California Notice at Collection and Supplemental Privacy Information: Wiley

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Terms that are capitalized in this California Notice are defined in the CCPA.&nbsp;</p> <p>The CCPA establishes that California residents may have certain data privacy rights, such as the right to be notified about what Personal Information categories we collect about you, and our intended use and purpose for collecting such Personal Information. This California Notice describes the Personal Information we may have collected directly from you or indirectly about you if you use our Sites or Services, or if you otherwise interact with Wiley, and how we have used and/or disclosed your Personal Information. It also describes the Personal Information that we will collect and the purposes for that collection, as well as your rights under the CCPA.</p> <p><strong>Categories of Personal Information Collected</strong></p> <p>We may collect the following categories of Personal Information from or about you, with the type of information collected varying depending on how you use our Sites and/or Services:</p> <ul> <li>Identifiers</li> <li>Personal information described in&nbsp;<a href=";sectionNum=1798.80.">Section 1798.80(e) of the California Civil Code</a></li> <li>Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law</li> <li>Commercial information</li> <li>Internet or other electronic network activity information</li> <li>Geolocation data</li> <li>Audio, electronic, visual, or similar information</li> <li>Professional or employment-related information</li> <li>Education information</li> <li>Inferences drawn from the above categories of Personal Information</li> <li>Certain Sensitive Personal Information, including certain information associated with due diligence reviews conducted for legitimate business purposes and any Sensitive Personal Information you may disclose to us voluntarily. We do not sell or share this sensitive Personal Information, as those terms are defined by the CCPA, and we do not use or disclose Sensitive Personal Information for purposes other than those permitted under the CCPA.</li> </ul> <p>For examples and additional details of the types of Personal Information we may collect, see&nbsp;<strong>THE INFORMATION WE COLLECT&nbsp;</strong>section of our main&nbsp;<a href="">Privacy Policy</a>.</p> <p><strong>Categories of Sources from which Personal Information Is Collected</strong></p> <p>We may collect Personal Information from various&nbsp;sources, including:</p> <ul> <li>Directly from you when you engage with our Sites or Services, such as by engaging us to represent you, registering for a webinar, signing up to receive alerts, or sending us communications.</li> <li>Automatically when you interact with our Sites, such as by visiting the Site.</li> <li>From social media platforms.</li> <li>From event sponsors, joint marketing partners, legal publishing partners, and other partners when they share information with us.</li> <li>From publicly available databases and vendors.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Purposes for which Personal Information Is Collected</strong></p> <p>We may use Personal Information for the following business purposes:</p> <ul> <li>To perform the service you requested, such as to register you for a webinar, deliver an alert, or provide legal service.</li> <li>To respond to your inquiries or comments when you have contacted us.</li> <li>To operate, provide, support, and develop our Sites and Services, including by conducting data analysis.</li> <li>To provide marketing material that may be of interest to you.</li> <li>To maintain up-to-date and accurate contact information about you.</li> <li>For fraud or security monitoring purposes or to enforce our&nbsp;<a href="">terms and conditions</a>.</li> <li>To satisfy our legal and regulatory requirements.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Categories of Personal Information Disclosed for a Business Purpose</strong><em><strong>&nbsp;</strong></em></p> <p>We may disclose the following categories of Personal Information for a business purpose:</p> <ul> <li>Identifiers</li> <li>Personal information described in&nbsp;<a href=";sectionNum=1798.80.">Section 1798.80(e) of the California Civil Code</a></li> <li>Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law</li> <li>Commercial information</li> <li>Internet or other electronic network activity information</li> <li>Geolocation data</li> <li>Audio, electronic, visual, or similar information</li> <li>Professional or employment-related information</li> <li>Education information</li> <li>Inferences drawn from the above categories of Personal Information</li> <li>Certain Sensitive Information, including certain information associated with due diligence reviews conducted for legitimate business purposes and any Sensitive Personal Information you may disclose to us voluntarily.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Categories of Third Parties to whom Personal Information Is Disclosed</strong></p> <p>We may disclose Personal Information to the following categories of recipients.&nbsp; This may apply to each category of Personal Information we disclose for a business purpose.</p> <ul> <li>Our affiliates.</li> <li>Our service providers that assist us in providing our Sites and Services.</li> <li>Our analytics partners to assist us in analyzing and improving our Sites and Services. Note, with respect to Cookies, you may opt-out of our Sites&rsquo; use of analytics cookies. For instructions, please see our&nbsp;<a href="">Cookie Policy &amp; Settings</a><u>.</u></li> <li>Our marketing or event partners.</li> <li>Other parties pursuant to your direction, for example, with state bar associations in connection with your request for CLE credit.</li> <li>Other entities as required to comply with applicable laws and regulations or to cooperate with government authorities.</li> <li>Other entities in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of Wiley's assets, financing or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company</li> </ul> <p><strong>Purposes for which Personal Information Is Disclosed</strong></p> <p>See&nbsp;the <strong>HOW WE USE INFORMATION</strong> section of our main&nbsp;<a href="">Privacy Policy</a>, which describes the business or commercial purposes for which your Personal Information may be used.</p> <p><strong>Selling and Sharing under the CCPA</strong></p> <p>As defined by the CCPA, we do not Sell and/or Share Personal Information. We do not have actual knowledge of Selling or Sharing Personal Information of minors under 16.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Retention Policy</strong></p> <p>We retain personal information for as long as it is reasonably needed to perform the business purpose for which it was collected and consistent with applicable law. We strive to limit our retention of personal information for the least amount of time needed. The criteria we may use to determine the specific retention period of personal information include the type of information; the reason for collection; our reasonable business purposes for processing the information; and whether retention or deletion of the information is necessary to comply with legal obligations.</p> <p><strong>CCPA Rights</strong></p> <p>If you are a California resident, you have the following privacy rights under the CCPA:</p> <ul> <li>The&nbsp;<strong>right to know</strong>what Personal Information the business has collected about the consumer, including the categories of personal information, the categories of sources from which the Personal Information is collected, the business or commercial purpose for collecting, Selling, or Sharing Personal Information, the categories of third parties to whom the business discloses Personal Information, and the specific pieces of Personal Information the business has collected about the consumer;</li> <li>The&nbsp;<strong>right to delete</strong>Personal Information that the business has collected from the consumer, subject to certain exceptions;</li> <li>The&nbsp;<strong>right to correct&nbsp;</strong>inaccurate Personal Information that a business maintains about a consumer;</li> <li>To the extent the business Sells or Shares Personal Information, the&nbsp;<strong>right to opt-out of the Sale or Sharing</strong>of their Personal Information by the business; however Wiley does not Sell or Share Personal Information, as those terms are defined by the CCPA</li> <li>If the business uses or discloses sensitive Personal Information for certain reasons, the&nbsp;<strong>right to limit the use or disclosure of sensitive Personal Information</strong>by the business; however, Wiley does not use or disclose Sensitive Personal Information in a way that would trigger this right; and</li> <li>The&nbsp;<strong>right not to receive discriminatory treatment</strong>by the business for the exercise of privacy rights conferred by the CCPA, including an employee&rsquo;s, applicant&rsquo;s, or independent contractor&rsquo;s right not to be retaliated against for the exercise of their CCPA rights.</li> </ul> <p><strong>How California Residents Can Exercise Your California Rights under the CCPA</strong></p> <p>You or your authorized agent may submit a consumer rights request to us by email at&nbsp;<a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;&#112;&#114;&#105;&#118;&#97;&#99;&#121;&#99;&#111;&#110;&#116;&#97;&#99;&#116;&#64;&#119;&#105;&#108;&#101;&#121;&#46;&#108;&#97;&#119;">&#112;&#114;&#105;&#118;&#97;&#99;&#121;&#99;&#111;&#110;&#116;&#97;&#99;&#116;&#64;&#119;&#105;&#108;&#101;&#121;&#46;&#108;&#97;&#119;</a>. If you are sending a request via email, please use: CCPA CONSUMER REQUEST in the subject line of the email. Prior to responding to your request, we will need to verify your identity and the identity of your authorized agent, if applicable.&nbsp; If we are unable to verify your identity through reasonable means and with the information you provide, we may ask follow-up questions.</p> <p><strong>Contact Information</strong><br />If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at: <a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;&#112;&#114;&#105;&#118;&#97;&#99;&#121;&#99;&#111;&#110;&#116;&#97;&#99;&#116;&#64;&#119;&#105;&#108;&#101;&#121;&#46;&#108;&#97;&#119;">&#112;&#114;&#105;&#118;&#97;&#99;&#121;&#99;&#111;&#110;&#116;&#97;&#99;&#116;&#64;&#119;&#105;&#108;&#101;&#121;&#46;&#108;&#97;&#119;</a> or 833-653-3029.</p> </main> <!--UDMCOMMENT--> </div> <form id='siteSearch' tabindex='-1' action='search.html' method='get'> <div> <input type='text' aria-label='Search Keyword' placeholder='What matter can we help you with today?' name='searchtext2' id='searchtext2' /> <input name='do_site_search' value='1' type='hidden' /> <button type='submit'><img src='i-t1732658511/icon-search.svgz' alt='Search' /></button> </div> </form> <footer id='footer'> <div id='footerNav'><ul><li ><a href='people'>People</a></li><li ><a href='practices'>Practices</a></li><li ><a href='about'>Firm</a></li><li ><a href='insights'>Insights</a></li><li ><a href='careers'>Careers</a></li><li ><a href='diversity'>Diversity</a></li></ul></div> <ul id='footerLinks'> <li><a href='./'>Home</a></li> <li><a href='sitemap'>Site Map</a></li> <li><a href='terms'>Terms &amp; Conditions</a></li> <li><a href='privacy'>Privacy Policy</a></li> <li><a href='cookies'>Cookies Policy &amp; Settings</a></li> <li><a href='california-privacy-notice'>California Privacy Notice</a></li> <li>&copy; 2024 Wiley Rein LLP All Rights Reserved.</li> </ul> <div id='footerSocial'><ul><li id='subscribe'><a href='subscribe'>Subscribe</a></li><li><a href='' target='_blank'><img alt='LinkedIn' src='i-t1732658511/linkedin.svgz' /></a></li><li><a href='' target='_blank'><img alt='Twitter' src='i-t1732658511/twitter.svgz' /></a></li><li><a href='' target='_blank'><img alt='Instagram' src='i-t1732658511/instagram.svgz' /></a></li><li><a href='' target='_blank'><img alt='YouTube' src='i-t1732658511/youtube.svgz' /></a></li><li><a href='about-contact' title='Contact Us'><img alt='Contact Us' src='i-t1732658511/email.svgz' /></a></li></ul></div> <img id='bsiLogo' src='i-t1732658511/bsi.png' alt='BSI' /> </footer> <div id='cookieBanner' tabindex='0' role='dialog' aria-label='Cookie Policy' data-optin=''> <div> <div> <p>Our Site uses cookies to improve your experience. 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