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Bob Menendez was convicted Tuesday of taking bribes from three businessmen who showered him and his wife with cash, gold bars and a Mercedes-Benz, an extravagant bounty for his help securing deals with foreign officials and trying to derail several criminal investigations in New Jersey. Menendez vowed to appeal, and legal experts say he could be helped by the Supreme Court’s rulings in recent years narrowing the scope of federal bribery laws.</p> </p> <p class="article_list_dateline" style="padding:10px 0 20px 0;">Jul 16, 2024 4:25 PM CDT</p> </div> <!-- /.teaser-content --> <div class="teaser-image"> <img src="" /> </div> <!-- /.teaser-image --> </div> <!-- /.article-teaser --> <div class="article-teaser"> <div class="teaser-content"> <h3 class="article_list_headline"><a href="/syndicated/article/scotus-upended-gun-laws-nationwide-mass-confusion-has-followed" title="Read SCOTUS upended gun laws nationwide; mass confusion has followed">SCOTUS upended gun laws nationwide; mass confusion has followed</a></h3> <p> <p>On both sides of the gun-control debate, people say this term’s <em>Rahimi</em> ruling will do little to ease the confusion and disruption unleashed by the high court’s 2022 historical mandate in <em>Bruen</em>.</p> </p> <p class="article_list_dateline" style="padding:10px 0 20px 0;">Jul 11, 2024 8:00 AM CDT</p> </div> <!-- /.teaser-content --> <div class="teaser-image"> <img src="" /> </div> <!-- /.teaser-image --> </div> <!-- /.article-teaser --> <div class="article-teaser"> <div class="teaser-content"> <h3 class="article_list_headline"><a href="/syndicated/article/after-chevron-8-policies-that-could-be-vulnerable-to-new-legal-challenges" title="Read After Chevron: 8 policies that could be vulnerable to new legal challenges">After Chevron: 8 policies that could be vulnerable to new legal challenges</a></h3> <p> <p>Regulations that touch nearly every facet of American life could face new challenges after the Supreme Court’s move to overturn Chevron deference last week. Just days later, litigants around the country are already taking aim at some rules with new motions and filings.</p> </p> <p class="article_list_dateline" style="padding:10px 0 20px 0;">Jul 10, 2024 2:00 PM CDT</p> </div> <!-- /.teaser-content --> <div class="teaser-image"> <img src="" /> </div> <!-- /.teaser-image --> </div> <!-- /.article-teaser --> <div class="article-teaser"> <div class="teaser-content"> <h3 class="article_list_headline"><a href="/syndicated/article/supreme-courts-trump-immunity-ruling-poses-risk-for-democracy-scholars-say" title="Read Supreme Court’s Trump immunity ruling poses risk for democracy, scholars say">Supreme Court’s Trump immunity ruling poses risk for democracy, scholars say</a></h3> <p> <p>In its immunity decision Monday, the Supreme Court emphasized the long-cherished ideal that no one in America is above the law, not even the president. The court’s dissenters and a chorus of critics said the majority had undercut that notion, elevating the president to a king who can easily avoid prosecution.</p> </p> <p class="article_list_dateline" style="padding:10px 0 20px 0;">Jul 3, 2024 10:45 AM CDT</p> </div> <!-- /.teaser-content --> <div class="teaser-image"> <img src="" /> </div> <!-- /.teaser-image --> </div> <!-- /.article-teaser --> <div class="article-teaser"> <div class="teaser-content"> <h3 class="article_list_headline"><a href="/news/article/justice-thomas-questions-associational-standing-would-his-view-end-diversity-challenges" title="Read Justice Thomas questions associational standing; would his view end diversity challenges?">Justice Thomas questions associational standing; would his view end diversity challenges?</a></h3> <p> Justice Clarence Thomas took a dim view of associational standing in a concurrence last week to the U.S. Supreme Court’s abortion drug mifepristone decision, a stance that could interfere with diversity challenges. </p> <p class="article_list_dateline" style="padding:10px 0 20px 0;">Jun 18, 2024 12:14 PM CDT</p> </div> <!-- /.teaser-content --> <div class="teaser-image"> <img src="" /> </div> <!-- /.teaser-image --> </div> <!-- /.article-teaser --> <div class="article-teaser"> <div class="teaser-content"> <h3 class="article_list_headline"><a href="/news/article/appeals-judge-makes-a-confession-he-consulted-chatgpt-and-found-the-results-less-nutty-than-i-feared" title="Read In concurrence confession, appeals judge says ChatGPT research ‘less nutty’ than feared">In concurrence confession, appeals judge says ChatGPT research ‘less nutty’ than feared</a></h3> <p> Judge Kevin Newsom of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at Atlanta tried using ChatGPT to research the ordinary meaning of “landscaping,” and he’s not afraid to admit it. </p> <p class="article_list_dateline" style="padding:10px 0 20px 0;">Jun 6, 2024 9:09 AM CDT</p> </div> <!-- /.teaser-content --> <div class="teaser-image"> <img src="" /> </div> <!-- /.teaser-image --> </div> <!-- /.article-teaser --> <div class="article-teaser"> <div class="teaser-content"> <h3 class="article_list_headline"><a href="/books/article/podcast-episode-220" title="Read ‘The Originalism Trap’ author wants to see originalism dead, dead, dead">‘The Originalism Trap’ author wants to see originalism dead, dead, dead</a></h3> <p> Originalism is the ascendant legal theory espoused by conservative legal thinkers, including the majority of U.S. Supreme Court justices. But far from being an objective framework for constitutional interpretation, says author and attorney Madiba K. Dennie, its true purpose is to achieve conservative political aims regardless of the historical record. </p> <p class="article_list_dateline" style="padding:10px 0 20px 0;">Jun 5, 2024 9:04 AM CDT</p> </div> <!-- /.teaser-content --> <div class="teaser-image"> <img src="" /> </div> <!-- /.teaser-image --> </div> <!-- /.article-teaser --> <div class="article-teaser"> <div class="teaser-content"> <h3 class="article_list_headline"><a href="/news/article/artificial-intelligence-could-make-originalist-analysis-easier-federal-appeals-judge-says" title="Read Artificial intelligence could make originalist analysis easier, federal appeals judge says">Artificial intelligence could make originalist analysis easier, federal appeals judge says</a></h3> <p> Determining the meaning of constitutional provisions at the time that they were drafted, as originalism requires, can be “highly laborious and time-consuming,” according to a federal appeals judge. </p> <p class="article_list_dateline" style="padding:10px 0 20px 0;">Apr 2, 2024 9:17 AM CDT</p> </div> <!-- /.teaser-content --> <div class="teaser-image"> <img src="" /> </div> <!-- /.teaser-image --> </div> <!-- /.article-teaser --> <div class="article-teaser"> <div class="teaser-content"> <h3 class="article_list_headline"><a href="/syndicated/article/scotus-ballot-ruling-raises-new-questions-even-as-it-answers-others" title="Read SCOTUS ballot ruling raises new questions even as it answers others">SCOTUS ballot ruling raises new questions even as it answers others</a></h3> <p> <p>The Supreme Court quickly and unanimously resolved a case this week that had divided legal scholars for months, clearing a path for Donald Trump to remain on the ballot for president nationwide. But in doing so, the justices unleashed new questions that could confront Congress and the courts after the November election. “They’ve introduced new uncertainty,” said Richard Hasen.</p> </p> <p class="article_list_dateline" style="padding:10px 0 20px 0;">Mar 8, 2024 11:45 AM CST</p> </div> <!-- /.teaser-content --> <div class="teaser-image"> <img src="" /> </div> <!-- /.teaser-image --> </div> <!-- /.article-teaser --> <div class="article-teaser"> <div class="teaser-content"> <h3 class="article_list_headline"><a href="/syndicated/article/scotus-agrees-to-hear-trumps-presidential-immunity-claim" title="Read SCOTUS agrees to hear Trump’s presidential immunity claim">SCOTUS agrees to hear Trump’s presidential immunity claim</a></h3> <p> <p>The Supreme Court will review Donald Trump’s unprecedented claim that he is shielded from prosecution for actions taken while in office, further delaying the former president’s federal trial in the nation’s capital on charges of conspiring to overturn his 2020 election loss to remain in power.</p> </p> <p class="article_list_dateline" style="padding:10px 0 20px 0;">Feb 28, 2024 4:55 PM CST</p> </div> <!-- /.teaser-content --> <div class="teaser-image"> <img src="" /> </div> <!-- /.teaser-image --> </div> <!-- /.article-teaser --> <div class="article-teaser"> <div class="teaser-content"> <h3 class="article_list_headline"><a href="/news/article/is-the-supreme-court-making-it-harder-to-teach-con-law-profs-depleted-and-taken-aback-by-velocity-of-change" title="Read Is SCOTUS making it harder to teach constitutional law? Profs ‘depleted’ and taken aback by ‘velocity’ of change">Is SCOTUS making it harder to teach constitutional law? Profs ‘depleted’ and taken aback by ‘velocity’ of change</a></h3> <p> The U.S. Supreme Court’s “hard-right supermajority” is using the doctrine of originalism to overturn established precedent, making it difficult for constitutional law professors grappling with rapid change that they think is unprincipled, according to an <a href="">article in the New York Times</a>. </p> <p class="article_list_dateline" style="padding:10px 0 20px 0;">Feb 27, 2024 3:10 PM CST</p> </div> <!-- /.teaser-content --> <div class="teaser-image"> <img src="" /> </div> <!-- /.teaser-image --> </div> <!-- /.article-teaser --> <div class="article-teaser"> <div class="teaser-content"> <h3 class="article_list_headline"><a href="/news/article/new-legal-group-aims-to-bring-sanity-back-to-conservative-lawyering-oppose-trumps-legal-excesses" title="Read New legal group aims to ‘bring sanity back to conservative lawyering,’ oppose Trump’s ‘legal excesses’">New legal group aims to ‘bring sanity back to conservative lawyering,’ oppose Trump’s ‘legal excesses’</a></h3> <p> An op-ed in the New York Times by three conservative lawyers takes issue with the conservative Federalist Society for "conspicuously" staying silent amid the “constitutional and other legal excesses” of former President Donald Trump, including his attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election. </p> <p class="article_list_dateline" style="padding:10px 0 20px 0;">Nov 28, 2023 9:04 AM CST</p> </div> <!-- /.teaser-content --> <div class="teaser-image"> <img src="" /> </div> <!-- /.teaser-image --> </div> <!-- /.article-teaser --> <div class="article-teaser"> <div class="teaser-content"> <h3 class="article_list_headline"><a href="/voice/article/what-wolf-hall-taught-me-about-practicing-law" title="Read What ‘Wolf Hall’ taught me about practicing law">What ‘Wolf Hall’ taught me about practicing law</a></h3> <p> Every practicing attorney is familiar with the prelaw literary canon—that list of books every law student should read. <em>A Civil Action</em>, <em>To Kill a Mockingbird</em>, <em>The Buffalo Creek Disaster</em>. These books are meant to inspire a love of justice, hard work and a desire to fight for society’s underdogs. </p> <p class="article_list_dateline" style="padding:10px 0 20px 0;">Nov 20, 2023 8:44 AM CST</p> </div> <!-- /.teaser-content --> <div class="teaser-image"> <img src="" /> </div> <!-- /.teaser-image --> </div> <!-- /.article-teaser --> <p><em><a href="">Read more ...</a></em></p> <ul class="pagination"> <li><a href="" class="page-1 active"><strong>1</strong></a></li> <li><a href="" class="page-2 "><strong>2</strong></a></li> <li><a href="" class="page-3 "><strong>3</strong></a></li> <li><a href="" class="page-next">Next Page</a></li> <li><a href="" class="page-last">Last Page</a></li> </ul> </div><!-- end main content area --> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-12 sidebar"> <div style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; max-width:500px;"> <!-- OAS AD 'Middle' begin class="med_rec" this doesn't need to float --> <div id="med-rec-1-container"> <div id="med-rec-1" class="ad"> <div id="sas_84473"></div> <script type="application/javascript"> sas.cmd.push(function() { sas.render("84473"); 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