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Pursue your passion with gifted teachers, performers and artists and grow your skills through internships and research opportunities. Check out the <a href="../academics/departments/fineart/index.html">Department of Fine Art and Art History</a>, and the departments of performing arts in <a href="../academics/departments/music/index.html">Music</a> and <a href="../academics/departments/theater/index.html">Theatre and Dance</a>. </p> <!-- _content:// the-arts/Arts Research - Card --> <!-- Widget Type: cards --> <div class="card-deck"> <div class="card card-block card-primary"> <center><img alt="Alt text here" class="card-img" src=""/></center> <hr/> <a class="hvr-underline-from-left" href="">Bringing Art to Life <i class="fas fa-caret-right"><!--fa--></i></a> </div> <div class="card card-block card-primary"> <center><img alt="Alt text here" class="card-img" src=""/></center> <hr/> <a class="hvr-underline-from-left" href="">Summer Scholar Steps into History of Broadway Tap Dancing <i class="fas fa-caret-right"><!--fa--></i></a> </div> </div> <!-- _content:// _common-blocks/Break - Single --> <!-- Widget Type: generic --> <br/> <!-- _content:// the-arts/Ferguson Center - Generic --> <!-- Widget Type: generic --> <h3>Enjoy the Arts at CNU</h3> <h4>The Ferguson Center for the Arts</h4> <p>This stunningly beautiful facility offers students, families and the community the opportunity to enjoy Broadway shows, world-class performances, up-and-coming entertainers, and much more! CNU students receive deeply-discounted tickets for numerous shows, making it easy and affordable to enjoy unique cultural experiences. The facility also includes art galleries, studios and rehearsal spaces.</p> <!-- _content:// the-arts/Ferguson Center - Tile --> <!-- Widget Type: generic --> <div><img alt="Erika Henningsen, center, performs with members of a CNU vocal ensemble on stage." class="" height="285" src="" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" width="400"/></div> <p><br/>Broadway star Erika Henningsen (Cady Heron in Mean Girls) performs with a CNU vocal ensemble. <em>(photo credit: Janie Willison)</em></p> <!-- _content:// the-arts/Ferguson Center for the Arts - Button --> <!-- Widget Type: button --> <div class="cta-space" style="text-align: center;"> <a class="cta" href="" target="_blank"> <span> Take in a Show at the Ferguson Center! </span> <span class="sr-only" style="position: absolute !important;">Accessible Take in a Show at the Ferguson Center!</span> <svg height="10px" viewbox="0 0 13 10" width="13px"> <path d="M1,5 L11,5"> </path> <polyline points="8 1 12 5 8 9"> </polyline> </svg> </a> </div> <!-- _content:// _common-blocks/Break - Single --> <!-- Widget Type: generic --> <br/> <!-- _content:// the-arts/Torggler - Generic --> <!-- Widget Type: generic --> <h4>The Mary M. Torggler Fine Arts Center</h4> <p>The Torggler is a regional hub of creativity, where art, history, education and community intersect on campus to enrich lives and broaden horizons.</p> <p>Here, you can cultivate extraordinary encounters with the visual arts. Whether viewing an exhibition, taking a class, or attending a lecture or gallery talk, the Torggler beckons you to explore compelling ideas through the transformative lens of visual art. The Torggler houses four public gallery spaces for changing exhibitions, which are always free and open to the public, in addition to offering classes, workshops, and events for the broader community. The building is also home to the university's Department of Fine Art and Art History, which boasts new, expansive studio classrooms including a darkroom.</p> <p><img alt="People stand in front of a wall of different frames containing different images." class="" height="285" src="" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" width="400"/></p> <!-- _content:// the-arts/Torggler - Button --> <!-- Widget Type: button --> <div class="cta-space" style="text-align: center;"> <a class="cta" href="" target="_blank"> <span> See what the Torggler has to offer! </span> <span class="sr-only" style="position: absolute !important;">Accessible See what the Torggler has to offer!</span> <svg height="10px" viewbox="0 0 13 10" width="13px"> <path d="M1,5 L11,5"> </path> <polyline points="8 1 12 5 8 9"> </polyline> </svg> </a> </div> <!-- _content:// _common-blocks/Break - Double --> <!-- Widget Type: generic --> <br/><br/> <!-- _content:// the-arts/Drone Image Photo Credit --> <!-- Widget Type: generic --> <p><em>Sunset image of the Ferguson Center for the Arts and the Torggler Fine Arts Center used with permission from Clarke Drone Photography.</em></p> </section> <!-- l --> <section class="two-2l"> <!-- the-arts/_navigation --> <!-- Widget Type: navigation --> <aside class="widget"> <ul> <!-- This Velocity Macro will be deprecated. 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