Cinespia | Cemetery Films & Movie Palace Events

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based organization that brings movie magic to life with screenings of classic films throughout the year to an audience of hundreds of thousands from all around the world, including some of Hollywood’s most famous faces. With over 30 events per year, Cinespia hosts dazzling screenings under the stars at iconic venues including The Hollywood Forever Cemetery, The Greek Theatre, and Los Angeles Historic Park. Cinespia also produces private screenings, fundraisers, concerts, television and film premieres year-round outdoors and at the beloved Art Deco movie palaces of historic downtown Los Angeles’ theatre district. The 2022 season, presented by Amazon Studios, marks the 21st anniversary of the first and longest running outdoor screening series in Los Angeles. Want to know more about watching movies at the cemetery? <a title=" - Get Tips on How to Enjoy Outdoor Movie Screenings at Hollywood Forever Cemetery." href="">Visit the How To page</a> for FAQs, directions and parking info. Looking for an image from a previous show? <a title=" - View and Share Photos of Cinespia Events and Themed Photo Booths." href="">Check out the Photos page</a>, where event and photo booth picture Galleries are posted a few days after each event. Please join the Cinespia mailing list, and follow Cinespia on <a title="Like Cinespia on Facebook" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Facebook</a>, <a title="Follow Cinespia on Instagram" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Instagram</a>, <a title="Follow Cinespia on Twitter" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Twitter</a> to get updates on current and future events. To request information about partnering with, please <a title=" - To get in touch with Cinespia, complete the form at the bottom of the contact page." href="">visit the Contact Page.</a> Thank you L.A. for 21 years of Cinespia!</p> <div class="copyright"> all content copyright © 2025 cinespia. all rights reserved. <br /> photos courtesy of warner bros, universal, columbia and paramount, 20th century fox </div><!--.copyright--> <!--<a href="" target="_blank"><div class="analogo"></div></a>--><!--.analogo--> </div><!> </footer><!-- #colophon .site-footer --> </div><!-- #page .hfeed .site --> <script> // Used by Gallery Custom Links to handle tenacious Lightboxes //jQuery(document).ready(function () { function mgclInit() { // In jQuery: // if ( { // jQuery('.no-lightbox, .no-lightbox img').off('click'); // jQuery 1.7+ // } // else { // jQuery('.no-lightbox, .no-lightbox img').unbind('click'); // < jQuery 1.7 // } // 2022/10/24: In Vanilla JS var elements = document.querySelectorAll('.no-lightbox, .no-lightbox img'); 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