FJ Duarte AO (1994)

<html> <head><title>FJ Duarte AO (1994)</title> <body background = "OpticsJournal-33.jpg"> <meta name="keywords" content="lasers,tunable,dye,physics,oscillators,resonators, books,optics,dirac,interference,dispersion,dispersive,diffraction,prisms, multiple-prism,beam-expanders,gratings,quantum,electronics,linewidth,solid-state, interferometry,interferometers,imaging, duarte, macquarie, australian, institute, optical, society, america"> </head> <BODY LINK="#000066" VLINK="004466" ALINK="#000066"> <center><a href=""><img src = "" align = leftt border = 0></a></center> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="experiment-7.css"></link> <center><a href=" J. Duarte AO 33 3857-3860 (1994).pdf "><h2>F. J. Duarte, Solid-state multiple-prism grating dye-laser oscillators, <i>Appl. Opt.</i> 33, 3857-3860 (1994) [PDF]</a></h3></center> <p>This paper was published in Applied Optics and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: </p> <a href=" "></a> <p>Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law.</p> <center><a href=""><h2>F. J. Duarte</a></h2></center> <font size=1> <p>Page published on the <i>29th of March, 2010</i></p> <p>Last updated on the <i>13th of February, 2013</i></p> </html>

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