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These projects have resulted in various patented platform technologies, which have been acknowledged for their high technological achievements by experts across the world. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cont_area"> <div class="tab_area tab_platform"> <div class="swiper-container gallery-thumbs tab_menu"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide fsR20 ff_m">DMB(Dual Moisture Barrier) Technology</div> <div class="swiper-slide fsR20 ff_m">TSR (Triple Sustained Release) Technology</div> <div class="swiper-slide fsR20 ff_m">Multilayer Technology</div> </div> <!-- Progressbar --> <div class="swiper-progress-bar"> <span class="slide_progress-bar"></span> </div> <!-- Add Pagination --> <div class="swiper-pagination"></div> </div> <div class="swiper-container gallery-top contact_info"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide plat_tab_cont"> <div class="overflow_h"> <div class="lft_img"> <img src="../../images/sub/rd/platform_img01_en.png" alt="DMB(Dual Moisture Barrier) Technology"> </div> <div class="rgt_txt"> The DMB technology maximizes the moisture-proofing of pharmaceutical products by the dual action of moisture prevention. This formulation coating technology enhances the moisture stability of highly hygroscopic products vulnerable to moisture. With DMB technology, we can develop formulations with outstanding properties and physicochemical stability. </div> </div> <div class="patent_txt"> <p></p> <p></p> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide plat_tab_cont"> <div class="overflow_h"> <div class="lft_img"> <img src="../../images/sub/rd/platform_img02_en.png" alt="TSR (Triple Sustained Release) Technology"> </div> <div class="rgt_txt"> "TSR is a sustained release technology that combines three properties: ionic character, swelling, and hydrophobicity. These three different mechanisms work together to achieve excellent sustained release with small amounts of excipients. Moreover, TSR allows for reducing the size of pharmaceutical products. " </div> </div> <div class="patent_txt"> <p> </p> <p> </p> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide plat_tab_cont"> <div class="overflow_h"> <div class="lft_img"> <img src="../../images/sub/rd/platform_img03_en.png" alt="Multilayer Technology"> </div> <div class="rgt_txt"> Multilayer technology helps us secure the stability of compound ingredients and achieve double or higher release patterns by differentiating release rates across different layers. We apply this technology to most compound formulations in development to achieve outstanding stability and drug release patterns. </div> </div> <div class="patent_txt"> <p><strong></strong></p> <p></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Add Arrows --> <div class="swiper-button-next swiper-button-white"></div> <div class="swiper-button-prev swiper-button-white"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--// content_wrap --> </div> <!--// container --> <!--// container --> <!-- footer --> <div id="footer"> <div class="inner"> <!-- footTop --> <div class="footTop"> <p class="logo">Celltrion Pharm </p> <!-- util --> <div class="util"> <ul> <li><a href="/en-us/contact/leagalnotice">Legal Notices </a></li> <li><a href="/en-us/contact/private"><strong>Privacy Policy </strong></a></li> <li><a href="/en-us/contact/infomanage"> </a></li> <li><a href="/en-us/ehspolicy/ehs_policy">환경안전경영방침 </a></li> </ul> </div> <!--// util --> </div> <!--// footTop --> <!-- footBot --> <div class="footBot"> <address> <span>82, 2sandan-ro, Ochang-eup, Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea </span> <span>+82-43-717-7000 </span> </address> <p class="copy">Copyright © 2020 Celltrion Pharm, Inc. 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