Marine Energy Research - Journal - SCIEPublish

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1 0-.708z"/> </svg> </a> </h3> </div> <ul class="nav nav-tabs mt-2"> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link active" id="all-tab" data-toggle="tab" href="#id-all">Latest published</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" id="downloaded-tab" data-toggle="tab" href="#id-downloaded">Most downloaded</a></li> <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" id="popular-tab" data-toggle="tab" href="#id-popular" role="tab">Most popular</a></li> </ul> <div class="tab-content" id="myTabContent"> <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="id-all"> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>12 February 2025</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/414">Motion Control of Floating Wind-Wave Energy Platforms</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Mitigating wave-induced motions in floating multi-body systems is a critical challenge in ocean engineering. For single floating structures, such as floating platforms or vessels, applying active control requires considerable energy. It is also a common solution to add auxiliary structures and a power take-off (PTO) device, thereby forming a multi-body system that utilises passive control. However, the effectiveness of this method is limited due to varying phase differences between control forces and motions, which change across different wave frequencies. The present work proposes a novel semi-active structural control method, which can effectively provide optimised control force to the main body within a multi-body system. The key point of this method is tuning the phases between the forces and motions of floating bodies. Proper tuning can neutralise the main floating body’s wave-induced motion by utilising the wave-induced motion of the auxiliary structure. The controller is developed under an optimal declutching control framework, adjusting the damping coefficients of the PTO system to provide discrete resistance to the target body. A floating semi-submersible (SS) platform equipped with a heave ring as an auxiliary structure is selected and analysed as the case study. The results demonstrate the method’s efficacy in reducing motion for floating wind turbine (FWT) platforms and its applicability to various types of multiple floating bodies. Interestingly, our optimal declutching control can “kill two birds with one stone”. It can simultaneously enhance motion reduction and increase power capture. In the current study, the proposed controller achieved a maximum motion reduction of 30% for the platform.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Shuang-Rui&nbsp;Yu </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Zhi-Ming&nbsp;Yuan* </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Atilla&nbsp;Incecik </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2025/02/12/829420b0c9e165b56a56b0593fc82210.png" data-lightbox="image-1" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2025/02/12/829420b0c9e165b56a56b0593fc82210.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Perspective</h4> <span>31 December 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/383"><p class="12title" style="margin-bottom:0cm;"> Offshore Renewable Energy Advance<o:p></o:p> </p></a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Offshore renewable energy generation has become an important means to address the energy crisis and climate change, which has gained widespread attention in recent years. This article presents classic domestic and international cases that introduce the development and industrial transformation of generation technologies for offshore wind, offshore photovoltaics, ocean wave energy, tidal energy and temperature difference energy. Offshore power generation projects face challenges in design, safety, long-term operation and economic feasibility. Offshore renewable energy generation is gradually moving towards industrialization, and is expected to become a key component of global energy supply in the future with technological advancements and policy support, providing strong support for tackling climate change and achieving sustainable development goals.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Jijian&nbsp;Lian </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Lin&nbsp;Cui* </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Qiang&nbsp;Fu* </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>24 December 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/378">Hydrodynamic Performance of a Hybrid Floating Power Dock Combining Multi-Cantilever Type Buoys</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">This paper proposes a novel three-dimensional oscillating pendulum wave energy converter (WEC) that integrates an oscillating float dock station. The device captures wave energy by utilizing both the pitch and roll motions of its primary float and the pendular motion of a buoy. A time-domain analysis method is used to numerically evaluate the hydrodynamic behavior and energy conversion efficiency of the WEC. In ANSYS AQWA, a multi-cantilever WEC model is employed to address the fluid-solid coupling, calculating the device’s motion response and capturing the width ratio under various environmental conditions. Additionally, by modifying key geometric parameters including float radius, length, and cantilever angle, the study examines the rotation at the articulation point and the capture width ratio variation for different device configurations. Results indicate that the device achieves a maximum capture width ratio at a float radius of approximately 120 mm under <em>T</em> = 1.4 s, and a 130 mm for wave periods of 1.5 s and 1.6 s. The highest average capture width ratio is reached at a power take-off (PTO) damping coefficient of 400 N·s/m. The study further investigates the effect of cantilever angle and float length, aiding in the optimization of these geometric parameters.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Chang&nbsp;Wan </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Yuxiang&nbsp;Niu </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Can&nbsp;Yang* </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Lars&nbsp;Johanning* </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/12/25/85f46f91cb4a32b90e8f04a4967d2870.png" data-lightbox="image-3" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/12/25/85f46f91cb4a32b90e8f04a4967d2870.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>27 September 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/291">Numerical Investigation of a Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter Integrated with Vertical Wall and Latching Control for Enhanced Power Extraction</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">This study presents a numerical investigation of a point absorber wave energy converter (WEC) with a focus on improving its performance through the utilization of a vertical wall and latching control in the power take-off (PTO) system. Prior to numerical evaluations, experimental data incorporating PTO considerations and numerical simulation results were examined to validate the accuracy of the numerical methodology employed in this research. This study introduces a numerical PTO model and latching control for a further investigation. Comparative analyses were carried out on the displacement, velocity, and force of the PTO, absorbed power, and capture width ratio (CWR), considering the incorporation of a vertical wall and latching control. The results confirm that the introduction of both vertical wall and latching control significantly improves the CWR of the WEC, showing the effectiveness of incorporating a vertical wall and latching control in enhancing power extraction.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Injun&nbsp;Yang* </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Momchil&nbsp;Terziev </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Tahsin&nbsp;Tezdogan </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Atilla&nbsp;Incecik </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/image/202410/24/8960ee2795552e4ca5c3ba4e268a8c10.png" data-lightbox="image-4" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/image/202410/24/8960ee2795552e4ca5c3ba4e268a8c10.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>27 September 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/287">Strategic Deployment of Service Vessels for Improved Offshore Wind Farm Maintenance and Availability</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">This research explores the optimization of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) strategies for offshore wind farms using a sophisticated O&M simulator built on the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. By integrating real-world constraints such as vessel availability and weather conditions, the study assesses O&M logistics’ impacts on wind farm availability, energy production, and overall costs across different scenarios in the Celtic Sea. Through comparative analysis of eight case studies involving various combinations of Crew Transfer Vessels (CTV) and Service Operation Vessels (SOV), the research highlights the critical role of strategic vessel deployment and the potential of permanent SOV stationing to enhance operational efficiency, reduce downtime, and lower O&M costs. In this study, the permanent SOV can increase up to 20% availability of the whole wind farm. The findings underscore the importance of adaptive O&M planning in improving the sustainability and financial viability of offshore wind energy projects.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Chenyu&nbsp;Zhao </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Adam&nbsp;Roberts </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Ying&nbsp;Cui </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Lars&nbsp;Johanning* </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/09/27/55140d84841668fab6975b8059173037.jpg" data-lightbox="image-5" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/09/27/55140d84841668fab6975b8059173037.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Review</h4> <span>23 September 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/284">Icing Models and Mitigation Methods for Offshore Wind in Cold Climate Regions: A Review</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Offshore wind turbines (OWTs) in cold climate regions have become increasingly significant due to the abundant wind resources with the development of renewable energy. These areas offer considerable potential for the development of OWTs. Generating energy for communities in cold climate regions involves overcoming significant challenges posed by the remote and harsh environmental conditions. This review presents the state-of-the-art research regarding prediction models for ice accretion on wind turbine components. Furthermore, this review summarizes advanced mitigation solutions, such as cold-weather packages and ice protection systems, designed to address icing issues. The present study identifies critical knowledge gaps in OWT deployment in cold climate regions and proposes future research directions.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Yingjie&nbsp;Gu </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Guang&nbsp;Yin* </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Marek&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;Janocha </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Muk&nbsp;Chen&nbsp;Ong </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/09/23/bd05312ba203e9b64fd01fa0a1a67acc.png" data-lightbox="image-6" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/09/23/bd05312ba203e9b64fd01fa0a1a67acc.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Editorial</h4> <span>16 August 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/250">Marine Energy, the Future Practical Route to Carbon Neutrality—Foreword: Navigating the Voyage of Marine Energy Research</a> </h3> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Jijian&nbsp;Lian </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Atilla&nbsp;Incecik </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Lars&nbsp;Johanning </a> </div> <div class="author-name"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Lin&nbsp;Cui* </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="id-downloaded"> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Review</h4> <span>23 September 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/284">Icing Models and Mitigation Methods for Offshore Wind in Cold Climate Regions: A Review</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Offshore wind turbines (OWTs) in cold climate regions have become increasingly significant due to the abundant wind resources with the development of renewable energy. These areas offer considerable potential for the development of OWTs. Generating energy for communities in cold climate regions involves overcoming significant challenges posed by the remote and harsh environmental conditions. This review presents the state-of-the-art research regarding prediction models for ice accretion on wind turbine components. Furthermore, this review summarizes advanced mitigation solutions, such as cold-weather packages and ice protection systems, designed to address icing issues. The present study identifies critical knowledge gaps in OWT deployment in cold climate regions and proposes future research directions.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> YingjieGu </div> <div class="author-name"> GuangYin </div> <div class="author-name"> MarekJanJanocha </div> <div class="author-name"> Muk Chen Ong </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/09/23/bd05312ba203e9b64fd01fa0a1a67acc.png" data-lightbox="image-1" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/09/23/bd05312ba203e9b64fd01fa0a1a67acc.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Editorial</h4> <span>16 August 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/250">Marine Energy, the Future Practical Route to Carbon Neutrality—Foreword: Navigating the Voyage of Marine Energy Research</a> </h3> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> Jijian Lian </div> <div class="author-name"> AtillaIncecik </div> <div class="author-name"> LarsJohanning </div> <div class="author-name"> LinCui </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>27 September 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/287">Strategic Deployment of Service Vessels for Improved Offshore Wind Farm Maintenance and Availability</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">This research explores the optimization of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) strategies for offshore wind farms using a sophisticated O&M simulator built on the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. By integrating real-world constraints such as vessel availability and weather conditions, the study assesses O&M logistics’ impacts on wind farm availability, energy production, and overall costs across different scenarios in the Celtic Sea. Through comparative analysis of eight case studies involving various combinations of Crew Transfer Vessels (CTV) and Service Operation Vessels (SOV), the research highlights the critical role of strategic vessel deployment and the potential of permanent SOV stationing to enhance operational efficiency, reduce downtime, and lower O&M costs. In this study, the permanent SOV can increase up to 20% availability of the whole wind farm. The findings underscore the importance of adaptive O&M planning in improving the sustainability and financial viability of offshore wind energy projects.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> ChenyuZhao </div> <div class="author-name"> AdamRoberts </div> <div class="author-name"> YingCui </div> <div class="author-name"> LarsJohanning </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/09/27/55140d84841668fab6975b8059173037.jpg" data-lightbox="image-3" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/09/27/55140d84841668fab6975b8059173037.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>27 September 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/291">Numerical Investigation of a Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter Integrated with Vertical Wall and Latching Control for Enhanced Power Extraction</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">This study presents a numerical investigation of a point absorber wave energy converter (WEC) with a focus on improving its performance through the utilization of a vertical wall and latching control in the power take-off (PTO) system. Prior to numerical evaluations, experimental data incorporating PTO considerations and numerical simulation results were examined to validate the accuracy of the numerical methodology employed in this research. This study introduces a numerical PTO model and latching control for a further investigation. Comparative analyses were carried out on the displacement, velocity, and force of the PTO, absorbed power, and capture width ratio (CWR), considering the incorporation of a vertical wall and latching control. The results confirm that the introduction of both vertical wall and latching control significantly improves the CWR of the WEC, showing the effectiveness of incorporating a vertical wall and latching control in enhancing power extraction.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> InjunYang </div> <div class="author-name"> MomchilTerziev </div> <div class="author-name"> Tahsin Tezdogan </div> <div class="author-name"> AtillaIncecik </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/image/202410/24/8960ee2795552e4ca5c3ba4e268a8c10.png" data-lightbox="image-4" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/image/202410/24/8960ee2795552e4ca5c3ba4e268a8c10.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>24 December 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/378">Hydrodynamic Performance of a Hybrid Floating Power Dock Combining Multi-Cantilever Type Buoys</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">This paper proposes a novel three-dimensional oscillating pendulum wave energy converter (WEC) that integrates an oscillating float dock station. The device captures wave energy by utilizing both the pitch and roll motions of its primary float and the pendular motion of a buoy. A time-domain analysis method is used to numerically evaluate the hydrodynamic behavior and energy conversion efficiency of the WEC. In ANSYS AQWA, a multi-cantilever WEC model is employed to address the fluid-solid coupling, calculating the device’s motion response and capturing the width ratio under various environmental conditions. Additionally, by modifying key geometric parameters including float radius, length, and cantilever angle, the study examines the rotation at the articulation point and the capture width ratio variation for different device configurations. Results indicate that the device achieves a maximum capture width ratio at a float radius of approximately 120 mm under <em>T</em> = 1.4 s, and a 130 mm for wave periods of 1.5 s and 1.6 s. The highest average capture width ratio is reached at a power take-off (PTO) damping coefficient of 400 N·s/m. The study further investigates the effect of cantilever angle and float length, aiding in the optimization of these geometric parameters.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> ChangWan </div> <div class="author-name"> YuxiangNiu </div> <div class="author-name"> CanYang </div> <div class="author-name"> LarsJohanning </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/12/25/85f46f91cb4a32b90e8f04a4967d2870.png" data-lightbox="image-5" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/12/25/85f46f91cb4a32b90e8f04a4967d2870.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Perspective</h4> <span>31 December 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/383"><p class="12title" style="margin-bottom:0cm;"> Offshore Renewable Energy Advance<o:p></o:p> </p></a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Offshore renewable energy generation has become an important means to address the energy crisis and climate change, which has gained widespread attention in recent years. This article presents classic domestic and international cases that introduce the development and industrial transformation of generation technologies for offshore wind, offshore photovoltaics, ocean wave energy, tidal energy and temperature difference energy. Offshore power generation projects face challenges in design, safety, long-term operation and economic feasibility. Offshore renewable energy generation is gradually moving towards industrialization, and is expected to become a key component of global energy supply in the future with technological advancements and policy support, providing strong support for tackling climate change and achieving sustainable development goals.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> JijianLian </div> <div class="author-name"> Lin Cui </div> <div class="author-name"> Qiang Fu </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>12 February 2025</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/414">Motion Control of Floating Wind-Wave Energy Platforms</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp">Mitigating wave-induced motions in floating multi-body systems is a critical challenge in ocean engineering. For single floating structures, such as floating platforms or vessels, applying active control requires considerable energy. It is also a common solution to add auxiliary structures and a power take-off (PTO) device, thereby forming a multi-body system that utilises passive control. However, the effectiveness of this method is limited due to varying phase differences between control forces and motions, which change across different wave frequencies. The present work proposes a novel semi-active structural control method, which can effectively provide optimised control force to the main body within a multi-body system. The key point of this method is tuning the phases between the forces and motions of floating bodies. Proper tuning can neutralise the main floating body’s wave-induced motion by utilising the wave-induced motion of the auxiliary structure. The controller is developed under an optimal declutching control framework, adjusting the damping coefficients of the PTO system to provide discrete resistance to the target body. A floating semi-submersible (SS) platform equipped with a heave ring as an auxiliary structure is selected and analysed as the case study. The results demonstrate the method’s efficacy in reducing motion for floating wind turbine (FWT) platforms and its applicability to various types of multiple floating bodies. Interestingly, our optimal declutching control can “kill two birds with one stone”. It can simultaneously enhance motion reduction and increase power capture. In the current study, the proposed controller achieved a maximum motion reduction of 30% for the platform.</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> Shuang-RuiYu </div> <div class="author-name"> Zhi-MingYuan </div> <div class="author-name"> AtillaIncecik </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2025/02/12/829420b0c9e165b56a56b0593fc82210.png" data-lightbox="image-7" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2025/02/12/829420b0c9e165b56a56b0593fc82210.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="id-popular"> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Review</h4> <span>23 September 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/284">Icing Models and Mitigation Methods for Offshore Wind in Cold Climate Regions: A Review</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"> Offshore wind turbines (OWTs) in cold climate regions have become increasingly significant due to the abundant wind resources with the development of renewable energy. These areas offer considerable potential for the development of OWTs. Generating energy for communities in cold climate regions involves overcoming significant challenges posed by the remote and harsh environmental conditions. This review presents the state-of-the-art research regarding prediction models for ice accretion on wind turbine components. Furthermore, this review summarizes advanced mitigation solutions, such as cold-weather packages and ice protection systems, designed to address icing issues. The present study identifies critical knowledge gaps in OWT deployment in cold climate regions and proposes future research directions.utf-8</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> YingjieGu </div> <div class="author-name"> GuangYin </div> <div class="author-name"> MarekJanJanocha </div> <div class="author-name"> Muk Chen Ong </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/09/23/bd05312ba203e9b64fd01fa0a1a67acc.png" data-lightbox="image-1" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/09/23/bd05312ba203e9b64fd01fa0a1a67acc.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>27 September 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/291">Numerical Investigation of a Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter Integrated with Vertical Wall and Latching Control for Enhanced Power Extraction</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"> This study presents a numerical investigation of a point absorber wave energy converter (WEC) with a focus on improving its performance through the utilization of a vertical wall and latching control in the power take-off (PTO) system. Prior to numerical evaluations, experimental data incorporating PTO considerations and numerical simulation results were examined to validate the accuracy of the numerical methodology employed in this research. This study introduces a numerical PTO model and latching control for a further investigation. Comparative analyses were carried out on the displacement, velocity, and force of the PTO, absorbed power, and capture width ratio (CWR), considering the incorporation of a vertical wall and latching control. The results confirm that the introduction of both vertical wall and latching control significantly improves the CWR of the WEC, showing the effectiveness of incorporating a vertical wall and latching control in enhancing power extraction.utf-8</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> InjunYang </div> <div class="author-name"> MomchilTerziev </div> <div class="author-name"> Tahsin Tezdogan </div> <div class="author-name"> AtillaIncecik </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/image/202410/24/8960ee2795552e4ca5c3ba4e268a8c10.png" data-lightbox="image-2" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/image/202410/24/8960ee2795552e4ca5c3ba4e268a8c10.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>27 September 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/287">Strategic Deployment of Service Vessels for Improved Offshore Wind Farm Maintenance and Availability</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"> This research explores the optimization of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) strategies for offshore wind farms using a sophisticated O&M simulator built on the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. By integrating real-world constraints such as vessel availability and weather conditions, the study assesses O&M logistics’ impacts on wind farm availability, energy production, and overall costs across different scenarios in the Celtic Sea. Through comparative analysis of eight case studies involving various combinations of Crew Transfer Vessels (CTV) and Service Operation Vessels (SOV), the research highlights the critical role of strategic vessel deployment and the potential of permanent SOV stationing to enhance operational efficiency, reduce downtime, and lower O&M costs. In this study, the permanent SOV can increase up to 20% availability of the whole wind farm. The findings underscore the importance of adaptive O&M planning in improving the sustainability and financial viability of offshore wind energy projects.utf-8</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> ChenyuZhao </div> <div class="author-name"> AdamRoberts </div> <div class="author-name"> YingCui </div> <div class="author-name"> LarsJohanning </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/09/27/55140d84841668fab6975b8059173037.jpg" data-lightbox="image-3" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/09/27/55140d84841668fab6975b8059173037.jpg" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Editorial</h4> <span>16 August 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/250">Marine Energy, the Future Practical Route to Carbon Neutrality—Foreword: Navigating the Voyage of Marine Energy Research</a> </h3> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> Jijian Lian </div> <div class="author-name"> AtillaIncecik </div> <div class="author-name"> LarsJohanning </div> <div class="author-name"> LinCui </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>24 December 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/378">Hydrodynamic Performance of a Hybrid Floating Power Dock Combining Multi-Cantilever Type Buoys</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"> This paper proposes a novel three-dimensional oscillating pendulum wave energy converter (WEC) that integrates an oscillating float dock station. The device captures wave energy by utilizing both the pitch and roll motions of its primary float and the pendular motion of a buoy. A time-domain analysis method is used to numerically evaluate the hydrodynamic behavior and energy conversion efficiency of the WEC. In ANSYS AQWA, a multi-cantilever WEC model is employed to address the fluid-solid coupling, calculating the device’s motion response and capturing the width ratio under various environmental conditions. Additionally, by modifying key geometric parameters including float radius, length, and cantilever angle, the study examines the rotation at the articulation point and the capture width ratio variation for different device configurations. Results indicate that the device achieves a maximum capture width ratio at a float radius of approximately 120 mm under <em>T</em> = 1.4 s, and a 130 mm for wave periods of 1.5 s and 1.6 s. The highest average capture width ratio is reached at a power take-off (PTO) damping coefficient of 400 N·s/m. The study further investigates the effect of cantilever angle and float length, aiding in the optimization of these geometric parameters.utf-8</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> ChangWan </div> <div class="author-name"> YuxiangNiu </div> <div class="author-name"> CanYang </div> <div class="author-name"> LarsJohanning </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2024/12/25/85f46f91cb4a32b90e8f04a4967d2870.png" data-lightbox="image-5" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2024/12/25/85f46f91cb4a32b90e8f04a4967d2870.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Perspective</h4> <span>31 December 2024</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/383"><p class="12title" style="margin-bottom:0cm;"> Offshore Renewable Energy Advance<o:p></o:p> </p></a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"> Offshore renewable energy generation has become an important means to address the energy crisis and climate change, which has gained widespread attention in recent years. This article presents classic domestic and international cases that introduce the development and industrial transformation of generation technologies for offshore wind, offshore photovoltaics, ocean wave energy, tidal energy and temperature difference energy. Offshore power generation projects face challenges in design, safety, long-term operation and economic feasibility. Offshore renewable energy generation is gradually moving towards industrialization, and is expected to become a key component of global energy supply in the future with technological advancements and policy support, providing strong support for tackling climate change and achieving sustainable development goals.utf-8</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> JijianLian </div> <div class="author-name"> Lin Cui </div> <div class="author-name"> Qiang Fu </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex article-box pt-3 pb-3"> <div class="sc-width-200 pr-3"> <h4>Article</h4> <span>12 February 2025</span> </div> <div class="sc-flex-value1 d-flex flex-wrap"> <div> <h3 class="article-title"> <a class="anchor" href="/article/pii/414">Motion Control of Floating Wind-Wave Energy Platforms</a> </h3> <p class="article-abseract clamp"> Mitigating wave-induced motions in floating multi-body systems is a critical challenge in ocean engineering. For single floating structures, such as floating platforms or vessels, applying active control requires considerable energy. It is also a common solution to add auxiliary structures and a power take-off (PTO) device, thereby forming a multi-body system that utilises passive control. However, the effectiveness of this method is limited due to varying phase differences between control forces and motions, which change across different wave frequencies. The present work proposes a novel semi-active structural control method, which can effectively provide optimised control force to the main body within a multi-body system. The key point of this method is tuning the phases between the forces and motions of floating bodies. Proper tuning can neutralise the main floating body’s wave-induced motion by utilising the wave-induced motion of the auxiliary structure. The controller is developed under an optimal declutching control framework, adjusting the damping coefficients of the PTO system to provide discrete resistance to the target body. A floating semi-submersible (SS) platform equipped with a heave ring as an auxiliary structure is selected and analysed as the case study. The results demonstrate the method’s efficacy in reducing motion for floating wind turbine (FWT) platforms and its applicability to various types of multiple floating bodies. Interestingly, our optimal declutching control can “kill two birds with one stone”. It can simultaneously enhance motion reduction and increase power capture. In the current study, the proposed controller achieved a maximum motion reduction of 30% for the platform.utf-8</p> </div> <div class="authors-list align-self-end"> <i class="fal fa-user"></i> <div class="author-name"> Shuang-RuiYu </div> <div class="author-name"> Zhi-MingYuan </div> <div class="author-name"> AtillaIncecik </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-img"> <div class="img-thumbnail"> <a href="/uploads/2025/02/12/829420b0c9e165b56a56b0593fc82210.png" data-lightbox="image-7" data-title=""><img src="/uploads/2025/02/12/829420b0c9e165b56a56b0593fc82210.png" class=""></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="recent-posts-4" class="widget widget_recent_entries news-card mb-2"> <div class="my-body-container padding0"> <div class="section-heading"> <h3 class="section-title"> News </h3> </div> <ul class="d-flex align-content-around flex-wrap news-list row row-cols-1 row-cols-xl-4 row-cols-lg-3 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-sm-1 mt-3 ml-n2 mr-n2"> <li 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