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Generative artificial intelligence continues to gain traction in an industry not known for adopting tech quickly or efficiently.<br /> <p class="greytext"><time>December 11, 2024, 8:46 am CST</time></p> <p class="red pull-right"><a href="/legalrebels/article/rebels-podcast-episode-107" class="red">Read more ...</a></p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var podcastURL = ''; var fileExtension = podcastURL.substr(podcastURL.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); if (fileExtension == 'mp3' ){document.write('<div class="audio_player"><audio controls style="width: 100%;"><source src="" type="audio/mpeg">Your browser does not support the audio element.</audio></div><p class="small"><a href="' + podcastURL + '">Download this podcast</a></p> ');} else {document.write('<iframe src="' + podcastURL + '?embed" style="border:none;width:100%;" scrolling="no"></iframe> ');} //]]> </script> <script src=""></script> <!-- end featured podcast --> <hr style="clear:both;" /> <h5>The Modern Law Library</h5> <h4><a href="/books/article/podcast-episode-230" title="Read Horse-loving lawyer left the law to help run a Colorado ranch">Horse-loving lawyer left the law to help run a Colorado ranch</a></h4> <p>Ami Cullen grew up loving horses and competing in hunter/jumper events. But when it came to her career, she decided that law would be her calling. She graduated from law school and began work with a law firm in Maryland working on medical-malpractice cases. Then a visit to a Colorado dude ranch changed everything.</p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>December 4, 2024, 4:00 pm CST</time></p> <h5>The Modern Law Library</h5> <h4><a href="/books/article/podcast-episode-229" title="Read What went wrong—and right—with 10 famous trials">What went wrong—and right—with 10 famous trials</a></h4> <p>J. Craig Williams believes empathy is an important quality to be a trial lawyer. It's served him in his profession, and it's a tool that he has also been using as an author trying to get into the minds of people from past eras.</p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>November 25, 2024, 10:25 am CST</time></p> <h5>Legal Rebels Podcast</h5> <h4><a href="/legalrebels/article/rebels-podcast-episode-106" title="Read What generative AI means for the future of predictive analytics">What generative AI means for the future of predictive analytics</a></h4> <p>Lawyers, especially litigators, like to say they never ask a question that they don’t already know the answer to. But there’s plenty of unknowns out there&mdash;especially when it comes to how a case might turn out or how much it will cost. Predictive judicial and law firm analytics take some of that guesswork out of the equation.<br /> </p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>November 13, 2024, 11:00 am CST</time></p> <h5>The Modern Law Library</h5> <h4><a href="/books/article/podcast-episode-228" title="Read &#8216;Watchdogs&#8217; author has no regrets about choosing civil service over the NBA">&#8216;Watchdogs&#8217; author has no regrets about choosing civil service over the NBA</a></h4> <p>Glenn Fine's career-long crusade against corruption might have its roots in his college days. As a point guard for the Harvard basketball team, Fine had his personal best game Dec. 16, 1978, the same day that he interviewed for&mdash;and received&mdash;a Rhodes Scholarship. He put up 19 points against Boston College, including eight steals, and the team nearly eeked out a win against the favored Boston players. A remarkable day.</p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>November 6, 2024, 8:11 am CST</time></p> <h5>The Modern Law Library</h5> <h4><a href="/books/article/podcast-episode-227" title="Read Meet the sheriffs who believe they are &#8216;The Highest Law in the Land&#8217;">Meet the sheriffs who believe they are &#8216;The Highest Law in the Land&#8217;</a></h4> <p>The first image conjured in your mind by the word "sheriff" might be the protagonist of a Wild West movie or Robin Hood's foe, the sheriff of Nottingham. But unless you're a resident of Alaska, Connecticut, Hawaii and Rhode Island, there's likely an elected law enforcement official in your area who has that title.</p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>October 24, 2024, 1:30 pm CDT</time></p> <h5>Legal Rebels Podcast</h5> <h4><a href="/legalrebels/article/rebels-podcast-episode-105" title="Read What Filevine&#8217;s new AI tool could mean for the future of depositions">What Filevine&#8217;s new AI tool could mean for the future of depositions</a></h4> <p>When Filevine unveiled its Depo Copilot in <a href="">September</a>, it sent shock waves among those in the legal technology sphere.<br /> </p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>October 16, 2024, 8:34 am CDT</time></p> <h5>The Modern Law Library</h5> <h4><a href="/books/article/podcast-episode-226" title="Read &#8216;Company&#8217; is the perfect short story collection for spooky season">&#8216;Company&#8217; is the perfect short story collection for spooky season</a></h4> <p>Most&mdash;though not all&mdash;of the 13 short stories in <em>Company</em> deal with members of the Collins family. Three generations of narrators bear witness to the changing fortunes of the family, and as with any witness statement, everyone has a different perspective on what actually happened. Also, there are ghosts&mdash;and at least one witch.</p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>October 9, 2024, 4:00 pm CDT</time></p> <h5>The Modern Law Library</h5> <h4><a href="/books/article/podcast-episode-225" title="Read The Supreme Court is a liberal body—when it comes to legal writing">The Supreme Court is a liberal body—when it comes to legal writing</a></h4> <p>Jill Barton spent the first decade of her career working as a journalist, with the <em><a href="">Associated Press Stylebook</a></em> always at hand to determine word usage and punctuation choices. But when she became an attorney, she says, she realized that there was no single equivalent style guide when it came to legal writing&mdash;and she had to adjust to using the Oxford comma.</p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>September 25, 2024, 8:48 am CDT</time></p> <h5>Legal Rebels Podcast</h5> <h4><a href="/legalrebels/article/rebels-podcast-episode-104" title="Read What does the future hold for licensed paraprofessionals?">What does the future hold for licensed paraprofessionals?</a></h4> <p>Much has been made of the gigantic access-to-justice gap in this country. According to a 2022 study by the Legal Services Corp., <a href="">92% of Americans</a> do not receive any or enough help for a civil legal need. There are many reasons for this.<br /> </p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>September 18, 2024, 8:49 am CDT</time></p> <h5>The Modern Law Library</h5> <h4><a href="/books/article/podcast-episode-224" title="Read Legal thriller author David Ellis&#8217; day job? Appellate court justice">Legal thriller author David Ellis&#8217; day job? Appellate court justice</a></h4> <p>Justice David W. Ellis has served on the Illinois Appellate Court for the 1st District for nearly 10 years. But readers may know him better as author David Ellis, bestselling writer of more than a dozen legal thrillers.<br /> </p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>August 29, 2024, 8:41 am CDT</time></p> <h5>Legal Rebels Podcast</h5> <h4><a href="/legalrebels/article/rebels-podcast-episode-103" title="Read Tests into and out of law schools—what&#8217;s changing and why">Tests into and out of law schools—what&#8217;s changing and why</a></h4> <p>Not much can strike more terror into the hearts of aspiring lawyers than the LSAT and the bar exam. Right now, these tests are having a moment. <br /> </p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>August 14, 2024, 8:49 am CDT</time></p> <h5>The Modern Law Library</h5> <h4><a href="/books/article/podcast-episode-223" title="Read &#8216;Shaping the Bar&#8217; author says bar exam protects legal profession, not public">&#8216;Shaping the Bar&#8217; author says bar exam protects legal profession, not public</a></h4> <p>The goal of the bar exam is to be a gatekeeper for the legal profession and protect the public. But the current system, dominated by the Uniform Bar Examination, gets a failing grade from Joan Howarth, an academic, an attorney and the author of <em>Shaping the Bar: The Future of Attorney Licensing</em>.</p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>July 24, 2024, 8:48 am CDT</time></p> <h5>Legal Rebels Podcast</h5> <h4><a href="/legalrebels/article/rebels-podcast-episode-102" title="Read How generative AI can help you market your legal practice">How generative AI can help you market your legal practice</a></h4> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>July 17, 2024, 10:00 am CDT</time></p> <h5>The Modern Law Library</h5> <h4><a href="/books/article/podcast-episode-222" title="Read Summer reading picks and why a YMCA-funded crusade against obscenity matters today">Summer reading picks and why a YMCA-funded crusade against obscenity matters today</a></h4> <p>Do you need some distractions during vacation travel or while lying directly under your A/C unit and sweating? It’s time for <em>The Modern Law Library</em>’s summer recommendations episode, in which host Lee Rawles shares her pop culture picks with you, plus a re-airing of one of our older episodes with current relevance.</p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>July 10, 2024, 3:15 pm CDT</time></p> <h5>The Modern Law Library</h5> <h4><a href="/books/article/podcast-episode-221" title="Read &#8216;The Lawyer Millionaire&#8217; author shares the 7 biggest money mistakes lawyers can make">&#8216;The Lawyer Millionaire&#8217; author shares the 7 biggest money mistakes lawyers can make</a></h4> <p>Finances are a fraught area for many attorneys. Despite a high earning potential, new lawyers often start out with a financial disadvantage because of the opportunity cost of the years devoted to school and bar prep, coupled with high student loans.</p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>June 19, 2024, 9:45 am CDT</time></p> <h5>Legal Rebels Podcast</h5> <h4><a href="/legalrebels/article/rebels-podcast-episode-101" title="Read Can generative AI tools make it easier for lawyers to offer pro bono services?">Can generative AI tools make it easier for lawyers to offer pro bono services?</a></h4> <p>When it comes to access to justice, it has long been estimated that low-income Americans did not receive any or enough legal help for <a href=",or%20download%20a%20PDF%20copy.">over 90% of their civil legal problems</a>, according to a 2022 report from the Legal Services Corp.<br /> </p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>June 12, 2024, 8:50 am CDT</time></p> <h5>The Modern Law Library</h5> <h4><a href="/books/article/podcast-episode-220" title="Read &#8216;The Originalism Trap&#8217; author wants to see originalism dead, dead, dead">&#8216;The Originalism Trap&#8217; author wants to see originalism dead, dead, dead</a></h4> <p>Originalism is the ascendant legal theory espoused by conservative legal thinkers, including the majority of U.S. Supreme Court justices. But far from being an objective framework for constitutional interpretation, says author and attorney Madiba K. Dennie, its true purpose is to achieve conservative political aims regardless of the historical record.</p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>June 5, 2024, 9:04 am CDT</time></p> <h5>The Modern Law Library</h5> <h4><a href="/books/article/podcast-episode-219" title="Read How to strike up conversations that build your book of business">How to strike up conversations that build your book of business</a></h4> <p>Networking is something that comes naturally to some people. But if the idea of talking to strangers makes you break out into a cold sweat, there's help and hope, says Deb Feder, author of the book <em>After Hello: How to Build a Book of Business, One Conversation at a Time</em>.</p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>May 29, 2024, 8:55 am CDT</time></p> <h5>Legal Rebels Podcast</h5> <h4><a href="/legalrebels/article/rebels-podcast-episode-100" title="Read Will generative artificial intelligence (finally) spell the end of the billable hour?">Will generative artificial intelligence (finally) spell the end of the billable hour?</a></h4> <p>Widely hated by lawyers and clients alike, the billable hour has nevertheless proven to be more resilient than cockroaches, Twinkies and those nonbiodegradable containers that you used to get fast-food restaurants.<br /> </p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>May 22, 2024, 8:33 am CDT</time></p> <h5>The Modern Law Library</h5> <h4><a href="/books/article/podcast-episode-218" title="Read When states&#8217; rights and health care access clash">When states&#8217; rights and health care access clash</a></h4> <p>From the COVID-19 response to the overturning of <em>Roe v. Wade</em>, the results of 50 states having individual approaches to public health, medical outcomes and health care access raise troubling questions. A husband-and-wife team of University of Utah professors dig into the ethics of the American health care system in <em>States of Health: The Ethics and Consequences of Policy Variation in a Federal System</em>.</p> <p class="greytext" style="padding-bottom:1em;"><time>May 15, 2024, 4:40 pm CDT</time></p> <p><em><a href="">Read more ...</a></em></p> <ul class="pagination"> <li><a href="" class="page-1 active"><strong>1</strong></a></li> <li><a href="" class="page-2 "><strong>2</strong></a></li> <li><a href="" class="page-3 "><strong>3</strong></a></li> <li><a href="" class="page-next">Next Page</a></li> <li><a href="" class="page-last">Last Page</a></li> </ul> </div><!-- end main content area --> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-12 sidebar" id="sidebar"> <!-- begin sidebar --> <!-- OAS AD 'Middle' begin class="med_rec" this doesn't need to float --> <div id="med-rec-1-container"> <div id="med-rec-1" class="ad"> <div id="sas_84473"></div> <script type="application/javascript"> sas.cmd.push(function() { sas.render("84473"); 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