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From choosing the right font to finding the right template, good presentations keep an audience engaged and convey a message in a clear way.Knowing how to visualize data in a slideshow is one of those actions that have a huge impact on the success of a presentation. At the end of the day, plain data fails to motivate decisions as effectively as clear insights do. This is when powerful visual tools like word clouds step in. Let us tell you all about them. </p> <div class="h-4 mt-4"> <div class="lg:hidden group-hover:flex"> <div class="flex items-center justify-start"> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "216", "How to create a word cloud in Google Slides", "facebook"); window.socialShare({ platform: "facebook", url: "", title: "How to create a word cloud in Google Slides | Slidesgo", shareImage: false, }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-facebook" > <svg alt="Facebook" class="h-5 w-5 lg:w-4 lg:h-4 fill-current" viewBox="0 0 10 16" xmlns=""> <path d="M2.9 9.02C2.84 9.02 1.52 9.02 0.919999 9.02C0.6 9.02 0.5 8.9 0.5 8.6C0.5 7.8 0.5 6.98 0.5 6.18C0.5 5.86 0.62 5.76 0.919999 5.76H2.9C2.9 5.7 2.9 4.54 2.9 4C2.9 3.2 3.04 2.44 3.43999 1.74C3.85999 1.02 4.45999 0.54 5.21999 0.26C5.71999 0.0799998 6.21999 0 6.75999 0H8.71999C8.99998 0 9.11998 0.12 9.11998 0.4V2.68C9.11998 2.96 8.99998 3.08 8.71999 3.08C8.17999 3.08 7.63999 3.08 7.09999 3.1C6.55999 3.1 6.27999 3.36 6.27999 3.92C6.25999 4.52 6.27999 5.1 6.27999 5.72H8.59999C8.91998 5.72 9.03998 5.84 9.03998 6.16V8.58C9.03998 8.9 8.93999 9 8.59999 9C7.87999 9 6.33999 9 6.27999 9V15.52C6.27999 15.86 6.17999 15.98 5.81999 15.98C4.97999 15.98 4.15999 15.98 3.32 15.98C3.02 15.98 2.9 15.86 2.9 15.56C2.9 13.46 2.9 9.08 2.9 9.02Z"/> </svg> </button> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "216", "How to create a word cloud in Google Slides", "twitter"); window.socialShare({ platform: "twitter", url: "", title: "How to create a word cloud in Google Slides | Slidesgo", shareImage: false, }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-800" > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 27.5.0, SVG Export Plug-In . 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Here we tell you all about how to include them on Google Slides.", }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-pinterest" rel="noreferrerenv" > <svg alt="Pinterest" class="h-5 w-5 lg:w-4 lg:h-4 fill-current" viewBox="0 0 14 17" xmlns=""> <path d="M7.3467 0C2.87703 0 0.5 2.86426 0.5 5.98742C0.5 7.43586 1.30933 9.24208 2.60487 9.81493C2.8016 9.90361 2.90863 9.86589 2.95246 9.68344C2.99119 9.54481 3.16142 8.87716 3.24398 8.5622C3.26946 8.46128 3.25621 8.37362 3.17467 8.27883C2.74452 7.78141 2.40305 6.87524 2.40305 6.02514C2.40305 3.84687 4.13486 1.73181 7.08168 1.73181C9.62995 1.73181 11.4127 3.38716 11.4127 5.75502C11.4127 8.43071 9.9969 10.2818 8.15705 10.2818C7.13876 10.2818 6.38039 9.48263 6.62095 8.4939C6.91145 7.3166 7.48125 6.05062 7.48125 5.20153C7.48125 4.44011 7.0511 3.81018 6.17246 3.81018C5.13582 3.81018 4.29489 4.83662 4.29489 6.21473C4.29489 7.09031 4.60476 7.68151 4.60476 7.68151C4.60476 7.68151 3.57933 11.824 3.38872 12.5976C3.06662 13.9075 3.43255 16.0286 3.46415 16.2111C3.48352 16.312 3.59666 16.3436 3.65986 16.261C3.76077 16.1285 5.00025 14.36 5.34783 13.0818C5.47423 12.616 5.99306 10.7272 5.99306 10.7272C6.33453 11.3439 7.3202 11.8607 8.37009 11.8607C11.4932 11.8607 13.75 9.11568 13.75 5.70915C13.7388 2.44328 10.9438 0 7.3467 0Z" /> </svg> </button> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "216", "How to create a word cloud in Google Slides", "linkedin"); window.socialShare({ platform: "linkedin", url: "", title: "How to create a word cloud in Google Slides | Slidesgo", shareImage: false, image: "", description: "Building a word cloud to visualize data has a big impact on your presentation success. Here we tell you all about how to include them on Google Slides.", }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-linkedin" rel="noreferrerenv" > <svg alt="Linkedin" class="h-5 w-5 lg:w-4 lg:h-4 fill-current" viewBox="0 0 21 20" xmlns=""> <path d="M17.5409 17.041H14.5776V12.4003C14.5776 11.2936 14.5578 9.86903 13.0363 9.86903C11.4929 9.86903 11.2567 11.0748 11.2567 12.3197V17.0407H8.29336V7.49741H11.1382V8.8016H11.178C11.4627 8.31482 11.8741 7.91437 12.3684 7.6429C12.8627 7.37143 13.4214 7.23911 13.9849 7.26003C16.9884 7.26003 17.5422 9.23561 17.5422 11.8057L17.5409 17.041ZM4.94969 6.1929C4.60957 6.19296 4.27706 6.09217 3.99422 5.90326C3.71139 5.71435 3.49094 5.44581 3.36073 5.1316C3.23051 4.81739 3.19638 4.47163 3.26268 4.13803C3.32897 3.80443 3.49271 3.49798 3.73317 3.25744C3.97363 3.01689 4.28002 2.85305 4.61359 2.78664C4.94716 2.72022 5.29293 2.75422 5.60719 2.88432C5.92144 3.01442 6.19006 3.23479 6.37907 3.51756C6.56808 3.80032 6.66901 4.13279 6.66907 4.47291C6.66911 4.69874 6.62466 4.92237 6.53827 5.13103C6.45189 5.33969 6.32527 5.52928 6.16561 5.689C6.00595 5.84872 5.81638 5.97542 5.60775 6.06188C5.39913 6.14834 5.17552 6.19286 4.94969 6.1929ZM6.43137 17.041H3.46491V7.49741H6.43137V17.041ZM19.0183 0.00160673H1.97583C1.58901 -0.0027585 1.21626 0.146625 0.939533 0.416932C0.662802 0.687239 0.504721 1.05635 0.5 1.44317V18.5564C0.504559 18.9434 0.662547 19.3127 0.93927 19.5833C1.21599 19.8539 1.58882 20.0036 1.97583 19.9995H19.0183C19.4061 20.0043 19.78 19.8551 20.0578 19.5845C20.3356 19.3139 20.4946 18.9441 20.5 18.5564V1.44193C20.4945 1.05435 20.3353 0.684817 20.0575 0.414517C19.7797 0.144217 19.4059 -0.00474022 19.0183 0.000371488"/> </svg> </button> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "216", "How to create a word cloud in Google Slides", "whatsapp"); 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Do you want your public to look at your slides in a new way? Changing slides orientation will do the work. In this tutorial you’re going to learn how to go from horizontal slides, to vertical ones (and vice versa!). </p> <div class="h-4 mt-4"> <div class="lg:hidden group-hover:flex"> <div class="flex items-center justify-start"> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "144", "How to Change Slides Orientation in Google Slides", "facebook"); window.socialShare({ platform: "facebook", url: "", title: "How to Change Slides Orientation in Google Slides", shareImage: false, }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-facebook" > <svg alt="Facebook" class="h-5 w-5 lg:w-4 lg:h-4 fill-current" viewBox="0 0 10 16" xmlns=""> <path d="M2.9 9.02C2.84 9.02 1.52 9.02 0.919999 9.02C0.6 9.02 0.5 8.9 0.5 8.6C0.5 7.8 0.5 6.98 0.5 6.18C0.5 5.86 0.62 5.76 0.919999 5.76H2.9C2.9 5.7 2.9 4.54 2.9 4C2.9 3.2 3.04 2.44 3.43999 1.74C3.85999 1.02 4.45999 0.54 5.21999 0.26C5.71999 0.0799998 6.21999 0 6.75999 0H8.71999C8.99998 0 9.11998 0.12 9.11998 0.4V2.68C9.11998 2.96 8.99998 3.08 8.71999 3.08C8.17999 3.08 7.63999 3.08 7.09999 3.1C6.55999 3.1 6.27999 3.36 6.27999 3.92C6.25999 4.52 6.27999 5.1 6.27999 5.72H8.59999C8.91998 5.72 9.03998 5.84 9.03998 6.16V8.58C9.03998 8.9 8.93999 9 8.59999 9C7.87999 9 6.33999 9 6.27999 9V15.52C6.27999 15.86 6.17999 15.98 5.81999 15.98C4.97999 15.98 4.15999 15.98 3.32 15.98C3.02 15.98 2.9 15.86 2.9 15.56C2.9 13.46 2.9 9.08 2.9 9.02Z"/> </svg> </button> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "144", "How to Change Slides Orientation in Google Slides", "twitter"); window.socialShare({ platform: "twitter", url: "", title: "How to Change Slides Orientation in Google Slides", shareImage: false, }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-800" > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 27.5.0, SVG Export Plug-In . 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window.socialShare({ platform: "linkedin", url: "", title: "How to Change Slides Orientation in Google Slides", shareImage: false, image: "", description: "In this tutorial you will learn how to change from horizontal to vertical slides (and vice versa!)", }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-linkedin" rel="noreferrerenv" > <svg alt="Linkedin" class="h-5 w-5 lg:w-4 lg:h-4 fill-current" viewBox="0 0 21 20" xmlns=""> <path d="M17.5409 17.041H14.5776V12.4003C14.5776 11.2936 14.5578 9.86903 13.0363 9.86903C11.4929 9.86903 11.2567 11.0748 11.2567 12.3197V17.0407H8.29336V7.49741H11.1382V8.8016H11.178C11.4627 8.31482 11.8741 7.91437 12.3684 7.6429C12.8627 7.37143 13.4214 7.23911 13.9849 7.26003C16.9884 7.26003 17.5422 9.23561 17.5422 11.8057L17.5409 17.041ZM4.94969 6.1929C4.60957 6.19296 4.27706 6.09217 3.99422 5.90326C3.71139 5.71435 3.49094 5.44581 3.36073 5.1316C3.23051 4.81739 3.19638 4.47163 3.26268 4.13803C3.32897 3.80443 3.49271 3.49798 3.73317 3.25744C3.97363 3.01689 4.28002 2.85305 4.61359 2.78664C4.94716 2.72022 5.29293 2.75422 5.60719 2.88432C5.92144 3.01442 6.19006 3.23479 6.37907 3.51756C6.56808 3.80032 6.66901 4.13279 6.66907 4.47291C6.66911 4.69874 6.62466 4.92237 6.53827 5.13103C6.45189 5.33969 6.32527 5.52928 6.16561 5.689C6.00595 5.84872 5.81638 5.97542 5.60775 6.06188C5.39913 6.14834 5.17552 6.19286 4.94969 6.1929ZM6.43137 17.041H3.46491V7.49741H6.43137V17.041ZM19.0183 0.00160673H1.97583C1.58901 -0.0027585 1.21626 0.146625 0.939533 0.416932C0.662802 0.687239 0.504721 1.05635 0.5 1.44317V18.5564C0.504559 18.9434 0.662547 19.3127 0.93927 19.5833C1.21599 19.8539 1.58882 20.0036 1.97583 19.9995H19.0183C19.4061 20.0043 19.78 19.8551 20.0578 19.5845C20.3356 19.3139 20.4946 18.9441 20.5 18.5564V1.44193C20.4945 1.05435 20.3353 0.684817 20.0575 0.414517C19.7797 0.144217 19.4059 -0.00474022 19.0183 0.000371488"/> </svg> </button> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "144", "How to Change Slides Orientation in Google Slides", "whatsapp"); 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Too much, and the audience will be reluctant to read it. Too little, and the audience will just refrain from looking at the screen. Let’s say you already have the right amount of text. In order to maximize your chances of success, you need to choose a good font. Combining a nice readability with a nice visual hierarchy of all the components of your design will make an impression on everybody. They will be more than delighted at how your text looks. So, in this tutorial, you’ll learn... </p> <div class="h-4 mt-4"> <div class="lg:hidden group-hover:flex"> <div class="flex items-center justify-start"> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "28", "How to Add or Change Fonts in Google Slides", "facebook"); window.socialShare({ platform: "facebook", url: "", shareImage: false, }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-facebook" > <svg alt="Facebook" class="h-5 w-5 lg:w-4 lg:h-4 fill-current" viewBox="0 0 10 16" xmlns=""> <path d="M2.9 9.02C2.84 9.02 1.52 9.02 0.919999 9.02C0.6 9.02 0.5 8.9 0.5 8.6C0.5 7.8 0.5 6.98 0.5 6.18C0.5 5.86 0.62 5.76 0.919999 5.76H2.9C2.9 5.7 2.9 4.54 2.9 4C2.9 3.2 3.04 2.44 3.43999 1.74C3.85999 1.02 4.45999 0.54 5.21999 0.26C5.71999 0.0799998 6.21999 0 6.75999 0H8.71999C8.99998 0 9.11998 0.12 9.11998 0.4V2.68C9.11998 2.96 8.99998 3.08 8.71999 3.08C8.17999 3.08 7.63999 3.08 7.09999 3.1C6.55999 3.1 6.27999 3.36 6.27999 3.92C6.25999 4.52 6.27999 5.1 6.27999 5.72H8.59999C8.91998 5.72 9.03998 5.84 9.03998 6.16V8.58C9.03998 8.9 8.93999 9 8.59999 9C7.87999 9 6.33999 9 6.27999 9V15.52C6.27999 15.86 6.17999 15.98 5.81999 15.98C4.97999 15.98 4.15999 15.98 3.32 15.98C3.02 15.98 2.9 15.86 2.9 15.56C2.9 13.46 2.9 9.08 2.9 9.02Z"/> </svg> </button> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "28", "How to Add or Change Fonts in Google Slides", "twitter"); window.socialShare({ platform: "twitter", url: "", shareImage: false, }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-800" > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 27.5.0, SVG Export Plug-In . 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Let's go!", }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-pinterest" rel="noreferrerenv" > <svg alt="Pinterest" class="h-5 w-5 lg:w-4 lg:h-4 fill-current" viewBox="0 0 14 17" xmlns=""> <path d="M7.3467 0C2.87703 0 0.5 2.86426 0.5 5.98742C0.5 7.43586 1.30933 9.24208 2.60487 9.81493C2.8016 9.90361 2.90863 9.86589 2.95246 9.68344C2.99119 9.54481 3.16142 8.87716 3.24398 8.5622C3.26946 8.46128 3.25621 8.37362 3.17467 8.27883C2.74452 7.78141 2.40305 6.87524 2.40305 6.02514C2.40305 3.84687 4.13486 1.73181 7.08168 1.73181C9.62995 1.73181 11.4127 3.38716 11.4127 5.75502C11.4127 8.43071 9.9969 10.2818 8.15705 10.2818C7.13876 10.2818 6.38039 9.48263 6.62095 8.4939C6.91145 7.3166 7.48125 6.05062 7.48125 5.20153C7.48125 4.44011 7.0511 3.81018 6.17246 3.81018C5.13582 3.81018 4.29489 4.83662 4.29489 6.21473C4.29489 7.09031 4.60476 7.68151 4.60476 7.68151C4.60476 7.68151 3.57933 11.824 3.38872 12.5976C3.06662 13.9075 3.43255 16.0286 3.46415 16.2111C3.48352 16.312 3.59666 16.3436 3.65986 16.261C3.76077 16.1285 5.00025 14.36 5.34783 13.0818C5.47423 12.616 5.99306 10.7272 5.99306 10.7272C6.33453 11.3439 7.3202 11.8607 8.37009 11.8607C11.4932 11.8607 13.75 9.11568 13.75 5.70915C13.7388 2.44328 10.9438 0 7.3467 0Z" /> </svg> </button> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "28", "How to Add or Change Fonts in Google Slides", "linkedin"); window.socialShare({ platform: "linkedin", url: "", shareImage: false, image: "", description: "In this new Slidesgo School tutorial, you’ll learn to change the fonts in your presentation. You’ll also find out how to add new fonts in Google Slides. What do you say? Let's go!", }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-linkedin" rel="noreferrerenv" > <svg alt="Linkedin" class="h-5 w-5 lg:w-4 lg:h-4 fill-current" viewBox="0 0 21 20" xmlns=""> <path d="M17.5409 17.041H14.5776V12.4003C14.5776 11.2936 14.5578 9.86903 13.0363 9.86903C11.4929 9.86903 11.2567 11.0748 11.2567 12.3197V17.0407H8.29336V7.49741H11.1382V8.8016H11.178C11.4627 8.31482 11.8741 7.91437 12.3684 7.6429C12.8627 7.37143 13.4214 7.23911 13.9849 7.26003C16.9884 7.26003 17.5422 9.23561 17.5422 11.8057L17.5409 17.041ZM4.94969 6.1929C4.60957 6.19296 4.27706 6.09217 3.99422 5.90326C3.71139 5.71435 3.49094 5.44581 3.36073 5.1316C3.23051 4.81739 3.19638 4.47163 3.26268 4.13803C3.32897 3.80443 3.49271 3.49798 3.73317 3.25744C3.97363 3.01689 4.28002 2.85305 4.61359 2.78664C4.94716 2.72022 5.29293 2.75422 5.60719 2.88432C5.92144 3.01442 6.19006 3.23479 6.37907 3.51756C6.56808 3.80032 6.66901 4.13279 6.66907 4.47291C6.66911 4.69874 6.62466 4.92237 6.53827 5.13103C6.45189 5.33969 6.32527 5.52928 6.16561 5.689C6.00595 5.84872 5.81638 5.97542 5.60775 6.06188C5.39913 6.14834 5.17552 6.19286 4.94969 6.1929ZM6.43137 17.041H3.46491V7.49741H6.43137V17.041ZM19.0183 0.00160673H1.97583C1.58901 -0.0027585 1.21626 0.146625 0.939533 0.416932C0.662802 0.687239 0.504721 1.05635 0.5 1.44317V18.5564C0.504559 18.9434 0.662547 19.3127 0.93927 19.5833C1.21599 19.8539 1.58882 20.0036 1.97583 19.9995H19.0183C19.4061 20.0043 19.78 19.8551 20.0578 19.5845C20.3356 19.3139 20.4946 18.9441 20.5 18.5564V1.44193C20.4945 1.05435 20.3353 0.684817 20.0575 0.414517C19.7797 0.144217 19.4059 -0.00474022 19.0183 0.000371488"/> </svg> </button> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "28", "How to Add or Change Fonts in Google Slides", "whatsapp"); 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Whether you’re looking for slides only, speaker notes or the Q&A feature, in this new Google Slides tutorial, you’ll learn about these and their respective settings. Ready? Then let’s explore the presenter view! </p> <div class="h-4 mt-4"> <div class="lg:hidden group-hover:flex"> <div class="flex items-center justify-start"> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "36", "How to Use the Presenter View in Google Slides", "facebook"); window.socialShare({ platform: "facebook", url: "", shareImage: false, }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-facebook" > <svg alt="Facebook" class="h-5 w-5 lg:w-4 lg:h-4 fill-current" viewBox="0 0 10 16" xmlns=""> <path d="M2.9 9.02C2.84 9.02 1.52 9.02 0.919999 9.02C0.6 9.02 0.5 8.9 0.5 8.6C0.5 7.8 0.5 6.98 0.5 6.18C0.5 5.86 0.62 5.76 0.919999 5.76H2.9C2.9 5.7 2.9 4.54 2.9 4C2.9 3.2 3.04 2.44 3.43999 1.74C3.85999 1.02 4.45999 0.54 5.21999 0.26C5.71999 0.0799998 6.21999 0 6.75999 0H8.71999C8.99998 0 9.11998 0.12 9.11998 0.4V2.68C9.11998 2.96 8.99998 3.08 8.71999 3.08C8.17999 3.08 7.63999 3.08 7.09999 3.1C6.55999 3.1 6.27999 3.36 6.27999 3.92C6.25999 4.52 6.27999 5.1 6.27999 5.72H8.59999C8.91998 5.72 9.03998 5.84 9.03998 6.16V8.58C9.03998 8.9 8.93999 9 8.59999 9C7.87999 9 6.33999 9 6.27999 9V15.52C6.27999 15.86 6.17999 15.98 5.81999 15.98C4.97999 15.98 4.15999 15.98 3.32 15.98C3.02 15.98 2.9 15.86 2.9 15.56C2.9 13.46 2.9 9.08 2.9 9.02Z"/> </svg> </button> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "36", "How to Use the Presenter View in Google Slides", "twitter"); window.socialShare({ platform: "twitter", url: "", shareImage: false, }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-800" > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 27.5.0, SVG Export Plug-In . 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In this new Google Slides tutorial, you’ll learn about these and their respective settings.", }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-pinterest" rel="noreferrerenv" > <svg alt="Pinterest" class="h-5 w-5 lg:w-4 lg:h-4 fill-current" viewBox="0 0 14 17" xmlns=""> <path d="M7.3467 0C2.87703 0 0.5 2.86426 0.5 5.98742C0.5 7.43586 1.30933 9.24208 2.60487 9.81493C2.8016 9.90361 2.90863 9.86589 2.95246 9.68344C2.99119 9.54481 3.16142 8.87716 3.24398 8.5622C3.26946 8.46128 3.25621 8.37362 3.17467 8.27883C2.74452 7.78141 2.40305 6.87524 2.40305 6.02514C2.40305 3.84687 4.13486 1.73181 7.08168 1.73181C9.62995 1.73181 11.4127 3.38716 11.4127 5.75502C11.4127 8.43071 9.9969 10.2818 8.15705 10.2818C7.13876 10.2818 6.38039 9.48263 6.62095 8.4939C6.91145 7.3166 7.48125 6.05062 7.48125 5.20153C7.48125 4.44011 7.0511 3.81018 6.17246 3.81018C5.13582 3.81018 4.29489 4.83662 4.29489 6.21473C4.29489 7.09031 4.60476 7.68151 4.60476 7.68151C4.60476 7.68151 3.57933 11.824 3.38872 12.5976C3.06662 13.9075 3.43255 16.0286 3.46415 16.2111C3.48352 16.312 3.59666 16.3436 3.65986 16.261C3.76077 16.1285 5.00025 14.36 5.34783 13.0818C5.47423 12.616 5.99306 10.7272 5.99306 10.7272C6.33453 11.3439 7.3202 11.8607 8.37009 11.8607C11.4932 11.8607 13.75 9.11568 13.75 5.70915C13.7388 2.44328 10.9438 0 7.3467 0Z" /> </svg> </button> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "36", "How to Use the Presenter View in Google Slides", "linkedin"); window.socialShare({ platform: "linkedin", url: "", shareImage: false, image: "", description: "Google Slides, like PowerPoint, has different presentation modes that could come in handy when you’re presenting. In this new Google Slides tutorial, you’ll learn about these and their respective settings.", }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-linkedin" rel="noreferrerenv" > <svg alt="Linkedin" class="h-5 w-5 lg:w-4 lg:h-4 fill-current" viewBox="0 0 21 20" xmlns=""> <path d="M17.5409 17.041H14.5776V12.4003C14.5776 11.2936 14.5578 9.86903 13.0363 9.86903C11.4929 9.86903 11.2567 11.0748 11.2567 12.3197V17.0407H8.29336V7.49741H11.1382V8.8016H11.178C11.4627 8.31482 11.8741 7.91437 12.3684 7.6429C12.8627 7.37143 13.4214 7.23911 13.9849 7.26003C16.9884 7.26003 17.5422 9.23561 17.5422 11.8057L17.5409 17.041ZM4.94969 6.1929C4.60957 6.19296 4.27706 6.09217 3.99422 5.90326C3.71139 5.71435 3.49094 5.44581 3.36073 5.1316C3.23051 4.81739 3.19638 4.47163 3.26268 4.13803C3.32897 3.80443 3.49271 3.49798 3.73317 3.25744C3.97363 3.01689 4.28002 2.85305 4.61359 2.78664C4.94716 2.72022 5.29293 2.75422 5.60719 2.88432C5.92144 3.01442 6.19006 3.23479 6.37907 3.51756C6.56808 3.80032 6.66901 4.13279 6.66907 4.47291C6.66911 4.69874 6.62466 4.92237 6.53827 5.13103C6.45189 5.33969 6.32527 5.52928 6.16561 5.689C6.00595 5.84872 5.81638 5.97542 5.60775 6.06188C5.39913 6.14834 5.17552 6.19286 4.94969 6.1929ZM6.43137 17.041H3.46491V7.49741H6.43137V17.041ZM19.0183 0.00160673H1.97583C1.58901 -0.0027585 1.21626 0.146625 0.939533 0.416932C0.662802 0.687239 0.504721 1.05635 0.5 1.44317V18.5564C0.504559 18.9434 0.662547 19.3127 0.93927 19.5833C1.21599 19.8539 1.58882 20.0036 1.97583 19.9995H19.0183C19.4061 20.0043 19.78 19.8551 20.0578 19.5845C20.3356 19.3139 20.4946 18.9441 20.5 18.5564V1.44193C20.4945 1.05435 20.3353 0.684817 20.0575 0.414517C19.7797 0.144217 19.4059 -0.00474022 19.0183 0.000371488"/> </svg> </button> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "36", "How to Use the Presenter View in Google Slides", "whatsapp"); 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Creating them from scratch, filling them in, looking for pictures, moving the elements...How stressful! But there is a solution that saves you a lot of time. We're sure that you've browsed the internet for templates, or basically, pre-established designs and elements, that can be downloaded for free and can be edited to your liking. Are we right? Then, we have some good news for you! </p> <div class="h-4 mt-4"> <div class="lg:hidden group-hover:flex"> <div class="flex items-center justify-start"> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "138", "How to Download Google Slides Templates", "facebook"); window.socialShare({ platform: "facebook", url: "", title: "How to download Google Slides templates for free | Slidesgo", shareImage: false, }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-facebook" > <svg alt="Facebook" class="h-5 w-5 lg:w-4 lg:h-4 fill-current" viewBox="0 0 10 16" xmlns=""> <path d="M2.9 9.02C2.84 9.02 1.52 9.02 0.919999 9.02C0.6 9.02 0.5 8.9 0.5 8.6C0.5 7.8 0.5 6.98 0.5 6.18C0.5 5.86 0.62 5.76 0.919999 5.76H2.9C2.9 5.7 2.9 4.54 2.9 4C2.9 3.2 3.04 2.44 3.43999 1.74C3.85999 1.02 4.45999 0.54 5.21999 0.26C5.71999 0.0799998 6.21999 0 6.75999 0H8.71999C8.99998 0 9.11998 0.12 9.11998 0.4V2.68C9.11998 2.96 8.99998 3.08 8.71999 3.08C8.17999 3.08 7.63999 3.08 7.09999 3.1C6.55999 3.1 6.27999 3.36 6.27999 3.92C6.25999 4.52 6.27999 5.1 6.27999 5.72H8.59999C8.91998 5.72 9.03998 5.84 9.03998 6.16V8.58C9.03998 8.9 8.93999 9 8.59999 9C7.87999 9 6.33999 9 6.27999 9V15.52C6.27999 15.86 6.17999 15.98 5.81999 15.98C4.97999 15.98 4.15999 15.98 3.32 15.98C3.02 15.98 2.9 15.86 2.9 15.56C2.9 13.46 2.9 9.08 2.9 9.02Z"/> </svg> </button> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "138", "How to Download Google Slides Templates", "twitter"); window.socialShare({ platform: "twitter", url: "", title: "How to download Google Slides templates for free | Slidesgo", shareImage: false, }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-800" > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 27.5.0, SVG Export Plug-In . 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Start now to download it!", }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-linkedin" rel="noreferrerenv" > <svg alt="Linkedin" class="h-5 w-5 lg:w-4 lg:h-4 fill-current" viewBox="0 0 21 20" xmlns=""> <path d="M17.5409 17.041H14.5776V12.4003C14.5776 11.2936 14.5578 9.86903 13.0363 9.86903C11.4929 9.86903 11.2567 11.0748 11.2567 12.3197V17.0407H8.29336V7.49741H11.1382V8.8016H11.178C11.4627 8.31482 11.8741 7.91437 12.3684 7.6429C12.8627 7.37143 13.4214 7.23911 13.9849 7.26003C16.9884 7.26003 17.5422 9.23561 17.5422 11.8057L17.5409 17.041ZM4.94969 6.1929C4.60957 6.19296 4.27706 6.09217 3.99422 5.90326C3.71139 5.71435 3.49094 5.44581 3.36073 5.1316C3.23051 4.81739 3.19638 4.47163 3.26268 4.13803C3.32897 3.80443 3.49271 3.49798 3.73317 3.25744C3.97363 3.01689 4.28002 2.85305 4.61359 2.78664C4.94716 2.72022 5.29293 2.75422 5.60719 2.88432C5.92144 3.01442 6.19006 3.23479 6.37907 3.51756C6.56808 3.80032 6.66901 4.13279 6.66907 4.47291C6.66911 4.69874 6.62466 4.92237 6.53827 5.13103C6.45189 5.33969 6.32527 5.52928 6.16561 5.689C6.00595 5.84872 5.81638 5.97542 5.60775 6.06188C5.39913 6.14834 5.17552 6.19286 4.94969 6.1929ZM6.43137 17.041H3.46491V7.49741H6.43137V17.041ZM19.0183 0.00160673H1.97583C1.58901 -0.0027585 1.21626 0.146625 0.939533 0.416932C0.662802 0.687239 0.504721 1.05635 0.5 1.44317V18.5564C0.504559 18.9434 0.662547 19.3127 0.93927 19.5833C1.21599 19.8539 1.58882 20.0036 1.97583 19.9995H19.0183C19.4061 20.0043 19.78 19.8551 20.0578 19.5845C20.3356 19.3139 20.4946 18.9441 20.5 18.5564V1.44193C20.4945 1.05435 20.3353 0.684817 20.0575 0.414517C19.7797 0.144217 19.4059 -0.00474022 19.0183 0.000371488"/> </svg> </button> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "138", "How to Download Google Slides Templates", "whatsapp"); 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Or sometimes, you might prefer to duplicate an existing slide to reuse its elements, such as text boxes. In addition to this, you can perform other actions, such as deleting slides, moving or even hiding them so that they’re not visible during your presentation.In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to do all of this to turn any of our templates into your own presentation. </p> <div class="h-4 mt-4"> <div class="lg:hidden group-hover:flex"> <div class="flex items-center justify-start"> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "3", "How to Add, Duplicate, Move, Delete or Hide Slides in Google Slides", "facebook"); window.socialShare({ platform: "facebook", url: "", title: "How to Add, Duplicate, Move, Delete or Hide Slides", shareImage: false, }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-facebook" > <svg alt="Facebook" class="h-5 w-5 lg:w-4 lg:h-4 fill-current" viewBox="0 0 10 16" xmlns=""> <path d="M2.9 9.02C2.84 9.02 1.52 9.02 0.919999 9.02C0.6 9.02 0.5 8.9 0.5 8.6C0.5 7.8 0.5 6.98 0.5 6.18C0.5 5.86 0.62 5.76 0.919999 5.76H2.9C2.9 5.7 2.9 4.54 2.9 4C2.9 3.2 3.04 2.44 3.43999 1.74C3.85999 1.02 4.45999 0.54 5.21999 0.26C5.71999 0.0799998 6.21999 0 6.75999 0H8.71999C8.99998 0 9.11998 0.12 9.11998 0.4V2.68C9.11998 2.96 8.99998 3.08 8.71999 3.08C8.17999 3.08 7.63999 3.08 7.09999 3.1C6.55999 3.1 6.27999 3.36 6.27999 3.92C6.25999 4.52 6.27999 5.1 6.27999 5.72H8.59999C8.91998 5.72 9.03998 5.84 9.03998 6.16V8.58C9.03998 8.9 8.93999 9 8.59999 9C7.87999 9 6.33999 9 6.27999 9V15.52C6.27999 15.86 6.17999 15.98 5.81999 15.98C4.97999 15.98 4.15999 15.98 3.32 15.98C3.02 15.98 2.9 15.86 2.9 15.56C2.9 13.46 2.9 9.08 2.9 9.02Z"/> </svg> </button> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "3", "How to Add, Duplicate, Move, Delete or Hide Slides in Google Slides", "twitter"); window.socialShare({ platform: "twitter", url: "", title: "How to Add, Duplicate, Move, Delete or Hide Slides", shareImage: false, }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-800" > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 27.5.0, SVG Export Plug-In . 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It wouldn’t be the same if it was E=mc2, right? Okay, yes, some people write it like that because it’s very famous and it won’t be misunderstood. But technically… It can! This is where the sophistication of superscript or subscript enters the room! Do you know how to write them in equations, copyright brands or even footnotes in your presentations? Let’s figure out how. </p> <div class="h-4 mt-4"> <div class="lg:hidden group-hover:flex"> <div class="flex items-center justify-start"> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "187", "How to Add Superscript and Subscript in Google Slides", "facebook"); window.socialShare({ platform: "facebook", url: "", title: "How to Add Superscript and Subscript in Google Slides", shareImage: false, }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-facebook" > <svg alt="Facebook" class="h-5 w-5 lg:w-4 lg:h-4 fill-current" viewBox="0 0 10 16" xmlns=""> <path d="M2.9 9.02C2.84 9.02 1.52 9.02 0.919999 9.02C0.6 9.02 0.5 8.9 0.5 8.6C0.5 7.8 0.5 6.98 0.5 6.18C0.5 5.86 0.62 5.76 0.919999 5.76H2.9C2.9 5.7 2.9 4.54 2.9 4C2.9 3.2 3.04 2.44 3.43999 1.74C3.85999 1.02 4.45999 0.54 5.21999 0.26C5.71999 0.0799998 6.21999 0 6.75999 0H8.71999C8.99998 0 9.11998 0.12 9.11998 0.4V2.68C9.11998 2.96 8.99998 3.08 8.71999 3.08C8.17999 3.08 7.63999 3.08 7.09999 3.1C6.55999 3.1 6.27999 3.36 6.27999 3.92C6.25999 4.52 6.27999 5.1 6.27999 5.72H8.59999C8.91998 5.72 9.03998 5.84 9.03998 6.16V8.58C9.03998 8.9 8.93999 9 8.59999 9C7.87999 9 6.33999 9 6.27999 9V15.52C6.27999 15.86 6.17999 15.98 5.81999 15.98C4.97999 15.98 4.15999 15.98 3.32 15.98C3.02 15.98 2.9 15.86 2.9 15.56C2.9 13.46 2.9 9.08 2.9 9.02Z"/> </svg> </button> <button onclick=' gtm.share("", "", "article_preview", "187", "How to Add Superscript and Subscript in Google Slides", "twitter"); window.socialShare({ platform: "twitter", url: "", title: "How to Add Superscript and Subscript in Google Slides", shareImage: false, }); ' class="mr-2 text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-800" > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 27.5.0, SVG Export Plug-In . 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