Laravel Partners
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Find an expert based on your needs and reach out to start a conversation. </p> <div class="mt-9"> <button-red :href="buttonHref" :label="buttonLabel" /> </div> </div> <img src="/assets/images/hero-image.png" class="absolute lg:static z-0 top-0 right-0 transform translate-x-1/4 lg:translate-x-0 w-auto lg:w-auto max-w-sm mx-auto flex-initial h-3/5 sm:h-full lg:h-auto" alt="" /> </header> </div> <div class="max-w-screen-xl p-4 sm:p-7 mx-auto -mt-36 sm:-mt-40"> <h2 class="text-xl mb-7 font-medium">Partner spotlight</h2> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-1 gap-5 mb-10"> <a href="/partners/redberry" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group hidden md:block" partner="{"id":28,"name":"Redberry","slug":"redberry","contact_email":"","logo":"\/assets\/partners\/logos\/redberry.min.svg","image":"\/assets\/partners\/images\/redberry2.jpg","description":"Redberry is a Swiss army knife agency from Tbilisi, Georgia, offering product design, software development and creative growth marketing services. Our clients include government agencies, local and international enterprises and tech startups. Plus, we enhance EU and US-based agencies\u2019 capacity with remote teams. In 9 years, we have devised, designed, and built 100+ web and mobile apps using Laravel\u2019s ecosystem, Vue, React and React Native.","paragraphs":"<iframe width=\"700\" height=\"393\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/rNoSsEqeuKk\" title=\"RDBR Showreel 2022 \ud83d\ude80\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen><\/iframe><p>Redberry started in 2014 as a four friends' venture to breathe digital life into the brick-to-mortar businesses in Georgia. Today, we are a team of 200 and represent the biggest and leading Georgian agency. On our quest for constant development and evolution, we have assembled a team of all-star, battle-tested UX\/UI design experts, software developers, DevOps engineers, project managers, scrum masters, digital strategists, copywriters, and growth hackers.<\/p><p>One of the greatest things about us is our location. We are based in Georgia (the country, not the state), where IT outsourcing is almost tax-free. That means that our EU and US-based partner startups and agencies enjoy more runway and bigger project margins. Plus, we are in the heart of the rapidly growing tech talent pool that we have easy access to, making us a flexible, scalable partner for boosting product development capacity.<\/p><p>Besides being a software house, we are a Google and Facebook partner creative growth marketing agency, which has made us an ideal, full-service partner for 80+ companies of all sizes to design, build, launch and further develop their products. Helping your business grow is our day job, sometimes crawling into the nights and weekends. We view our collaborations as partnerships and remain focused on growing our client's businesses through tech and marketing solutions. That mindset has shaped our list of clients with industry leaders in finance, insurance, real estate, auto, education, healthcare and others.<\/p><p>Having the experience of running a startup studio has refined our ability to optimize for low initial time-to-market and high development velocity. We have built a dozen MVPs and continued developing them over time according to the ever-changing business requirements. We have managed to do that through lean and agile development techniques, making deep use of the whole Laravel ecosystem, setting up and maintaining adequate test coverage of the codebase and using CI\/CD pipelines.<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/laravel-development","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":0,"hiring_url":null,"pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/19WHxG","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z","updated_at":"2024-08-06T13:54:40.000000Z"}" > <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-5"> <div> <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-2xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > Redberry </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> Europe </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-6 mb-6">Redberry is a Swiss army knife agency from Tbilisi, Georgia, offering product design, software development and creative growth marketing services. Our clients include government agencies, local and international enterprises and tech startups. Plus, we enhance EU and US-based agencies’ capacity with remote teams. In 9 years, we have devised, designed, and built 100+ web and mobile apps using Laravel’s ecosystem, Vue, React and React Native.</p> </div> <div class="flex-shrink-0"> <img class="w-full mt-auto" src="/assets/partners/images/redberry2.jpg" alt="" /> </div> </div> <div class="flex justify-between mt-6"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/redberry" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start md:hidden" partner="{"id":28,"name":"Redberry","slug":"redberry","contact_email":"","logo":"\/assets\/partners\/logos\/redberry.min.svg","image":"\/assets\/partners\/images\/redberry2.jpg","description":"Redberry is a Swiss army knife agency from Tbilisi, Georgia, offering product design, software development and creative growth marketing services. Our clients include government agencies, local and international enterprises and tech startups. Plus, we enhance EU and US-based agencies\u2019 capacity with remote teams. In 9 years, we have devised, designed, and built 100+ web and mobile apps using Laravel\u2019s ecosystem, Vue, React and React Native.","paragraphs":"<iframe width=\"700\" height=\"393\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/rNoSsEqeuKk\" title=\"RDBR Showreel 2022 \ud83d\ude80\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen><\/iframe><p>Redberry started in 2014 as a four friends' venture to breathe digital life into the brick-to-mortar businesses in Georgia. Today, we are a team of 200 and represent the biggest and leading Georgian agency. On our quest for constant development and evolution, we have assembled a team of all-star, battle-tested UX\/UI design experts, software developers, DevOps engineers, project managers, scrum masters, digital strategists, copywriters, and growth hackers.<\/p><p>One of the greatest things about us is our location. We are based in Georgia (the country, not the state), where IT outsourcing is almost tax-free. That means that our EU and US-based partner startups and agencies enjoy more runway and bigger project margins. Plus, we are in the heart of the rapidly growing tech talent pool that we have easy access to, making us a flexible, scalable partner for boosting product development capacity.<\/p><p>Besides being a software house, we are a Google and Facebook partner creative growth marketing agency, which has made us an ideal, full-service partner for 80+ companies of all sizes to design, build, launch and further develop their products. Helping your business grow is our day job, sometimes crawling into the nights and weekends. We view our collaborations as partnerships and remain focused on growing our client's businesses through tech and marketing solutions. That mindset has shaped our list of clients with industry leaders in finance, insurance, real estate, auto, education, healthcare and others.<\/p><p>Having the experience of running a startup studio has refined our ability to optimize for low initial time-to-market and high development velocity. We have built a dozen MVPs and continued developing them over time according to the ever-changing business requirements. We have managed to do that through lean and agile development techniques, making deep use of the whole Laravel ecosystem, setting up and maintaining adequate test coverage of the codebase and using CI\/CD pipelines.<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/laravel-development","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":0,"hiring_url":null,"pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/19WHxG","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z","updated_at":"2024-08-06T13:54:40.000000Z","regions":[{"id":3,"name":"Europe","created_at":null,"updated_at":null,"pivot":{"partner_id":28,"region_id":3}}]}" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > Redberry </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> Europe </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">Redberry is a Swiss army knife agency from Tbilisi, Georgia, offering product design, software development and creative growth marketing services. Our clients include government agencies, local and international enterprises and tech startups. Plus, we enhance EU and US-based agencies’ capacity with remote teams. In 9 years, we have devised, designed, and built 100+ web and mobile apps using Laravel’s ecosystem, Vue, React and React Native.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/assets/partners/images/redberry2.jpg" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="max-w-screen-xl p-4 sm:p-7 mx-auto mb-10"> <h2 class="text-xl mb-7 font-medium">Featured partners</h2> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-3 gap-5 mb-10"> <a href="/partners/byte5" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":15,"name":"byte5","slug":"byte5","contact_email":"","logo":"\/assets\/partners\/logos\/byte5.min.svg","image":"\/assets\/partners\/images\/byte5.jpg","description":"byte5 is a web technology company based in Frankfurt, Germany. For over 10 years we have been specializing on innovative open source technologies that give our expert team all the opportunities to create great web applications, sites and shops for our international clients.","paragraphs":"<p>As an experienced consultant we have perfected a lean and agile approach to make sure that each client project gets exactly what it needs in order to be a long-term success. The projects we work on cooperatively with our clients' internal developers are based on a strong project management team that also takes the position of mentor and trainer when needed.<\/p>\n<p>What we've learned from our experience with other technologies is the importance of a strong network. Thus we began hosting regular local Laravel events for developers in the economically strong Rhein-Main region in 2016.<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":0,"hiring_url":null,"pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/UI80oJ","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z","updated_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > byte5 </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> Europe </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">byte5 is a web technology company based in Frankfurt, Germany. For over 10 years we have been specializing on innovative open source technologies that give our expert team all the opportunities to create great web applications, sites and shops for our international clients.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/assets/partners/images/byte5.jpg" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/caci-digital-experience" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":22,"name":"CACI Digital Experience (formerly Cyber-Duck)","slug":"caci-digital-experience","contact_email":"","logo":"\/storage\/logos\/cyber-duck.png?v=2","image":"\/assets\/partners\/images\/cyber-duck2.jpg","description":"Laravel\u2019s first accredited UK partner, we've designed, built, and scaled game-changing solutions that empower people and business for global brands like Worcester Bosch, Cadbury and Cancer Research. We create long-term success by aligning your business strategy with our human-centred Service and Product Design and deep technical expertise in Laravel, React, Vue and Statamic. Delivered by a diverse, friendly team and transparent, robust project management.","paragraphs":"<p>\r\nCACI Digital Experience was formed from CACI Ltd\u2019s November 2023 acquisition of Cyber-Duck, a pioneer in human-centred design recognized as one of the UK's leading Laravel agencies. With 12-plus years working on Laravel products and applications that can scale with your business ambitions, whatever they are.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>Our multidisciplinary team of strategists, service, product and UX\/UI designers, developers, engineers and technical specialists focus on what your business really needs from your Laravel project. Whether you have a greenfield product or Laravel ecosystem that\u2019s underperforming, we work in close partnership to create the right technical architecture and roadmap to ensure your Laravel project delivers for the long-term.<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\nOur certified Laravel experts regularly contribute to core Laravel features and packages allowing us to streamline development, efficiently and securely. But just as importantly, we work out in the open in a transparent, Agile way, so you always know what we\u2019re working on and why.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\nThis is underpinned by our multiple ISO-accredited delivery approach \u2013 including human-centred design, security, environment and quality management systems and best practice standards in Accessibility and Google Analytics. Elements we believe are essential for any successful Laravel project today, no matter its size or scope.\r\n<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/what-we-do\/web-application-development\/laravel","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":1,"hiring_url":"https:\/\/\/our-culture\/careers","pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/0e9h9L","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z","updated_at":"2024-09-04T14:22:25.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > CACI Digital Experience (formerly Cyber-Duck) </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> Europe </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">Laravel’s first accredited UK partner, we've designed, built, and scaled game-changing solutions that empower people and business for global brands like Worcester Bosch, Cadbury and Cancer Research. We create long-term success by aligning your business strategy with our human-centred Service and Product Design and deep technical expertise in Laravel, React, Vue and Statamic. Delivered by a diverse, friendly team and transparent, robust project management.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/assets/partners/images/cyber-duck2.jpg" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/tighten" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":13,"name":"Tighten","slug":"tighten","contact_email":"","logo":"\/assets\/partners\/logos\/tighten2.min.svg","image":"\/assets\/partners\/images\/tighten.png","description":"Treat people well, solve the right problems, and build spectacular software. That's how we roll.<br\/><br\/>We're ultra-focused and deeply experienced in the technology powering modern business, beginning with Laravel. Via our signature method, our meticulously assembled team delivers unparalleled service, helping you do more with your software, and do right by your business.","paragraphs":"<p>Empathetically opinionated, expertly executed development. That's what we deliver.<\/p>\n<p>We've seen more Laravel codebases than just about anybody, and we sweat the hell out of the details to give your app the fit-and-finish today's users expect, while giving you the clarity and confidence to charge ahead.<\/p>\n<p>If you're building a development team, you know it takes time and diligence, and it could be the make-or-break factor for your business. Companies turn to Tighten at key turning points, to propel their technology forward while they assemble the *right* team for their business.<\/p>\n<p>Learning and sharing with our community is essential to how we work. We're tireless advocates for the Laravel community, and we're proud to have been a part of the Laravel Partners program right from the start.<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/?ref=laravelpartners","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":0,"hiring_url":null,"pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/18L6NY","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z","updated_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > Tighten </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> North America </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">Treat people well, solve the right problems, and build spectacular software. That's how we roll.<br/><br/>We're ultra-focused and deeply experienced in the technology powering modern business, beginning with Laravel. Via our signature method, our meticulously assembled team delivers unparalleled service, helping you do more with your software, and do right by your business.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/assets/partners/images/tighten.png" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/active-logic" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":8,"name":"Active Logic","slug":"active-logic","contact_email":"","logo":"\/assets\/partners\/logos\/active-logic.min.svg","image":"\/assets\/partners\/images\/active-logic.jpg","description":"As the largest on-shore Laravel development company in the United States, Active Logic is headquartered in Kansas City. With offices in both Kansas City and Miami, the team is made up of senior developers and engineers with local backgrounds who have the expertise needed to deliver a quality end product. Active Logic believes in transparent and active communication to provide meaningful collaboration with clients.","paragraphs":"<p>Active Logic Labs was founded in 2014, and since then has worked with businesses ranging from local startups to Fortune 500 organizations. Through planning, development, and execution, our team is able to produce leading-edge applications that work with a variety of platforms.<\/p>\r\n<p>Our tried-and-true Laravel development process allows us to deliver top-of-the-line solutions at a fraction of the time.<\/p>\r\n<p>Each project that we work on is designed around a client\u2019s specific needs. From start to finish, we aim to ensure that the end goal is met in a timely and successful fashion. Each line of code is written with your company brand, business model, and needs in mind. The process starts with an initial consultation between our organizations to build a strong foundation of trust and communication.<\/p>\r\n<p>Contact our Laravel development team today, and learn how we can provide the tools and systems required to reach your business goals.<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/laravel-development","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":0,"hiring_url":null,"pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/w1uddP","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z","updated_at":"2023-09-22T17:58:40.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > Active Logic </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> North America </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">As the largest on-shore Laravel development company in the United States, Active Logic is headquartered in Kansas City. With offices in both Kansas City and Miami, the team is made up of senior developers and engineers with local backgrounds who have the expertise needed to deliver a quality end product. Active Logic believes in transparent and active communication to provide meaningful collaboration with clients.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/assets/partners/images/active-logic.jpg" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/webreinvent" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":27,"name":"WebReinvent","slug":"webreinvent","contact_email":"","logo":"\/assets\/partners\/logos\/webreinvent.min.svg","image":"\/assets\/partners\/images\/webreinvent2.png","description":"WebReinvent is a software development company that provides a range of end-to-end software products, real-time apps, multi-tenant SaaS applications, API, and mobile app development services. We have delivered MVP to enterprise-level software globally from startup to MNC using Laravel.","paragraphs":"<p>WebReinvent has 10+ years of experience in building software and a team of 50+ software professionals including software developers, UI\/UX designers, testers, DevOps, project managers, etc. The team is well-versed in the Laravel ecosystem and delivered multiple web applications, API, and multi-tenancy SaaS applications.<\/p>\n<p>We are one of the most process-driven companies and we love to practice industry standards for software development. Some of them are managing git repo, code review\/audits, deploying new releases via CI\/CD, automated software testing, maintaining detailed technical documentation, application performance monitoring, etc.<\/p>\n<p>We have been actively developing open-source packages and CMS for the Laravel community. Hope we'll be able to make a significant contribution. We have thoroughly enjoyed the Laravel ecosystem and are proud to be a part of the Laravel Partner program.<\/p>\n<p>Contact us to build your MVP fast or migrate your legacy software to Laravel or maintain your existing software or scale your software to the enterprise level. We're here to help.<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/?utm_source=laravel&","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":0,"hiring_url":"","pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/bNZaJp","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z","updated_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > WebReinvent </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> Asia, North America </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">WebReinvent is a software development company that provides a range of end-to-end software products, real-time apps, multi-tenant SaaS applications, API, and mobile app development services. We have delivered MVP to enterprise-level software globally from startup to MNC using Laravel.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/assets/partners/images/webreinvent2.png" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/madewithlove" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":18,"name":"Madewithlove","slug":"madewithlove","contact_email":"","logo":"\/assets\/partners\/logos\/madewithlove.min.svg","image":"\/assets\/partners\/images\/madewithlove.jpg","description":"We help startups and scale-ups to thrive. We audit, architect, refactor, and develop alongside your team while mentoring them \u2014 from developer to CTO. Your self-reliance is our goal. With over 10 years of experience, we've seen it all and know how to help you.","paragraphs":"<p>Madewithlove is a remote company from Belgium that helps startups and scale-ups build digital products. The helping aspect is pretty important since our main focus is to mentor your team and get them self-standing asap.<\/p>\n<p>We do two types of projects:<\/p>\n<p><strong>Ghostwriting startups:<\/strong> You have an idea and want to start building. We start the project and help you hire a team that knows exactly how the system works.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Gordon Ramsay's Startup Nightmares:<\/strong> Perhaps your startup is struggling. We will evaluate your team, processes, and product with a due diligence audit. After this, we will take a hand in helping your existing engineers reshape things.<\/p>\n<p>We cover all services that fall under the CTO: product, engineering, hiring, and infrastructure. We are involved in all of these for maximum impact. By having something to say on multiple levels we can work more efficiently and deliver high value without much overhead.<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":0,"hiring_url":null,"pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/PFbVHt","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z","updated_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > Madewithlove </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> Europe </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">We help startups and scale-ups to thrive. We audit, architect, refactor, and develop alongside your team while mentoring them — from developer to CTO. Your self-reliance is our goal. With over 10 years of experience, we've seen it all and know how to help you.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/assets/partners/images/madewithlove.jpg" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/adeva" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":42,"name":"Adeva","slug":"adeva","contact_email":"","logo":"\/storage\/logos\/adeva.svg","image":"\/storage\/images\/eqZqHBiriaeIEHGuKXv7IADj2Sm13mrj6yWcUMFW.png","description":"Adeva is a marketplace for expert-level Laravel developers, artisans, and consultants. Adeva helps CEOs, CTOs, and leadership teams at top companies find Laravel developers for their mission-critical projects.","paragraphs":"<p>\r\nAdeva is a global network that connects companies with expert-level Laravel developers. It offers a solution to the challenges of slow and inefficient hiring processes and the limitations of local talent pools, allowing for quick, effective, and risk-free team expansion.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\nWith a foundation built on community engagement and a deep understanding of the Laravel ecosystem, Adeva has become a go-to platform where over 250 companies augment their team flexibly. Recognized as the 48th fastest-growing company by Deloitte in 2023, Adeva is changing the way modern companies hire.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\nBy using Adeva engineering leaders bypass traditional recruitment hurdles, finding the right Laravel expertise for their projects efficiently. Using a community-driven approach and a deep understanding of the Laravel ecosystem Adeva ensures access to top talent for developing new projects, filling skill gaps, or boosting engineering capacity.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\nRecognized by Deloitte as a fast-growing company in 2023, Adeva is changing the way modern companies hire.\r\n<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/laravel","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":1,"hiring_url":"https:\/\/\/apply","pitchable":0,"fieldgoal_url":null,"active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2024-04-09T21:03:23.000000Z","updated_at":"2024-04-09T22:04:25.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > Adeva </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> Europe, North America, Asia, Oceania </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">Adeva is a marketplace for expert-level Laravel developers, artisans, and consultants. Adeva helps CEOs, CTOs, and leadership teams at top companies find Laravel developers for their mission-critical projects.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/storage/images/eqZqHBiriaeIEHGuKXv7IADj2Sm13mrj6yWcUMFW.png" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/kirschbaum" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":16,"name":"Kirschbaum","slug":"kirschbaum","contact_email":"","logo":"\/assets\/partners\/logos\/kirschbaum.min.svg","image":"\/assets\/partners\/images\/kirschbaum.png","description":"We are a team of carefully curated Laravel experts with a history of delivering practical and efficient solutions to complex problems. We bring products and services to market quickly by leveraging iterative processes and lean development techniques.","paragraphs":"<p>The Kirschbaum team of Laravel experts are exceptional coders, and exceptional problem solvers \u2013 if there's a more efficient path to reach your goals, we'll find it. We've helped companies save millions, and we've enabled organizations without millions to compete with those who do.<\/p>\n<p>The companies we work with appreciate our ability to work seamlessly with both their technical and non-technical teams. We cut out the middlemen\u2014our developers are great communicators with business sense, so you speak directly with the people working on your project and nothing is lost in translation.<\/p>\n<p>With a history of delivering practical solutions to complex problems, our focus is on your long-term success. We leverage innovative approaches and bleeding edge technologies to get your products and services to market quickly, while anticipating the need to scale and adapt as your business requirements evolve.<\/p>\n<p>We'd love to chat with you about your project!<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":0,"hiring_url":null,"pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/6PJMXv","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z","updated_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > Kirschbaum </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> North America </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">We are a team of carefully curated Laravel experts with a history of delivering practical and efficient solutions to complex problems. We bring products and services to market quickly by leveraging iterative processes and lean development techniques.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/assets/partners/images/kirschbaum.png" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/jump24" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":24,"name":"Jump24","slug":"jump24","contact_email":"","logo":"\/assets\/partners\/logos\/jump24.svg","image":"\/storage\/images\/nalXxhxt2aUXOEWH16FgeBr92KqmaBoKCIzRUknm.png","description":"We work alongside start-ups, enterprises and tech teams creating bespoke web software solutions to help them achieve their goals. Honing our skills in Laravel since 2013 and using test driven development, we design and build secure applications to the highest standard.","paragraphs":"<iframe width=\"700\" height=\"393\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/Zka9dM7UDH8?si=aQLpqJlWeW72Iwz-\" title=\"YouTube video player\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen><\/iframe>\r\n<p>\r\nWe are a multi-skilled web development agency specialising in Laravel, UX projects and team augmentation. Whether you\u2019re technically minded or not, our services are crafted to cater to all. From our base in England and with a remote UK-based team, we\u2019ve worked closely with clients in the UK, Europe, United States and beyond including Jamie Oliver, Admiral, InPost and Buffer.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\nWhether you\u2019re a startup, enterprise or agency, your story is important to us. We focus on the minute details of UI design, backend and test driven development to help create something that reflects your needs. \r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\nWe are a very proud Laracon Sponsor and passionate about making tech events accessible for everyone. In addition to this we regularly host a local PHP focussed event to help the tech community learn and develop in a relaxed atmosphere Birmingham (England).\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\nTo find out even more about us, check out our <a href=\"https:\/\/\/jumptwenty4\" class=\"underline\">Twitter<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/company\/jump-twenty-four\/\" class=\"underline\">LinkedIn<\/a>.\r\n<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/laravel-specialist\/","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":1,"hiring_url":"https:\/\/\/careers\/","pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/kLGDN9","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z","updated_at":"2023-10-04T15:27:10.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > Jump24 </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> Europe </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">We work alongside start-ups, enterprises and tech teams creating bespoke web software solutions to help them achieve their goals. Honing our skills in Laravel since 2013 and using test driven development, we design and build secure applications to the highest standard.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/storage/images/nalXxhxt2aUXOEWH16FgeBr92KqmaBoKCIzRUknm.png" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/curotec" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":23,"name":"Curotec","slug":"curotec","contact_email":"","logo":"\/storage\/logos\/curotec.png","image":"\/storage\/images\/odnrF8qxjjdEwCsd0KbFkZoVVxzoYTKJ8gOW1PRu.png","description":"We are a team of Laravel experts focused on supporting SaaS and enterprise product teams who want to build amazing software on the Laravel framework. Hire us for a project, augment your team with our engineers, or get ongoing application support with a retainer.","paragraphs":"<p>\r\nWe\u2019re a team of business and technology problem solvers, and we recognize that people are at the core of everything we do. Technology happens to be the medium in which we work. Curotec was founded in 2010, and we chose Laravel as our default framework in 2014. \r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\nWhether you need a firm to build your idea, support an existing Laravel codebase, or augment your engineering team, we\u2019ve got you covered. Our experience extends from ground-up development using the Laravel framework to side-by-side collaborations that make in-house teams more productive with Laravel.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\nOur team is equipped to take your ideas from concept to launch, pairing the powerful Laravel framework with complementary technologies and deep software planning and design experience to transform your vision into reality. \r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\nGet in touch today to discuss your Laravel engineering needs with a team that gets it! \r\n<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/services\/technologies\/laravel\/","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":1,"hiring_url":"https:\/\/\/careers","pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/I8BhXL","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z","updated_at":"2023-10-05T15:51:21.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > Curotec </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> North America </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">We are a team of Laravel experts focused on supporting SaaS and enterprise product teams who want to build amazing software on the Laravel framework. Hire us for a project, augment your team with our engineers, or get ongoing application support with a retainer.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/storage/images/odnrF8qxjjdEwCsd0KbFkZoVVxzoYTKJ8gOW1PRu.png" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/bacancy" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":29,"name":"Bacancy","slug":"bacancy","contact_email":"","logo":"\/storage\/logos\/bacancy.svg","image":"\/storage\/images\/IFyQB4cFBJdHMkHkfyCBf0hnPXtBLZWUt6gpElah.jpg","description":"Bacancy is a premier Laravel development company with over a decade of experience. We have a skilled pool of 1050+ developers with expertise in multiple technologies. From startups to Fortune 500 companies partnering with brands worldwide, we deliver fast, high-quality, cost-effective solutions at affordable rates. Get quick access to Laravel developers with 4-6 years of experience. Reach out today and secure your dedicated Laravel developer at $2500 \/ month.","paragraphs":"<script src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/medias\/dunhnum2fj.jsonp\" async><\/script><script src=\"https:\/\/\/assets\/external\/E-v1.js\" async><\/script><div class=\"wistia_responsive_padding\" style=\"padding:56.25% 0 0 0;position:relative;\"><div class=\"wistia_responsive_wrapper\" style=\"height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;top:0;width:100%;\"><div class=\"wistia_embed wistia_async_dunhnum2fj seo=false videoFoam=true\" style=\"height:100%;position:relative;width:100%\"><div class=\"wistia_swatch\" style=\"height:100%;left:0;opacity:0;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:0;transition:opacity 200ms;width:100%;\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/medias\/dunhnum2fj\/swatch\" style=\"filter:blur(5px);height:100%;object-fit:contain;width:100%;\" alt=\"\" aria-hidden=\"true\" onload=\";\" \/><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div> \r\n\r\n<p>We are seasoned market professionals, boasting a successful track record of delivering over 30 Laravel-based projects across diverse industries such as healthcare, education, and finance. Adhering to standard Laravel architecture and best practices, our developers have established us as the preferred choice for startups and brands seeking SaaS application development. By leveraging our Laravel Staff Augmentation Services, you can fill the talent gap in your existing team, ensuring a faster product launch.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>We utilize our extensive Laravel technical expertise and incorporate add-on functionalities, including Laravel Nova, Dusk for testing, and Horizon for queue management. Our proficiency also extends to Laravel upgrade and migration services. In addition, we offer robust CI\/CD implementation, ensuring seamless deployment and continuous improvement across all your Laravel projects. With a proven track record in delivering exceptional IoT, AI\/ML, and Blockchain solutions, we stand as the premier choice for all your Laravel development needs. Just like our esteemed partner who presented at Laravel, we are committed to achieving excellence in every project we undertake.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>Possessing over a decade of experience, a proven track record in more than 12 countries, and a portfolio of over 1000 satisfied clients, our unwavering commitment to excellence is evident in all our endeavors. We excel in fostering transformation and aiding businesses in achieving their development goals. Our expertise also encompasses front-end technologies like Vue and React, enabling us to deliver swift, top-quality, and cost-effective solutions through agile methodologies.<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/hire-laravel-developer?utm_source=laravel&utm_medium=partners.laravel&utm_campaign=sponsors","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":0,"hiring_url":null,"pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/xEIFkZ","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-26T18:59:19.000000Z","updated_at":"2024-01-17T15:22:19.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > Bacancy </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> Asia, North America </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">Bacancy is a premier Laravel development company with over a decade of experience. We have a skilled pool of 1050+ developers with expertise in multiple technologies. From startups to Fortune 500 companies partnering with brands worldwide, we deliver fast, high-quality, cost-effective solutions at affordable rates. Get quick access to Laravel developers with 4-6 years of experience. Reach out today and secure your dedicated Laravel developer at $2500 / month.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/storage/images/IFyQB4cFBJdHMkHkfyCBf0hnPXtBLZWUt6gpElah.jpg" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/dev-squad" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":17,"name":"DevSquad","slug":"dev-squad","contact_email":"","logo":"\/assets\/partners\/logos\/devsquad.png","image":"\/assets\/partners\/images\/devsquad.jpg","description":"You can think of DevSquad as the Navy SEALs of software development. Our team members have unique and diverse skills, and this cross-functionality lets us successfully complete any mission.","paragraphs":"<p>All of our clients get their own dedicated Squad. Even if you need 30 developers, everyone working on your project is split into small agile teams of 2-6 people. A battle-tested small team can move quicker and with more precision than larger teams, just like the Navy SEALs.<\/p>\n<p>Instead of the bug-filled code, you may have received in the past, we write robust software and test the hell out of it. But instead of just testing manually, we write additional code to test your code. This ensures bugs are spotted quickly and automatically before your employees or customers ever touch the software. And it prevents bigger problems down the road when you try to scale usage or add new features.<\/p>\n<p>DevSquad gives you the proven proves and all the experience you need to build your software better, faster, and right the first time.<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/hire-laravel-developers\/","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":0,"hiring_url":null,"pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/HRHkOa","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z","updated_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > DevSquad </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> North America </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">You can think of DevSquad as the Navy SEALs of software development. Our team members have unique and diverse skills, and this cross-functionality lets us successfully complete any mission.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/assets/partners/images/devsquad.jpg" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/vehikl" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":10,"name":"Vehikl","slug":"vehikl","contact_email":"","logo":"\/assets\/partners\/logos\/vehikl.min.svg","image":"\/assets\/partners\/images\/vehikl.png","description":"Vehikl is a team of code-crushing Laravel experts. Over the years we have built a variety of web applications for customers using Laravel as our framework of choice and implemented Lean Agile development techniques to build professional applications that are functional and easy to use.","paragraphs":"<p>Combining the power of Laravel, Lean Agile development techniques, and a diverse team with deep technical knowledge and experience allows us to provide a unique approach to make sure your work gets done as quickly, professionally, and economically as possible. Our customers range from smaller startups looking for help with working through a feature backlog as they scale, to larger established firms that need to refactor a legacy code base and build new features.<\/p>\n<p>We integrate fully with your existing workflow and will dramatically increase your project\u2019s velocity. We also provide mentorship to more junior developers and work to assist knowledge transfer to any new developers you onboard internally. As a development partner, Vehikl provides a flexible, scalable option while you ramp up an internal team. Over the years we have built a variety of web applications for customers using Laravel as our framework of choice and implemented Lean Agile development techniques to build professional applications that are functional and easy to use.<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":0,"hiring_url":null,"pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/lE0z2Y","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z","updated_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > Vehikl </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> North America </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">Vehikl is a team of code-crushing Laravel experts. Over the years we have built a variety of web applications for customers using Laravel as our framework of choice and implemented Lean Agile development techniques to build professional applications that are functional and easy to use.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/assets/partners/images/vehikl.png" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/black-airplane" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":34,"name":"Black Airplane","slug":"black-airplane","contact_email":"","logo":"\/storage\/logos\/black-airplane.png","image":"\/storage\/images\/a3uhhYqYZxbNFDLZFPtDbQSlys1Z2MQeup9SiiCh.png","description":"Black Airplane is a digital product agency built to solve real business problems with technology. Whether you\u2019re a hard-charging founder with a big idea or an industry leader with a big need for change, we\u2019ll blend deep technical expertise with uncommon creativity to help you create a product that wins. No matter the challenge you\u2019re facing, our team of digital product aces can help you turn your good idea into a damn good product.","paragraphs":"<p>\r\nWe build world-class web apps for <s>world<\/s> market domination. Our ability to craft custom software spans industries, so there\u2019s no limit to what we can create together. From well-funded startups to industry giants like Coca-Cola, Chick-Fil-A, and Aflac, our clients have entrusted our Laravel masters to transform their visions into reality. The story isn\u2019t about us though, it\u2019s about YOU. Meet your moment and let\u2019s go build something together.\r\n<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/partners\/laravel","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":1,"hiring_url":"https:\/\/\/careers","pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/glQi8T","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-10-13T15:01:30.000000Z","updated_at":"2024-04-05T17:54:58.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > Black Airplane </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> North America </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">Black Airplane is a digital product agency built to solve real business problems with technology. Whether you’re a hard-charging founder with a big idea or an industry leader with a big need for change, we’ll blend deep technical expertise with uncommon creativity to help you create a product that wins. No matter the challenge you’re facing, our team of digital product aces can help you turn your good idea into a damn good product.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/storage/images/a3uhhYqYZxbNFDLZFPtDbQSlys1Z2MQeup9SiiCh.png" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/10code" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":1,"name":"10Code","slug":"10code","contact_email":"","logo":"\/assets\/partners\/logos\/10codes.svg","image":"\/assets\/partners\/images\/10codes.png","description":"10Code goes beyond software development; we are your strategic ally in digital transformation. Experts in Laravel and staff augmentation, we bring more than individual talent: we offer the strength of an entire team. Our vertical and cross-functional groups in Product Design, Continuous Training, and R&D provide the essential resources to overcome challenges and minimize technical debt.","paragraphs":"<p>At 10Code, we turn complexity into simplicity. Our expertise in Laravel and staff augmentation allows us to deliver tailored solutions that fit your needs and help your business grow. But what truly sets us apart is our ability to offer not just individual experts, but the support of an entire team.<\/p>\n<p>Our philosophy is based on talent and family. We believe that each team member brings unique value and that together, we are stronger. When you join us, you're not just getting a Laravel expert, but the support of an entire team that shares your values and is committed to your goals.<\/p>\n<p>If you're looking for a partner who understands your needs, helps you overcome your challenges, and offers customized solutions, 10Code is the perfect choice. Contact us today and discover how we can help you reach new heights.<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":0,"hiring_url":null,"pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/e1BrSj","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:05.000000Z","updated_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:05.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > 10Code </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> Europe </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">10Code goes beyond software development; we are your strategic ally in digital transformation. Experts in Laravel and staff augmentation, we bring more than individual talent: we offer the strength of an entire team. Our vertical and cross-functional groups in Product Design, Continuous Training, and R&D provide the essential resources to overcome challenges and minimize technical debt.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/assets/partners/images/10codes.png" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 6.46353ZM9.75 8.71353V14.5365L14.25 12.2865V6.46353L9.75 8.71353ZM13.3229 5.25L9 7.41148L4.67705 5.25L9 3.08853L13.3229 5.25Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> <span class="leading-none block text-sm font-medium">Featured partner</span> </div> <span class="text-gray-600 text-sm transition-colors group-hover:text-gray-800 md:hidden lg:block" > Visit profile </span> </div> </a> <a href="/partners/64-robots" class="p-3 sm:p-6 md:p-3 md:pb-4 lg:p-6 bg-white shadow-sm hover:shadow-lg focus:shadow-lg transition group flex flex-col justify-start" partner="{"id":14,"name":"64 Robots","slug":"64-robots","contact_email":"","logo":"\/assets\/partners\/logos\/64robots.min.svg","image":"\/assets\/partners\/images\/64robots.png","description":"64 Robots is a full-service software agency specializing in accessible, user-forward web solutions.\u00a0Unlike most software agencies that claim to be experts in dozens of different coding languages and frameworks,\u00a064 Robots hyper-focuses on a single, yet powerful tech stack allowing us to build highly-scalable, accessibility-focused application.","paragraphs":"<p>\r\n64 Robots is a software agency that specializes in custom software development using a powerful tech stack, consisting of Laravel, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, AWS, and Figma. Founded in 2016 and based in Baltimore, Maryland, our primary focus is on building highly-scalable, accessibility-focused, secure applications. \r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\nWe believe that accessibility is a fundamental aspect of web application development. We prioritize accessibility in everything we do, from design to development to testing. We create accessibility-first web applications that are designed to meet the accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). \r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\nAt 64 Robots, security is a critical aspect of web application development, and we take it seriously. We follow strict security protocols and employ a range of security testing techniques to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. We conduct a thorough risk assessment at the beginning of the development process to identify potential security risks and develop a plan to address them.\r\n<\/p>\r\n<p>\r\nWe pride ourselves on building partnerships with our clients and providing full transparency at each stage of every project lifecycle.\r\n<\/p>","tier":"Featured","website":"https:\/\/\/","youtube_video_url":null,"type":"Agency","hiring":0,"hiring_url":null,"pitchable":1,"fieldgoal_url":"https:\/\/\/f\/hNoLTX","active":true,"weight":10,"status":"published","created_at":"2023-09-08T16:11:06.000000Z","updated_at":"2024-01-25T15:43:32.000000Z"}" big="big" > <div class="flex items-center mb-4 justify-start"> <!-- <img class="w-16 h-16 md:w-12 md:h-12 lg:w-16 lg:h-16 mr-4" :src="$partner->logo" :alt="$partner->name + 'logo'" /> --> <div> <h3 class="text-lg md:text-xl font-medium leading-none md:leading-none group-hover:text-red-600 group-focus:text-red-600 transition-colors" > 64 Robots </h3> <span class="text-xs text-gray-500 mt-3 flex items-center leading-none"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="-mt-0.5 w-4 h-4 mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 3.33366C8.84629 3.33366 7.71849 3.67577 6.75921 4.31673C5.79993 4.95769 5.05225 5.86872 4.61073 6.9346C4.16921 8.00049 4.05368 9.17336 4.27873 10.3049C4.50378 11.4364 5.05929 12.4758 5.87502 13.2916C5.87505 13.2916 5.87499 13.2916 5.87502 13.2916L9.41169 16.8274C9.48893 16.9047 9.58101 16.9664 9.68196 17.0083C9.78292 17.0501 9.89113 17.0717 10.0004 17.0717C10.1097 17.0717 10.2179 17.0501 10.3189 17.0083C10.4198 16.9664 10.5115 16.9051 10.5888 16.8278L14.1249 13.2917C14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917 14.1249 13.2917C14.9407 12.4759 15.4962 11.4364 15.7213 10.3049C15.9463 9.17336 15.8308 8.00049 15.3893 6.9346C14.9478 5.86872 14.2001 4.95769 13.2408 4.31673C12.2815 3.67577 11.1537 3.33366 10 3.33366ZM15.3034 14.4702C16.3523 13.4212 17.0666 12.0849 17.3559 10.63C17.6453 9.17518 17.4967 7.6672 16.9291 6.29678C16.3614 4.92635 15.4001 3.75504 14.1667 2.93094C12.9334 2.10685 11.4833 1.66699 10 1.66699C8.51666 1.66699 7.06663 2.10685 5.83327 2.93094C4.59991 3.75504 3.63861 4.92635 3.07094 6.29678C2.50328 7.6672 2.35473 9.17518 2.64409 10.63C2.93344 12.0849 3.64771 13.4212 4.69657 14.4702L8.23295 18.0057C8.46498 18.238 8.7405 18.4222 9.04378 18.5479C9.34705 18.6736 9.67213 18.7383 10.0004 18.7383C10.3287 18.7383 10.6538 18.6736 10.9571 18.5479C11.2602 18.4223 11.5356 18.2381 11.7676 18.006C11.7675 18.0061 11.7677 18.0059 11.7676 18.006L15.3034 14.4702Z" class="fill-current" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.99969 7.50004C9.55766 7.50004 9.13373 7.67564 8.82117 7.9882C8.50861 8.30076 8.33302 8.72468 8.33302 9.16671C8.33302 9.60874 8.50861 10.0327 8.82117 10.3452C9.13373 10.6578 9.55766 10.8334 9.99969 10.8334C10.4417 10.8334 10.8656 10.6578 11.1782 10.3452C11.4908 10.0327 11.6664 9.60874 11.6664 9.16671C11.6664 8.72468 11.4908 8.30076 11.1782 7.9882C10.8656 7.67564 10.4417 7.50004 9.99969 7.50004ZM7.64266 6.80968C8.26778 6.18456 9.11563 5.83337 9.99969 5.83337C10.8837 5.83337 11.7316 6.18456 12.3567 6.80968C12.9818 7.43481 13.333 8.28265 13.333 9.16671C13.333 10.0508 12.9818 10.8986 12.3567 11.5237C11.7316 12.1489 10.8837 12.5 9.99969 12.5C9.11563 12.5 8.26778 12.1489 7.64266 11.5237C7.01754 10.8986 6.66635 10.0508 6.66635 9.16671C6.66635 8.28265 7.01754 7.43481 7.64266 6.80968Z" class="fill-current" /> </svg> North America </span> </div> </div> <p class="md:text-sm lg:text-base text-gray-700 lg:mt-4 mb-6">64 Robots is a full-service software agency specializing in accessible, user-forward web solutions. Unlike most software agencies that claim to be experts in dozens of different coding languages and frameworks, 64 Robots hyper-focuses on a single, yet powerful tech stack allowing us to build highly-scalable, accessibility-focused application.</p> <img class="w-full mt-auto mb-6 md:mb-4 lg:mb-6" src="/assets/partners/images/64robots.png" alt="" /> <div class="flex justify-between"> <div class="flex justify-start items-center text-featured"> <svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="" 0="class" class="mr-1"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.66459 1.57918C8.87574 1.47361 9.12426 1.47361 9.33541 1.57918L15.3354 4.57918C15.5895 4.70622 15.75 4.96592 15.75 5.25V12.75C15.75 13.0341 15.5895 13.2938 15.3354 13.4208L9.33541 16.4208C9.12426 16.5264 8.87574 16.5264 8.66459 16.4208L2.66459 13.4208C2.4105 13.2938 2.25 13.0341 2.25 12.75V5.25C2.25 4.96592 2.4105 4.70622 2.66459 4.57918L8.66459 1.57918ZM3.75 6.46353V12.2865L8.25 14.5365V8.71353L3.75 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