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Studying the liberal arts and sciences provides the knowledge you need to take advantage of any opportunity in today’s global marketplace.</p> <p>Through Christopher Newport’s rigorous curriculum you will learn how to think critically and communicate effectively while developing the tools and skills that will serve you for a lifetime.</p> <!-- _content:// academics/Academics Small Classes - Generic --> <!-- Widget Type: generic --> <h3>Small Classes</h3> <p>Most of our classes have fewer than 20 students and are taught by professors, not teaching assistants.</p> <!-- _content:// _common-blocks/Break - Single --> <!-- Widget Type: generic --> <br/> <!-- _content:// academics/Academics Professors - Card --> <!-- Widget Type: cards --> <h3>Caring, Accomplished Professors</h3> <p>Our faculty are among the best in their fields and students work side by side with them on research that advances knowledge.</p> <div class="card-group"> <div class="card card-block card-primary"> <center><img alt="Alt text here" class="card-img" src=""/></center> <p>Summer Scholar William Kessler '24, working alongside Dr. Jeff Carney, could be helping create the next drug to help combat Alzheimer's and diabetes. </p> <hr/> <a class="hvr-underline-from-left" href="">Summer Scholar Embarks on Research with Life-Changing Potential <i class="fas fa-caret-right"><!--fa--></i></a> </div> <div class="card card-block card-primary"> <center><img alt="Alt text here" class="card-img" src=""/></center> <p>Alum's discovery and research as Summer Scholar contributes to Dr. Jonathan White's latest work, "Shipwrecked: A True Story of Mutinies, Jailbreaks, Blockade-Running and the Slave Trade."</p> <hr/> <a class="hvr-underline-from-left" href="">No Longer Hidden in History鈥檚 Shadows <i class="fas fa-caret-right"><!--fa--></i></a> </div> </div> <!-- _content:// _common-blocks/Break - Single --> <!-- Widget Type: generic --> <br/> <!-- _content:// academics/Academics Curriculum - Card --> <!-- Widget Type: cards --> <h3>Arts and Sciences Curriculum</h3> <p>You'll explore everything from history and philosophy to math and chemistry while mastering career-ready skills like critical thinking, effective communication, and creative problem-solving.</p> <div class="card-columns"> <div class="card card-block card-silver"> <center><img alt="Alt text here" class="card-img" src=""/></center> U.S. News says Christopher Newport Academic Programs among Nation’s Best <hr/> <a class="hvr-underline-from-left" href="">Read more <i class="fas fa-caret-right"><!--fa--></i></a> </div> </div> <!-- _content:// _common-blocks/Break - Single --> <!-- Widget Type: generic --> <br/> <!-- _content:// academics/Academics Signature Programs - Tiles --> <!-- Widget Type: tiles --> <h3>Signature Programs</h3> <div class="card-columns card-tiles"> <div class="card"> <div class="title-overlap blue"> <h4>President's Leadership Program</h4> </div> <div class="card-body bg-white"> <p>Not just an academic program, the President's Leadership Program (PLP) is a community of students determined to better understand themselves, how they work with others and the impact they can have in the world. Through a combination of academic study, experiential learning and personal development, PLP prepares you for a life of leadership, service and civic responsibility. </p> </div> <a href="plp/index.html"><div class="bottom-btn">Learn More</div></a> </div> <div class="card"> <div class="title-overlap blue"> <h4>Honors Program</h4> </div> <div class="card-body bg-white"> <p>The Honors program emphasizes one-on-one advising and a customized curriculum that supports your personal and professional goals. Fewer entry-level courses allow you to spend more time in independent study, research and advanced scholarship.</p> </div> <a href="honors/index.html"><div class="bottom-btn">Learn More</div></a> </div> </div> <!-- _content:// _common-blocks/Break - Single --> <!-- Widget Type: generic --> <br/> <!-- _content:// academics/Academics Buildings - Generic --> <!-- Widget Type: generic --> <h3>Technologically-advanced Buildings</h3> <p>Learn in world-class visual and performing arts centers, a Wall Street Trading Room, and the soon-to-open Science and Engineering Research Center.</p> <!-- _content:// academics/Academics Buildings - Funnel --> <!-- Widget Type: funnel --> <div class="funnel"> <div> <div class="flex-item"> <a href="departments/fineart/index.html"> <div class="funnelTitle">Torggler Fine Arts Center</div> <img alt="Exterior of Mary M. 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