Raphaël Vuitton - Concurrences

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</span></li> <li><a href="en/page/authors/">Authors</a><span class="divider"> &gt; </span></li> <li class="active"><span>Raphaël Vuitton</span></li> </ul> </div> </nav> <div class="central" id="central"> <div class="banner-top" id="banner-top"> <div class="container"> </div> </div> <div class="wrapper" id="wrapper"> <div class="container"> <main class="content primary" id="content" role="main"> <div class="author vcard" itemscope itemtype=""> <section class="section section_primary section_presentation"> <div class="section__container"> <div class="row presentation-auteur"> <div class="col-xs-3 col-md-2 col-logo"> <div class="col-inner"> <img src="local/cache-vignettes/L200xH200/raphael-vuitton-president-de-l-association-les-nanceiens-ce-jeudi-15-septembre-photo-er-mickael-demeaux-1663268866-2-8b834.png?1711376764" class='spip_logo spip_logo_auteur spip_logos' width='200' height='200' alt="" itemprop='image' /> <div class="social-links"> <a href=""><em class="idc-icon idc-icon_linkedin-fill" aria-hidden></em> Linkedin</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-9 col-md-7"> <div class="col-inner"> <header class="cartouche"> <span class="logo-organisation"><a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener'><img src='local/cache-vignettes/L300xH53/auton3094-da121.png?1711359301' alt='European Court of Justice (Luxembourg)' width='150' height='27' /></a></span> <div class="logo-auteur-rwd"> <img src="local/cache-vignettes/L200xH200/raphael-vuitton-president-de-l-association-les-nanceiens-ce-jeudi-15-septembre-photo-er-mickael-demeaux-1663268866-2-8b834.png?1711376764" class='spip_logo spip_logo_auteur spip_logos' width='200' height='200' alt="" itemprop='image' /> </div> <h1 class="fn" itemprop="name">Raphaël Vuitton </h1> <div class="institution">European Court of Justice (Luxembourg)</div> <div class="role"> <span class="fonction">Legal Secretary</span> </div> </header> <div class="main"> <div class="crayon contact-descriptif-38573 texte descriptif"><p>Raphaël Vuitton studied law and politics at the Lyon Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po Lyon) and the European Institute of the University of Geneva, as well as at the Universities of Strasbourg and Luxembourg. He holds masters in European Studies (2000), in European Law (2001), and in European Litigation (2002). From 2002 to 2004, he was researcher at the Economic Law Laboratory of a Luxembourg research center, now integrated in the University of Luxembourg. Since December 2004, he is ‘référendaire’ (Legal Secretary) at the General Court of the European Union. In addition, Raphaël gave lectures in European Union Law and Constitutional law at the University of Luxembourg (2008-2009) and in European Union Civil Service Law at the University of Lorraine (2014-2024).</p></div> <div class="p"> <a href="//en/authors/raphael-vuitton#contact" class="btn btn-contact btn-contact-rwd btn-primary-border popin pull-left" data-href-popin="#contact">Contact</a> <div class="social-links social-links-rwd pull-right"> <a href=""> Linkedin</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 col-aside"> <div class="liste auteurs co-auteurs"> <h2>Linked authors</h2> <div class="liste-items liste-items-well"> <div class='ajaxbloc' data-ajax-env='1/pvRxKtp1C7KLkwHD9e6lcbXB+jehf+OxFx7shASKxXL9ZvCfvR6sI7R5xUk5MZ1Zjdw4TA3l4sx2mNf4+T599jDPUWzN03JsDWZCz1ikK8LGcpHglLjJdOplxsW5pdUP+3Q2I4A+lKDxlVTbKNCdWEMt6fx4nl6HP3ug5ZCZ84cn+uO6nDHvvjDGCZnrRUgcZdrKVvsAkP33FiEwDuk8uKq9QJfSj+wQBkEiPBgMtkWJa41y+K9S5qRSXDkeEPGZpdVavfciSxbw==' 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picto-eye"></i> 35467</span> <span class="sep"></span> Review</h3> <div class="liste-items"> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2024/chroniques/aviation-the-european-commission-launches-a-public-consultation-with-a-view-to" rel="bookmark"><strong>Public consultation</strong>: The European Commission launches a public consultation with a view to the forthcoming revision of the guidelines on State aid to the aviation sector</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-11-27T11:31:00Z">27 November 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 20</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-121861 introduction entry-content"> <p>The European Commission has launched a call for contributions to gather information on the future revision of the guidelines on aid to airports and airlines (OJ 2014, C 99, p. 3). This consultation took place between August 27 and October 8, 2024. As part of the forthcoming review, the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2025/chroniques/123584" rel="bookmark"><strong>Compatibility</strong> : The General Court of the European Union dismisses the action brought against the Commission&#8217;s decision declaring State aid paid to a Romanian airline compatible with the internal market on the basis of Article 107(2)(b) TFEU <em>(Wizz Air Hungary)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-11-05T23:00:00Z">6 November 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 9</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-123584 introduction entry-content"> <p>The judgment under review follows on from those concerning aid granted to airlines on the basis of Article 107(2)(b) TFEU, to compensate them for damage suffered as a result of restrictions linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. <br class='autobr' /> It stems from Romania’s notification to the Commission of a plan to&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2025/chroniques/arbitrage-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms-that-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Arbitration</strong> : The General Court of the European Union confirms that the compensation paid by Romania to Swedish investors pursuant to a post-accession arbitration award under a bilateral investment treaty constitutes unlawful State aid incompatible with the internal market <em>(European Food)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-10-01T22:00:00Z">2 October 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 10</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-123583 introduction entry-content"> <p>The judgment under review is yet another episode in the saga of the Micula/European Food cases. And it is not the shortest of this saga: despite the lessons of the previous judgments, it will have taken the Court of First Instance more than 400 points to dismiss the actions brought before it&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2025/chroniques/electricity-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-dismisses-the-appeals" rel="bookmark"><strong>Electricity</strong> : The Court of Justice of the European Union dismisses the appeals against the judgments of the General Court upholding the Commission&#8217;s decision declaring that the exemption from network charges granted to large German electricity consumers in 2012 and 2013 constituted unlawful State aid incompatible with the internal market <em>(Covestro Deutschland / AZ / Infineon Technologies / WEPA Hygieneprodukte)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-09-25T22:00:00Z">26 September 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 24</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-123569 introduction entry-content"> <p>Background <br class='autobr' /> The German Energy Supply Act of 2011 provided for the payment of a network fee to electricity network operators. This was to be paid by electricity consumers. However, by virtue of a decision by the Federal Network Agency [(hereinafter "BnetzA")], continuous load consumers were&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2024/chroniques/admissibility-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-provides-important" rel="bookmark"><strong>Admissibility :</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union provides important clarifications on the concept of ‘interested party’ (<em>PBL</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-09-04T22:00:00Z">5 September 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 15</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-121878 introduction entry-content"> <p>In state aid law, the concept of "interested party" is of particular importance, since such a party enjoys extensive procedural rights, including, in particular, pursuant to Article 24 of Regulation 2015/1589, the right to denounce unlawful aid by means of a complaint and the right to&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2024/chroniques/inadmissibility-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-upholds-the-order-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Inadmissibility</strong> : The Court of Justice of the European Union upholds the order of the General Court dismissing as manifestly inadmissible an action brought against a rejection of complaints relating to alleged aid granted by France to an investment fund <em>(YU)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-07-14T22:00:00Z">15 July 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 19</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-121901 introduction entry-content"> <p>This case has its origins in complaints sent to the Commission in 2016 and 2018 concerning alleged aid granted by France, in various forms, to an investment fund. Having received no response to his complaints, the complainant asked the Commission, in May 2023, to adopt a decision in this regard.&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="content-inner-more"> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2024/chroniques/tax-exemption-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-dismisses-as-manifestly" rel="bookmark"><strong>Tax exemption</strong> : The General Court of the European Union dismisses as manifestly inadmissible the action brought against the Commission&#8217;s decision rejecting the complaint of a French public body for inter-municipal cooperation concerning a tax exemption granted to port managers <em>(Communauté d’Agglomération du Boulonnais / Commission européenne)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-07-10T22:00:00Z">11 July 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 21</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-121874 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Communauté d’Agglomération du Boulonnais [hereinafter the "CAB"] is a French public institution for inter-municipal cooperation, within whose territory the ports of Boulogne-sur-Mer and Calais are located. The management of these ports has been entrusted to a specific company, SEPD. In July&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2024/chroniques/tax-leasing-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-again-dismisses-actions" rel="bookmark"><strong>Tax leasing</strong>: The General Court of the European Union once again dismisses actions against the Commission’s decision, which found that aid granted under the Spanish tax leasing scheme was partially incompatible and needed to be recovered <em>(Hispavima ; Caixabank ; Naturgy Energy Group ; Duro Felguera ; Decal España e.a.)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-06-25T22:00:00Z">26 June 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 48</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-119802 introduction entry-content"> <p>Following a first salvo of orders (Trib. EU, February 9, 2024, Derivados del Flúor and others v Commission, T-500/14 to T-504/14, EU:T:2024:74, and Trib. EU, February 9, 2024, Remolcadores Nosa Terra v/ Commission, T-432/14, EU:T:2024:75, comm. R. Vuitton, Concurrences, no. 2-2024, pp. 134-135)&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2024/chroniques/compatibility-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-confirms-that-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Compatibility</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union confirms that the Commission must classify a measure as State aid before assessing its compatibility with the internal market (<em>The Netherlands</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-06-12T22:00:00Z">13 June 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 56</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-119799 introduction entry-content"> <p>Can the Commission declare a national measure compatible with the internal market without first classifying it as state aid? <br class='autobr' /> This question was once again put to the European Court of Justice after the Commission appealed against the judgment of the Court of First Instance confirming that it&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2024/chroniques/regional-aid-european-commission-amends-regional-state-aid-guidelines-to-allow" rel="bookmark"><strong>Regional aid</strong>: The European Commission amends regional State aid guidelines to allow more support for projects under the ‘Strategic Technologies for Europe’ platform</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-05-30T22:00:00Z">31 May 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 32</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-119904 introduction entry-content"> <p>The "Strategic Technologies for Europe" (STEP) platform was created in March 2024 by Regulation No. 2024/795, to support investment in critical and emerging strategic technologies in the digital, clean and resource-efficient technologies and biotechnology sectors. The aim is to strengthen the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2024/chroniques/leasing-fiscal-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-rejects-on-the-basis-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Tax leasing</strong>: The General Court of the European Union rejects, on the basis of a ruling by the Court of Justice in a "pilot" case, appeals against the Commission&#8217;s decision finding that aid granted under the Spanish tax leasing scheme was partially incompatible and had to be recovered <em>(Derivados del Flúor e.a.)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-03-19T23:00:00Z">20 March 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 52</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118723 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Spanish tax leasing scheme [hereinafter "RELF"] has certainly not finished feeding the European judicial chronicle, as can be seen from the decisions under this heading. Without going into the particularly complex details, it should be remembered that this scheme consists of a set of 5&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2024/chroniques/118717" rel="bookmark"><strong> Recovery</strong> : The Court of Justice of the European Union finds that the UK Supreme Court enforced an arbitral award granting damages, whereas the Commission had considered that this payment constituted State aid incompatible with the internal market. The Court prohibits its implementation and orders the recovery of the amounts paid <em>(United Kingdom)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-03-13T23:00:00Z">14 March 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 115</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118717 introduction entry-content"> <p>The judgment under review is noteworthy for several reasons: it is a default judgment; it concerns a breach by the United Kingdom that took place during the Brexit transition period; this breach is the result of a judicial decision by the British Supreme Court; it concerns State aid arising from&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2024/chroniques/sanctions-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-states-that-eu-law" rel="bookmark"><strong>Sanctions</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union states that EU law prohibits imposing a financial penalty on a company for violating an obligation under a state aid scheme implemented before the Commission adopted a decision confirming the compatibility of that scheme, provided that the violation occurred during the period prior to such adoption <em>(Prezes Urzędu Regulacji Energetyki)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2024-01-10T23:00:00Z">11 January 2024</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 42</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-118718 introduction entry-content"> <p>The case which led to the adoption by the Court of the order under review arose from a dispute between an electricity supplier and the Polish Energy Regulatory Authority, in the context of the implementation of the Polish support scheme for renewable energies. The scheme was based on a system of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2024/chroniques/non-contractual-liability-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-considers" rel="bookmark"><strong>Non-contractual liability</strong>: The General Court of the European Union considers that Article 107(1) TFEU constitutes a rule of law conferring rights on individuals, the breach of which by the Commission may, under certain conditions, give rise to non-contractual liability on the part of the European Union <em>(Banca Popolare di Bari)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-12-19T23:00:00Z">20 December 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 143</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117351 introduction entry-content"> <p>Actions for damages based on the loss resulting from the Commission’s adoption of a final state aid decision that has been declared unlawful are relatively rare (see, for example, Trib. EU, July 19, 2007, Bouychou, T 344/04, EU:T:2007:234, see also, for the case of a decision whose legality had&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2024/chroniques/selectivity-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-annuls-the-commission-s" rel="bookmark"><strong>Selectivity</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union annuls the Commission&#8217;s decision to initiate the formal investigation procedure in respect of Spanish environmental incentives for coal-fired power plants, on the grounds that it did not sufficiently explain why those measures could be selective <em>(EDP España ; Naturgy Energy Group)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-12-13T23:00:00Z">14 December 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 243</span> </p> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2024/chroniques/117312" rel="bookmark"><strong>Illegal aid</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union holds that national courts may order repayment of unlawful State aid even though the limitation period provided for in Article 17(1) of Regulation 2015/1589 has expired in respect of that aid and it must therefore be regarded as existing aid <em>(RegioJet / České dráhy)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-12-06T23:00:00Z">7 December 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 98</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117312 introduction entry-content"> <p>The judgment under review clarifies the powers of national courts with regard to unlawful aid that has become existing aid due to the expiry of the limitation period set by Article 17(1) of Regulation no. 2015/1589. <br class='autobr' /> According to case law, this regulation contains no provisions relating to the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2024/chroniques/gambling-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-annuls-the-commission-s" rel="bookmark"><strong>Gambling</strong>: The General Court of the European Union annuls the Commission&#8217;s decision finding, without initiating the formal investigation procedure, that the extension of gambling licenses in the Netherlands does not constitute State aid, on the grounds that the Commission failed to examine the existence of any indirect advantage <em>(European Gaming and Betting Association)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-11-14T23:00:00Z">15 November 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 200</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117324 introduction entry-content"> <p>As in many Member States, Dutch regulations make the organization and promotion of games of chance subject to prior authorization, in this case a license granted by an administrative authority. In 2014, in application of a general policy rule issued by the government, this authority renewed, for&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2024/chroniques/air-transport-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-dismisses-two-actions" rel="bookmark"><strong>Air transport</strong>: The General Court of the European Union dismisses two actions brought against Commission decisions declaring aid paid to an Italian airline to be compatible with the internal market on the basis of Article 107(2)(b) TFEU, even though the company was in difficulty and a formal investigation procedure was underway concerning other measures from which it had previously benefited <em>(Ryanair)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-10-17T22:00:00Z">18 October 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 203</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117320 introduction entry-content"> <p>These rulings are in line with those concerning aid granted to airlines on the basis of Article 107(2)(b) TFEU, to compensate them for damage suffered as a result of restrictions linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. <br class='autobr' /> In this case, they concern Alitalia, Italy’s leading airline, which will cease&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2024/chroniques/117270" rel="bookmark"><strong>Guarantees</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union dismisses the appeal against the judgment of the General Court confirming that a loan guarantee granted to a Greek public undertaking active in the mining sector constituted State aid <em>(Larko)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-10-11T22:00:00Z">12 October 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 96</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117270 introduction entry-content"> <p>All sagas come to an end, and the Larko cases are no exception. The judgment under comment, which definitively settles the last remaining points, therefore constitutes a "comet tail" of these cases (CJEU, November 9, 2017, Commission v/ Greece, C-481/16, comm. R Vuitton, Concurrences, n° 1-2018,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2024/chroniques/renewable-energies-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-clarifies-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Renewable energies</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union clarifies the concept of "commencement of work", which is used to assess the incentive nature of a measure under the 2014 guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy for the period 2014-2020 <em>(Est Wind Power / AS Elering)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-10-11T22:00:00Z">12 October 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 197</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117271 introduction entry-content"> <p>It is generally accepted that, in order to be compatible with the internal market on the basis of Article 107(3)(c) TFEU, an aid project must have an incentive effect (Trib. EU, December 13, 2017, Greece v Commission, T-314/15, EU:T:2017:903, comm. J. Derenne, Concurrences, n° 1-2018, pp.&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2024/chroniques/117262" rel="bookmark"><strong>De minimis</strong>: The European Commission amends the rules applicable to de minimis aid in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-10-03T22:00:00Z">4 October 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 168</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-117262 introduction entry-content"> <p>On October 4, 2023, the Commission adopted Regulation No. 2023/2391 (OJ L, 2023/2391), amending the regulations on de minimis aid in the fisheries and aquaculture sector. It will be recalled that, in this sector, the main applicable text is Regulation No. 717/2014 (OJ 2014, L 190, p. 45). In&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2023/chroniques/notion-of-aid-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-confirms-that-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Concept of State aid:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union confirms that the examination of the selectivity of a tax aid scheme coincides, as regards the identification of the "normal" tax regime, with that which must be carried out to ascertain whether the measure in question has the effect of conferring an advantage on its beneficiaries <em>(Fachverband Spielhallen eV)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-09-20T22:00:00Z">21 September 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 208</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115736 introduction entry-content"> <p>In the case of a tax measure, must the existence of an advantage and its selective nature be assessed jointly in order to classify the measure as State aid? In essence, this was the question at the heart of the judgment under review, which the Court answered in the affirmative. <br class='autobr' /> The case that&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2023/chroniques/aviation-sector-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-provides" rel="bookmark"><strong>Aviation sector:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union provides clarification on how the General Court of the European Union is to assess the admissibility of actions brought against a decision, taken on the basis of Article 108(3) TFEU, finding that aid is compatible with the internal market <em>(Land Rheinland-Pfalz / Deutsche Lufthansa AG)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-09-13T22:00:00Z">14 September 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 184</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115731 introduction entry-content"> <p>The financing of Frankfurt-Hahn airport and the airlines that use it is decidedly an inexhaustible source of State aid litigation (see, for example, CJUE, Nov. 21, 2013, Deutsche Luthansa, aff. C-284/12, EU:C:2013:755, comm. J. Derenne, Concurrences, n° 1-2014, pp. 144-147Trib. EU, April 12,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2023/chroniques/aviation-sector-the-european-commission-extends-the-possibility-of-granting" rel="bookmark"><strong>Aviation sector</strong>: The European Commission extends the possibility of granting operating aid to certain regional airports</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-07-10T22:00:00Z">11 July 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 112</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115728 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to allow them sufficient time to adapt to changes in the air transport market, the 2014 guidelines on state aid to airports and airlines (OJ 2014, C 99, p. 3) authorized, under the conditions set out in point 5.1.2 and for a transitional period, the granting of operating aid to regional&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2023/chroniques/general-block-exemption-regulation-the-european-commission-publishes-in-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Foreign subsidies: </strong>The European Commission publishes in the Official Journal the regulation amending the General Block Exemption Regulation and aimed, in particular, at facilitating support for the ecological and digital transitions</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-06-22T22:00:00Z">23 June 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 263</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-115727 introduction entry-content"> <p>On March 9, 2023, the Commission approved a draft regulation amending Regulation No. 651/2014, of June 17, 2014, declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market (GBER). The amendments introduced aim, among other objectives, to adapt State aid regulations to the Union’s&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2023/chroniques/brexit-the-european-commission-releases-a-new-communication-outlining-the-legal" rel="bookmark"><strong>Brexit</strong>: The European Commission releases a new communication outlining the legal framework for State aid since the end of the Brexit transition period, especially concerning Northern Ireland, following the adoption of the Windsor framework</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-06-08T22:00:00Z">9 June 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 127</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113728 introduction entry-content"> <p>On February 27, 2023, an agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union amended the Northern Ireland Protocol annexed to the UK Withdrawal Agreement, now referred to, in its amended version, as the "Windsor Framework". In order to set out the applicable state aid situation following&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2023/chroniques/notion-of-interested-party-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms" rel="bookmark"><strong>Notion of "interested party"</strong>: The General Court of the European Union confirms that a trade union representing the employees of an energy production company does not have the status of "interested party" enabling it to challenge a change in the regulated tariffs for the sale of electricity <em>(Unsa Énergie)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-06-06T22:00:00Z">7 June 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 167</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113785 introduction entry-content"> <p>As part of the liberalization of the electricity market, in 2011 the French authorities introduced a system of regulated access to historical nuclear electricity (ARENH), enabling alternative suppliers to purchase nuclear electricity produced by the incumbent operator, EDF, at a regulated price&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2023/chroniques/illegal-aids-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-upholds-the-order-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Illegal aid</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union upholds the order of the General Court dismissing as inadmissible the action brought by an undertaking against the Commission&#8217;s decision finding that Netherlands measures in favour of a private equity fund, complained of by that undertaking in a complaint, do not constitute State aid <em>(MKB Multifunds)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-05-09T22:00:00Z">10 May 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 232</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113745 introduction entry-content"> <p>In 2018, the Commission received a complaint from MKB Multifunds [hereinafter "MKB"], a Dutch private equity company, alleging that the Netherlands had granted illegal state aid to DVI. DVI is a private equity fund set up jointly by the Dutch authorities, a public development company and the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2023/chroniques/temporary-framework-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms-three" rel="bookmark"><strong>Temporary framework</strong>: The General Court of the European Union confirms three Commission decisions not to raise objections to three amendments to a Dutch aid scheme designed to support small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic <em>(Bastion)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-05-09T22:00:00Z">10 May 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 120</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113770 introduction entry-content"> <p>In three judgments handed down on the same day in broadly similar terms, the Court of First Instance upheld decisions by which the Commission had found, on the basis of the temporary framework, that there were no grounds for raising objections to three amendments made to a Dutch aid scheme&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2023/chroniques/air-sector-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-annuls-the-commission-s" rel="bookmark"><strong>Air sector</strong>: The General Court of the European Union annuls the Commission&#8217;s decision approving, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the recapitalisation of a German airline, on the grounds that the Commission made a number of errors in applying the temporary framework COVID-19 <em>(Ryanair / Condor)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-05-09T22:00:00Z">10 May 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 147</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113774 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to support the Lufthansa Group in the context of the Covid-19 health crisis, the German authorities decided to recapitalize Deutsche Lufthansa(DLH) to the tune of €6 billion, among other measures. This recapitalization consisted of (i) a capital participation of around 300 million&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2023/chroniques/lack-of-assistance-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-upholds-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Lack of assistance</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union upholds the judgment of the General Court dismissing an action brought against a Commission decision rejecting a complaint alleging unlawful aid to public hospitals in the Italian region of Lazio <em>(Casa Regina Apostolorum della Pia Società delle Figlie di San Paolo)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-04-26T22:00:00Z">27 April 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 333</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-113805 introduction entry-content"> <p>In Italy, the healthcare system is organized within the framework under the National Health Service (SSN), established by a 1978 law. The SSN was reformed in 1992 and 1999, in particular with the introduction of a contractual system, the principle of free patient choice, and the possibility of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2023/chroniques/amendment-the-european-commission-amends-the-general-block-exemption-regulation" rel="bookmark"><strong>Amendment</strong>: The European Commission amends the General Block Exemption Regulation to facilitate support for ecological and digital transitions and to ensure its consistency with recent texts and the current economic context</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-03-08T23:00:00Z">9 March 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 241</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112607 introduction entry-content"> <p>On March 9, 2023, the Commission approved a draft amendment to Regulation No. 651/2014, of June 17, 2014, declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market (GBER). This amendment aims to ensure the articulation between the GBER and various recently adopted frameworks and&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2023/chroniques/reforme-des-aides-d-etat-le-conseil-europeen-souhaite-que-les-procedures-en" rel="bookmark"><strong>Reform</strong> : The European Council wants simpler, faster and more predictable State aid procedures in order to strengthen the Union&#8217;s competitiveness and sovereignty</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-02-08T23:00:00Z">9 February 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 133</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112594 introduction entry-content"> <p>At its meeting on February 9, 2023, the European Council examined the economic situation of the Union in the geopolitical context of the conflict in Ukraine. In its conclusions, it reaffirmed the need to ensure the Union’s long-term competitiveness and productivity and to strengthen its&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2023/chroniques/football-club-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-holds-that-a-supporter" rel="bookmark"><strong>Admissibility</strong>: The General Court of the European Union holds that a supporter-shareholder of a soccer club does not have the status of an "interested party" allowing him to file a complaint against the granting of alleged aid to another soccer club <em>(PBL)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-02-07T23:00:00Z">8 February 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 124</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112629 introduction entry-content"> <p>Was the recruitment of Lionel Messi at Paris Saint-Germain Football Club(PSG) made possible by the granting of state aid? This is essentially the question - original to say the least - raised by the case that led to the judgment under review. However, it will not be answered in the latter, which&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2023/chroniques/shipyards-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-partially-annuls-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Shipyards</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union partially annuls the Commission&#8217;s decision on the Spanish tax leasing scheme for the financing and acquisition of ships, due to an error in the identification of the beneficiaries from whom the aid was to be recovered <em>(Espagne / Lico Leasing / Pequeños y Medianos Astilleros Sociedad de Reconversión)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-02-01T23:00:00Z">2 February 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 233</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112626 introduction entry-content"> <p>Almost 10 years after the Commission adopted a decision on the Spanish tax leasing regime [hereinafter "RELF"], the litigation saga arising from it has just had a new episode, thanks to a Court ruling of 2 February 2023. The complexity of the RELF makes it necessary to briefly recall its&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2023/chroniques/restructuring-aid-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-clarifies-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Restructuring aid</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union clarifies the admissibility of an action brought against a Commission decision, adopted without initiating the formal investigation procedure, taking into account commitments voluntarily given by a Member State when notifying an aid project <em>(Anthony Braesch)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2023-01-30T23:00:00Z">31 January 2023</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 154</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-112625 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Italian bank Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena [hereinafter "BMPS"] carried out a capital increase in 2008, underwritten by J. P. Morgan Securities [hereinafter "JPM"], by means of contracts (known as Fresh). JPM obtained the necessary funds from a financial institution, which issued bonds&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2023/chroniques/renewable-energy-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-dismisses-the-action" rel="bookmark"><strong>Renewable energy</strong>: The General Court of the European Union dismisses the action for failure to act brought by a Bulgarian electricity producer against the European Commission concerning the alleged failure to act on its complaint concerning State aid to producers of electricity from renewable sources <em>(Ekobulkos)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-12-20T23:00:00Z">21 December 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 116</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111296 introduction entry-content"> <p>By a 2016 decision, the Commission considered, without opening the formal investigation procedure, that the support scheme for the production of energy from renewable sources stemming from a 2011 law and 2004 and 2013 ordinances, was compatible with the internal market in accordance with Article&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2023/chroniques/renewable-energy-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-provides" rel="bookmark"><strong>Renewable energy</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union provides clarification regarding the incentive nature of state aid, in the context of the 2014 guidelines on state aid for environmental protection and energy <em>(Veejaam ; Espo / Elering)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-12-14T23:00:00Z">15 December 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 120</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111285 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to encourage the development of decarbonated energy, the Estonian authorities have set up a mechanism allowing electricity producers to obtain, under certain conditions, aid for the production of electricity from a renewable energy source. This aid could be paid within 12 years of the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2023/chroniques/agriculture-the-eu-commission-adopts-revised-state-aid-package-for-agriculture-111244" rel="bookmark"><strong>Agriculture</strong>: The EU Commission adopts revised state aid package for agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-12-13T23:00:00Z">14 December 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 234</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111244 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Commission presented a voluminous package of new rules on state aid in the agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture sectors on December 14, 2022. First, it adopted two new regulations, replacing Regulations No. 702/2014 (exemption regulation in the agriculture and forestry sectors;&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2023/chroniques/broadband-the-eu-commission-adopts-revised-state-aid-rules-for-broadband" rel="bookmark"><strong>Broadband</strong>: The EU Commission adopts revised state aid rules for broadband networks</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-12-11T23:00:00Z">12 December 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 113</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111248 introduction entry-content"> <p>The development of broadband communication networks may require the granting of state aid to address market failures and achieve the objectives set, in this regard, by the Union (in particular in the Communication of 14 September 2016, "Connectivity for a competitive digital single market -&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2023/chroniques/company-property-tax-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-confirms-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Company property tax</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union confirms the judgment of the General Court of the European Union dismissing an action brought against the decision of the European Commission by which it held, without initiating the formal investigation procedure, that the method used by the Irish authorities to determine the property tax of fossil-fuel electricity producers did not constitute State aid <em>(Irish Wind’s Farmers’ Association)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-11-16T23:00:00Z">17 November 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 82</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111286 introduction entry-content"> <p>In 2016, the Irish Wind Farmers’ Association [("IWFA")], an Irish association of wind farm operators, lodged a complaint with the Commission alleging that, through the method used by the Irish authorities for the reassessment of business property tax, fossil fuel power generators had received&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2023/chroniques/environment-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-considers-that-the-european" rel="bookmark"><strong>Compatibility</strong>: The General Court of the European Union considers that the Commission cannot rule on the compatibility of a national measure with the internal market without having first established that the measure constitutes State aid <em>(Pays-Bas)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-11-15T23:00:00Z">16 November 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 112</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111292 introduction entry-content"> <p>Can the Commission declare a national measure compatible with the internal market without first classifying it as State aid within the meaning of Article 107(1) TFEU? This is essentially the question that the Court of First Instance answered - in this case in the negative - in the judgment under&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2023/chroniques/sports-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-confirms-the-judgment-of-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Sports</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union confirms the judgment of the General Court of the European Union annulling a decision of the European Commission classifying as State aid incompatible with the common market a public guarantee granted to a Spanish professional soccer club for a bank loan <em>(Valencia Club de Fútbal)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-11-09T23:00:00Z">10 November 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 257</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111262 introduction entry-content"> <p>The judgment under commentary is set in the context of the proceedings initiated by the Commission concerning State aid granted to various Spanish professional soccer clubs (see, in this regard, Trib. EU, 26 Feb 2019, Athletic Club, T-679/16, EU:T:2019:112, Trib. EU, Feb. 26, 2019, Fútbol Club&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2023/chroniques/research-the-eu-commission-adopts-new-state-aid-framework-for-research" rel="bookmark"><strong>Research</strong>: The EU Commission adopts new state aid framework for research, development and innovation</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-10-18T22:00:00Z">19 October 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 80</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111240 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to promote the financing by Member States of research, development and innovation activities [hereafter "RDI"], the Commission has adopted a new framework in these areas. The purpose of the framework is to take into account regulatory, economic and technological developments, as well as&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2023/chroniques/111287" rel="bookmark"><strong>Agricultural sector</strong>: The General Court of the European Union confirms that interest rate subsidies and State guarantees on existing and new loans granted to undertakings established in Greek territories affected by serious fires in 2007 constitute State aid incompatible with the internal market <em>(Sogia Ellas AE)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-10-18T22:00:00Z">19 October 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 84</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-111287 introduction entry-content"> <p>In 2007, Greece was the scene of very large forest fires, during which, despite the declaration of a state of emergency and a major mobilization of international solidarity, 85 people lost their lives and 270,000 hectares were burned. In order to support the companies present in the affected&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2022/chroniques/double-taxation-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-considers-that-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Double taxation</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that the authorities of a Member State responsible for the recovery of aid may apply, for the purposes of determining the amount to be recovered, a national provision providing for a mechanism to prevent double taxation <em>(Fossil)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-09-14T22:00:00Z">15 September 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 308</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109606 introduction entry-content"> <p>Under a 2010 Income Tax Act [hereinafter "ITA 2010"], passive interest income and intellectual property royalties [hereinafter "relevant income"] were not considered taxable income in Gibraltar. The same Act also introduced a mechanism for the avoidance of double taxation in section 37.&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2022/chroniques/electricity-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms-the-european" rel="bookmark"><strong>Electricity</strong>: The General Court of the European Union confirms the European Commission&#8217;s decision approving a modification of the Italian electricity capacity mechanism <em>(Tirreno Power / Set)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-09-06T22:00:00Z">7 September 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 141</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109601 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to address the failures of the electricity market, due in particular to the intermittency of certain resources, and to guarantee the availability of a sufficient amount of electrical capacity, the Italian authorities wished, in 2017, to set up a capacity mechanism. Specifically, this&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2022/chroniques/transports-the-european-commission-proposes-to-the-council-of-the-european" rel="bookmark"><strong>Transports</strong>: The European Commission proposes to the Council of the European Union to adopt a regulation allowing it to declare certain aid for the greenest transport compatible with the internal market and to exempt it from the notification obligation</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-07-05T22:00:00Z">6 July 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 111</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-109607 introduction entry-content"> <p>While the 2008 guidelines on state aid to the rail sector are currently being revised to adapt them to regulatory and market developments and to the Union’s environmental priorities arising, in particular, from the Green Pact for Europe, the Commission has proposed to the Council that it adopt&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2022/chroniques/de-minimis-the-european-commission-launches-a-public-consultation-on-de-minimis" rel="bookmark"><strong>De minimis</strong>: The European Commission launches a public consultation on de minimis aid in order to increase the amount and improve transparency</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-06-26T22:00:00Z">27 June 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 155</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108168 introduction entry-content"> <p>After being extended by Regulation No 2020/972 (OJ 2020 L 215, p.3), Regulation 1407/2013 on de minimis de minimis aid (OJ 2013 L 352, p. 1), should expire on 31 December 2023. It was therefore necessary for the Commission to Commission to take stock of its application and to draw up&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2022/chroniques/competition-policy-the-european-commission-launches-a-public-consultation-on" rel="bookmark"><strong>Competition policy</strong>: The European Commission launches a public consultation on state aid rules for banks in difficulty</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-06-08T22:00:00Z">9 June 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 123</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108164 introduction entry-content"> <p>Since the financial crisis of 2008, the Commission has adopted several communications, which now constitute a comprehensive a comprehensive set of rules on state aid to banks in difficulty. to banks in difficulty. These include include, in particular, the Communication on the recapitalisation of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2022/chroniques/firm-in-difficulty-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Firm in difficulty</strong>: The General Court of the European Union confirms the compatibility of the rescue aid granted to a German airline and clarifies the concept of “difficulty” referred to in the Guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty <em>(Ryanair)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-05-17T22:00:00Z">18 May 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 141</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108210 introduction entry-content"> <p>In a previous issue of this column, the term "habitual claimant" was attributed to Ryanair to Ryanair, whose appeals against the aid granted to to its competitors has multiplied since 2020 (see Concurrences n° 3-2021, p. 148). The reader can see that the period under review that the period under&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2022/chroniques/illegal-and-incompatible-aid-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms" rel="bookmark"><strong>Illegal and incompatible aid</strong>: The General Court of the European Union confirms that the decision of the European Commission finding that a loan guarantee granted to a Greek public company active in the mining sector constituted State aid <em>(Larko)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-05-03T22:00:00Z">4 May 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 192</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108192 introduction entry-content"> <p>With the judgment under the heading, the saga of the Larko cases - well known to the readers of this column (see, ECJ, 9 November 2017, Commission v. Greece, C-481/16, comm. R Vuitton, Concurrences No. 1-2018, pp. 134-136. 136 ; GCEU, 1 February 2018, Larko v. Commission, T-412/24, EU:T:2018:55&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2022/chroniques/admissibility-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-upholds-the-judgment" rel="bookmark"><strong>Admissibility</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union upholds the judgment of the General Court of the European Union dismissing the action brought against a decision of the European Commission relating to a Greek aid scheme for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources <em>(Solar Ileias Bompaina)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-04-06T22:00:00Z">7 April 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 189</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-108171 introduction entry-content"> <p>In a decision adopted in 2018, without opening the formal review procedure, the the formal review procedure, the Commission found that there were there were no grounds for objecting to a Greek aid scheme Greek aid scheme, introduced in 2014, in favor of installations using installations using&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2022/chroniques/transport-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-dismisses-the-appeals" rel="bookmark"><strong>Transport</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union dismisses the appeals against the judgment of the General Court of the European Union confirming the decision of the European Commission not to raise objections to a measure adopted by the Land of Lower Saxony in favour of the transport of passengers in vocational training <em>(GVN, Hermann Albers)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-03-23T23:00:00Z">24 March 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 319</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106613 introduction entry-content"> <p>By a decision of July 12, 2018, the Commission found that a law adopted in 2016 by the Land of Lower Saxony in order to ensure sufficient public transport services for travelers in the context of their vocational training, in particular by granting them a discount on season ticket fares, did not&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2022/chroniques/arbitration-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-rules-that-the-european" rel="bookmark"><strong>Arbitration</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union rules that the European Commission has jurisdiction to examine under State aid rules the compensation paid by Romania to Swedish investors in execution of an arbitration award made after the accession of that Member State <em>(European Food)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-01-24T23:00:00Z">25 January 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 184</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106597 introduction entry-content"> <p>This case could have been an opportunity for the EU courts to clarify the relationship between the provisions on state aid and bilateral investment treaties [(hereinafter "BITs")], particularly with regard to the arbitration tribunals they establish and the awards rendered by them. It is in this&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2022/chroniques/recovery-obligation-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-orders-greece-to" rel="bookmark"><strong>Recovery obligation</strong>: The Court of Justice of the European Union orders Greece to pay a lump sum of €5.500.000 and a semi-annual penalty payment of €4.368.000, due to its failure to comply with the recovery obligation of aid granted to a Greek mining company <em>(Larko)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2022-01-19T23:00:00Z">20 January 2022</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 150</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-106611 introduction entry-content"> <p>Larko is a Greek public company active in the mining sector, which the Greek authorities considered privatizing in 2012. Following a formal investigation procedure into 6 measures allegedly benefitting this company, the Commission adopted Decision 2014/539/EU in 2014 (OJ 2014 L 254, p. 24), by&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2022/chroniques/complaint-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-considers-that-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Notification:</strong> The General Court of the European Union considers that the complainants can only denounce, within the framework of Article 24(2) of Regulation 2015/1589, the unlawful aid that they consider incompatible with the internal market, and not those that they argue should be declared compatible by the European Commission <em>(Sun West)</em> <em>(Solar Electric)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-12-07T23:00:00Z">8 December 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 118</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105700 introduction entry-content"> <p>Is the beneficiary of unlawful state aid entitled to lodge a complaint under Article 24(2) of Regulation 2015/1589 in order to have the Commission declare it compatible with the internal market, despite the absence of a notification by the Member State concerned? This is essentially the question&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2022/chroniques/competition-policy-the-european-commission-adopts-new-communication-on-short" rel="bookmark"><strong>Competition Policy:</strong> The European Commission adopts new Communication on short-term export credit insurance</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-12-05T23:00:00Z">6 December 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 100</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105649 introduction entry-content"> <p>Adapted multiple times, the 2012 Communication on State aid in the field of export credit insurance expired, following several extensions, at the end of 2021. In order to replace it, the Commission has, following a public consultation, adopted a new communication on 6 December 2021. This&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/auteurs/benoit-blottin">Benoît Blottin</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/frederic-marty">Frédéric Marty</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/guillaume-dezobry">Guillaume Dezobry</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/auteurs/alexandre-eberhardt-le-prevost">Alexandre Eberhardt-Le Prévost</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/auteur/christine-le-bihan-graf">Christine Le Bihan-Graf</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/francesco-martucci">Francesco Martucci</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/auteurs/laure-rosenblieh">Laure Rosenblieh</a></span>, <span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/auteurs/marie-lamoureux-121287">Marie Lamoureux</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2021/dossier/competitive-issues-in-the-energy-sector" rel="bookmark">Competitive issues in the energy sector</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-10-31T23:00:00Z">November 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 2593</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103186 introduction entry-content"> <p>This On-topic proposes to bring together the views of academics and practitioners on competition issues in the energy sector. Among the many questions raised by this vast subject, the authors have chosen to focus on themes that invite the reader to understand the extent to which the fourth&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2022/chroniques/existing-aid-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-considers-that-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Existing aid:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that the amendment by the Italian authorities of an existing aid scheme for biodiesel does not constitute new aid, since that amendment consists in changing the criteria for the allocation of biodiesel quotas benefiting from a preferential rate of excise duty and does not affect the constituent elements of that scheme <em>(Eco Fox e.a.)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-10-27T22:00:00Z">28 October 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 103</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105661 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to develop the biodiesel market, Italy has set up multi-year support programs. <br class='autobr' /> Background <br class='autobr' /> These programs, which are derived from various legislative acts, provide for exemptions from excise duties on specific quantities for biodiesel producers. The Commission was notified of and&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2022/chroniques/state-aid-notion-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms-the-european-en" rel="bookmark"><strong>Notion of State aid:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms the European Commission&#8217;s decision that the exemption from network charges, which benefited large German electricity consumers in 2012 and 2013, constituted illegal state aid and was incompatible with the internal market <em>(Covestro Deutschland / AZ / Infineon Technologies Dresden / Wepa Hygieneprodukt)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-10-05T22:00:00Z">6 October 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 130</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-105695 introduction entry-content"> <p>The German Energy Supply Act of 2011 organizes the system of network charges in Germany. <br class='autobr' /> Background <br class='autobr' /> In particular, it provides for the payment of a network fee by electricity consumers to network operators, the amount of which is determined by distinguishing between a general method and a&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2021/chroniques/compatible-aid-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-rejects-the-appeal" rel="bookmark"><strong> Compatible aid:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union rejects the appeal against the judgment of the General Court of the European Union confirming the decision of the European Commission classifying Czech measures in favour of producers of electricity from renewable energy sources as compatible with the common market (<em>FVE Holýšov</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-09-15T22:00:00Z">16 September 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 118</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103388 introduction entry-content"> <p>By a decision of 28 November 2016, the Commission, without initiating the formal investigation procedure, found that the support measures implemented by the Czech authorities for producers of electricity from renewable energy sources ["RES"], and in particular photovoltaics, constituted an&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2021/chroniques/compatible-aid-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-dismisses-as" rel="bookmark"><strong>Compatible aid:</strong> The General Court of the European Union dismisses as inadmissible the action brought by French fishermen against the European Commission&#8217;s decision declaring State aid granted by France to six offshore wind farms compatible with the internal market (<em>CAPA</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-09-14T22:00:00Z">15 September 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 288</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103424 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to support the construction and operation of six offshore wind farms off the Channel and Atlantic coasts, the French authorities have granted, following various calls for tenders, aid in the form of electricity purchase tariffs above market prices. In a decision of 26 July 2019, the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2021/chroniques/sgei-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-annuls-the-european-commission-s-en" rel="bookmark"><strong>SGEI:</strong> The General Court of the European Union annuls the European Commission&#8217;s decision not to raise objections to amendments made by Lithuania to aid granted for the operation of an LNG terminal in the port of Klaipėda (<em>Achema, Achema Gas Trade</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-09-07T22:00:00Z">8 September 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 201</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103422 introduction entry-content"> <p>While the litigation concerning the aid granted for the construction and operation of the liquefied natural gas terminal ["LNG"] of the Lithuanian port of Klaipėda seemed to reach an epilogue with a recent judgment of the Court (CJEU, 29 April 2021, Achemos Grupė and Achema v Commission,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2021/chroniques/environment-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-dismisses-the-action" rel="bookmark"><strong>Environment:</strong> The General Court of the European Union dismisses the action brought by a Spanish company producing electricity by means of coal-fired power stations against the decision by which the European Commission initiated the formal investigation procedure in respect of environmental incentive measures for such power stations (<em>Naturgy Energy Group</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-09-07T22:00:00Z">8 September 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 101</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103431 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to reduce sulphur oxide emissions from coal-fired power plants, the Spanish authorities introduced, in 2007, support for investments in flue gas desulphurisation units at these plants. Considering that this measure constituted a State aid scheme and having doubts as to its&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2021/chroniques/lack-of-serious-difficulties-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms" rel="bookmark"><strong>Lack of serious difficulties:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms the decision of the European Commission by which it considered, without opening the formal investigation procedure, that the method used by the Irish authorities to determine the property tax of fossil fuel electricity producers did not constitute State aid (<em>Irish Wind&#8217;s Farmers&#8217; Association</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-07-06T22:00:00Z">7 July 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 117</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103416 introduction entry-content"> <p>In Ireland, business property tax is calculated on the basis of the annual net value [’NPV’] of property used for business purposes. This is, in essence, the annual amount of the potential rental of such property. Under a 2001 law, the NPV of all real estate has been revalued using four&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2021/chroniques/guidelines-the-european-commission-presents-its-draft-guidelines-on-state-aid" rel="bookmark"><strong> Guidelines:</strong> The European Commission presents its draft guidelines on state aid for climate, energy and the environment and invites interested parties to submit their comments</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-06-06T22:00:00Z">7 June 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 123</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-101977 introduction entry-content"> <p>After launching a public consultation in November 2020 (comm. R. Vuitton, Concurrences, n° 1-2021, p. 178), the Commission is continuing the process of revising the rules governing State aid for environmental protection and energy. It has now presented draft guidelines on state aid for climate,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2021/chroniques/guidelines-the-european-commission-presents-its-draft-guidelines-on-state-aid" rel="bookmark"><strong> Guidelines:</strong> The European Commission presents its draft guidelines on state aid for climate, energy and the environment </a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-06-06T22:00:00Z">7 June 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 346</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-103369 introduction entry-content"> <p>As announced in the previous issue of the magazine (Concurrences , No. 3-2021, p. 134), it seems appropriate to return in more detail to the draft guidelines on state aid for climate, environmental protection and energy (CEAA). <br class='autobr' /> General presentation <br class='autobr' /> The title of this project, which includes&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2021/chroniques/covid-19-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-annuls-three-european" rel="bookmark"><strong> Covid-19:</strong> The General Court of the European Union annuls three European Commission decisions approving aid granted to three airlines in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic on the grounds of inadequate reasoning, but suspends the effects of those annulments until new decisions are adopted (<em>Ryanair</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-05-18T22:00:00Z">19 May 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 202</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-102030 introduction entry-content"> <p>They are falling as if at Gravelotte! It is therefore difficult to count the appeals lodged by Ryanair against the Commission’s decisions approving aid granted by various Member States to airlines to deal with the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. <br class='autobr' /> Background <br class='autobr' /> At the time of writing,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2021/chroniques/annulment-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-annuls-the-european" rel="bookmark"><strong> Annulment:</strong> The General Court of the European Union annuls the European Commission&#8217;s decision not to raise objections to operating aid granted to Frankfurt-Hahn airport (<em>Deutsche Lufthansa</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-05-18T22:00:00Z">19 May 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 114</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-102033 introduction entry-content"> <p>The judgment under comment is set in the general context of the aid granted by the German authorities to Frankfurt-Hahn airport(HHN) and to Ryanair, the company using that airport, and the litigation which arose from it (Trib. EU, 12 April 2019, Deutsche Lufthansa v Commission, T-492/15,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2021/chroniques/101980" rel="bookmark"><strong> SGEI:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union dismisses the appeal against the judgment of the General Court of the European Union confirming the decision of the European Commission declaring aid granted by Lithuania for the construction of an LNG terminal in the port of Klaipėda compatible with the internal market (<em>Achemos &amp; Achema</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-04-28T22:00:00Z">29 April 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 201</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-101980 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to secure its natural gas supply and decrease its dependence on the Russian supplier Gazprom, Lithuania commissioned Klaipėdos Nafta ["KN"], a company more than 70% owned by the state, to develop a plan for the construction of a liquefied natural gas terminal ["LNG"] and carry out its&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2021/chroniques/recovery-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-finds-that-spain-has-failed" rel="bookmark"><strong> Recovery:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union finds that Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations by not recovering aid paid to a company for the deployment of digital terrestrial television in Castilla-La Mancha (<em>Espagne / Commission</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-04-28T22:00:00Z">29 April 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 118</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-101988 introduction entry-content"> <p>By Decision (EU) 2016/1385 (OJ 2016 L 222, p. 52), the Commission found that the State aid granted by the Spanish authorities to Telecom Castilla-La Mancha [’TCLM’] and Cellnex in order to ensure the roll-out of DTT in the community of Castilla-La Mancha was unlawful and incompatible with the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2021/chroniques/existing-aid-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms-the-decision-of" rel="bookmark"><strong> Existing aid:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms the decision of the European Commission in which it held, without initiating the formal investigation procedure, that the financial support provided by the Land of Lower Saxony to associations operating in the social field constituted, in so far as it could be classified as State aid, existing aid (<em>Verband Deutscher Alten und Behindertenhilfe and CarePool Hannover</em>) </a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-04-13T22:00:00Z">14 April 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 104</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-101998 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to support associations working in the social field, the Land of Lower Saxony has been providing them with financial support since 1956. These associations provide services which may be of an economic nature (outpatient, hospital or mixed care) or non-economic (help and accommodation&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2021/chroniques/advantage-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-censures-the-judgment-by" rel="bookmark"><strong>Advantage:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union censures the judgment by which the General Court of the European Union annulled the decision of the European Commission declaring as illegal and incompatible State aid the tax advantage received by a Barcelonan professional football club (<em>Fútbol Club Barcelona</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-03-03T23:00:00Z">4 March 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 225</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100552 introduction entry-content"> <p>After the Court of First Instance had to deal with numerous appeals concerning State aid granted to Spanish professional football clubs (Trib. EU, 26 Feb 2019, Athletic Club, T-679/16, EU:T:2019:112, Trib. EU, 26 Feb 2019, Fútbol Club Barcelona, T-865/16, EU:T:2019:113, Trib. EU, 22 Mar 2019,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2021/chroniques/interest-in-bringing-proceedings-the-general-court-of-the-european-union" rel="bookmark"><strong>Interest in bringing proceedings:</strong> The General Court of the European Union declares admissible the action bondholders, issued in the context of the capital increase of an Italian bank, directed against the decision of the European Commission approving on the basis of the Article 107 (3) (b) TFEU, at the end of the preliminary examination phase, aids granted to this bank, in return of a restructuring plan and commitments offered by the Italian authorities (<em>Braesch</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-02-23T23:00:00Z">24 February 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 188</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100559 introduction entry-content"> <p>In 2008, the Italian bank Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena ["BMPS"] carried out a capital increase fully underwritten by J. P. Morgan Securities ["JPM"], by means of so-called Fresh contracts. J. P. Morgan Securities obtained the necessary funds from a financial institution ["MUJF"], which issued&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2021/chroniques/action-for-damages-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-dismisses-the-action" rel="bookmark"><strong>Action for damages:</strong> The General Court of the European Union dismisses the action brought by a complainant seeking compensation for the damage allegedly suffered as a result of the failure to initiate a formal investigation procedure against the measures implemented by the French authorities in favor of an investment fund (<em>KC</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-01-19T23:00:00Z">20 January 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 237</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100557 introduction entry-content"> <p>In 2016, the Commission received a complaint concerning alleged non-notified State aid granted by the French authorities to an investment fund managed by a private company. Following numerous exchanges with the Commission, and in particular an indication by the Commission that it considered that&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2021/chroniques/existing-aid-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-dismisses-as-inadmissible" rel="bookmark"><strong>Existing aid:</strong> The General Court of the European Union dismisses as inadmissible the action brought by a provider of digital support solutions for learning and teaching, directed against the decision of the European Commission declaring that the measures adopted by the German authorities in favor of a public company offering IT management services to higher education establishments constitute existing aid on the basis of Article 1 (b), (v) of the regulation 2015/1589 (<em>Datenlotsen Informationssysteme</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-01-17T23:00:00Z">18 January 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 187</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100555 introduction entry-content"> <p>Following a complaint from Datenlotsen Informationssysteme (DI), a company offering digital support solutions for learning and teaching, the Commission opened a formal investigation into measures, in particular tax measures, adopted by the German authorities between 1976 and 2013 in favour of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2021/chroniques/state-resources-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-considers-that-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>State resources:</strong> The General Court of the European Union considers that the French system for financing training for driving construction machinery does not constitute State aid, due to the lack of intervention by means of State resources (<em>Bezouaoui, HB Consultant</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2021-01-12T23:00:00Z">13 January 2021</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 138</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-100554 introduction entry-content"> <p>In accordance with the obligations arising from Union law on safety and health at work, employers must provide adequate training for their workers operating construction equipment. <br class='autobr' /> Background <br class='autobr' /> To this end, in France, the Caisse nationale de l’assurance maladie des travailleurs salariés&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2021/chroniques/guidelines-the-european-commission-launches-a-public-consultation-for-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Guidelines:</strong> The European Commission launches a public consultation relating to the revision of the Energy and Environmental State aid guidelines</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-11-11T23:00:00Z">12 November 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 137</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-99204 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Commission has started the procedure to revise its guidelines on state aid for environmental protection and energy, which were adopted in 2014 and whose application has been extended by one year until 31 December 2021. To this end, after publishing an impact assessment in October 2020&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2021/chroniques/state-resources-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-considers-that-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>State resources:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that the financial support paid, within the framework of the French increased producer responsibility system, to operators in charge of treating waste from textile products does not constitute a State aid scheme (<em>Eco TLC</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-10-20T22:00:00Z">21 October 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 163</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-99168 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to implement the polluter pays principle in the field of waste management, the European Union adopted Directive 2008/98/EC (OJ 2008 L 312, p. 3). This Directive establishes a system of extended producer responsibility, whereby producers of products take financial and, where appropriate,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2021/chroniques/advantage-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-dismisses-the-actions-brought" rel="bookmark"><strong>Advantage:</strong> The General Court of the European Union dismisses the actions brought against the decision of the European Commission not to raise objections to a State measure in favour of the transport of travellers in vocational training (<em>GVN, Hermann Albers</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-10-04T22:00:00Z">5 October 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 150</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-99201 introduction entry-content"> <p>The dispute which gave rise to the judgments under comment has its origin in the adoption in 2016 by the Land of Lower Saxony of a law on local transport ["regional law"]. One provision of this law requires municipal transport authorities ["AOT"] to guarantee sufficient public transport services&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2020/chroniques/state-aid-scheme-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms-after-having" rel="bookmark"><strong>State aid scheme:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms, after having seen a first judgment overturned by the Court of Justice, a decision of the European Commission declaring the Spanish tax leasing scheme set up for the financing and acquisition of ships illegal and incompatible with the internal market (<em>Spain / Commission</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-09-22T22:00:00Z">23 September 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 272</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97655 introduction entry-content"> <p>The contentious series relating to the Spanish tax leasing scheme ("RELF"), which began in 2013, has just seen a new episode in the form of a judgment of the Court of First Instance of 23 September 2020. Before examining this judgment, it should be recalled that RELF is based on a complex&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2020/chroniques/incompatible-aid-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-declares-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Incompatible aid:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union declares the European Commission&#8217;s 2004 decision stating that the aid granted in the form of relief from social security contributions following the Erika disaster was illegal and incompatible with the common market, while it was seized of a request for interpretation of the terms and conditions for implementing this decision (<em>Compagnie des pêches de Saint-Malo</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-09-16T22:00:00Z">17 September 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 302</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97649 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to alleviate the consequences of the oil slick caused by the sinking of theErika in the Bay of Biscay on 12 December 1999 and the damage caused by the storm Lothar on 27 and 28 December 1999, France adopted support measures for fishermen and fish farmers in April and July 2000. These&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2020/chroniques/state-aid-regime-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-rejects-an-appeal" rel="bookmark"><strong>State aid scheme:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union rejects an appeal against the order of the General Court dismissing an action against the European Commission&#8217;s decision on the Spanish aid scheme for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources (<em>Abaco Energy</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-07-20T22:00:00Z">21 July 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 154</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97647 introduction entry-content"> <p>In a decision of 10 November 2017, the Commission found that there were no grounds for objection to the aid scheme introduced by the Spanish authorities in 2013 for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources. The scheme was intended to replace a previous aid scheme introduced in&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2020/chroniques/state-aid-regime-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-dismisses-an-action" rel="bookmark"><strong>State aid scheme:</strong> The General Court of the European Union dismisses an action brought against a decision of the European Commission relating to the Greek aid scheme of 2014 for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources (<em>Solar Ileias Bompaina</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-07-02T22:00:00Z">3 July 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 123</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-97652 introduction entry-content"> <p>In a decision of 10 October 2018, the Commission found that there were no grounds for objection to the Greek aid scheme introduced in 2014 for installations using renewable energy sources and high-efficiency combined heat and power. In particular, the scheme aimed at modifying the previous&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2020/chroniques/private-operator-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-confirms-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Private operator:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union confirms the conditions of implementation of the private operator principle by the European Commission and the review to be carried out by the judge in this regard (<em>BTB / Duferco</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-05-06T22:00:00Z">7 May 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 229</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-96320 introduction entry-content"> <p>In the final stage of the dispute concerning the aid granted to the Belgian steel group Duferco, the Court was called upon to clarify the conditions for the implementation by the Commission of the principle of the private operator and the review which the court must carry out in that regard.&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2020/chroniques/limitation-period-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-regulates-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Limitation period:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union regulates the application of national limitation periods in the context of recovery of interests relating to unlawful aid (<em>Nelson Antunes da Cunha</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-04-29T22:00:00Z">30 April 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 291</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-96317 introduction entry-content"> <p>When the ineffectiveness of the procedure for the recovery of State aid, leaving much room for the procedural autonomy of the Member State concerned, is combined with the prolonged inaction of the Member State to ensure the implementation of the aid to the beneficiary, but also with the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2020/chroniques/firm-in-difficulty-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-partially-annuls" rel="bookmark"><strong>Failing firm:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union partially annuls the judgment of the General Court of the European Union which confirmed that guarantees granted to a Greek mining company constituted State aid incompatible with the internal market (<em>Larko</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-25T23:00:00Z">26 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 266</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94506 introduction entry-content"> <p>This is the latest episode in a long-standing dispute, and the judgment under comment is set in the same context as that which led to the Court’s judgment of 9 November 2017, Commission v. Greece (C-481/16, comm. R Vuitton, ConcurrencesNo. 1-2018, pp. 134-136.) and the judgments of the Court of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2020/chroniques/incompatible-aid-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-annuls-the-decision-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Incompatible aid:</strong> The General Court of the European Union annuls the decision of the European Commission finding that guarantees granted by the Spanish public authorities to professional football clubs in the framework of bank loans taken out in order to proceed to an increase in their capital, are State aid incompatible with the internal market (<em>Valencia Club de Fútbol / Elche Club de Fútbol</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2020-03-11T23:00:00Z">12 March 2020</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 230</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-94511 introduction entry-content"> <p>After examining cases concerning state aid granted to professional football clubs in Barcelona, Bilbao, Alicante (Trib. EU, 26 Feb. 2019, Athletic Club, Case T-679/16, EU:T:2019:112, Trib. EU, 26 Feb. 2019, Fútbol Club Barcelona, Case T-865/16, EU:T:2019:113, Trib. UE, 22 Mar. 2019, Hércules&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2020/chroniques/admissibility-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-once-again-dismisses-as" rel="bookmark"><strong>Admissibility:</strong> The General Court of the European Union once again dismisses as inadmissible an action for annulment brought against the European Commission decision, qualifying the rescue measures of a Portuguese bank as State aid compatible with the internal market, due to the lack of standing to act of the applicants (<em>BPC Lux 2</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-12-18T23:00:00Z">19 December 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 119</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-93357 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to rescue Banco Espírito Santo (BES), the Portuguese authorities have decided to submit it to a resolution procedure. This involved the transfer of the healthy assets of BES to a ’bridge bank’ and the remaining assets and liabilities to a ’hive-off vehicle’. The assets of the BES&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2020/chroniques/inseparable-activities-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-confirms-that" rel="bookmark"><strong>Notion of aid:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union confirms that the financing of a Dutch platform for electronic procurement does not constitute State aid, since its activities cannot be dissociated and forms part of the exercise of public powers (<em>Aanbestedingskalender</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-11-06T23:00:00Z">7 November 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 207</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-93350 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to facilitate the award of public contracts, the Netherlands authorities set up a public electronic platform, known as TenderNed. This contains, inter alia, a module for publishing tender notices and award decisions and a module for submitting tenders. It also makes it possible to&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2020/chroniques/notion-of-aid-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-notes-that-the-spanish" rel="bookmark"><strong>Notion of aid:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union notes that the Spanish tax on the use of inland waters for the production of electricity is not selective and therefore does not constitute State aid (<em>UNESA</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-11-06T23:00:00Z">7 November 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 215</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-93351 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to ensure more efficient and environmentally friendly use, the Spanish authorities have introduced, by a law of 2012, a charge on the use of inland waters for the production of electricity, for which Spanish hydroelectric power producers are liable. This law was implemented by a decree&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2019/chroniques/public-consultation-the-european-commission-invites-member-states-and-other" rel="bookmark"><strong>Public consultation:</strong> The European Commission invites Member States and other stakeholders to comment on its proposal to exempt from notification aid granted through national funds for projects supported under European Union programmes managed centrally by the European Commission (<em>General Block Exemption Regulation</em>) </a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-09-26T22:00:00Z">27 September 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 133</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-92434 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Commission has launched a public consultation - closed at the time of writing this column - in order to seek the public’s opinion on a draft amendment to the General Block Exemption Regulation (OJ 2014, L 187, p. 1) to exempt from notification aid granted by national funds for projects also&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2019/chroniques/aid-scheme-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms-the-commission-s" rel="bookmark"><strong>Aid scheme:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms the Commission’s decision qualifying measures adopted by the Czech authorities in favour of producers of electricity generated from renewable energy sources as constituting a new aid scheme, implemented unlawfully, but compatible with the common market, on the basis of Article 107(3) (c) TFEU (<em>FVE Holýšov</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-09-19T22:00:00Z">20 September 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 170</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-92429 introduction entry-content"> <p>We have already had the opportunity, in a previous column, to highlight the inventiveness of the state authorities in terms of support measures for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources (RES). This inventiveness is matched only by the diversity and complexity of the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2019/chroniques/sgei-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms-the-decision-of-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>SGEI:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms the decision of the European Commission declaring the aid granted by Lithuania for the construction of an LNG terminal in the seaport of Klaipėda compatible with the internal market (<em>Achemos, Achema</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-09-11T22:00:00Z">12 September 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 286</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-92426 introduction entry-content"> <p>Lithuania’s natural gas supply is mainly dependent on a single supplier, Gazprom, whose commercial policy is largely influenced by geopolitical interests, which often diverge from those of EU Member States. In order to secure this supply, the Lithuanian authorities have commissioned Klaipėdos&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2019/chroniques/enforcement-the-european-commission-publishes-a-study-on-the-enforcement-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Enforcement:</strong> The European Commission publishes a study on the enforcement of State aid rules and decisions by national courts</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-07-29T22:00:00Z">30 July 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 145</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-92435 introduction entry-content"> <p>As was the case in 2006 and again in 2009, the Commission published a study on the enforcement of state aid rules and decisions by national courts. Covering all Member States, it is divided into four parts. First, it presents its legal background, objectives and methodology. This is followed by&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2019/chroniques/employment-aid-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-considers-that-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Employment aid:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that the European Commission’s Decision 2000/128/EC of 11 May 1999 concerning aid granted by Italy to promote employment is applicable to an undertaking which, on the basis of a direct and exclusive award by a municipality, has provided local public transport services and has benefited from reductions in social security contributions under national legislation which was declared by that decision to be incompatible, in part, with the common market (<em>Istituto nazionale della previdenza sociale / Azienda Napoletana Mobilità</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-07-28T22:00:00Z">29 July 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 196</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-92423 introduction entry-content"> <p>The facts underlying the case giving rise to the judgment under comment are particularly old. They go back to the adoption in 1984 by Italy of legislation to promote employment, which introduced a "training and work contract". This was a fixed-term contract, with a training period, for the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2019/chroniques/new-aid-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms-the-decision-of-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>New aid:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms the decision of the European Commission qualifying the investment subsidies granted to bus companies in the Île-de-France Region as constituting new aids, which are illegal but compatible with the common market (<em>Keolis, Transdev, Région Île-de-France, Optile, Ceobus, STIF-IDF</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-07-11T22:00:00Z">12 July 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 249</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-92425 introduction entry-content"> <p>Background <br class='autobr' /> In order to improve the public transport offer, the Île-de-France region adopted a decision in 1994, renewing a mechanism that had existed since 1979. The purpose of the decision was to grant aid to public authorities which had concluded contracts for the operation of regular bus&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2019/chroniques/recovery-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-confirms-that-a-decision-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Recovery:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union confirms that a decision of the European Commission concerning an aid scheme named “campaign plans,” implemented by France in the fruit and vegetable sector, covers aids paid to producers of cherries, despite the peculiarities of these aids (<em>Copebi</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-06-12T22:00:00Z">13 June 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 160</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-91598 introduction entry-content"> <p>Although the cherry season is short, this is not the case for disputes concerning State aid arising from the famous French "contingency plans". Indeed, these are - once again - in the news, thanks to the judgment under commentary concerning the recovery of aid paid to cherry producers. As we&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2019/chroniques/selective-advantage-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-annuls-a-decision-91592" rel="bookmark"><strong>Selective advantage:</strong> The General Court of the European Union annuls a decision of the European Commission finding that a Spanish professional football club has benefited from a State aid, in the context of compensation awarded to it by a transactional agreement related to a dispute with a municipality (<em>Real Madrid Club</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-05-21T22:00:00Z">22 May 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 202</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-91592 introduction entry-content"> <p>After the cases concerning State aid to the football clubs of Barcelona, Bilbao and Alicante, mentioned in the previous issue of this column (Trib. EU, 26 Feb. 2019, Athletic Club, Case T-679/16, EU:T:2019:112, Trib. UE, 26 Feb. 2019, Fútbol Club Barcelona, Case T-865/16, EU:T:2019:113, Trib.&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2019/chroniques/compatibility-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-rejects-an-action-brought" rel="bookmark"><strong>Compatibility:</strong> The General Court of the European Union rejects an action brought by a firm of reinsurance against a decision of the European Commission adopted in the preliminary examination phase and declaring compatible with the internal market the unlimited guarantee granted by France to a company for its natural disaster risk reinsurance business (<em>Scor</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-05-05T22:00:00Z">6 May 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 155</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-91595 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Court of Justice of the European Union has already had occasion to approach the reinsurance activity from the point of view of the provisions on State aid. It has been so in particular in cases concerning guarantees granted by a national public institution for risks relating to foreign trade&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2019/chroniques/jurisdiction-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-considers-that-a" rel="bookmark"><strong>Jurisdiction:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that a national court cannot assess whether a residence condition provided by a mechanism for the refund of dividend tax complies with Article 63(1) TFEU, where this mechanism constitutes an aid scheme (<em>A-Fonds</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-05-01T22:00:00Z">2 May 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 192</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-91600 introduction entry-content"> <p>Does a national court have jurisdiction to assess the compatibility of a condition for the application of an aid scheme which is inseparably linked to the subject-matter of the scheme? That question, which is not new, was again referred to the Court in A-Fonds, with the particularity that the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2019/chroniques/existing-aid-the-french-administrative-supreme-court-considers-that-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Existing aid:</strong> The French Administrative Supreme Court considers that the substantial increase in the proceeds of the taxes financing the aid scheme for the cinema and the audiovisual sector does not constitute a modification of existing aid which has to be notified to the European Commission (<em>Carrefour Hypermarchés, Fnac...</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-04-11T22:00:00Z">12 April 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 175</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-91586 introduction entry-content"> <p>The judgment under comment puts an end to a dispute initiated by several companies, including Carrefour Hypermarkets and Fnac, which wanted to obtain the reimbursement of the tax on the sale and rental of videograms for private use that they had had to pay. The purpose of this tax, like the tax&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2019/chroniques/tax-advantage-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-examines-the-legality-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Tax advantage:</strong> The General Court of the European Union examines the legality of decisions of the European Commission concerning the measures in favor of Spanish professional football clubs (<em>Athletic Club / Fútbol Club Barcelona / Hércules Club de Fútbol</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-02-25T23:00:00Z">26 February 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 257</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-90449 introduction entry-content"> <p>The situation of professional football clubs has for several years been the subject of particular attention by the Commission under the State aid rules. Therefore, in October 2012, the Commission sent a letter to all Member States to gather information on the financing of these clubs. As a&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2019/chroniques/nouvelle-traduction-circulaire-the-french-prime-minister-publishes-a-circular" rel="bookmark"><strong>Circular:</strong> The French Prime Minister sets out the principles of national rules on the granting of State aid in order to secure the granting of public funding for projects with economic implications and to ensure that the European legal framework is respected (<em>Application of European competition rules on public aid to economic activities</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-02-04T23:00:00Z">5 February 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 153</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-90461 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Prime Minister’s Circular of 5 February 2019 on the application of European competition rules relating to public aid to economic activities, on the one hand, provides administrations with the information and methodology needed to understand the regulations on State aid and, on the other&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2019/chroniques/statute-of-limitations-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-rules-that" rel="bookmark"><strong>Statute of limitations:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union rules that the expiration of the 10-year limitation period for the recovery of unlawful State aid does not deprive of any basis an action for damages brought against the Member State which granted them (<em>Fallimento Traghetti del Mediterraneo</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2019-01-22T23:00:00Z">23 January 2019</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 308</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-90439 introduction entry-content"> <p>The aid granted by the Italian authorities to the Tirrenia shipping group is regularly brought before the Italian and European courts. This veritable judicial saga is akin, for the Union judge, to the plaster of Captain Haddock in the "Tournesol case" (see, in particular, Court judgments of 9&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2019/chroniques/existing-aid-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-considers-that-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Existing aid:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that the amendment of the German public broadcasting financing scheme does not constitute a modification of an existing aid (<em>Rittinger e.a.</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-12-12T23:00:00Z">13 December 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 147</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-89296 introduction entry-content"> <p>Like many Member States, German public broadcasting is financed by advertising and other commercial revenues, but also, mainly, by tax resources. Initially, in Germany, the latter came from an audiovisual licence fee payable for the possession of audiovisual reception equipment ("one equipment;&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2019/chroniques/the-general-court-of-the-european-union-annuls-a-decision-of-the-european-89303" rel="bookmark"><strong>Incompatibility:</strong> The General Court of the European Union annuls a decision of the European Commission concerning the aid for the financing of milk quality tests in Bavaria, because of a breach of the right of the parties concerned to be involved in the administrative procedure (<em>Freistaat Bayern ; Interessengemeinschaft privater Milchverarbeiter Bayerns e.a.</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-12-11T23:00:00Z">12 December 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 96</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-89303 introduction entry-content"> <p>In Germany, milk quality is traditionally assured by independent quality tests. In Bavaria, these tests are financed by resources from a levy imposed on milk purchasers by a Federal Milk and Fat Law (hereinafter ’the MFG’) and from the general budget of that Land. <br class='autobr' /> Background <br class='autobr' /> On 17 July 2013,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2019/chroniques/service-of-general-economic-interest-the-general-court-of-the-european-union" rel="bookmark"><strong>Service of general economic interest:</strong> The General Court of the European Union dismisses actions brought against a decision declaring compatible with Article 106 (2) TFEU various measures granted in the field of social housing, such as amended by commitments taken by the Dutch authorities (<em>Stichting Woonlinie e.a.</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-11-14T23:00:00Z">15 November 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 252</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-89300 introduction entry-content"> <p>The judicial saga of the Dutch housing companies (woningcorporaties or wocos) has just been taken a step further by a judgment of the Court of First Instance of 15 November, ruling on actions brought by those non-profit-making bodies whose task is, inter alia, to acquire, build and rent out&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2019/chroniques/recovery-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-condemns-greece-due-to-its" rel="bookmark"><strong>Recovery:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union condemns Greece due to its delay in recovering incompatible aids granted to a company owning a civilian and military shipyard (<em>Ellinika Nafpigeia</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-11-13T23:00:00Z">14 November 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 166</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-89295 introduction entry-content"> <p>Very classical in principle, the judgment under comment is in line with previous "failure on failure" judgments concerning the non-performance of a State aid recovery obligation (see, for example, recently, CJEU, 17 Sept. 2015, Commission v. Italy, case C-367/14, EU:C:2015:611, comm. R. Vuitton,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2019/chroniques/existing-aid-the-french-administrative-supreme-court-considers-that-state" rel="bookmark"><strong>Existing aid:</strong> The French Administrative Supreme Court considers that State liability cannot be incurred due to the implementation of an existing aid for the period prior to the Commission’s decision declaring its incompatibility with the common market (<em>Ryanair</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-10-24T22:00:00Z">25 October 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 571</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-89308 introduction entry-content"> <p>The question of the liability of the State for the granting of State aid is currently the subject of numerous developments in the case law of the French administrative courts. For example, having established that the recovery, even if late, of unlawful aid cannot engage the State’s&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2018/chroniques/proceeds-of-the-tax-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-considers-that" rel="bookmark"><strong> Proceeds of the tax:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that the increase of the proceeds of a tax, which is financing authorized aid schemes, compared with the forecasts notified to the European Commission, constitutes a modification of an existing aid, unless that increase is below the 20% threshold provided for in the second sentence of Article 4 (1) of Regulation No 794/2004 (<em>Carrefour Hypermarkets</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-09-19T22:00:00Z">20 September 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 267</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-88243 introduction entry-content"> <p>Does a substantial increase in the revenue from a tax financing an aid scheme authorised by the Commission compared with the forecasts provided when the scheme was notified constitute ’new aid’? <br class='autobr' /> That is, in essence, the question which the Court was called upon to answer in the context of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2018/chroniques/service-of-general-economic-interest-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union" rel="bookmark"><strong>Service of general economic interest:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union rejects an application for annulment of a European Commission’s decision in the case for or the deployment of digital terrestrial television in Castilla-La Mancha in Spain (<em>Spain / Commission</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-09-19T22:00:00Z">20 September 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 190</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-88245 introduction entry-content"> <p>A new, and perhaps final, episode in the litigation concerning the Spanish measures to finance the deployment of digital terrestrial television has just come to light, in so far as those measures concern the Community of Castile-La Mancha. It will be recalled that the actions brought by Spain,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2019/chroniques/advantage-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-rejects-actions-lodged-by" rel="bookmark"><strong>Advantage:</strong> The General Court of the European Union rejects actions lodged by beneficiaries of aids granted by Belgium to the steel sector (<em>Duferco Long Products&nbsp;; BTB Investments, Duferco Participations</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-09-17T22:00:00Z">18 September 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 167</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-89297 introduction entry-content"> <p>Following the judgment of 28 November 2017, Steel Invest &amp; Finance (Case T-254/16, EU:T:2017:842, comm. R. Vuitton, ConcurrencesNo 1-2018, pp. 141-143.), the aid granted to the Belgian steel group Duferco gave rise to two new decisions of the Court of First Instance, the main lessons of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2018/chroniques/spanish-tax-lease-scheme-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-annuls-in" rel="bookmark"><strong>Spanish tax lease scheme:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union annuls, in many respects, the judgment of the General Court of the European Union annulling the European Commission’s decision qualifying as illegal and incompatible with the internal market the Spanish tax lease scheme set up for the financing and the acquisition of ships (<em>Commission / Spain</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-07-24T22:00:00Z">25 July 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 232</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-88239 introduction entry-content"> <p>Issued as a result of the cases concerning the regime of participation of companies taxable in Spain in a foreign company (Trib. EU, 7 Nov. 2014, Autogrill España, case T-219/10, EU:T:2014:939 and Banco Santander and Santusa, case T-399/11, EU:T:2014:938, comm. J. Derenne, ConcurrencesNo.&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2018/chroniques/best-practices-the-european-commission-adopts-a-new-code-of-best-practices-for" rel="bookmark"><strong>Best practices:</strong> The European Commission adopts a new code of best practices for the conduct of State aid control procedures (<em>Code of best practices for the conduct of State aid control procedures</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-07-18T22:00:00Z">19 July 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 172</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-88254 introduction entry-content"> <p>On 16 July 2018, the Commission adopted, by means of a Communication, a new Code of Best Practices for the conduct of State aid control procedures (OJEU 2018, C 253, p. 14), which is part of the modernisation programme implemented over the last few years. This Code replaces the previous one,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2018/chroniques/seaports-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms-the-decision-of-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Seaports:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms the decision of the European Commission declaring the exemption from corporation income tax granted to six Dutch seaports incompatible with the internal market and ordering the Netherlands to abolish it <em>(Groningen Seaports)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-05-30T22:00:00Z">31 May 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 185</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-87695 introduction entry-content"> <p>As an essential infrastructure for the development of international trade, seaports are the subject of long-standing and substantial support from the Member States. In order to ensure fair competition between all EU ports and to clarify their situation under the State aid rules, the Commission&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2018/chroniques/authorized-aid-regime-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-confirms-that" rel="bookmark"><strong> Authorized aid regime: </strong>The Court of Justice of the European Union confirms that an authorized State aid regime by the Commission does not compel a Member State to grant an aid to an undertaking on the basis of this regime when the undertaking does not comply with other conditions provided in national law <em>(Yanchev)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-05-29T22:00:00Z">30 May 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 117</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-87633 introduction entry-content"> <p>In a case brought by a Bulgarian court, in a dispute between the tax authorities and a farmer, the Court recalled that, while Article 108(3) TFEU requires Member States to notify the Commission of their plans for State aid before they are put into effect, it does not, on the other hand, require&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2018/chroniques/the-french-administrative-supreme-court" rel="bookmark"><strong>State liability: </strong> The French Administrative Supreme Court rejects the appeal of an undertaking challenging the State&#8217;s liability for the recovery of unlawful aid <em>(MJA)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-05-29T22:00:00Z">30 May 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 202</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-87697 introduction entry-content"> <p>The saga of aid to the Coopérative d’exportation du livre français (CELF) has just been taken a step further. The Conseil d’État has been called upon to rule on an appeal concerning a liability action brought by the liquidator of CELF against the French State, which sought compensation for&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2018/chroniques/service-d-interet-economique-general-la-cour-de-justice-de-l-union-europeenne-87627" rel="bookmark"><strong>SGEI:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union confirms that subsidies granted to Spanish operators for the deployment of digital terrestrial television in the community of Castilla-La Mancha constitutes a State aid incompatible with the internal market <em>(Cellnex Telecom, Telecom Castilla-La Mancha)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-04-25T22:00:00Z">26 April 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 311</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-87627 introduction entry-content"> <p>The present case is set against the background, now well known because of the ensuing litigation, of the measures to finance the roll-out of digital terrestrial television, which were adopted by Spain between 2005 and 2009. It will therefore be recalled that in 2010 the Commission opened two&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2018/chroniques/preliminary-examination-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-partially" rel="bookmark"><strong>Preliminary examination:</strong> The General Court of the European Union partially annuls the European Commission’s decision finding, at the end of a formal investigation procedure, that measures granted to a shipping company using a port in Gran Canaria did not constitute State aid (<em>Naviera Armas</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-03-14T23:00:00Z">15 March 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 207</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-86952 introduction entry-content"> <p>While not regarded as a model of brevity, the judgment in the Naviera Armas case provides interesting insights into the determination of the existence of serious difficulties in the preliminary phase of the examination of an aid measure and the Commission’s obligation of diligent examination in&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2018/chroniques/interest-in-bringing-an-action-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-rejects" rel="bookmark"><strong>Interest in bringing an action:</strong> The General Court of the European Union rejects appeals against decisions adopted by the European Commission in the context of State aids granted to a Greek mining company subject to a disposal plan (<em>Larko</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-01-31T23:00:00Z">1 February 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 246</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-86949 introduction entry-content"> <p>The context of the judgments under comment is the same as that which led to the Court’s judgmentof 9 November 2017, Commission v. Greece (Case C-481/16).which was the subject of a comment in the previous issue of the magazine Concurrences (comm. R Vuitton, Concurrences No. 1-2018, pp. 134-136).&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2018/chroniques/prescription-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms-the-european" rel="bookmark"><strong>Prescription:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms the European Commission&#8217;s decision, adopted following the annulment of a first decision, considering that certain measures implemented in favour of the manager of Charleroi airport were illegal and incompatible with the internal market (<em>BSCA</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-01-24T23:00:00Z">25 January 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 199</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-86947 introduction entry-content"> <p>Almost ten years after the first judgment concerning aid granted in the context of Charleroi airport (Trib. EU, 17 Dec. 2008, Ryanair, Case T-196/04, comm. J. Derenne, Concurrences n° 1-2009, pp. 157-158), the Court of First Instance has just issued a new decision, this time confirming the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2018/chroniques/failure-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-finds-that-greece-has-failed" rel="bookmark"><strong>Failure to recover:</strong> The Court of justice of the European Union finds that Greece has failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to recover the aid granted to a company in difficulty whose bankruptcy proceedings have been suspended by Greek authorities (<em>Commission/Greece</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2018-01-16T23:00:00Z">17 January 2018</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 199</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-86942 introduction entry-content"> <p>While this case serves to illustrate the classical case-law according to which the difficulties experienced by an undertaking do not affect the obligation to recover aid from it, it highlights once again the slowness with which the Commission can establish the failure to comply with this&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2018/chroniques/xxx-xxx-steel-invest-finance" rel="bookmark"><strong>Subsidized loan:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms that the subsidized loan granted by Belgian authorities to the Luxembourg holding of a steel group active in Belgium constitutes a State aid incompatible with the common market (<em>Steel Invest &amp; Finance</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-11-27T23:00:00Z">28 November 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 181</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-85946 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Duferco Group produces and sells steel in some 50 countries around the world. Established in Belgium in 1997, it acquired various steel sites until 2002. Following this wave of acquisitions, it had three subsidiaries in Belgium. <br class='autobr' /> In 2006, the Duferco Group entered into a strategic&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2018/chroniques/takeover-the-french-supreme-administrative-court-applies-a-court-of-justice-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Takeover:</strong> The French Supreme Administrative Court applies a Court of justice of the European Union’s caselaw on State aid recovery when the beneficiary undertaking was subject to a takeover but has retained its legal personality and has continued to carry out, for its own account, the activities subsidized by the State aid (<em>Railtech International</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-11-23T23:00:00Z">24 November 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 206</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-85938 introduction entry-content"> <p>Disputes relating to the unlawful aid scheme arising from Article 44 septies of the General Tax Code remain lively before the French courts (for earlier examples, see J. DerenneConcurrences, , No 3-2013, p. 134). <br class='autobr' /> After the Conseil d’État recently dismissed an appeal by a company challenging&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2018/chroniques/xxx-xxx-commission-c-republique-hellenique" rel="bookmark"><strong>Obligation of recovery:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that the decision of the European Commission approving the privatization procedure of a Greek mining company has no impact on the obligation to recover State aid paid to that undertaking, resulting from another decision of the European Commission (<em>Larko</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-11-08T23:00:00Z">9 November 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 180</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-85941 introduction entry-content"> <p>Are the difficulties involved in implementing an asset sale of a company, approved by the Commission under the State aid rules, likely to postpone the obligation to recover aid previously granted to that company arising from another Commission decision? That is essentially the question which the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2018/chroniques/xxx-xxx-cmn-corsica-ferries" rel="bookmark"><strong>Public service delegation:</strong> The French Administrative Supreme Court confirms the cancellation of public service delegation for the maritime transport service between Corsica and the continent for the period 2014-2023, on the grounds that it constitutes an illegal State aid, while the Bastia Administrative Court compensates delegate competitor for the loss of earnings relating to the period 2007-2013 (<em>CMN&nbsp;; Corsica Ferries</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-10-24T22:00:00Z">25 October 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 1049</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-85948 introduction entry-content"> <p>During 2017, the litigation relating to State aid granted in the context of the public service delegation (PSD) for maritime services to Corsica gave rise to numerous decisions of the European courts, and in particular of the Court of First Instance (Trib. UE, 1 March 2017, France v Commission,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2017/chroniques/aid-granted-by-a-member-state-or-through-state-resources-the-court-of-justice" rel="bookmark"><strong>Aid granted by a member state or through state resources:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that the Polish Energy Law, which imposes an obligation on electricity companies selling electricity to end-users to purchase electricity produced by cogeneration, does not constitute an intervention by the State or through State resources (<em>ENEA</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-09-12T22:00:00Z">13 September 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 380</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-85155 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to ensure the sustainable development of energy supply or to reduce the cost to their economies, Member States have been adopting specific legislation for several years. The inventiveness of the State authorities is matched in this respect only by the diversity and complexity of the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2017/chroniques/annulment-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-specifies-the-european" rel="bookmark"><strong>Annulment:</strong> The General Court of the European Union specifies the European Commission’s obligations following an annulment decision in State Aid Law (<em>France c/ Commission&nbsp;; SNCM c/ Commission</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-07-05T22:00:00Z">6 July 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 274</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-85158 introduction entry-content"> <p>The disappearance of its principal actor - by judicial liquidation - does not prevent the judicial saga of the State aid granted to the Société nationale Corse Méditerranée (SNCM) from continuing. The epilogue nevertheless appears to be drawing ever closer. <br class='autobr' /> Background <br class='autobr' /> The dispute which led&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2017/chroniques/recovery-the-french-supreme-administrative-court-dismisses-an-undertaking-s" rel="bookmark"><strong>Recovery:</strong> The French Supreme Administrative Court dismisses an undertaking’s appeal challenging the State’s liability for the unlawful granting of an aid of which it has been the beneficiary and for the late recovery of this aid (<em>Le Muselet Valentin</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-06-06T22:00:00Z">7 June 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 567</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-85160 introduction entry-content"> <p>Can a Member State be held liable for the unlawful grant of State aid and its late recovery by the recipient of that aid? That is the question which the French Conseil d’État was called upon to decide in the context of an appeal brought by the company Le Muselet Valentin against a judgment of&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2017/chroniques/reference-for-a-preliminary-ruling-concept-of-state-aid-dation-in-payment-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Dation-in-payment:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that the decision of a company of which a Member State is the main shareholder to accept a dation in payment of an asset which is the property of a company of which a Member State is the only shareholder is liable, under certain circumstances, to constitute State aid within the meaning of Article&nbsp;107 TFEU (<em>Fondul Proprietatea</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-05-17T22:00:00Z">18 May 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 275</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-84548 introduction entry-content"> <p>As a legal mechanism allowing the payment of a debt by the assignment to the creditor of the ownership of an asset belonging to the debtor, the dation in payment has, until now, not been exhaustively apprehended from the point of view of State aid provisions (see nevertheless Trib. EU, 23 Nov.&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2017/chroniques/french-prime-minister-circular-french-state-aid-policy-the-french-prime" rel="bookmark"><strong>Circular:</strong> The French Prime Minister publishes a circular presenting the EU provisions on State aids and setting out the principles of national policy on this matter (<em>Public aid for economic activities</em>)</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-04-25T22:00:00Z">26 April 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 284</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-84543 introduction entry-content"> <p>While European policy on State aid has been undergoing a profound renewal and extensive modernisation in recent years, the French guidelines in this area were still based on the Prime Minister’s circular of 26 January 2006 on the application at local level of the Community competition rules on&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2017/chroniques/proposal-of-appropriate-measures-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union" rel="bookmark"><strong>Proposal of appropriate measures:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union clarifies the scope of the judicial review of Commission’s decisions recording a Member State’ acceptance of a proposition of appropriate measures concerning an existing aid <em>(Stichting Woonlinie, Stichting Woonpunt)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-03-14T23:00:00Z">15 March 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 190</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-83848 introduction entry-content"> <p>Winingcorporaties (hereinafter referred to as ’wocos’) are Dutch non-profit organisations whose tasks include the purchase, construction and rental of housing for disadvantaged people. In 2002, after the Dutch authorities notified the aid scheme for wocos to the Commission, the Commission&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2017/chroniques/maritime-services-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Maritime services:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms the Commission’s decision relating to an aid granted to a carrier for certain ferry services between Marseille and Corsica <em>(SNCM)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-02-28T23:00:00Z">1 March 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 335</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-83864 introduction entry-content"> <p>Despite the disappearance of its main player - the Société nationale Corse Méditerranée (SNCM) - the judicial saga of the dispute concerning State aid for the maritime link between France and Corsica, which has been on the registers of the Court of First Instance and the Court of Justice for&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2017/chroniques/media-pluralism-the-french-supreme-administrative-court-annuls-a-decree" rel="bookmark"><strong>Media pluralism:</strong> The French Supreme Administrative Court annuls a decree extending to weekly publications support measures for press pluralism, on the grounds that it establishes illegal state aid <em>(Valmonde)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2017-02-21T23:00:00Z">22 February 2017</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 203</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-83835 introduction entry-content"> <p>Anxious to preserve press pluralism, the French authorities introduced, by Decree No 86-616 of 12 March 1986 (JORF 1986, p. 4702, hereinafter the ’1986 Decree’), an aid scheme for national daily political and general information newspapers with low advertising resources. Only national daily&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2017/chroniques/recovery-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-confirms-that-the-recovery" rel="bookmark"><strong>Recovery :</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union confirms that the recovery of a State aid entails the restitution of the advantage procured by the aid for the recipient, not the restitution of any economic benefit the recipient may have enjoyed as a result of exploiting the advantage <em>(Aer Lingus et Ryanair)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-12-20T23:00:00Z">21 December 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 227</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-83428 introduction entry-content"> <p>In a judgment concerning the Irish Air Transport Tax ("ATT"), the Court provided important clarifications on the recovery of state aid, in particular whether the Commission must, in determining the amount of aid to be recovered, take into account the fact that the beneficiaries passed on the&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2017/chroniques/service-of-general-economic-interest-the-general-court-of-the-european-union" rel="bookmark"><strong>Service of general economic interest:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms the European Commission’s decision declaring that the grant to operators for the deployment of digital terrestrial television in the Spanish region of Castilla-La Mancha constitutes a State aid, incompatible with the internal market <em>(Albertis Telecom Terrestre et Telecom Castilla-La Mancha)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-12-14T23:00:00Z">15 December 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 186</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-83433 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to enable the switchover from analogue to digital broadcasting, the Spanish authorities adopted measures between 2005 and 2009 to finance the roll-out of digital terrestrial television (DTT). <br class='autobr' /> Background <br class='autobr' /> In 2009, the Commission received a complaint from a European satellite operator&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2017/chroniques/modification-of-an-existing-aid-sheme-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european" rel="bookmark"><strong> Modification of an existing aid scheme:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union dismisses the appeal against the General Court of the European Union’s judgment confirming that the Spanish public television’s aid scheme was compatible with the internal market <em>(DTS Distribuidora de Televisión Digital)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-11-09T23:00:00Z">10 November 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 183</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-83423 introduction entry-content"> <p>Until 2009, RTVE, Spain’s public service broadcaster, received mixed funding based on revenues from its commercial activities, including the sale of advertising space, on the one hand, and compensation from the Spanish State for the fulfilment of its public service mission, on the other. This&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2017/chroniques/economic-advantage-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-confirms-the" rel="bookmark"><strong> Economic advantage: </strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union confirms the General Court of the European Union’s decision rejecting the application of the French historic telecom operator against the European Commission’s decision declaring that the reform of the arrangements for financing the pensions of civil servants working for that operator constitutes State aid compatible with the internal market on certain conditions <em>(Orange)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-10-25T22:00:00Z">26 October 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 277</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-83421 introduction entry-content"> <p>While within the Tribunal there are two divergent approaches to the assessment of the concept of "advantage" in the context of ad hoc individual measures (see Concurrences n°4-2016, pp. 150-153), the Court was given the opportunity to clarify the debate in the context of the appeal brought by&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2017/chroniques/decision-not-to-raise-objections-the-general-court-of-the-european-union" rel="bookmark"><strong>Decision not to raise objections:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms the European Commission’s decision, adopted at the conclusion of the formal investigation procedure, declaring that the Danish State aid scheme in favour of the written press was compatible with the internal market <em>(Søndagsavisen)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-10-10T22:00:00Z">11 October 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 294</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-83432 introduction entry-content"> <p>Maintaining media pluralism and the quality of media content is an essential element for a vibrant democracy and is the subject of public support in most Member States. In view of their objectives, such support is generally viewed favourably by the Commission in the context of its State aid&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2016/case-comments/stranded-costs-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-considers-that" rel="bookmark"><strong>Stranded costs:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that changes in the ownership structures of electricity producing companies should be taken into account when calculating the amount of compensation for stranded costs to be granted <em>(PGE)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-09-14T22:00:00Z">15 September 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 290</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-82082 introduction entry-content"> <p>In the context of the opening up of the electricity sector to competition, initially brought about by Directive 96/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 December 1996 concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity (OJEC 1996, L 27, p. 20), certain Member&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2016/case-comments/selective-advantage-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-sets-aside-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Selective advantage :</strong> The General Court of the European Union sets aside the Commission decision ordering Germany to recover from a postal operator part of the subsidies paid in respect of former civil servant postal workers’ pensions <em>(Allemagne / Commission)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-07-13T22:00:00Z">14 July 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 162</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-82083 introduction entry-content"> <p>The saga of the State aid granted to Deutsche Post has just taken a new turn, with a judgment of the Court of First Instance once again annulling a Commission decision on the matter. Since the opening of the first formal investigation procedure into this aid in 1999, no fewer than ten cases have&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2016/case-comments/selective-advantage-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union-confirms-a" rel="bookmark"><strong>Selective advantage:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union confirms a judgment whereby the General Court dismissed the action of the Belgian State against the decision of the Commission declaring partly compatible and partly incompatible with the internal market the funding of tests of bovine spongiform encephalopathy <em>(Belgium / Commission)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-06-29T22:00:00Z">30 June 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 219</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-82079 introduction entry-content"> <p>From 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2005, the Belgian authorities participated in the financing of tests for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), made compulsory by Regulation No 999/2001 of 29 May 2001 laying down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2016/case-comments/restructuring-aid-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-declares-inadmissible" rel="bookmark"><strong>Restructuring aid:</strong> The General Court of the European Union declares inadmissible an action brought by a manufacturer of household appliances against a decision of the Commission, following the cancellation, in the context of an action formed by this manufacturer, of a previous decision concerning the same aid<em> (Whirlpool Europe) </em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-06-21T22:00:00Z">22 June 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 155</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-80864 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to tackle the difficulties encountered in the 2000s by the household appliances manufacturer FagorBrandt, the French subsidiary of the FagorBrandt group, the French authorities planned to grant it restructuring aid of EUR 31 million in 2007. Following the notification of this aid&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2016/case-comments/notion-the-european-commission-published-a-communication-on-the-notion-of-state" rel="bookmark"><strong> Notion:</strong> The European Commission publishes a communication on the notion of State aid as referred to in Article 107 (1) TFEU</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-05-18T22:00:00Z">19 May 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 228</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-80857 introduction entry-content"> <p>Launched in 2012, the process of modernising EU State aid policy (see, in this respect, the Communication of 8 May 2012 on Modernising EU State aid policy, COM(2012) 209 final) is nearing completion. Indeed, following the consolidation of the State aid Procedural Regulation through Regulation&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2016/case-comments/compatible-aid-the-general-court-of-the-european-union-confirms-the-commission" rel="bookmark"><strong> Compatible aid:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms the Commission’s decision declaring, after a preliminary examination, that the subsidies granted by the Czech Republic in favour of non-profit organizations, for the construction, operation, maintenance, reconstruction or development of sports facilities are, insofar as they constitute a State aid, compatible with the internal market under Article 107(3) (c) TFEU <em> (Hamr-Sport) </em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-05-11T22:00:00Z">12 May 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 269</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-80860 introduction entry-content"> <p>Does European state aid law preclude the granting of subsidies to associations for the creation and management of sports facilities? That is, in essence, the question which the Commission and the Court of First Instance have been called upon to answer in turn. <br class='autobr' /> Background <br class='autobr' /> In 2011, Hamr-Sport,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2016/case-comments/decision-finding-no-state-aid-the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union" rel="bookmark"><strong>Decision finding no State aid:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union rejects an appeal against a judgment whereby the General Court of the European Union dismissed an action for the annulment of a decision of the Commission declaring that the Spanish scheme of early depreciation of certain assets acquired through financial leasing does not constitute State aid within the meaning of Article 107(1) TFEU<em> (Netherlands Maritime Technology Association) </em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-04-13T22:00:00Z">14 April 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 146</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-80865 introduction entry-content"> <p>The Spanish tax leasing scheme (hereinafter ’RELF’), already referred to in the previous issue of this newsletter (Competition No 2-2016, pp. 153-156, pp. 153-156), has been the subject of a number of studies.), has once again been at the centre of a decision by a court of the Union. <br class='autobr' /> It should&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2016/case-comments/Public-service-obligation-The" rel="bookmark"><strong>Public service obligation:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms the Commission’s decision categorizing a retroactive compensation granted by the Italian authorities to a company delivering inter-regional bus transport services as State aid incompatible with the internal market<em> (Simet / Commission) </em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-03-03T22:22:00Z">3 March 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 148</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-78986 introduction entry-content"> <p>Simet is an Italian company which provides passenger road transport services, including a network of regular interregional coach services between Calabria and other regions of Italy. These interregional routes were operated under annual concessions granted by the Italian authorities on the basis&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2016/case-comments/Firms-in-difficulty-The-General-78985" rel="bookmark"><strong>Firms in difficulty:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms the Commission’s decision declaring, at the end of the preliminary examination procedure, that a State guarantee for credit lines granted by Italy to a company producing compressors constitutes a State aid within the meaning of Article&nbsp;107(1) TFEU, but that it met the conditions for being declared compatible with the internal market, as rescue aid for a firm in difficulty<em> (Secop / Commission) </em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-03-01T22:17:00Z">1 March 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 190</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-78985 introduction entry-content"> <p>Combining questions relating to State aid procedures and merger control procedures, the dispute submitted to the Court of First Instance in the Secop v Commission case is not lacking in originality, especially as national commercial disputes form the background to it. <br class='autobr' /> Factual framework <br class='autobr' /> The&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2016/case-comments/Service-of-general-economic-78979" rel="bookmark"><strong>Service of general economic interest:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union rejects an appeal against a judgment upholding the validity of the Commission’s decision declaring illegal and incompatible with the internal market an aid paid by Germany to a public entity providing disposal services of animal carcasses and slaughterhouse waste<em> (Germany / Commission) </em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2016-02-18T21:29:00Z">18 February 2016</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 528</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-78979 introduction entry-content"> <p>Under Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 laying down health rules concerning animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption (OJ 2009 L 300, p. 1), animal by-products are divided into three categories according&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2016/case-comments/Selective-advantage-The-General-78981" rel="bookmark"><strong>Selective advantage:</strong> The General Court of the European Union annuls the Commission’s decision qualifying as illegal and incompatible with the internal market the Spanish tax lease scheme set up for the financing and the acquisition of ships, in particular because of the lack of selectivity of this scheme<em> (Spain / Commission and Lico leasing / Commission) </em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-12-17T21:51:00Z">17 December 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 192</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-78981 introduction entry-content"> <p>Following the cases concerning the scheme for the participation of undertakings taxable in Spain in a foreign company (Autogrill Españav Commission(Case T-219/10, EU:T:2014:939 and Banco Santander and Santusa v Commission, T-399/11, EU:T:2014:938), it is once again a Spanish tax scheme, in this&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2016/case-comments/Digital-terrestrial-television" rel="bookmark"><strong>Digital terrestrial television network:</strong> The General Court of the European Union confirms the Commission’s decision qualifying as State aid incompatible with the internal market the financing granted to operators for the deployment, maintenance and operation of the digital terrestrial television network <em>(Espagne, Comunidades Autónomas del País Vasco et Itelazpi, de Galicia, de Cataluña et CTTI, Navarra de Servicios y Tecnologías, Abertis Telecom et Retevisión I)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-11-26T17:17:00Z">26 November 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 187</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-77914 introduction entry-content"> <p>Because of the advantages of digital broadcasting over analogue broadcasting, in terms of quality and service, the switchover to digital broadcasting was encouraged by the Commission as early as 2002 and gradually implemented by Member States. It is in this context that the Spanish authorities&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2016/case-comments/Postal-money-order-service-The-EU" rel="bookmark"><strong>Postal money order service:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union examines whether the grant by a Member State of an exclusive right to pay retirement pensions by money order to an undertaking falls under the scope of Article 107 (1) TFEU <em>(Easy Pay)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-10-22T16:16:00Z">22 October 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 211</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-77910 introduction entry-content"> <p>In Bulgaria, a decree of 10 March 2000 provides that retirement pensions are paid to their beneficiaries by the National Social Security Institute through the country’s banks and the post offices of the national postal operator, Balgarski poshti, whose capital is 100% owned by the Bulgarian&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2016/case-comments/Restructuring-aid-The-EU-Court-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Restructuring aid:</strong> The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that neither the Commission’s decision concerning the restructuring of a banking group nor Articles&nbsp;107 TFEU and 108 TFEU, preclude the application, in proceedings relating to a collective redundancy that is within the scope of that decision, of national legislation under which the compensation payable to an employee whose dismissal is held to be unfair is set at an amount higher than the legal minimum <em>(Iglesias Gutiérrez, Rion Bea)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-10-15T16:16:00Z">15 October 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 145</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-77909 introduction entry-content"> <p>The restructuring of the BFA Group <br class='autobr' /> Severely affected by the international financial crisis, the banking group Banco Financiero y de Ahorro (BFA) and its subsidiary Bankia were subject to a restructuring plan in 2012. This plan was notified to the Commission by the Spanish authorities in&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2015/chroniques/Failure-The-Court-of-Justice-of-76141" rel="bookmark"><strong>Failure</strong> : The Court of Justice of the European Union orders Italy to pay a lump sum of €30 million and a fine of €12 million per semester of delay due to its delay in recovering aid incompatible with the common market granted between 1995 and 1997 to certain firms in the island region of Venice and Chioggia <em>(Commission / Italy)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-09-17T13:05:00Z">17 September 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 159</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-76141 introduction entry-content"> <p>Between 1995 and 1997 the Italian authorities granted reductions or exemptions from social security contributions to firms in the island territories of Venice and Chioggia. On 25 November 1999 the Commission, by Decision 2000/394/EC (OJ 2000 L 150, p. 50), considered that these measures&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2015/chroniques/State-aid-recovery-The-Court-of-76139" rel="bookmark"><strong>State aid recovery</strong> : The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that the EU law does not preclude Italian legislation which, by reference to a regulation not in force at the time, provides for the application of compound interest to the recovery of State aid <em>(A2A)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-09-03T12:56:00Z">3 September 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 165</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-76139 introduction entry-content"> <p>More than 13 years after its adoption, the Commission’s decision on Italian local public services has again given rise to a Court ruling. In this latest judicial episode, the modalities of implementing the recovery of the aid in question were at the centre of the debates. It should be recalled&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2015/chroniques/Concept-of-State-aid-The-Court-of-76137" rel="bookmark"><strong>Concept of State aid</strong> : The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that a rule of national law which prohibits an emanation of the State from selling agricultural land to the highest bidder in a public call for tenders, where the competent local authority considers that the highest bid is grossly disproportionate to the estimated value of that land, cannot be classified as State aid <em>(BVVG)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-07-16T12:50:00Z">16 July 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 164</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-76137 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to combat land speculation involving the sale of agricultural and forestry land in the context of the privatisation of State-owned land and buildings in the former East German Länder, German legislation makes the transfer of ownership of land subject to authorisation, subject to certain&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-1-2016/case-comments/Legislation-The-Council-of-the" rel="bookmark"><strong>Legislation:</strong> The Council of the European Union adops two regulation codifying last modifications to regulation n°659/1999 and regulation 994/98 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 TFEU to certain categories of horizontal State aid</a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-07-13T18:04:00Z">13 July 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 228</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-77906 introduction entry-content"> <p>Regulation No 659/1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Article 108 TFEU (OJ 1999 L 83, p. 1) and Regulation No 994/98 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 TFEU to certain categories of horizontal State aid (OJ 1998 L 142, p. 1) have been substantially amended several&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-4-2015/chroniques/Failure-The-Court-of-Justice-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Failure</strong> : The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that France has failed to fulfill its obligations by failing to recover aid granted to a carrier for certain ferry services between Marseille and Corsica <em>(Commission / France)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-07-09T12:44:00Z">9 July 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 166</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-76135 introduction entry-content"> <p>A veritable sea serpent, the judicial saga of the litigation concerning State aid granted to the Société nationale Corse Méditerranée (SNCM), which has been on the registers of the Court of First Instance and the Court of Justice for a number of years, has just experienced a new (and final?)&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2015/chroniques/Illegal-aid-The-General-Court-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Illegal aid</strong> : The General Court of the European Union confirms that the time an aid is deemed to be granted is determined by the adoption of the legally binding act by which the competent national authority undertake to grant the aid and not by its payment by that authority <em>(Diputación Foral de Bizkaia)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-05-19T10:15:00Z">19 May 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 239</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-75095 introduction entry-content"> <p>In two agreements, concluded in 2006, Bizkailur, a public company owned by the Vizcaya Provincial Council, and Habidite, a company owned by the Vizcaya Provincial Council, agreed on the terms and conditions for the latter to set up a plant for the manufacture of prefabricated building modules to&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2015/chroniques/Restructuring-aid-The-General-75093" rel="bookmark"><strong>Restructuring aid</strong> : The General Court of the European Union confirms the validity of the Commission decision declaring compatible with the internal market the restructuring aid granted by Austria to an airline company <em>(Niki Luftfahrt)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-05-13T10:09:00Z">13 May 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 249</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-75093 introduction entry-content"> <p>In view of the financial difficulties affecting the national airline Austrian Airlines, the Austrian authorities decided in 2008 to privatise that company by selling their majority shareholding. Following a call for expressions of interest, the offer to purchase Lufthansa was accepted by these&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2015/chroniques/Existing-aid-The-General-Court-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Existing aid</strong>: The General Court of the European Union dismisses the action brought by companies active in the social housing sector against the decision in which the Commission qualified as State aids the funding the companies recieved and accepted the State measure proposals under article 19 of Regulation n° 659/1999 <em>(Woonlinie)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-05-12T10:27:00Z">12 May 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 225</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-75099 introduction entry-content"> <p>The two orders adopted by the Court of First Instance on 12 May 2015 in the Woonlinie and Woonput cases constitute the final episode in the dispute concerning the aid scheme for ’wocos’, Netherlands non-profit-making organisations operating in the field of social housing. By a decision of 2009,&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-3-2015/chroniques/Privileges-The-Court-of-Justice-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Privileges</strong> : The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that privileges, in accordance with which a bank has the right unilaterally to register a mortgage over immovable property, the right to seek enforcement with an ordinary private document and the right to be exempted from the payment of fees and duties connected with that registration, may fall within the scope of application of article 107 (1) TFEU <em>(Trapeza Eurobank Ergasias)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-04-16T09:42:00Z">16 April 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 355</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-75087 introduction entry-content"> <p>In order to compensate for the high risks involved in granting credits in the agricultural sector, the Greek bank Agrotiki Trapeza tis Ellados (ATE), which was set up by a law of 1929, was granted special privileges by that law. Those privileges include, first, the right to register a mortgage&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2015/chroniques/Concept-of-State-aid-The-General-73111" rel="bookmark"><strong>Concept of State aid</strong> : The General Court of the European Union dismisses the appeal of Belgium against the decision of the Commission declaring partly compatible and partly incompatible with the internal market the funding of tests of bovine spongiform encephalopathy <em>(Belgium/Commission)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-03-25T17:42:00Z">25 March 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 226</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-73111 introduction entry-content"> <p>Trib. EU, 25 March 2015, Belgium v. Commission, Case T-538/11, EU:T:2015:188 <br class='autobr' /> In order to deal with the mad cow disease crisis, Regulation No 999/2001 made testing for, inter alia, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) compulsory. From 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2005, the Belgian&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2015/chroniques/Tax-ruling-Luxembourg-withdraws" rel="bookmark"><strong>Tax ruling</strong> : Luxembourg withdraws its appeal against the Commission&#8217;s decision involving an injunction to provide the list of the "tax rulings" granted between 2010 and 2012 <em>(Luxembourg/Commission)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-02-12T17:46:00Z">12 February 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 310</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-73113 introduction entry-content"> <p>Trib. EU, 12 Feb. 2015, Luxembourg v Commission, Case T-258/14, EU:T:2015:22 <br class='autobr' /> As part of an investigation into tax rulings practices, the Commission, by decision of 24 March 2014, required Luxembourg, under Article 10(3) of Regulation No 659/1999, to provide it with a complete list of tax&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2015/chroniques/Failure-of-a-Member-State-The-73091" rel="bookmark"><strong>Failure of a Member State</strong> : The Court of Justice of the European Union holds that France has not taken all the necessary measures to recover aid granted illegally in the context of ‘contingency plans’ to French fruit and vegetable producers <em>(Commission/France)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-02-12T16:04:00Z">12 February 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 301</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-73091 introduction entry-content"> <p>CJEU, 12 Feb 2015, Commission v. France, Case C-37/14, EU:C:2015:90 <br class='autobr' /> Between 1992 and 2002, France granted aid to French fruit and vegetable producers under ’contingency plans’, which were designed to prevent or, in the event of a crisis, mitigate the effects of temporary surpluses of supply&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2015/chroniques/State-resources-The-Court-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>State resources</strong> : The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that allowing London taxis to use bus lanes while prohibiting private hire vehicles from doing so does not appear to constitute a State aid <em>(Eventech)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-01-14T15:57:00Z">14 January 2015</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 351</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-73089 introduction entry-content"> <p>[ CJEU, 14 Jan. 2015, Eventech, aff. C-518/13, EU:C:2015:9-</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2015/chroniques/Concept-of-state-aid-The-Court-of" rel="bookmark"><strong>Concept of state aid</strong> : The Court of Justice of the European Union considers that the amounts allocated to a private company producing electricity which are financed by all electricity consumers located in the national territory and are distributed to the electricity sector by a public body in accordance with predetermined legal criteria constitute an intervention by the State or through State resources within the meaning of article 107, paragraph 1, TFEU <em>(Elcogás)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-10-22T14:50:00Z">22 October 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 282</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-73087 introduction entry-content"> <p>CJEU, 22 Oct. 2014, Elcogás, aff. C-275/13, EU:C:2014:2314 <br class='autobr' /> The Spanish company Elcogás is the owner of a thermal power generation plant that produces electricity using coal gasification and other alternative fuels. Due to the additional costs generated by this technology, the company benefited&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> <div class="item cite"><article class="entry article hentry"> <span class="authors"><span class="vcard author"><a class="url fn spip_in" href="en/authors/raphael-vuitton">Raphaël Vuitton</a></span></span> <strong class="h3-like entry-title"><a href="en/review/numeros/no-2-2015/chroniques/Formal-procedure-of-investigation" rel="bookmark"><strong>Formal procedure of investigation</strong> : The General Court of the European Union considers that a decision to open the formal procedure of investigation in respect of a measure which is no longer in the course of implementation does not constitute a challengeable act <em>(Alro, Alpiq)</em></a></strong> <p class="publication"> <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2014-10-16T15:30:00Z">16 October 2014</time> <span class="visites"><i class="picto picto-eye-red"></i> 269</span> </p> <div class="crayon article-intro-73097 introduction entry-content"> <p>Trib. EU, 16 Oct. 2014, Alro v. Commission, Case T-517/12, EU:T:2014:890, and Alpiq RomIndustries and Alpiq RomEnergie v Commission, Case T-129/13, EU:T:2014:895 <br class='autobr' /> In deciding on the actions brought against the Commission’s decision by the producer and traders in question, the Court of First&nbsp;(…)</p> </div> </article></div> </div> </div> <div class="content-inner-actions"> <button class="btn-toggle" onclick="return toggle_content_inner.apply(this);"><b class="label_open">Read More </b><span><i class="picto picto-toggle"></i></span></button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section section_primary section_books"> <div class="section__container"> <h2 class="content-inner-title"><span>Books</span></h2> <div class="liste articles-livres sm"> <div class="liste-items"> <div class="row"> <a id='pagination_livres_auteur' class='pagination_ancre'></a> <div class="col-sm-6"> <div class="item"> <article class="entry article-livre hentry"> <strong class="h6-like 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