Job Snijders | RIPE Labs

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class="object-cover h-full w-full rounded-full border-2 border-white"> </div> <div class="flex flex-col justify-center"> <h1 class="text-white text-2xl md:text-5xl whitespace-nowrap">Job Snijders</h1> <p class="mt-2 md:hidden text-sm text-low">Based in <span class="text-white underline">Amsterdam, Netherlands</span></p> </div> </div> <div class="h-12 bg-ncc-blue md:bg-transparent flex justify-evenly space-x-12 text-white whitespace-nowrap"> <div class="flex md:flex-col items-center"> <span class="font-semibold md:text-3xl mr-2 md:mr-0">9</span> <p class="text-sm">Articles</p> </div> <div class="flex md:flex-col items-center"> <span class="font-semibold md:text-3xl mr-2 md:mr-0">130</span> <p class="text-sm">Likes on articles</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="md:bg-neutral-lighter"> <div class="container pt-12 layout"> <div class="h-48 w-48 xl:h-72 xl:w-72 self-center hidden md:block col-span-4 mb-12"> <img src="" alt="Author image" class="object-cover h-full w-full 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Job has been actively involved in the Internet community in both operational, engineering, and architectural capacity, as a frequent presenter at network operator events such as NANOG, ITNOG, DKNOG, RIPE, NLNOG &amp; APRICOT, and in a number of community projects for almost 20 years. Job is co-chair of the IETF GROW &amp; SSHM working groups, director of the Route Server Support Foundation, and developer for the OpenBSD project. Job has designed and implemented important extensions to BGP, RRDP, and RPKI. Job&#x27;s special interests are BGP routing policies, RPKI based routing security, and large Internet scale PKIX-RPKI &amp; BGP deployments. Job helps maintain several software projects such as rpki-client, StayRTR, &amp; bgpq4, and is active in the IETF where he have coauthored and contributed to numerous Internet-Drafts and RFCs. Job has experience with the implementation and operation of RPKI Certificate Authorities, Publication Servers, and Relying Parties.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="md:container layout mt-12 mb-24 bg-neutral-low md:bg-white"> <div class="container md:px-0 col-span-12 lg:col-span-4 space-y-12 py-8 md:pt-0 md:mt-2"> <div> <div class="section-title-bar"> <h2 class="text-xl text-ncc-blue">Links & Social</h2> </div> <p class="text-sm">Website: <a rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href="" class="text-accent"></a></p> <div class=" mt-6 flex space-x-4"> <a title="X/Twitter" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href="" class="bg-accent rounded w-8 h-8 flex items-center justify-center"><svg width="18" height="15" viewBox="0 0 512 512" xmlns=""><path fill="white" d="M389.2 48h70.6L305.6 224.2 487 464H345L233.7 318.6 106.5 464H35.8L200.7 275.5 26.8 48H172.4L272.9 180.9 389.2 48zM364.4 421.8h39.1L151.1 88h-42L364.4 421.8z"/></svg></a> <a title="GitHub" 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class="text-sm order-3 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 sm:order-2 mt-2 ">Having just closed the book on another orbit around the sun - let&#x27;s look back at how RPKI did in 2024! In this memo I&#x27;ll share some RPKI statistics, summarise highlights from the IETF Standards Development process, and reflect on emerging trends.</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row xl:justify-between mt-2 sm:mt-4 order-4 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 "> <p class="sr-only">Article tags:</p> <ul class="flex flex-wrap overflow-hidden h-7 gap-y-1 m-0.5"> <li> <a href="/search/tag/rpki/" class="tag m-0.5 ">rpki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/search/tag/routing/" class="tag m-0.5 ">routing</a> </li> </ul> <div class="self-end xl:self-center mt-2 sm:mt-0 "> <div class="flex flex-row items-center space-x-3 md:space-x-5"> <div class="flex items-center -mr-1"> <span title="This article has received 35 likes." data-count="35" class="text-xs text-neutral-mid mr-2 select-none">35</span> <svg class="stroke-current text-neutral-mid " width="22px" height="21px" viewBox="0 0 22 21" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title>You have liked this article 0 times.</title> <defs> <path d="M10 19.2a.5.5 0 0 0 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But this time, barely anyone noticed. Why is that?</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row xl:justify-between mt-2 sm:mt-4 order-4 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 "> <p class="sr-only">Article tags:</p> <ul class="flex flex-wrap overflow-hidden h-7 gap-y-1 m-0.5"> <li> <a href="/search/tag/bgp/" class="tag m-0.5 ">bgp</a> </li> <li> <a href="/search/tag/rpki/" class="tag m-0.5 ">rpki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/search/tag/outages/" class="tag m-0.5 ">outages</a> </li> </ul> <div class="self-end xl:self-center mt-2 sm:mt-0 "> <div class="flex flex-row items-center space-x-3 md:space-x-5"> <div class="flex items-center -mr-1"> <span title="This article has received 53 likes." data-count="53" class="text-xs text-neutral-mid mr-2 select-none">53</span> <svg class="stroke-current text-neutral-mid " width="22px" height="21px" viewBox="0 0 22 21" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title>You have liked this article 0 times.</title> <defs> <path d="M10 19.2a.5.5 0 0 0 .3-.1c.3-.2 6.6-5.3 8.9-9.6.5-1 .8-2 .8-3.2C20 2.8 17.5 0 14.5 0 12.7 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mt-2 ">Happy new year everyone! Having just closed chapter 2023 - let&#x27;s look back at the previous year. In this article, I&#x27;ll share some RPKI statistics, summarise highlights from the IETF standards development process, and reflect on emerging trends.</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row xl:justify-between mt-2 sm:mt-4 order-4 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 "> <p class="sr-only">Article tags:</p> <ul class="flex flex-wrap overflow-hidden h-7 gap-y-1 m-0.5"> <li> <a href="/search/tag/rpki/" class="tag m-0.5 ">rpki</a> </li> </ul> <div class="self-end xl:self-center mt-2 sm:mt-0 "> <div class="flex flex-row items-center space-x-3 md:space-x-5"> <div class="flex items-center -mr-1"> <span title="This article has received 22 likes." data-count="22" class="text-xs text-neutral-mid mr-2 select-none">22</span> <svg class="stroke-current text-neutral-mid " width="22px" height="21px" viewBox="0 0 22 21" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title>You have liked this article 0 times.</title> <defs> <path d="M10 19.2a.5.5 0 0 0 .3-.1c.3-.2 6.6-5.3 8.9-9.6.5-1 .8-2 .8-3.2C20 2.8 17.5 0 14.5 0 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class="text-sm order-3 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 sm:order-2 mt-2 ">Tricks to help reduce bandwidth and CPU cycles for both RPKI Publication Point servers and RPKI validators when switching between RRDP and RSYNC transports, as implemented in rpki-client.</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row xl:justify-between mt-2 sm:mt-4 order-4 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 "> <p class="sr-only">Article tags:</p> <ul class="flex flex-wrap overflow-hidden h-7 gap-y-1 m-0.5"> <li> <a href="/search/tag/rpki/" class="tag m-0.5 ">rpki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/search/tag/guides/" class="tag m-0.5 ">guides</a> </li> </ul> <div class="self-end xl:self-center mt-2 sm:mt-0 "> <div class="flex flex-row items-center space-x-3 md:space-x-5"> <div class="flex items-center -mr-1"> <span title="This article has received 19 likes." data-count="19" class="text-xs text-neutral-mid mr-2 select-none">19</span> <svg class="stroke-current text-neutral-mid " width="22px" height="21px" viewBox="0 0 22 21" version="1.1" xmlns="" 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class="hidden sm:inline ">• </span>20 Feb 2019</time><p class="text-xs text-neutral-mid ml-0 sm:mt-1"><span class="hidden sm:inline ">• </span>3 min read</p> </div> <p class="text-sm order-3 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 sm:order-2 mt-2 ">On Sunday, 17 February 2019, 51 representatives from 37 organisations came together in Cloudflare&#x27;s San Francisco offices for a roundtable discussion. 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RPKI technology is nowadays seen as the best way forward to secure the Internet&#x27;s rou…</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row xl:justify-between mt-2 sm:mt-4 order-4 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 "> <p class="sr-only">Article tags:</p> <ul class="flex flex-wrap overflow-hidden h-7 gap-y-1 m-0.5"> <li> <a href="/search/tag/rpki/" class="tag m-0.5 ">rpki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/search/tag/routing/" class="tag m-0.5 ">routing</a> </li> <li> <a href="/search/tag/security/" class="tag m-0.5 ">security</a> </li> </ul> <div class="self-end xl:self-center mt-2 sm:mt-0 "> <div class="flex flex-row items-center space-x-3 md:space-x-5"> <div class="flex items-center -mr-1"> <span title="This article has received 0 likes." data-count="0" class="text-xs text-neutral-mid mr-2 select-none">0</span> <svg class="stroke-current text-neutral-mid " width="22px" height="21px" viewBox="0 0 22 21" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title>You have liked this article 0 times.</title> <defs> <path d="M10 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application of BGP Large Communities.</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row xl:justify-between mt-2 sm:mt-4 order-4 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 "> <p class="sr-only">Article tags:</p> <ul class="flex flex-wrap overflow-hidden h-7 gap-y-1 m-0.5"> <li> <a href="/search/tag/bgp/" class="tag m-0.5 ">bgp</a> </li> <li> <a href="/search/tag/routing/" class="tag m-0.5 ">routing</a> </li> </ul> <div class="self-end xl:self-center mt-2 sm:mt-0 "> <div class="flex flex-row items-center space-x-3 md:space-x-5"> <div class="flex items-center -mr-1"> <span title="This article has received 0 likes." data-count="0" class="text-xs text-neutral-mid mr-2 select-none">0</span> <svg class="stroke-current text-neutral-mid " width="22px" height="21px" viewBox="0 0 22 21" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title>You have liked this article 0 times.</title> <defs> <path d="M10 19.2a.5.5 0 0 0 .3-.1c.3-.2 6.6-5.3 8.9-9.6.5-1 .8-2 .8-3.2C20 2.8 17.5 0 14.5 0 12.7 0 11 1 10 2.5A5.4 5.4 0 0 0 5.5 0C2.5 0 0 2.8 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class="hidden sm:inline ">• </span>4 min read</p> </div> <p class="text-sm order-3 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 sm:order-2 mt-2 ">&quot;External BGP (EBGP) Route Propagation Behavior without Policies” was published as RFC 8112 . What does this mean for network operators and vendors?</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row xl:justify-between mt-2 sm:mt-4 order-4 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 "> <p class="sr-only">Article tags:</p> <ul class="flex flex-wrap overflow-hidden h-7 gap-y-1 m-0.5"> <li> <a href="/search/tag/routing/" class="tag m-0.5 ">routing</a> </li> <li> <a href="/search/tag/operational/" class="tag m-0.5 ">operational</a> </li> </ul> <div class="self-end xl:self-center mt-2 sm:mt-0 "> <div class="flex flex-row items-center space-x-3 md:space-x-5"> <div class="flex items-center -mr-1"> <span title="This article has received 0 likes." data-count="0" class="text-xs text-neutral-mid mr-2 select-none">0</span> <svg class="stroke-current text-neutral-mid " width="22px" height="21px" viewBox="0 0 22 21" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title>You have liked this article 0 times.</title> <defs> <path d="M10 19.2a.5.5 0 0 0 .3-.1c.3-.2 6.6-5.3 8.9-9.6.5-1 .8-2 .8-3.2C20 2.8 17.5 0 14.5 0 12.7 0 11 1 10 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Operator Groups (NOGs) have been set up, each of them defined by their own unique characteristics. We wanted to share some of our experiences from setting up the Netherlands Network Operator Group (NLNOG).</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row xl:justify-between mt-2 sm:mt-4 order-4 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 "> <p class="sr-only">Article tags:</p> <ul class="flex flex-wrap overflow-hidden h-7 gap-y-1 m-0.5"> <li> <a href="/search/tag/nogs/" class="tag m-0.5 ">nogs</a> </li> <li> <a href="/search/tag/community/" class="tag m-0.5 ">community</a> </li> <li class="hidden sm:inline"> <a href="/search/tag/operational/" class="tag m-0.5 ">operational</a> </li> <li> <span title="operational " class="inline tag m-0.5 sm:hidden ">+1</span> </li> </ul> <div class="self-end xl:self-center mt-2 sm:mt-0 "> <div class="flex flex-row items-center space-x-3 md:space-x-5"> <div class="flex items-center -mr-1"> <span title="This article has received 1 like." data-count="1" class="text-xs text-neutral-mid mr-2 select-none">1</span> <svg class="stroke-current text-neutral-mid " width="22px" 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text-neutral-mid ml-0 sm:mt-1"><span class="hidden sm:inline ">• </span>2 min read</p> </div> <p class="text-sm order-3 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 sm:order-2 mt-2 ">How can you quickly figure out if a network you are using is dropping invalid Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) BGP announcements? You can do so by opening up a browser and visiting our RPKI test web page.</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row xl:justify-between mt-2 sm:mt-4 order-4 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 "> <p class="sr-only">Article tags:</p> <ul class="flex flex-wrap overflow-hidden h-7 gap-y-1 m-0.5"> <li> <a href="/search/tag/rpki/" class="tag m-0.5 ">rpki</a> </li> <li> <a href="/search/tag/tools/" class="tag m-0.5 ">tools</a> </li> <li> <a href="/search/tag/routing/" class="tag m-0.5 ">routing</a> </li> <li class="hidden sm:inline"> <a href="/search/tag/security/" class="tag m-0.5 ">security</a> </li> <li> <span title="security " class="inline tag m-0.5 sm:hidden ">+1</span> </li> </ul> <div class="self-end xl:self-center mt-2 sm:mt-0 "> <div class="flex flex-row items-center space-x-3 md:space-x-5"> <div class="flex items-center -mr-1"> <span title="This article has received 0 likes." data-count="0" class="text-xs text-neutral-mid mr-2 select-none">0</span> <svg class="stroke-current text-neutral-mid " 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datetime="2018-11-28 08:54:00" title="2018-11-28 08:54:00"><span class="hidden sm:inline ">• </span>28 Nov 2018</time><p class="text-xs text-neutral-mid ml-0 sm:mt-1"><span class="hidden sm:inline ">• </span>8 min read</p> </div> <p class="text-sm order-3 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 sm:order-2 mt-2 ">Thanks to the RIPE NCC Community Project Fund we were able to revive the OpenBGPD daemon and bring more diversity to the Route Server landscape.</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row xl:justify-between mt-2 sm:mt-4 order-4 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 "> <p class="sr-only">Article tags:</p> <ul class="flex flex-wrap overflow-hidden h-7 gap-y-1 m-0.5"> <li> <a href="/search/tag/bgp/" class="tag m-0.5 ">bgp</a> </li> <li> <a href="/search/tag/routing/" class="tag m-0.5 ">routing</a> </li> <li> <span title="community projects fund " class="inline tag m-0.5 sm:hidden ">+1</span> </li> <li> <span title="community projects fund " class="hidden tag m-0.5 sm:inline " >+1</span> </li> </ul> <div class="self-end 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They can be. This article provides a peep hole into the world of codified private interconnections. Did you learn something? Let us know.</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row xl:justify-between mt-2 sm:mt-4 order-4 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 "> <p class="sr-only">Article tags:</p> <ul class="flex flex-wrap overflow-hidden h-7 gap-y-1 m-0.5"> <li> <a href="/search/tag/routing/" class="tag m-0.5 ">routing</a> </li> </ul> <div class="self-end xl:self-center mt-2 sm:mt-0 "> <div class="flex flex-row items-center space-x-3 md:space-x-5"> <div class="flex items-center -mr-1"> <span title="This article has received 0 likes." data-count="0" class="text-xs text-neutral-mid mr-2 select-none">0</span> <svg class="stroke-current text-neutral-mid " width="22px" height="21px" viewBox="0 0 22 21" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title>You have liked this article 0 times.</title> <defs> <path d="M10 19.2a.5.5 0 0 0 .3-.1c.3-.2 6.6-5.3 8.9-9.6.5-1 .8-2 .8-3.2C20 2.8 17.5 0 14.5 0 12.7 0 11 1 10 2.5A5.4 5.4 0 0 0 5.5 0C2.5 0 0 2.8 0 6.3c0 1.1.3 2.2.8 3.2a42.5 42.5 0 0 0 9.2 9.7Z" id="path-1"></path> <path d="M10 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utilise automated regression testing and compliance checking when developing new protocol features.</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row xl:justify-between mt-2 sm:mt-4 order-4 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 "> <p class="sr-only">Article tags:</p> <ul class="flex flex-wrap overflow-hidden h-7 gap-y-1 m-0.5"> <li> <a href="/search/tag/bgp/" class="tag m-0.5 ">bgp</a> </li> <li> <a href="/search/tag/tools/" class="tag m-0.5 ">tools</a> </li> <li> <a href="/search/tag/routing/" class="tag m-0.5 ">routing</a> </li> </ul> <div class="self-end xl:self-center mt-2 sm:mt-0 "> <div class="flex flex-row items-center space-x-3 md:space-x-5"> <div class="flex items-center -mr-1"> <span title="This article has received 0 likes." data-count="0" class="text-xs text-neutral-mid mr-2 select-none">0</span> <svg class="stroke-current text-neutral-mid " width="22px" height="21px" viewBox="0 0 22 21" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <title>You have liked this article 0 times.</title> <defs> <path d="M10 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</span>11 min read</p> </div> <p class="text-sm order-3 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 sm:order-2 mt-2 ">Large BGP Communities are an addition to BGP that solves a communication problem between networks that want to use 32-bit AS Numbers. We measured how Large BGP Communities behave &quot;in the wild&quot; and if they create any problems.</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col xl:flex-row xl:justify-between mt-2 sm:mt-4 order-4 -ml-28 sm:ml-0 "> <p class="sr-only">Article tags:</p> <ul class="flex flex-wrap overflow-hidden h-7 gap-y-1 m-0.5"> <li> <a href="/search/tag/atlas/" class="tag m-0.5 ">atlas</a> </li> <li> <a href="/search/tag/routing/" class="tag m-0.5 ">routing</a> </li> <li class="hidden sm:inline"> <a href="/search/tag/measurements/" class="tag m-0.5 ">measurements</a> </li> <li> <span title="measurements " class="inline tag m-0.5 sm:hidden ">+1</span> </li> </ul> <div class="self-end xl:self-center mt-2 sm:mt-0 "> <div class="flex flex-row items-center space-x-3 md:space-x-5"> <div class="flex items-center -mr-1"> <span title="This article has received 0 likes." data-count="0" class="text-xs text-neutral-mid mr-2 select-none">0</span> <svg class="stroke-current text-neutral-mid " width="22px" height="21px" 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class="text-neutral-light">Previous</span> <div class="flex space-x-2 md:space-x-4"> <a title="Go to page 1" href="?tab=contributions&amp;sort=new&amp;articles-page=1&amp;comments-page=1&amp;contributions-page=1" class="pb-2 w-4 md:w-6 text-center border-primary text-primary font-semibold border-b-2 hover:font-semibold hover:border-b-2">1</a> </div> <span class="text-neutral-light flex items-baseline"><span class="mr-2">Next</span> <svg class="stroke-current text-neutral-light mr-2" width="6" height="9" viewBox="0 0 6 9" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M1 8.5L5 4.5L1 0.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg></span> </div> </div> </div> <div id="comments" role="tabpanel" aria-label="Comments by Job Snijders" class=" hidden pt-40 -mt-40"> <div class="py-8 pt-0 border-b border-neutral-light "> <small class="text-xs text-neutral-mid"> <time datetime="2018-11-28 17:49:34" title="2018-11-28 17:49:34">28 Nov 2018</time> • On <a class="text-sm text-primary hover:text-accent" href="/author/claudio_jeker/openbgpd-adding-diversity-to-the-route-server-landscape/">OpenBGPD - Adding Diversity to the Route Server Landscape</a> by <a class="text-sm text-primary hover:text-accent" href="/author/claudio_jeker/">Claudio Jeker</a> </small> <p class="whitespace-pre-wrap bg-low rounded p-4 mt-4 mb-2 text-sm">You mention fantastic open source projects, I’ve worked with all of them and even contributed code to some. But note that not all of them have the functionality required to operate as a route server, or a need for external funding. The fact that numerous IXPs (DE-CIX, Netnod, AMS-IX, BCIX, LONAP, Asteroid, Namex, University of Oslo) helped fund this project together with the RIPE NCC community fund shows that the market disagrees with your sentiment. Clearly a number of people saw a need for this software!</p> <div class="flex items-center space-x-4 ml-4"> <a href="/author/claudio_jeker/openbgpd-adding-diversity-to-the-route-server-landscape/#484" class="text-primary hover:text-accent text-sm">Go to comment</a> </div> </div> <div class="py-8 "> <small class="text-xs text-neutral-mid"> <time datetime="2018-04-20 12:51:01" title="2018-04-20 12:51:01">20 Apr 2018</time> • Reply to <a class="text-sm text-primary ">Daniel</a> on <a class="text-sm text-primary hover:text-accent" href="/author/bert_hubert/introducing-tdns-the-teachable-authoritative-dns-server/">Introducing &#x27;tdns&#x27;: the Teachable Authoritative DNS Server</a> by <a class="text-sm text-primary hover:text-accent" href="/author/bert_hubert/">bert hubert</a> </small> <p class="whitespace-pre-wrap text-sm italic mt-4">“I'm a bit confused. Bert Hubert, shareholder of Open-Xchange, the parent company of PowerDNS is fed up with PowerDNS behavior around EDNS workarounds removal. Why is this not solved within Open-Xchange?”</p> <p class="whitespace-pre-wrap bg-low rounded p-4 mt-4 mb-2 text-sm">I think you may misunderstand. Bert, PowerDNS, and various other Open Source projects are fed up with having to maintain workarounds for some poorly constructed EDNS implementations. As a result, this is being resolved, by removing those workarounds:</p> <div class="flex items-center space-x-4 ml-4"> <a href="/author/bert_hubert/introducing-tdns-the-teachable-authoritative-dns-server/#437" class="text-primary hover:text-accent text-sm">Go to comment</a> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center md:items-baseline justify-between"> <p class="text-sm mb-8 md:mb-0">Showing <strong class="font-semibold">2</strong> comment(s)</p> <div class="flex space-x-4 md:space-x-8 text-sm select-none"> <span class="text-neutral-light">Previous</span> <div class="flex space-x-2 md:space-x-4"> <a title="Go to page 1" href="?tab=comments&amp;sort=new&amp;articles-page=1&amp;contributions-page=1&amp;comments-page=1" class="pb-2 w-4 md:w-6 text-center border-primary text-primary font-semibold border-b-2 hover:font-semibold hover:border-b-2">1</a> </div> <span class="text-neutral-light flex items-baseline"><span class="mr-2">Next</span> <svg class="stroke-current 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