Laravel Nightwatch

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5.09784 66.8701 5.28649V17.717C66.8701 17.9057 66.9645 18 67.1531 18ZM80.7007 18H81.6102C81.7989 18 81.8932 17.9057 81.8932 17.717V6.47901C81.8932 6.35774 81.9606 6.2971 82.0953 6.2971H84.8442C85.0463 6.2971 85.1474 6.20277 85.1474 6.01413V5.28649C85.1474 5.09784 85.0463 5.00351 84.8442 5.00351H77.4667C77.2646 5.00351 77.1635 5.09784 77.1635 5.28649V6.01413C77.1635 6.20277 77.2646 6.2971 77.4667 6.2971H80.2156C80.3503 6.2971 80.4177 6.35774 80.4177 6.47901V17.717C80.4177 17.9057 80.512 18 80.7007 18ZM88.9424 18H90.4987C90.6739 18 90.7817 17.9057 90.8221 17.717L93.4902 6.86304H93.571L96.2188 17.717C96.2592 17.9057 96.3738 18 96.5624 18H98.1188C98.2939 18 98.4017 17.9057 98.4422 17.717L101.05 5.3067C101.09 5.10458 101.002 5.00351 100.787 5.00351H99.6953C99.5067 5.00351 99.3921 5.10458 99.3517 5.3067L97.3305 16.4234H97.2092L94.4401 5.26627C94.3997 5.0911 94.2919 5.00351 94.1167 5.00351H92.904C92.7288 5.00351 92.621 5.0911 92.5806 5.26627L89.852 16.4234H89.7307L87.6892 5.28649C87.6758 5.09784 87.568 5.00351 87.3658 5.00351H86.2744C86.0588 5.00351 85.9712 5.09784 86.0116 5.28649L88.5988 17.717C88.6392 17.9057 88.7537 18 88.9424 18ZM102.32 18H103.331C103.479 18 103.58 17.9057 103.634 17.717L104.584 14.766H109.476L110.426 17.717C110.466 17.9057 110.56 18 110.708 18H111.739C111.914 18 111.975 17.9057 111.921 17.717L108.142 5.28649C108.088 5.09784 107.96 5.00351 107.757 5.00351H106.302C106.1 5.00351 105.972 5.09784 105.918 5.28649L102.138 17.717C102.085 17.9057 102.145 18 102.32 18ZM104.908 13.5129L106.989 6.51943H107.07L109.152 13.5129H104.908ZM116.348 18H117.258C117.447 18 117.541 17.9057 117.541 17.717V6.47901C117.541 6.35774 117.608 6.2971 117.743 6.2971H120.492C120.694 6.2971 120.795 6.20277 120.795 6.01413V5.28649C120.795 5.09784 120.694 5.00351 120.492 5.00351H113.115C112.912 5.00351 112.811 5.09784 112.811 5.28649V6.01413C112.811 6.20277 112.912 6.2971 113.115 6.2971H115.863C115.998 6.2971 116.066 6.35774 116.066 6.47901V17.717C116.066 17.9057 116.16 18 116.348 18ZM125.5 18H127.925C128.855 18 129.583 17.7372 130.108 17.2117C130.647 16.6862 130.917 15.9518 130.917 15.0086V14.0182C130.917 13.8295 130.822 13.7352 130.634 13.7352H129.724C129.535 13.7352 129.441 13.8295 129.441 14.0182V14.9479C129.441 16.1203 128.875 16.7064 127.743 16.7064H125.661C124.543 16.7064 123.984 16.1203 123.984 14.9479V8.05557C123.984 6.88325 124.543 6.2971 125.661 6.2971H127.743C128.875 6.2971 129.441 6.88325 129.441 8.05557V8.98533C129.441 9.17398 129.535 9.2683 129.724 9.2683H130.634C130.822 9.2683 130.917 9.17398 130.917 8.98533V7.99493C130.917 7.05169 130.647 6.31731 130.108 5.79179C129.583 5.26627 128.855 5.00351 127.925 5.00351H125.5C124.57 5.00351 123.836 5.26627 123.297 5.79179C122.771 6.31731 122.508 7.05169 122.508 7.99493V15.0086C122.508 15.9518 122.771 16.6862 123.297 17.2117C123.836 17.7372 124.57 18 125.5 18ZM133.929 18H134.838C135.027 18 135.121 17.9057 135.121 17.717V12.2597C135.121 12.1384 135.188 12.0778 135.323 12.0778H140.336C140.471 12.0778 140.538 12.1384 140.538 12.2597V17.717C140.538 17.9057 140.632 18 140.821 18H141.731C141.919 18 142.013 17.9057 142.013 17.717V5.28649C142.013 5.09784 141.919 5.00351 141.731 5.00351H140.821C140.632 5.00351 140.538 5.09784 140.538 5.28649V10.6023C140.538 10.7236 140.471 10.7842 140.336 10.7842H135.323C135.188 10.7842 135.121 10.7236 135.121 10.6023V5.28649C135.121 5.09784 135.027 5.00351 134.838 5.00351H133.929C133.74 5.00351 133.646 5.09784 133.646 5.28649V17.717C133.646 17.9057 133.74 18 133.929 18Z" fill="#D4D4D4" style="fill:#D4D4D4;fill:color(display-p3 0.8322 0.8322 0.8322);fill-opacity:1;"/> </svg> <span class="sr-only">Laravel Nightwatch</span> </div> <h1 x-data="transitionIn" x-intersect.enter="show = initialized" :class="{ '!translate-y-0 !opacity-100': show }" class="translate-y-4 tracking-tight text-center mt-16 text-3xl font-semibold text-white opacity-0 transition delay-500 duration-1000 will-change-transform sm:text-4xl md:text-6xl/[1.15em] text-balance" > First-class monitoring designed for Laravel </h1> <p x-data="transitionIn" x-intersect.enter="show = initialized" :class="{ '!translate-y-0 !opacity-100': show }" class="max-w-screen-sm mx-auto mt-8 text-lg font-light translate-y-4 text-balance text-center opacity-0 mix-blend-plus-lighter transition delay-500 duration-1000 will-change-transform" > Laravel Nightwatch delivers unparalleled insights into your application&apos;s performance, with the intelligence only a system obsessively optimized for Laravel can deliver. </p> </div> <div class="px-3"> <div x-data="{ open: false, init() { setTimeout(() => ( = true), 1000) } }" :class="{ '!translate-y-0 !opacity-100': open }" class="relative z-10 mx-auto mt-16 max-w-screen-lg translate-y-8 rounded-lg md:rounded-2xl border-[8px] border-[#5A6369]/[18%] opacity-0 transition-all duration-1000 will-change-transform [mask-image:linear-gradient(to_bottom,black_55%,transparent_92%)]" > <img src="" class="rounded-t-2xl" /> </div> </div> <!-- Video Button --> <div 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23C7.97715 23 3.5 18.5228 3.5 13Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M11.5 15.8039V10.1961C11.5 9.79436 11.9498 9.55666 12.2817 9.78295L16.3941 12.5869C16.6852 12.7854 16.6852 13.2146 16.3941 13.4131L12.2817 16.217C11.9498 16.4433 11.5 16.2056 11.5 15.8039Z" fill="black"/> </svg> Watch announcement </a> </div> <div class="relative mx-auto max-w-screen-md px-6 lg:px-10"> <h2 x-data="transitionIn" x-intersect.enter="show = initialized" :class="{ '!translate-y-0 !opacity-100': show }" class="translate-y-4 text-lg font-semibold text-[#ffffff] opacity-0 mix-blend-plus-lighter transition delay-500 duration-1000 will-change-transform sm:text-xl md:text-3xl" > Crafted by the team that brought you Laravel Cloud, Forge, Vapor, Nova, Pulse and more. </h2> <p x-data="transitionIn" x-intersect.enter="show = initialized" :class="{ '!translate-y-0 !opacity-100': show }" class="mt-6 translate-y-4 opacity-0 mix-blend-plus-lighter transition delay-500 duration-1000 will-change-transform" > Since 2011, Laravel has focused on creating the best <a href="" target="__blank" class="mix-blend-plus-lighter inline-block rounded-sm text-[#ffffff] text-strong underline decoration-[#9BA1A6] underline-offset-[3px] transition hover:decoration-[#ffffff] focus:outline-none focus-visible:shadow-xs-selected" > framework </a> and tools for shipping great products. With the introduction of <a href="" target="__blank" class="mix-blend-plus-lighter inline-block rounded-sm text-[#ffffff] text-strong underline decoration-[#9BA1A6] underline-offset-[3px] transition hover:decoration-[#ffffff] focus:outline-none focus-visible:shadow-xs-selected" > Laravel Cloud </a> and our continued development of <a href="" target="__blank" class="mix-blend-plus-lighter inline-block rounded-sm text-[#ffffff] text-strong underline decoration-[#9BA1A6] underline-offset-[3px] transition hover:decoration-[#ffffff] focus:outline-none focus-visible:shadow-xs-selected" > Forge </a> and <a href="" target="__blank" class="mix-blend-plus-lighter inline-block rounded-sm text-[#ffffff] text-strong underline decoration-[#9BA1A6] underline-offset-[3px] transition hover:decoration-[#ffffff] focus:outline-none focus-visible:shadow-xs-selected" > Vapor </a>, we know that Laravel developers needed a world-class application monitoring platform to scale without losing sleep. </p> <p x-data="transitionIn" x-intersect.enter="show = initialized" :class="{ '!translate-y-0 !opacity-100': show }" class="mt-6 translate-y-4 opacity-0 mix-blend-plus-lighter transition delay-500 duration-1000 will-change-transform" > Nightwatch is monitoring without the mess. A platform built for Laravel developers and teams that need to know exactly what&apos;s happening in their application. We&apos;ve meticulously crafted Nightwatch to deliver Laravel focused, context-aware insights into your application&apos;s performance. </p> <p x-data="transitionIn" x-intersect.enter="show = initialized" :class="{ '!translate-y-0 !opacity-100': show }" class="mt-6 translate-y-4 opacity-0 mix-blend-plus-lighter transition delay-500 duration-1000 will-change-transform" > Say goodnight to sifting through endless logs and piecing together a mosaic of monitoring tools. With Nightwatch, you&apos;re not just tracking numbers — you&apos;re seeing the full picture of your application&apos;s health and performance with zero configuration activity monitoring, log ingestion, automated alerts, and real-time performance tracking. </p> <p x-data="transitionIn" x-intersect.enter="show = initialized" :class="{ '!translate-y-0 !opacity-100': show }" class="mt-6 translate-y-4 opacity-0 mix-blend-plus-lighter transition delay-500 duration-1000 will-change-transform" > We believe Nightwatch represents the future of application observability, where comprehensive insights meet ease of use. We&apos;re not here to add another dashboard to your toolkit — we&apos;re here to redefine how you understand your Laravel application. </p> <p x-data="transitionIn" x-intersect.enter="show = initialized" :class="{ '!translate-y-0 !opacity-100': show }" class="mt-6 translate-y-4 opacity-0 mix-blend-plus-lighter transition delay-500 duration-1000 will-change-transform" > Join the waitlist and be among the first to experience Laravel Nightwatch. </p> <div x-data="transitionIn" x-intersect.enter="show = initialized" :class="{ '!opacity-100': show }" class="-ml-2 mt-6 text-[#ffffff] opacity-0 transition delay-500 duration-1000 sm:-ml-6" > <svg class="w-28" xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 110 68"> <path fill="currentColor" d="M14.493 63.032a6.3 6.3 0 0 1 .613-1.82 28.08 28.08 0 0 0 .8-1.859c1.251-3.516 2.51-6.99 3.778-10.422a2950.79 2950.79 0 0 1 3.853-10.373 381.524 381.524 0 0 1 3.79-9.707 169.92 169.92 0 0 1 4.218-9.532c.084-.234.171-.447.263-.64s.18-.406.263-.64c-.268-.034-.423-.046-.465-.038l-8.997 1.681a675.46 675.46 0 0 1-8.947 1.606c-1.89.337-3.698.766-5.42 1.287-1.732.479-3.543.887-5.434 1.224-.66.177-1.138.186-1.43.027-.336-.15-.487-.36-.453-.627-.01-.26.133-.527.425-.804.293-.276.711-.47 1.255-.579l6.3-1.137c2.099-.38 4.178-.755 6.236-1.125 3.706-.616 7.378-1.29 11.017-2.023l2.974-.468 3.012-.606c.594-.076 1.037-.361 1.33-.855.15-.553.383-1.013.7-1.382.285-.318.59-.423.916-.315a.43.43 0 0 1 .264.339.79.79 0 0 1-.037.464c-.058.36-.162.707-.312 574.793 0 0 1 8.395-1.756c2.167-.48 4.342-1.026 6.525-1.64a72.191 72.191 0 0 1 6.587-1.652c.795-.16 1.422-.178 1.883-.053.502.117.783.321.841.614.051.251-.108.544-.475.88-.326.326-.903.595-1.731.805a67.445 67.445 0 0 1-4.97.935c-1.731.262-3.413.557-5.044.885l-21.27 4.282c-.334.067-.59.206-.764.415-.143.16-.276.36-.401.603-.96 2.37-1.948 4.701-2.966 6.995a145.31 145.31 0 0 0-2.84 6.97 465.671 465.671 0 0 0-4.417 11.465c-1.418 3.767-2.852 7.56-4.303 11.377a45.33 45.33 0 0 0-1.388 4.457 50.461 50.461 0 0 1-1.274 4.37c-.15.335-.38.599-.69.791-.309.193-.598.273-.865.24-.268-.033-.478-.209-.629-.526-.15-.318-.118-.804.099-1.457ZM52.991 33.87c-.367.553-.982 1.177-1.843 1.873a10.78 10.78 0 0 1-2.608 1.635c-.878.394-1.698.537-2.46.43-.761-.108-1.252-.706-1.47-1.794a8.235 8.235 0 0 1-.14-1.016 14.272 14.272 0 0 1-.052-1.23c-.953.888-1.884 1.772-2.795 2.652a57.206 57.206 0 0 1-2.771 2.45c-.209.26-.476.445-.803.554l-.853.302c-.895.311-1.598.17-2.109-.424-.511-.593-.587-1.296-.229-2.108.159-.293.3-.561.426-.804.125-.243.292-.494.501-.754.894-1.18 1.943-2.132 3.147-2.853 1.204-.72 2.572-1.17 4.103-1.348.56-.026.966-.281 1.216-.767.234-.352.447-.7.639-1.043l.702-1.055c.058-.142.137-.289.237-.44.1-.15.21-.26.326-.326a1.42 1.42 0 0 1 .427-.151c.209-.043.385-.034.527. 1.357-.075.276-.22.85-.437 1.72-.225.828-.366 1.64-.424 2.435-.015.787.111 1.414.38 1.882.26.427.84.397 1.744-.09a8.225 8.225 0 0 0 1.505-.956 36.73 36.73 0 0 1 1.567-1.294l.452-.352a.693.693 0 0 1 .539-.24.774.774 0 0 1 .528.351c. 4.075c1.172-.454 2.355-1.17 3.55-2.151 1.187-1.022 2.114-2.036 2.782-3.04-1.237.335-2.48.977-3.725 1.924s-2.114 2.036-2.606 3.267Zm24.552-3.115c.267-.184.476-.335.627-.452a3.36 3.36 0 0 0 .439-.415c.71-.579 1.4-1.153 2.068-1.722.67-.57 1.359-1.144 2.07-1.723.367-.335.78-.549 1.241-.641a.85.85 0 0 1 .54.087c.192.092.339. 1.168-.367.335-.76.653-1.178.955-.418.302-.828.645-1.23 1.03l-2.832 2.79a143.9 143.9 0 0 0-2.846 2.728 6.171 6.171 0 0 0-1.303 1.96 52.352 52.352 0 0 1-.939 2.147 102.352 102.352 0 0 1-2.853 6.58 62.615 62.615 0 0 1-3.57 6.268 17.167 17.167 0 0 1-1.841 2.2c-.21.259-.426.477-.652.653-.26.226-.548.415-.865.566-.444.176-.858.172-1.243-.011-.385-.184-.59-.556-.617-1.117-.1-.502-.055-1.033.137-1.594.34-1.33.829-2.582 1.463-3.755a28.916 28.916 0 0 1 2.054-3.416 375.95 375.95 0 0 1 3.471-4.812 417.762 417.762 0 0 1 3.52-4.887l.477-.879c.192-.343.363-.682.513-1.017.492-1.23.96-2.478 1.4-3.742.434-1.306.889-2.616 1.364-3.93-.334.067-.59.205-.765.415l-.426.477a114.16 114.16 0 0 1-1.993 2.099 11.963 11.963 0 0 1-2.257 1.76c-.25.268-.502.427-.753.478-.811.293-1.489.278-2.033-.048-.553-.368-.809-.99-.768-1.87.041-.443.108-.87.2-1.28.09-.41.203-.824.336-1.243.217-.653.438-1.285.663-1.896l.801-1.859c.159-.293.355-.506.59-.64.225-.176.539-.13.94.137-.05.184-.095.389-.137.615-.008.175-.078.364-.212.565-.192.778-.412 1.519-.663 2.222a81.99 81.99 0 0 0-.737 2.172 12.83 12.83 0 0 0-.112.741c.008.26-.037.573-.137.942.318-.151.581-.248.79-.29a1.88 1.88 0 0 0 .665-.264c.518-.453 1.016-.901 1.492-1.345.476-.444.949-.91 1.416-1.395a43.13 43.13 0 0 0 1.68-2.036c.518-.67 1.073-1.37 1.666-2.098.2-.301.435-.544.702-.729.26-.226.62-.277 1.08-.152.653.217.813.903.48 2.058a89.062 89.062 0 0 1-.888 3.051 60.696 60.696 0 0 0-.875 3.114c-.067.1-.13.222-.188.364-.016.134-.058.36-.124.678Zm-6.951 11.845a31.618 31.618 0 0 0-1.792 2.45 37.542 37.542 0 0 0-1.741 2.7 34.1 34.1 0 0 0-1.328 2.488c-.367.77-.592 1.38-.675 1.833.368-.335.844-.888 1.429-1.659a34.704 34.704 0 0 0 1.64-2.55c.51-.93.998-1.855 1.466-2.776.459-.962.792-1.791 1-2.486Zm16.19-7.503c1.061-1.65 2.105-3.383 3.132-5.2a98.452 98.452 0 0 1 2.906-4.698c.86-1.348 1.483-1.93 1.868-1.747.385.183.177 1.096-.624 2.737a30.631 30.631 0 0 1-2.68 4.522 280.793 280.793 0 0 0-2.945 4.183 7.137 7.137 0 0 1-.89 1.093c-.326.327-.63.65-.915.968-.15.117-.317.26-.501.427l-.577.377c-.753.37-1.397.412-1.933.129-.536-.284-.926-.815-1.17-1.593a4.451 4.451 0 0 1-.203-1.983c.007-1.699.197-3.347.572-4.946.332-1.59.728-3.193 1.186-4.809.133-.636.32-1.218.562-1.745.134-.418.23-.808.288-1.168.05-.401-.127-.736-.529-1.003.075-.276.146-.465.213-.565.727-.495 1.233-1.119 1.516-1.872.326-.762.655-1.503.989-2.223.868-1.96 1.74-3.897 2.616-5.815a37.436 37.436 0 0 1 3.055-5.576c.401-.603.848-1.194 1.341-1.772.15-.335.476-.662.978-.98.267-.185.543-.327.828-.428.284-.1.594-.076.929.074.343.192.548.456.616. 21.665 0 0 1-.412 1.52c-.125.46-.292.929-.5 1.406a49.968 49.968 0 0 1-3.332 5.828 126.843 126.843 0 0 1-3.934 5.427c-.41.561-.793 1.14-1.152 1.734-.36.595-.69 1.227-.99 1.896a244.154 244.154 0 0 0-1.537 5.01 42.447 42.447 0 0 0-1.211 5.01c-.058.577-.095 1.15-.111 1.72-.058.577-.095 1.15-.11 1.72-.067.753.013 1.259.24 1.518.184.267.423.372.715.313.293-.06.59-.206.891-.44.343-.244.619-.495.828-.755Zm7.832-29.845c-.3.453-.78 1.202-1.44 2.249a58.114 58.114 0 0 0-1.891 3.253 56.892 56.892 0 0 0-1.678 3.34c-.484 1.056-.721 1.822-.712 2.299.267-.402.68-1.051 1.24-1.947a68.943 68.943 0 0 0 1.829-2.915 69.209 69.209 0 0 0 1.853-3.115 44.21 44.21 0 0 0 1.44-2.575c.334-.72.463-1.159.388-1.318-.042-.209-.385.034-1.029.73Zm6.808 17.236c.486-.185.954-.345 1.406-.479l1.33-.529a8.206 8.206 0 0 1 1.216-.44c.494-.143.92-.295 1.28-.454l.44-.088c.125-.026.3-.018.526.024a.967.967 0 0 1 .39.313c. 58.47 0 0 0-1.141.491c-.326.11-.695.227-1.104.353-.761.327-1.527.634-2.296.92-.736.235-1.464.512-2.183.83a1.945 1.945 0 0 0-1.003.855c-.71 1.014-1.303 1.851-1.78 2.513-.433.653-1.023 1.185-1.767 1.596-.552.285-1.087.437-1.606.454a1.744 1.744 0 0 1-1.306-.651c-.344-.41-.512-1.029-.505-1.857 0-.87.253-1.988.762-3.352.375-.946.851-1.826 1.427-2.638a39.253 39.253 0 0 1 1.968-2.55c.284-.319.597-.6.94-.842a3.298 3.298 0 0 1 1.242-.642c.694-.227 1.263-.21 1.707.048.435.217.704.685.805 1.405.067.334.076.702.026 1.104-.058.36-.09.737-.099 1.13a4.47 4.47 0 0 1-.187.69c-.05.185-.108.436-.175.754Zm-5.96 1.526c-.534 1.022-.738 1.846-.611 2.473.117.586.386.945.804 1.079.452.083.925-.056 1.418-.416.527-.41.91-1.097 1.152-2.06-.67.135-1.234.14-1.694.015-.47-.167-.825-.53-1.069-1.09Zm4.5-5.215c-1.372.755-2.286 1.832-2.745 3.23-.05.184-.058.36-.024.527. 2.691 0 0 1-.19-.614Zm18.178 2.412c-.511.06-.933.014-1.268-.136a2.883 2.883 0 0 1-.917-.664 8.285 8.285 0 0 1-.654-.978l-.478-1.08c-.37-.534-.784-.755-1.244-.663-.46.093-.912.336-1.355.73-.41.343-.78.767-1.115 1.269-.334.502-.606.883-.814 1.143-1.22 1.508-2.076 3.095-2.567 4.76-.058.36-.192.67-.4.93-.251.268-.494.469-.728.603-.243.092-.46.093-.653.001-.234-.083-.39-.313-.465-.69-.042-.209-.034-.385.024-.527.059-.142.113-.306.163-.49.508-1.582.996-3.16 1.462-4.733.467-1.574.955-3.152 1.463-4.734.125-.46.321-.892.588-1.294a.803.803 0 0 1 .276-.251c.159-.076.289-.08.39-.013.326.108.477.317.452.627. 1.117a30.256 30.256 0 0 0-.488 1.796 20.894 20.894 0 0 0-.349 1.832c.284-.318.46-.527.527-.628.35-.419.664-.808.94-1.168.309-.41.626-.78.952-1.106.418-.52.932-.884 1.542-1.094 1.196-.545 2.105-.25 2.725.888.151.317.277.619.378.903. 1.091-.09l.628-.125c.242-.093.468-.16.677-.202.578-.16.992-.156" /> </svg> </div> <div x-data="transitionIn" x-intersect.enter="show = initialized" :class="{ '!opacity-100': show }" class="mt-3 opacity-0 mix-blend-plus-lighter transition delay-500 duration-1000" > <div class="text-base font-medium">Taylor Otwell</div> <div class="text-sm text-[#889096]">CEO, Laravel</div> </div> <div x-data="transitionIn" x-intersect.enter.half="show = initialized" class="mt-24 sm:mt-32"> <h2 :class="{ '!translate-y-0 !opacity-100': show }" class="translate-y-4 text-xl font-semibold text-white opacity-0 mix-blend-plus-lighter transition delay-500 duration-1000 will-change-transform" > Frequently Asked Questions </h2> <div x-data="{ open: null }" class="mt-3 min-h-[320px] sm:mt-6"> <div x-data="{ id: $id('faq-question'), get expanded() { return === }, set expanded(value) { = value ? : null }, }" role="region" :class="{ '!translate-y-0 !opacity-100': show }" class="translate-y-4 mix-blend-plus-lighter opacity-0 transition duration-500 will-change-transform delay-[650ms]" question="What is Laravel Nightwatch?" > <button class="group -mx-2 flex w-full items-start justify-between gap-2 rounded border border-transparent p-2 text-left transition hover:text-[#ffffff] focus:outline-none focus-visible:border-[#6355FF]" @click.prevent="open = (expanded ? null : id)" :aria-expanded="expanded" > <span class="leading-6">What is Laravel Nightwatch?</span> <span :class="!expanded ? 'rotate-90' : ''" class="relative -mr-3 flex size-6 shrink-0 items-center justify-center transition duration-100 will-change-transform" > <span class="h-[1.5px] w-3 bg-[#E1F1FF69] group-hover:bg-[#ffffff]"></span> <span :class="!expanded ? '!scale-y-100' : ''" class="absolute inset-0 left-1/2 top-1.5 h-3 w-[1.5px] origin-center -translate-x-1/2 scale-y-0 bg-[#E1F1FF69] transition-all duration-100 will-change-transform group-hover:bg-[#ffffff]" ></span> </span> </button> <div x-show="expanded" x-collapse.duration.100ms x-cloak> <div class="space-y-1 pb-2 pr-10"> <p> Laravel Nightwatch is a hosted application monitoring platform built for Laravel developers and teams that demand real-time insights into their applications. It's meticulously optimized for Laravel and provides deep, context-aware monitoring. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ id: $id('faq-question'), get expanded() { return === }, set expanded(value) { = value ? : null }, }" role="region" :class="{ '!translate-y-0 !opacity-100': show }" class="translate-y-4 mix-blend-plus-lighter opacity-0 transition duration-500 will-change-transform delay-[750ms]" question="When will Nightwatch be available?" > <button class="group -mx-2 flex w-full items-start justify-between gap-2 rounded border border-transparent p-2 text-left transition hover:text-[#ffffff] focus:outline-none focus-visible:border-[#6355FF]" @click.prevent="open = (expanded ? null : id)" :aria-expanded="expanded" > <span class="leading-6">When will Nightwatch be available?</span> <span :class="!expanded ? 'rotate-90' : ''" class="relative -mr-3 flex size-6 shrink-0 items-center justify-center transition duration-100 will-change-transform" > <span class="h-[1.5px] w-3 bg-[#E1F1FF69] group-hover:bg-[#ffffff]"></span> <span :class="!expanded ? '!scale-y-100' : ''" class="absolute inset-0 left-1/2 top-1.5 h-3 w-[1.5px] origin-center -translate-x-1/2 scale-y-0 bg-[#E1F1FF69] transition-all duration-100 will-change-transform group-hover:bg-[#ffffff]" ></span> </span> </button> <div x-show="expanded" x-collapse.duration.100ms x-cloak> <div class="space-y-1 pb-2 pr-10"> <p>Early access to Nightwatch will begin in Q1 2025.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ id: $id('faq-question'), get expanded() { return === }, set expanded(value) { = value ? : null }, }" role="region" :class="{ '!translate-y-0 !opacity-100': show }" class="translate-y-4 mix-blend-plus-lighter opacity-0 transition duration-500 will-change-transform delay-[750ms]" question="How much will Nightwatch cost?" > <button class="group -mx-2 flex w-full items-start justify-between gap-2 rounded border border-transparent p-2 text-left transition hover:text-[#ffffff] focus:outline-none focus-visible:border-[#6355FF]" @click.prevent="open = (expanded ? null : id)" :aria-expanded="expanded" > <span class="leading-6">How much will Nightwatch cost?</span> <span :class="!expanded ? 'rotate-90' : ''" class="relative -mr-3 flex size-6 shrink-0 items-center justify-center transition duration-100 will-change-transform" > <span class="h-[1.5px] w-3 bg-[#E1F1FF69] group-hover:bg-[#ffffff]"></span> <span :class="!expanded ? '!scale-y-100' : ''" class="absolute inset-0 left-1/2 top-1.5 h-3 w-[1.5px] origin-center -translate-x-1/2 scale-y-0 bg-[#E1F1FF69] transition-all duration-100 will-change-transform group-hover:bg-[#ffffff]" ></span> </span> </button> <div x-show="expanded" x-collapse.duration.100ms x-cloak> <div class="space-y-1 pb-2 pr-10"> <p> We're working on a pricing model that will make sense for teams of all sizes. From solo developers to large enterprises, we want to make sure Nightwatch is accessible to everyone. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ id: $id('faq-question'), get expanded() { return === }, set expanded(value) { = value ? : null }, }" role="region" :class="{ '!translate-y-0 !opacity-100': show }" class="translate-y-4 mix-blend-plus-lighter opacity-0 transition duration-500 will-change-transform delay-[850ms]" question="Do I need Laravel Cloud for Nightwatch?" > <button class="group -mx-2 flex w-full items-start justify-between gap-2 rounded border border-transparent p-2 text-left transition hover:text-[#ffffff] focus:outline-none focus-visible:border-[#6355FF]" @click.prevent="open = (expanded ? null : id)" :aria-expanded="expanded" > <span class="leading-6">Do I need Laravel Cloud for Nightwatch?</span> <span :class="!expanded ? 'rotate-90' : ''" class="relative -mr-3 flex size-6 shrink-0 items-center justify-center transition duration-100 will-change-transform" > <span class="h-[1.5px] w-3 bg-[#E1F1FF69] group-hover:bg-[#ffffff]"></span> <span :class="!expanded ? '!scale-y-100' : ''" class="absolute inset-0 left-1/2 top-1.5 h-3 w-[1.5px] origin-center -translate-x-1/2 scale-y-0 bg-[#E1F1FF69] transition-all duration-100 will-change-transform group-hover:bg-[#ffffff]" ></span> </span> </button> <div x-show="expanded" x-collapse.duration.100ms x-cloak> <div class="space-y-1 pb-2 pr-10"> <p> Nightwatch is designed to work with any Laravel application on all hosting platforms. Cloud, Forge, Vapor, and users on custom infrastructure will all benefit from seamless integration. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div x-data="{ show: false, success: false, email: '', error: '', loading: false, init() { setTimeout(() => ( = true), (transitionDelay += 250)) this.$watch('success', (value) => { if (value) { setTimeout(() => { this.reset() }, 5500) } }) }, reset() { = '' this.success = false this.error = '' }, normalize() { = if (this.error) { this.error = '' } }, async submit() { if (! { this.error = 'Email address is required' return } this.loading = true this.error = '' try { await'/waitlists', { email: }) this.success = true } catch (error) { this.error = error.response?.data?.message || 'Failed to join waitlist. 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