The Points Guy - Maximize your travel.
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0-1.428-.526-1.428-1.48V6.755c0-1.481-.676-2.489-2.4-2.489-1.724 0-2.4 1-2.4 2.489.008 2.444.338 3.619 2.146 5.319ZM148.233 15.472c.944 0 1.506.52 1.506 1.462v8.398c0 4.48-2.501 6.668-7.927 6.668s-7.883-2.197-7.883-6.668V7.075c0-4.48 2.457-6.669 7.883-6.669s7.927 2.197 7.927 6.669V9.92c0 .943-.562 1.505-1.506 1.505h-2.457c-.952 0-1.506-.562-1.506-1.505V7.075c0-1.462-.692-2.457-2.458-2.457-1.765 0-2.414.986-2.414 2.457v18.248c0 1.462.649 2.456 2.414 2.456 1.766 0 2.458-.986 2.458-2.456v-5.639h-1.03c-.952 0-1.462-.562-1.462-1.505v-1.245c0-.951.519-1.462 1.462-1.462h4.993ZM152.69 2.084c0-.942.562-1.461 1.506-1.461h2.457c.944 0 1.506.519 1.506 1.461v23.248c0 1.462.649 2.456 2.414 2.456 1.766 0 2.458-.986 2.458-2.456V2.084c0-.942.563-1.461 1.506-1.461h2.458c.943 0 1.505.519 1.505 1.461v23.248c0 4.48-2.501 6.668-7.927 6.668-5.425 0-7.883-2.197-7.883-6.668V2.084ZM174.575.623c.606 0 1.246.26 1.462 1.029l1.852 6.97 1.246 6.245h.347l1.202-6.244 1.896-6.971c.216-.778.865-1.03 1.462-1.03h2.328c1.289 0 1.679 1.03 1.333 2.068l-5.686 17.902v9.687c0 .951-.519 1.505-1.462 1.505h-2.501c-.952 0-1.463-.562-1.463-1.505v-9.687L170.862 2.69c-.302-1.03.087-2.067 1.376-2.067h2.337ZM3.96 2.585v7.36c0 .344-.214.55-.572.55h-.922c-.358 0-.572-.198-.572-.55v-7.36H.572c-.359 0-.572-.197-.572-.55v-.69c0-.344.213-.55.572-.55h4.71c.359 0 .572.198.572.55v.698c0 .345-.213.55-.572.55H3.96v-.008ZM9.66 4.603h1.996V1.346c0-.345.213-.55.572-.55h.921c.359 0 .572.197.572.55v8.607c0 .344-.213.55-.572.55h-.913c-.358 0-.572-.197-.572-.55V6.687H9.668v3.258c0 .344-.214.55-.572.55h-.922c-.358 0-.571-.198-.571-.55v-8.6c0-.344.213-.55.571-.55h.922c.358 0 .572.198.572.55v3.258h-.009ZM20.164.796c.358 0 .571.197.571.55v.697c0 .345-.213.55-.571.55H18.14V4.61h1.494c.358 0 .571.197.571.55v.697c0 .345-.213.55-.571.55H18.14v2.306h2.023c.358 0 .571.205.571.55v.697c0 .345-.213.55-.571.55h-3.516c-.358 0-.572-.197-.572-.55V1.346c0-.345.213-.55.572-.55h3.516Z" fill="#231F20"></path><defs><linearGradient class="gradeint" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" id="logos_svg__a" x1="198.693" x2="225.993" y1="37.772" y2="22.01"><stop offset="0.023" stop-color="#45C36A"></stop><stop offset="0.148" stop-color="#3CC47D"></stop><stop offset="1" stop-color="#00CDFF"></stop></linearGradient></defs></svg><span class="jsx-2279346079 visuallyHidden">Go to Home Page</span></a></div><div class="Header_scrim__jrLpv"></div><div class="Header_menu__oAriL"><div class="MainNav_menu__hvVDd"><nav aria-label="Main" class=""><div class="jsx-2733693566 children"><ul class="MainNav_menuItems__702S7"></ul></div></nav></div></div><div class="Header_newsletterTriggerDT__GwWNe"></div><div class="Header_disclosureTriggerDt__AWdjw"><button data-attribute="advertiser-disclosure-trigger" class="jsx-2745583457 advertiserDisclosureTrigger">Advertiser disclosure</button></div><div class="Header_searchTrigger___69DK" data-attribute="search-trigger"><span class="tw-flex tw-h-full tw-w-full tw-items-center 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class="jsx-1629525355"><div class="jsx-1629525355 title"><h1 class="jsx-1629525355">Terms of Use</h1></div><div class="jsx-2309406147 body generalPage"><div class="Mobiledoc"><p><em>Last updated: February 8, 2017</em></p><p><strong>The website located at (the "Site") is a copyrighted work owned by The Points Guy, LLC (the "Owner"), and operated by Owner's parent company, LinkOffers, Inc., a Delaware corporation (together with Owner, "we", "us" or "our"). We provide services via the Site and certain applications ("Apps") that inform users about available credit card offers, their own credit cards, and associated award programs. Our Apps also suggest credit cards that may be preferred for some transactions based on applicable rewards programs details. Our Site, the Apps, and all other websites, applications, widgets, e-mail notifications and other mediums through which you have accessed this Agreement (via desktop, mobile or other application) are collectively referred to as the "Services". Services also include co-branded or white labeled versions of any of our websites, Apps, and other products.</strong></p><p>Our Services are intended to be accessed and used only by adults and are not directed to minors. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information by anyone under the age of 18, and you should not provide us with any information regarding an individual under the age of 18.</p><p>By accessing, downloading, or using the Services, including any co-branded or white-labeled versions of the Services: (a) you are accepting these Terms of Use ("Agreement") and our <a href="/privacy-policy/">Privacy Policy</a>; (b) you acknowledge that this Agreement is supported by reasonable and valuable consideration, including, without limitation, your ability to visit, use and/or submit information to our Services; (c) you represent that you have the capacity to be bound by this Agreement, or if you are acting on behalf of a company or other entity, you have the authority to bind such company or entity; and (d) you represent that you are at least eighteen (18) years old. In order to determine your compliance with this Agreement, we may monitor your access and use of our Services in accordance with our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with all the provisions of this Agreement, do not access or use our Services.</p><p><strong>THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS A BINDING ARBITRATION AGREEMENT, WHICH PROVIDES THAT YOU AND WE AGREE TO RESOLVE CERTAIN DISPUTES THROUGH BINDING INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION AND GIVE UP ANY RIGHT TO HAVE THOSE DISPUTES DECIDED BY A JUDGE OR A JURY. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO OPT OUT OF OUR AGREEMENT TO ARBITRATE. SEE THE LEGAL DISPUTES SECTION OF THIS AGREEMENT.</strong></p><p>Subject to the terms of this Agreement and the Privacy Policy, we may offer you various Services. Below are terms and conditions governing these Services.</p><p><strong>Use Of Our Services Is For Informational Purposes Only</strong></p><p><u>You are Responsible for Your Financial Decisions</u>. Our Services are intended only to assist you with financial decisions, are broad in scope, and do not consider your personal financial situation. Your personal financial situation is unique and the information and advice may not be appropriate for your situation. Accordingly, before making any final decisions or implementing any financial strategy, we recommend that you obtain additional information and advice of your accountant and other financial advisors who are fully aware of your individual circumstances.</p><p>We and our affiliates, through the Services, may provide a venue through which you can obtain information about certain financial products and services, and find third-party service providers and advertisers, such as financial institutions, credit card providers, discount program representatives and other financial professionals ("Service Providers"). Any opinions, advice, information, data, text and other materials or links made accessible through the Services are for information purposes only. We are not an agent or advisor to you or any Service Provider. We do not validate or investigate the licensing, certification or other requirements and qualifications of Service Providers. We do not guarantee that the terms or rates offered by any particular advertiser, business partner, affiliate, Service Provider or other third party on or through our Services are the best terms or lowest rates available in the market. In short, we are not responsible for the activities or policies of these Service Providers. Rather, it is your responsibility to investigate Service Providers, and you acknowledge and agree that you rely on your own judgment and that of such advisors in selecting any products or services offered by Service Providers. In addition, your decision to access or connect to Service Providers via any links or ads accessible through our Services is done at your own risk. When you link to a third party, the applicable third party's terms and policies apply, including the third party's privacy and data gathering practices. You should make whatever investigation you feel necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any transaction in connection with such third party.</p><p><u>You Acknowledge and Agree that We are Not a Service Provider</u>. Our Services acts as a forum to connect users with Service Providers, and to provide information and suggestions about consumer financial products and services based on information you provide us. We are not a financial institution, credit card issuer, insurance provider or other Service Provider. We do not, and will not, make any coverage or credit decision with any Service Provider referred to you. We do not issue mortgages, credit cards, insurance coverage or any other financial products.</p><p><u>Service Providers are Solely Responsible for the Services they Provide You</u>. You acknowledge and agree that Service Providers are solely responsible for any services that they may provide to you, and that we are not liable for any losses, costs, damages or claims in connection with, arising from, or related to, your use of a Service Provider's products or services. We urge you to obtain the advice of financial advisors, insurance agents, brokers or other qualified professionals who are fully aware of your individual circumstances before you make any financial decisions.</p><p><strong>You hereby release and forever discharge us (and our officers, employees, agents, successors, and assigns) from, and hereby waive and relinquish, each and every past, present and future dispute, claim, controversy, demand, right, obligation, liability, action and cause of action of every kind and nature (including personal injuries, death, and property damage), that has arisen or arises directly or indirectly out of, or relates directly or indirectly to, any interactions with, or act or omission of, Service Providers and their websites, links, offers, sites, products and services. IF YOU ARE A CALIFORNIA RESIDENT, YOU HEREBY WAIVE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE SECTION 1542 IN CONNECTION WITH THE FOREGOING, WHICH STATES: "A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS OR HER FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE, WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM OR HER MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS OR HER SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR."</strong></p><p><u>Requests for Rates, Quotes or Offers</u>. Our Services may give you the opportunity to request to be matched with and receive rates, quotes or offers from Service Providers (a "Match Request"). Portions of our Services providing this opportunity (the "Match Request Areas") are only available to residents of the United States, and may not be available in all states.</p><ul><li>We make no guarantee that you will be matched with a Service Provider if you submit a Match Request.</li><li>If you make either a complete or incomplete Request, then you agree that Your Information provided in connection with your Match Request may be used and disclosed as set forth in the Privacy Policy. Without limiting anything in the Privacy Policy, you authorize Service Providers, and their affiliates and third-party service providers, to conduct all necessary research with your information, including checking your credit history, if applicable, for purposes of providing you with your Match Request.</li><li>If you make a Match Request, then you expressly authorize us and up to ten (10) Service Providers and us to contact you by telephone, fax and email at the numbers and addresses provided in your Match Request, for purposes of providing you with the information, rates, quotes, offers products and services indicated in your Match Request. You consent to receive telephone calls from Service Providers and us, even if the phone number that you provided on your Match Request is on any "Do Not Call" list. You also consent to Service Providers and us making recorded calls to remind you of deadlines or other issues in connection with your Match Request.</li><li>You are solely responsible for complying with applicable laws and regulations in connection with your use of any services offered by us or a Service Provider.</li></ul><p><u>Credit Score and Reporting Services</u>. We provide Services that allow Users to manage their credit and financial health online. You understand that by accepting this Agreement and using these Services, you are providing "written instructions" to LinkOffers, its contracted data providers, agents, and its employees, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, contractors, third party data sources and suppliers, and all other credit reporting agencies under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), as amended, to access your credit files from each national credit reporting agency and to exchange information about you with each such national credit reporting agency in order to verify your identity and to provide Services to you. You agree and hereby authorize LinkOffers, its contracted data providers, agents, and employees, to provide your personally identifiable information (or, if applicable, information about your child you have enrolled) to third parties as provided in our Privacy Policy, as may be amended from time to time. You waive any and all claims against LinkOffers, Inc., its contracted data providers, agents, employees, and shareholder for the acts or omissions of these third parties with regard to the use or disclosure of such information. You further authorize LinkOffers, its contracted data providers and its agents, employees and shareholder to obtain various information and reports about you (or about your child that you have enrolled, if applicable) in order to provide the Services, including, but not limited to, address history reports, name and alias reports, criminal reports or sex offender reports, and to provide monitoring and alerts. While enrolling for the Services, we will ask you for the following types of information: contact information (such as name, address, phone number, and e-mail address); sensitive information (such as date of birth, driver's license number and social security number); personal information to verify your identity and financial information (such as credit card number). This information is required in order to verify your identity, charge you the agreed upon fees for our products and services, and to fulfill our obligation to provide our products and services to you, including communicating with third parties as necessary to provide such products and services, such as identification verification companies, consumer reporting agencies, credit bureaus, payment validation companies, law enforcement agencies, or others. You agree that you will use the Services to protect against or prevent actual fraud, unauthorized transactions, claims or other liabilities.</p><p><em>Consumer Disclosures</em></p><ol><li>The Fair Credit Reporting Act allows you to obtain a disclosure from every credit reporting agency of the nature and substance of all information in your file at the time of the request. Full disclosure of information in your file at TransUnion® must be obtained directly from TransUnion by logging on to <u></u>. The credit report you are requesting from us is not intended to constitute the disclosure of TransUnion information required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act or similar state laws.</li><li>You are entitled to receive a disclosure directly from each of the consumer reporting agencies free of charge under the following circumstances:</li></ol><ul><li>You have been denied credit, insurance or employment within the past sixty (60) days as a result of your credit report;</li><li>You certify in writing that you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment in the 60-day period beginning on the date on which you made the certification;</li><li>You are a recipient of public welfare assistance;</li><li>You have reason to believe that your file at the agency contains inaccurate information due to fraud;</li><li>Annually at</li></ul><p>Otherwise, the consumer reporting agency may impose a reasonable charge for the disclosure.</p><ol><li>The Fair Credit Reporting Act permits you to dispute inaccurate or incomplete information in your credit file. You understand that accurate information cannot be changed.</li><li>You do not have to purchase your credit report or other information from us to dispute inaccurate or incomplete information in your TransUnion file or to receive a copy of your TransUnion consumer credit report.</li><li>TransUnion provides a proprietary consumer disclosure that is different from the consumer credit report provided through our Services. The disclosure report must be obtained directly from TransUnion. Consumers residing in the States of Colorado, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, and Vermont may receive a free copy of their consumer credit report once per year and residents of the State of Georgia may receive two copies per year.</li><li>By creating an account for credit score and credit report Services, you are providing written instructions to LinkOffers, Inc. under the Fair Credit Reporting Act to obtain information from your personal credit profile from TransUnion. You authorize LinkOffers, Inc. to obtain such information solely to confirm your identity and as long as you are a member of this website, provide you with credit information, a risk score, educational materials, and recommendations for credit or other service options. If at any time you desire to terminate this authorization you may do so with no further obligations. Enrollment in this service is completely free.</li></ol><p><em>Order Limitations</em></p><p>The Services we provide Users are for personal use only. Using any of the services or information provided for commercial uses is strictly prohibited. Services provided through this Web site are limited to residents in the United States.</p><p><em>Your Rights Under State and Federal Law</em></p><ul><li>You have a right to dispute inaccurate information in your credit report by contacting the credit bureau directly. However, neither you nor any "credit repair" company or credit repair organization has the right to have accurate, current, and verifiable information removed from your credit report. The credit bureau must remove accurate, negative information from your report only if it is over 7 years old. Bankruptcy information can be reported for 10 years.</li><li>You have a right to obtain a copy of your credit report from a credit bureau. You may be charged a reasonable fee. There is no fee, however, if you have been turned down for credit, employment, insurance, or a rental dwelling because of information in your credit report within the preceding 60 days. The credit bureau must provide someone to help you interpret the information in your credit file. You are entitled to receive a free copy of your credit report if you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment in the next 60 days, if you are a recipient of public welfare assistance, or if you have reason to believe that there is inaccurate information in your credit report due to fraud.</li><li>You have a right to sue a credit repair organization that violates the Credit Repair Organization Act. This law prohibits deceptive practices by credit repair organizations.</li><li>You have the right to cancel your contract with any credit repair organization for any reason within 3 business days from the date you signed it.</li><li>Credit bureaus are required to follow reasonable procedures to ensure that the information they report is accurate. However, mistakes may occur.</li><li>You may, on your own, notify a credit bureau in writing that you dispute the accuracy of information in your credit file. The credit bureau must then reinvestigate and modify or remove inaccurate or incomplete information. The credit bureau may not charge any fee for this service. Any pertinent information and copies of all documents you have concerning an error should be given to the credit bureau.</li><li>If the credit bureau's reinvestigation does not resolve the dispute to your satisfaction, you may send a brief statement to the credit bureau, to be kept in your file, explaining why you think the record is inaccurate. The credit bureau must include a summary of your statement about disputed information with any report it issues about you.</li></ul><p>The Federal Trade Commission regulates credit bureaus and credit repair organizations. For more information contact:</p><p>The Public Reference Branch</p><p>Federal Trade Commission</p><p>Washington, D.C. 20580</p><p><strong>Account Set Up and Maintenance</strong></p><p><u>You Must Maintain the Integrity of Your Information</u>. To use certain Services, you may be required to provide us with information about you, which may be of a confidential nature and may include personal identifying information and/or financial information ("Your Information"). If you provide Your Information to us then you agree to provide true, current, complete and accurate information, and not to misrepresent your identity. You also agree to keep Your Information current and to update Your Information if any of Your Information changes. Our collection, use and disclosure of Your Information is governed by this Agreement and our Privacy Policy.</p><p><u>You Must Maintain the Security of Your Account Password</u>. For Services that require you to create a password, you agree that it is your sole responsibility to maintain the security of that password. You agree that we shall not be liable for any loss that you may suffer as a result of the authorized or unauthorized use of your password by a third party. You shall not allow any person under the age of 18 to use any Service via your registration or password.</p><p><u>You Must Notify Us of a Breach</u>. You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your password, any unauthorized use of any account that you may have with us, any violation of this Agreement, or any other breach of security known to you in connection with any product or service available on our Services by sending an email to legal AT thepointsguy DOT com.</p><p><u>Your Decision to Link Your Financial Accounts to Our Service</u>. You may link your various financial accounts to the Service with your login credentials from certain financial account sites (e.g. your bank) ("Financial Account"). If you associate our Services with your login credentials from a Financial Account, we will receive information about you and your Financial Account from such site, in accordance with the terms and conditions (e.g. terms of use and privacy policy) of the Financial Account. You represent that you are entitled to disclose your Financial Account login information to us, and grant us access to your Financial Account. By granting us access to any Financial Account, you understand that we may access, store, and use any information or data that you have provided and stored in your Financial Account for the purposes of providing you with the Services. You have the ability to disassociate any Financial Account by logging into our Services and deleting that Financial Account from the Services. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE THIRD-PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS ASSOCIATED WITH FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS IS GOVERNED SOLELY BY YOUR AGREEMENT(S) WITH SUCH THIRD-PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS, AND WE DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY FOR PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION AND/OR FINANCIAL INFORMATION THAT MAY BE PROVIDED TO US BY SUCH THIRD-PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS IN VIOLATION OF THE PRIVACY SETTINGS THAT YOU HAVE SET IN SUCH FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS.</p><p><strong id="cardmatch-terms-of-use">CardMatch Terms (Terms of Use)</strong></p><p>By enrolling in the CardMatch service, you are providing your written instructions to any credit reporting agency to release your credit report information to and our card issuer partners. Your instructions apply each time you log in to view your CardMatch offers, otherwise request CardMatch updates, or once per calendar month if your latest CardMatch offers are at least 30 days old. To revoke your consent to CardMatch, please email</p><p>You further agree that:</p><ul><li> may communicate the personal identifying information we have collected or you have provided to one or more participating credit card issuers and to the a consumer reporting agency.</li><li> may use your consumer credit report information, including your social security number, and credit score, for internal business purposes, such as improving the website experience and to market other products and services to you. may share your consumer credit report information, including your social security number, with credit card issuers so they can determine if you may be eligible for certain offers.</li><li>Credit card issuers that receive your personal identifying information from may use it to pull a new credit profile to determine which card offers might be available to you, including checking for any prequalified offers.</li><li>You understand that certain credit card issuers that receive your personal identifying information from may use it to first determine if there are any previously matched credit card offers available to you without pulling a new credit profile, and if no offers are available, you authorize those credit card issuers to pull a new credit profile to determine which credit card offers might be available to you, including prequalified offers.</li><li>The consumer reporting agency that receives your personal identifying information from may use your consumer report information, including your credit score, to determine which credit card offers might be available to you based on credit criteria made available to the consumer reporting agency by participating credit card issuers.</li><li> is not a credit card issuer and does not issue credit cards, loans, or make credit decisions.</li><li>Even if you choose to apply for one of your CardMatch offers, there is no guarantee that you will be approved by the issuer.</li><li>When your personal identifying information is provided by to a consumer reporting agency or a credit card issuer, you understand that your consumer report records will indicate that Bankrate, LLC and/or the credit card issuer has made a credit inquiry about you.</li><li>Many, but not all credit card issuers participate in the CardMatch service, which may not include every product offered. You understand that will determine, in its sole discretion, when, how often, and with which credit card issuer partners it checks for CardMatch offers based on criteria from each credit card issuer, availability of information needed to identify CardMatch offers, and other relevant factors.</li><li> will not be able to tell you why you did or did not appear to match to any particular credit card or other offer.</li><li>This is not an application for credit and that, if you wish to apply for a product, you will need to click through to complete and submit an application directly with that issuer.</li><li>If you decide to proceed with a provider's application process on their website, that provider may conduct a hard pull, which may affect your credit score.</li></ul><p><strong>Fees and Payments </strong><br/><u>Our Basic Services Are Free</u>. Access and use of our basic Services are free. At any time, we may choose to charge fees for various premium features and services, and we will notify you of those charges at the time that we offer features and services for a fee. We may, in our sole discretion, and by notifying you on our Services, change this policy and begin charging for access to our Services and other features and services, and we may, in our sole discretion, add, remove or change the features and services we offer or the fees (including the amount and type of fees) we charge at any time. If we introduce a new service or charge a new fee, we will establish and notify you of the fees for that service at the launch of the service or start of charging a new fee. If we notify you of new fees or changes to fees for an existing service, then you agree to pay all fees and charges specified and all applicable taxes for your continued use of the applicable service.</p><p><u>You are Responsible for Fee Arrangements with Service Providers</u>. If you purchase a product or service from a Service Provider, you are solely responsible for the payment of any fees associated with such purchase. We are not involved with and are not responsible for any fee arrangement that you may enter into with any Service Provider. You acknowledge and agree to this compensation arrangement. <strong>You hereby release us of any and all losses, costs, damages or claims in connection with, arising from or related to your use of a Service Provider's products or services, including any fees charged by a Service Provider.</strong></p><p><u>We Receive Compensation from our Service Providers</u>. You may see notices on the Site, the Apps and elsewhere in the Services that disclose when we or one of our partners are being compensated by a third party (e.g. a Service Provider) in connection with an offer, a user action (e.g., a click on a link) or otherwise. If you have questions about these disclaimers or how we earn compensation, please contact us at legal AT thepointsguy DOT com.</p><p><strong>User Content </strong><br/><u>Public Forums on our Services</u>. Our Services may act as a venue, through blogs, App features, user profiles, messaging, chat rooms, bulletin boards and other forums (collectively, the "Forums"), allowing users to contribute information and make statements ("User Generated Content"). Neither we nor our Service Providers are involved in the actual transmission of User Generated Content provided for in the Forums. As a result, neither we nor our Service Providers approve or endorse any User Generated Content in the Forums, and you hereby acknowledge and agree that neither we nor our Service Providers have control over the User Generated Content submission's quality, correctness, timeliness, safety, truth, accuracy or legality by you or any other person or entity in the Forums. You may find User Generated Content posted in the Forums by other users to be offensive, harmful, inaccurate or deceptive. Please use caution and common sense, and do not rely solely on User Generated Content published in the Forums. It is neither our nor our Service Providers' responsibility to ensure all posts and questions submitted on the Forums are answered. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and although we do not regularly review User Generated Content provided for in the Forums, we reserve the right (but not the obligation) to remove or edit any User Generated Content in the Forums, for any reason or no reason, in our sole discretion. Immediately report problems with the Forums to us at legal AT thepointsguy DOT com.</p><p><u>Transmissions, Submissions and Postings to our Services</u>. If you transmit, submit or post information to our Services that is not federally trademarked and/or copyrighted, you automatically grant us and our assigns the worldwide, fully-paid, royalty-free, exclusive right and license to use, copy, format, adapt, publish and/or incorporate any or all such information in any media whatsoever, including, without limitation, the Content (as defined below). Provided that you have obtained prior written permission from us to transmit, submit or post information to our Services that is federally trademarked and/or copyrighted, you automatically grant us and our assigns the worldwide, fully-paid, royalty-free right to use, copy, format, adapt, publish and/or incorporate any or all such information in any media whatsoever, including, without limitation, the Content.</p><p>You shall not transmit, submit or post the following to our Services:</p><ul><li>Information that infringes our or any third party's copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights;</li><li>Information that violates any law, statute, ordinance or regulation;</li><li>Information that is trade libelous, unlawfully threatening, unlawfully harassing, defamatory, obscene, explicit or vulgar, or otherwise injurious to us or third parties or that infringes on our or any third party's rights of publicity or privacy;</li><li>Information that contains any viruses, worms, Trojan horses, trap doors, back doors, easter eggs, time bombs, cancelbots or other code or computer programming routines that contain contaminating or destructive properties or that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information;</li><li>Information containing or constituting chain letters, mass mailings, political campaigning, or any form of "spam";</li><li>Information that is false, inaccurate or misleading;</li><li>Commercial advertisements or solicitations without our written permission; or</li><li>Federally trademarked and/or copyrighted information without our prior written permission.</li></ul><p>Although we do not regularly review your transmissions, submissions or postings, we reserve the right (but not the obligation) to edit, refuse to post or remove your transmissions, submissions or postings. Pursuant to the Privacy Policy, we may review transmissions, submissions or postings made by you to determine, in our sole discretion, your compliance with this Agreement.</p><p>You are solely responsible for all your transmissions, submissions or postings (i.e., your own User Generated Content) and the consequences of transmitting, submitting or posting them.</p><p><u>Feedback</u>. If you provide us with any feedback or suggestions regarding the Services ("Feedback"), you hereby assign to us all rights in the Feedback and agree that we shall have the right to use such Feedback and related information in any manner it deems appropriate. We will treat any Feedback you provide to us as non-confidential and non-proprietary. You agree that you will not submit to us any information or ideas that you consider to be confidential or proprietary.</p><p><strong>Our Intellectual Property Rights</strong><br/>Our names, graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts, and service names are our trademarks or trade dress in the United States and/or other countries (collectively, the "Proprietary Marks"). You may not use the Proprietary Marks without our prior written permission. We make no proprietary claim to any third-party names, trademarks or service marks appearing on our Services. Any third-party names, trademarks, and service marks are property of their respective owners.</p><p>The information, advice, data, software and content viewable on, contained in, or downloadable from our Services (collectively, the "Content"), including, without limitation, all text, graphics, charts, pictures, photographs, images, videos, line art, icons and renditions, are copyrighted by, owned by, or otherwise licensed to, us or our Content suppliers. We also own a copyright of a collective work in the selection, coordination, arrangement, presentation, display and enhancement of the Content (the "Collective Work"). All software used on or within our Services (the "Software") is our property or the property of our software vendors and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. Viewing, reading, printing, downloading or otherwise using the Content and/or the Collective Work does not entitle you to any ownership or intellectual property rights to the Content, the Collective Work, or the Software.</p><p>You are solely responsible for any damages resulting from your infringement of our or any third-party's intellectual property rights regarding the Trademarks, the Content, the Collective Work, the Software and/or any other harm incurred by us or our affiliates as a, direct or indirect, result of your copying, distributing, redistributing, transmitting, publishing or using the same for purposes that are contrary to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.</p><p><strong>Your Access And Use Of Our Services</strong><br/><u>Your License to Use Our Services</u>. Your right to access and use our Services is personal to you and is not transferable by you to any other person or entity. You are only entitled to access and use our Services for lawful purposes and pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Privacy Policy. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, we grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable license to: (a) use the Site and Services for your personal, non-commercial use; and (b) install and use the Apps, in executable object code format only, solely on your own mobile or portable device and for your personal, non-commercial use.</p><p><u>Your License to Use our Content</u>. We grant you a limited license to access, print, download or otherwise make personal use of the Content and the Collective Work in the form of: (i) one machine-readable copy; (ii) one backup copy; and (iii) one print copy, for your non-commercial use; provided, however, that you shall not delete any proprietary notices or materials with regard to the foregoing manifestations of the Content and the Collective Work. You may not modify the Content or the Collective Work or utilize them for any commercial purpose or any other public display, performance, sale, or rental, decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Content and the Collective Work, or transfer the Content or the Collective Work to another person or entity. Except as otherwise permitted under the copyright laws of the United States, no other copying, distribution, redistribution, transmission, publication or use, other than the non-commercial use of the Content and the Collective Work as permitted by this Agreement, is permitted by you without our prior written permission.</p><p><u>Your Restrictions on Using our Services</u>. Any action by you that, in our sole discretion: (i) violates the terms and conditions of this Agreement and/or the Privacy Policy; (ii) restricts, inhibits or prevents any access, use or enjoyment of our Services; or (iii) through the use of our Services, defames, abuses, harasses, offends or threatens, shall not be permitted, and may result in your loss of the right to access and use our Services. In addition, you are prohibited from: (z) licensing, selling, renting, leasing, transferring, assigning, distributing, hosting, or otherwise commercially exploiting the Site, Apps, or Services; (y) modifying, making derivative works of, disassembling, reverse compiling or engineering any part of the Site, Apps, or Services; and (x) accessing the Site, Apps, or Services in order to build a similar or competitive service, or to interfere with our Services (as described below). You may not use any meta tags or any other "hidden text" utilizing our name or trademarks without our prior written permission.</p><p><u>You May Not Interfere with Our Services</u>. You agree that you will not use any robot, spider, scraper, deep link or other similar automated data gathering or extraction tools, program, algorithm or methodology to access, acquire, copy or monitor our Services or any portion of our Services or for any other purpose, without our prior written permission. Additionally, you agree that you will not: (i) take any action that imposes, or may impose in our sole discretion an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure; (ii) copy, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, distribute or publicly display any content (except for your personal information) from our Services without our prior written permission and the appropriate third party, as applicable; (iii) interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of our Services or any activities conducted on our Services; or (iv) bypass any robot exclusion headers or other measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to our Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we grant the operators of public search engines permission to use spiders to copy materials from our Services for the sole purpose and solely to the extent necessary for creating publicly available search indices of the materials on our Services, but not caches or archives of such materials. We reserve the right to revoke these exceptions either generally or in specific cases. Except as expressly permitted in this Agreement, you shall not collect or harvest any personally identifiable information, including account names, from our Services. You shall not use any communication systems provided on our Services (such as Forums or email) for any commercial or solicitation purposes. You shall not solicit for commercial purposes any users of our Services without our prior written permission.</p><p><u>Interruption of Services</u>. Your access and use of our Services may be interrupted from time to time for any of several reasons, including, without limitation, the malfunction of equipment, periodic updating, maintenance or repair of our Services or other actions that we, in our sole discretion, may elect to take. We reserve the right to suspend or discontinue the availability of our Services and/or any portion or feature of our Services at any time in our sole discretion and without prior notice or liability.</p><p><u>App Platforms</u>. You acknowledge and agree that the availability of our Apps is dependent on the third party app platform from which you received the App, e.g., the Apple iPhone store ("App Platform"). You acknowledge that this Agreement is between you and us, and not with the App Platform. We (and not the App Platform) are solely responsible for the App, the content thereof, maintenance, support services, and warranty therefor, and addressing any claims relating thereto (e.g., product liability, legal compliance, or intellectual property infringement). You agree to pay all fees charged by the App Platform in connection with the App. Each App Platform may have its own terms and conditions to which you must agree before downloading the App from it. You agree to comply with, and your license to use the App is conditioned upon your compliance with, all applicable agreements, terms and conditions of use/service, and other policies of the applicable App Platform. You acknowledge that the App Platform (and its subsidiaries) is a third party beneficiary of this Agreement and will have the right to enforce this Agreement.</p><p><strong>Electronic Communications </strong><br/>When you visit our Services or send email to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically. Although we may choose to communicate with you by regular mail, we may also choose to communicate with you by email or by posting notices on our Services. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.</p><p><strong>Your Responsibility For Equipment, Mobile Service, And Related Costs </strong><br/>You are responsible for obtaining and maintaining all telephone, computer hardware, Internet access services and other equipment or services needed to access and use our Services, and all costs and fees associated with Internet access or long distance charges incurred with regard to your access and use of our Services. If we provide aspects of our Services via an App for your mobile or other device, please be aware that your carrier's normal rates and fees may apply and that the terms of this Agreement and other agreements within the application apply to your use of such application.</p><p><strong>Copyright Infringement </strong><br/>It is our policy to comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, title 17, United States Code, Section 512, including, without limitation, responding to notices of alleged copyright infringement, and other applicable intellectual property laws. We shall, in appropriate circumstances, disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who may infringe or repeatedly infringe the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of ours and/or others.</p><p>Notifications (each a "Notification") of claimed copyright infringement should be sent by either express mail or U.S. mail to our designated agent. Our designated agent contact information is set forth below:</p><p>Address of designated agent to which notification should be sent:</p><p>Gunster, Yoakley & Stewart, P. A.<br/>777 S. Flagler Drive, Suite 500 E<br/>West Palm Beach, FL33401<br/>Attention: David Bates</p><p>Facsimile number of designated agent: 561.671.2555<br/>Email address of designated agent: dbates AT gunster DOT com</p><p>Pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(3), to be effective, the Notification must include the following:</p><ol><li>A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner ("Complaining Party") of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;</li><li>Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single Notification, a representative list of such works at that site;</li><li>Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material;</li><li>Information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact the Complaining Party, such as an address, telephone number, and if available, an electronic mail address at which the Complaining Party may be contacted;</li><li>A statement that the Complaining Party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and</li><li>A statement that the information in the Notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the Complaining Party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.</li></ol><p>Upon receipt of the Notification containing the information as outlined in 1 through 6 above, and pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512:</p><ol><li>We will remove or disable access to the material that is alleged to be infringing;</li><li>We will forward the Notification to the alleged infringer ("Subscriber"); and</li><li>We will take reasonable steps to promptly notify the Subscriber that we have removed or disabled access to the material.</li></ol><p><u>Counter Notification</u>:<br/>Pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(g)(3), a Subscriber may counter a Notification by providing a written communication ("Counter Notification") to our designated agent that includes substantially the following:</p><ol><li>A physical or electronic signature of the Subscriber;</li><li>Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled;</li><li>A statement under penalty of perjury that the Subscriber has a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled; and</li><li>The Subscriber's name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that the Subscriber consents to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court for the judicial district in which the address is located, or if the Subscriber's address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which we may be found, and that the Subscriber will accept service of process from the person who provided the Counter Notification or an agent of such person</li></ol><p>Upon receipt of a Counter Notification containing the information as outlined in 1 through 4 above, and pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512:</p><ol><li>We will promptly provide the Complaining Party with a copy of the Counter Notification;</li><li>We will inform the Complaining Party that we will replace the removed material or cease disabling access to the removed material within ten (10) business days; and</li><li>We will replace the removed material or cease disabling access to the removed material not less than ten (10), nor more than fourteen (14) business days following receipt of the Counter Notification, provided our designated agent has not received notice from the Complaining Party that an action has been filed seeking a court order to restrain the Subscriber from engaging in infringing activity relating to the removed material on our network or system.</li></ol><p><strong>We Make No Representations or Warranties Regarding Our Services </strong><br/>THE CONTENT AND ALL SERVICES AND PRODUCTS ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES ARE PROVIDED TO YOU ON AN "AS-IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" BASIS. WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE OPERATION OF OUR SERVICES OR THE INFORMATION, CONTENT, MATERIALS, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES INCLUDED ON OR ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES. YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF OUR SERVICES AND ALL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES INCLUDED ON OR ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK.</p><p>WE DO NOT MAKE, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM, ANY REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE ACCURACY, CORRECTNESS, OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENT OR THE SERVICES AND PRODUCTS ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES, OR THE SAFETY, RELIABILITY, TITLE, TIMELINESS, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY, CONFORMITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE CONTENT OR THE SERVICES AND PRODUCTS ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES. IT IS YOUR SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO INDEPENDENTLY EVALUATE THE ACCURACY, CORRECTNESS OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENT AND THE SERVICES AND PRODUCTS ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES. WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE THAT THE CONTENT THAT MAY BE AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOADING FROM OUR SERVICES IS FREE OF INFECTION FROM ANY VIRUSES, WORMS, TROJAN HORSES, TRAP DOORS, BACK DOORS, EASTER EGGS, TIME BOMBS, CANCELBOTS OR OTHER CODE OR COMPUTER PROGRAMMING ROUTINES THAT CONTAIN CONTAMINATING OR DESTRUCTIVE PROPERTIES OR THAT ARE INTENDED TO DAMAGE, DETRIMENTALLY INTERFERE WITH, SURREPTITIOUSLY INTERCEPT OR EXPROPRIATE ANY SYSTEM, DATA OR PERSONAL INFORMATION. WE DO NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING ANY QUOTES OR OFFERS PROVIDED ON OR THROUGH OUR SERVICES.</p><p>WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT WE ARE NOT A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION, INSURANCE PROVIDER, CREDIT CARD PROVIDER OR OTHER SERVICE PROVIDER. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT WE ARE SOLELY AN INTERMEDIARY BETWEEN YOU AND SUCH SERVICE PROVIDERS AND, THEREFORE, WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY CONTENT, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES PROVIDED BY SUCH SERVICE PROVIDERS.</p><p>Our Services are controlled and offered by us from our facilities in the United States of America. We make no representations that our Services are appropriate or available for use in other jurisdictions. If you access or use our Services from other jurisdictions, then you do so by your own volition and are solely responsible for compliance with local law.</p><p><strong>Limitations on Our Liability </strong><br/>NEITHER WE NOR OUR AFFILIATES, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, OR SHAREHOLDER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO, OR LIABLE TO, YOU, OR ANY THIRD PARTY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE, FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES THAT INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFIT, REVENUE OR BUSINESS, AS A DIRECT OR INDIRECT RESULT OF: (I) YOUR BREACH OR VIOLATION OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT; (II) YOUR ACCESS AND USE OF OUR SERVICES; (III) YOUR DELAY IN ACCESSING OR INABILITY TO ACCESS OR USE OUR SERVICES FOR ANY REASON; (IV) YOUR DOWNLOADING OF ANY OF THE CONTENT OR THE COLLECTIVE WORK FOR YOUR USE; (V) YOUR RELIANCE UPON OR USE OF THE CONTENT OR THE COLLECTIVE WORK, OR (VI) ANY INFORMATION, SOFTWARE, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OBTAINED THROUGH OUR SERVICES, OR OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OUR SERVICES, WHETHER RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FROM BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORTIOUS BEHAVIOR, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF WE AND/OR OUR SUPPLIERS HAD BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGES. OUR LIABILITY AND THE LIABILITY OF OUR AFFILIATES, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS, SHAREHOLDERS, REPRESENTATIVES, AND AGENTS ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED $100.</p><p>YOU SPECIFICALLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR USER GENERATED CONTENT OR THE DEFAMATORY, OFFENSIVE OR ILLEGAL CONDUCT OF ANY THIRD PARTY, AND THAT THE RISK OF HARM OR DAMAGE FROM SUCH USER GENERATED CONTENT AND THIRD-PARTY CONDUCT RESTS ENTIRELY WITH YOU.</p><p>YOU AND US AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO OUR SERVICES MUST COMMENCE WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR AFTER THE CAUSE OF ACTION ACCRUES. OTHERWISE, SUCH CAUSE OF ACTION IS PERMANENTLY BARRED.</p><p>Certain state laws do not allow limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion or limitation of certain damages. If these laws apply to you, some or all of the above disclaimers, exclusions or limitations may not apply to you.</p><p>In the event that any limitation on the period of time for bringing an action, claim, dispute or proceeding against us, located in this "Limitations on Our Liability" section, is determined or held to be inapplicable or unenforceable by any court, arbitration panel or other tribunal, then the statute of limitations for the State of New York shall apply to any such action, claim, dispute or proceeding referred to final or binding arbitration.</p><p><strong>Your Indemnification of Us </strong><br/>You shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless us and our officers, directors, shareholders, employees, independent contractors, agents, representatives and affiliates from and against all claims and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees, arising out of, or attributable to: (i) any breach or violation of this Agreement by you; (ii) your failure to provide accurate, complete and current personally identifiable information requested or required by us; (iii) your access or use of our Services; (iv) access or use of our Services under any password that may be issued to you; (v) your transmissions, submissions or postings (i.e., your own User Generated Content); and/or (vi) any personal injury or property damage caused by you.</p><p><strong>Modification of our Services; Amendments of this Agreement </strong><br/>Any future release, update, or other addition to functionality of our Services shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement. We reserve the right to update, amend and/or change this Agreement at any time in our sole discretion and without notice. Updates to this Agreement will be posted here. Amendments will take effect immediately upon us posting the updated Agreement on our Services. You are encouraged to revisit this Agreement from time to time in order to review any changes that have been made. The date on which this Agreement was last updated will be noted immediately above this Agreement. Your continued access and use of our Services following the posting of any such changes shall automatically be deemed your acceptance of all changes.</p><p><strong>Our Remedies </strong><br/>You acknowledge that we may be irreparably damaged if this Agreement is not specifically enforced, and damages at law would be an inadequate remedy. Therefore, in the event of a breach or threatened breach of any provision of this Agreement by you, we shall be entitled, in addition to all rights and remedies, to an injunction restraining such breach or threatened breach, without being required to show any actual damage or to post an injunction bond, and/or to a decree for specific performance of the provisions of this Agreement. For purposes of this Section, you agree that any action or proceeding with regard to such injunction restraining such breach or threatened breach shall be brought in the courts of record of New York County, New York, or the United States District Court, Southern District of New York, Borough of Manhattan. You consent to the jurisdiction of such court and waive any objection to the laying of venue of any such action or proceeding in such court. You agree that service of any court paper may be effected on such party by mail or in such other manner as may be provided under applicable laws, rules of procedure or local rules.</p><p><strong>Legal Disputes </strong><br/>You and we agree that any claim or dispute at law or equity that has arisen or may arise between us relating in any way to or arising out of this or previous versions of this Agreement, your use of or access to the Services will be resolved in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Legal Disputes section. Please read this section carefully. It affects your rights and will have a substantial impact on how claims you and we have against each other are resolved.</p><p><u>Applicable Law</u></p><p>You agree that the laws of the State of New York, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern this Agreement and any claim or dispute that has arisen or may arise between you and us, except as otherwise stated in this Agreement.</p><p><strong><u>Arbitration/Class Waiver/Opt Out Clauses</u></strong></p><ol><li>You and we each agree to resolve exclusively through final and binding arbitration any and all disputes or claims that have arisen or may arise between you and us (including any affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents), whether or not such dispute or claim involves a third party, relating in any way to any aspect of our relationship or any contact between us, direct or indirect, or arising out of this or previous versions of this Agreement, your use of or access to our Services, or any products or services sold, offered, or purchased through our Services ("Dispute").</li></ol><ul><li>You and we agree to submit the Dispute to a single arbitrator under the then-current Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA), including when applicable the Optional Rules for Emergency Measures of Protection and the Consumer Arbitration Rules, or, by separate mutual agreement, at another arbitration institution. The AAA's rules, information regarding initiating a claim, and a description of the arbitration process are available at The location of the arbitration and the allocation of fees and costs for such arbitration shall be determined in accordance with the AAA rules. As an alternative, you or we may bring a claim in your local "small claims" court, if permitted by that small claims court's rules.</li><li>The Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this section regarding our agreement to arbitrate any Dispute ("Agreement to Arbitrate"), and the arbitrability of the Dispute. The arbitrator will decide whether the Dispute can be arbitrated.</li><li>You and we agree that each of us may bring a Dispute against the other only on our own behalf, and not on behalf of a government official or other person or entity, or a class of persons or entities. You and we agree, if we are a party to the proceeding, not to participate in a class action, a class-wide arbitration, a claim brought in a private attorney general or representative capacity, or a consolidated claim involving another person's use of the site or our services. You and we agree not to combine a claim that is subject to arbitration under this Agreement with a claim that is not eligible for arbitration under this Agreement. You and we agree to waive the right to a trial by jury for all disputes.</li><li>You may opt out of this Agreement to Arbitrate. If you do so, neither you nor we can require the other to participate in an arbitration proceeding. To opt out, you must notify us in writing, within 30 days of the date that you first became subject to this Agreement to Arbitrate, either by U.S. mail delivered to: Attn: Legal Department, LinkOffers, Inc., 9430 Research Blvd., Bldg #400, Building 4 , Austin, TX, 78759 or by email delivered to You must include: (1) your name and residence address; (2) the email address and/or mobile telephone number associated with your account; and (3) a clear statement that you want to opt out of this Agreement to Arbitrate.</li><li>If the prohibition against class actions and other claims brought on behalf of third parties contained in Section 1.3, above, is found to be unenforceable, then all of Section 1 will be null and void as to that Dispute.</li><li>This Agreement to Arbitrate will survive the termination of your relationship with us.</li></ul><ol><li>Unless you and we agree otherwise, if you opt out of the Agreement to Arbitrate, if the Agreement to Arbitrate is found by a court to be unenforceable, if your claim is not covered by the Agreement to Arbitrate, or if you neither are a resident of nor have a principal place of business in the US or Canada, you agree that any Dispute that has arisen, or may arise, between you and us must be resolved exclusively by a state or federal court located in New York County, New York. 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A Red Ventures company.</span></div></div></div></footer></div></div><script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json">{"props":{"pageProps":{"dehydratedState":{"mutations":[],"queries":[{"state":{"data":{"resolution":{"destination":null,"query":"Page","status":200}},"dataUpdateCount":1,"dataUpdatedAt":1739826565685,"error":null,"errorUpdateCount":0,"errorUpdatedAt":0,"fetchFailureCount":0,"fetchMeta":null,"isFetching":false,"isInvalidated":false,"isPaused":false,"status":"success"},"queryKey":["Resolution","/terms-of-use/",null],"queryHash":"[\"Resolution\",\"/terms-of-use/\",null]"},{"state":{"data":{"page":{"__typename":"GeneralPage","content":{"version":"0.3.1","atoms":[["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}],["soft-return","",{}]],"cards":[["tpgNewsletterCallout",{"tpgNewsletterCallout":{"defaultLocation":true}}]],"markups":[["em"],["strong"],["a",["href","/privacy-policy/"]],["u"],["strong",["id","cardmatch-terms-of-use"]]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Last updated: February 8, 2017"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"The website located at (the \"Site\") is a copyrighted work owned by The Points Guy, LLC (the \"Owner\"), and operated by Owner's parent company, LinkOffers, Inc., a Delaware corporation (together with Owner, \"we\", \"us\" or \"our\"). We provide services via the Site and certain applications (\"Apps\") that inform users about available credit card offers, their own credit cards, and associated award programs. Our Apps also suggest credit cards that may be preferred for some transactions based on applicable rewards programs details. Our Site, the Apps, and all other websites, applications, widgets, e-mail notifications and other mediums through which you have accessed this Agreement (via desktop, mobile or other application) are collectively referred to as the \"Services\". Services also include co-branded or white labeled versions of any of our websites, Apps, and other products."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Our Services are intended to be accessed and used only by adults and are not directed to minors. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information by anyone under the age of 18, and you should not provide us with any information regarding an individual under the age of 18."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"By accessing, downloading, or using the Services, including any co-branded or white-labeled versions of the Services: (a) you are accepting these Terms of Use (\"Agreement\") and our "],[0,[2],1,"Privacy Policy"],[0,[],0,"; (b) you acknowledge that this Agreement is supported by reasonable and valuable consideration, including, without limitation, your ability to visit, use and/or submit information to our Services; (c) you represent that you have the capacity to be bound by this Agreement, or if you are acting on behalf of a company or other entity, you have the authority to bind such company or entity; and (d) you represent that you are at least eighteen (18) years old. In order to determine your compliance with this Agreement, we may monitor your access and use of our Services in accordance with our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with all the provisions of this Agreement, do not access or use our Services."]]],[10,0],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS A BINDING ARBITRATION AGREEMENT, WHICH PROVIDES THAT YOU AND WE AGREE TO RESOLVE CERTAIN DISPUTES THROUGH BINDING INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION AND GIVE UP ANY RIGHT TO HAVE THOSE DISPUTES DECIDED BY A JUDGE OR A JURY. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO OPT OUT OF OUR AGREEMENT TO ARBITRATE. SEE THE LEGAL DISPUTES SECTION OF THIS AGREEMENT."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Subject to the terms of this Agreement and the Privacy Policy, we may offer you various Services. Below are terms and conditions governing these Services."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Use Of Our Services Is For Informational Purposes Only"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"You are Responsible for Your Financial Decisions"],[0,[],0,". Our Services are intended only to assist you with financial decisions, are broad in scope, and do not consider your personal financial situation. Your personal financial situation is unique and the information and advice may not be appropriate for your situation. Accordingly, before making any final decisions or implementing any financial strategy, we recommend that you obtain additional information and advice of your accountant and other financial advisors who are fully aware of your individual circumstances."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"We and our affiliates, through the Services, may provide a venue through which you can obtain information about certain financial products and services, and find third-party service providers and advertisers, such as financial institutions, credit card providers, discount program representatives and other financial professionals (\"Service Providers\"). Any opinions, advice, information, data, text and other materials or links made accessible through the Services are for information purposes only. We are not an agent or advisor to you or any Service Provider. We do not validate or investigate the licensing, certification or other requirements and qualifications of Service Providers. We do not guarantee that the terms or rates offered by any particular advertiser, business partner, affiliate, Service Provider or other third party on or through our Services are the best terms or lowest rates available in the market. In short, we are not responsible for the activities or policies of these Service Providers. Rather, it is your responsibility to investigate Service Providers, and you acknowledge and agree that you rely on your own judgment and that of such advisors in selecting any products or services offered by Service Providers. In addition, your decision to access or connect to Service Providers via any links or ads accessible through our Services is done at your own risk. When you link to a third party, the applicable third party's terms and policies apply, including the third party's privacy and data gathering practices. You should make whatever investigation you feel necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any transaction in connection with such third party."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"You Acknowledge and Agree that We are Not a Service Provider"],[0,[],0,". Our Services acts as a forum to connect users with Service Providers, and to provide information and suggestions about consumer financial products and services based on information you provide us. We are not a financial institution, credit card issuer, insurance provider or other Service Provider. We do not, and will not, make any coverage or credit decision with any Service Provider referred to you. We do not issue mortgages, credit cards, insurance coverage or any other financial products."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"Service Providers are Solely Responsible for the Services they Provide You"],[0,[],0,". You acknowledge and agree that Service Providers are solely responsible for any services that they may provide to you, and that we are not liable for any losses, costs, damages or claims in connection with, arising from, or related to, your use of a Service Provider's products or services. We urge you to obtain the advice of financial advisors, insurance agents, brokers or other qualified professionals who are fully aware of your individual circumstances before you make any financial decisions."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"You hereby release and forever discharge us (and our officers, employees, agents, successors, and assigns) from, and hereby waive and relinquish, each and every past, present and future dispute, claim, controversy, demand, right, obligation, liability, action and cause of action of every kind and nature (including personal injuries, death, and property damage), that has arisen or arises directly or indirectly out of, or relates directly or indirectly to, any interactions with, or act or omission of, Service Providers and their websites, links, offers, sites, products and services. IF YOU ARE A CALIFORNIA RESIDENT, YOU HEREBY WAIVE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE SECTION 1542 IN CONNECTION WITH THE FOREGOING, WHICH STATES: \"A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS OR HER FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE, WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM OR HER MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS OR HER SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR.\""]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"Requests for Rates, Quotes or Offers"],[0,[],0,". Our Services may give you the opportunity to request to be matched with and receive rates, quotes or offers from Service Providers (a \"Match Request\"). Portions of our Services providing this opportunity (the \"Match Request Areas\") are only available to residents of the United States, and may not be available in all states."]]],[3,"ul",[[[0,[],0,"We make no guarantee that you will be matched with a Service Provider if you submit a Match Request."]],[[0,[],0,"If you make either a complete or incomplete Request, then you agree that Your Information provided in connection with your Match Request may be used and disclosed as set forth in the Privacy Policy. Without limiting anything in the Privacy Policy, you authorize Service Providers, and their affiliates and third-party service providers, to conduct all necessary research with your information, including checking your credit history, if applicable, for purposes of providing you with your Match Request."]],[[0,[],0,"If you make a Match Request, then you expressly authorize us and up to ten (10) Service Providers and us to contact you by telephone, fax and email at the numbers and addresses provided in your Match Request, for purposes of providing you with the information, rates, quotes, offers products and services indicated in your Match Request. You consent to receive telephone calls from Service Providers and us, even if the phone number that you provided on your Match Request is on any \"Do Not Call\" list. You also consent to Service Providers and us making recorded calls to remind you of deadlines or other issues in connection with your Match Request."]],[[0,[],0,"You are solely responsible for complying with applicable laws and regulations in connection with your use of any services offered by us or a Service Provider."]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"Credit Score and Reporting Services"],[0,[],0,". We provide Services that allow Users to manage their credit and financial health online. You understand that by accepting this Agreement and using these Services, you are providing \"written instructions\" to LinkOffers, its contracted data providers, agents, and its employees, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, contractors, third party data sources and suppliers, and all other credit reporting agencies under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), as amended, to access your credit files from each national credit reporting agency and to exchange information about you with each such national credit reporting agency in order to verify your identity and to provide Services to you. You agree and hereby authorize LinkOffers, its contracted data providers, agents, and employees, to provide your personally identifiable information (or, if applicable, information about your child you have enrolled) to third parties as provided in our Privacy Policy, as may be amended from time to time. You waive any and all claims against LinkOffers, Inc., its contracted data providers, agents, employees, and shareholder for the acts or omissions of these third parties with regard to the use or disclosure of such information. You further authorize LinkOffers, its contracted data providers and its agents, employees and shareholder to obtain various information and reports about you (or about your child that you have enrolled, if applicable) in order to provide the Services, including, but not limited to, address history reports, name and alias reports, criminal reports or sex offender reports, and to provide monitoring and alerts. While enrolling for the Services, we will ask you for the following types of information: contact information (such as name, address, phone number, and e-mail address); sensitive information (such as date of birth, driver's license number and social security number); personal information to verify your identity and financial information (such as credit card number). This information is required in order to verify your identity, charge you the agreed upon fees for our products and services, and to fulfill our obligation to provide our products and services to you, including communicating with third parties as necessary to provide such products and services, such as identification verification companies, consumer reporting agencies, credit bureaus, payment validation companies, law enforcement agencies, or others. You agree that you will use the Services to protect against or prevent actual fraud, unauthorized transactions, claims or other liabilities."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Consumer Disclosures"]]],[3,"ol",[[[0,[],0,"The Fair Credit Reporting Act allows you to obtain a disclosure from every credit reporting agency of the nature and substance of all information in your file at the time of the request. Full disclosure of information in your file at TransUnion® must be obtained directly from TransUnion by logging on to "],[0,[3],1,""],[0,[],0,". The credit report you are requesting from us is not intended to constitute the disclosure of TransUnion information required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act or similar state laws."]],[[0,[],0,"You are entitled to receive a disclosure directly from each of the consumer reporting agencies free of charge under the following circumstances:"]]]],[3,"ul",[[[0,[],0,"You have been denied credit, insurance or employment within the past sixty (60) days as a result of your credit report;"]],[[0,[],0,"You certify in writing that you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment in the 60-day period beginning on the date on which you made the certification;"]],[[0,[],0,"You are a recipient of public welfare assistance;"]],[[0,[],0,"You have reason to believe that your file at the agency contains inaccurate information due to fraud;"]],[[0,[],0,"Annually at"]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Otherwise, the consumer reporting agency may impose a reasonable charge for the disclosure."]]],[3,"ol",[[[0,[],0,"The Fair Credit Reporting Act permits you to dispute inaccurate or incomplete information in your credit file. You understand that accurate information cannot be changed."]],[[0,[],0,"You do not have to purchase your credit report or other information from us to dispute inaccurate or incomplete information in your TransUnion file or to receive a copy of your TransUnion consumer credit report."]],[[0,[],0,"TransUnion provides a proprietary consumer disclosure that is different from the consumer credit report provided through our Services. The disclosure report must be obtained directly from TransUnion. Consumers residing in the States of Colorado, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, and Vermont may receive a free copy of their consumer credit report once per year and residents of the State of Georgia may receive two copies per year."]],[[0,[],0,"By creating an account for credit score and credit report Services, you are providing written instructions to LinkOffers, Inc. under the Fair Credit Reporting Act to obtain information from your personal credit profile from TransUnion. You authorize LinkOffers, Inc. to obtain such information solely to confirm your identity and as long as you are a member of this website, provide you with credit information, a risk score, educational materials, and recommendations for credit or other service options. If at any time you desire to terminate this authorization you may do so with no further obligations. Enrollment in this service is completely free."]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Order Limitations"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The Services we provide Users are for personal use only. Using any of the services or information provided for commercial uses is strictly prohibited. Services provided through this Web site are limited to residents in the United States."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[0],1,"Your Rights Under State and Federal Law"]]],[3,"ul",[[[0,[],0,"You have a right to dispute inaccurate information in your credit report by contacting the credit bureau directly. However, neither you nor any \"credit repair\" company or credit repair organization has the right to have accurate, current, and verifiable information removed from your credit report. The credit bureau must remove accurate, negative information from your report only if it is over 7 years old. Bankruptcy information can be reported for 10 years."]],[[0,[],0,"You have a right to obtain a copy of your credit report from a credit bureau. You may be charged a reasonable fee. There is no fee, however, if you have been turned down for credit, employment, insurance, or a rental dwelling because of information in your credit report within the preceding 60 days. The credit bureau must provide someone to help you interpret the information in your credit file. You are entitled to receive a free copy of your credit report if you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment in the next 60 days, if you are a recipient of public welfare assistance, or if you have reason to believe that there is inaccurate information in your credit report due to fraud."]],[[0,[],0,"You have a right to sue a credit repair organization that violates the Credit Repair Organization Act. This law prohibits deceptive practices by credit repair organizations."]],[[0,[],0,"You have the right to cancel your contract with any credit repair organization for any reason within 3 business days from the date you signed it."]],[[0,[],0,"Credit bureaus are required to follow reasonable procedures to ensure that the information they report is accurate. However, mistakes may occur."]],[[0,[],0,"You may, on your own, notify a credit bureau in writing that you dispute the accuracy of information in your credit file. The credit bureau must then reinvestigate and modify or remove inaccurate or incomplete information. The credit bureau may not charge any fee for this service. Any pertinent information and copies of all documents you have concerning an error should be given to the credit bureau."]],[[0,[],0,"If the credit bureau's reinvestigation does not resolve the dispute to your satisfaction, you may send a brief statement to the credit bureau, to be kept in your file, explaining why you think the record is inaccurate. The credit bureau must include a summary of your statement about disputed information with any report it issues about you."]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The Federal Trade Commission regulates credit bureaus and credit repair organizations. For more information contact:"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The Public Reference Branch"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Federal Trade Commission"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Washington, D.C. 20580"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Account Set Up and Maintenance"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"You Must Maintain the Integrity of Your Information"],[0,[],0,". To use certain Services, you may be required to provide us with information about you, which may be of a confidential nature and may include personal identifying information and/or financial information (\"Your Information\"). If you provide Your Information to us then you agree to provide true, current, complete and accurate information, and not to misrepresent your identity. You also agree to keep Your Information current and to update Your Information if any of Your Information changes. Our collection, use and disclosure of Your Information is governed by this Agreement and our Privacy Policy."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"You Must Maintain the Security of Your Account Password"],[0,[],0,". For Services that require you to create a password, you agree that it is your sole responsibility to maintain the security of that password. You agree that we shall not be liable for any loss that you may suffer as a result of the authorized or unauthorized use of your password by a third party. You shall not allow any person under the age of 18 to use any Service via your registration or password."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"You Must Notify Us of a Breach"],[0,[],0,". You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your password, any unauthorized use of any account that you may have with us, any violation of this Agreement, or any other breach of security known to you in connection with any product or service available on our Services by sending an email to legal AT thepointsguy DOT com."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"Your Decision to Link Your Financial Accounts to Our Service"],[0,[],0,". You may link your various financial accounts to the Service with your login credentials from certain financial account sites (e.g. your bank) (\"Financial Account\"). If you associate our Services with your login credentials from a Financial Account, we will receive information about you and your Financial Account from such site, in accordance with the terms and conditions (e.g. terms of use and privacy policy) of the Financial Account. You represent that you are entitled to disclose your Financial Account login information to us, and grant us access to your Financial Account. By granting us access to any Financial Account, you understand that we may access, store, and use any information or data that you have provided and stored in your Financial Account for the purposes of providing you with the Services. You have the ability to disassociate any Financial Account by logging into our Services and deleting that Financial Account from the Services. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE THIRD-PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS ASSOCIATED WITH FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS IS GOVERNED SOLELY BY YOUR AGREEMENT(S) WITH SUCH THIRD-PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS, AND WE DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY FOR PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION AND/OR FINANCIAL INFORMATION THAT MAY BE PROVIDED TO US BY SUCH THIRD-PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS IN VIOLATION OF THE PRIVACY SETTINGS THAT YOU HAVE SET IN SUCH FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[4],1,"CardMatch Terms (Terms of Use)"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"By enrolling in the CardMatch service, you are providing your written instructions to any credit reporting agency to release your credit report information to and our card issuer partners. Your instructions apply each time you log in to view your CardMatch offers, otherwise request CardMatch updates, or once per calendar month if your latest CardMatch offers are at least 30 days old. To revoke your consent to CardMatch, please email"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"You further agree that:"]]],[3,"ul",[[[0,[],0," may communicate the personal identifying information we have collected or you have provided to one or more participating credit card issuers and to the a consumer reporting agency."]],[[0,[],0," may use your consumer credit report information, including your social security number, and credit score, for internal business purposes, such as improving the website experience and to market other products and services to you. may share your consumer credit report information, including your social security number, with credit card issuers so they can determine if you may be eligible for certain offers."]],[[0,[],0,"Credit card issuers that receive your personal identifying information from may use it to pull a new credit profile to determine which card offers might be available to you, including checking for any prequalified offers."]],[[0,[],0,"You understand that certain credit card issuers that receive your personal identifying information from may use it to first determine if there are any previously matched credit card offers available to you without pulling a new credit profile, and if no offers are available, you authorize those credit card issuers to pull a new credit profile to determine which credit card offers might be available to you, including prequalified offers."]],[[0,[],0,"The consumer reporting agency that receives your personal identifying information from may use your consumer report information, including your credit score, to determine which credit card offers might be available to you based on credit criteria made available to the consumer reporting agency by participating credit card issuers."]],[[0,[],0," is not a credit card issuer and does not issue credit cards, loans, or make credit decisions."]],[[0,[],0,"Even if you choose to apply for one of your CardMatch offers, there is no guarantee that you will be approved by the issuer."]],[[0,[],0,"When your personal identifying information is provided by to a consumer reporting agency or a credit card issuer, you understand that your consumer report records will indicate that Bankrate, LLC and/or the credit card issuer has made a credit inquiry about you."]],[[0,[],0,"Many, but not all credit card issuers participate in the CardMatch service, which may not include every product offered. You understand that will determine, in its sole discretion, when, how often, and with which credit card issuer partners it checks for CardMatch offers based on criteria from each credit card issuer, availability of information needed to identify CardMatch offers, and other relevant factors."]],[[0,[],0," will not be able to tell you why you did or did not appear to match to any particular credit card or other offer."]],[[0,[],0,"This is not an application for credit and that, if you wish to apply for a product, you will need to click through to complete and submit an application directly with that issuer."]],[[0,[],0,"If you decide to proceed with a provider's application process on their website, that provider may conduct a hard pull, which may affect your credit score."]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Fees and Payments "],[1,[],0,0],[0,[3],1,"Our Basic Services Are Free"],[0,[],0,". Access and use of our basic Services are free. At any time, we may choose to charge fees for various premium features and services, and we will notify you of those charges at the time that we offer features and services for a fee. We may, in our sole discretion, and by notifying you on our Services, change this policy and begin charging for access to our Services and other features and services, and we may, in our sole discretion, add, remove or change the features and services we offer or the fees (including the amount and type of fees) we charge at any time. If we introduce a new service or charge a new fee, we will establish and notify you of the fees for that service at the launch of the service or start of charging a new fee. If we notify you of new fees or changes to fees for an existing service, then you agree to pay all fees and charges specified and all applicable taxes for your continued use of the applicable service."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"You are Responsible for Fee Arrangements with Service Providers"],[0,[],0,". If you purchase a product or service from a Service Provider, you are solely responsible for the payment of any fees associated with such purchase. We are not involved with and are not responsible for any fee arrangement that you may enter into with any Service Provider. You acknowledge and agree to this compensation arrangement. "],[0,[1],1,"You hereby release us of any and all losses, costs, damages or claims in connection with, arising from or related to your use of a Service Provider's products or services, including any fees charged by a Service Provider."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"We Receive Compensation from our Service Providers"],[0,[],0,". You may see notices on the Site, the Apps and elsewhere in the Services that disclose when we or one of our partners are being compensated by a third party (e.g. a Service Provider) in connection with an offer, a user action (e.g., a click on a link) or otherwise. If you have questions about these disclaimers or how we earn compensation, please contact us at legal AT thepointsguy DOT com."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"User Content "],[1,[],0,1],[0,[3],1,"Public Forums on our Services"],[0,[],0,". Our Services may act as a venue, through blogs, App features, user profiles, messaging, chat rooms, bulletin boards and other forums (collectively, the \"Forums\"), allowing users to contribute information and make statements (\"User Generated Content\"). Neither we nor our Service Providers are involved in the actual transmission of User Generated Content provided for in the Forums. As a result, neither we nor our Service Providers approve or endorse any User Generated Content in the Forums, and you hereby acknowledge and agree that neither we nor our Service Providers have control over the User Generated Content submission's quality, correctness, timeliness, safety, truth, accuracy or legality by you or any other person or entity in the Forums. You may find User Generated Content posted in the Forums by other users to be offensive, harmful, inaccurate or deceptive. Please use caution and common sense, and do not rely solely on User Generated Content published in the Forums. It is neither our nor our Service Providers' responsibility to ensure all posts and questions submitted on the Forums are answered. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and although we do not regularly review User Generated Content provided for in the Forums, we reserve the right (but not the obligation) to remove or edit any User Generated Content in the Forums, for any reason or no reason, in our sole discretion. Immediately report problems with the Forums to us at legal AT thepointsguy DOT com."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"Transmissions, Submissions and Postings to our Services"],[0,[],0,". If you transmit, submit or post information to our Services that is not federally trademarked and/or copyrighted, you automatically grant us and our assigns the worldwide, fully-paid, royalty-free, exclusive right and license to use, copy, format, adapt, publish and/or incorporate any or all such information in any media whatsoever, including, without limitation, the Content (as defined below). Provided that you have obtained prior written permission from us to transmit, submit or post information to our Services that is federally trademarked and/or copyrighted, you automatically grant us and our assigns the worldwide, fully-paid, royalty-free right to use, copy, format, adapt, publish and/or incorporate any or all such information in any media whatsoever, including, without limitation, the Content."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"You shall not transmit, submit or post the following to our Services:"]]],[3,"ul",[[[0,[],0,"Information that infringes our or any third party's copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights;"]],[[0,[],0,"Information that violates any law, statute, ordinance or regulation;"]],[[0,[],0,"Information that is trade libelous, unlawfully threatening, unlawfully harassing, defamatory, obscene, explicit or vulgar, or otherwise injurious to us or third parties or that infringes on our or any third party's rights of publicity or privacy;"]],[[0,[],0,"Information that contains any viruses, worms, Trojan horses, trap doors, back doors, easter eggs, time bombs, cancelbots or other code or computer programming routines that contain contaminating or destructive properties or that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information;"]],[[0,[],0,"Information containing or constituting chain letters, mass mailings, political campaigning, or any form of \"spam\";"]],[[0,[],0,"Information that is false, inaccurate or misleading;"]],[[0,[],0,"Commercial advertisements or solicitations without our written permission; or"]],[[0,[],0,"Federally trademarked and/or copyrighted information without our prior written permission."]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Although we do not regularly review your transmissions, submissions or postings, we reserve the right (but not the obligation) to edit, refuse to post or remove your transmissions, submissions or postings. Pursuant to the Privacy Policy, we may review transmissions, submissions or postings made by you to determine, in our sole discretion, your compliance with this Agreement."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"You are solely responsible for all your transmissions, submissions or postings (i.e., your own User Generated Content) and the consequences of transmitting, submitting or posting them."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"Feedback"],[0,[],0,". If you provide us with any feedback or suggestions regarding the Services (\"Feedback\"), you hereby assign to us all rights in the Feedback and agree that we shall have the right to use such Feedback and related information in any manner it deems appropriate. We will treat any Feedback you provide to us as non-confidential and non-proprietary. You agree that you will not submit to us any information or ideas that you consider to be confidential or proprietary."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Our Intellectual Property Rights"],[1,[],0,2],[0,[],0,"Our names, graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts, and service names are our trademarks or trade dress in the United States and/or other countries (collectively, the \"Proprietary Marks\"). You may not use the Proprietary Marks without our prior written permission. We make no proprietary claim to any third-party names, trademarks or service marks appearing on our Services. Any third-party names, trademarks, and service marks are property of their respective owners."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The information, advice, data, software and content viewable on, contained in, or downloadable from our Services (collectively, the \"Content\"), including, without limitation, all text, graphics, charts, pictures, photographs, images, videos, line art, icons and renditions, are copyrighted by, owned by, or otherwise licensed to, us or our Content suppliers. We also own a copyright of a collective work in the selection, coordination, arrangement, presentation, display and enhancement of the Content (the \"Collective Work\"). All software used on or within our Services (the \"Software\") is our property or the property of our software vendors and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. Viewing, reading, printing, downloading or otherwise using the Content and/or the Collective Work does not entitle you to any ownership or intellectual property rights to the Content, the Collective Work, or the Software."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"You are solely responsible for any damages resulting from your infringement of our or any third-party's intellectual property rights regarding the Trademarks, the Content, the Collective Work, the Software and/or any other harm incurred by us or our affiliates as a, direct or indirect, result of your copying, distributing, redistributing, transmitting, publishing or using the same for purposes that are contrary to the terms and conditions of this Agreement."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Your Access And Use Of Our Services"],[1,[],0,3],[0,[3],1,"Your License to Use Our Services"],[0,[],0,". Your right to access and use our Services is personal to you and is not transferable by you to any other person or entity. You are only entitled to access and use our Services for lawful purposes and pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Privacy Policy. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, we grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable license to: (a) use the Site and Services for your personal, non-commercial use; and (b) install and use the Apps, in executable object code format only, solely on your own mobile or portable device and for your personal, non-commercial use."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"Your License to Use our Content"],[0,[],0,". We grant you a limited license to access, print, download or otherwise make personal use of the Content and the Collective Work in the form of: (i) one machine-readable copy; (ii) one backup copy; and (iii) one print copy, for your non-commercial use; provided, however, that you shall not delete any proprietary notices or materials with regard to the foregoing manifestations of the Content and the Collective Work. You may not modify the Content or the Collective Work or utilize them for any commercial purpose or any other public display, performance, sale, or rental, decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Content and the Collective Work, or transfer the Content or the Collective Work to another person or entity. Except as otherwise permitted under the copyright laws of the United States, no other copying, distribution, redistribution, transmission, publication or use, other than the non-commercial use of the Content and the Collective Work as permitted by this Agreement, is permitted by you without our prior written permission."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"Your Restrictions on Using our Services"],[0,[],0,". Any action by you that, in our sole discretion: (i) violates the terms and conditions of this Agreement and/or the Privacy Policy; (ii) restricts, inhibits or prevents any access, use or enjoyment of our Services; or (iii) through the use of our Services, defames, abuses, harasses, offends or threatens, shall not be permitted, and may result in your loss of the right to access and use our Services. In addition, you are prohibited from: (z) licensing, selling, renting, leasing, transferring, assigning, distributing, hosting, or otherwise commercially exploiting the Site, Apps, or Services; (y) modifying, making derivative works of, disassembling, reverse compiling or engineering any part of the Site, Apps, or Services; and (x) accessing the Site, Apps, or Services in order to build a similar or competitive service, or to interfere with our Services (as described below). You may not use any meta tags or any other \"hidden text\" utilizing our name or trademarks without our prior written permission."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"You May Not Interfere with Our Services"],[0,[],0,". You agree that you will not use any robot, spider, scraper, deep link or other similar automated data gathering or extraction tools, program, algorithm or methodology to access, acquire, copy or monitor our Services or any portion of our Services or for any other purpose, without our prior written permission. Additionally, you agree that you will not: (i) take any action that imposes, or may impose in our sole discretion an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure; (ii) copy, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, distribute or publicly display any content (except for your personal information) from our Services without our prior written permission and the appropriate third party, as applicable; (iii) interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of our Services or any activities conducted on our Services; or (iv) bypass any robot exclusion headers or other measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to our Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we grant the operators of public search engines permission to use spiders to copy materials from our Services for the sole purpose and solely to the extent necessary for creating publicly available search indices of the materials on our Services, but not caches or archives of such materials. We reserve the right to revoke these exceptions either generally or in specific cases. Except as expressly permitted in this Agreement, you shall not collect or harvest any personally identifiable information, including account names, from our Services. You shall not use any communication systems provided on our Services (such as Forums or email) for any commercial or solicitation purposes. You shall not solicit for commercial purposes any users of our Services without our prior written permission."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"Interruption of Services"],[0,[],0,". Your access and use of our Services may be interrupted from time to time for any of several reasons, including, without limitation, the malfunction of equipment, periodic updating, maintenance or repair of our Services or other actions that we, in our sole discretion, may elect to take. We reserve the right to suspend or discontinue the availability of our Services and/or any portion or feature of our Services at any time in our sole discretion and without prior notice or liability."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"App Platforms"],[0,[],0,". You acknowledge and agree that the availability of our Apps is dependent on the third party app platform from which you received the App, e.g., the Apple iPhone store (\"App Platform\"). You acknowledge that this Agreement is between you and us, and not with the App Platform. We (and not the App Platform) are solely responsible for the App, the content thereof, maintenance, support services, and warranty therefor, and addressing any claims relating thereto (e.g., product liability, legal compliance, or intellectual property infringement). You agree to pay all fees charged by the App Platform in connection with the App. Each App Platform may have its own terms and conditions to which you must agree before downloading the App from it. You agree to comply with, and your license to use the App is conditioned upon your compliance with, all applicable agreements, terms and conditions of use/service, and other policies of the applicable App Platform. You acknowledge that the App Platform (and its subsidiaries) is a third party beneficiary of this Agreement and will have the right to enforce this Agreement."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Electronic Communications "],[1,[],0,4],[0,[],0,"When you visit our Services or send email to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically. Although we may choose to communicate with you by regular mail, we may also choose to communicate with you by email or by posting notices on our Services. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Your Responsibility For Equipment, Mobile Service, And Related Costs "],[1,[],0,5],[0,[],0,"You are responsible for obtaining and maintaining all telephone, computer hardware, Internet access services and other equipment or services needed to access and use our Services, and all costs and fees associated with Internet access or long distance charges incurred with regard to your access and use of our Services. If we provide aspects of our Services via an App for your mobile or other device, please be aware that your carrier's normal rates and fees may apply and that the terms of this Agreement and other agreements within the application apply to your use of such application."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Copyright Infringement "],[1,[],0,6],[0,[],0,"It is our policy to comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, title 17, United States Code, Section 512, including, without limitation, responding to notices of alleged copyright infringement, and other applicable intellectual property laws. We shall, in appropriate circumstances, disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who may infringe or repeatedly infringe the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of ours and/or others."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Notifications (each a \"Notification\") of claimed copyright infringement should be sent by either express mail or U.S. mail to our designated agent. Our designated agent contact information is set forth below:"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Address of designated agent to which notification should be sent:"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Gunster, Yoakley \u0026 Stewart, P. A."],[1,[],0,7],[0,[],0,"777 S. Flagler Drive, Suite 500 E"],[1,[],0,8],[0,[],0,"West Palm Beach, FL33401"],[1,[],0,9],[0,[],0,"Attention: David Bates"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Facsimile number of designated agent: 561.671.2555"],[1,[],0,10],[0,[],0,"Email address of designated agent: dbates AT gunster DOT com"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(3), to be effective, the Notification must include the following:"]]],[3,"ol",[[[0,[],0,"A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner (\"Complaining Party\") of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;"]],[[0,[],0,"Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single Notification, a representative list of such works at that site;"]],[[0,[],0,"Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material;"]],[[0,[],0,"Information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact the Complaining Party, such as an address, telephone number, and if available, an electronic mail address at which the Complaining Party may be contacted;"]],[[0,[],0,"A statement that the Complaining Party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and"]],[[0,[],0,"A statement that the information in the Notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the Complaining Party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed."]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Upon receipt of the Notification containing the information as outlined in 1 through 6 above, and pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512:"]]],[3,"ol",[[[0,[],0,"We will remove or disable access to the material that is alleged to be infringing;"]],[[0,[],0,"We will forward the Notification to the alleged infringer (\"Subscriber\"); and"]],[[0,[],0,"We will take reasonable steps to promptly notify the Subscriber that we have removed or disabled access to the material."]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"Counter Notification"],[0,[],0,":"],[1,[],0,11],[0,[],0,"Pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(g)(3), a Subscriber may counter a Notification by providing a written communication (\"Counter Notification\") to our designated agent that includes substantially the following:"]]],[3,"ol",[[[0,[],0,"A physical or electronic signature of the Subscriber;"]],[[0,[],0,"Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled;"]],[[0,[],0,"A statement under penalty of perjury that the Subscriber has a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled; and"]],[[0,[],0,"The Subscriber's name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that the Subscriber consents to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court for the judicial district in which the address is located, or if the Subscriber's address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which we may be found, and that the Subscriber will accept service of process from the person who provided the Counter Notification or an agent of such person"]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Upon receipt of a Counter Notification containing the information as outlined in 1 through 4 above, and pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512:"]]],[3,"ol",[[[0,[],0,"We will promptly provide the Complaining Party with a copy of the Counter Notification;"]],[[0,[],0,"We will inform the Complaining Party that we will replace the removed material or cease disabling access to the removed material within ten (10) business days; and"]],[[0,[],0,"We will replace the removed material or cease disabling access to the removed material not less than ten (10), nor more than fourteen (14) business days following receipt of the Counter Notification, provided our designated agent has not received notice from the Complaining Party that an action has been filed seeking a court order to restrain the Subscriber from engaging in infringing activity relating to the removed material on our network or system."]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"We Make No Representations or Warranties Regarding Our Services "],[1,[],0,12],[0,[],0,"THE CONTENT AND ALL SERVICES AND PRODUCTS ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES ARE PROVIDED TO YOU ON AN \"AS-IS\" AND \"AS AVAILABLE\" BASIS. WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE OPERATION OF OUR SERVICES OR THE INFORMATION, CONTENT, MATERIALS, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES INCLUDED ON OR ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES. YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF OUR SERVICES AND ALL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES INCLUDED ON OR ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"WE DO NOT MAKE, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM, ANY REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE ACCURACY, CORRECTNESS, OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENT OR THE SERVICES AND PRODUCTS ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES, OR THE SAFETY, RELIABILITY, TITLE, TIMELINESS, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY, CONFORMITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE CONTENT OR THE SERVICES AND PRODUCTS ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES. IT IS YOUR SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO INDEPENDENTLY EVALUATE THE ACCURACY, CORRECTNESS OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENT AND THE SERVICES AND PRODUCTS ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES. WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE THAT THE CONTENT THAT MAY BE AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOADING FROM OUR SERVICES IS FREE OF INFECTION FROM ANY VIRUSES, WORMS, TROJAN HORSES, TRAP DOORS, BACK DOORS, EASTER EGGS, TIME BOMBS, CANCELBOTS OR OTHER CODE OR COMPUTER PROGRAMMING ROUTINES THAT CONTAIN CONTAMINATING OR DESTRUCTIVE PROPERTIES OR THAT ARE INTENDED TO DAMAGE, DETRIMENTALLY INTERFERE WITH, SURREPTITIOUSLY INTERCEPT OR EXPROPRIATE ANY SYSTEM, DATA OR PERSONAL INFORMATION. WE DO NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING ANY QUOTES OR OFFERS PROVIDED ON OR THROUGH OUR SERVICES."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT WE ARE NOT A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION, INSURANCE PROVIDER, CREDIT CARD PROVIDER OR OTHER SERVICE PROVIDER. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT WE ARE SOLELY AN INTERMEDIARY BETWEEN YOU AND SUCH SERVICE PROVIDERS AND, THEREFORE, WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY CONTENT, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES PROVIDED BY SUCH SERVICE PROVIDERS."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Our Services are controlled and offered by us from our facilities in the United States of America. We make no representations that our Services are appropriate or available for use in other jurisdictions. If you access or use our Services from other jurisdictions, then you do so by your own volition and are solely responsible for compliance with local law."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Limitations on Our Liability "],[1,[],0,13],[0,[],0,"NEITHER WE NOR OUR AFFILIATES, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, OR SHAREHOLDER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO, OR LIABLE TO, YOU, OR ANY THIRD PARTY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE, FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES THAT INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFIT, REVENUE OR BUSINESS, AS A DIRECT OR INDIRECT RESULT OF: (I) YOUR BREACH OR VIOLATION OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT; (II) YOUR ACCESS AND USE OF OUR SERVICES; (III) YOUR DELAY IN ACCESSING OR INABILITY TO ACCESS OR USE OUR SERVICES FOR ANY REASON; (IV) YOUR DOWNLOADING OF ANY OF THE CONTENT OR THE COLLECTIVE WORK FOR YOUR USE; (V) YOUR RELIANCE UPON OR USE OF THE CONTENT OR THE COLLECTIVE WORK, OR (VI) ANY INFORMATION, SOFTWARE, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OBTAINED THROUGH OUR SERVICES, OR OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OUR SERVICES, WHETHER RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FROM BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORTIOUS BEHAVIOR, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF WE AND/OR OUR SUPPLIERS HAD BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGES. OUR LIABILITY AND THE LIABILITY OF OUR AFFILIATES, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS, SHAREHOLDERS, REPRESENTATIVES, AND AGENTS ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED $100."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"YOU SPECIFICALLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR USER GENERATED CONTENT OR THE DEFAMATORY, OFFENSIVE OR ILLEGAL CONDUCT OF ANY THIRD PARTY, AND THAT THE RISK OF HARM OR DAMAGE FROM SUCH USER GENERATED CONTENT AND THIRD-PARTY CONDUCT RESTS ENTIRELY WITH YOU."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"YOU AND US AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO OUR SERVICES MUST COMMENCE WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR AFTER THE CAUSE OF ACTION ACCRUES. OTHERWISE, SUCH CAUSE OF ACTION IS PERMANENTLY BARRED."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Certain state laws do not allow limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion or limitation of certain damages. If these laws apply to you, some or all of the above disclaimers, exclusions or limitations may not apply to you."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"In the event that any limitation on the period of time for bringing an action, claim, dispute or proceeding against us, located in this \"Limitations on Our Liability\" section, is determined or held to be inapplicable or unenforceable by any court, arbitration panel or other tribunal, then the statute of limitations for the State of New York shall apply to any such action, claim, dispute or proceeding referred to final or binding arbitration."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Your Indemnification of Us "],[1,[],0,14],[0,[],0,"You shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless us and our officers, directors, shareholders, employees, independent contractors, agents, representatives and affiliates from and against all claims and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees, arising out of, or attributable to: (i) any breach or violation of this Agreement by you; (ii) your failure to provide accurate, complete and current personally identifiable information requested or required by us; (iii) your access or use of our Services; (iv) access or use of our Services under any password that may be issued to you; (v) your transmissions, submissions or postings (i.e., your own User Generated Content); and/or (vi) any personal injury or property damage caused by you."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Modification of our Services; Amendments of this Agreement "],[1,[],0,15],[0,[],0,"Any future release, update, or other addition to functionality of our Services shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement. We reserve the right to update, amend and/or change this Agreement at any time in our sole discretion and without notice. Updates to this Agreement will be posted here. Amendments will take effect immediately upon us posting the updated Agreement on our Services. You are encouraged to revisit this Agreement from time to time in order to review any changes that have been made. The date on which this Agreement was last updated will be noted immediately above this Agreement. Your continued access and use of our Services following the posting of any such changes shall automatically be deemed your acceptance of all changes."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Our Remedies "],[1,[],0,16],[0,[],0,"You acknowledge that we may be irreparably damaged if this Agreement is not specifically enforced, and damages at law would be an inadequate remedy. Therefore, in the event of a breach or threatened breach of any provision of this Agreement by you, we shall be entitled, in addition to all rights and remedies, to an injunction restraining such breach or threatened breach, without being required to show any actual damage or to post an injunction bond, and/or to a decree for specific performance of the provisions of this Agreement. For purposes of this Section, you agree that any action or proceeding with regard to such injunction restraining such breach or threatened breach shall be brought in the courts of record of New York County, New York, or the United States District Court, Southern District of New York, Borough of Manhattan. You consent to the jurisdiction of such court and waive any objection to the laying of venue of any such action or proceeding in such court. You agree that service of any court paper may be effected on such party by mail or in such other manner as may be provided under applicable laws, rules of procedure or local rules."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Legal Disputes "],[1,[],0,17],[0,[],0,"You and we agree that any claim or dispute at law or equity that has arisen or may arise between us relating in any way to or arising out of this or previous versions of this Agreement, your use of or access to the Services will be resolved in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Legal Disputes section. Please read this section carefully. It affects your rights and will have a substantial impact on how claims you and we have against each other are resolved."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[3],1,"Applicable Law"]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"You agree that the laws of the State of New York, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern this Agreement and any claim or dispute that has arisen or may arise between you and us, except as otherwise stated in this Agreement."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1,3],2,"Arbitration/Class Waiver/Opt Out Clauses"]]],[3,"ol",[[[0,[],0,"You and we each agree to resolve exclusively through final and binding arbitration any and all disputes or claims that have arisen or may arise between you and us (including any affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents), whether or not such dispute or claim involves a third party, relating in any way to any aspect of our relationship or any contact between us, direct or indirect, or arising out of this or previous versions of this Agreement, your use of or access to our Services, or any products or services sold, offered, or purchased through our Services (\"Dispute\")."]]]],[3,"ul",[[[0,[],0,"You and we agree to submit the Dispute to a single arbitrator under the then-current Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA), including when applicable the Optional Rules for Emergency Measures of Protection and the Consumer Arbitration Rules, or, by separate mutual agreement, at another arbitration institution. The AAA's rules, information regarding initiating a claim, and a description of the arbitration process are available at The location of the arbitration and the allocation of fees and costs for such arbitration shall be determined in accordance with the AAA rules. As an alternative, you or we may bring a claim in your local \"small claims\" court, if permitted by that small claims court's rules."]],[[0,[],0,"The Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this section regarding our agreement to arbitrate any Dispute (\"Agreement to Arbitrate\"), and the arbitrability of the Dispute. The arbitrator will decide whether the Dispute can be arbitrated."]],[[0,[],0,"You and we agree that each of us may bring a Dispute against the other only on our own behalf, and not on behalf of a government official or other person or entity, or a class of persons or entities. You and we agree, if we are a party to the proceeding, not to participate in a class action, a class-wide arbitration, a claim brought in a private attorney general or representative capacity, or a consolidated claim involving another person's use of the site or our services. You and we agree not to combine a claim that is subject to arbitration under this Agreement with a claim that is not eligible for arbitration under this Agreement. You and we agree to waive the right to a trial by jury for all disputes."]],[[0,[],0,"You may opt out of this Agreement to Arbitrate. If you do so, neither you nor we can require the other to participate in an arbitration proceeding. To opt out, you must notify us in writing, within 30 days of the date that you first became subject to this Agreement to Arbitrate, either by U.S. mail delivered to: Attn: Legal Department, LinkOffers, Inc., 9430 Research Blvd., Bldg #400, Building 4 , Austin, TX, 78759 or by email delivered to You must include: (1) your name and residence address; (2) the email address and/or mobile telephone number associated with your account; and (3) a clear statement that you want to opt out of this Agreement to Arbitrate."]],[[0,[],0,"If the prohibition against class actions and other claims brought on behalf of third parties contained in Section 1.3, above, is found to be unenforceable, then all of Section 1 will be null and void as to that Dispute."]],[[0,[],0,"This Agreement to Arbitrate will survive the termination of your relationship with us."]]]],[3,"ol",[[[0,[],0,"Unless you and we agree otherwise, if you opt out of the Agreement to Arbitrate, if the Agreement to Arbitrate is found by a court to be unenforceable, if your claim is not covered by the Agreement to Arbitrate, or if you neither are a resident of nor have a principal place of business in the US or Canada, you agree that any Dispute that has arisen, or may arise, between you and us must be resolved exclusively by a state or federal court located in New York County, New York. You and we agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located within New York County, New York for the purpose of litigating all such claims or disputes."]],[[0,[],0,"Notwithstanding any provision in the Agreement to the contrary, you and we agree that if we make a change to this Agreement to Arbitrate (other than a change to the notice address or the site link provided herein) in the future, that change shall not apply to a claim that was filed in a legal proceeding between you and us prior to the effective date of the change. The change shall apply to all other disputes or claims governed by the Agreement to Arbitrate that have arisen, or may arise, between you and us. We will notify you of a change to this Agreement to Arbitrate by posting the amended terms on our Services at least 30 days before the effective date of the change and/or by email."]]]],[1,"p",[[0,[1],1,"Miscellaneous"],[1,[],0,18],[0,[],0,"If any portion of this Agreement is deemed unlawful, void or unenforceable by any arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction, this Agreement as a whole shall not be deemed unlawful, void or unenforceable, but only that portion of this Agreement that is unlawful, void or unenforceable shall be stricken from this Agreement."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"The headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only, are not to be considered a part of this Agreement, and shall not limit or otherwise affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"All covenants, agreements, representations and warranties made in this Agreement, as may be amended by us, from time to time, shall survive your acceptance of this Agreement and the termination of this Agreement."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"This Agreement and the Privacy Policy represent the entire understanding and agreement between you and us regarding the subject matter of the same, and supersede all other previous agreements, understandings and/or representations regarding the same."]]],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"If you have questions, comments, concerns or feedback regarding this Agreement or our Services, please contact us at legal AT thepointsguy DOT com."]]]]},"contentHtml":"\u003cem\u003eLast updated: February 8, 2017\u003c/em\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eThe website located at (the “Site”) is a copyrighted work owned by The Points Guy, LLC (the “Owner”), and operated by Owner’s parent company, LinkOffers, Inc., a Delaware corporation (together with Owner, “we”, “us” or “our”). We provide services via the Site and certain applications (“Apps”) that inform users about available credit card offers, their own credit cards, and associated award programs. Our Apps also suggest credit cards that may be preferred for some transactions based on applicable rewards programs details. Our Site, the Apps, and all other websites, applications, widgets, e-mail notifications and other mediums through which you have accessed this Agreement (via desktop, mobile or other application) are collectively referred to as the “Services”. Services also include co-branded or white labeled versions of any of our websites, Apps, and other products.\u003c/strong\u003e\r\n\r\nOur Services are intended to be accessed and used only by adults and are not directed to minors. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information by anyone under the age of 18, and you should not provide us with any information regarding an individual under the age of 18.\r\n\r\nBy accessing, downloading, or using the Services, including any co-branded or white-labeled versions of the Services: (a) you are accepting these Terms of Use (“Agreement”) and our \u003ca href=\"/privacy-policy/\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e; (b) you acknowledge that this Agreement is supported by reasonable and valuable consideration, including, without limitation, your ability to visit, use and/or submit information to our Services; (c) you represent that you have the capacity to be bound by this Agreement, or if you are acting on behalf of a company or other entity, you have the authority to bind such company or entity; and (d) you represent that you are at least eighteen (18) years old. In order to determine your compliance with this Agreement, we may monitor your access and use of our Services in accordance with our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with all the provisions of this Agreement, do not access or use our Services.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eTHIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS A BINDING ARBITRATION AGREEMENT, WHICH PROVIDES THAT YOU AND WE AGREE TO RESOLVE CERTAIN DISPUTES THROUGH BINDING INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION AND GIVE UP ANY RIGHT TO HAVE THOSE DISPUTES DECIDED BY A JUDGE OR A JURY. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO OPT OUT OF OUR AGREEMENT TO ARBITRATE. SEE THE LEGAL DISPUTES SECTION OF THIS AGREEMENT.\u003c/strong\u003e\r\n\r\nSubject to the terms of this Agreement and the Privacy Policy, we may offer you various Services. Below are terms and conditions governing these Services.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eUse Of Our Services Is For Informational Purposes Only \u003c/strong\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eYou are Responsible for Your Financial Decisions\u003c/u\u003e. Our Services are intended only to assist you with financial decisions, are broad in scope, and do not consider your personal financial situation. Your personal financial situation is unique and the information and advice may not be appropriate for your situation. Accordingly, before making any final decisions or implementing any financial strategy, we recommend that you obtain additional information and advice of your accountant and other financial advisors who are fully aware of your individual circumstances.\r\n\r\nWe and our affiliates, through the Services, may provide a venue through which you can obtain information about certain financial products and services, and find third-party service providers and advertisers, such as financial institutions, credit card providers, discount program representatives and other financial professionals (\"Service Providers\"). Any opinions, advice, information, data, text and other materials or links made accessible through the Services are for information purposes only. We are not an agent or advisor to you or any Service Provider. We do not validate or investigate the licensing, certification or other requirements and qualifications of Service Providers. We do not guarantee that the terms or rates offered by any particular advertiser, business partner, affiliate, Service Provider or other third party on or through our Services are the best terms or lowest rates available in the market. In short, we are not responsible for the activities or policies of these Service Providers. Rather, it is your responsibility to investigate Service Providers, and you acknowledge and agree that you rely on your own judgment and that of such advisors in selecting any products or services offered by Service Providers. In addition, your decision to access or connect to Service Providers via any links or ads accessible through our Services is done at your own risk. When you link to a third party, the applicable third party's terms and policies apply, including the third party's privacy and data gathering practices. You should make whatever investigation you feel necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any transaction in connection with such third party.\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eYou Acknowledge and Agree that We are Not a Service Provider\u003c/u\u003e. Our Services acts as a forum to connect users with Service Providers, and to provide information and suggestions about consumer financial products and services based on information you provide us. We are not a financial institution, credit card issuer, insurance provider or other Service Provider. We do not, and will not, make any coverage or credit decision with any Service Provider referred to you. We do not issue mortgages, credit cards, insurance coverage or any other financial products.\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eService Providers are Solely Responsible for the Services they Provide You\u003c/u\u003e. You acknowledge and agree that Service Providers are solely responsible for any services that they may provide to you, and that we are not liable for any losses, costs, damages or claims in connection with, arising from, or related to, your use of a Service Provider's products or services. We urge you to obtain the advice of financial advisors, insurance agents, brokers or other qualified professionals who are fully aware of your individual circumstances before you make any financial decisions.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eYou hereby release and forever discharge us (and our officers, employees, agents, successors, and assigns) from, and hereby waive and relinquish, each and every past, present and future dispute, claim, controversy, demand, right, obligation, liability, action and cause of action of every kind and nature (including personal injuries, death, and property damage), that has arisen or arises directly or indirectly out of, or relates directly or indirectly to, any interactions with, or act or omission of, Service Providers and their websites, links, offers, sites, products and services. IF YOU ARE A CALIFORNIA RESIDENT, YOU HEREBY WAIVE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE SECTION 1542 IN CONNECTION WITH THE FOREGOING, WHICH STATES: \"A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS OR HER FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE, WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM OR HER MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS OR HER SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR.\"\u003c/strong\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eRequests for Rates, Quotes or Offers\u003c/u\u003e. Our Services may give you the opportunity to request to be matched with and receive rates, quotes or offers from Service Providers (a \"Match Request\"). Portions of our Services providing this opportunity (the \"Match Request Areas\") are only available to residents of the United States, and may not be available in all states.\r\n\u003cul\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eWe make no guarantee that you will be matched with a Service Provider if you submit a Match Request.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eIf you make either a complete or incomplete Request, then you agree that Your Information provided in connection with your Match Request may be used and disclosed as set forth in the Privacy Policy. Without limiting anything in the Privacy Policy, you authorize Service Providers, and their affiliates and third-party service providers, to conduct all necessary research with your information, including checking your credit history, if applicable, for purposes of providing you with your Match Request.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eIf you make a Match Request, then you expressly authorize us and up to ten (10) Service Providers and us to contact you by telephone, fax and email at the numbers and addresses provided in your Match Request, for purposes of providing you with the information, rates, quotes, offers products and services indicated in your Match Request. You consent to receive telephone calls from Service Providers and us, even if the phone number that you provided on your Match Request is on any \"Do Not Call\" list. You also consent to Service Providers and us making recorded calls to remind you of deadlines or other issues in connection with your Match Request.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou are solely responsible for complying with applicable laws and regulations in connection with your use of any services offered by us or a Service Provider.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ul\u003e\r\n\u003cu\u003eCredit Score and Reporting Services\u003c/u\u003e. We provide Services that allow Users to manage their credit and financial health online. You understand that by accepting this Agreement and using these Services, you are providing \"written instructions\" to LinkOffers, its contracted data providers, agents, and its employees, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, contractors, third party data sources and suppliers, and all other credit reporting agencies under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), as amended, to access your credit files from each national credit reporting agency and to exchange information about you with each such national credit reporting agency in order to verify your identity and to provide Services to you. You agree and hereby authorize LinkOffers, its contracted data providers, agents, and employees, to provide your personally identifiable information (or, if applicable, information about your child you have enrolled) to third parties as provided in our Privacy Policy, as may be amended from time to time. You waive any and all claims against LinkOffers, Inc., its contracted data providers, agents, employees, and shareholder for the acts or omissions of these third parties with regard to the use or disclosure of such information. You further authorize LinkOffers, its contracted data providers and its agents, employees and shareholder to obtain various information and reports about you (or about your child that you have enrolled, if applicable) in order to provide the Services, including, but not limited to, address history reports, name and alias reports, criminal reports or sex offender reports, and to provide monitoring and alerts. While enrolling for the Services, we will ask you for the following types of information: contact information (such as name, address, phone number, and e-mail address); sensitive information (such as date of birth, driver's license number and social security number); personal information to verify your identity and financial information (such as credit card number). This information is required in order to verify your identity, charge you the agreed upon fees for our products and services, and to fulfill our obligation to provide our products and services to you, including communicating with third parties as necessary to provide such products and services, such as identification verification companies, consumer reporting agencies, credit bureaus, payment validation companies, law enforcement agencies, or others. You agree that you will use the Services to protect against or prevent actual fraud, unauthorized transactions, claims or other liabilities.\r\n\r\n\u003cem\u003eConsumer Disclosures\u003c/em\u003e\r\n\u003col\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eThe Fair Credit Reporting Act allows you to obtain a disclosure from every credit reporting agency of the nature and substance of all information in your file at the time of the request. Full disclosure of information in your file at TransUnion® must be obtained directly from TransUnion by logging on to \u003cu\u003e\u003c/u\u003e. The credit report you are requesting from us is not intended to constitute the disclosure of TransUnion information required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act or similar state laws.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou are entitled to receive a disclosure directly from each of the consumer reporting agencies free of charge under the following circumstances:\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ol\u003e\r\n\u003cul\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou have been denied credit, insurance or employment within the past sixty (60) days as a result of your credit report;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou certify in writing that you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment in the 60-day period beginning on the date on which you made the certification;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou are a recipient of public welfare assistance;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou have reason to believe that your file at the agency contains inaccurate information due to fraud;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eAnnually at\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ul\u003e\r\nOtherwise, the consumer reporting agency may impose a reasonable charge for the disclosure.\r\n\u003col start=\"3\"\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eThe Fair Credit Reporting Act permits you to dispute inaccurate or incomplete information in your credit file. You understand that accurate information cannot be changed.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou do not have to purchase your credit report or other information from us to dispute inaccurate or incomplete information in your TransUnion file or to receive a copy of your TransUnion consumer credit report.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eTransUnion provides a proprietary consumer disclosure that is different from the consumer credit report provided through our Services. The disclosure report must be obtained directly from TransUnion. Consumers residing in the States of Colorado, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, and Vermont may receive a free copy of their consumer credit report once per year and residents of the State of Georgia may receive two copies per year.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eBy creating an account for credit score and credit report Services, you are providing written instructions to LinkOffers, Inc. under the Fair Credit Reporting Act to obtain information from your personal credit profile from TransUnion. You authorize LinkOffers, Inc. to obtain such information solely to confirm your identity and as long as you are a member of this website, provide you with credit information, a risk score, educational materials, and recommendations for credit or other service options. If at any time you desire to terminate this authorization you may do so with no further obligations. Enrollment in this service is completely free.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ol\u003e\r\n\u003cem\u003eOrder Limitations\u003c/em\u003e\r\n\r\nThe Services we provide Users are for personal use only. Using any of the services or information provided for commercial uses is strictly prohibited. Services provided through this Web site are limited to residents in the United States.\r\n\r\n\u003cem\u003eYour Rights Under State and Federal Law\u003c/em\u003e\r\n\u003cul\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou have a right to dispute inaccurate information in your credit report by contacting the credit bureau directly. However, neither you nor any \"credit repair\" company or credit repair organization has the right to have accurate, current, and verifiable information removed from your credit report. The credit bureau must remove accurate, negative information from your report only if it is over 7 years old. Bankruptcy information can be reported for 10 years.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou have a right to obtain a copy of your credit report from a credit bureau. You may be charged a reasonable fee. There is no fee, however, if you have been turned down for credit, employment, insurance, or a rental dwelling because of information in your credit report within the preceding 60 days. The credit bureau must provide someone to help you interpret the information in your credit file. You are entitled to receive a free copy of your credit report if you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment in the next 60 days, if you are a recipient of public welfare assistance, or if you have reason to believe that there is inaccurate information in your credit report due to fraud.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou have a right to sue a credit repair organization that violates the Credit Repair Organization Act. This law prohibits deceptive practices by credit repair organizations.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou have the right to cancel your contract with any credit repair organization for any reason within 3 business days from the date you signed it.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eCredit bureaus are required to follow reasonable procedures to ensure that the information they report is accurate. However, mistakes may occur.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou may, on your own, notify a credit bureau in writing that you dispute the accuracy of information in your credit file. The credit bureau must then reinvestigate and modify or remove inaccurate or incomplete information. The credit bureau may not charge any fee for this service. Any pertinent information and copies of all documents you have concerning an error should be given to the credit bureau.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eIf the credit bureau's reinvestigation does not resolve the dispute to your satisfaction, you may send a brief statement to the credit bureau, to be kept in your file, explaining why you think the record is inaccurate. The credit bureau must include a summary of your statement about disputed information with any report it issues about you.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ul\u003e\r\nThe Federal Trade Commission regulates credit bureaus and credit repair organizations. For more information contact:\r\n\r\nThe Public Reference Branch\r\n\r\nFederal Trade Commission\r\n\r\nWashington, D.C. 20580\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eAccount Set Up and Maintenance\u003c/strong\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eYou Must Maintain the Integrity of Your Information\u003c/u\u003e. To use certain Services, you may be required to provide us with information about you, which may be of a confidential nature and may include personal identifying information and/or financial information (\"Your Information\"). If you provide Your Information to us then you agree to provide true, current, complete and accurate information, and not to misrepresent your identity. You also agree to keep Your Information current and to update Your Information if any of Your Information changes. Our collection, use and disclosure of Your Information is governed by this Agreement and our Privacy Policy.\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eYou Must Maintain the Security of Your Account Password\u003c/u\u003e. For Services that require you to create a password, you agree that it is your sole responsibility to maintain the security of that password. You agree that we shall not be liable for any loss that you may suffer as a result of the authorized or unauthorized use of your password by a third party. You shall not allow any person under the age of 18 to use any Service via your registration or password.\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eYou Must Notify Us of a Breach\u003c/u\u003e. You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your password, any unauthorized use of any account that you may have with us, any violation of this Agreement, or any other breach of security known to you in connection with any product or service available on our Services by sending an email to legal AT thepointsguy DOT com.\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eYour Decision to Link Your Financial Accounts to Our Service\u003c/u\u003e. You may link your various financial accounts to the Service with your login credentials from certain financial account sites (e.g. your bank) (“Financial Account”). If you associate our Services with your login credentials from a Financial Account, we will receive information about you and your Financial Account from such site, in accordance with the terms and conditions (e.g. terms of use and privacy policy) of the Financial Account. You represent that you are entitled to disclose your Financial Account login information to us, and grant us access to your Financial Account. By granting us access to any Financial Account, you understand that we may access, store, and use any information or data that you have provided and stored in your Financial Account for the purposes of providing you with the Services. You have the ability to disassociate any Financial Account by logging into our Services and deleting that Financial Account from the Services. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE THIRD-PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS ASSOCIATED WITH FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS IS GOVERNED SOLELY BY YOUR AGREEMENT(S) WITH SUCH THIRD-PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS, AND WE DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY FOR PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION AND/OR FINANCIAL INFORMATION THAT MAY BE PROVIDED TO US BY SUCH THIRD-PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS IN VIOLATION OF THE PRIVACY SETTINGS THAT YOU HAVE SET IN SUCH FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong id=\"cardmatch-terms-of-use\"\u003eCardMatch Terms (Terms of Use)\u003c/strong\u003e\r\n\r\nBy enrolling in the CardMatch service, you are providing your written instructions to any credit reporting agency to release your credit report information to and our card issuer partners. Your instructions apply each time you log in to view your CardMatch offers, otherwise request CardMatch updates, or once per calendar month if your latest CardMatch offers are at least 30 days old. To revoke your consent to CardMatch, please email\r\n\r\nYou further agree that:\r\n\u003cul\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\ may communicate the personal identifying information we have collected or you have provided to one or more participating credit card issuers and to the a consumer reporting agency.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\ may use your consumer credit report information, including your social security number, and credit score, for internal business purposes, such as improving the website experience and to market other products and services to you. may share your consumer credit report information, including your social security number, with credit card issuers so they can determine if you may be eligible for certain offers.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eCredit card issuers that receive your personal identifying information from may use it to pull a new credit profile to determine which card offers might be available to you, including checking for any prequalified offers.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou understand that certain credit card issuers that receive your personal identifying information from may use it to first determine if there are any previously matched credit card offers available to you without pulling a new credit profile, and if no offers are available, you authorize those credit card issuers to pull a new credit profile to determine which credit card offers might be available to you, including prequalified offers.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eThe consumer reporting agency that receives your personal identifying information from may use your consumer report information, including your credit score, to determine which credit card offers might be available to you based on credit criteria made available to the consumer reporting agency by participating credit card issuers.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\ is not a credit card issuer and does not issue credit cards, loans, or make credit decisions.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eEven if you choose to apply for one of your CardMatch offers, there is no guarantee that you will be approved by the issuer.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eWhen your personal identifying information is provided by to a consumer reporting agency or a credit card issuer, you understand that your consumer report records will indicate that Bankrate, LLC and/or the credit card issuer has made a credit inquiry about you.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eMany, but not all credit card issuers participate in the CardMatch service, which may not include every product offered. You understand that will determine, in its sole discretion, when, how often, and with which credit card issuer partners it checks for CardMatch offers based on criteria from each credit card issuer, availability of information needed to identify CardMatch offers, and other relevant factors.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\ will not be able to tell you why you did or did not appear to match to any particular credit card or other offer.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eThis is not an application for credit and that, if you wish to apply for a product, you will need to click through to complete and submit an application directly with that issuer.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eIf you decide to proceed with a provider’s application process on their website, that provider may conduct a hard pull, which may affect your credit score.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ul\u003e\r\n\u0026nbsp;\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eFees and Payments \u003c/strong\u003e\r\n\u003cu\u003eOur Basic Services Are Free\u003c/u\u003e. Access and use of our basic Services are free. At any time, we may choose to charge fees for various premium features and services, and we will notify you of those charges at the time that we offer features and services for a fee. We may, in our sole discretion, and by notifying you on our Services, change this policy and begin charging for access to our Services and other features and services, and we may, in our sole discretion, add, remove or change the features and services we offer or the fees (including the amount and type of fees) we charge at any time. If we introduce a new service or charge a new fee, we will establish and notify you of the fees for that service at the launch of the service or start of charging a new fee. If we notify you of new fees or changes to fees for an existing service, then you agree to pay all fees and charges specified and all applicable taxes for your continued use of the applicable service.\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eYou are Responsible for Fee Arrangements with Service Providers\u003c/u\u003e. If you purchase a product or service from a Service Provider, you are solely responsible for the payment of any fees associated with such purchase. We are not involved with and are not responsible for any fee arrangement that you may enter into with any Service Provider. You acknowledge and agree to this compensation arrangement. \u003cstrong\u003eYou hereby release us of any and all losses, costs, damages or claims in connection with, arising from or related to your use of a Service Provider's products or services, including any fees charged by a Service Provider.\u003c/strong\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eWe Receive Compensation from our Service Providers\u003c/u\u003e. You may see notices on the Site, the Apps and elsewhere in the Services that disclose when we or one of our partners are being compensated by a third party (e.g. a Service Provider) in connection with an offer, a user action (e.g., a click on a link) or otherwise. If you have questions about these disclaimers or how we earn compensation, please contact us at legal AT thepointsguy DOT com.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eUser Content \u003c/strong\u003e\r\n\u003cu\u003ePublic Forums on our Services\u003c/u\u003e. Our Services may act as a venue, through blogs, App features, user profiles, messaging, chat rooms, bulletin boards and other forums (collectively, the \"Forums\"), allowing users to contribute information and make statements (\"User Generated Content\"). Neither we nor our Service Providers are involved in the actual transmission of User Generated Content provided for in the Forums. As a result, neither we nor our Service Providers approve or endorse any User Generated Content in the Forums, and you hereby acknowledge and agree that neither we nor our Service Providers have control over the User Generated Content submission’s quality, correctness, timeliness, safety, truth, accuracy or legality by you or any other person or entity in the Forums. You may find User Generated Content posted in the Forums by other users to be offensive, harmful, inaccurate or deceptive. Please use caution and common sense, and do not rely solely on User Generated Content published in the Forums. It is neither our nor our Service Providers’ responsibility to ensure all posts and questions submitted on the Forums are answered. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and although we do not regularly review User Generated Content provided for in the Forums, we reserve the right (but not the obligation) to remove or edit any User Generated Content in the Forums, for any reason or no reason, in our sole discretion. Immediately report problems with the Forums to us at legal AT thepointsguy DOT com.\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eTransmissions, Submissions and Postings to our Services\u003c/u\u003e. If you transmit, submit or post information to our Services that is not federally trademarked and/or copyrighted, you automatically grant us and our assigns the worldwide, fully-paid, royalty-free, exclusive right and license to use, copy, format, adapt, publish and/or incorporate any or all such information in any media whatsoever, including, without limitation, the Content (as defined below). Provided that you have obtained prior written permission from us to transmit, submit or post information to our Services that is federally trademarked and/or copyrighted, you automatically grant us and our assigns the worldwide, fully-paid, royalty-free right to use, copy, format, adapt, publish and/or incorporate any or all such information in any media whatsoever, including, without limitation, the Content.\r\n\r\nYou shall not transmit, submit or post the following to our Services:\r\n\u003cul\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eInformation that infringes our or any third party’s copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eInformation that violates any law, statute, ordinance or regulation;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eInformation that is trade libelous, unlawfully threatening, unlawfully harassing, defamatory, obscene, explicit or vulgar, or otherwise injurious to us or third parties or that infringes on our or any third party’s rights of publicity or privacy;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eInformation that contains any viruses, worms, Trojan horses, trap doors, back doors, easter eggs, time bombs, cancelbots or other code or computer programming routines that contain contaminating or destructive properties or that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eInformation containing or constituting chain letters, mass mailings, political campaigning, or any form of \"spam\";\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eInformation that is false, inaccurate or misleading;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eCommercial advertisements or solicitations without our written permission; or\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eFederally trademarked and/or copyrighted information without our prior written permission.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ul\u003e\r\nAlthough we do not regularly review your transmissions, submissions or postings, we reserve the right (but not the obligation) to edit, refuse to post or remove your transmissions, submissions or postings. Pursuant to the Privacy Policy, we may review transmissions, submissions or postings made by you to determine, in our sole discretion, your compliance with this Agreement.\r\n\r\nYou are solely responsible for all your transmissions, submissions or postings (i.e., your own User Generated Content) and the consequences of transmitting, submitting or posting them.\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eFeedback\u003c/u\u003e. If you provide us with any feedback or suggestions regarding the Services (\"Feedback\"), you hereby assign to us all rights in the Feedback and agree that we shall have the right to use such Feedback and related information in any manner it deems appropriate. We will treat any Feedback you provide to us as non-confidential and non-proprietary. You agree that you will not submit to us any information or ideas that you consider to be confidential or proprietary.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eOur Intellectual Property Rights\r\n\u003c/strong\u003eOur names, graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts, and service names are our trademarks or trade dress in the United States and/or other countries (collectively, the \"Proprietary Marks\"). You may not use the Proprietary Marks without our prior written permission. We make no proprietary claim to any third-party names, trademarks or service marks appearing on our Services. Any third-party names, trademarks, and service marks are property of their respective owners.\r\n\r\nThe information, advice, data, software and content viewable on, contained in, or downloadable from our Services (collectively, the \"Content\"), including, without limitation, all text, graphics, charts, pictures, photographs, images, videos, line art, icons and renditions, are copyrighted by, owned by, or otherwise licensed to, us or our Content suppliers. We also own a copyright of a collective work in the selection, coordination, arrangement, presentation, display and enhancement of the Content (the \"Collective Work\"). All software used on or within our Services (the \"Software\") is our property or the property of our software vendors and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. Viewing, reading, printing, downloading or otherwise using the Content and/or the Collective Work does not entitle you to any ownership or intellectual property rights to the Content, the Collective Work, or the Software.\r\n\r\nYou are solely responsible for any damages resulting from your infringement of our or any third-party's intellectual property rights regarding the Trademarks, the Content, the Collective Work, the Software and/or any other harm incurred by us or our affiliates as a, direct or indirect, result of your copying, distributing, redistributing, transmitting, publishing or using the same for purposes that are contrary to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eYour Access And Use Of Our Services\r\n\u003c/strong\u003e\u003cu\u003eYour License to Use Our Services\u003c/u\u003e. Your right to access and use our Services is personal to you and is not transferable by you to any other person or entity. You are only entitled to access and use our Services for lawful purposes and pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Privacy Policy. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, we grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable license to: (a) use the Site and Services for your personal, non-commercial use; and (b) install and use the Apps, in executable object code format only, solely on your own mobile or portable device and for your personal, non-commercial use.\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eYour License to Use our Content\u003c/u\u003e. We grant you a limited license to access, print, download or otherwise make personal use of the Content and the Collective Work in the form of: (i) one machine-readable copy; (ii) one backup copy; and (iii) one print copy, for your non-commercial use; provided, however, that you shall not delete any proprietary notices or materials with regard to the foregoing manifestations of the Content and the Collective Work. You may not modify the Content or the Collective Work or utilize them for any commercial purpose or any other public display, performance, sale, or rental, decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Content and the Collective Work, or transfer the Content or the Collective Work to another person or entity. Except as otherwise permitted under the copyright laws of the United States, no other copying, distribution, redistribution, transmission, publication or use, other than the non-commercial use of the Content and the Collective Work as permitted by this Agreement, is permitted by you without our prior written permission.\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eYour Restrictions on Using our Services\u003c/u\u003e. Any action by you that, in our sole discretion: (i) violates the terms and conditions of this Agreement and/or the Privacy Policy; (ii) restricts, inhibits or prevents any access, use or enjoyment of our Services; or (iii) through the use of our Services, defames, abuses, harasses, offends or threatens, shall not be permitted, and may result in your loss of the right to access and use our Services. In addition, you are prohibited from: (z) licensing, selling, renting, leasing, transferring, assigning, distributing, hosting, or otherwise commercially exploiting the Site, Apps, or Services; (y) modifying, making derivative works of, disassembling, reverse compiling or engineering any part of the Site, Apps, or Services; and (x) accessing the Site, Apps, or Services in order to build a similar or competitive service, or to interfere with our Services (as described below). You may not use any meta tags or any other \"hidden text\" utilizing our name or trademarks without our prior written permission.\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eYou May Not Interfere with Our Services\u003c/u\u003e. You agree that you will not use any robot, spider, scraper, deep link or other similar automated data gathering or extraction tools, program, algorithm or methodology to access, acquire, copy or monitor our Services or any portion of our Services or for any other purpose, without our prior written permission. Additionally, you agree that you will not: (i) take any action that imposes, or may impose in our sole discretion an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure; (ii) copy, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, distribute or publicly display any content (except for your personal information) from our Services without our prior written permission and the appropriate third party, as applicable; (iii) interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of our Services or any activities conducted on our Services; or (iv) bypass any robot exclusion headers or other measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to our Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we grant the operators of public search engines permission to use spiders to copy materials from our Services for the sole purpose and solely to the extent necessary for creating publicly available search indices of the materials on our Services, but not caches or archives of such materials. We reserve the right to revoke these exceptions either generally or in specific cases. Except as expressly permitted in this Agreement, you shall not collect or harvest any personally identifiable information, including account names, from our Services. You shall not use any communication systems provided on our Services (such as Forums or email) for any commercial or solicitation purposes. You shall not solicit for commercial purposes any users of our Services without our prior written permission.\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eInterruption of Services\u003c/u\u003e. Your access and use of our Services may be interrupted from time to time for any of several reasons, including, without limitation, the malfunction of equipment, periodic updating, maintenance or repair of our Services or other actions that we, in our sole discretion, may elect to take. We reserve the right to suspend or discontinue the availability of our Services and/or any portion or feature of our Services at any time in our sole discretion and without prior notice or liability.\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eApp Platforms\u003c/u\u003e. You acknowledge and agree that the availability of our Apps is dependent on the third party app platform from which you received the App, e.g., the Apple iPhone store (\"App Platform\"). You acknowledge that this Agreement is between you and us, and not with the App Platform. We (and not the App Platform) are solely responsible for the App, the content thereof, maintenance, support services, and warranty therefor, and addressing any claims relating thereto (e.g., product liability, legal compliance, or intellectual property infringement). You agree to pay all fees charged by the App Platform in connection with the App. Each App Platform may have its own terms and conditions to which you must agree before downloading the App from it. You agree to comply with, and your license to use the App is conditioned upon your compliance with, all applicable agreements, terms and conditions of use/service, and other policies of the applicable App Platform. You acknowledge that the App Platform (and its subsidiaries) is a third party beneficiary of this Agreement and will have the right to enforce this Agreement.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eElectronic Communications \u003c/strong\u003e\r\nWhen you visit our Services or send email to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically. Although we may choose to communicate with you by regular mail, we may also choose to communicate with you by email or by posting notices on our Services. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eYour Responsibility For Equipment, Mobile Service, And Related Costs \u003c/strong\u003e\r\nYou are responsible for obtaining and maintaining all telephone, computer hardware, Internet access services and other equipment or services needed to access and use our Services, and all costs and fees associated with Internet access or long distance charges incurred with regard to your access and use of our Services. If we provide aspects of our Services via an App for your mobile or other device, please be aware that your carrier’s normal rates and fees may apply and that the terms of this Agreement and other agreements within the application apply to your use of such application.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eCopyright Infringement \u003c/strong\u003e\r\nIt is our policy to comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, title 17, United States Code, Section 512, including, without limitation, responding to notices of alleged copyright infringement, and other applicable intellectual property laws. We shall, in appropriate circumstances, disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who may infringe or repeatedly infringe the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of ours and/or others.\r\n\r\nNotifications (each a \"Notification\") of claimed copyright infringement should be sent by either express mail or U.S. mail to our designated agent. Our designated agent contact information is set forth below:\r\n\r\nAddress of designated agent to which notification should be sent:\r\n\r\nGunster, Yoakley \u0026amp; Stewart, P. A.\r\n777 S. Flagler Drive, Suite 500 E\r\nWest Palm Beach, FL33401\r\nAttention: David Bates\r\n\r\nFacsimile number of designated agent: 561.671.2555\r\nEmail address of designated agent: dbates AT gunster DOT com\r\n\r\nPursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(3), to be effective, the Notification must include the following:\r\n\u003col\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eA physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner (\"Complaining Party\") of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eIdentification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single Notification, a representative list of such works at that site;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eIdentification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eInformation reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact the Complaining Party, such as an address, telephone number, and if available, an electronic mail address at which the Complaining Party may be contacted;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eA statement that the Complaining Party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eA statement that the information in the Notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the Complaining Party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ol\u003e\r\nUpon receipt of the Notification containing the information as outlined in 1 through 6 above, and pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512:\r\n\u003col\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eWe will remove or disable access to the material that is alleged to be infringing;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eWe will forward the Notification to the alleged infringer (\"Subscriber\"); and\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eWe will take reasonable steps to promptly notify the Subscriber that we have removed or disabled access to the material.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ol\u003e\r\n\u003cu\u003eCounter Notification\u003c/u\u003e:\r\nPursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(g)(3), a Subscriber may counter a Notification by providing a written communication (\"Counter Notification\") to our designated agent that includes substantially the following:\r\n\u003col\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eA physical or electronic signature of the Subscriber;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eIdentification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eA statement under penalty of perjury that the Subscriber has a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled; and\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eThe Subscriber's name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that the Subscriber consents to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court for the judicial district in which the address is located, or if the Subscriber's address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which we may be found, and that the Subscriber will accept service of process from the person who provided the Counter Notification or an agent of such person\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ol\u003e\r\nUpon receipt of a Counter Notification containing the information as outlined in 1 through 4 above, and pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512:\r\n\u003col\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eWe will promptly provide the Complaining Party with a copy of the Counter Notification;\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eWe will inform the Complaining Party that we will replace the removed material or cease disabling access to the removed material within ten (10) business days; and\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eWe will replace the removed material or cease disabling access to the removed material not less than ten (10), nor more than fourteen (14) business days following receipt of the Counter Notification, provided our designated agent has not received notice from the Complaining Party that an action has been filed seeking a court order to restrain the Subscriber from engaging in infringing activity relating to the removed material on our network or system.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ol\u003e\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eWe Make No Representations or Warranties Regarding Our Services \u003c/strong\u003e\r\nTHE CONTENT AND ALL SERVICES AND PRODUCTS ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES ARE PROVIDED TO YOU ON AN \"AS-IS\" AND \"AS AVAILABLE\" BASIS. WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE OPERATION OF OUR SERVICES OR THE INFORMATION, CONTENT, MATERIALS, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES INCLUDED ON OR ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES. YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF OUR SERVICES AND ALL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES INCLUDED ON OR ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK.\r\n\r\nWE DO NOT MAKE, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM, ANY REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE ACCURACY, CORRECTNESS, OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENT OR THE SERVICES AND PRODUCTS ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES, OR THE SAFETY, RELIABILITY, TITLE, TIMELINESS, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY, CONFORMITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE CONTENT OR THE SERVICES AND PRODUCTS ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES. IT IS YOUR SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO INDEPENDENTLY EVALUATE THE ACCURACY, CORRECTNESS OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENT AND THE SERVICES AND PRODUCTS ASSOCIATED WITH OUR SERVICES. WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE THAT THE CONTENT THAT MAY BE AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOADING FROM OUR SERVICES IS FREE OF INFECTION FROM ANY VIRUSES, WORMS, TROJAN HORSES, TRAP DOORS, BACK DOORS, EASTER EGGS, TIME BOMBS, CANCELBOTS OR OTHER CODE OR COMPUTER PROGRAMMING ROUTINES THAT CONTAIN CONTAMINATING OR DESTRUCTIVE PROPERTIES OR THAT ARE INTENDED TO DAMAGE, DETRIMENTALLY INTERFERE WITH, SURREPTITIOUSLY INTERCEPT OR EXPROPRIATE ANY SYSTEM, DATA OR PERSONAL INFORMATION. WE DO NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING ANY QUOTES OR OFFERS PROVIDED ON OR THROUGH OUR SERVICES.\r\n\r\nWITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT WE ARE NOT A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION, INSURANCE PROVIDER, CREDIT CARD PROVIDER OR OTHER SERVICE PROVIDER. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT WE ARE SOLELY AN INTERMEDIARY BETWEEN YOU AND SUCH SERVICE PROVIDERS AND, THEREFORE, WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY CONTENT, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES PROVIDED BY SUCH SERVICE PROVIDERS.\r\n\r\nOur Services are controlled and offered by us from our facilities in the United States of America. We make no representations that our Services are appropriate or available for use in other jurisdictions. If you access or use our Services from other jurisdictions, then you do so by your own volition and are solely responsible for compliance with local law.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eLimitations on Our Liability \u003c/strong\u003e\r\nNEITHER WE NOR OUR AFFILIATES, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, OR SHAREHOLDER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO, OR LIABLE TO, YOU, OR ANY THIRD PARTY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE, FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES THAT INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFIT, REVENUE OR BUSINESS, AS A DIRECT OR INDIRECT RESULT OF: (I) YOUR BREACH OR VIOLATION OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT; (II) YOUR ACCESS AND USE OF OUR SERVICES; (III) YOUR DELAY IN ACCESSING OR INABILITY TO ACCESS OR USE OUR SERVICES FOR ANY REASON; (IV) YOUR DOWNLOADING OF ANY OF THE CONTENT OR THE COLLECTIVE WORK FOR YOUR USE; (V) YOUR RELIANCE UPON OR USE OF THE CONTENT OR THE COLLECTIVE WORK, OR (VI) ANY INFORMATION, SOFTWARE, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OBTAINED THROUGH OUR SERVICES, OR OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OUR SERVICES, WHETHER RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FROM BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORTIOUS BEHAVIOR, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF WE AND/OR OUR SUPPLIERS HAD BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGES. OUR LIABILITY AND THE LIABILITY OF OUR AFFILIATES, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS, SHAREHOLDERS, REPRESENTATIVES, AND AGENTS ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED $100.\r\n\r\nYOU SPECIFICALLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR USER GENERATED CONTENT OR THE DEFAMATORY, OFFENSIVE OR ILLEGAL CONDUCT OF ANY THIRD PARTY, AND THAT THE RISK OF HARM OR DAMAGE FROM SUCH USER GENERATED CONTENT AND THIRD-PARTY CONDUCT RESTS ENTIRELY WITH YOU.\r\n\r\nYOU AND US AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO OUR SERVICES MUST COMMENCE WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR AFTER THE CAUSE OF ACTION ACCRUES. OTHERWISE, SUCH CAUSE OF ACTION IS PERMANENTLY BARRED.\r\n\r\nCertain state laws do not allow limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion or limitation of certain damages. If these laws apply to you, some or all of the above disclaimers, exclusions or limitations may not apply to you.\r\n\r\nIn the event that any limitation on the period of time for bringing an action, claim, dispute or proceeding against us, located in this \"Limitations on Our Liability\" section, is determined or held to be inapplicable or unenforceable by any court, arbitration panel or other tribunal, then the statute of limitations for the State of New York shall apply to any such action, claim, dispute or proceeding referred to final or binding arbitration.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eYour Indemnification of Us \u003c/strong\u003e\r\nYou shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless us and our officers, directors, shareholders, employees, independent contractors, agents, representatives and affiliates from and against all claims and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees, arising out of, or attributable to: (i) any breach or violation of this Agreement by you; (ii) your failure to provide accurate, complete and current personally identifiable information requested or required by us; (iii) your access or use of our Services; (iv) access or use of our Services under any password that may be issued to you; (v) your transmissions, submissions or postings (i.e., your own User Generated Content); and/or (vi) any personal injury or property damage caused by you.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eModification of our Services; Amendments of this Agreement \u003c/strong\u003e\r\nAny future release, update, or other addition to functionality of our Services shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement. We reserve the right to update, amend and/or change this Agreement at any time in our sole discretion and without notice. Updates to this Agreement will be posted here. Amendments will take effect immediately upon us posting the updated Agreement on our Services. You are encouraged to revisit this Agreement from time to time in order to review any changes that have been made. The date on which this Agreement was last updated will be noted immediately above this Agreement. Your continued access and use of our Services following the posting of any such changes shall automatically be deemed your acceptance of all changes.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eOur Remedies \u003c/strong\u003e\r\nYou acknowledge that we may be irreparably damaged if this Agreement is not specifically enforced, and damages at law would be an inadequate remedy. Therefore, in the event of a breach or threatened breach of any provision of this Agreement by you, we shall be entitled, in addition to all rights and remedies, to an injunction restraining such breach or threatened breach, without being required to show any actual damage or to post an injunction bond, and/or to a decree for specific performance of the provisions of this Agreement. For purposes of this Section, you agree that any action or proceeding with regard to such injunction restraining such breach or threatened breach shall be brought in the courts of record of New York County, New York, or the United States District Court, Southern District of New York, Borough of Manhattan. You consent to the jurisdiction of such court and waive any objection to the laying of venue of any such action or proceeding in such court. You agree that service of any court paper may be effected on such party by mail or in such other manner as may be provided under applicable laws, rules of procedure or local rules.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eLegal Disputes \u003c/strong\u003e\r\nYou and we agree that any claim or dispute at law or equity that has arisen or may arise between us relating in any way to or arising out of this or previous versions of this Agreement, your use of or access to the Services will be resolved in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Legal Disputes section. Please read this section carefully. It affects your rights and will have a substantial impact on how claims you and we have against each other are resolved.\r\n\r\n\u003cu\u003eApplicable Law\u003c/u\u003e\r\n\r\nYou agree that the laws of the State of New York, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern this Agreement and any claim or dispute that has arisen or may arise between you and us, except as otherwise stated in this Agreement.\r\n\r\n\u003cstrong\u003e\u003cu\u003eArbitration/Class Waiver/Opt Out Clauses\u003c/u\u003e\u003c/strong\u003e\r\n\u003col\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou and we each agree to resolve exclusively through final and binding arbitration any and all disputes or claims that have arisen or may arise between you and us (including any affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents), whether or not such dispute or claim involves a third party, relating in any way to any aspect of our relationship or any contact between us, direct or indirect, or arising out of this or previous versions of this Agreement, your use of or access to our Services, or any products or services sold, offered, or purchased through our Services (“Dispute”).\r\n\u003cul\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou and we agree to submit the Dispute to a single arbitrator under the then-current Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA), including when applicable the Optional Rules for Emergency Measures of Protection and the Consumer Arbitration Rules, or, by separate mutual agreement, at another arbitration institution. The AAA’s rules, information regarding initiating a claim, and a description of the arbitration process are available at The location of the arbitration and the allocation of fees and costs for such arbitration shall be determined in accordance with the AAA rules. As an alternative, you or we may bring a claim in your local “small claims” court, if permitted by that small claims court’s rules.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eThe Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this section regarding our agreement to arbitrate any Dispute (“Agreement to Arbitrate”), and the arbitrability of the Dispute. The arbitrator will decide whether the Dispute can be arbitrated.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou and we agree that each of us may bring a Dispute against the other only on our own behalf, and not on behalf of a government official or other person or entity, or a class of persons or entities. You and we agree, if we are a party to the proceeding, not to participate in a class action, a class-wide arbitration, a claim brought in a private attorney general or representative capacity, or a consolidated claim involving another person’s use of the site or our services. You and we agree not to combine a claim that is subject to arbitration under this Agreement with a claim that is not eligible for arbitration under this Agreement. You and we agree to waive the right to a trial by jury for all disputes.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eYou may opt out of this Agreement to Arbitrate. If you do so, neither you nor we can require the other to participate in an arbitration proceeding. To opt out, you must notify us in writing, within 30 days of the date that you first became subject to this Agreement to Arbitrate, either by U.S. mail delivered to: Attn: Legal Department, LinkOffers, Inc., 9430 Research Blvd., Bldg #400, Building 4 , Austin, TX, 78759 or by email delivered to You must include: (1) your name and residence address; (2) the email address and/or mobile telephone number associated with your account; and (3) a clear statement that you want to opt out of this Agreement to Arbitrate.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eIf the prohibition against class actions and other claims brought on behalf of third parties contained in Section 1.3, above, is found to be unenforceable, then all of Section 1 will be null and void as to that Dispute.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eThis Agreement to Arbitrate will survive the termination of your relationship with us.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ul\u003e\r\n\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ol\u003e\r\n\u003col start=\"2\"\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eUnless you and we agree otherwise, if you opt out of the Agreement to Arbitrate, if the Agreement to Arbitrate is found by a court to be unenforceable, if your claim is not covered by the Agreement to Arbitrate, or if you neither are a resident of nor have a principal place of business in the US or Canada, you agree that any Dispute that has arisen, or may arise, between you and us must be resolved exclusively by a state or federal court located in New York County, New York. You and we agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located within New York County, New York for the purpose of litigating all such claims or disputes.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n \t\u003cli\u003eNotwithstanding any provision in the Agreement to the contrary, you and we agree that if we make a change to this Agreement to Arbitrate (other than a change to the notice address or the site link provided herein) in the future, that change shall not apply to a claim that was filed in a legal proceeding between you and us prior to the effective date of the change. The change shall apply to all other disputes or claims governed by the Agreement to Arbitrate that have arisen, or may arise, between you and us. We will notify you of a change to this Agreement to Arbitrate by posting the amended terms on our Services at least 30 days before the effective date of the change and/or by email.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ol\u003e\r\n\u003cstrong\u003eMiscellaneous\u003c/strong\u003e\r\nIf any portion of this Agreement is deemed unlawful, void or unenforceable by any arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction, this Agreement as a whole shall not be deemed unlawful, void or unenforceable, but only that portion of this Agreement that is unlawful, void or unenforceable shall be stricken from this Agreement.\r\n\r\nThe headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only, are not to be considered a part of this Agreement, and shall not limit or otherwise affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.\r\n\r\nAll covenants, agreements, representations and warranties made in this Agreement, as may be amended by us, from time to time, shall survive your acceptance of this Agreement and the termination of this Agreement.\r\n\r\nThis Agreement and the Privacy Policy represent the entire understanding and agreement between you and us regarding the subject matter of the same, and supersede all other previous agreements, understandings and/or representations regarding the same.\r\n\r\nIf you have questions, comments, concerns or feedback regarding this Agreement or our Services, please contact us at legal AT thepointsguy DOT com.","published":"2017-01-02T18:55:25.000Z","slug":"terms-of-use","title":"Terms of Use","updated":"2025-02-06T18:20:31.000Z","wpPostId":279418}},"dataUpdateCount":1,"dataUpdatedAt":1739826565905,"error":null,"errorUpdateCount":0,"errorUpdatedAt":0,"fetchFailureCount":0,"fetchMeta":null,"isFetching":false,"isInvalidated":false,"isPaused":false,"status":"success"},"queryKey":["Page","US","/terms-of-use/",null,null],"queryHash":"[\"Page\",\"US\",\"/terms-of-use/\",null,null]"}]},"isApp":false,"pathname":"/terms-of-use/","propsType":"page"},"__N_SSP":true},"page":"/[...pathname]","query":{"pathname":["terms-of-use"]},"buildId":"5cFe0HbBGjiAn1jjAPIbO","runtimeConfig":{"mode":"production","rum":{"appMonitorId":"378863cf-4a3d-47a4-b422-858bb5bdef95","guestRoleArn":"arn:aws:iam::478340198356:role/cloudwatch_guest_role","identityPoolId":"us-east-1:68d8040d-689e-46e1-8271-75853f2ca97f","sessionSampleRate":0.1},"ukBaseUrl":"","usBaseUrl":""},"isFallback":false,"isExperimentalCompile":false,"gssp":true,"locale":"en-US","locales":["en-US","en-GB"],"defaultLocale":"en-US","domainLocales":[{"defaultLocale":"en-GB","domain":"","http":false},{"defaultLocale":"en-US","domain":"","http":false}],"scriptLoader":[]}</script></body></html>