AquaMaps Hints

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>AquaMaps Hints</title> <link rel='stylesheet' href='//' type='text/css'><link rel='stylesheet' href='//' type='text/css'></head> <div id='wrapper'> <body class="body_1" onload="init()"> <!-- START HEADER --> <div id= 'header_flex' class="padTop5"> <div id='amLogo'> <a href=""><img src='' height='80' border='0'></a> <span class="arial11" style="color:#203C88; vertical-align: 15px;">ver. 10/2019</span> </div> <div id='header-text-no-sponsor' class="padTop5"> <span>Standardized distribution maps for over 33,500 species of fishes, marine mammals and invertebrates</span> <br> <br> <p> <a href="">Home</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <!--<a href="main/AboutAquaMaps.php">More Info</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp;--> <a href=''>About AquaMaps</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href=''>CYOM User Manual</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a title="With download option" href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="">Tools</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="">Services</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="">Hints</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <!--a href="">Freshwater AquaMaps</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp;--> <!--<a href="download/high_res_maps.php">High Resolution Maps</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp;--> <a href="">Reviewed Maps</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <br> <span style="margin-top:5px; display:block;"></span> <a href="">Terms & Conditions</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="">Publications</a> </p> </div> </div> <!-- header --> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br> <table width='80%' class="ptitle"> <tr><td>TIPS to make best use of AquaMaps</td></tr> </table> <table width='80%' class="plinks3"> <!-- 1 Settings --> <tr valign="top"> <td align="right" class="t_value3"><b>1.</b></td> <td> <span class="t_value3"><b>Web Browser Settings:</b></span> <br> <table class="noborderx" width="100%"> <tr><td width="10"></td> <td class="t_value3">A.</td> <td class="t_value3">AquaMaps is currently works best with FireFox Mozilla (especially if you want to use the Create Your Own Map routine).</td> </tr> <tr> <tr><td width="10"></td> <td class="t_value3">B.</td> <td class="t_value3">Check that your browser properly opens PDF documents. In Mozilla:</td> </tr> </tr> <tr><td width="10"></td> <td class="t_value3"></td> <td class="t_value3"><br>1. Go to Tools -> Options -> Applications <br>2. Scroll down to Portable Document Format (PDF) and select 'Use Adobe Acrobat (in FireFox)' <br>3. Click OK</td> </tr> <td class="t_value3"> </table> </td> </tr> <!-- 2 Map download --> <tr valign="top"> <td align="right" class="t_value3"><br><b>2.</b></td> <td> <span class="t_value3"><br><b>Downloading and using maps:</b></span> <br> <table class="noborderx" width="100%"> <tr><td width="10"></td> <td class="t_value3">A.</td> <td class="t_value3">Right-click on the picture/graph. Then "Save Image As..." file to disk.</td> </tr> <tr><td></td> <td class="t_value3">B.</td> <td class="t_value3">Always use the JPG extension for the filename (e.g. pic_Fis-29394.jpg).</td> </tr> <tr><td></td> <td class="t_value3">C.</td> <td class="t_value3">Properly cite each downloaded map. See number 3.</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <!-- 3 Deep linking --> <tr valign="top"> <td align="right" class="t_value3"><br><b>3.</b></td> <td> <span class="t_value3"><br><b>Deep-linking to various AquaMaps pages:</b></span> <br> <table class="noborderx" width="100%"> <tr><td width="10"></td> <td class="t_value3">A.</td> <td class="t_value3">Biodiversity species lists</td> </tr> <tr><td width="10"></td> <td class="t_value3"></td> <td class="t_value3">AquaMaps displays a list of species predicted to occur in a particular coordinate or c-square code. To link to this page, change the coordinate (&xlat= and &xlong=) or the C-square code (&csc=) parameter values in the URLs provided below. One can deep-link to any of the six pre-defined species groupings by changing the map (&mapx=) parameter value.</td> </tr> <tr><td width="10"></td> <td class="t_value3"></td> <td class="t_value3"><br>To link via coordinates: <a href="//"></a></td> </tr> <tr><td width="10"></td> <td class="t_value3"></td> <td class="t_value3">To link via c-square code: <a href="//"></a></td> </td> </tr> <tr><td width="10"></td> <td class="t_value3"></td> <td class="t_value3"><br> <table border="1" width="50%"> <tr> <td class="t_value3"><b>Map</b></td> <td class="t_value3"><b>mapx</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="t_value3">Marine Biodiversity Map</td> <td class="t_value3">all</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="t_value3">Shark and Ray Biodiversity Map</td> <td class="t_value3">sharks</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="t_value3">Bony Fish Biodiversity Map</td> <td class="t_value3">bfish</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="t_value3">Invertebrate Biodiversity Map</td> <td class="t_value3">inv</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="t_value3">Deep-water Species Biodiversity Map</td> <td class="t_value3">deepwater</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="t_value3">Marine Mammal Biodiversity Map</td> <td class="t_value3">speciesoccursum_mm</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr><td width="10"></td> <td class="t_value3"></td> <td class="t_value3"><i><br>Note: The bottom of any Species List page includes fields that allow users to enter a specified coordinate or c-square code and retrieve its corresponding species list.</i></td> </tr> <tr><td width="10"></td> <td class="t_value3"><br>B.</td> <td class="t_value3"><br>Species maps</td> </tr> <tr><td width="10"></td> <td class="t_value3"></td> <td class="t_value3">AquaMaps allows third-party websites to deep-link to its online species maps (<a href=" &Crit1_FieldType=CHAR&Crit2_FieldName=scientific_names.Species&Crit2_FieldType=CHAR&Group=All&Crit1_Operator=EQUAL&Crit1_Value=Pseudanthias& Crit2_Operator=CONTAINS&Crit2_Value=evansi&CoL=0">example</a>). To link to AquaMaps species pages, change the genus (&Crit1_Value=) and species (&Crit2_Value=) parameter values in the URL provided below.</td> </tr> <tr><td width="10"></td> <td class="t_value3"></td> <td class="t_value3"><br><a href="// &Crit1_FieldType=CHAR&Crit2_FieldName=scientific_names.Species&Crit2_FieldType=CHAR&Group=All&Crit1_Operator=EQUAL&Crit1_Value=Gadus& Crit2_Operator=CONTAINS&Crit2_Value=morhua&CoL=0"> &Crit1_FieldType=CHAR&Crit2_FieldName=scientific_names.Species&Crit2_FieldType=CHAR&Group=All&Crit1_Operator=EQUAL&Crit1_Value=Gadus& Crit2_Operator=CONTAINS&Crit2_Value=morhua&CoL=0</a></td> <!-- 2012 version <td class="t_value3"><br>To link via species name: <a href="http://aquamaps/ScientificNameSearchList.php?Crit1_FieldName=scientific_name_all.Genus &Crit1_FieldType=CHAR&Crit2_FieldName=scientific_name_all.Species&Crit2_FieldType=CHAR&Group=All&Crit1_Operator=EQUAL&Crit1_Value=Pseudanthias& Crit2_Operator=CONTAINS&Crit2_Value=evansi&CoL=0">test</a></td> --> </tr> <tr><td width="10"></td> <td class="t_value3"></td> <td class="t_value3"><i><br>Note: If more than one map is available for a species, a list of maps is displayed.</i></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>

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