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From product marketing, sales enablement and customer success, to marketing, sales and product-led strategy, we’ve got every department covered. </div> </div> </div> <div class="sales-lead-wrapper"> <div class="sales-lead-background"> </div> <div class="sales-lead-video"> <div class="wistia_responsive_padding" style="padding:56.25% 0 0 0;position:relative;"><img style="left:5rem;position:absolute;top:5rem;width:100%;" src=""></div> </div> <div class="sales-lead-text"> <div class="sales-lead-title"> Cutting-edge curriculums, built with industry experts. </div> <div class="sales-lead-description"> Every single one of our courses is built alongside some of the brightest minds in the space, arming you with only the best, tried and tested strategies around. Comprehensive curriculums, essential insights, thought-provoking exams, practical coursework, diverse perspectives, and immersive interactivity come as standard. </div> <a class="button primary" href=""> ALL COURSES </a> </div> </div> <div class="sales-section-title" style="margin: 15rem auto 10rem;"> <span> Don’t just take our word for it… </span> <div class="sales-section-title-line"></div> </div> <div class="sales-opinion-wrapper"> <div class="sales-opinion-text"> <img class="sales-opinion-avatar" src=""> <div class="sales-opinion-title"> Megan Liken </div> <div class="sales-opinion-subtitle"> Product Marketing Manager </div> <div class="sales-opinion-subtitle"> <img class="sales-opinion-logo" src=""> </div> <div class="sales-opinion-description"> "This certification program has been extremely validating for the team and has really shifted our perspective on how we work. The course has helped all of us start speaking the same language, rally around the same goals, and has assisted in standardizing some of our processes.” </div> </div> <div class="sales-opinion-text"> <img class="sales-opinion-avatar" src=""> <div class="sales-opinion-title"> Rylan Morris </div> <div class="sales-opinion-subtitle"> Interim VP of Product Marketing </div> <div class="sales-opinion-subtitle"> <img class="sales-opinion-logo" src=""> </div> <div class="sales-opinion-description"> "A big theme at Vendasta this year is "levelling up" our marketing functions, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. I subscribed and took the course initially, and since I was so impressed by the content, we purchased the course for each of our 10 team members.” </div> </div> <div class="sales-opinion-text"> <img class="sales-opinion-avatar" src=""> <div class="sales-opinion-title"> Marina Hudek </div> <div class="sales-opinion-subtitle"> Product Marketing Manager </div> <div class="sales-opinion-subtitle"> <img class="sales-opinion-logo" src=""> </div> <div class="sales-opinion-description"> “This course enabled us to function in a much more structured way within our organization and a much more standards-based way to our stakeholders. It has significantly contributed to the reduction of ‘scope creep’ and enabled us to deliver a true SLA across our organization.” </div> </div> <div class="sales-opinion-text"> <img class="sales-opinion-avatar" src=""> <div class="sales-opinion-title"> Rahim Kaba </div> <div class="sales-opinion-subtitle"> Vice President Product Marketing </div> <div class="sales-opinion-subtitle"> <img class="sales-opinion-logo" src=""> </div> <div class="sales-opinion-description"> “It helped the team focus and zero in on how and where they can drive impact in their respective roles. It reminded us of the importance of digging deeper and ensured we measure the impact of the content we create for sales.” </div> </div> </div> <div class="sales-posts-wrapper"> <div class="sales-section-title"> <span> Go-to-market guides. </span> <div class="sales-section-title-line"></div> </div> <div class="post-card-feature-wrapper"> </div> <div class="post-feed"> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/podcast/the-generative-ai-podcast/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2024/08/AIAI_Generative_AI_Podcast_Assets_2.png" alt="The Generative AI Podcast" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/podcast/the-generative-ai-podcast/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">AI Accelerator Institute</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">The Generative AI Podcast</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>AI Accelerator InstituteAI Accelerator Institute is an alliance of AI ecosystem innovators committed to creating the next generation of machine intelligence.YouTubeThe Generative...</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Richard King </div> <a href="/author/richard/" class="static-avatar author-profile-image"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M3.513 18.998C4.749 15.504 8.082 13 12 13s7.251 2.504 8.487 5.998C18.47 21.442 15.417 23 12 23s-6.47-1.558-8.487-4.002zM12 12c2.21 0 4-2.79 4-5s-1.79-4-4-4-4 1.79-4 4 1.79 5 4 5z" fill="#FFF"/></g></svg> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">1 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/podcast/explainable-ai/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2024/08/AIAI_ExplainableAI_Podcast_Social_Square-redesigned.jpg" alt="Explainable AI" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/podcast/explainable-ai/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">AI Accelerator Institute</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">Explainable AI</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>Everything explainable AI and more with hosts Paul Anthony Claxton and Rohan Hall for experts and enthusiasts alike....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Richard King </div> <a href="/author/richard/" class="static-avatar author-profile-image"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M3.513 18.998C4.749 15.504 8.082 13 12 13s7.251 2.504 8.487 5.998C18.47 21.442 15.417 23 12 23s-6.47-1.558-8.487-4.002zM12 12c2.21 0 4-2.79 4-5s-1.79-4-4-4-4 1.79-4 4 1.79 5 4 5z" fill="#FFF"/></g></svg> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">1 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/podcast/innovateher-women-in-product/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2024/08/PLA_InnovateHER_Podcast_Socials_Square.png" alt="InnovateHER: Women in product" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/podcast/innovateher-women-in-product/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">Product-Led Alliance</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">InnovateHER: Women in product</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>Welcome to InnovateHER: Women in Product, where we shine a spotlight on the incredible women leading the charge in the world of product management. Each episode, we dive into the stories of women who are breaking barriers, driving innovation, and making a difference in a male-dominated sphere....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Richard King </div> <a href="/author/richard/" class="static-avatar author-profile-image"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M3.513 18.998C4.749 15.504 8.082 13 12 13s7.251 2.504 8.487 5.998C18.47 21.442 15.417 23 12 23s-6.47-1.558-8.487-4.002zM12 12c2.21 0 4-2.79 4-5s-1.79-4-4-4-4 1.79-4 4 1.79 5 4 5z" fill="#FFF"/></g></svg> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">1 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/cia-pricing-to-win/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2024/08/CIA_PricingtoWin_Podcast_Socials_Square.png" alt="Pricing to Win" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/cia-pricing-to-win/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">Competitive Intelligence Alliance</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">Pricing to Win</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>This is the show where we interview pricing leaders, discuss pricing challenges, and deliver practical pricing tips and tricks for you to take away and apply to the pricing challenges you&#39;re facing....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Richard King </div> <a href="/author/richard/" class="static-avatar author-profile-image"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M3.513 18.998C4.749 15.504 8.082 13 12 13s7.251 2.504 8.487 5.998C18.47 21.442 15.417 23 12 23s-6.47-1.558-8.487-4.002zM12 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rising stars, unpacking their expertise in action-packed 15-minute episodes, showcasing the power of product marketing through real-world case studies....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Richard King </div> <a href="/author/richard/" class="static-avatar author-profile-image"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M3.513 18.998C4.749 15.504 8.082 13 12 13s7.251 2.504 8.487 5.998C18.47 21.442 15.417 23 12 23s-6.47-1.558-8.487-4.002zM12 12c2.21 0 4-2.79 4-5s-1.79-4-4-4-4 1.79-4 4 1.79 5 4 5z" fill="#FFF"/></g></svg> </a> </li> </ul> <span class="reading-time">1 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/podcast/pma-ready-set-go-to-market/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2023/12/Ready--Set--Go-to-Market-.png" alt="Ready, Set, Go-to-Market" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-public" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/podcast/pma-ready-set-go-to-market/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <span class="post-card-tags">Product Marketing Alliance</span> <h2 class="post-card-title">Ready, Set, Go-to-Market</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>Join host Holly Watson, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Amazon Web Services, as she explores the intricacies of the go-to-market process alongside specialists in the area....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-name-tooltip"> Richard King </div> <a href="/author/richard/" class="static-avatar author-profile-image"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M3.513 18.998C4.749 15.504 8.082 13 12 13s7.251 2.504 8.487 5.998C18.47 21.442 15.417 23 12 23s-6.47-1.558-8.487-4.002zM12 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