Mishneh Torah for Palm Pilot in Hebrew / Mechon Mamre

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basic information about Torah observance, Jewish practices, holidays, people, and beliefs in English">Torah 101</A> | <A HREF="mtrpromo.htm" TITLE="Our MTR Freeware in Hebrew for your PC, including search engine and full texts of Mishneh Torah, Bible, Targum Onqelos, Mishnah, Yerushalmi, and Bavli">PC Freeware</A> | <A HREF="ppcmtr.htm" TITLE="Our MTR Freeware Mishneh Torah and Bible in Hebrew for your Pocket PC">Pocket PC Freeware</A> | <A HREF="pdbtnk.htm" TITLE="Downloads of all or part of the Bible in Hebrew for your Palm Pilot">MTR Palm Bible</A> | <A HREF="search.htm" TITLE="Search this site in English or Hebrew">Search</A> | </FONT><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="David Transparent"><SPAN DIR="RTL" LANG="HE"><A HREF="i/0.htm">注讘专讬转</A></SPAN></FONT><FONT SIZE="-1"><BR> <BR> <A HREF="about.htm" TITLE="About Mechon Mamre and Our Work">About</A> | <A HREF="tech.htm" TITLE="How to Setup Hebrew Support in Your Browser for Our Site">Hebrew Support</A> | <A HREF="donation.htm" TITLE="Make a Donation to Support Our Site">Donations</A></FONT> </P> </TD></TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> <P>In the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God<BR> --Genesis 21,33</P> <H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Mishneh Torah for the Palm Pilot</H1> <P>This is our full Hebrew text of the RaMBaM's Mishneh Torah Code according to the Yemenite manuscripts; and it is the most accurate version for study of Mishneh Torah available anywhere, whether in print or for computer.</P> <P>After releasing this version initially, we discovered that there are two somewhat different systems of Hebrew support for the Palm Pilot with slightly different handing of our texts; until a single standard is adopted, we are providing files for each system separately.聽 You should take care to get what is right for your Palm Pilot's Hebrew support.聽 If you are not sure what to get, just try getting a small file from either system and check how the square parentheses [x] look:聽 if they look OK (not backwards like ]x[), you got the right kind of file; if not, you got the wrong kind and need to download the other kind of file.</P> <P>By the way, the halakhah numbers in [x] are the numbers in the standard Vilna edition, and those at the start of the halakhot are the numbers according to the majority of the Yemenite manuscripts; the adjustment in the borders between halakhot often aids in understanding them, and at times even radically changes the meaning of the text and changes the halakhah lema`aseh according to the RaMBaM (see <A HREF="i/5209.htm#3">Laws of Forbidden Foods 9,3-4</A> for a classic example, which puzzled the commentators who just had access to the usual printed versions).</P> <P>The MTR for Palm Pilot in the first version was hand assembled in hours of pains-taking work by a devoted Palm Pilot user from the MTR for PC files in the version for Elul 5759; it resulted in reports that a few chapters were accidentally left out, which is still good for a hand-assembled job.聽 This version was automatically generated from the ??.htm files of our Web site (click on the Hebrew MT link at the top and bottom of this page to see the originals) in about 10 minutes for each Hebrew support system on an aging 486dx33, without human intervention; we hope that this has resulted in a version without any missing chapters and with the very latest corrections to the constantly refined text.聽 Because it is now so easy to make an update, we should be able to update the individual .PDB files every time we update the main Web site files (which is sometimes several times a week).</P> <P>You now also have your choice of downloading either the whole collection of files for the Palm Pilot in one 1.9MB zip file or in individual files, according to your needs.聽 If you just want to see if this version suits your needs, try downloading one file on a subject that interests you and study it.</P> <A NAME="iSilo"> </A> <P>Unless you are downloading the zipped version, which includes an old iSilo free reader, be sure not to forget to get the iSilo Palm Pilot reader for browsing our files, before trying to use them.聽 You now have two choices:聽 either download the latest version from the <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">iSilo site</A> or the old iSilo free version from <A HREF="pdb/">here</A>.聽 The old free version cannot do global searches and cannot use the extra memory on expansion cards found on the newer machines.聽 The latest version, on the other hand, can do these things and more, even if not paid for (for details on additional features, see the <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">iSilo site</A>); but it is a "trial version" ($20 shareware) that will automatically turn itself into a freeware version after 30 days use, if no registration code is entered.</P> <P>The individual files and their sizes are given below by order of their appearance in Mishneh Torah:</P> <TABLE WIDTH="100%"><TR> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><FONT SIZE="+2">PiLoc-Har'el Hebrew Support聽聽聽</FONT> <BR><BR><FONT SIZE=-1> <A HREF="dlpmt1.htm">All of Mishneh Torah in one zip file</A> (1.9m) 聽<BR> Updated since the zip of 8 September 2004:<BR> 聽聽None<BR> 聽<BR> 聽聽00 <A HREF="pdb/mtr00.pdb">Haqdamah</A> (37k)<BR> Madda` -<BR> 聽聽11 <A HREF="pdb/mtr11.pdb">Yesodey haTorah</A> (19k)<BR> 聽聽12 <A HREF="pdb/mtr12.pdb">De`ot</A> (16k)<BR> 聽聽13 <A HREF="pdb/mtr13.pdb">Talmud Torah</A> (13k)<BR> 聽聽14 <A HREF="pdb/mtr14.pdb">`Avodah Zarah</A> (26k)<BR> 聽聽15 <A HREF="pdb/mtr15.pdb">Teshuvah</A> (19k)<BR> Ahavah -<BR> 聽聽21 <A HREF="pdb/mtr21.pdb">Qiryat Shema`</A> (7k)<BR> 聽聽22 <A HREF="pdb/mtr22.pdb">Tefillah uVirkhat Kohanim</A> (31k)<BR> 聽聽23 <A HREF="pdb/mtr23.pdb">Tefillin, Mezuzah, weSefer Torah</A> (26k)<BR> 聽聽24 <A HREF="pdb/mtr24.pdb">Tsitsit</A> (5k)<BR> 聽聽25 <A HREF="pdb/mtr25.pdb">Berakhot</A> (21k)<BR> 聽聽26 <A HREF="pdb/mtr26.pdb">Milah</A> (5k)<BR> 聽聽27 <A HREF="pdb/mtr27.pdb">Seder haTefillah</A> (25k)<BR> Zemannim -<BR> 聽聽31 <A HREF="pdb/mtr31.pdb">Shabbat</A> (81k)<BR> 聽聽32 <A HREF="pdb/mtr32.pdb">`Eruvin</A> (20k)<BR> 聽聽33 <A HREF="pdb/mtr33.pdb">Shevitat `Asor</A> (4k)<BR> 聽聽34 <A HREF="pdb/mtr34.pdb">Shevitat Yom Tov</A> (22k)<BR> 聽聽35 <A HREF="pdb/mtr35.pdb">Hamets uMattsah</A> (18k)<BR> 聽聽36 <A HREF="pdb/mtr36.pdb">Shofar, Sukkah, weLolav</A> (16k)<BR> 聽聽37 <A HREF="pdb/mtr37.pdb">Sheqalim</A> (6k)<BR> 聽聽38 <A HREF="pdb/mtr38.pdb">Qiddush haHodesh</A> (33k)<BR> 聽聽39 <A HREF="pdb/mtr39.pdb">Ta`aniyot</A> (10k)<BR> 聽聽3a <A HREF="pdb/mtr3a.pdb">Megillah waHanukkah</A> (8k)<BR> Nashim -<BR> 聽聽41 <A HREF="pdb/mtr41.pdb">'Ishshut</A> (64k)<BR> 聽聽42 <A HREF="pdb/mtr42.pdb">Gerushin</A> (37k)<BR> 聽聽43 <A HREF="pdb/mtr43.pdb">Yibbum waHalitsah</A> (22k)<BR> 聽聽44 <A HREF="pdb/mtr44.pdb">Na`arah Betulah</A> (5k)<BR> 聽聽45 <A HREF="pdb/mtr45.pdb">Sotah</A> (9k)<BR> Qedushah -<BR> 聽聽51 <A HREF="pdb/mtr51.pdb">'Issurey Bi'ah</A> (58k)<BR> 聽聽52 <A HREF="pdb/mtr52.pdb">Ma'akhalot 'Asurot</A> (45k)<BR> 聽聽53 <A HREF="pdb/mtr53.pdb">Shehitah</A> (27k)<BR> Hafla'ah -<BR> 聽聽61 <A HREF="pdb/mtr61.pdb">Shevu`ot</A> (21k)<BR> 聽聽62 <A HREF="pdb/mtr62.pdb">Nedarim</A> (24k)<BR> 聽聽63 <A HREF="pdb/mtr63.pdb">Nezirut</A> (19k)<BR> 聽聽64 <A HREF="pdb/mtr64.pdb">`Arakhin waHamarim</A> (18k)<BR> Zera`im -<BR> 聽聽71 <A HREF="pdb/mtr71.pdb">Kil'ayim</A> (19k)<BR> 聽聽72 <A HREF="pdb/mtr72.pdb">Mattenot `Aniyim</A> (21k)<BR> 聽聽73 <A HREF="pdb/mtr73.pdb">Terumot</A> (33k)<BR> 聽聽74 <A HREF="pdb/mtr74.pdb">Ma`aser</A> (23k)<BR> 聽聽75 <A HREF="pdb/mtr75.pdb">Ma`aser Sheni waNeta` Reva`i</A> (18k)<BR> 聽聽76 <A HREF="pdb/mtr76.pdb">Bikkurim</A> (22k)<BR> 聽聽77 <A HREF="pdb/mtr77.pdb">Shemittah weYovel</A> (24k)<BR> `Avodah -<BR> 聽聽81 <A HREF="pdb/mtr81.pdb">Beyt haBehirah</A> (17k)<BR> 聽聽82 <A HREF="pdb/mtr82.pdb">Keley haMiqdash weha`Ovedim Bo</A> (18k)<BR> 聽聽83 <A HREF="pdb/mtr83.pdb">Bi'at haMiqdash</A> (16k)<BR> 聽聽84 <A HREF="pdb/mtr84.pdb">'Issurey Mizbeah</A> (12k)<BR> 聽聽85 <A HREF="pdb/mtr85.pdb">Ma`aseh haQorbanot</A> (33k)<BR> 聽聽86 <A HREF="pdb/mtr86.pdb">Temidin uMusafin</A> (19k)<BR> 聽聽87 <A HREF="pdb/mtr87.pdb">Pesuley haMuqdashin</A> (31k)<BR> 聽聽88 <A HREF="pdb/mtr88.pdb">`Avodat Yom haKippurim</A> (10k)<BR> 聽聽89 <A HREF="pdb/mtr89.pdb">Me`ilah</A> (13k)<BR> Qorbanot -<BR> 聽聽91 <A HREF="pdb/mtr91.pdb">Qorban Pesah</A> (17k)<BR> 聽聽92 <A HREF="pdb/mtr92.pdb">Hagigah</A> (5k)<BR> 聽聽93 <A HREF="pdb/mtr93.pdb">Bekhorot</A> (13k)<BR> 聽聽94 <A HREF="pdb/mtr94.pdb">Shegagot</A> (22k)<BR> 聽聽95 <A HREF="pdb/mtr95.pdb">Mehussarey Kapparah</A> (7k)<BR> 聽聽96 <A HREF="pdb/mtr96.pdb">Temurah</A> (6k)<BR> Taharah -<BR> 聽聽a1 <A HREF="pdb/mtra1.pdb">Tum'at Met</A> (38k)<BR> 聽聽a2 <A HREF="pdb/mtra2.pdb">Parah 'Adummah</A> (22k)<BR> 聽聽a3 <A HREF="pdb/mtra3.pdb">Tum'at Tsara`at</A> (25k)<BR> 聽聽a4 <A HREF="pdb/mtra4.pdb">Metamme'ey Mishkav uMoshav</A> (19k)<BR> 聽聽a5 <A HREF="pdb/mtra5.pdb">She'ar 'Avot haTum'ah</A> (30k)<BR> 聽聽a6 <A HREF="pdb/mtra6.pdb">Tum'at 'Okhalin</A> (25k)<BR> 聽聽a7 <A HREF="pdb/mtra7.pdb">Kelim</A> (41k)<BR> 聽聽a8 <A HREF="pdb/mtra8.pdb">Miqwot</A> (17k)<BR> Nezaqim -<BR> 聽聽b1 <A HREF="pdb/mtrb1.pdb">Nizqey Mamon</A> (23k)<BR> 聽聽b2 <A HREF="pdb/mtrb2.pdb">Genevah</A> (13k)<BR> 聽聽b3 <A HREF="pdb/mtrb3.pdb">Gezelah wa'Avedah</A> (30k)<BR> 聽聽b4 <A HREF="pdb/mtrb4.pdb">Hovel uMazziq</A> (14k)<BR> 聽聽b5 <A HREF="pdb/mtrb5.pdb">Rotseah uShmirat Nefesh</A> (20k)<BR> Qinyan -<BR> 聽聽c1 <A HREF="pdb/mtrc1.pdb">Mekhirah</A> (43k)<BR> 聽聽c2 <A HREF="pdb/mtrc2.pdb">Zekhiyah uMattanah</A> (20k)<BR> 聽聽c3 <A HREF="pdb/mtrc3.pdb">Shekhenim</A> (21k)<BR> 聽聽c4 <A HREF="pdb/mtrc4.pdb">Sheluhin weShuttafin</A> (16k)<BR> 聽聽c5 <A HREF="pdb/mtrc5.pdb">`Avadim</A> (16k)<BR> Mishpatim -<BR> 聽聽d1 <A HREF="pdb/mtrd1.pdb">Sekhirut</A> (21k)<BR> 聽聽d2 <A HREF="pdb/mtrd2.pdb">She'elah uFiqqadon</A> (11k)<BR> 聽聽d3 <A HREF="pdb/mtrd3.pdb">Malweh weLoweh</A> (45k)<BR> 聽聽d4 <A HREF="pdb/mtrd4.pdb">To`en weNit`an</A> (27k)<BR> 聽聽d5 <A HREF="pdb/mtrd5.pdb">Nehalot</A> (15k)<BR> Shofetim -<BR> 聽聽e1 <A HREF="pdb/mtre1.pdb">Sanhedrin weha`Onashin haMesurin lahem</A> (38k)<BR> 聽聽e2 <A HREF="pdb/mtre2.pdb">`Edut</A> (24k)<BR> 聽聽e3 <A HREF="pdb/mtre3.pdb">Mamrim</A> (11k)<BR> 聽聽e4 <A HREF="pdb/mtre4.pdb">'Evel</A> (20k)<BR> 聽聽e5 <A HREF="pdb/mtre5.pdb">Melakhim uMilhamot</A> (20k)<BR> <BR> <A HREF="dlpmt1.htm">All of Mishneh Torah in one zip file</A> (1.9m) 聽<BR> Updated since the zip of 8 September 2004:<BR> 聽聽None<BR> </FONT> </TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><FONT SIZE="+2">Penticon Hebrew Support</FONT> <BR><BR><FONT SIZE=-1> <A HREF="dlpmt2.htm">All of Mishneh Torah in one zip file</A> (1.9m) 聽<BR> Updated since the zip of 8 September 2004:<BR> 聽聽None<BR> 聽<BR> 聽聽00p <A HREF="pdb/mtr00p.pdb">Haqdamah</A> (37k)<BR> Madda` -<BR> 聽聽11p <A HREF="pdb/mtr11p.pdb">Yesodey haTorah</A> (19k)<BR> 聽聽12p <A HREF="pdb/mtr12p.pdb">De`ot</A> (16k)<BR> 聽聽13p <A HREF="pdb/mtr13p.pdb">Talmud Torah</A> (13k)<BR> 聽聽14p <A HREF="pdb/mtr14p.pdb">`Avodah Zarah</A> (26k)<BR> 聽聽15p <A HREF="pdb/mtr15p.pdb">Teshuvah</A> (19k)<BR> Ahavah -<BR> 聽聽21p <A HREF="pdb/mtr21p.pdb">Qiryat Shema`</A> (7k)<BR> 聽聽22p <A HREF="pdb/mtr22p.pdb">Tefillah uVirkhat Kohanim</A> (31k)<BR> 聽聽23p <A HREF="pdb/mtr23p.pdb">Tefillin, Mezuzah, weSefer Torah</A> (26k)<BR> 聽聽24p <A HREF="pdb/mtr24p.pdb">Tsitsit</A> (5k)<BR> 聽聽25p <A HREF="pdb/mtr25p.pdb">Berakhot</A> (21k)<BR> 聽聽26p <A HREF="pdb/mtr26p.pdb">Milah</A> (5k)<BR> 聽聽27p <A HREF="pdb/mtr27p.pdb">Seder haTefillah</A> (25k)<BR> Zemannim -<BR> 聽聽31p <A HREF="pdb/mtr31p.pdb">Shabbat</A> (81k)<BR> 聽聽32p <A HREF="pdb/mtr32p.pdb">`Eruvin</A> (20k)<BR> 聽聽33p <A HREF="pdb/mtr33p.pdb">Shevitat `Asor</A> (4k)<BR> 聽聽34p <A HREF="pdb/mtr34p.pdb">Shevitat Yom Tov</A> (22k)<BR> 聽聽35p <A HREF="pdb/mtr35p.pdb">Hamets uMattsah</A> (18k)<BR> 聽聽36p <A HREF="pdb/mtr36p.pdb">Shofar, Sukkah, weLolav</A> (16k)<BR> 聽聽37p <A HREF="pdb/mtr37p.pdb">Sheqalim</A> (6k)<BR> 聽聽38p <A HREF="pdb/mtr38p.pdb">Qiddush haHodesh</A> (33k)<BR> 聽聽39p <A HREF="pdb/mtr39p.pdb">Ta`aniyot</A> (10k)<BR> 聽聽3ap <A HREF="pdb/mtr3ap.pdb">Megillah waHanukkah</A> (8k)<BR> Nashim -<BR> 聽聽41p <A HREF="pdb/mtr41p.pdb">'Ishshut</A> (64k)<BR> 聽聽42p <A HREF="pdb/mtr42p.pdb">Gerushin</A> (37k)<BR> 聽聽43p <A HREF="pdb/mtr43p.pdb">Yibbum waHalitsah</A> (22k)<BR> 聽聽44p <A HREF="pdb/mtr44p.pdb">Na`arah Betulah</A> (5k)<BR> 聽聽45p <A HREF="pdb/mtr45p.pdb">Sotah</A> (9k)<BR> Qedushah -<BR> 聽聽51p <A HREF="pdb/mtr51p.pdb">'Issurey Bi'ah</A> (58k)<BR> 聽聽52p <A HREF="pdb/mtr52p.pdb">Ma'akhalot 'Asurot</A> (45k)<BR> 聽聽53p <A HREF="pdb/mtr53p.pdb">Shehitah</A> (27k)<BR> Hafla'ah -<BR> 聽聽61p <A HREF="pdb/mtr61p.pdb">Shevu`ot</A> (21k)<BR> 聽聽62p <A HREF="pdb/mtr62p.pdb">Nedarim</A> (24k)<BR> 聽聽63p <A HREF="pdb/mtr63p.pdb">Nezirut</A> (19k)<BR> 聽聽64p <A HREF="pdb/mtr64p.pdb">`Arakhin waHamarim</A> (18k)<BR> Zera`im -<BR> 聽聽71p <A HREF="pdb/mtr71p.pdb">Kil'ayim</A> (19k)<BR> 聽聽72p <A HREF="pdb/mtr72p.pdb">Mattenot `Aniyim</A> (21k)<BR> 聽聽73p <A HREF="pdb/mtr73p.pdb">Terumot</A> (33k)<BR> 聽聽74p <A HREF="pdb/mtr74p.pdb">Ma`aser</A> (23k)<BR> 聽聽75p <A HREF="pdb/mtr75p.pdb">Ma`aser Sheni waNeta` Reva`i</A> (18k)<BR> 聽聽76p <A HREF="pdb/mtr76p.pdb">Bikkurim</A> (22k)<BR> 聽聽77p <A HREF="pdb/mtr77p.pdb">Shemittah weYovel</A> (24k)<BR> `Avodah -<BR> 聽聽81p <A HREF="pdb/mtr81p.pdb">Beyt haBehirah</A> (17k)<BR> 聽聽82p <A HREF="pdb/mtr82p.pdb">Keley haMiqdash weha`Ovedim Bo</A> (18k)<BR> 聽聽83p <A HREF="pdb/mtr83p.pdb">Bi'at haMiqdash</A> (16k)<BR> 聽聽84p <A HREF="pdb/mtr84p.pdb">'Issurey Mizbeah</A> (12k)<BR> 聽聽85p <A HREF="pdb/mtr85p.pdb">Ma`aseh haQorbanot</A> (33k)<BR> 聽聽86p <A HREF="pdb/mtr86p.pdb">Temidin uMusafin</A> (19k)<BR> 聽聽87p <A HREF="pdb/mtr87p.pdb">Pesuley haMuqdashin</A> (31k)<BR> 聽聽88p <A HREF="pdb/mtr88p.pdb">`Avodat Yom haKippurim</A> (10k)<BR> 聽聽89p <A HREF="pdb/mtr89p.pdb">Me`ilah</A> (13k)<BR> Qorbanot -<BR> 聽聽91p <A HREF="pdb/mtr91p.pdb">Qorban Pesah</A> (17k)<BR> 聽聽92p <A HREF="pdb/mtr92p.pdb">Hagigah</A> (5k)<BR> 聽聽93p <A HREF="pdb/mtr93p.pdb">Bekhorot</A> (13k)<BR> 聽聽94p <A HREF="pdb/mtr94p.pdb">Shegagot</A> (22k)<BR> 聽聽95p <A HREF="pdb/mtr95p.pdb">Mehussarey Kapparah</A> (7k)<BR> 聽聽96p <A HREF="pdb/mtr96p.pdb">Temurah</A> (6k)<BR> Taharah -<BR> 聽聽a1p <A HREF="pdb/mtra1p.pdb">Tum'at Met</A> (38k)<BR> 聽聽a2p <A HREF="pdb/mtra2p.pdb">Parah 'Adummah</A> (22k)<BR> 聽聽a3p <A HREF="pdb/mtra3p.pdb">Tum'at Tsara`at</A> (25k)<BR> 聽聽a4p <A HREF="pdb/mtra4p.pdb">Metamme'ey Mishkav uMoshav</A> (19k)<BR> 聽聽a5p <A HREF="pdb/mtra5p.pdb">She'ar 'Avot haTum'ah</A> (30k)<BR> 聽聽a6p <A HREF="pdb/mtra6p.pdb">Tum'at 'Okhalin</A> (25k)<BR> 聽聽a7p <A HREF="pdb/mtra7p.pdb">Kelim</A> (41k)<BR> 聽聽a8p <A HREF="pdb/mtra8p.pdb">Miqwot</A> (17k)<BR> Nezaqim -<BR> 聽聽b1p <A HREF="pdb/mtrb1p.pdb">Nizqey Mamon</A> (23k)<BR> 聽聽b2p <A HREF="pdb/mtrb2p.pdb">Genevah</A> (13k)<BR> 聽聽b3p <A HREF="pdb/mtrb3p.pdb">Gezelah wa'Avedah</A> (30k)<BR> 聽聽b4p <A HREF="pdb/mtrb4p.pdb">Hovel uMazziq</A> (14k)<BR> 聽聽b5p <A HREF="pdb/mtrb5p.pdb">Rotseah uShmirat Nefesh</A> (20k)<BR> Qinyan -<BR> 聽聽c1p <A HREF="pdb/mtrc1p.pdb">Mekhirah</A> (43k)<BR> 聽聽c2p <A HREF="pdb/mtrc2p.pdb">Zekhiyah 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