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" ><div class="container grid_cols1"> <div class="grid_item1 " id="block1729" > <div class="video_banner"><div class="video_banner-text not-homepage"><h1><span class="gotham-thin">Digital Services</span><span class="gotham-bold"></span></h1><div class="1729"></div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div><!-- row outer close --> <div id="row_1296" class="row services-toptext" ><div class="container grid_cols1"> <div class="grid_item1 " id="block1730" > <div class="textarea_block"><p style="text-align: center;">We have been building websites and marketing them to the masses since 1999, so with 20+ years of experience, we&nbsp;consider ourselves to have the knowledge required to build not only visually impressive sites but functional sites with a good overall user experience.<br /><br /><span class="small medium_text">We don't have lengthy licensing restrictions as all of our apps and websites are written using open source code, this means you always own your website and the code base and associated documentation is publicly available and able to be worked on by any proficient PHP developer. We don't believe in binding you to us for the lifecycle of your website or application and operate with complete transparency.</span></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="#row_1297"><img src="" alt="" width="53" height="53" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" /></a></p> </div> </div></div> </div><!-- row outer close --> <div id="row_1297" class="row flickbookarea" ><div class="container grid_cols2"> <div class="grid_item1 " id="block1731" > <div class="textarea_block"><p><span data-preserver-spaces="true" class="bigger_text">Websites</span></p> <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">All of the websites we build have a fully integrated content management system behind them, this enables you to amend your site as and when required. Our websites are built for organic growth with a solid basis. As you would expect, our websites are responsive, so they adapt to work well on desktops, mobiles phones/tablets. We have our own custom built CMS which we recommend and use for most of our clients, this is a robust system which is built with scalability in mind, meaning if you need a feature and we don't currently have it, we have the resources to add it in to your CMS and make it readily available for use site-wide. We can also build sites in many "off the shelf" solutions such as Magento, WordPress, WooCommerce and Shopify although these are often a little more limiting than our CMS, sometimes requiring multiple plugins to achieve the intended solution. We will always advise what we think is best for your needs and ease of maintenance moving forwards.</span></p> <p>Our websites are open source so they are your property and not reliant on our infrastructure, these can be hosted with us or with an external provider, we can provide specifications of our CMS to any hosting provider to ensure compatibility and we are always happy to liaise with your internal or external IT department/provider to ensure the smooth continuous operation of your website.</p> <p>So, whether you require a collateral showcase site or a full e-commerce online shopping site, our team can advise on how to best approach the project and&nbsp;generate the desired outcome.</p> <p>Our digital developers can also develop tools such as intranets, apps, interactive showrooms, games and more, depending on what will best suit your business. If you're not quite sure what forms of digital media may be helpful to your business, our marketing and development team can offer expert advice on what would best suit your needs.<br /><br /></p> <p></p> <p><a class="cta-chat" href="">Let's chat</a></p> <p><span class="bigger_text"></span></p> <p><br /><span class="bigger_text"><br />Digital Marketing<br /><br /></span>We can also work with you on digital marketing activities to drive users to your website and other media. This may be social media, Google ads campaigns, email marketing, online advertising and much more, depending on which has&nbsp;the best impact on your target audience.</p> <p>For all activities, we can help you&nbsp;get set up and steer you in the right direction or manage your campaigns, ads, tweets and posts for you on a continual basis.&nbsp;Digital marketing is one of the most powerful PR tools at the moment. If used correctly, it can go a long way to increasing brand recognition, connecting you with your customers, and connecting your customers to you.</p> <p></p> <p><a class="cta-chat" href="">Let's chat</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="grid_item2 " id="block1732" > <div class="container flickbook"> <div style="background-color:" class="flickbook-overlay"> <img class="img-responsive" src=""> <img class="screen-slider" name="slider" width="600" height="480"> </div> <div class="flickbook-images"><img class="flickbook-item" width="600" height="480" src=""><img class="flickbook-item" width="600" height="480" src=""><img class="flickbook-item" width="600" height="480" src=""><img class="flickbook-item" width="600" height="480" src=""><img class="flickbook-item" width="600" height="480" src=""><img class="flickbook-item" width="600" height="480" src=""><img class="flickbook-item" width="600" height="480" src=""> </div> </div> </div></div> </div><!-- row outer close --> <div id="row_1298" class="row see-more" ><div class="container grid_cols1"> <div class="grid_item1 " id="block1733" > <div class="textarea_block"><p>See relevant projects</p> </div> </div></div> </div><!-- row outer close --> <div id="row_1299" class="row fullwidth_row projectssection" ><div class=" grid_cols1"> <div class="grid_item1 " id="block1734" > <div class="projects_container grid_cols2"> <a class=" project-link project-digital--development project-literature-and-company-collateral project-exhibitions project-branding project-video-animation-and-walkthroughs" href=""> <div style="position: relative" class="projects_container-outer"> <div class="projects_container-overlay"> <div class="text"> <h3 class="title">Hanson Plywood<h3> <p class="body"><p><span>Branding&nbsp;&amp; Brand Management, Showroom,&nbsp;</span>Web Design &amp; Development, Photography, Print, Animation, Video, Exhibitions and Graphic Design</p></p> </div> </div> <img height="150px" class="img-responsive projects projects1 js-lazy-image" src="" data-src="" alt="Hanson Plywood"> </div> </a> <a class=" project-link project-digital--development project-literature-and-company-collateral" href=""> <div style="position: relative" class="projects_container-outer"> <div class="projects_container-overlay"> <div class="text"> <h3 class="title">NHS<h3> <p class="body"><p><span>Brand Management,&nbsp;Banners, Newsletters, Email Campaigns,&nbsp;Social Media and Internal&nbsp;</span>Communications</p></p> </div> </div> <img height="150px" class="img-responsive projects projects2 js-lazy-image" src="" data-src="" alt="NHS"> </div> </a> </div> </div></div> </div><!-- row outer close --> </div> <div class="searchFS"> <div class="close"><button name="close" class="close">脳</button></div> <div class="search_box_block"><form action="" id="search_form" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> <input type="hidden" name="search_type" value="full_search" /> <div class="input-group "> <input type="text" name="search" class="form-control" placeholder="Search for..."> <span class="input-group-btn"> <img id="search_box_submit" width="50px" src="" alt="Search our website"> </span> </div> </form> </div> <style> .header_middle .input-group { margin-top: 35px; 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