Modern Slavery Act Statement | Newsquest Media Group
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The disclosures are intended to promote awareness and confront criminality,聽 but also enable 聽customers to make better informed decisions about the products or services they buy and the companies they support.</p><p>Newsquest Media Group, through its various subsidiaries, is a publisher of regional newspapers operating almost entirely in the UK. We do not tolerate slavery or human trafficking in any guise or form. The most significant part of our cost base relates to employment, where our policy is to comply with all applicable legislation, including laws relating to minimum wages and the working time directive. The significant parts of our supply chain relate to materials for publishing, principally newsprint, ink and plates (which are all manufactured in the UK, North American and European areas), distribution services for our publications within the UK, business premises (and their ancillary costs), services from third party news providers, and technology and telecommunication suppliers.</p><p>While Newsquest鈥檚 business model is therefore at relatively low risk of being affected in any way by slavery and human trafficking, our policy is to seek positive assurance from our suppliers that they can confirm after diligent enquiry that they have no connection with such practices, either directly or in their own supply chains. 聽Requirement of such assurance is part of Newsquest鈥檚 supplier tender process, and all contracts with new suppliers include contractual wording to confirm their commitment.聽 Where possible, we seek to establish long-standing relationships with suppliers and we make clear to them our expectations of business behaviour.</p><p>Newsquest is also working with existing suppliers to obtain similar assurances by variation to current agreements. Failure to give this assurance in any case without good reason may result in a supplier being de-selected.</p><p>Newsquest is committed to taking practical steps to educate staff to be alert and responsive to signs that any person who comes into contact with our business, particularly distributors or casual employees, could be a victim of human trafficking. Staff are expected to report such concerns and management are expected to act upon them. We have in place systems to聽 encourage reporting of concerns and the protection of whistleblowers.</p><p>This statement is made for the current financial year pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 on behalf of Newsquest Media Group Limited and each聽 of its subsidiary publishing companies. 聽It has been approved by the Chief Executive Officer, who will review and update it as necessary on an annual basis.</p><p><a href="">Modern Day Slavery Statement March 2022</a></p> </li> </ol> </div> <div class="grid wrapper"> <div class="content medium"> <p class="light"> <i>Version: toa_2023.03.15</i> </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="footer" id="legal"> <div class="grid wrapper"> <div class="col-12 sm-col-12 md-col-6"> <div class="col-12 md-col-9"> <img src="/assets/images/logos/_400xAUTO_fit_center-center_none/Light-Logo.png" class="footer-logo" alt="Newsquest Media Group logo"/> <p>We are a media company with a difference. 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