Le pont du Forth - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
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Le pont demeure l’un des plus grands ponts cantilever au  ..." /> <meta property="og:title" content="Le pont du Forth" /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta name="twitter:url" content="" /> <link rel="canonical" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="" /> <meta name="title" content="Le pont du Forth - UNESCO World Heritage Centre" /> <title>Le pont du Forth - UNESCO World Heritage Centre</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <style> #esrimap { width: 100%; height: 100%; flex: 1 1 auto; order: 1; background-color: #081c3d } #esriapp { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 500px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; overflow: hidden; } .esri-features__heading { overflow: hidden; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 1; /* number of lines to show */ line-clamp: 1; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; } /*place of 3D button*/ #infoDiv{ position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 60px; z-index:1; display:none; } #infoDiv 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It remains one of the greatest cantilever trussed </span>bridges and continues to carry passengers and freight. Its distinctive industrial aesthetic is the result of a forthright and unadorned display of its structural components. Innovative in style, materials and scale, the Forth Bridge <span>marks </span>an important milestone in bridge design and construction during the period when railways came to dominate long-distance land travel.</p></div> <p class="source small text-muted">La description est disponible sous licence <a href="/fr/licences/6">CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0</a> </p> </div> <div id="contentdes_fr" class="tab-pane fade active show " role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tabdes_fr"> <h6>Le pont du Forth </h6> <div class="rich-text"><p>Le pont ferroviaire, qui enjambe l’estuaire du fleuve Forth en Ecosse <span>avait, quand il fut inaugur</span><span>é en 1890</span><span>,</span> <span>les travées les plus </span><span>longue</span><span>s</span><span> du monde (541m). Le pont demeure l</span><span>’un des plus grands ponts cantilever au monde et </span>il fonctionne encore <span>quotidiennement, </span>permettant le transport de passagers et de marchandises. Son esthétique industrielle caractéristique résulte de la présentation<span>,</span> franche et dépouillée<span>,</span> de ses éléments structurels. Le pont du Forth, novateur dans son style, ses matériaux et son envergure, marque un jalon important dans la conception et la construction des ponts durant <span>la </span>période au cours de laquelle les lignes de chemins de fer se sont imposées dans les voyages longue distance par voie terrestre.</p></div> <p class="source small text-muted">La description est disponible sous licence <a href="/fr/licences/6">CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0</a> </p> </div> <div id="contentdes_ar" class="tab-pane fade" style="unicode-bidi:bidi-override;direction:rtl" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tabdes_ar"> <h6>جسر فورث</h6> <div class="rich-text"><strong> </strong><span>يُعد جسر السكك الحديدية هذا، الذي يمر فوق مصب نهر فورث باسكتلندا، أطول جسر كابولي متعدد الفتحات في العالم. ودشِّن الجسر في عام 1890 ولا يزال يُستخدم حتى اليوم لنقل الركاب والبضائع. ويستمد الجسر شكله "الصناعي" المميز من هيكله الذي تظهر عناصره الحديدية بطابعها المجرد. ويُعتبر جسر فورث الطليعي بنمطه المعماري ومواد بنائه وحجمه مثالاً مهماً على طريقة تصميم الجسور وبنائها في مرحلة كانت شبكة السكك الحديدية قد اكتسبت فيها أهمية كبرى في الأسفار البرية الطويلة.</span></div> <p class="source small text-muted"> source: UNESCO/CPE <br>La description est disponible sous licence <a href="/fr/licences/6">CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0</a> </p> </div> <div id="contentdes_zh" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tabdes_zh"> <h6>弗斯桥</h6> <div class="rich-text">这座横跨苏格兰福斯河口三角湾的铁路桥是世界上最长的多跨度悬臂桥。这座桥1890年开通,一直是客货运主干道。各种未经装饰的建筑结构元素的直接呈现构成了它独具特点的工业设计美学。在风格、材料和规模上的创新使弗斯桥成为以铁路为陆路长途运输主要交通方式时代桥梁建设与设计的重要里程碑。</div> <p class="source small text-muted"> source: UNESCO/CPE <br>La description est disponible sous licence <a href="/fr/licences/6">CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0</a> </p> </div> <div id="contentdes_ru" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tabdes_ru"> <h6>Мост Форт-Бридж</h6> <div class="rich-text"><span>Железнодорожный мост Форт-Бридж, пересекающий эстуарий реки Форт в Шотландии, является самым длинным в мире консольным мостом с несколькими пролетами. По мосту, открытому в 1890 году, до сих пор ходят пассажирские и товарные поезда. Выполненный в характерном индустриальном стиле, мост отличается строгостью дизайна и четкостью линий его структурных элементов. Новаторский по стилю, используемым материалам и масштабу, Форт-Бридж представляет важный этап в проектировании и строительстве мостов в эпоху, когда железные дороги стали доминировать в наземных дальних перевозках.</span></div> <p class="source small text-muted"> source: UNESCO/CPE <br>La description est disponible sous licence <a href="/fr/licences/6">CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0</a> </p> </div> <div id="contentdes_es" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tabdes_es"> <h6>Puente sobre el río Forth</h6> <div class="rich-text"><span>Tendido en Escocia sobre el estuario del río Forth, este puente en ménsula de arcadas múltiples es el más largo del mundo en su género. Se abrió al tráfico ferroviario en 1890 y todavía se sigue utilizando actualmente para el transporte de pasajeros y mercancías por tren. Su estética industrial característica es el resultado de la sencillez y pureza de sus componentes estructurales. El diseño y la construcción de este puente, innovador por sus materiales, su estilo y su envergadura, marcaron un hito importante en la época en el que el ferrocarril se impuso como medio de transporte terrestre de viajeros y mercancías a largas distancias.</span></div> <p class="source small text-muted"> source: UNESCO/CPE <br>La description est disponible sous licence <a href="/fr/licences/6">CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0</a> </p> </div> <div id="contentdes_ja" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tabdes_ja"> <h6>フォース橋</h6> <div class="rich-text">スコットランド東部のフォース川河口に架かる長さ2529mのフォース橋は、世界で最初に複数のカンチレバー(片持ち梁)を採用したトラス橋。1880年代には新しい材料だった軟鋼を大量に使用し、最先端の土木工学の設計原理と工法によって建設された橋は革新的で、世界の工学分野の奇跡ともいわれた。外観は装飾を施さず、大量の構造材をそのまま見せる簡素なものである。鉄道が長距離内陸輸送の主役となった時代の橋梁設計と建設技術の発展を示すこの橋は、1890年の開通以来、現在も使用され続けている。</div> <p class="source small text-muted">source: <a href="">NFUAJ</a> </p> </div> <div id="contentdes_nl" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tabdes_nl"> <h6>De Forth brug</h6> <div class="rich-text"><p>Deze spoorbrug over de monding van de Forth rivier in Schotland is de langste cantileverbrug met meerdere steunpunten ter wereld. De brug opende in 1890 en is nog steeds operationeel. De brug heeft een bijzonder industrieel voorkomen door de zichtbaarheid van de afzonderlijke onderdelen van de structuur. De brug is innovatief in stijl, materiaal en schaal. Daardoor is de brug een belangrijke mijlpaal in het ontwerp en de bouw van bruggen in de tijd waarin de spoorwegen het vervoer over land voor lange afstanden begonnen te domineren.</p></div> <p class="source small text-muted">Source : <a href=""></a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="nav nav-pills mb-4"> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link " data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_en" id="tabdes_en" aria-controls="contentdes_en">Anglais</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_fr" id="tabdes_fr" aria-controls="contentdes_fr">Français</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_ar" id="tabdes_ar" aria-controls="contentdes_ar">Arabe</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_zh" id="tabdes_zh" aria-controls="contentdes_zh">Chinois</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_ru" id="tabdes_ru" aria-controls="contentdes_ru">Russe</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_es" id="tabdes_es" aria-controls="contentdes_es">Espagnol</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_ja" id="tabdes_ja" aria-controls="contentdes_ja">Japonais</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" data-toggle="tab" href="#contentdes_nl" id="tabdes_nl" aria-controls="contentdes_nl">Néerlandais</a></li> </ul> <div class="border-top mt-4 pt-4"> <div class="w-100"> <a href="/fr/list/1485/gallery/"><img src="" title="Le pont du Forth " class="w-100 border" loading="lazy"/></a> </div> <div> <a href="/fr/list/1485/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Le pont du Forth " class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/1485/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Le pont du Forth " class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/1485/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Le pont du Forth " class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/1485/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Le pont du Forth " class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/1485/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Le pont du Forth " class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/1485/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Le pont du Forth " class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/1485/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Le pont du Forth " class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/1485/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Le pont du Forth " class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/1485/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Le pont du Forth " class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <a href="/fr/list/1485/gallery/"><img src="" width="40" height="40" title="Le pont du Forth " class="border mt-1 mr-1 float-left" loading="lazy" /></a> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="border-top pt-4 mt-4"> <h2 class="h3">Valeur universelle exceptionnelle</h2> <div class="rich-text"><p><strong>Brève synthèse</strong></p> <p>Le pont du Forth, qui enjambe l’estuaire (Firth) du fleuve Forth, dans l’est de l’Écosse, pour relier le Fife à Édimbourg par voie ferrée fut le premier grand pont cantilever à travées multiples et, avec sa longueur de 2 529 m, demeure l’un des plus longs. Ouvert en 1890, il fonctionne encore aujourd’hui et reste un important pont ferroviaire pour le transport des passagers et des marchandises. Cette énorme structure, avec son esthétique industrielle caractéristique et sa couleur rouge frappante, a été élaborée et réalisée grâce à des principes de conception et des méthodes de construction de pointe du génie civil. Le pont du Forth, novateur dans son style, ses matériaux et son envergure, marque un jalon extraordinaire et impressionnant dans la conception et la construction des ponts durant la période où les lignes de chemins de fer en sont venues à dominer les voyages longue distance par voie terrestre.</p> <p>L’apparence de cet ouvrage de génie civil de grande envergure résulte de la présentation franche et dépouillée de ses éléments structurels. Le pont fait appel à environ 54 000 tonnes de plaques d’acier doux laminé rivetées sur des tubes de 4 m de diamètre utilisés en compression, et à des travées en acier plus légères utilisées en traction. L’emploi de l’acier doux, matériau relativement nouveau dans les années 1880, pour un projet d’une telle envergure, était novateur, et a contribué à renforcer la réputation de ce matériau. La superstructure du pont prend la forme de trois tours à double cantilever, s’élevant à 110 m au-dessus des fondations de leurs piles en granit, avec des bras en porte-à-faux de chaque côté. Chacun des bras cantilever dépasse de 207 m par rapport aux tours, et ils sont reliés par deux travées suspendues, de 107 m de long chacune. Les travées de 521 m qui en résultent, formées par les trois tours, ont été individuellement les plus longues du monde pendant vingt-huit ans, et restent collectivement les plus longues dans un pont cantilever à travées multiples. Le pont du Forth est l’aboutissement de sa typologie, quasiment jamais répété, mais largement admiré comme une merveille du monde en matière d’ingénierie.</p> <p><strong>Critère (i) :</strong> Le pont du Forth est un chef-d’œuvre du génie créateur du fait de son esthétique industrielle caractéristique, qui résulte d’une présentation franche et épurée de ses éléments structurels fonctionnels massifs.</p> <p><strong>Critère (iv) :</strong> Le pont du Forth constitue un jalon extraordinaire et impressionnant dans l’évolution de la conception et de la construction des ponts, durant la période où les lignes de chemins de fer en sont venues à dominer les voyages longue distance par voie terrestre, innovant dans son concept, son emploi de l’acier doux et son énorme envergure.</p> <p><strong>Intégrité</strong></p> <p>Le bien contient tous les éléments nécessaires pour exprimer la valeur universelle exceptionnelle du pont du Forth, y compris les piles en granit et la superstructure en acier. Le bien de 7,5 hectares est de taille suffisante pour garantir la représentation complète des caractéristiques et procédés traduisant l’importance du bien, et il ne souffre pas d’effets négatifs dus au développement ou au manque d’entretien.</p> <p><strong>Authenticité</strong></p> <p>Le pont du Forth est parfaitement authentique dans sa forme et sa conception, qui sont pratiquement inchangées ; dans ses matériaux et sa substance, qui n’ont subi que des changements minimes ; et dans son usage et sa fonction, qui se sont perpétués comme il était prévu à l’origine. Les liens entre la valeur universelle exceptionnelle du pont et ses attributs sont donc exprimés fidèlement, et les attributs traduisent pleinement la valeur du bien.</p> <p><strong>Eléments requis en matière de protection et de gestion</strong></p> <p>Le pont du Forth est classé en catégorie « A », en tant que construction d’intérêt architectural ou historique particulier, ce qui donne au bien le plus haut degré de protection statutaire. Ses environs immédiats sont également protégés par le biais d’un ensemble de classements au patrimoine culturel et naturel. Propriété de Network Rail Limited, le bien sera géré conformément à un plan de gestion du bien par les organismes qui ont une fonction de planification statutaire. Le partenariat du Forth Bridges Forum a été établi pour garantir que les intérêts des parties prenantes locales restent au cœur de la gestion des ponts du Forth.</p> <p>Parmi les attentes spécifiques à long terme, liées à des questions cruciales, figurent le maintien d’un fort soutien des communautés, une meilleure compréhension dans le contexte des ponts dans le monde, l’attention portée aux développements au sein des vues essentielles, la gestion des risques, et d’autres retombées qui s’en inspirent.</p></div> </div> <div class="border-top mt-4 pt-4"> <h2 class="h5 anchor-target" id="links"> Liens </h2> <ul class="pl-3"> <li> <a href=""> Compte Twitter</a> <br /> </li> <li> <a href=" "> Page Facebook</a> <br /> </li> <li> <a href=" "> The Forth Bridge (en anglais seulement)</a> <br /> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="border-top mt-4 pt-4"> <div class="mb-3"><span class="h5">Actualités <a href="/fr/actualites/?action=list&id_sites=1485&mode=rss"><img src="/graphics/icons/rss.png" alt="rss" title="RSS" loading="lazy"/></a></span> <span class="badge badge-secondary align-top">2</span></div> <a name="news"></a> <div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-sm-2 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-lg-4 row-cols-xl-4 mb-0 "> <div class="col mb-5 mb-lg-4" style="" id="list-1318" > <div class="listContainer"> <div class="row"> <div class="listImg col-12"> <a href="/fr/actualites/1318/"><img src="" class="w-100 mb-2 border" loading="lazy" /></a> </div> <div class="listTitle col-12"> <a href="/fr/actualites/1318/" class="text-black ">24 nouveaux sites inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial</a> <div class="mt-2"> <span class="text-muted text-nowrap" data-toggle="tooltip" title="mercredi 8 juillet 2015">8 July 2015</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col mb-5 mb-lg-4" style="" id="list-1316" > <div class="listContainer"> <div class="row"> <div class="listImg col-12"> <a href="/fr/actualites/1316/"><img src="" class="w-100 mb-2 border" loading="lazy" /></a> </div> <div class="listTitle col-12"> <a href="/fr/actualites/1316/" class="text-black ">Des sites en Norvège, en Allemagne, en Israël, au Royaume-Uni et aux Etats-Unis inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial</a> <div class="mt-2"> <span class="text-muted text-nowrap" data-toggle="tooltip" title="dimanche 5 juillet 2015">5 July 2015</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar" class="col-12 col-lg-4 mb-4 mb-lg-0 " > <div class="card bg-none border"> <div class="card-body"> <div class="row row-cols-2"> <div class="col"> <div class="d-flex mb-3"> <div class="mr-2"> <img src="/uploads/states/svg-min/gb.svg" class=" border" style="width:30px;" > </div> <div> <a href="/fr/etatsparties/gb" class="d-block"><strong>Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord</strong></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <strong>Date d'inscription :</strong> 2015 </div> <div> <strong>Critères : </strong><a href="/fr/criteres/">(i)(iv)</a> </div> <div> <strong>Bien :</strong> 7,5 ha<br /> </div> <div> <strong>Dossier :</strong> 1485 </div> <div class="mt-3 small text-muted"> <div class=""> N56 0 4 W3 23 20 </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="box gmap mt-4"> <div class="" id="esriapp"> <div id="esrimenu"></div> <div id="infoWebGL"> <div class="alert alert-warning d-block" style="display: none">Web Browser not supported for ESRI ArcGIS API version 4.10. 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mapping:'category'}, {type: 'string',name: 'tip', mapping:'tip'}, {type: 'string',name: 'description', mapping:'description'} ], sorters: {property: 'category'}, proxy: { type: 'ajax', actionMethods :{ create: 'POST', read: 'POST', update: 'POST', destroy: 'POST' }, url: '/include/lib_selector_json.cfm?list_name=sites', extraParams:{ list_selected:"", list_filter:"", l:"fr" }, reader: { type: 'json', rootProperty: 'result', totalProperty: 'totalcount' } } }); /* Override to fix bug with pagination in EXT 5.1.0 */ Ext.define('WTCOMBO', { override: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox', onBindStore: function(store, initial) { this.callParent(arguments); /* Deselect on container click is not required if paging toolbar exists*/ this.pickerSelectionModel.deselectOnContainerClick = false; }, /* if the fromComponent owner is picker then do not collapse boundlist. */ onFocusLeave: function(e) { var me = this; if (e.fromComponent.activeOwner && == { return; } me.collapse(); me.callParent([e]); } }); /* override to get label with HTML*/ if (!Ext.ClassManager.isCreated("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel")) { Ext.define("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel", { extend: 'Ext.form.field.Tag', alias: 'widget.tagfieldhtmllabel', /* TODO EXT UPGRADE. WHEN UPGRADING FROM 6.2.1 update this*/ getMultiSelectItemMarkup: function() { var me = this, childElCls = (me._getChildElCls && me._getChildElCls()) || ''; /* hook for rtl cls*/ if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl) { if (!me.labelTpl) { me.labelTpl = '{' + me.displayField + '}'; } me.labelTpl = me.lookupTpl('labelTpl'); if (me.tipTpl) { me.tipTpl = me.lookupTpl('tipTpl'); } me.multiSelectItemTpl = new Ext.XTemplate([ '<tpl for=".">', '<li data-selectionIndex="{[xindex - 1]}" data-recordId="{internalId}" role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCls + childElCls, '<tpl if="this.isSelected(values)">', ' ' + me.tagSelectedCls, '</tpl>', '{%', 'values =;', '%}', me.tipTpl ? '" data-qtip="{[this.getTip(values)]}">' : '">', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemTextCls + '">{[this.getItemLabel(values)]}</div>', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCloseCls + childElCls + '"></div>', '</li>', '</tpl>', { isSelected: function(rec) { return me.selectionModel.isSelected(rec); }, getItemLabel: function(values) { /* UPGRADE - removed htmlEncode here*/ return me.labelTpl.apply(values); }, getTip: function(values) { return Ext.String.htmlEncode(me.tipTpl.apply(values)); }, strict: true } ]); } if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl.isTemplate) { me.multiSelectItemTpl = this.lookupTpl('multiSelectItemTpl'); } return me.multiSelectItemTpl.apply(me.valueCollection.getRange()); } }); } /* Create the combobox */ var tag = Ext.create('Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel', { store: Ext.create('',{ autoLoad :false, autoSync: false, pageSize: 400, remoteSort: false, remoteFilter: true, id:'store_5067113F-0E69-8186-600E9AD41ADC746B', name:'', model: 'app.model.selector_5067113F-0E69-8186-600E9AD41ADC746B', listeners : { 'load' : function(store, records, successful, operation, eOpts) { store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_selected', '' ); store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_filter', '' ); } } }), autoLoadOnValue:false, listeners: { beforerender:function(field, newValue, eOpts){ }, change: function(field, newValue, oldValue) { var hiddenInput = document.getElementById('boxselectval_5067113F-0E69-8186-600E9AD41ADC746B'); hiddenInput.value = newValue; this.inputEl.dom.value=''; } ,select: function(combo,record,eOpts){ /*if(this.getPicker().isVisible()){this.getPicker().alignTo(combo);}*/ } }, /*value : [""],*/ emptyText: '', queryMode: 'remote', scrollable : true, forceSelection: false, queryDelay : 300, pageSize: true, displayField: 'name', valueField: 'val', delimiter : ',', minChars : 1, submitValue : false, width:'100%', cls:'', style:'', padding:'', contentPaddingProperty:'' , editable:true, selectOnFocus:true, /*triggerAction: 'all',*/ renderTo: 'boxselect_5067113F-0E69-8186-600E9AD41ADC746B', id:'idboxselect_5067113F-0E69-8186-600E9AD41ADC746B', anchor:'95%', tipTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('{tip}'), labelTpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate','<tpl for=".">','{name}','</tpl>'), multiSelect: true, listConfig: { tpl: new Ext.XTemplate( '<ul class="x-list-plain">' + '{% var lastcategory="",Category=values["category"]%}' + '<tpl for=".">' + '{% Category=values["category"]%}' + /* Only show region headers when there are more than 10 choices*/ '{% if ( > 5 && Category !== lastcategory) { %}' + '{% lastcategory = values["category"]; %}' + '<li class="x-grid-group-hd x-grid-group-title">{category}</li>' + '{% } %}'+ '<li class="x-boundlist-item" data-qtip="{tip}">' + '{name}' + ' <span class="small text-muted">{description}</span>' + '</li>'+ '</tpl>'+ '</ul>' ), typeahead : false, minChars: 1 } }); tag.inputEl.dom.removeAttribute('name'); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript" defer="defer"> Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled : true, paths : { app:'/app' } }); /* Data*/ Ext.define('app.model.selector_50671141-DB21-7E7A-245E2DECBD6B7295', { extend: '', fields: [ {type: 'string', name: 'id', mapping:'id'}, {type: 'string', name: 'name', mapping:'name'}, {type: 'string', name: 'val', mapping:'val'}, {type: 'string',name: 'category', mapping:'category'}, {type: 'string',name: 'tip', mapping:'tip'}, {type: 'string',name: 'description', mapping:'description'} ], sorters: {property: 'category'}, proxy: { type: 'ajax', actionMethods :{ create: 'POST', read: 'POST', update: 'POST', destroy: 'POST' }, url: '/include/lib_selector_json.cfm?list_name=statesISO', extraParams:{ list_selected:"", list_filter:"", l:"fr" }, reader: { type: 'json', rootProperty: 'result', totalProperty: 'totalcount' } } }); /* Override to fix bug with pagination in EXT 5.1.0 */ Ext.define('WTCOMBO', { override: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox', onBindStore: function(store, initial) { this.callParent(arguments); /* Deselect on container click is not required if paging toolbar exists*/ this.pickerSelectionModel.deselectOnContainerClick = false; }, /* if the fromComponent owner is picker then do not collapse boundlist. */ onFocusLeave: function(e) { var me = this; if (e.fromComponent.activeOwner && == { return; } me.collapse(); me.callParent([e]); } }); /* override to get label with HTML*/ if (!Ext.ClassManager.isCreated("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel")) { Ext.define("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel", { extend: 'Ext.form.field.Tag', alias: 'widget.tagfieldhtmllabel', /* TODO EXT UPGRADE. WHEN UPGRADING FROM 6.2.1 update this*/ getMultiSelectItemMarkup: function() { var me = this, childElCls = (me._getChildElCls && me._getChildElCls()) || ''; /* hook for rtl cls*/ if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl) { if (!me.labelTpl) { me.labelTpl = '{' + me.displayField + '}'; } me.labelTpl = me.lookupTpl('labelTpl'); if (me.tipTpl) { me.tipTpl = me.lookupTpl('tipTpl'); } me.multiSelectItemTpl = new Ext.XTemplate([ '<tpl for=".">', '<li data-selectionIndex="{[xindex - 1]}" data-recordId="{internalId}" role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCls + childElCls, '<tpl if="this.isSelected(values)">', ' ' + me.tagSelectedCls, '</tpl>', '{%', 'values =;', '%}', me.tipTpl ? '" data-qtip="{[this.getTip(values)]}">' : '">', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemTextCls + '">{[this.getItemLabel(values)]}</div>', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCloseCls + childElCls + '"></div>', '</li>', '</tpl>', { isSelected: function(rec) { return me.selectionModel.isSelected(rec); }, getItemLabel: function(values) { /* UPGRADE - removed htmlEncode here*/ return me.labelTpl.apply(values); }, getTip: function(values) { return Ext.String.htmlEncode(me.tipTpl.apply(values)); }, strict: true } ]); } if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl.isTemplate) { me.multiSelectItemTpl = this.lookupTpl('multiSelectItemTpl'); } return me.multiSelectItemTpl.apply(me.valueCollection.getRange()); } }); } /* Create the combobox */ var tag = Ext.create('Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel', { store: Ext.create('',{ autoLoad :false, autoSync: false, pageSize: 400, remoteSort: false, remoteFilter: true, id:'store_50671141-DB21-7E7A-245E2DECBD6B7295', name:'', model: 'app.model.selector_50671141-DB21-7E7A-245E2DECBD6B7295', listeners : { 'load' : function(store, records, successful, operation, eOpts) { store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_selected', '' ); store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_filter', '' ); } } }), autoLoadOnValue:false, listeners: { beforerender:function(field, newValue, eOpts){ }, change: function(field, newValue, oldValue) { var hiddenInput = document.getElementById('boxselectval_50671141-DB21-7E7A-245E2DECBD6B7295'); hiddenInput.value = newValue; this.inputEl.dom.value=''; } ,select: function(combo,record,eOpts){ /*if(this.getPicker().isVisible()){this.getPicker().alignTo(combo);}*/ } }, /*value : [""],*/ emptyText: '', queryMode: 'remote', scrollable : true, forceSelection: false, queryDelay : 300, pageSize: true, displayField: 'name', valueField: 'val', delimiter : ',', minChars : 1, submitValue : false, width:'100%', cls:'', style:'', padding:'', contentPaddingProperty:'' , editable:true, selectOnFocus:true, /*triggerAction: 'all',*/ renderTo: 'boxselect_50671141-DB21-7E7A-245E2DECBD6B7295', id:'idboxselect_50671141-DB21-7E7A-245E2DECBD6B7295', anchor:'95%', tipTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('{tip}'), labelTpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate','<tpl for=".">','{name}','</tpl>'), multiSelect: true, listConfig: { tpl: new Ext.XTemplate( '<ul class="x-list-plain">' + '{% var lastcategory="",Category=values["category"]%}' + '<tpl for=".">' + '{% Category=values["category"]%}' + /* Only show region headers when there are more than 10 choices*/ '{% if ( > 5 && Category !== lastcategory) { %}' + '{% lastcategory = values["category"]; %}' + '<li class="x-grid-group-hd x-grid-group-title">{category}</li>' + '{% } %}'+ '<li class="x-boundlist-item" data-qtip="{tip}">' + '{name}' + ' <span class="small text-muted">{description}</span>' + '</li>'+ '</tpl>'+ '</ul>' ), typeahead : false, minChars: 1 } }); tag.inputEl.dom.removeAttribute('name'); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript" defer="defer"> Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled : true, paths : { app:'/app' } }); /* Data*/ Ext.define('app.model.selector_50671142-A332-4BEE-348C2A0220B21B6F', { extend: '', fields: [ {type: 'string', name: 'id', mapping:'id'}, {type: 'string', name: 'name', mapping:'name'}, {type: 'string', name: 'val', mapping:'val'}, {type: 'string',name: 'category', mapping:'category'}, {type: 'string',name: 'tip', mapping:'tip'}, {type: 'string',name: 'description', mapping:'description'} ], sorters: {property: 'category'}, proxy: { type: 'ajax', actionMethods :{ create: 'POST', read: 'POST', update: 'POST', destroy: 'POST' }, url: '/include/lib_selector_json.cfm?list_name=regions', extraParams:{ list_selected:"", list_filter:"", l:"fr" }, reader: { type: 'json', rootProperty: 'result', totalProperty: 'totalcount' } } }); /* Override to fix bug with pagination in EXT 5.1.0 */ Ext.define('WTCOMBO', { override: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox', onBindStore: function(store, initial) { this.callParent(arguments); /* Deselect on container click is not required if paging toolbar exists*/ this.pickerSelectionModel.deselectOnContainerClick = false; }, /* if the fromComponent owner is picker then do not collapse boundlist. */ onFocusLeave: function(e) { var me = this; if (e.fromComponent.activeOwner && == { return; } me.collapse(); me.callParent([e]); } }); /* override to get label with HTML*/ if (!Ext.ClassManager.isCreated("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel")) { Ext.define("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel", { extend: 'Ext.form.field.Tag', alias: 'widget.tagfieldhtmllabel', /* TODO EXT UPGRADE. WHEN UPGRADING FROM 6.2.1 update this*/ getMultiSelectItemMarkup: function() { var me = this, childElCls = (me._getChildElCls && me._getChildElCls()) || ''; /* hook for rtl cls*/ if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl) { if (!me.labelTpl) { me.labelTpl = '{' + me.displayField + '}'; } me.labelTpl = me.lookupTpl('labelTpl'); if (me.tipTpl) { me.tipTpl = me.lookupTpl('tipTpl'); } me.multiSelectItemTpl = new Ext.XTemplate([ '<tpl for=".">', '<li data-selectionIndex="{[xindex - 1]}" data-recordId="{internalId}" role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCls + childElCls, '<tpl if="this.isSelected(values)">', ' ' + me.tagSelectedCls, '</tpl>', '{%', 'values =;', '%}', me.tipTpl ? '" data-qtip="{[this.getTip(values)]}">' : '">', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemTextCls + '">{[this.getItemLabel(values)]}</div>', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCloseCls + childElCls + '"></div>', '</li>', '</tpl>', { isSelected: function(rec) { return me.selectionModel.isSelected(rec); }, getItemLabel: function(values) { /* UPGRADE - removed htmlEncode here*/ return me.labelTpl.apply(values); }, getTip: function(values) { return Ext.String.htmlEncode(me.tipTpl.apply(values)); }, strict: true } ]); } if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl.isTemplate) { me.multiSelectItemTpl = this.lookupTpl('multiSelectItemTpl'); } return me.multiSelectItemTpl.apply(me.valueCollection.getRange()); } }); } /* Create the combobox */ var tag = Ext.create('Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel', { store: Ext.create('',{ autoLoad :false, autoSync: false, pageSize: 400, remoteSort: false, remoteFilter: true, id:'store_50671142-A332-4BEE-348C2A0220B21B6F', name:'', model: 'app.model.selector_50671142-A332-4BEE-348C2A0220B21B6F', listeners : { 'load' : function(store, records, successful, operation, eOpts) { store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_selected', '' ); store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_filter', '' ); } } }), autoLoadOnValue:false, listeners: { beforerender:function(field, newValue, eOpts){ }, change: function(field, newValue, oldValue) { var hiddenInput = document.getElementById('boxselectval_50671142-A332-4BEE-348C2A0220B21B6F'); hiddenInput.value = newValue; this.inputEl.dom.value=''; } ,select: function(combo,record,eOpts){ /*if(this.getPicker().isVisible()){this.getPicker().alignTo(combo);}*/ } }, /*value : [""],*/ emptyText: '', queryMode: 'remote', scrollable : true, forceSelection: false, queryDelay : 300, pageSize: true, displayField: 'name', valueField: 'val', delimiter : ',', minChars : 1, submitValue : false, width:'100%', cls:'', style:'', padding:'', contentPaddingProperty:'' , editable:true, selectOnFocus:true, /*triggerAction: 'all',*/ renderTo: 'boxselect_50671142-A332-4BEE-348C2A0220B21B6F', id:'idboxselect_50671142-A332-4BEE-348C2A0220B21B6F', anchor:'95%', tipTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('{tip}'), labelTpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate','<tpl for=".">','{name}','</tpl>'), multiSelect: true, listConfig: { tpl: new Ext.XTemplate( '<ul class="x-list-plain">' + '{% var lastcategory="",Category=values["category"]%}' + '<tpl for=".">' + '{% Category=values["category"]%}' + /* Only show region headers when there are more than 10 choices*/ '{% if ( > 5 && Category !== lastcategory) { %}' + '{% lastcategory = values["category"]; %}' + '<li class="x-grid-group-hd x-grid-group-title">{category}</li>' + '{% } %}'+ '<li class="x-boundlist-item" data-qtip="{tip}">' + '{name}' + ' <span class="small text-muted">{description}</span>' + '</li>'+ '</tpl>'+ '</ul>' ), typeahead : false, minChars: 1 } }); tag.inputEl.dom.removeAttribute('name'); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript" defer="defer"> Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled : true, paths : { app:'/app' } }); /* Data*/ Ext.define('app.model.selector_50671145-BB39-892F-95CE376875652A4E', { extend: '', fields: [ {type: 'string', name: 'id', mapping:'id'}, {type: 'string', name: 'name', mapping:'name'}, {type: 'string', name: 'val', mapping:'val'}, {type: 'string',name: 'category', mapping:'category'}, {type: 'string',name: 'tip', mapping:'tip'}, {type: 'string',name: 'description', mapping:'description'} ], sorters: {property: 'category'}, proxy: { type: 'ajax', actionMethods :{ create: 'POST', read: 'POST', update: 'POST', destroy: 'POST' }, url: '/include/lib_selector_json.cfm?list_name=keywords', extraParams:{ list_selected:"", list_filter:"", l:"fr" }, reader: { type: 'json', rootProperty: 'result', totalProperty: 'totalcount' } } }); /* Override to fix bug with pagination in EXT 5.1.0 */ Ext.define('WTCOMBO', { override: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox', onBindStore: function(store, initial) { this.callParent(arguments); /* Deselect on container click is not required if paging toolbar exists*/ this.pickerSelectionModel.deselectOnContainerClick = false; }, /* if the fromComponent owner is picker then do not collapse boundlist. */ onFocusLeave: function(e) { var me = this; if (e.fromComponent.activeOwner && == { return; } me.collapse(); me.callParent([e]); } }); /* override to get label with HTML*/ if (!Ext.ClassManager.isCreated("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel")) { Ext.define("Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel", { extend: 'Ext.form.field.Tag', alias: 'widget.tagfieldhtmllabel', /* TODO EXT UPGRADE. WHEN UPGRADING FROM 6.2.1 update this*/ getMultiSelectItemMarkup: function() { var me = this, childElCls = (me._getChildElCls && me._getChildElCls()) || ''; /* hook for rtl cls*/ if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl) { if (!me.labelTpl) { me.labelTpl = '{' + me.displayField + '}'; } me.labelTpl = me.lookupTpl('labelTpl'); if (me.tipTpl) { me.tipTpl = me.lookupTpl('tipTpl'); } me.multiSelectItemTpl = new Ext.XTemplate([ '<tpl for=".">', '<li data-selectionIndex="{[xindex - 1]}" data-recordId="{internalId}" role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCls + childElCls, '<tpl if="this.isSelected(values)">', ' ' + me.tagSelectedCls, '</tpl>', '{%', 'values =;', '%}', me.tipTpl ? '" data-qtip="{[this.getTip(values)]}">' : '">', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemTextCls + '">{[this.getItemLabel(values)]}</div>', '<div role="presentation" class="' + me.tagItemCloseCls + childElCls + '"></div>', '</li>', '</tpl>', { isSelected: function(rec) { return me.selectionModel.isSelected(rec); }, getItemLabel: function(values) { /* UPGRADE - removed htmlEncode here*/ return me.labelTpl.apply(values); }, getTip: function(values) { return Ext.String.htmlEncode(me.tipTpl.apply(values)); }, strict: true } ]); } if (!me.multiSelectItemTpl.isTemplate) { me.multiSelectItemTpl = this.lookupTpl('multiSelectItemTpl'); } return me.multiSelectItemTpl.apply(me.valueCollection.getRange()); } }); } /* Create the combobox */ var tag = Ext.create('Private.ui.TagFieldHtmlLabel', { store: Ext.create('',{ autoLoad :false, autoSync: false, pageSize: 400, remoteSort: false, remoteFilter: true, id:'store_50671145-BB39-892F-95CE376875652A4E', name:'', model: 'app.model.selector_50671145-BB39-892F-95CE376875652A4E', listeners : { 'load' : function(store, records, successful, operation, eOpts) { store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_selected', '' ); store.getProxy().setExtraParam( 'list_filter', '' ); } } }), autoLoadOnValue:false, listeners: { beforerender:function(field, newValue, eOpts){ }, change: function(field, newValue, oldValue) { var hiddenInput = document.getElementById('boxselectval_50671145-BB39-892F-95CE376875652A4E'); hiddenInput.value = newValue; this.inputEl.dom.value=''; } ,select: function(combo,record,eOpts){ /*if(this.getPicker().isVisible()){this.getPicker().alignTo(combo);}*/ } }, /*value : [""],*/ emptyText: '', queryMode: 'remote', scrollable : true, forceSelection: false, queryDelay : 300, pageSize: true, displayField: 'name', valueField: 'val', delimiter : ',', minChars : 1, submitValue : false, width:'100%', cls:'', style:'', padding:'', contentPaddingProperty:'' , editable:true, selectOnFocus:true, /*triggerAction: 'all',*/ renderTo: 'boxselect_50671145-BB39-892F-95CE376875652A4E', id:'idboxselect_50671145-BB39-892F-95CE376875652A4E', anchor:'95%', tipTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('{tip}'), labelTpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate','<tpl for=".">','{name}','</tpl>'), multiSelect: true, listConfig: { tpl: new Ext.XTemplate( '<ul class="x-list-plain">' + '{% var lastcategory="",Category=values["category"]%}' + '<tpl for=".">' + '{% Category=values["category"]%}' + /* Only show region headers when there are more than 10 choices*/ '{% if ( > 5 && Category !== lastcategory) { %}' + '{% lastcategory = values["category"]; %}' + '<li class="x-grid-group-hd x-grid-group-title">{category}</li>' + '{% } %}'+ '<li class="x-boundlist-item" data-qtip="{tip}">' + '{name}' + ' <span class="small text-muted">{description}</span>' + '</li>'+ '</tpl>'+ '</ul>' ), typeahead : false, minChars: 1 } }); tag.inputEl.dom.removeAttribute('name'); }); </script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function(){ Ext.get('sites_search',true).on('submit', function(event, eltarget) { var els = this.query('input[value=""]',true); var elsSelect = this.query('select',true); Ext.Array.each(els,function(ael){ if(ael.value==""){ael.disabled=true;} }); Ext.Array.each(elsSelect,function(ael){ if(ael.value==""){ael.disabled=true;} }); }); }); </script> <script> /* Set the locale before the JSAPI loads */ esriConfig = { locale: "fr", log: {level:"none"}, request: {priority: "low"}, parseOnLoad: true }; </script> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var markersRendererCultural, markersRendererNatural, markersRendererMixed, layerPolybuffer, layerPolycore, onePoint, combinedExtent, layerextended = false, markerSymbol, graphicsCultural= [], graphicsNatural= [], graphicsMixed= [], graphicsCulturalDanger= [], graphicsNaturalDanger= [], graphicsMixedDanger= [] ; require([ "require", "esri/Map", "esri/views/MapView", "esri/views/SceneView", "esri/WebMap", "esri/WebScene", "esri/Basemap", "esri/widgets/BasemapGallery", "esri/widgets/Expand", "esri/layers/FeatureLayer", "esri/layers/SceneLayer", "esri/layers/ElevationLayer", "esri/widgets/Legend", "esri/config", "esri/request", "esri/widgets/Fullscreen", /*"esri/widgets/Search",*/ "esri/intl", "esri/Graphic", "esri/symbols", "esri/renderers/Renderer", "esri/geometry/Point", "esri/geometry/Extent", "esri/geometry/geometryEngine", "esri/geometry/projection", "esri/geometry/SpatialReference" ], function( require, Map, MapView, SceneView, WebMap, WebScene, Basemap, BasemapGallery, Expand, FeatureLayer, SceneLayer, ElevationLayer, Legend, esriConfig, esriRequest, Fullscreen, /*Search,*/ intl, Graphic, Symbol, Renderer, Point, Extent, geometryEngine, projection, SpatialReference, arrayUtils) { /*code to create the map and add a basemap will go here*/ const switchButton = document.getElementById("switch-btn"); const basemapsetellite = new Basemap({ title: "Satellite", language: "fr", portalItem: { id: "13a1167266ae4d3d8f76a6bf2edd17aa" } }); const basemapwhc = new Basemap({ title: "Base WHC", language: "fr", thumbnailUrl : "", portalItem: { id: "073cf5b02f654359b656f58ca9e67846" } }); const basemapdark = new Basemap({ title: "Dark", language: "fr", portalItem: { id: "600ffbf85c704aa5a492f018b1125863" } }); const basemapTopo = new Basemap({ title: "Topographic", language: "fr", portalItem: { id: "f14d34580ef7460ab71284cf19d1de24" } }); const map = new Map({ basemap: basemapsetellite }); const appConfig = { // log:'none', mapView: null, sceneView: null, activeView: null, container: "esrimap" }; const initialViewParams2D = { zoom: 9, map: map, container: appConfig.container, id: "2dview" }; const initialViewParams3D = { zoom: 2, map: map, container: appConfig.container, id: "3dview" }; /*create 2D view and and set active*/ appConfig.mapView = createView(initialViewParams2D, "2d"); appConfig.activeView = appConfig.mapView; /* create 3D view, won't initialize until container is set*/ initialViewParams3D.container = null; appConfig.sceneView = createView(initialViewParams3D, "3d"); /* Add a basemap toggle widget to toggle between basemaps*/ let Basemaps = new BasemapGallery({ source:[basemapsetellite,basemapwhc,basemapTopo,basemapdark], view: appConfig.activeView }); const bgExpand = new Expand({ view: appConfig.activeView, expandTooltip : "Basemaps", label:"Basemaps", content: Basemaps, group: "top-right" }); /* Add widget to the top right corner of the view */ appConfig.activeView.ui.add([bgExpand], "top-right"); /* stop zoom with mouse wheel when scrolling vertically */ appConfig.mapView.surface.addEventListener("wheel", function(event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); }, true); /**/ appConfig.sceneView.when(function() { /* View successfully loaded, show viewDiv*/ }).catch(function() { document.getElementById("infoDiv").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("infoWebGL").style.display = "block"; console.log("no webgl"); /* View was rejected, show webgl unsupported message and turn off the viewDiv*/ }); /* */ const stop1 = 6; const stop2 = 8; const stop3 = 15; const stop4 = 20; const stopdefault = 11; function symbolSizeScale(view) {"scale", (newScale) => { /*Update the symbol's size based on the scale*/ => { symb = layer.renderer.symbol; if (newScale > 36978595) { symb.height = stop1; symb.width = stop1; } else if (newScale > 9244648) { symb.height = stop2; symb.width = stop2; } else if (newScale < 1641615) { symb.height = stop3; symb.width = stop3; } else if (newScale < 18055) { symb.height = stop4; symb.width = stop4; } else { symb.height = stopdefault; symb.width = stopdefault; } }, { sync: true }); }); }; /*switch the view between 2D and 3D each time the button is clicked*/ switchButton.addEventListener("click", function(){ switchView(); }); /*Switches the view from 2D to 3D and vice versa*/ function switchView(){ let is3D = appConfig.activeView.type === "3d"; let activeViewpoint = appConfig.activeView.viewpoint.clone(); /* remove the reference to the container for the previous view*/ appConfig.activeView.container = null; if (is3D){ /* if the input view is a SceneView, set the viewpoint on the mapView instance. Set the container on the mapView and flag it as the active view */ appConfig.mapView.viewpoint = activeViewpoint; appConfig.mapView.container = appConfig.container; appConfig.activeView = appConfig.mapView; toggle.view = appConfig.mapView; symbolSizeScale(appConfig.activeView); appConfig.mapView.ui.add(toggle, "top-right"); switchButton.value = "3D"; } else { appConfig.sceneView.viewpoint = activeViewpoint; appConfig.sceneView.container = appConfig.container; symbolSizeScale(appConfig.sceneView); appConfig.activeView = appConfig.sceneView; toggle.view = appConfig.sceneView; appConfig.sceneView.ui.add(toggle, "top-right"); switchButton.value = "2D"; } } /* zoom to layer extent*/ /* convenience function for creating a 2D or 3D view*/ function createView(params, type){ let view; let is2D = type === "2d"; if(is2D){ view = new MapView(params); return view; } else { view = new SceneView(params); } return view; } /* zoom to layer extent*/ function pointToExtent( point, toleranceInPixel=4) { /* Function to convert a point coordinate into a rectangle area */ if(appConfig.activeView.extent){ mapextentwidth = appConfig.activeView.extent.width; } else { mapextentwidth= 1; } var pixelWidth = appConfig.activeView.width / mapextentwidth ; var toleraceInMapCoords = toleranceInPixel * pixelWidth; return new Extent({ xmin:point.x - toleraceInMapCoords, ymin:point.y - toleraceInMapCoords, xmax:point.x + toleraceInMapCoords, ymax:point.y + toleraceInMapCoords, latitude:point.latitude, longitude:point.longitude, spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } } ); } /* Function to combine extents and set the view extent */ function combineLayerExtents(layers) { var extentPromises = { // case when the layer is of type point with only one single point if(layer.geometryType === "point" && layer.source.length === 1 ){ onePoint = layer.source.items[0].geometry; var pointExtent = pointToExtent(onePoint); var pointExtentClone = pointExtent.clone(); pointExtentClone.centerAt(onePoint); return pointExtentClone || null } else { return layer.queryExtent().then(function(result) { /* be sure it has the correct spatialreference */ /* Define the target spatial reference (WGS84) */ /* Return the extent if valid, otherwise return null */ if(result.extent){ var wgs84 = new SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 }); var projectedExtent = projection.project(result.extent, wgs84) ; return projectedExtent || null; } else { return result.extent || null; } }); } }); /* Wait for all extent promises to resolve */ Promise.all(extentPromises).then(function(extents) { /* Filter out null extents */ var validExtents = extents.filter(function(extent) { return extent !== null; }); var combinedPolygon; if (onePoint && validExtents.length === 1) { appConfig.activeView.goTo({ target: [onePoint.longitude,onePoint.latitude] ,zoom:12 ,padding: { left: 50, right: 50, top: 50, bottom: 50 } }).catch(function(error) { console.error("Error zooming to extent1: ", error); }); } else { if (validExtents.length === 1) { /* Only one extent: add padding to prevent too low zoom level */ /* Set the view extent to the padded extent */ combinedExtent = validExtents[0]; } else if (validExtents.length > 1 ) { /* Combine valid extents into a polygon */ { }); var combinedPolygon = geometryEngine.union(validExtents); /* Set the view extent to the combined extent */ combinedExtent = combinedPolygon.extent; } else { } /**/ /*console.log(combinedExtent.width,"combinedExtent.width");*/ if(combinedExtent.width<1){ combinedExtent = combinedExtent.expand(1.1); } else if(combinedExtent.width<150){ combinedExtent = combinedExtent.expand(1.4); } else if(combinedExtent.width<180){ combinedExtent = combinedExtent.expand(1.2); } else if(combinedExtent.width<250){ combinedExtent = combinedExtent.expand(1.1); } else if (combinedExtent.width<360){ combinedExtent = combinedExtent.extent; } else if (combinedExtent.width<10000){ combinedExtent = combinedExtent.expand(.005); } else if (combinedExtent.width<300000){ combinedExtent = combinedExtent.expand(.000025); } else { combinedExtent = combinedExtent.expand(.00001); } /*appConfig.activeView.extent = combinedExtent;*/ appConfig.activeView.goTo({target: combinedExtent}).catch(function(error) { console.error("Error zooming to extent2: ", error);}); } }).catch(function(error) { console.error("Error fetching extents: ", error); }); } /* UI */ let applicationDiv = document.getElementById("esriapp"); appConfig.mapView.ui.add(new Fullscreen({ view: appConfig.mapView, element: applicationDiv }), "top-left"); appConfig.sceneView.ui.add(new Fullscreen({ view: appConfig.sceneView, element: applicationDiv }), "top-left"); /*specification for each field to create in the layer*/ let fields = [ { name: "ObjectID", alias: "ObjectID", type: "oid" }, { name: "element_serial_number", alias: "element_serial_number", type: "string" }, { name: "element_name", alias: "element_name", type: "string" }, { name: "element_state", alias: "element_state", type: "string" }, { name: "title", alias: "title", type: "string" }, { name: "url", alias: "url", type: "string" }, { name: "cat", alias: "cat", type: "double" }, { name: "id_no", alias: "id_no", type: "double" } ]; /* Set up popup template for the layer */ let pTemplate = { title: '{element_serial_number} {element_name} ({element_state})', content:'<div style="display: flex; justify-content: flex-start;align-content:"><div style=" margin: 10px 5px 10px 10px;display: flex; flex-direction:column; justify-content: flex-start;align-content:center;word-break: initial;"><strong>{title}</strong><div>{element_serial_number}</div><div>{element_name}</div><div>{element_state}</div></div></div>', }; /* */ markerSymbol = { type: 'simple-marker', style: 'circle', size: 5, color: [255,204,1,1], outline: { width: 1, color: [0,0,0,.5], style: 'solid' } }; markersRendererCultural = { type: 'simple', symbol : { type: 'picture-marker', url: '/graphics/1-0.svg', width: 11, height: 11 } }; markersRendererNatural = { type: 'simple', symbol: { type: 'picture-marker', url: '/graphics/2-0.svg', width: 11, height: 11 } }; markersRendererMixed = { type: 'simple', symbol: { type: 'picture-marker', url: '/graphics/3-0.svg', width: 11, height: 11 } }; markersRendererCulturalDanger = { type: 'simple', symbol: { type: 'picture-marker', url: '/graphics/1-1.svg', width: 11, height: 11 } }; markersRendererNaturalDanger = { type: 'simple', symbol: { type: 'picture-marker', url: '/graphics/2-1.svg', width: 11, height: 11 } }; markersRendererMixedDanger = { type: 'simple', symbol: { type: 'picture-marker', url: '/graphics/3-1.svg', width: 11, height: 11 } }; /**/ appConfig.mapView.when(function() { document.getElementById("infoDiv").style.display = "block"; /*add polygons */ layerPolycore = new FeatureLayer({ id:"allpolycore", title:"Bien avec polygones", url: "", // where:"property_id = 1485", outFields: ["*"], /* capabilities:{ query:{supportsCacheHint: true}, queryRelated: {supportsCacheHint: true}, queryTopFeatures :{supportsCacheHint: true}, attachment:{supportsCacheHint: true}, analytics:{supportsCacheHint: true} },*/ elevationInfo: { mode: "on-the-ground" }, popupTemplate: { title: '{element_serial_number} {element_name_en} ({element_state}) / Bien', content: "<strong>{property_name_fr}</strong><br>Bien<br>{element_serial_number}<br>{element_name_en}<br>{element_state}", lastEditInfoEnabled: false } }); layerPolycore.renderer= { type: "simple", symbol: { type: "simple-fill", color: [232,63,64,.4], style:"solid", opacity:.5, outline: { type: "simple-line", color: [232,63,64,.8], width: 1.5 } } }; layerPolycore.definitionExpression = "property_id = 1485"; map.add(layerPolycore); layerPolybuffer = new FeatureLayer({ id:"allpolybuffer", title:"Zone tampon avec polygones", url: "", outFields: ["*"], /* capabilities:{ query:{supportsCacheHint: true}, queryRelated: {supportsCacheHint: true}, queryTopFeatures :{supportsCacheHint: true}, attachment:{supportsCacheHint: true}, analytics:{supportsCacheHint: true} },*/ elevationInfo: { mode: "on-the-ground" }, popupTemplate: { title: '{property_id} {property_name_fr} - Zone tampon', lastEditInfoEnabled: false, content: '<strong><a href="{property_id}" target="_self">{property_name_fr}</a></strong><br>Zone tampon<br>{element_serial_number}<br>{element_name_en}<br>{element_state}', } }); layerPolybuffer.renderer= { type: "simple", symbol: { type: "simple-fill", color: [0,105,180,.15], style:"solid", opacity:.5, outline: { type: "simple-line", color: [0,105,180,.6], width: 1.5 } } }; layerPolybuffer.definitionExpression = "property_id = 1485"; map.add(layerPolybuffer); /* add the results to the map*/ let urlrequest = ""; let request = esriRequest(urlrequest,{ handleAs: "json"}).then(function(response){[,];, i) { let mypoint = { geometry: new Point({ x: feature[4], y: feature[3] }), attributes: { ObjectID: i, id_no:1485, element_name: feature[2], element_serial_number: feature[5], element_state: feature[7] } }; if(feature[0] == 0){ switch(feature[1]){ case 1: graphicsCultural.push(mypoint); break; case 2: graphicsNatural.push(mypoint); break; case 3: graphicsMixed.push(mypoint); break; } } if(feature[0] == 1){ switch(feature[1]){ case 1: graphicsCulturalDanger.push(mypoint); break; case 2: graphicsNaturalDanger.push(mypoint); break; case 3: graphicsMixedDanger.push(mypoint); break; } } }); /* create and add layer */ if(graphicsCultural.length > 0){ let layerCultural = new FeatureLayer({ source: graphicsCultural, fields: fields, objectIdField: "ObjectID", title:"Biens culturels (points)", popupTemplate: pTemplate, renderer: markersRendererCultural }); map.add(layerCultural); }; if(graphicsNatural.length > 0){ let layerNatural = new FeatureLayer({ source: graphicsNatural, title:"Biens naturels (points)", fields: fields, objectIdField: "ObjectID", popupTemplate: pTemplate, renderer: markersRendererNatural }); map.add(layerNatural); }; if(graphicsMixed.length > 0){ let layerMixed = new FeatureLayer({ source: graphicsMixed, title:"Biens mixtes (points)", fields: fields, objectIdField: "ObjectID", popupTemplate: pTemplate, renderer: markersRendererMixed }); map.add(layerMixed); }; if(graphicsCulturalDanger.length > 0){ let layerCulturalDanger = new FeatureLayer({ source: graphicsCulturalDanger, title:"Biens culturels et en périls (points)", fields: fields, objectIdField: "ObjectID", popupTemplate: pTemplate, renderer: markersRendererCulturalDanger }); map.add(layerCulturalDanger); }; if(graphicsNaturalDanger.length > 0){ let layerNaturalDanger = new FeatureLayer({ source: graphicsNaturalDanger, title:"Biens naturels et en périls (points)", fields: fields, objectIdField: "ObjectID", popupTemplate: pTemplate, renderer: markersRendererNaturalDanger }); map.add(layerNaturalDanger); }; if(graphicsMixedDanger.length > 0){ let layerMixedDanger = new FeatureLayer({ source: graphicsMixedDanger, title:"Biens mixtes et en périls (points)", fields: fields, objectIdField: "ObjectID", popupTemplate: pTemplate, renderer: markersRendererMixedDanger }); map.add(layerMixedDanger); } /**/ appConfig.activeView.when(function() { combineLayerExtents(map.layers); }); }); /**/ }).catch(function() { /* View was rejected, show webgl unsupported message and turn off the viewDiv*/ document.getElementById("infoWebGL").style.display = "block"; }); }); </script> <script> $('.lightbox').on('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); let iframeSrc=$(this).attr('href'); let myHtml = $('html'); let scrollPosY = myHtml.scrollTop(); //myHtml.toggleClass("scrollbarnone"); $('.lightboxIframe').on('',function(){ myHtml.css('overflow','hidden'); $(this).find('iframe').attr('src',iframeSrc); $(this).css('padding-right',''); }) $('.lightboxIframe').on('',function(){ /*myHtml.toggleClass("scrollbarnone");*/ myHtml.css("scroll-behavior","auto"); 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