Slidesgo for Education | Boost learning at schools!
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It’s so easy with Slidesgo! </h2> <div class="flex justify-center flex-col sm:flex-row"> <a href="" class="btn-secondary-animation mb-4 flex items-center justify-center rounded h-12 px-6 text-lg text-white font-semibold bg-gray-900 sm:mb-0 sm:mr-4" > Slidesgo for teachers </a> <a href="" class="btn-secondary-animation flex items-center justify-center rounded h-12 px-6 text-lg text-gray-900 font-semibold border border-gray-300 hover:text-white" > Slidesgo for students </a> </div> </div> </section> <main> <div class="bg-gray-50 text-center py-20"> <div class="mx-auto mb-20 px-4 sm:max-w-4xl"> <p class="text-base font-semibold uppercase text-teal-600 mb-2"> How it works </p> <h3 class="text-6xl font-title font-semibold text-gray-900 mb-4 lg:text-8xl"> Search, find, create </h3> <p class="text-lg text-gray-800 leading-relaxed"> First, explore awesome templates that will fit any of your projects and presentations. Then customize at will: each template or presentation comes with a great number of icons, infographics, and images. Last, but not least, make an impact! A well-structured presentation, with a clean design, communicates better and makes your students engage </p> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-center flex-col px-4 lg:flex-row"> <div class="zoom-on-hover h-56 bg-purple-300 rounded-t-xl rounded-bl-xl flex mb-8 sm:w-fit md:w-115 md:mr-8 md:h-64 lg:mb-0"> <div class="p-6 text-left sm:w-72 md:w-full"> <p class="font-semibold text-2xl text-gray-900 mb-2"> Slidesgo is a tool </p> <p class="text-base text-gray-800 leading-normal"> So you can use it at your convenience: start editing online, download your work and finish collaborating on Google Slides. </p> </div> <div class="self-end hidden sm:block"> <img src="/images/landing/education/slidesgo-tool.png" alt="Slidesgo is a tool" style="max-width: 196px;"> </div> </div> <div class="zoom-on-hover h-56 bg-teal-300 rounded-t-xl rounded-bl-xl flex mb-8 sm:w-fit md:mb-0 md:w-115 md:mr-8 md:h-64"> <div class="p-6 text-left sm:w-72 md:w-full"> <p class="font-semibold text-2xl text-gray-900 mb-2"> And a content library </p> <p class="text-base text-gray-800 leading-normal"> With thousands of ready-to-use presentations and templates, completely editable and adaptable, and access to Freepik and Flaticon library of visual contents. </p> </div> <div class="self-end hidden sm:block"> <img src="/images/landing/education/slidesgo-content-library.png" alt="Slidesgo is a content library" style="max-width: 196px;"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text-center py-20 px-4 md:px-6 lg:px-16 3xl:container 3xl:mx-auto"> <div class="mx-auto mb-16 sm:max-w-4xl sm:mb-20"> <p class="text-base font-semibold uppercase text-teal-600 mb-2"> Tools to reshape teaching and learning </p> <h3 class="text-6xl font-title font-semibold text-gray-900 mb-4 lg:text-8xl"> Spend less time prepping, and more time teaching </h3> <p class="text-lg text-gray-800 leading-relaxed"> Put your energy where it really matters – don't waste it on writer's block or spending forever creating presentations. Get on board and make the most of your time with the most efficient tools to design your lessons. </p> </div> <div class="flex w-full" x-data="{ open: 'AI' }" x-init="() => { if (window.innerWidth < 992) {open = true}}" > <div class="w-full text-left lg:pr-20 lg:w-5/12"> <div class="pointer-events-none py-9 border-gray-25 cursor-pointer lg:pointer-events-auto md:flex md:items-center lg:border-b" x-data="{ section: 'AI' }" @click="open = section" > <div class="md:w-1/2 md:mr-6 lg:w-full lg:mr-0"> <h4 class="text-4xl text-gray-900 font-title font-semibold flex items-center justify-between select-none" > Artificial Intelligence <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 inline-block ml-1 text-gray-700 hidden lg:block fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div x-bind:style="open === section || open === true ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.description.scrollHeight + 'px; opacity: 1' : ''" class="max-h-0 opacity-0 transition-all duration-200 overflow-hidden leading-normal text-lg text-gray-800 mt-4" x-ref="description" > AI is here to help! And Slidesgo leverages AI to handle tasks like template selection, content organization, and design polish, making presentation creation a breeze. It significantly cuts down on prep time by analyzing material and offering tailored suggestions. Focus on delivering engaging classes while AI simplifies creating slides. </div> </div> <video loop muted autoplay class="w-full block md:w-1/2 lg:hidden rounded-lg"> <source src="/images/landing/education/features_ai.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <div class="pointer-events-none py-9 border-gray-25 cursor-pointer lg:pointer-events-auto md:flex md:flex-row-reverse md:items-center lg:border-b" x-data="{ section: 'online-editor' }" @click="open = section" > <div class="md:w-1/2 md:ml-6 lg:w-full lg:ml-0"> <h4 class="text-4xl text-gray-900 font-title font-semibold flex items-center justify-between select-none" > Online editor <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 inline-block ml-1 text-gray-700 hidden lg:block fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div x-bind:style="open === section || open === true ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.description.scrollHeight + 'px; opacity: 1' : ''" class="max-h-0 opacity-0 transition-all duration-200 overflow-hidden leading-normal text-lg text-gray-800 mt-4" x-ref="description" > Tweak, adjust, and liven up your presentation right from Slidesgo. With an AI writer to help you pass the writer’s block, and the entire Freepik library at your disposal for making finding visuals is a walk in the park. Gone are the days of fretting about lost USB drives! </div> </div> <video loop muted autoplay class="w-full block md:w-1/2 lg:hidden rounded-lg"> <source src="/images/landing/education/features_editor.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <div class="pointer-events-none py-9 border-gray-25 cursor-pointer lg:pointer-events-auto md:flex md:items-center lg:border-b" x-data="{ section: 'teacher-toolkits' }" @click="open = section" > <div class="md:w-1/2 md:mr-6 lg:w-full lg:mr-0"> <h4 class="text-4xl text-gray-900 font-title font-semibold flex items-center justify-between select-none" > Teacher toolkits <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 inline-block ml-1 text-gray-700 hidden lg:block fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div x-bind:style="open === section || open === true ? 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Download them one by one, but always ensuring the same visual style. </div> </div> <video loop muted autoplay class="w-full block md:w-1/2 lg:hidden rounded-lg"> <source src="/images/landing/education/features_toolkit.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <div class="pointer-events-none py-9 border-gray-25 cursor-pointer lg:pointer-events-auto md:flex md:flex-row-reverse md:items-center lg:border-b" x-data="{ section: 'slidesclass' }" @click="open = section" > <div class="md:w-1/2 md:ml-6 lg:w-full lg:ml-0"> <h4 class="text-4xl text-gray-900 font-title font-semibold flex items-center justify-between select-none" > Slidesclass <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 inline-block ml-1 text-gray-700 hidden lg:block fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div x-bind:style="open === section || open === true ? 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Become everyone's favorite teacher! </div> </div> <video loop muted autoplay class="w-full block md:w-1/2 lg:hidden rounded-lg"> <source src="/images/landing/education/features_slide.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <div class="pointer-events-none py-9 border-gray-25 cursor-pointer lg:pointer-events-auto md:flex md:items-center lg:border-b" x-data="{ section: 'editors' }" @click="open = section" > <div class="md:w-1/2 md:mr-6 lg:w-full lg:mr-0"> <h4 class="text-4xl text-gray-900 font-title font-semibold flex items-center justify-between select-none" > Google Slides and PowerPoint <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 inline-block ml-1 text-gray-700 hidden lg:block fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div x-bind:style="open === section || open === true ? 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Flexibility and convenience to maximize accessibility, collaboration, and usability for all of you and your students’ educational needs. </div> </div> <video loop muted autoplay class="w-full block md:w-1/2 lg:hidden rounded-lg"> <source src="/images/landing/education/features_powerpoint_google.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> </div> <div class="h-auto items-center hidden lg:flex lg:w-7/12"> <video muted autoplay loop x-show="open === 'AI'" class="mx-auto rounded-lg" > <source src="/images/landing/education/features_ai.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> <video muted autoplay loop x-show="open === 'online-editor'" x-cloak class="mx-auto rounded-lg" > <source src="/images/landing/education/features_editor.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> <video muted autoplay loop x-show="open === 'teacher-toolkits'" x-cloak class="mx-auto rounded-lg" > <source src="/images/landing/education/features_toolkit.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> <video muted autoplay loop x-show="open === 'slidesclass'" x-cloak class="mx-auto rounded-lg" > <source src="/images/landing/education/features_slide.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> <video muted autoplay loop x-show="open === 'editors'" x-cloak class="mx-auto rounded-lg" > <source src="/images/landing/education/features_powerpoint_google.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> </div> <div class="hidden"> <svg id="icon-landing-edu-caret-drop" xmlns="" viewBox="-49 141 512 512"><defs/><path d="M226.6 397l-92.3 92.3a25 25 0 0035.4 35.4l110-110a25 25 0 000-35.4l-110-110a25 25 0 00-35.4 35.4l92.3 92.3z"/></svg> </div> </div> <div class="text-center pt-20 pb-30"> <div class="mx-auto sm:max-w-4xl mb-12 px-4 md:px-6 lg:px-16"> <p class="text-base font-semibold uppercase text-teal-600 mb-2"> 22k+ presentations to choose from </p> <h3 class="text-6xl font-title font-semibold text-gray-900 mb-4 lg:text-8xl"> Get ready to teach a new lesson </h3> <p class="text-lg text-gray-800 leading-relaxed"> Discover printable educational templates for any subject and grade level. Grab these free, ready-to-use templates that bring inclusive and versatile content to any school or private classes </p> <a class="btn-secondary-animation mx-auto mt-10 flex items-center rounded h-12 w-fit px-6 text-lg text-white font-semibold bg-gray-900" href="" > See templates </a> </div> <div class="templates-scroll-x"> <div class="scroll-image"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="overflow-hidden bg-gray-50"> <div class="flex flex-col lg:flex-row lg:px-16 py-20 px-4 3xl:container 3xl:mx-auto"> <div class="relative w-full"> <div class="flex flex-col h-full xl:justify-between"> <div class="text-center sm:text-left mb-8"> <p class="text-base font-semibold uppercase text-teal-600 mb-1 sm:mb-2"> benefits </p> <h3 class="text-6xl font-title font-semibold text-gray-900 mb-4 lg:text-8xl"> Made to fit </h3> <p class="text-lg text-gray-800 leading-relaxed"> Much more than just templates, Slidesgo is your go-to for redefining teaching and learning </p> </div> <div class="absolute right-0 bottom-2"> <svg class="hidden lg:block h-[288px]" viewBox="0 0 627 314" fill="none" xmlns=""> <circle cx="155.5" cy="155.5" r="155.5" fill="white"/> <path d="M313.376 2.74178e-05L627 0C627 173.705 485.618 314 313 314L313.376 2.74178e-05Z" fill="white"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-center md:justify-start lg:justify-end lg:min-w-[610px]"> <svg class="hidden md:block lg:hidden absolute" width="270" height="270" viewBox="0 0 270 270" fill="none" xmlns="" style="right:calc(-135px - 1rem)" > <circle cx="135" cy="135" r="135" fill="white"></circle> </svg> <svg class="hidden absolute bottom-0 md:block lg:hidden" style="left:calc(-135px - 1rem)" viewBox="0 0 270 270" width="270px" height="270px" xmlns=""> <defs></defs> <path d="M 0 0 L 270 0 C 270 150 150 270 0 270 L 0 0 Z" fill="white"></path> </svg> <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-center"> <div class="light-shake-animation aspect-1 p-6 m-2 max-w-72 rounded-lg bg-yellow-300"> <div class="bg-gray-900 p-2 rounded w-min mb-6"> <svg class="size-5 text-white fill-current" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M18 9C18 6.88799 17.2772 4.88714 15.9489 3.27955C16.2013 2.93569 16.172 2.44976 15.8611 2.13887C15.5502 1.82791 15.0643 1.79866 14.7204 2.05105C13.1129 0.722848 11.112 0 9 0C6.88799 0 4.88711 0.722848 3.27955 2.05105C2.93569 1.79866 2.44979 1.82791 2.13887 2.13887C1.82798 2.44979 1.7987 2.93569 2.05105 3.27955C0.722812 4.88714 0 6.88799 0 9C0 11.112 0.722812 13.1129 2.05105 14.7204C1.7987 15.0643 1.82798 15.5502 2.13887 15.8611C2.44979 16.1721 2.93569 16.2013 3.27955 15.9489C4.88711 17.2772 6.88799 18 9 18C11.112 18 13.1129 17.2772 14.7204 15.9489C15.0643 16.2013 15.5502 16.1721 15.8611 15.8611C16.172 15.5502 16.2013 15.0643 15.9489 14.7204C17.2772 13.1129 18 11.112 18 9ZM11.8477 9C11.8477 10.5702 10.5702 11.8477 9 11.8477C7.42982 11.8477 6.15234 10.5702 6.15234 9C6.15234 7.42982 7.42982 6.15234 9 6.15234C10.5702 6.15234 11.8477 7.42982 11.8477 9ZM9.00002 1.75781C10.6806 1.75781 12.2293 2.33336 13.4595 3.29752L11.5742 5.18288C10.8388 4.68534 9.95275 4.39453 9.00002 4.39453C8.04728 4.39453 7.16121 4.68534 6.42584 5.18288L4.54052 3.29752C5.77074 2.33336 7.31941 1.75781 9.00002 1.75781ZM1.75781 9C1.75781 7.31936 2.33336 5.77072 3.29752 4.54046L5.18284 6.42582C4.68534 7.16115 4.39453 8.04727 4.39453 9C4.39453 9.95273 4.68534 10.8388 5.18284 11.5742L3.29752 13.4595C2.33336 12.2293 1.75781 10.6806 1.75781 9ZM9.00002 16.2422C7.31941 16.2422 5.77074 15.6666 4.54052 14.7025L6.42584 12.8171C7.16121 13.3147 8.04728 13.6055 9.00002 13.6055C9.95275 13.6055 10.8388 13.3147 11.5742 12.8171L13.4595 14.7025C12.2293 15.6666 10.6806 16.2422 9.00002 16.2422ZM14.7025 13.4595L12.8172 11.5742C13.3147 10.8388 13.6055 9.95273 13.6055 9C13.6055 8.04727 13.3147 7.16115 12.8172 6.42582L14.7025 4.54046C15.6667 5.77072 16.2422 7.31936 16.2422 9C16.2422 10.6806 15.6667 12.2293 14.7025 13.4595Z"/> </svg> </div> <p class="font-semibold font-title text-4xl text-gray-900 mb-2"> Customized support and training </p> <p class="leading-normal text-gray-800 text-base"> Get dedicated support and regular updates. We’re committed to providing tools and resources for your success. </p> </div> <div class="light-shake-animation aspect-1 p-6 m-2 max-w-72 rounded-lg bg-purple-600 text-white"> <div class="bg-white p-2 rounded w-min mb-6"> <svg class="size-5 text-gray-900 fill-current" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.90869 13.9425C5.78466 13.9425 5.65973 13.9295 5.53558 13.9031C3.99148 13.5743 2.5873 12.7169 1.5817 11.489C0.561723 10.2434 0 8.66927 0 7.05667C0 5.18939 0.72647 3.43318 2.04559 2.11158C3.36452 0.790192 5.11898 0.0604141 6.98576 0.056668L6.9999 0.0566406C10.8421 0.0566406 13.9809 3.17801 13.9999 7.02129C14.0001 7.05908 14 7.09684 13.9996 7.13457C13.9898 8.03136 13.6296 8.87232 12.9855 9.50251C12.3448 10.1294 11.4981 10.4747 10.6013 10.4747H8.64064C8.11293 10.4747 7.6836 10.904 7.6836 11.4317V12.1646C7.6836 12.7035 7.44336 13.2071 7.02448 13.5461C6.70415 13.8054 6.31147 13.9425 5.90869 13.9425ZM7.00001 4.1582C6.54769 4.1582 6.1797 3.79021 6.1797 3.33789C6.1797 2.88557 6.54769 2.51758 7.00001 2.51758C7.45233 2.51758 7.82032 2.88557 7.82032 3.33789C7.82032 3.79021 7.45233 4.1582 7.00001 4.1582ZM9.62915 5.24782C9.17683 5.24782 8.80883 4.87983 8.80883 4.42751C8.80883 3.97519 9.17683 3.6072 9.62915 3.6072C10.0815 3.6072 10.4495 3.97519 10.4495 4.42751C10.4495 4.87983 10.0815 5.24782 9.62915 5.24782ZM2.46094 7.05664C2.46094 7.50896 2.82893 7.87695 3.28125 7.87695C3.73358 7.87695 4.10157 7.50896 4.10157 7.05664C4.10157 6.60432 3.73358 6.23633 3.28125 6.23633C2.82893 6.23633 2.46094 6.60432 2.46094 7.05664ZM4.37087 5.24782C3.91855 5.24782 3.55056 4.87983 3.55056 4.42751C3.55056 3.97519 3.91855 3.6072 4.37087 3.6072C4.82319 3.6072 5.19118 3.97519 5.19118 4.42751C5.19118 4.87983 4.82319 5.24782 4.37087 5.24782Z"/> </svg> </div> <p class="font-semibold font-title text-4xl mb-2"> Thousands of graphic resources </p> <p class="leading-normal text-base"> Get creative in your presentations and choose from millions of images from Freepik and Flaticon, Slidesgo’s sister projects. </p> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-center md:ml-auto"> <div class="light-shake-animation aspect-1 p-6 m-2 max-w-72 rounded-lg bg-teal-300 lg:m-2"> <div class="bg-gray-900 p-2 rounded w-min mb-6"> <svg class="size-5 text-white fill-current" viewBox="0 0 18 18" xmlns=""><path d="M15.364 2.636A8.941 8.941 0 0 0 9 0a8.941 8.941 0 0 0-6.364 2.636A8.941 8.941 0 0 0 0 9c0 2.404.936 4.664 2.636 6.364A8.941 8.941 0 0 0 9 18a8.941 8.941 0 0 0 6.364-2.636A8.941 8.941 0 0 0 18 9a8.941 8.941 0 0 0-2.636-6.364ZM16.242 9c0 1.62-.534 3.117-1.436 4.325l-.706-.481a.88.88 0 0 0-.495-.153h-1.968v-1.09a2.288 2.288 0 0 0-2.285-2.285H6.398V6.82h.985a.879.879 0 0 0 .879-.879V4.254h2.11a2.218 2.218 0 0 0 2.125-1.594A7.248 7.248 0 0 1 16.242 9ZM1.758 9c0-.53.058-1.046.166-1.544l4.316 4.316v1.2c0 .486.394.88.88.88h1.775v2.389C4.95 16.184 1.758 12.958 1.758 9Z"/></svg> </div> <p class="font-semibold font-title text-4xl text-gray-900 mb-2"> Accessible and inclusive </p> <p class="leading-normal text-gray-800 text-base"> Each template is designed for inclusion, and following recommendations for ADHD and autism spectrum considerations. </p> </div> <div class="light-shake-animation aspect-1 p-6 m-2 max-w-72 rounded-lg bg-purple-200"> <div class="bg-gray-900 p-2 rounded w-min mb-6"> <svg class="size-5 text-white fill-current" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M12.725 8.44063C13.282 7.77409 13.5892 6.93424 13.5938 6.06563C13.5938 3.97813 11.8969 2.28125 9.81252 2.28125C9.17261 2.28091 8.54286 2.44124 7.98103 2.74754C7.4192 3.05385 6.94327 3.49632 6.59689 4.03438C6.08967 3.69324 5.49253 3.51051 4.88127 3.50938C3.18127 3.50938 1.80002 4.88125 1.80002 6.56875C1.80304 7.19461 2.00072 7.80403 2.36564 8.3125C1.84347 8.63067 1.38384 9.04159 1.00939 9.525C0.352453 10.3738 -0.00273441 11.4173 1.58522e-05 12.4906C1.58522e-05 12.6978 0.0823259 12.8965 0.228839 13.0431C0.375351 13.1896 0.574065 13.2719 0.781266 13.2719H3.65627C3.63487 13.4722 3.62443 13.6735 3.62502 13.875C3.62502 14.0822 3.70733 14.2809 3.85384 14.4274C4.00035 14.5739 4.19907 14.6563 4.40627 14.6563H15.2188C15.426 14.6563 15.6247 14.5739 15.7712 14.4274C15.9177 14.2809 16 14.0822 16 13.875C16 11.5906 14.7031 9.50938 12.725 8.44063ZM1.65627 11.7094C1.79812 11.139 2.08768 10.616 2.49582 10.1931C2.90396 9.7701 3.41629 9.46209 3.98127 9.3C4.12846 9.25672 4.25973 9.17122 4.35882 9.05409C4.45791 8.93696 4.52048 8.79334 4.53877 8.64101C4.55706 8.48868 4.53028 8.33432 4.46174 8.19706C4.3932 8.0598 4.2859 7.94565 4.15314 7.86875C3.66564 7.59063 3.36252 7.09375 3.36252 6.56875C3.36252 5.74375 4.04377 5.07188 4.88127 5.07188C5.09878 5.07272 5.31362 5.11999 5.5114 5.21053C5.70918 5.30106 5.88535 5.43278 6.02814 5.59688C6.00924 5.75241 5.99985 5.90895 6.00002 6.06563C6.00002 6.93438 6.32502 7.77188 6.89064 8.44375C5.57809 9.15764 4.56231 10.3152 4.02502 11.7094H1.65627ZM5.25627 13.0938C5.55939 11.375 6.84689 9.925 8.59064 9.42813C8.73783 9.38485 8.8691 9.29935 8.9682 9.18221C9.06729 9.06508 9.12985 8.92146 9.14815 8.76913C9.16644 8.6168 9.13966 8.46245 9.07111 8.32519C9.00257 8.18792 8.89528 8.07378 8.76252 7.99688C8.03439 7.58125 7.56252 6.82188 7.56252 6.06563C7.56245 5.77313 7.62105 5.48359 7.73485 5.21414C7.84864 4.94468 8.01532 4.70079 8.22502 4.49688C8.53608 4.18478 8.9327 3.97192 9.36473 3.88522C9.79675 3.79852 10.2448 3.84186 10.6522 4.00977C11.0596 4.17768 11.408 4.46261 11.6535 4.82855C11.899 5.19448 12.0304 5.62499 12.0313 6.06563C12.0313 6.84688 11.5844 7.58438 10.8625 7.99688C10.7298 8.07378 10.6225 8.18792 10.5539 8.32519C10.4854 8.46245 10.4586 8.6168 10.4769 8.76913C10.4952 8.92146 10.5577 9.06508 10.6568 9.18221C10.7559 9.29935 10.8872 9.38485 11.0344 9.42813C12.7781 9.925 14.0656 11.375 14.3688 13.0938H5.25627Z"/></svg> </div> <p class="font-semibold font-title text-4xl text-gray-900 mb-2"> Suitable for students of all ages </p> <p class="leading-normal text-gray-800 text-base"> Generate usernames and passwords without requiring users to enter any personal information.<br> <a href="" class="font-semibold hover:text-blue-500">Learn more</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="py-20 px-6 sm:px-16"> <div class="mx-auto w-full"> <h3 class="font-semibold uppercase text-5xl text-gray-900 mb-8 text-center max-w-2xl mx-auto"> SLIDESGO WORKS WITH YOUR <span class="inline-block">DAY-TO-DAY</span> TOOLS </h3> <div class="flex justify-center items-center flex-col flex-wrap sm:flex-row"> <img class="mb-4 sm:mr-8" src="/images/landing/education/tools-chrome.svg" alt="Google Chrome" loading="lazy"> <img class="mb-4 sm:mr-8" src="/images/landing/education/tools-drive.svg" alt="Google Drive" loading="lazy"> <img class="mb-4 sm:mr-8" src="/images/landing/education/tools-classroom.svg" alt="Google Classroom" loading="lazy"> <img class="mb-4 sm:mr-8" src="/images/landing/education/tools-office.svg" alt="Microsoft Office" loading="lazy"> <img class="mb-4" 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This means you can generate usernames and passwords without requiring users to enter any personal information. Check our Frequently Asked Questions section to learn more about COPPA and FERPA laws and the Data Protection Policy for minors </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="overflow-hidden bg-gray-50"> <div class="py-20 flex justify-between flex-col xl:flex-row xl:pl-16 3xl:container 3xl:mx-auto"> <div class="w-full text-center mb-6 xl:text-left xl:max-w-[350px] lg:w-auto min-w-80"> <p class="text-base font-semibold uppercase text-teal-600 mb-2"> Opinions </p> <h3 class="text-6xl font-title font-semibold text-gray-900 mb-4 lg:text-8xl"> Your peers<br class="hidden xl:block"> loooooove Slidesgo </h3> <p class="text-lg text-gray-800 leading-relaxed mb-4"> And we’re proud and happy that they do </p> <a class="btn-secondary-animation w-fit flex items-center justify-center rounded h-12 px-6 mx-auto mb-4 text-lg text-white font-semibold bg-gray-900 md:mb-0 xl:ml-0 xl:mr-4" href="" > Visit the community </a> </div> <div> <div class="flex ml-auto justify-end xl:w-[785px]"> <div class="light-shake-animation w-[285px] p-8 rounded-lg bg-white text-base hidden sm:mb-6 sm:mr-4 sm:block" > <p class="leading-normal text-gray-800 mb-4"> Slidesgo is great. Teachers can use it to enhance instruction in their classrooms to turn those boring PowerPoints into wonderful creations for students. And also if you are training teachers, it’s a great way to do your professional development. </p> <div class="text-gray-900 flex items-center"> <img class="size-14 rounded-full inline-block mr-2" src="/images/landing/education/jackie.png" alt="Jackie Hill" > <div class="inline-block text-gray-900"> <p class="font-semibold mb-1">Jackie Hill</p> <p>District of Columbia Public Schools</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="light-shake-animation w-[285px] p-8 rounded-lg bg-white text-base hidden sm:mb-6 sm:mr-4 sm:block" > <p class="leading-normal text-gray-800 mb-4"> I like Slidesgo because they are efficient, effective and they allow me to reduce time while I’m organizing the lessons. So my students are happy because slides are very, very colorful and go up to the point. And that’s what I love. </p> <div class="text-gray-900 flex items-center"> <img class="size-14 rounded-full inline-block mr-2" src="/images/landing/education/claudia.png" loading="lazy" alt="Claudia Fisanotti" > <div class="inline-block text-gray-900"> <p class="font-semibold mb-1">Claudia Fisanotti</p> <p>Integrated Digital Teaching Coordinator</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="hidden md:flex items-center justify-end hidden sm:mb-6"> <svg class="w-auto" height="320" viewBox="815 -105.5 160 282" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M 1404 362 C 1326.16 361.998 1263 298.839 1263 221 C 1263 143.161 1326.16 80.003 1404 80 M 1404 362 C 1404 362 1404 362 1404 362 Z M 1404 362 L 1685.77 362 C 1685.85 362 1686 80 1686 80 L 1404 80" fill="#FFD774" transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -448.02197265625, -185.54579162597656)"></path> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="flex ml-auto justify-start xl:justify-end xl:w-[785px]"> <div class="hidden md:flex justify-center xl:justify-start aspect-1 hidden sm:mb-6 sm:mr-4 sm:w-80"> <svg class="w-auto" viewBox="138.226 240.4732 186.229 278.346" xmlns="" > <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M 586.248 426.019 L 679.359 426.019 L 679.362 426.019 C 730.764 426.02 772.472 467.727 772.473 519.13 L 772.473 519.133 L 772.473 611.251 L 772.477 611.251 L 772.477 704.365 L 679.363 704.365 L 679.362 704.365 C 628.289 704.365 586.786 663.192 586.253 612.244 L 586.248 612.244 L 586.248 611.251 L 586.248 519.133 L 586.248 519.13 L 586.248 426.019 Z" fill="#B07CC6" transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -448.02197265625006, -185.54579162597656)"></path> </svg> </div> <div class="light-shake-animation w-[285px] p-8 rounded-lg bg-white text-base hidden sm:mb-6 sm:mr-4 sm:block" > <p class="leading-normal text-gray-800 mb-4"> Slidesgo helps students become creators of information without going down all the rabbit holes that sometimes catch them up. It’s a way for them to understand that graphic design is an important element of any information sharing they might do in their lives. </p> <div class="text-gray-900 flex items-center"> <img class="size-14 rounded-full inline-block mr-2" src="/images/landing/education/kerin.png" loading="lazy" alt="Kerin Steigerwalt" > <div class="inline-block text-gray-900"> <p class="font-semibold mb-1">Kerin Steigerwalt</p> <p>Teacher</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="light-shake-animation w-[285px] p-8 rounded-lg bg-white text-base hidden sm:mb-6 sm:block" > <p class="leading-normal text-gray-800 mb-4"> Slidesgo templates really engage my learners, and there’s always a template that will fit the subject material. It’s a really great tool to make things interesting and fun in the classroom and save a lot of time building presentations out. </p> <div class="text-gray-900 flex items-center"> <img class="size-14 rounded-full inline-block mr-2" src="/images/landing/education/patrick.png" loading="lazy" alt="Patrick Kelleher" > <div class="inline-block text-gray-900"> <p class="font-semibold mb-1">Patrick Kelleher</p> <p>Teacher</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="py-20 px-4 flex flex-col justify-between overflow-hidden lg:flex-row sm:px-6 md:px-16 2xl:container 2xl:mx-auto"> <h2 class="mb-12 text-6xl font-title font-semibold text-gray-900 mr-16 sm:mb-4 lg:text-8xl lg:w-4/12"> Frequently asked questions </h2> <div class="text-left lg:w-8/12" @click.outside="open = false" x-data="{ open: false }" > <div class="cursor-pointer border-b border-gray-25 pb-9" x-data="{ section: 'landing-education.faqs.what-are-the-benefits-of-a-premium-subscription' }" @click="open = section" > <h4 class="leading-relaxed text-lg sm:text-xl text-gray-900 font-semibold flex items-center justify-between" > <span> What are the benefits of a Premium subscription? </span> <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 block ml-1 text-gray-700 fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div class="transition-all duration-200 overflow-hidden max-h-0 leading-normal text-base text-gray-700 mt-4 prose opacity-0" x-bind:style="open === section ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.section0.scrollHeight + 'px; opacity: 1' : ''" > <div x-ref="section0"> With a subscription, you will enjoy the following benefits: <ul> <li>Get access to over 15,000 Premium, ad-free assets and templates to create without limits</li> <li>Bigger discounts for bigger teams, up to 37%</li> <li>Add, remove or reassign users as necessary, or leave them unassigned</li> <li>Share templates with no need to credit Slidesgo</li> <li>Priority support</li> <li>Suitable for minors–we comply with the Data Protection Policy for minors and FERPA law</li> <li>Up to 1,000 users</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cursor-pointer border-b border-gray-25 py-9" x-data="{ section: 'landing-education.faqs.can-i-use-my-downloaded-content-for-professional-purposes' }" @click="open = section" > <h4 class="leading-relaxed text-lg sm:text-xl text-gray-900 font-semibold flex items-center justify-between" > <span> Can I use my downloaded content for professional purposes? </span> <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 block ml-1 text-gray-700 fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div class="transition-all duration-200 overflow-hidden max-h-0 leading-normal text-base text-gray-700 mt-4 prose opacity-0" x-bind:style="open === section ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.section1.scrollHeight + 'px; opacity: 1' : ''" > <div x-ref="section1"> You can share the content in a non-editable format for professional purposes as detailed in our Terms and Conditions. If you are a Premium user, even if you are allowed to share our content in editable format, you are not allowed to sell it in any means or any platform. </div> </div> </div> <div class="cursor-pointer border-b border-gray-25 py-9" x-data="{ section: 'landing-education.faqs.i-am-a-premium-user-do-i-have-to-attribute-the-author-of-the-content' }" @click="open = section" > <h4 class="leading-relaxed text-lg sm:text-xl text-gray-900 font-semibold flex items-center justify-between" > <span> I am a Premium user. Do I have to attribute the author of the content? </span> <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 block ml-1 text-gray-700 fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div class="transition-all duration-200 overflow-hidden max-h-0 leading-normal text-base text-gray-700 mt-4 prose opacity-0" x-bind:style="open === section ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.section2.scrollHeight + 'px; opacity: 1' : ''" > <div x-ref="section2"> No, as Premium user you don't need to attribute Slidesgo or the author of the content. </div> </div> </div> <div class="cursor-pointer border-b border-gray-25 py-9" x-data="{ section: '' }" @click="open = section" > <h4 class="leading-relaxed text-lg sm:text-xl text-gray-900 font-semibold flex items-center justify-between" > <span> Is my subscription automatically renewed? </span> <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 block ml-1 text-gray-700 fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div class="transition-all duration-200 overflow-hidden max-h-0 leading-normal text-base text-gray-700 mt-4 prose opacity-0" x-bind:style="open === section ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.section3.scrollHeight + 'px; opacity: 1' : ''" > <div x-ref="section3"> Yes. Unless you cancel your subscription, it will automatically renew. Please note that we will be in contact with you to monitor your team's needs so that we can reevaluate your subscription each year, regardless of renewal. </div> </div> </div> <div class="cursor-pointer border-b border-gray-25 py-9" x-data="{ section: 'landing-education.faqs.can-i-cancel-or-pause-my-subscription' }" @click="open = section" > <h4 class="leading-relaxed text-lg sm:text-xl text-gray-900 font-semibold flex items-center justify-between" > <span> Can I cancel my subscription? </span> <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 block ml-1 text-gray-700 fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div class="transition-all duration-200 overflow-hidden max-h-0 leading-normal text-base text-gray-700 mt-4 prose opacity-0" x-bind:style="open === section ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.section4.scrollHeight + 'px; opacity: 1' : ''" > <div x-ref="section4"> Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Click the drop-down arrow at the top right corner and select “My Subscription”. You will find the “Cancel subscription” option just below your billing information, on the left side of the “Save changes” button. If your subscription started after May 2023, then you will find the button right below the subscriptions price breakdown, on the same page.<br> Remember that you will remain a premium user until the expiration date of the subscription. This information can be found on your subscription page. </div> </div> </div> <div class="cursor-pointer border-b border-gray-25 py-9" x-data="{ section: 'landing-education.faqs.i-am-no-longer-a-premium-user-do-i-keep-the-non-attribution-license-for-my-downloaded-assets' }" @click="open = section" > <h4 class="leading-relaxed text-lg sm:text-xl text-gray-900 font-semibold flex items-center justify-between" > <span> I am no longer a Premium user. Do I keep the non attribution license for my downloaded assets? </span> <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 block ml-1 text-gray-700 fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div class="transition-all duration-200 overflow-hidden max-h-0 leading-normal text-base text-gray-700 mt-4 prose opacity-0" x-bind:style="open === section ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.section5.scrollHeight + 'px; opacity: 1' : ''" > <div x-ref="section5"> Whenever you acquire a subscription, you will see a link to download the license (in PDF format) in your downloads history.<br> This license allows you to use Slidesgo’s templates without having to credit us, and will remain in effect even after your subscription expires.<br> Remember that you must keep any license you have downloaded on your computer or storage device so that we can guarantee the correct use of our resources.<br> Please note that our Premium templates can be downloaded from your download history for as long as your subscription is active. </div> </div> </div> <div class="cursor-pointer border-b border-gray-25 py-9" x-data="{ section: 'landing-education.faqs.can-i-cancel-my-subscription-and-order-a-refund-of-my-purchase' }" @click="open = section" > <h4 class="leading-relaxed text-lg sm:text-xl text-gray-900 font-semibold flex items-center justify-between" > <span> Can I cancel my subscription and order a refund of my purchase? </span> <svg class="shrink-0 transition duration-200 size-6 block ml-1 text-gray-700 fill-current" x-bind:class="{'rotate-270': open === section,'rotate-90': open !== section}"> <use xlink:href="#icon-landing-edu-caret-drop"/> </svg> </h4> <div class="transition-all duration-200 overflow-hidden max-h-0 leading-normal text-base text-gray-700 mt-4 prose opacity-0" x-bind:style="open === section ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.section6.scrollHeight + 'px; opacity: 1' : ''" > <div x-ref="section6"> Yes, you can request a refund within 30 days after the payment if you have not downloaded any template from our website. </div> </div> </div> <p class="leading-relaxed text-base text-gray-800 mt-9"> If you need further information, <a class='text-blue-500 inline-block' href=''>please contact us</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="hidden"> <svg id="icon-landing-edu-caret-drop" xmlns="" viewBox="-49 141 512 512"><defs/><path d="M226.6 397l-92.3 92.3a25 25 0 0035.4 35.4l110-110a25 25 0 000-35.4l-110-110a25 25 0 00-35.4 35.4l92.3 92.3z"/></svg> </div> <div class="text-center py-20 px-4 bg-gray-50 relative overflow-hidden sm:px-16 sm:pb-0" id="block-eight"> <svg id="block-eight-shape" class="hidden lg:block absolute top-0 left-0 z-10" width="220px" height="220px" viewBox="0 0 220 220" xmlns="" > <path d="M 220 128.001 L 220 220 L 124.649 220 C 91.59 220 59.885 206.515 36.509 182.51 C 13.133 158.505 0 125.948 0 92 L 0 0 L 95.352 0 C 128.409 0.007 160.11 13.495 183.485 37.499 C 206.859 61.502 219.994 94.055 220 128.001 Z" fill="white"></path> </svg> <div class="mx-auto sm:max-w-4xl mb-8 relative"> <svg id="block-eight-gradient" class="hidden sm:block absolute" width="630" height="612" viewBox="0 0 630 612" fill="none" xmlns="" > <circle cx="315" cy="315" r="315" fill="url(#eduRadialGradient)"/> <defs> <radialGradient id="eduRadialGradient" cx="0" cy="0" r="1" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" gradientTransform="translate(315 315) rotate(-90) scale(315 286.364)"> <stop stop-color="#D4B7E0"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#F7F7F7"/> </radialGradient> </defs> </svg> <div class="relative"> <h3 class="text-6xl font-title font-semibold text-gray-900 mb-4 lg:text-8xl"> Fall in love with teaching again </h3> <p class="text-lg text-gray-800 leading-relaxed mb-8"> Transform the way you teach, share your passion and spark your students’ interest again. You just need the right tool </p> <a class="mx-auto w-fit btn-secondary-animation flex items-center rounded h-12 px-6 text-lg text-white font-semibold bg-gray-900" href="" > Get in touch </a> </div> </div> <img id="block-eight-templates" class="hidden mx-auto relative z-10 -mb-6 sm:block" src="/images/landing/education/templates-footer.png" alt="Slidesgo templates navigation" > </div> </main> <script type="text/javascript"> function onetapCallback(googleUser) { return fetch(``, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/json'}, body: JSON.stringify({ credential: googleUser.credential }), }).then(async response => { const data = await response.json() if (data.success === false || ! { window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('onetaperror', { detail: data?.message ?? 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