Announcements | Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees
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Please ensure that all new submissions conform to APA style referencing. The first issue that was published using APA style was Issue 37.1 in Fall/Winter 2020. <br /></span></p> <ul class="cmp_announcements"> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> Missed out on our "Meet the Editors" webinar? Watch the recording on the York CRS YouTube channel </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2024-03-30 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>Missed out on our recent "Meet the Editors" webinar? Watch <a href="">the recording on the York Centre for Refugee Studies (CRS) YouTube channel</a> instead and contact us at if you have any questions.</p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about Missed out on our "Meet the Editors" webinar? Watch the recording on the York CRS YouTube channel </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> Meet the editors of Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees! (Free) webinar, March 11, 2023 at 11 am EST </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2024-03-06 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>Come join us and meet the editors of Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees, one of the oldest peer-reviewed journals in forced migration, to learn about the journal and the process of submitting and publishing your work with us! </p> <p><strong>When</strong>: Mar 11, 2024 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)</p> <p><strong>Register</strong> in advance for this (free) webinar:</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about Meet the editors of Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees! (Free) webinar, March 11, 2023 at 11 am EST </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> 39.2. Special Issue on Bureaucratic Violence </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2023-12-11 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>This issue will feature general articles and book reviews as well as a special issue on the topic of bureaucratic violence. It was opened in 2023 and will remain so until we close it in the spring of 2024 to move onto the next issue.</p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about 39.2. Special Issue on Bureaucratic Violence </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> Our first 2023 issue - 39.1 - is now open! </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2023-02-01 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>Our first 2023 issue - 39.1 - is now open! Since our transition to continuous publication, our book reviews are always the first to be added. Peer-reviewed articles will be published as they make it through the publication cycle, so check back here regularly!</p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about Our first 2023 issue - 39.1 - is now open! </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> Refuge transitioning to a continous publication model (beginning with 38.2) </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2022-08-08 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>We have some exciting news to share! With this next issue of <em>Refuge</em> (38.2) we are transitioning to a <em>continuous publication </em>model. This means that articles will be published as soon as they make their way through the peer-review and production (copy-editing, typesetting) stages, rather than having to wait for the other articles in the same issue to be completed first. With continuous publication, issues will be populated with articles gradually and remain “open” until we decide to close them and start a new one. For special issues, articles can either continue to be published all together or they can come out one by one, depending on the wishes of our guest editors. </p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about Refuge transitioning to a continous publication model (beginning with 38.2) </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> Spring time - Refuge publication time! </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2022-04-29 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>The latest issue of <em>Refuge</em> is finally here!</p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about Spring time - Refuge publication time! </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> When autumn leaves start to fall </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2021-11-22 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>..the <a href="">fall issue</a> of <em>Refuge</em> (37.2) is finally (finally) out!</p> <p>Thank you to all of our authors for their patience. We hope you will enjoy our new layout.</p> <p>XML versions of all articles will appear as we are able to post them.</p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about When autumn leaves start to fall </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> Spring has sprung - our latest, general issue (37.1) is out! </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2021-04-20 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>We are pleased to announce that our most recent, general issue, 37.1, has just been published.</p> <p>The issue may be accessed from the <a href="">current</a> or the archives tab on our menu. </p> <p>For other news, please also read the latest Refuge newsletter, which you can access under the <a href="">announcements tab.</a></p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about Spring has sprung - our latest, general issue (37.1) is out! </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> New (Special) Issue, 36.2, Refugee Children, Status, and Educational Attainment: A Comparative Lens, now published! </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2020-12-21 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>Guest editors: Maha Shuayb and Maurice Crul</p> <p>For more news (including a preview of our upcoming general issue 37.1), please also view <a href="">the <em>Refuge</em> December newsletter</a> (all past issues of our newsletter can be found if you click on the menu item "Announcements" and then the drop-down menu "Newsletter")!</p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about New (Special) Issue, 36.2, Refugee Children, Status, and Educational Attainment: A Comparative Lens, now published! </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> Call for Papers: Refuge in the Time of Pandemic </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2020-11-07 </div> <div class="summary"> <p><strong><a title="" href=""><em>Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees</em> </a>is issuing an open call for submissions on the theme of “Refuge in the Time of Pandemic.”</strong></p> <p>We are very aware that refugees and other migrants are facing even greater challenges at this time due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. From lack of masks and physical distancing options in detention facilities and camps to border closures and halted resettlement programmes to a wide range of other serious and pressing issues, the situations confronting displaced persons around the world - already dire - have become even more urgent. At the same time, we continue to see incredible mobilization by migrants and their supporters around the globe in response, reminding us not only of their resiliency, creativity and determination in the face of adversity but of the continued need to document and analyse these issues in order to address the needs of today and lay stronger foundations for tomorrow.</p> <p><em>We are interested in two broad types of submissions: </em></p> <p>a. shorter research notes (max 2,500 words) aimed at identifying important dynamics, issues and trends, and thereby helping to shape the broader research agenda; and </p> <p>b. longer research papers (max. 7,500 words) that adhere to the standard criteria of scholarly contributions to the field.</p> <p>In issuing this Call for Papers, we welcome submissions on a broad range of themes and from a diverse range of experiences and perspectives. We especially welcome contributions of authors from the Global South as well as both refugee support workers and other frontline practitioners (e.g., health workers).</p> <p>Authors are encouraged to submit an initial abstract (by emailing it to us at <a href=""></a>) to signal their intentions.</p> <p>Alternatively, authors can submit an already fully developed work. Please submit longer research papers through our regular online submission system at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>We would like to begin including submissions in Refuge in early 2021 but we recognize that there are still difficulties in the ability of many potential contributors to undertake scholarly work, including peer review, due to COVID. </p> <p>The range of questions that we seek to answer through this Call for Papers is broad, and includes but is not limited to:</p> <ul> <li class="show">How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected refugees and other displaced persons, refugee support agencies, and state approaches towards protection?</li> <li class="show">How has COVID-19 affected the mobilization of refugees and practices of refugee support workers?</li> <li class="show">How has COVID-19 affected how refugees and other displaced persons are portrayed (e.g. have been gendered, racialized) and addressed through state policies and media representation?</li> <li class="show">How has the pandemic affected the ability to research, understand and address contemporary protection challenges, as well as the focus of such research?</li> </ul> <p><strong>Deadline:</strong> Ongoing </p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about Call for Papers: Refuge in the Time of Pandemic </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> Refuge 36.1 New Issue and COVID-19 </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2020-04-27 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>On behalf of the editorial team at <em>Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees</em>, I am pleased to announce that our most current issue, 36.1, has just been published. The issue may be accessed here:<br><a href=""></a></p> <p>While we are excited to publish this new issue of <em>Refuge</em>, we are very aware that refugees and other migrants are facing even more challenges at this time due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. From lack of masks and physical distancing options in detention facilities and camps to border closures and halted resettlement programmes to a wide range of other serious and pressing issues, the situations facing displaced persons around the world - already dire - have become even more challenging. At the same time, we continue to see incredible mobilization by migrants and their supporters around the globe in response, reminding us not only of their resiliency, creativity and determination in the face of adversity but of the continued need to document and analyse these issues in order to address the needs of today and lay the foundations for tomorrow.</p> <p><em>Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees</em> is aware that some authors and peer reviewers may have difficulties in meeting their original deadlines due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you find that you need more time, please let us know and we will work with you to determine a more suitable due date. We also ask authors in the system to please be patient as there may well be delays in either the peer review and/or publication process due to COVID-19 related issues. We will do our best to keep people apprised of any relevant developments as they unfold.</p> <p>Dagmar Soennecken, Editor-in-Chief / Rédactrice-en-chef<br>Christopher G. Anderson and Pierre-André Thériault, Co-editors/Co-rédacteurs<br>Kathryn Barber, Managing Editor / Coordinatrice à l’édition<br>Raluca Bejan, Book Review Editor / Rédactrice des comptes rendus</p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about Refuge 36.1 New Issue and COVID-19 </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> Refuge 35.2 (Special Issue on Refugee Sponsorship) has now been published! </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2019-09-23 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>Guest editors: Johanna Reynolds and Christina Clark-Kazak</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about Refuge 35.2 (Special Issue on Refugee Sponsorship) has now been published! </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> New Refuge Citation Style </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2019-07-20 </div> <div class="summary"> <p><em>Refuge </em>has moved to APA style citation with bibliography and minimal use of footnotes in order to facilitate better indexing by research databases. Please ensure that all new submissions conform to APA style referencing.</p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about New Refuge Citation Style </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> <li> <article class="obj_announcement_summary"> <h2> <a href=""> Refuge 35.1 (Special Issue on Racialized Refuge) Now Published! </a> </h2> <div class="date"> 2019-06-03 </div> <div class="summary"> <p>Refuge 35.1: Racialized Refuge</p> <p>éditeurs invités: Christopher Kyriakides, Dina Taha, Carlo Handy Charles et Rodolfo D. Torres</p> <p><a title="Link to Volume 35 Issue 1" href=""></a></p> <a href="" class="read_more"> <span aria-hidden="true" role="presentation"> Read More </span> <span class="pkp_screen_reader"> Read more about Refuge 35.1 (Special Issue on Racialized Refuge) Now Published! </span> </a> </div> </article><!-- .obj_announcement_summary --> </li> </ul> </div><!-- .page --> </div><!-- pkp_structure_main --> <div class="pkp_structure_sidebar left" role="complementary" aria-label="Sidebar"> <div class="pkp_block block_custom" id="customblock-twitter"> <h2 class="title pkp_screen_reader">twitter</h2> <div class="content"> <p><a class="twitter-timeline" href="">Tweets by RefugeJournal</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="pkp_block block_language"> <h2 class="title"> Language </h2> <div class="content"> <ul> <li class="locale_en_US current" lang="en-US"> <a href=""> English </a> </li> <li class="locale_fr_CA" lang="fr-CA"> <a href=""> Français </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div><!-- .block_language --> <div class="pkp_block block_make_submission"> <h2 class="pkp_screen_reader"> Make a Submission </h2> <div class="content"> <a class="block_make_submission_link" href=""> Make a Submission </a> </div> </div> <div class="pkp_block block_Keywordcloud"> <h2 class="title">Keywords</h2> <div class="content" id='wordcloud'></div> <script> function randomColor() { var colors = ['#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf']; return colors[Math.floor(Math.random()*colors.length)]; } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { var keywords = [{"text":"refugee return","size":1},{"text":"soviet republics","size":1},{"text":"forced assimilation","size":1},{"text":" chechen-russian conflict","size":1},{"text":"chechen republic","size":1},{"text":"federal migratory service","size":1},{"text":"north caucasus migration","size":1},{"text":"refugee flow","size":1},{"text":"soviet union","size":1},{"text":"authoritarianism","size":1},{"text":"chechen-russian conflict","size":1},{"text":"economic reform","size":1},{"text":"psychological risk factors","size":1},{"text":"demographic psychosocial inventory","size":1},{"text":"memorandum of agreement","size":1},{"text":"men","size":1},{"text":"tongogara refugee camp","size":1},{"text":"households","size":1},{"text":"political repression","size":1},{"text":"moscow","size":1},{"text":"polygamy","size":1},{"text":"reformulation project","size":1},{"text":"trade","size":1},{"text":"policies","size":1},{"text":"ecological deterioration","size":1},{"text":"mainland chinese rejected refugee","size":1},{"text":"collective behaviour theory","size":1},{"text":"responsibility sharing","size":1},{"text":"burden sharing","size":1},{"text":"refugee flows","size":1},{"text":"human rights violations","size":1},{"text":"refugee containment","size":1},{"text":"fiscal burden sharing","size":1},{"text":"resource extraction","size":1},{"text":"united nations refugee organization","size":1},{"text":"unro","size":1},{"text":"bosnia-herzegovina","size":1},{"text":"unprofor","size":1},{"text":"safe areas","size":1},{"text":"elders","size":1},{"text":"rape","size":1},{"text":"population health","size":1},{"text":"danger","size":1},{"text":"negev","size":1},{"text":"land ownership","size":1},{"text":"separation","size":1},{"text":"arab jews","size":1},{"text":"russian immigrants","size":1},{"text":"voluntary return","size":1},{"text":"socio-cultural factors","size":1}]; var totalWeight = 0; var width = 300; var height = 200; var transitionDuration = 200; var length_keywords = keywords.length; var layout =; layout.size([width, height]) .words(keywords) .fontSize(function(d) { return fontSize(+d.size); }) .on('end', draw); var svg ="#wordcloud").append("svg") .attr("viewBox", "0 0 " + width + " " + height) .attr("width", '100%'); function update() { var words = layout.words(); fontSize = d3.scaleLinear().range([16, 34]); if (words.length) { fontSize.domain([+words[words.length - 1].size || 1, +words[0].size]); } } keywords.forEach(function(item,index){totalWeight += item.size;}); update(); function draw(words, bounds) { var w = layout.size()[0], h = layout.size()[1]; scaling = bounds ? 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