, we need specific consent (permission) from you to use your information for certain activities. This means that we will carry out those activities only if you agree by doing something such as clicking ‘I agree’. You can withdraw your consent at any time." data-cardtitle="Consent" role="button" tabindex="0">consent</span>, we will share your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your interaction with our consumer services, such as your browsing history and search history, and information about your interaction with our digital advertising services." data-cardtitle="Online activity information" role="button" tabindex="0">online activity information</span>, <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your device, such as your browser (and the version), operating system (and the version), screen resolution and device type." data-cardtitle="Device information" role="button" tabindex="0">device information</span> and <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Information about your approximate location (for example, the country or county you are in). This does not include precise geolocation information, which provides more specific details, such as the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) of your position or a specific address." data-cardtitle="Approximate geolocation information" role="button" tabindex="0">approximate geolocation information</span> with our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Partners that provide content and features on our sites and apps. They may provide services (such as providing you with maps) or news (such as articles and videos). We may implement an application or ‘widget’ from a social media partner on some of our consumer services to allow interactions or content sharing. These widgets are visible to you on the page you visit." data-cardtitle="Content and social media partners" role="button" tabindex="0">content and social media partners</span> to enable them to provide relevant content and other features as part of our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span>, such as:</p> <ul><li>news and entertainment articles</li> <li>embedded social media posts</li> <li>buttons that allow you to share or like content on social media platforms, and</li> <li>embedded videos, podcasts, and other interactive widgets.</li> </ul><p>These partners will use your information in line with your privacy settings, their own privacy policies, and our agreements with them. You can <a href="">view a list of the content and social-media partners</a> we work with or manage how they use your information at any time, by clicking on the 'Privacy & cookie settings' or 'Privacy dashboard' links on our sites and apps.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="These partners provide product listings, catalogues, shopping baskets, price alerts, payment processing and related online shopping functions." data-cardtitle="E-commerce partners" role="button" tabindex="0">E-commerce partners</span></p> </td> <td> <p>We work with <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="These partners provide product listings, catalogues, shopping baskets, price alerts, payment processing and related online shopping functions." data-cardtitle="E-commerce partners" role="button" tabindex="0">e-commerce partners</span> to provide product listings, catalogues, shopping carts, price alerts, payment processing and related online commerce functionality. E-commerce partners include <a href="">AWIN</a>, <a href="">Skimlinks</a>, <a href="">Amazon</a>, and <a href="">Sovrn</a>.</p> <p>In our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span>, our e-commerce partners may, for example, display hyperlinks to third-party goods and services. If you click on those hyperlinks you will be redirected to retailers, manufacturers, or other sites and apps that provide information or the ability to buy those goods and services. These partners will collect information related to your activity and will use that information in line with their policies and our agreements with them.</p> </td> </tr><tr><td> <p><strong>Government agencies or other third parties</strong></p> </td> <td> <p>We share information with third parties and law-enforcement agencies to:</p> <ul><li>keep to a court order or similar legal procedure, or to prevent fraud or other illegal activity</li> <li>protect the rights, property and safety of us and our users. For example, we may provide information (such as your IP address) to law-enforcement agencies in an emergency where someone’s safety is at risk</li> <li>detect, investigate or tackle, for example, fraud, illegal activity, security issues and technical issues. This includes sharing information with other technology companies to protect against security threats</li> <li>meet legal or regulatory requirements, and</li> <li>exercise our legal rights, including investigating cases of our <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/terms/otos/index.html">Terms of Service</a> being broken.</li> </ul></td> </tr><tr><td> <p><strong>New owners</strong></p> </td> <td> <p>If the ownership or control of all or part of Yahoo (or one or more of our <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Consumer services are the sites and apps we own and operate, including our Yahoo and AOL sites and apps." data-cardtitle="Consumer services" role="button" tabindex="0">consumer services</span> or <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Platforms that help advertisers reach users, help us and our publishers sell advertising space, and help users see ads that are relevant to them." data-cardtitle="Digital advertising services" role="button" tabindex="0">digital advertising services</span>) changes or is proposed to change as a result of a merger, acquisition, or sale of any assets, we may transfer your information to the new (or prospective) owner or controller.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></div> </article></div> <div class="mainAccordion subColor pcTextXlrg pcTextMed pcList"> <article class="mainAccordion-item"><h2 aria-controls="22" aria-expanded="false" class="mainAccordion-header" id="2" role="button" tabindex="0">8. Exercising your privacy rights</h2> <div class="mainAccordion-info"> <p>You have certain rights over your information, including the right to receive a copy of your personal information, to control how we process certain information, and to correct or delete personal information.</p> <p>This section provides further information on your rights and how to exercise them.</p> <div class="bulletBackground"> <p>These rights may be limited in certain circumstances. For example, when we:</p> <ul><li>cannot verify your identity</li> <li>are required by law to restrict your privacy rights</li> <li>have a valid business reason to keep your personal information, or</li> <li>must protect the rights of others.</li> </ul></div> <p>Click on + on the right to learn more.</p> </div> <div aria-labelledby="Mainheader1" class="mainAccordion-answer" id="Mainpanel" role="region"> <h3>How to exercise your privacy rights</h3> <p>You can exercise your privacy rights by visiting <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/yourprivacycontrols/index.html">your privacy controls</a>. You can also exercise your privacy rights by filling in our <a href="">privacy form</a>.</p> <ol type="a"><li> <h4>Withdraw your consent</h4> <p>If you have given us your <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Sometimes, we need specific consent (permission) from you to use your information for certain activities. This means that we will carry out those activities only if you agree by doing something such as clicking ‘I agree’. You can withdraw your consent at any time." data-cardtitle="Consent" role="button" tabindex="0">consent</span> to process your information or to use <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on your device when you visit a site or use an app. The website or app decides the name of cookies, what information they contain and how long they are kept on your device for. See our <a data-cke-saved-href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/cookies/index.html href=/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/cookies/index.html>Cookie Policy</a> for more details about how we use cookies and similar technologies." data-cardtitle="Cookies" role="button" tabindex="0">cookies and similar technologies</span>, you can withdraw your consent at any time. You can do this through <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/yourprivacycontrols/index.html">your privacy controls</a>.</p> <p>Please note that withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out based on your consent before it was withdrawn.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Object to the processing of your information</h4> <p>You have the right to object to us processing your personal information. You can update your marketing preferences at any time by visiting <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/yourprivacycontrols/index.html">your privacy controls</a>. You can also object by filling in our <a href="">privacy form</a>.</p> <div class="bulletBackground"> <p>When you make an objection we will consider a number of factors including:</p> <ul><li>your reasonable expectations</li> <li>the benefits and risks to you, us or other people, and</li> <li>other available ways that would achieve the same outcome.</li> </ul></div> </li> <li> <h4>Restrict the processing of your information</h4> <p>In certain circumstances you can restrict the processing of your information for a period of time, as long as there are valid reasons for doing so. To do this please contact us using our <a href="">privacy form</a>.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Get copies of your information</h4> <p>You have the right to ask us for a copy of the personal information we hold about you. You can download a copy of your information from <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/yourprivacycontrols/index.html">your privacy controls</a> or by using our <a href="">privacy form</a>.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Get your information in an accessible way</h4> <p>This right, known as the right to data portability, allows you to receive information that is accessible and machine-readable, and to ask an organisation to transfer your information to another organisation (for example, another email provider). You can arrange this through <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/yourprivacycontrols/index.html">your privacy controls</a>.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Delete your information</h4> <p>You have the right, in certain cases, to ask us to delete your information. We will delete the information unless we are required by law to keep it or we have a valid business reason for keeping it.</p> <p>You can delete your account and the information associated with it, at any time, by visiting <a href="/ie/en/yahoo/privacy/yourprivacycontrols/index.html">your privacy controls</a> or by contacting us using our <a href="">privacy form</a>.</p> <p>When you ask us to delete your account, we will delete your information or make it anonymous within 30 days, unless there are overriding circumstances for us to keep it (for example, if we are required by law to keep it).</p> <p>You can ask for specific URLs to no longer appear in search results for your name on Yahoo Search and AOL Search. This is often referred to as the right to be forgotten. You can make this request by visiting our <a href="">right to be forgotten page</a>.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Correct your information</h4> <p>You have the right to correct the information you provided if it is no longer accurate or is incomplete. You can update your information at any time by visiting your <a href="">account info</a> page or you can contact us using our <a href="">privacy form</a>.</p> </li> <li> <h4>Raise a concern</h4> <p>If you have any questions or concerns about how your information is processed, you can contact our Data Protection Officer by emailing <a href=""></a> or by writing to us at the address provided in the <a href="#bookmarkB">how to contact us</a> section below. If you are not satisfied with our response, you also have the right to make a complaint to the data protection regulator in the country you live or work in. Find your <a href="">local data protection regulator</a>.</p> <p>If you live in Switzerland, you can <a href="">contact the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC)</a>.</p> <p>If you live in the UK you can contact the <a href="">Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)</a>.</p> </li> </ol></div> </article></div> <div class="nonAccordion subColor pcTextXlrg pcTextMed pcList"> <article class="nonAccordion-item"><div class="nonAccordion-info"> <h2>9. How we protect your information</h2> <p>We take protecting your information seriously. We follow a comprehensive information-security program and use technical and organisational measures, such as two-step verification, encryption, <span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="The process of making information pseudonymous." data-cardtitle="Pseudonymisation" role="button" tabindex="0">pseudonymisation</span> and ongoing security training for our employees, to protect your information. We also continually evaluate emerging threats, the latest security technologies and best practices.</p> <p>When you contact us, we will ask you to provide certain information so we can confirm your identity and your right to access the account. This is to make sure your account and associated information are protected from unauthorised access.</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="mainAccordion subColor pcTextXlrg pcTextMed pcList"> <article class="mainAccordion-item"><h2 aria-controls="22" aria-expanded="false" class="mainAccordion-header" id="2" role="button" tabindex="0">10. How long we keep your information</h2> <div class="mainAccordion-info"> <div class="bulletBackground"> <p>We generally store your information for as long as is necessary for:</p> <ul><li>the purposes described in section 6 of this privacy policy</li> <li>other legitimate purposes, such as meeting our legal obligations and enforcing our terms of service, and</li> <li>security purposes.</li> </ul></div> <p>In some cases, we store your information for longer (for example when we need to keep to legal requirements).</p> <p>Click on + on the right to learn more.</p> </div> <div aria-labelledby="Mainheader1" class="mainAccordion-answer" id="Mainpanel" role="region"> <div class="bulletBackground"> <p>The period we keep your information for depends on factors such as:</p> <ul><li>the type of information</li> <li>why it has been collected and is being processed</li> <li>business needs (for example, creating backups so we can restore our services after a disaster), and</li> <li>any legal requirements we must keep to.</li> </ul></div> <p>For example, we keep the content of your email account for as long as your account is active. To keep your account active you must log in at least once every 12 months. If your account becomes inactive, your mailbox will be automatically deleted and cannot be restored. If your account continues to be inactive for a further six months, making it inactive for a total of 18 months, your account will be automatically scheduled for deactivation and deletion by our systems. We will tell you using your alternative communications channel (if you have set one up) before this happens.</p> <p>Please note that paid subscriber accounts remain active during the subscription period regardless of account activity.</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="mainAccordion subColor pcTextXlrg pcTextMed pcList"> <article class="mainAccordion-item"><h2 aria-controls="22" aria-expanded="false" class="mainAccordion-header" id="2" role="button" tabindex="0">11. Transferring your information to other countries</h2> <div class="mainAccordion-info"> <p>We work with Yahoo companies (our affiliates) and other companies in different countries. These countries may have privacy and data protection laws which are different from those in your country.</p> <p>When we transfer your information, we rely on appropriate safeguards being in place to protect information that is transferred to other countries.</p> <p>Click on + on the right to learn more about these safeguards.</p> </div> <div aria-labelledby="Mainheader1" class="mainAccordion-answer" id="Mainpanel" role="region"> <div class="bulletBackground"> <p>When we transfer information to our affiliates or companies in other countries, we make sure that safeguards are in place to protect the information. The safeguards we rely on are:</p> <ul><li><span data-cardopen="false" data-cardtext="The European Commission has the power to determine, on the basis of Article 45 of the General Data Protection Regulation, whether a country, or specific sectors in a country, outside the European Economic Area offers an adequate level of data protection. Learn more about which countries the European Commission has recognised on their <a data-cke-saved-href= href=>website</a>." data-cardtitle="Adequacy decisions" role="button" tabindex="0">adequacy decisions</span>, if the recipient is in a country that is considered ‘adequate’ by the EEA and the UK, and</li> <li>standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission or the United Kingdom.</li> </ul></div> <p>The countries we transfer personal information to include Australia, the United Kingdom, India, the United States, Canada, Singapore, Taiwan and Israel.</p> <div class="bulletBackground"> <p>We may rely on other conditions to transfer your information, such as when the transfer is necessary:</p> <ul><li>to keep to a contract that has been entered into, in your interests, between the data controller and another party</li> <li>to establish, bring or defend legal claims</li> <li>for important reasons of public interest, or</li> <li>to protect the vital interests of a person.</li> </ul></div> <p>If you have any questions about the standard contractual clauses, or would like to get a copy of them, you can contact us using our <a href="">privacy form</a> or the contact information provided in the section below.</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="nonAccordion subColor pcTextXlrg pcTextMed pcList"> <article class="nonAccordion-item"><div class="nonAccordion-info"> <h2 id="bookmarkB" name="bookmarkB">12. How to contact us</h2> <p>If you have any questions about this privacy policy, want to raise a concern with us, or want to exercise your privacy rights, the quickest and easiest way to do so is to get in touch with us using our online <a href="">privacy form</a>.</p> <p>You can also write to us at:</p> <p>The Privacy Team<br /> Yahoo EMEA Limited ####Dublinaddress####Ireland</p> <p>If you want to contact our Data Protection Officer, you can email <a href=""></a> or write to:</p> <p>The Data Protection Officer<br /> Yahoo EMEA Limited ####Dublinaddress####Ireland</p> <p>UK residents can also contact our UK GDPR representative by emailing or writing to:</p> <address><b>MHC U.K. GDPR Representative<br /> Mason Hayes & Curran LLP<br /> 1 Cornhill, London<br /> EC3V 3ND<br /> United Kingdom</b></address> </div> </article></div> <div class="nonAccordion subColor pcTextXlrg pcTextMed pcList"> <article class="nonAccordion-item"><div class="nonAccordion-info"> <h2>13. Changes to this privacy policy</h2> <p>We will make changes to this privacy policy from time to time.</p> <p>Some of our changes will be minor, but if we make a significant change to how we use or share your information we will tell you beforehand.</p> </div> </article></div> <div id="card-tooltip" class="card-tooltip" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-live="polite"> <div class="card-container"> <div class="card-sideblue"></div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-header"> <h5 id="card-title" class="card-title"></h5> <span class="card-closebtn" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="Close Definition Popup"></span> </div> <div class="card-content"> <p id="card-text" class="card-text"></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </main> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="site-footer" id="site-footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="grid grid-mobile grid-gutters"> <div class="grid__item col-12 col-4--small footer__address-holder"> <div class="grid grid--mobile"> <div class="grid__item col-6 col-11-small"> <div class="build-brands"> </div> </div> <div class="grid__item col-6 col-11-small"> <p> ©2025 Yahoo. 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