Lexaloffle BBS

<html> <head> <title>Lexaloffle BBS</title> <meta charset="utf-8"/><meta property="og:title" content="Lexaloffle BBS"/> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <script type="text/javascript"> function microAjax(B,A){this.bindFunction=function(E,D){return function(){return E.apply(D,[D])}};this.stateChange=function(D){if(this.request.readyState==4){this.callbackFunction(this.request.responseText)}};this.getRequest=function(){if(window.ActiveXObject){return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}else{if(window.XMLHttpRequest){return new XMLHttpRequest()}}return false};this.postBody=(arguments[2]||"");this.callbackFunction=A;this.url=B;this.request=this.getRequest();if(this.request){var C=this.request;C.onreadystatechange=this.bindFunction(this.stateChange,this);if(this.postBody!==""){"POST",B,true);C.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With","XMLHttpRequest");C.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");C.setRequestHeader("Connection","close")}else{"GET",B,true)}C.send(this.postBody)}}; 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// from: function post_ajax(url, data, success) { var params = typeof data == 'string' ? data : Object.keys(data).map( function(k){ return encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[k]) } ).join('&'); var xhr = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");'POST', url); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState>3 && xhr.status==200) { success(xhr.responseText); } }; xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); //xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); xhr.send(params); return xhr; } // in ms. 1000, 20 means 50fps for 1 second. function poll_function(duration, interval, func) { var start_t = (new Date()).getTime(); (function p() { tt = (new Date).getTime() - start_t; if (tt <= duration) { func(tt/duration); setTimeout(p, interval); } })(); } function insertTextAtCursor(el, text, overwrite) { if (typeof el == "string") { el_str = el; 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if (event.keyCode == 13) //if (el.value != start_val) // commented -- don't need / confusing.; //if (event.keyCode == 9) // tab // commented -- use blur if want to do this //; } ); // also auto-save on tab / click off // careful not to introduce double sends (hard to get right -- maybe not worth it) el.addEventListener("blur", function(event){ var x = event.clientX, y = event.clientY; if (typeof x != 'number') return; if (typeof y != 'number') return; var el0 = document.elementFromPoint(x, y); if (!el0 || != "cancel_button") //if (el.value != start_val);; } ); } } function toggle_set_button(el_name, post_id, which, sid) { var el = document.getElementsByClassName(el_name); var eli = document.getElementsByClassName('i_'+el_name); if (s_uid == 0) { window.alert("Please log in first."); return; } // window.alert(el_name); for(var i = 0; i < eli.length; i++) { eli[i].innerHTML = '<center><img src=/gfx/load16.gif width=20 height=20></center>'; } microAjax("/bbs/set.php?pid="+post_id+"&sid="+sid+"&which="+which, function (retdata) { var el = document.getElementsByClassName(el_name); for(var i = 0; i < el.length; i++) { el[i].innerHTML = json_parse(retdata)['printable']; } if (which == "tick") { // location.reload(true); // bleh } } ); } function hide_save_draft_button() { var el = document.getElementById("save_draft_button"); if (el) = "none"; var el = document.getElementById("preview_button"); if (el) = ""; var el = document.getElementById("publish_post_button"); if (el) = "Publish Changes"; } function save_attr(val_id, div_id, url, post_save, extract_snippets) { if (extract_snippets) url = url+'&extract_snippets=1'; //console.log("@ save_attr("+val_id+", "+div_id+", "+url+")"); //console.log(" @ extract_snippets: "+extract_snippets); var el1 = document.getElementById(div_id); var el = document.getElementById(val_id); if (el) { //console.log(" @ sending:" + el.value); value = el.value; post_ajax(url, el.value, function (retdata) { dat = json_parse(retdata); el1.innerHTML = dat['printable']; // set value field if (dat['modified'] && dat['status'] == "ok") el.value = dat['modified']; //else // console.log(" @ no modified text"); if (post_save) post_save(); } ); } else { // grab value from url (val=) instead of body. e.g. catsub buttons microAjax(url, function (retdata) { el1.innerHTML = json_parse(retdata)['printable']; } ) } //el1.innerHTML = '<img src=/gfx/load16.gif>'; el1.innerHTML = '<div style="padding:8px"><img src=/gfx/load16.gif></div>'; } function cancel_attr(val_id, div_id, url) { console.log("@ cancel_attr("+val_id+", "+div_id+", "+url); var el = document.getElementById(val_id); if (el) { var el1 = document.getElementById(div_id); el1.innerHTML = '<div style="padding:8px"><img src=/gfx/load16.gif></div>'; microAjax(url, function (retdata) { el1.innerHTML = json_parse(retdata)['printable'];; } ); } } function edit_attr(val_id, div_id, save_id, url, has_autosave) { //console.log("@ edit_attr("+val_id+", "+div_id+", "+url+", "+has_autosave); var el = document.getElementById(div_id); if (el) { //el.innerHTML='<img src=/gfx/load16.gif>';//+el.innerHTML; el.innerHTML = '<div style="padding:8px"><img src=/gfx/load16.gif></div>'; microAjax(url, function (retdata) { el.innerHTML = json_parse(retdata)['printable']; var el2 = document.getElementById(val_id); if (el2) if (has_autosave) { el2.focus(); //; var el3 = document.getElementById(save_id); set_enter_to_save(el2, el3); } } ); } } // enter data function submit_pip_form_data(form) { // for each class=pip_form_input element, add to global pip_form_data var els = document.getElementsByClassName('pip_form_input'); console.log("@ submit form: adding "+els.length+" values"); for(var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { el = els[i]; if (el.checked) { pip_form_data[] = "checked"; } else if (el.value) { pip_form_data[] = el.value; } console.log("@ set "" to "+pip_form_data[]); if (el.files && el.files[0]) { console.log("@ file: "+el.files[0].name); pip_form_data["uploaded_file"] = JSON.stringify(el.files[0]); pip_form_data["uploaded_file_size"] = el.files[0].size; pip_form_data["uploaded_name"] = el.files[0].name; pip_form_data["uploaded_type"] = el.files[0].type; } } } function reload_pip_form(form, step) { var el = document.getElementById(form); console.log("reloading form: "+form+" // step "+step); if (el) { var file_size = 0; if (pip_form_data.file_contents) file_size = pip_form_data.file_contents.length * 6 / 8; if (form == "cart_submit" && file_size > 1024*1024) // 1MB for pico-8 / voxatron carts { window.alert('Sorry, that file is too large. ('+Math.floor(file_size/1024)+'k / 1024k)'); return; } if (file_size > 1024*1024*8) { window.alert('Sorry, that file is too large. ('+Math.floor(file_size/(1024*1024))+'MB / 8MB)'); return; } // upload stringified_data = JSON.stringify(pip_form_data); var el1 = document.getElementById("form_loading_icon"); if (el1) el1.innerHTML='<img src=/gfx/load16.gif>'; //window.alert('pip_form_data.target_field:'+pip_form_data["target_field"]); // pass along some context post_ajax("/form.php?form="+form+"&step="+step+"&cat="+p_cat+"&sub="+p_sub+"&pid="+ p_pid+"&page="+p_page+"&mode="+p_mode, stringified_data, function (retdata) { el.innerHTML = retdata; // not JSON! } ); } else { console.log("@@ could not find form element"); } } function save_open_pip_form_fields() { // click all the save buttons var els = document.getElementsByClassName('form_button'); //for(var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) // invalidates iterator on first save! ha! for(var i = els.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { var el = els[i]; suffix =; if (suffix == "_save"); } } function submit_pip_form(form, step) { // save any open fields submit_pip_form_data(form); reload_pip_form(form, step); } function clear_pip_form() { pip_form_data = {}; } function randomize_cart_id_field() { el = document.getElementById("cart_lid"); c = "bdfghjkmnprstwyz"; v = "aiueo"; val = ""; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { val = val + c.substr(Math.floor(Math.random()*16), 1); val = val + v.substr(Math.floor(Math.random()*6), 1); } el.value = val; } // function Uint8ToBase64(u8Arr){ var CHUNK_SIZE = 0x8000; //arbitrary number var index = 0; var length = u8Arr.length; var result = ''; var slice; while (index < length) { slice = u8Arr.subarray(index, Math.min(index + CHUNK_SIZE, length)); result += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, slice); index += CHUNK_SIZE; } return btoa(result); } function reader_onload(evt) { // is a ArrayBuffer var bytes = new Uint8Array( ); pip_form_data["file_contents"] = Uint8ToBase64(bytes); // show submit button var el = document.getElementById("uploaded_button"); = "table"; } function filechooser_onchange(files) { var file = files[0]; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(evt) { reader_onload(evt); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); } function toggle_visible(el) { //console.log("@toggle_visible: "+el); if (typeof el == 'string') { el = document.getElementById(el); } if (!el){ return; } if ( == "") {"none"; return false; } else {""; return true; } } /* show active tab under tab_name, hide others assume only one set of tabs on page */ function show_tab(tab_name, which, tab_group) { var el; console.log("toggle tab "+tab_name+"_"+which); if (!tab_group) tab_group = "form_tab"; var els = document.getElementsByClassName(tab_group); //console.log("found "+els.length); for(var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { el = els[i]; el2 = document.getElementById("_content"); if ( == tab_name+"_"+which) { // open tab["background-color"] = "#f8a";"#222"; if (el2) console.log(" opening "; if (el2)"block"; } else { // hide tab["background-color"] = "";"#fff"; if (el2) console.log(" hiding "; if (el2)"none"; } } } function get_cart_url(lid, cat) { //console.log("@get_cart_url lid:"+lid+" cat:"+cat); /* console.log("@number: "+Number(lid)); console.log("@string: "+String(lid)); console.log("@equality:"+((Number(lid) == String(lid)) ? 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<div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=145429" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> Swap (60Fps Celeste Classic Mod)</a> </div> <div id="pdat_163754" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=147822" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> Population: Tire</a> </div> <div id="pdat_163214" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=147646" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> Celeste Maker</a> </div> <div id="pdat_162517" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=147413" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> there will always be death</a> </div> <div id="pdat_163352" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=147689" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> Asteroids</a> </div> <div id="pdat_161930" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=147126" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> SPHONGOS</a> </div> <div id="pdat_162420" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=147356" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> Virtuous Vanquisher of Evil 2</a> </div> <div id="pdat_163402" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=147700" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> Picovania (Version 1.1)</a> </div> <div id="pdat_69408" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=35781" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> Dither Tutorial + Code</a> </div> <div id="pdat_163766" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=147828" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> GeKeste (beta)</a> </div> <div id="pdat_163551" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=147752" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> Dice Game</a> </div> <div id="pdat_163767" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=147829" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> made clicker game (gonna turn it into cookie clicker)</a> </div> <div id="pdat_163746" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=147818" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> Balatro in PICO8</a> </div> <div id="pdat_163755" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=147823" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> my first pico 8 game</a> </div> <div id="pdat_31819" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=27975" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> Zen-Garden Mowerman</a> </div> <div id="pdat_39680" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=29176" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> SCUMM-8 (point &amp; click engine in PICO-8)</a> </div> <div id="pdat_163576" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=147757" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> polican</a> </div> <div id="pdat_80083" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=39014" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> Sprite stacking example</a> </div> <div id="pdat_160092" class="thread_preview"> <div style="background-color:#666; width:64px; height:64px; float:left; margin:8px; margin-right:16px"></div> <a href="?tid=146403" style="padding:20px; font-size:12pt; display:block"> Mace Knight</a> </div> <div id="pdat_163748" 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15:10:36",75075,"palassonde","2025-03-14 15:27:07",75075,"palassonde",11,10,0,7,2,'0',["action","adventure","platformer","castlevania",],0,21,,``,``], ['56354', 31837, `Friendly Dungeon`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico56467.png",96,64,"2018-09-07 01:18:47",12812,"guerragames","2025-03-14 15:02:58",116720,"grindkrusher",15,6,0,7,2,'0',["action","match3","agbic",],0,0,,``,``], ['163786', 147837, `What games should I play on pico 8?`,"/bimg/pi/pi15.png",96,48,"2025-03-14 14:07:31",117071,"Seany","2025-03-14 15:01:14",82211,"RealShadowCaster",1,2,0,7,2,'0',[],0,16,,``,``], ['163772', 147832, `Space Mercenary`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_space_mercenary-0.png",96,64,"2025-03-14 05:28:48",120092,"i0nicle","2025-03-14 14:02:41",119113,"stinkingcedar",2,3,0,7,3,'0',["action","shmup","shooter",],0,16,,``,``], ['157811', 145429, `Swap (60Fps Celeste Classic Mod)`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_switch-2.png",96,64,"2024-11-21 23:37:21",71860,"AntiBrain","2025-03-14 13:41:15",118634,"TrulyGamma",10,7,0,7,2,'0',["cc","celeste","celesteclassic","ccmod",],0,5,,``,``], ['163754', 147822, `Population: Tire`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_poptire-1.png",96,64,"2025-03-14 01:03:27",11031,"IMLXH","2025-03-14 13:00:24",94681,"magic_chopstick",2,2,0,7,2,'0',["arcade","demake","homestar-runner",],0,16,,``,``], ['163214', 147646, `Celeste Maker`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_celeste_maker_v1_01-0.png",96,64,"2025-03-04 02:58:11",69779,"SwordF","2025-03-14 12:37:06",119235,"OctogorbSlayer",16,6,0,7,2,'0',["celeste","mod","leveleditor",],0,16,,``,``], ['162517', 147413, `there will always be death`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_twabd-0.png",96,64,"2025-02-19 16:26:31",33598,"KikooDX","2025-03-14 10:54:15",119994,"Mooseman10",2,7,0,7,2,'0',["celeste","mod","precision","skill-issue",],0,17,,``,``], ['163352', 147689, `Asteroids`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_sebmuhab-0.png",96,64,"2025-03-06 09:28:06",96762,"kraptol","2025-03-14 10:49:34",38590,"donswelt",6,6,0,7,2,'0',["asteroids","arcade","atari","shooter",],0,21,,``,``], ['161930', 147126, `SPHONGOS`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_mk_sphongos-0.png",96,64,"2025-02-10 16:34:57",14648,"mkoloch","2025-03-14 08:59:43",14648,"mkoloch",74,42,0,7,2,'0',["sci-fi","explore","collect","upgrade",],0,273,,``,``], ['162420', 147356, `Virtuous Vanquisher of Evil 2`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_vanquisher2-3.png",96,64,"2025-02-18 16:24:19",31613,"ironchestgames","2025-03-14 06:45:22",31613,"ironchestgames",12,12,0,7,2,'0',["roguelike","arpg","items","singleplayer",],0,17,,``,``], ['163402', 147700, `Picovania (Version 1.1)`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico64_picovania-241.png",96,64,"2025-03-07 15:24:10",52360,"Turbochop","2025-03-14 05:56:50",52360,"Turbochop",10,9,0,8,2,'0',["picotron","picovania","castlevania","pico",],0,21,,``,``], ['69408', 35781, `Dither Tutorial + Code`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_dt-0.png",96,64,"2019-10-28 20:00:20",15232,"dw817","2025-03-14 05:26:09",116621,"shinin1218",17,5,0,7,2,'0',["dithering","black-and-white","shading","pattern",],0,17,,``,``], ['163766', 147828, `GeKeste (beta)`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_gekestebeta-1.png",96,64,"2025-03-14 04:29:34",61130,"GeKStudios","2025-03-14 04:29:34",61130,"GeKStudios",0,1,0,1,0,'0',[],0,17,,``,``], ['163551', 147752, `Dice Game`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_ranihobiji-0.png",96,64,"2025-03-10 14:03:28",114025,"NoahR","2025-03-14 04:18:31",120062,"tonydsoy",1,2,0,7,2,'0',[],0,17,,``,``], ['163767', 147829, `made clicker game (gonna turn it into cookie clicker)`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_ccpico-0.png",96,64,"2025-03-14 04:13:58",120062,"tonydsoy","2025-03-14 04:13:58",120062,"tonydsoy",0,1,0,7,2,'0',["cookieclicker","cookie","clicker","click",],0,20,,``,``], ['163746', 147818, `Balatro in PICO8`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_shodunume-0.png",96,64,"2025-03-13 21:59:36",120072,"angelvalentin80","2025-03-14 03:08:25",120072,"angelvalentin80",2,5,0,7,2,'0',["balatro","cardgame","balatro",],0,21,,``,``], ['163755', 147823, `my first pico 8 game`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_berrytony-0.png",96,64,"2025-03-14 01:17:17",120062,"tonydsoy","2025-03-14 03:03:01",120062,"tonydsoy",1,1,0,7,2,'0',["i","dont","know","what",],0,21,,``,``], ['31819', 27975, `Zen-Garden Mowerman`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_mowerman-4.png",96,64,"2016-10-26 09:11:13",16330,"2darray","2025-03-14 02:42:21",116621,"shinin1218",70,32,0,7,2,'0',[],0,272,,``,``], ['39680', 29176, `SCUMM-8 (point &amp; click engine in PICO-8)`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico39678.png",96,64,"2017-04-15 03:38:42",13822,"Liquidream","2025-03-14 02:29:25",116621,"shinin1218",116,25,0,7,2,'0',["adventure","scumm","point","click",],0,272,,``,``], ['163576', 147757, `polican`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_polican-0.png",96,64,"2025-03-10 22:07:13",50691,"Nomte","2025-03-13 23:07:57",50691,"Nomte",1,1,0,7,3,'0',[],0,21,,``,``], ['80083', 39014, `Sprite stacking example`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_spritestack-0.png",96,64,"2020-07-29 11:17:04",15227,"johanp","2025-03-13 22:34:35",45456,"kikito",35,18,0,7,9,'0',["spritestacking",],0,1,,``,``], ['160092', 146403, `Mace Knight`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_maceknight-2.png",96,64,"2025-01-02 02:45:47",115360,"N3philim","2025-03-13 22:30:06",118704,"deimos_314",15,5,0,7,2,'0',[],0,17,,``,``], ['163748', 147819, `Wavetable modulation?`,"/media/58525/13_lex-avatar.png",96,48,"2025-03-13 22:13:24",58525,"slumma","2025-03-13 22:13:24",58525,"slumma",0,1,0,7,1,'0',["audio","sfx","music",],0,16,,``,``], ['83849', 40234, `Perspective-correct texture mapping`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_texture_map-0.png",96,64,"2020-11-06 05:29:03",44961,"zovirl","2025-03-13 22:08:26",45456,"kikito",13,5,0,7,3,'0',["3d",],0,16,,``,``], ['163046', 147601, `Konakin: Open World Frogger-like`,"/bbs/thumbs/pico8_konakin-1.png",96,64,"2025-03-01 03:24:30",113227,"Vecderg","2025-03-13 21:59:48",82211,"RealShadowCaster",5,6,0,7,2,'0',["conlang","frogger","arcade","open-world",],0,20,,``,``], ['163738', 147812, `Balatro Tileset`,"/media/120070/mockup1.png",96,48,"2025-03-13 21:47:57",120070,"Eiko","2025-03-13 21:47:57",120070,"Eiko",2,1,0,7,14,'0',["cards","demake",],0,16,,``,``], ]; var updat=[ ]; search_url_base = "?sub=0&search="; tag_url_base = "/bbs/?cat=0#tag="; function make_stat_box(set_name, num, state, post_id, bg, margin) { var imgf = set_name; if (state == 1) imgf = imgf + `1.png`; else imgf = imgf + `0.png`; var s = ` <div style="display:flex; background:`+bg+`; padding:6px; align-items: center; cursor:pointer; margin-left:`+margin+`px" class=rate_` + post_id + `_` + set_name; if (set_name!="comments") { s = s + ` onclick="window.alert('Please log in to like and favourites posts.');"`; } s = s + ` > <div class=i_rate_` + post_id + `_` + set_name+` style="width:20px;height:20px"> <img width=20 height=20 src="/gfx/set_`+imgf+`"> </div> `; if (num >= 0) s=s+`<div style="margin-left:8px">`+num+`</div>`; s = s + ` </div>`; return s; } function generate_thread_preview(dat, set_flags) { //var s 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s += ` :: <a style="color:#ccc" href=?uid=`+dat[10]+`>`+dat[11]+`</a> replied `+get_relative_time(dat[9]); } } s += `</span>`; s += `</div>`; // category (only need if not viewing that sub-forum) if (false) if (p_sub==0) { s = s + `<div style="float:left; display:flex; align-items:center; margin:4px; padding:4px; background-color:#999; color:#222; font-size:8pt; border-color:#939; border:4px; border-radius:4px"> <div style="width:16px"><img src="/gfx/i_cart1.png" width=16 height=16></div> <div style="display:span">Carts</div></div>`; } // catsub if (p_cat == 0 || p_sub == 0) { label = ''; if (false) if (p_cat == 0) { label = 'Blog'; if (dat[15] == 6) label = 'Voxatron > '; if (dat[15] == 7) label = 'PICO-8 > '; if (dat[15] == 8) label = 'Picotron > '; if (dat[15] == -1) label = 'Unlisted'; } cols = ['f47','fab','4af','fa4','f8a','5ff','4c4','f47','f8a', 'cde', 'cde', 'cde', '8df', 'cde', 'fcb', '8fa']; col = cols[dat[16]%16]; if (dat[16] == 1) label += 'Chat'; //else if (dat[16] == 2) label += '<img src=/gfx/i_cart1.png width=18> Carts'; else if (dat[16] == 2) label += 'Cartridges'; else if (dat[16] == 3) label += 'WIP'; else if (dat[16] == 4) label += 'Collab'; else if (dat[16] == 5) label += 'Workshop'; else if (dat[16] == 6) label += 'Support'; else if (dat[16] == 7) label += 'Blog'; else if (dat[16] == 8) label += 'Jam'; else if (dat[16] == 9) label += 'Code Snippet'; else if (dat[16] == 14) label += 'GFX Snippet'; else if (dat[16] == 15) label += 'SFX Snippet'; else if (dat[16] == 16) label += 'GIF Stream'; else if (dat[16] == 17) label += 'VOB'; //else label += '?'; // category icon // if (p_cat == 0) // fine to include! not noisey and reminder of context { cat_icon = null; if (dat[15] == 6) cat_icon = "p8b_vox.png"; if (dat[15] == 7) cat_icon = "p8b_pico8.png"; if (dat[15] == 8) cat_icon = "p8b_picotron.png"; if (cat_icon) s += '<a href="?cat='+dat[15]+'"><img src="/gfx/'+cat_icon+'" style="width:20px; height:20px; float:left; margin-right:4px;"></a>'; } s += ` <a href=?cat=`+dat[15]+`#sub=`+dat[16]+`> <div class=tag style="background-color:#`; s += col; s += `;">`+label+`</div></a>`; } // cc4 if (dat[20] & 0x1) { s += ` <a href="/bbs/?cat=`+p_cat+`#sub=`+p_sub+`&cc4=1"> <div class=tag style="background-color:#f90; color:#fff"> CC</div></a>`; } // resolved if (dat[16] == 6) // support sub. to do: how-to or workshop sub? { if (dat[19] & 0x1) s += `<div class=tag style="background-color:#2a4; color:#afa"> <img src="/gfx/set_tick1.png" width=10 height=10> Resolved</div>`; else s += `<div class=tag style="background-color:#c96; color:#fff">Unresolved</div>`; } // tags if (dat[18]) // tags { for (var j=0; j < dat[18].length; j++) s +=` <a href="` + tag_url_base + dat[18][j] + `"><div class="tag">#`+dat[18][j]+`</div></a>`; } s = s + `</div></div>`; } s = s + `</td><td>`; // :: extra info float right if (dat[15] != -1) { s = s + ` <div style="float:right;margin-right:12px;display:flex;align-items: center;">`; // :: resolved tick in support sub, when same author if (false) // nope -- just set inside post view (should be after reading anyway) if (dat[16] == 6 && s_uid == dat[7]) { s = s + make_stat_box("tick", -1, (set_flags & 0x4) ? 1 : 0, dat[0]); } // :: author + timestamp x2 /* s = s + ` <div class="desktop_div" style="margin-right:10px; min-width:120px; font-size:9pt"> <a href=?uid=`+dat[7]+`>`+dat[8]+`</a><br> <span style="color:#777;font-size:8pt;margin-right:10px;">`+get_relative_time(dat[6])+`</span><br> <div style="display:block; height:6px"></div> <a href=?uid=`+dat[10]+`>`+dat[11]+`</a><br> <span style="color:#777;font-size:8pt;margin-right:10px;">`+get_relative_time(dat[9])+`</span> </div> `; */ // :: fav, like, comments s = s + `<div class="desktop_div" style="background-color:;">`; s = s + ` <div style="min-width:160px;float:right;margin-right:4px;display:flex;">`; s = s + make_stat_box("fav", -1, (set_flags & 0x2) ? 1 : 0, dat[0], "#555", 12); s = s + make_stat_box("like", dat[12], (set_flags & 0x1) ? 1 : 0, dat[0], "#555", 12); s = s + `<a href="`+thread_url+`">`; s = s + make_stat_box("comments", dat[13], 0, dat[0], "#555", 12); s = s + `</a></div>`; if (false) { s += ` <span style="color:#777;font-size:8pt;padding:4px; padding-left:12px; display:table;"> <a href=?uid=`+dat[7]+`>`+dat[8]+`</a> `+get_relative_time(dat[6])+`</span>`; } s += `</div>`; // end of extra info float right s = s + `</div>`; } s = s + `</td></tr></table>`; //s = s + `</div>`; return s; } // overlapping function generate_cart_preview_overlapping(dat, set_flags) { // /gfx/p8b_pico8.png s = ''; // image s = s + ` <div style="cursor:pointer; margin-right:10px; float:left; width:256px; height:192px; margin-bottom:12px; background:url('`+dat[3]+`') no-repeat center; -webkit-background-size:cover; -moz-background-size:cover; -o-background-size:cover; background-size:cover; "> `; // title, author s += ` <div > <div style="display:block; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:6px; overflow:hidden; border-radius:0px;"> <div style="display:block; padding-top:4px; padding-bottom:8px; background-color:rgba(16,0,32,0.5); // rgba border-radius:0px; min-height:40px "> <div style="float:right; display:table;"> `; // favourite, cc4 s += `<div style="margin-top:-6px">`; // dat[0] is the containing post s += make_stat_box("fav", -1, 0, dat[0], "", 2); if (dat[20] & 0x1) //cc4 { s += ` <a href="/bbs/?cat=`+p_cat+`#sub=`+p_sub+`&cc4=1"> <div class=tag style="background-color:#444; margin-top:-4px; margin-left:6px; color:#bbb; border:1px solid; border-radius:4px; padding:0px; padding-right:4px; padding-left:4px"> CC</div></a>`; } s += `</div>`; s += ` </div> <div style="max-height:90px; margin-left:5px"> <a href="?pid=`+dat[0]+`#p"> <font style="color:#fff; font-size:12pt">`+dat[22]+`</font> </a> <br> <a href="/bbs/?uid=`+dat[7]+`&mode=carts"> <font style="color:#fab; font-size:8pt">@`+dat[8]+`</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; // buttons s = s + ` <div style="display:flex; color:#222;"> `; //s = s + make_stat_box("comments", -1, -1, dat[0], "#ddd"); // like and fav are for parent post, not cart id bgcol="#ddd"; bgcol="#bbb"; //s = s + '<div style="display:inline-block">'; if (false) { s = s + make_stat_box("cc", -1, (set_flags & 8) ? 1 : 0, dat[0], bgcol, 2); s = s + make_stat_box("fav", -1, (set_flags & 0x12) ? 1 : 0, dat[14], bgcol, 2); s = s + make_stat_box("like", dat[12], (set_flags & 0x11) ? 1 : 0, dat[14], bgcol, 2); } //s = s + '</div>'; s = s + ` </div></div> `; s = s + ` </div> </div> `; return s; } function generate_cart_preview(dat, set_flags) { // /gfx/p8b_pico8.png s = ''; bgcol="#bbb"; // image /* pop up player s = s + ` <a onClick="toggle_playarea('playarea_popup','`+dat[17]+`');" style="cursor:pointer;"> <img class=pixel_perfect src="`+dat[3]+`" width=`+dat[4]+` height=`+dat[5]+` style="border:1px solid black; margin-bottom:-4px; "> </a> `; */ // image // cover square // pixel perfect iff pico-8 var class_str=''; if (dat[15] == 7) class_str='class="pixel_perfect"'; s = s + ` <a href="/bbs/?pid=`+ dat[0] + `#p" > <div `+class_str+` style=" border-radius:0px; cursor:pointer; width:320px; height:320px; background:url(\'`+dat[3]+`\') no-repeat center; -webkit-background-size:cover; -moz-background-size:cover; -o-background-size:cover; background-size:cover; "> </div> </a> `; s += ` <div> <div style="position:relative; top:-63px; margin-bottom:-60px; min-height:64px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:6px; overflow:hidden; border-radius:0px;"> <div style="padding-top:8px; padding-bottom:8px; background-color:rgba(15, 10, 60, 0.7); color:#fff; border-radius:0px; min-height:36px; width:320px;"> <div style="float:right; display:table;"> `; // favourite, cc4 s += `<div style="margin-top:-6px">`; // dat[0] is the containing post s = s + make_stat_box("fav", -1, (set_flags & 0x2) ? 1 : 0, dat[0], "", 2); if (false) { s += '<div style="margin-top:-10px">'; s = s + make_stat_box("like", dat[12], (set_flags & 0x1) ? 1 : 0, dat[0], "", 2); s += '</div>'; } if (dat[20] & 0x1) { s += `<div class=tag style="background-color:#444; margin-top:-4px; margin-left:6px; color:#bbb; border:1px solid; border-radius:4px; padding:0px; padding-right:4px; padding-left:4px"> CC</div>`; } s += `</div>`; var imgstr = '<img src="/gfx/p8b_pico8.png" width=20>'; if (dat[15] == 6) imgstr = '<img src="/gfx/p8b_vox.png" width=20>'; // title, author s += ` </div> <div style="max-height:90px; margin-left:8px; display:table"> <div style="padding-bottom:3px; padding-right:4px"> <a href="?pid=`+dat[0]+`#p"> <font style="color:#eee; font-size:10pt">`+dat[22]+`</font> </a> </div> <div style="float:left; margin-bottom:4px; margin-right:8px">`+imgstr+`</div> <a href="/bbs/?uid=`+dat[7]+`&mode=carts"> <font style="color:#bbb; font-size:8pt;">by `+dat[8]+`</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; // buttons s = s + ` <div style="display:flex; color:#222;"> `; //s = s + make_stat_box("comments", -1, -1, dat[0], "#ddd"); // like and fav are for parent post, not cart id //s = s + '<div style="display:inline-block">'; if (false) { s = s + make_stat_box("cc", -1, (set_flags & 8) ? 1 : 0, dat[0], bgcol, 2); s = s + make_stat_box("fav", -1, (set_flags & 0x2) ? 1 : 0, dat[0], bgcol, 2); s = s + make_stat_box("like", dat[12], (set_flags & 0x1) ? 1 : 0, dat[0], bgcol, 2); } //s = s + '</div>'; s = s + ` </div></div> `; s = s + ` </div> `; return s; } function inject_cart_data() { /* var el = document.getElementById('cart_data_script'); if (el) { eval(el.innerHTML); } */ console.log('@ injecting ' + pdat.length); for (var i = 0; i < pdat.length; i++) { // generate inner html var dat = pdat[i]; set_flags = updat[i]; el = document.getElementById('pdat_'+dat[0]); if (el) { if (pdat[i][19] & 2) // show as cart el.innerHTML = generate_cart_preview(pdat[i], updat[i]); else el.innerHTML = generate_thread_preview(pdat[i], updat[i]); } else { // no placeholder console.log('error: no placeholder for pdat_'+dat[0]); } } } //------------------------------------------ window.onhashchange=load_hash_location; //inject_cart_data(); //------------------------------------------ </script></div></div> <div id="lex_footer" style=" width:100%; min-height:300px; background-color:#111; "><div style="padding:20px"> <center><div style="display:table"> <div style="display:block; margin-bottom:10px;"> <center> <a style="margin:8px" href="/info.php">About</a> | <a style="margin:8px" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#95fdf0ecd5f9f0edf4f9faf3f3f9f0bbf6faf8">Contact</a> | <a style="margin:8px" href="/games.php?page=updates">Updates</a> | <a style="margin:8px" href="/info.php?page=tos">Terms of Use</a> | <a style="margin:8px" href="/picotron.php">Picotron</a> </center> </div> <center> <div style="display:table; margin-bottom:10px"> <div style="font-size:10pt; display:flex; align-items:center"> Follow Lexaloffle: &nbsp <a href="" class=social_button><img class=pixel_perfect src="/gfx/so_mastodon.png" width=32 height=32 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