JPS 1917 Bible for Palm Pilot / Mechon Mamre
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <HTML LANG="EN"> <HEAD> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <!--Copyright 2004 Mechon Mamre, 12 Hayyim Vital, Jerusalem--> <TITLE>JPS 1917 Bible for Palm Pilot / Mechon Mamre</TITLE> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="em.js"></SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <CENTER> <TABLE CELLPADDING="10" CELLSPACING="10" WIDTH="100%"> <TR ALIGN="CENTER"> <TD VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#FFFFCC"><P ALIGN="CENTER"> <FONT SIZE="-1"> <A HREF="index.htm">Home</A> | <A HREF="e/et/et0.htm" TITLE="The Hebrew Bible in English according to the 1917 JPS Edition or in parallel Hebrew and English verses">English Bible</A> | <A HREF="e/index.htm" TITLE="Our English translation of the Rambam's Mishneh Torah (the Complete Restatement of the Oral Law) for those who cannot read Hebrew or in parallel Hebrew and English">English MT</A> | <A HREF="jewfaq/index.htm" TITLE="Our encyclopedia of basic information about Torah observance, Jewish practices, holidays, people, and beliefs in English">Torah 101</A> | <A HREF="mtrpromo.htm" TITLE="Our MTR Freeware in Hebrew for your PC, including search engine and full texts of Mishneh Torah, Bible, Targum Onqelos, Mishnah, Yerushalmi, and Bavli">PC Freeware</A> | <A HREF="ppcmtr.htm" TITLE="Our MTR Freeware Mishneh Torah and Bible in Hebrew for your Pocket PC">Pocket PC Freeware</A> | <A HREF="pdbmtr.htm" TITLE="Our MTR Freeware Mishneh Torah and Bible in Hebrew or English for your Palm Pilot">Palm Freeware</A> | <A HREF="search.htm" TITLE="Search this site in English or Hebrew">Search</A> | </FONT><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="David Transparent"><SPAN DIR="RTL" LANG="HE"><A HREF="i/0.htm">注讘专讬转</A></SPAN></FONT><FONT SIZE="-1"><BR> <BR> <A HREF="about.htm" TITLE="About Mechon Mamre and Our Work">About</A> | <A HREF="tech.htm" TITLE="How to Setup Hebrew Support in Your Browser for Our Site">Hebrew Support</A> | <A HREF="donation.htm" TITLE="Make a Donation to Support Our Site">Donations</A></FONT> </P> </TD></TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> <P>In the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God<BR> --Genesis 21,33</P> <H1 ALIGN="CENTER">JPS 1917 Bible for the Palm Pilot</H1> <P>This is our MTR Palm-Pilot version of the Jewish Publication Society's 1917 edition of the Hebrew Bible in English, as found <A HREF="e/et/et0.htm">elsewhere</A> on this site.</P> <P>NOTE:聽 These files require the <A HREF="#iSilo">iSilo</A> Palm Pilot reader; the TealDoc reader cannot read these files, but the iSilo reader can read TealDoc files.</P> <P>This edition of the Hebrew Bible is based on the electronic text (c) by Larry Nelson (P.O. Box 1681, Cathedral City, CA 92234 USA, <A HREF=""></A>) as found on the Internet in differing copies.聽 In addition to converting his text to HTML, we did correct a few typographical errors, based mostly on comparing the various text versions we found, and took out all of the paragraph marks (¶), which were not based on the Hebrew original.聽 We have added signs for the paragraphs found in the original Hebrew:聽 In the poetical books of Psalms, Job (aside from the beginning and end), and Proverbs, each verse normally starts on a new line; where there is a new line within a verse, we added {N}, and when there is a blank line, we added {P}.聽 In the rest of the books, we added {S} for setumah (open space within a line) and {P} for petuHah (new paragraph on new line) according to <A HREF="i/t/t0.htm" TITLE="Full text of the Hebrew Bible with vowel signs and helpful punctuation">our Hebrew Bible</A>).聽 We have not tried to reproduce the complex structure of the special songs such as in <A HREF="i/t/t0215.htm" TITLE="Shirat haYam">Exodus 15</A> and <A HREF="i/t/t0532.htm" TITLE="Shirat Ha'azinu">Deuteronomy 32</A>, as we do not think that that would make sense in English.</P> <A NAME="iSilo"> </A> <P>Be sure not to forget to get the iSilo Palm Pilot reader for browsing our files, before trying to use them.聽 You now have two choices:聽 either download the latest version from the <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">iSilo site</A> or the old iSilo free version from <A HREF="pdb/">here</A>.聽 The old free version cannot do global searches and cannot use the extra memory on expansion cards found on the newer machines.聽 The latest version, on the other hand, can do these things and more, even if not paid for (for details on additional features, see the <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">iSilo site</A>); but it is a "trial version" ($20 shareware) that will automatically turn itself into a freeware version after 30 days use, if no registration code is entered.</P> <H2>Files for Downloading:</H2> <TABLE> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP> <FONT SIZE=-1> 聽聽<A HREF="dlpet.htm">All books in zip</A> (1.4M)<BR> 聽聽et01 <A HREF="pdb/mtret01.pdb">Genesis</A> (92k)<BR> 聽聽et02 <A HREF="pdb/mtret02.pdb">Exodus</A> (75k)<BR> 聽聽et03 <A HREF="pdb/mtret03.pdb">Leviticus</A> (51k)<BR> 聽聽et04 <A HREF="pdb/mtret04.pdb">Numbers</A> (72k)<BR> 聽聽et05 <A HREF="pdb/mtret05.pdb">Deuteronomy</A> (67k)<BR> 聽聽et06 <A HREF="pdb/mtret06.pdb">Joshua</A> (44k)<BR> 聽聽et07 <A HREF="pdb/mtret07.pdb">Judges</A> (45k)<BR> 聽聽et08 <A HREF="pdb/mtret08.pdb">Samuel</A> (113k)<BR> </FONT></TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP> <FONT SIZE=-1> 聽聽et09 <A HREF="pdb/mtret09.pdb">Kings</A> (111k)<BR> 聽聽et10 <A HREF="pdb/mtret10.pdb">Isaiah</A> (97k)<BR> 聽聽et11 <A HREF="pdb/mtret11.pdb">Jeremiah</A> (105k)<BR> 聽聽et12 <A HREF="pdb/mtret12.pdb">Ezekiel</A> (88k)<BR> 聽聽et13 <A HREF="pdb/mtret13.pdb">Hosea</A> (14k)<BR> 聽聽et14 <A HREF="pdb/mtret14.pdb">Joel</A> (6k)<BR> 聽聽et15 <A HREF="pdb/mtret15.pdb">Amos</A> (11k)<BR> 聽聽et16 <A HREF="pdb/mtret16.pdb">Obadiah</A> (2k)<BR> 聽聽et17 <A HREF="pdb/mtret17.pdb">Jonah</A> (4k)<BR> </FONT></TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP> <FONT SIZE=-1> 聽聽et18 <A HREF="pdb/mtret18.pdb">Micah</A> (9k)<BR> 聽聽et19 <A HREF="pdb/mtret19.pdb">Nahum</A> (4k)<BR> 聽聽et20 <A HREF="pdb/mtret20.pdb">Habakkuk</A> (5k)<BR> 聽聽et21 <A HREF="pdb/mtret21.pdb">Zephaniah</A> (5k)<BR> 聽聽et22 <A HREF="pdb/mtret22.pdb">Haggi</A> (3k)<BR> 聽聽et23 <A HREF="pdb/mtret23.pdb">Zechariah</A> (16k)<BR> 聽聽et24 <A HREF="pdb/mtret24.pdb">Malachi</A> (5k)<BR> 聽聽et25 <A HREF="pdb/mtret25.pdb">Chronicles</A> (118k)<BR> 聽聽et26 <A HREF="pdb/mtret26.pdb">Psalms</A> (130k)<BR> </FONT></TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP> <FONT SIZE=-1> 聽聽et27 <A HREF="pdb/mtret27.pdb">Job</A> (55k)<BR> 聽聽et28 <A HREF="pdb/mtret28.pdb">Proverbs</A> (45k)<BR> 聽聽et29 <A HREF="pdb/mtret29.pdb">Ruth</A> (7k)<BR> 聽聽et30 <A HREF="pdb/mtret30.pdb">Song of Songs</A> (8k)<BR> 聽聽et31 <A HREF="pdb/mtret31.pdb">Ecclesiastes</A> (15k)<BR> 聽聽et32 <A HREF="pdb/mtret32.pdb">Lamentations</A> (11k)<BR> 聽聽et33 <A HREF="pdb/mtret33.pdb">Esther</A> (14k)<BR> 聽聽et34 <A HREF="pdb/mtret34.pdb">Daniel</A> (28k)<BR> 聽聽et35 <A HREF="pdb/mtret35.pdb">Ezra/Nehemiah</A> (47k)<BR> </FONT> </TD></TR> </TABLE> <BR>聽<BR> <HR> <CENTER> <P> <B><A NAME="Mail">Got a question or comment?</A>聽 <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">email('pdbjps')</SCRIPT></B></P> <P>last updated:聽 8 September 2004</P> <TABLE CELLPADDING="10" CELLSPACING="10" WIDTH="100%"> <TR ALIGN="CENTER"> <TD VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#FFFFCC"><P ALIGN="CENTER"> <FONT SIZE="-1"> <A HREF="index.htm">Home</A> | <A HREF="e/et/et0.htm" TITLE="The Hebrew Bible in English according to the 1917 JPS Edition or in parallel Hebrew and English verses">English Bible</A> | <A HREF="e/index.htm" TITLE="Our English translation of the Rambam's Mishneh Torah (the Complete Restatement of the Oral Law) for those who cannot read Hebrew or in parallel Hebrew and English">English MT</A> | <A HREF="jewfaq/index.htm" TITLE="Our encyclopedia of basic information about Torah observance, Jewish practices, holidays, people, and beliefs in English">Torah 101</A> | <A HREF="mtrpromo.htm" TITLE="Our MTR Freeware in Hebrew for your PC, including search engine and full texts of Mishneh Torah, Bible, Targum Onqelos, Mishnah, Yerushalmi, and Bavli">PC Freeware</A> | <A HREF="ppcmtr.htm" TITLE="Our MTR Freeware Mishneh Torah and Bible in Hebrew for your Pocket PC">Pocket PC Freeware</A> | <A HREF="pdbmtr.htm" TITLE="Our MTR Freeware Mishneh Torah and Bible in Hebrew or English for your Palm Pilot">Palm Freeware</A> | <A HREF="search.htm" TITLE="Search this site in English or Hebrew">Search</A> | </FONT><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="David Transparent"><SPAN DIR="RTL" LANG="HE"><A HREF="i/0.htm">注讘专讬转</A></SPAN></FONT><FONT SIZE="-1"><BR> <BR> <A HREF="about.htm" TITLE="About Mechon Mamre and Our Work">About</A> | <A HREF="tech.htm" TITLE="How to Setup Hebrew Support in Your Browser for Our Site">Hebrew Support</A> | <A HREF="donation.htm" TITLE="Make a Donation to Support Our Site">Donations</A></FONT> </P> </TD></TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> </BODY></HTML>