Visiting Enquiry - EP Shanghai 2025/Electrical Shanghai 2025

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$("#btnAliyunVerifyBox_v2").click();*/ initAliCaptcha(); //captcha.refresh(); /* [20240604][PJH] Alicloud verify 2.0 触发弹窗事件*/ if (functionName != null && functionName != "") { $("#aliyun_hide_button").attr("data-functionName", functionName); } } function onCloseTemp() { $.magnificPopup.close(); return false; } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script> <script> let captcha; //initAliCaptcha(); function initAliCaptcha() { initAliyunCaptcha({ SceneId: '1mounry8', // 场景ID。根据步骤二新建验证场景后,您可以在验证码场景列表,获取该场景的场景ID prefix: '1f137l', // 身份标。开通阿里云验证码2.0后,您可以在控制台概览页面的实例基本信息卡片区域,获取身份标 //mode: 'embed',// [20240604][PJH] hidden,使用popup 模式 mode: 'popup', // 验证码模式。popup表示要集成的验证码模式为弹出式。无需修改 element: '#captcha-element_v2', //页面上预留的渲染验证码的元素,与原代码中预留的页面元素保持一致。 button: '#aliyun_hide_button', // 触发验证码弹窗的元素。button表示单击登录按钮后,触发captchaVerifyCallback函数。您可以根据实际使用的元素修改element的值 captchaVerifyCallback: captchaVerifyCallback, // 业务请求(带验证码校验)回调函数,无需修改 onBizResultCallback: onBizResultCallback, // 业务请求结果回调函数,无需修改 getInstance: getInstance, // 绑定验证码实例函数,无需修改 slideStyle: { width: 350, height: 43, }, // 滑块验证码样式,支持自定义宽度和高度,单位为px。其中,width最小值为320 px immediate: true, language: 'en', // 验证码语言类型,支持简体中文(cn)、繁体中文(tw)、英文(en) region: 'sgp', //验证码示例所属地区,支持中国内地(cn)、新加坡(sgp) //close: true // }); } $(function () { // 遍历表单 增加一个VerifyRegion setTimeout(function () { $("form").each(function () { const input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'hidden'; = 'VerifyRegion'; = 'VerifyRegion'; input.value = 'sgp'; $(this).append($(input)); }); },1800) }) // 绑定验证码实例函数。该函数为固定写法,无需修改 function getInstance(instance) { captcha = instance; $("#aliyun_hide_button").click(); } // 业务请求(带验证码校验)回调函数 async function captchaVerifyCallback(captchaVerifyParam) { //onCloseTemp(); //$("#aliyunCaptcha-btn-close").click(); var data = escape(captchaVerifyParam); //VerifyCallback(escape(captchaVerifyParam)); $("#CaptchaVerifyParam").val(data); if (data) { var res = AliyunVerifyCallback_V2(); return res; } //const verifyResult = { // captchaResult: true, // 验证码验证是否通过,boolean类型,必选 // bizResult: '', // 业务验证是否通过,boolean类型,可选;若为无业务验证结果的场景,bizResult可以为空 //}; } function AliyunVerifyCallback_V2(data) { var functionName = $("#aliyun_hide_button").attr("data-functionName");; if (functionName != null && functionName != "") { try { var res = window[functionName](data); return res; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } else { console.log("no callback function call"); } } // 业务请求验证结果回调函数 function onBizResultCallback(bizResult) { } </script> <div> <button id="geetest_button" class="d-none" type="button"></button> <div id="GeetestCaptcha" class="captcha"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script> initGeetest(); let captchaInstance; function initGeetest() { initGeetest4({ captchaId: 'dc1ea231905ee96b054358091cc71a4a', language: 1252 == 936 ? 'zho' : 1252 == 950 ? 'zho-tw' : 'eng', product: "bind", riskType: 'slide' }, function (captcha) { captcha.appendTo("#GeetestCaptcha"); //调用appendTo将验证码插入到页的某一个元素中 /*$("#geetest_button").click();*/ captcha.onReady(function () { document.querySelector(".geetest_feedback").style.display = "none"; document.querySelector(".geetest_box_logo").style.display = "none"; }).onSuccess(function () { var result = captcha.getValidate(); if (result != "" && result != null) { $("#captcha_id").val(result.captcha_id); $("#captcha_output").val(result.captcha_output); $("#gen_time").val(result.gen_time); $("#lot_number").val(result.lot_number); $("#pass_token").val(result.pass_token); var res = GeetestVerifyCallback(); return res; } }).onError(function () { }).onFail(function (failObj) { //记录前端滑动失败情况 let url = "" + "&urlname=visitorenquiry" + "&captchaId=" + failObj.captchaId + "&captchaType" + failObj.captchaType + "&failCount=" + failObj.failCount + "&lotNumber=" + failObj.lotNumber; $.ajax({ url: url, type: "POST", success: function () { }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log("onFail error") } }) }) captchaInstance = captcha; }); } //async function captchaVerifyCallbackGeetest(res) //{ } function triggerGeetestVerify(functionName) { //initGeetest(); if (functionName != null && functionName != "") { $("#geetest_button").attr("data-functionName", functionName); } captchaInstance.showCaptcha(); //显示验证码 } function GeetestVerifyCallback(data) { var functionName = $("#geetest_button").attr("data-functionName"); if (functionName != null && functionName != "") { try { var res = window[functionName](data); return res; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } else { console.log("no geetest Callback function call"); } } </script> <script> function loadScript(src) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = src; script.onload = resolve; script.onerror = reject; document.head.appendChild(script); }); } $("#ValType").val("Geetest"); //oadScript('') // .then(() => { // // // // // $("#ValType").val("Geetest"); // // console.log('AliCloud Script loaded successfully'); // }) // .catch(() => { // console.error('AliCloud Script failed to load. Loading alternative script...'); // loadScript('') // .then(() => { // $("#ValType").val("FormValidCode"); // console.log('FormValidCode Script loaded successfully'); // //var ProjectCode = "WebZ_Cloud_EP25" + "_" + "visitorenquiry"; // var ProjectCode = "WebZ_Cloud_EP25_visitorenquiry"; // // //语言编号,从项目读取 // var codepage = "1252"; // //客户端Url,这个不用做修改的 // var clienturl = window.location.href; // //加载验证码源码 // obj = document.getElementById("ipt_verifyCode"); // if (!obj) { // getValidDatd(codepage, clienturl, ProjectCode); // } // }) // .catch(() => { // console.error('FormValidCode Script failed to load. Loading alternative script...'); // $("#ValType").val("Tencent"); // return loadScript(''); // }) // }) function VerifyData(){ var ValType = $("#ValType").val(); var thisUrlName = $("#CurrentUrlName").val(); if(ValType=="AliCloud"){ triggerAliyunVerify("AliCloudVerifyCallback"); } else if (ValType == "AliCloud2.0") { triggerAliyunVerify_v2("TodoSubmit"); } else if (ValType == "Geetest"){ if (thisUrlName.toLowerCase().includes("enewsletter")) { triggerGeetestVerify("TodoSubmitNews"); } else { triggerGeetestVerify("TodoSubmit"); } } else if(ValType=="FormValidCode"){ LoadMessageBoxAndData(); $("#validCode").css('display', 'block'); $("#Verification").css('display', 'block'); } else if(ValType=="Tencent"){ $("#TencentCaptcha").click(); } } //阿里云验证Callback function AliCloudVerifyCallback(res) { $("#ncToken").val(res.ncToken); $("#csessionid").val(res.csessionid); $("#sig").val(res.sig); if(res){ //需要验证的页面中的方法 TodoSubmit(); } } //from四位数字验证 Callback function Callback(state) { if (state == "true") { //需要验证的页面中的方法 TodoSubmit(); } }; //TencentCallback window.Tencentcallback = function (res) { console.log(res); if (res.ret === 0) { document.getElementById("captcha_ticket").value = res.ticket; document.getElementById("captcha_randstr").value = res.randstr; if(res){ //需要验证的页面中的方法 TodoSubmit(); } } } </script> <style> .el-col-24 { padding-left: 10px !important; padding-right: 10px !important; } .Jobcontainer { padding-left: 0px !important; padding-right: 0px !important; } .el-col-12 { padding-left: 10px !important; padding-right: 10px !important; } .form-item { margin-bottom: 40px !important; } .form-select { margin-bottom: 10px !important; padding-top:0px !important; } .form-checkbox { margin-bottom: 20px !important; } .el-input__suffix { position: absolute !important; /*right: 35px;*/ padding:0px !important; margin:0px !important; } .el-input__suffix-inner { position: static !important; padding: 0px !important; margin: 0px !important; } .el-textarea__inner { resize: none; } 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:model="form" :rules="formRules" ref="form_CommonInq" id="form_CommonInq"> <!--Tecent Captcha --> <input type="hidden" id="ValType" name="ValType" v-model="VType" /> <input type="hidden" id="captcha_ticket" name="captcha_ticket" /> <input type="hidden" id="captcha_randstr" name="captcha_randstr" /> <input type="hidden" id="mCountry" name="mCountry" v-model="form.mCountry" /> <input type="hidden" id="IProvince" name="IProvince" v-model="form.IProvince" /> <input type="hidden" id="mcellCode" name="mcellCode" v-model="form.mcellCode" /> <input type="hidden" id="mdeptCode" name="mdeptCode" v-model="form.mdeptCode" /> <input type="hidden" id="mtitlCode" name="mtitlCode" v-model="form.mtitlCode" /> <input type="hidden" id="ncToken" name="ncToken" v-model="form.ncToken" /> <input type="hidden" id="csessionid" name="csessionid" v-model="form.csessionid" /> <input type="hidden" id="sig" name="sig" v-model="form.sig" /> <!--查询类别--> <el-row v-show="showInqType"> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-24 el-col-lg-24"> <el-form-item prop="selectedValues" class="form-item"> <el-select v-model="form.selectedValues" multiple placeholder="Please indicate your enquiry" @change="handleSelectionChange"> <el-option v-for="item in ElseOptions" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value"> </el-option> </el-select> </el-form-item> </el-col> </el-row> <!--联系资料--> <div class="Enq_title"> <div class="title_line"></div> <div class="title_context"> Contact Information </div> </div> <!--姓氏名字--> <el-row> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-12 el-col-lg-12"> <el-form-item prop="mLName" class="form-item"> <M_el_input id="mLName" :model="form.mLName" required="true" title="Last Name" type="text" :maxlength="30" @fromchird_input="fromChild"> </M_el_input> </el-form-item> </el-col> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-12 el-col-lg-12"> <el-form-item prop="mFName" class="form-item"> <M_el_input id="mFName" :model="form.mFName" required="true" title="First Name" type="text" :maxlength="30" @fromChird_input="fromChild"> </M_el_input> </el-form-item> </el-col> </el-row> <!--电邮--> <el-row> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-12 el-col-lg-12"> <el-form-item prop="mEmail" class="form-item"> <M_el_input id="mEmail" :model="form.mEmail" required="true" title="Email Address" type="text" :maxlength="100" @fromChird_input="fromChild"> </M_el_input> </el-form-item> </el-col> </el-row> <!--电话--> <el-row> <el-col style="padding-bottom:10px;"> <span style="color: red;">*</span><span>{{'Tel:'}}</span><br /> </el-col> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-12 el-col-lg-12"> <el-form-item prop="cellcountryCode" class="form-item"> <M_el_select :val="form.cellcountryCode" required="true" title="Country Code/Region Code" :list="form.cellcountrylist" nodatatext="No results found" propname="cellcountryCode" code="DetailCode" name="Name" @fromchird_select="fromselectcomponent"> </M_el_select> </el-form-item> </el-col> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-8 el-col-lg-8" style="display:none;"> <el-form-item prop="mTelAC" class="form-item"> <M_el_input id="mTelAC" :model="form.mTelAC" title="Area Code" type="text" :maxlength="5" @fromChird_input="fromChild"> </M_el_input> </el-form-item> </el-col> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-12 el-col-lg-12"> <el-form-item prop="mTel" class="form-item"> <M_el_input id="mTel" :model="form.mTel" required="true" title="Number" type="text" :maxlength="20" @fromChird_input="fromChild"> </M_el_input> </el-form-item> </el-col> </el-row> <!--地址--> <el-row style="display:none;"> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-12 el-col-lg-12"> <el-form-item prop="mProvince" class="form-item"> <M_el_input id="mProvince" :model="form.mProvince" required="true" title="Province / Municipality" type="text" @fromChird_input="fromChild"> </M_el_input> </el-form-item> </el-col> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-12 el-col-lg-12"> <el-form-item prop="mCity" class="form-item"> <M_el_input id="mCity" :model="form.mCity" required="true" title="City" type="text" @fromChird_input="fromChild"> </M_el_input> </el-form-item> </el-col> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-12 el-col-lg-12"> <el-form-item prop="mArea" class="form-item"> <M_el_input id="mArea" :model="form.mArea" required="true" title="Area / District" type="text" @fromChird_input="fromChild"> </M_el_input> </el-form-item> </el-col> </el-row> <!--公司资料--> <div class="Enq_title"> <div class="title_line"></div> <div class="title_context"> Company Details </div> </div> <!--公司地址--> <el-row> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-12 el-col-lg-12"> <el-form-item prop="mCname" class="form-item"> <M_el_input id="mCname" :model="form.mCname" required="true" title="Company Name" type="text" :maxlength="100" @fromChird_input="fromChild"> </M_el_input> </el-form-item> </el-col> </el-row> <!--国家、省份--> <el-row> <el-col :class="form.mCountry== '44' ? 'el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-12 el-col-lg-12' : 'el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-24 el-col-lg-24'"> <el-form-item prop="country" class="form-item"> <M_el_select :val="" required="true" title="Country / Region" :list="form.countrylist" nodatatext="No results found" propname="country" code="DetailCode" name="Name" @fromchird_select="fromselectcomponent"> </M_el_select> </el-form-item> </el-col> <el-col :class="form.mCountry== '44' ? 'el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-12 el-col-lg-12' : 'el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-24 el-col-lg-24'" v-show="form.mCountry=='44'"> <el-form-item prop="province" class="form-item"> <M_el_select :val="form.province" required="true" title="Province / Municipality" :list="form.provincelist" nodatatext="No results found" propname="province" code="DetailCode" name="Name" @fromchird_select="fromselectcomponent"> </M_el_select> </el-form-item> </el-col> </el-row> <!--地址--> <el-row> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-24 el-col-lg-24"> <el-form-item prop="mAddress" class="form-item"> <M_el_input id="mAddress" :model="form.mAddress" required="true" title="Address" type="text" :maxlength="100" @fromChird_input="fromChild"> </M_el_input> </el-form-item> </el-col> </el-row> <!--传真--> <!--公司网址--> <el-row> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-24 el-col-lg-24"> <el-form-item prop="CompanyUrl" class="form-item"> <M_el_input id="CompanyUrl" :model="form.CompanyUrl" title="Company Website" type="text" :maxlength="100" @fromChird_input="fromChild"> </M_el_input> </el-form-item> </el-col> </el-row> <!--部门、职位--> <el-row> <el-col class="el-col-lg-12 el-col-md-12 Jobcontainer"> <el-row> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-24 el-col-lg-24 el-dept"> <el-form-item prop="department" class="form-item form-select-dept"> <M_el_select :val="form.department" required="true" title="Department" :list="form.departmentlist" nodatatext="No results found" propname="department" code="DetailCode" name="Name" @fromchird_select="fromselectcomponent"> </M_el_select> </el-form-item> </el-col> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-24 el-col-lg-24" v-show="form.mdeptCode=='D9'"> <el-form-item prop="department_others" class="form-item"> <M_el_input id="department_others" :model="form.department_others" :required="true" title="Please specify Department" type="text" :maxlength="50" @fromChird_input="fromChild"> </M_el_input> </el-form-item> </el-col> </el-row> </el-col> <el-col class="el-col-lg-12 el-col-md-12 Jobcontainer"> <el-row> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-24 el-col-lg-24 el-dept"> <el-form-item prop="position" class="form-item form-select"> <M_el_select :val="form.position" required="true" title="Title / Position" :list="form.positionlist" nodatatext="No results found" propname="position" code="DetailCode" name="Name" @fromchird_select="fromselectcomponent"> </M_el_select> </el-form-item> <div class="posi_rem" style="margin-top:15px;"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(153, 153, 153);">Select &quot;OTHERS&quot; and specify your Position</span> </div> </el-col> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-24 el-col-lg-24 float-right" v-show="form.mtitlCode=='T00'"> <el-form-item prop="position_others" class="form-item"> <M_el_input id="position_others" :model="form.position_others" :required="true" title="Please specify Position" type="text" :maxlength="50" @fromChird_input="fromChild"> </M_el_input> </el-form-item> </el-col> </el-row> </el-col> </el-row> <!--查询详情--> <el-row> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-24 el-col-lg-24"> <el-form-item prop="EnqDetails" class="form-item"> <M_el_input id="EnqDetails" class="item-textarea" :model="form.EnqDetails" title="Tell us your enquiry" type="textarea" :maxlength="500" @fromChird_input="fromChild"> </M_el_input> </el-form-item> </el-col> </el-row> <div class="row" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; margin-bottom: 14px; margin-top: 27px;"></div> <!-- 隐私条款 --> <el-row id="chkIsOpt_row"> <el-col class="el-col el-col-24 el-col-xs-24 el-col-sm-24 el-col-md-24 el-col-lg-24"> <el-form-item prop="chkIsOpt1" class="el-col-24"> <el-checkbox v-model="form.chkIsOpt1"> <div style="line-height: 25px;"> I have read and agree to the <a href="/EP/disclaimer/eng" target="_blank" class="cms_a" t_label="link_Show_Disclaimer">Terms of Use </a>and <a href="/EP/privacypolicy/eng" target="_blank" class="cms_a" t_label="link_Show_PrivacyPolicy"> Privacy Policy</a>. </div> </el-checkbox> </el-form-item> </el-col> </el-row> <!--提交--> <el-form-item style="text-align:center;"> <el-button class="buttons" type="submit" @click="submitForm('form_CommonInq')">Submit</el-button> </el-form-item> </el-form> </div> <!--loading div 开始--> <style> .loading { position: fixed; top: 150px; display: block; text-align: center; z-index: 99999; width: 80px; left: 35% } input[type=checkbox]:before { content: ""; } .otherform-item input, optgroup, .otherform-select, textarea { background-color: white; } .otherform-item .select2-container .select2-selection { background-color: white; } </style> <div class="modal fade" id="loading" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" data-backdrop='static'> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content loading"> <div class="modal-body"> <img src="" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--loading div 结束--> </div> <script> var v = new Vue({ el: '#vue-container', data() { return { input_val: '123', reloadCaptcha: false, VType: '', type: [], showInqType: 'visitorenquiry'.toLowerCase().includes("contactus"), TypeOptions: [ { label: 'For exhibiting enquiry', check: false, value: 'Exhibit'//参加展览->展位预定 }, { label: 'For conference enquiry', check: false, value:'Conference' //论坛赞助 }, { label: 'For visiting enquiry', check: false, value: 'Visit'//参观展览 }, { label: 'For media enquiry', check: false, value:'Media' //媒体登记 }, ], ElseOptions: [ { label: 'For visiting enquiry', check: false, value: 'Visit'//参观展览 }, { label: 'For exhibiting enquiry', check: false, value:'Exhibit'//参加展览 }, { label: 'For media enquiry', check: false, value:'Media' //媒体登记 }, ], form: { pass: '', company: '', mFName: '', mLName: '', mEmail: '', mCname: '', mAddress:'', mProvince: 'address1', mCity: 'address2', mArea: 'address3', Phone: '', mTelCC: '', mTelAC: '123', mTel:'', mFaxCC:'', mFaxAC: '', mFax: '', CompanyUrl: '', country: '', countrylist:[], province: '', provincelist:[], position: '', position_others:'', positionlist: [], department: '', department_others:'', departmentlist: [], cellcountryCode: '', cellcountrylist: [], selectedValues: [], cellcountry: '', checkVisit: '', checkExhibit: '', checkMedia: '', checkConference:'', chkIsOpt1:'', EnqDetails: '', ncToken: '', sig: '', csessionid:'', captcha_ticket: '', captcha_randstr: '', },//绑定的表单 }; }, computed: { formRules() { function isNotBlankInput(str) { let isCheck = false; if (str != "" && str != undefined) { isCheck = true; } return isCheck }; function validateSpecificSymbol(str) { //是否包含特定符号 //const reg = /^[^~!@#$%^&*()]+$/; const reg = /^[^~!@#$%^*]+$/; if(str=="") return true; var val=reg.test(str); return val; }; function isCharacter(str) { //仅汉字、字母、空格 //const reg = /^[\u4E00-\u9FA5a-zA-Z\s]+$/ const reg = /^[a-zA-Z\u4e00-\u9fa5·\s]+$/ return reg.test(str) }; function isvalidEmail(str) { //email校验 const reg = /^\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$/ return reg.test(str) }; function isvalidatemobile(phone) { //判断手机号码格式是否正确 //var isPhone = /^1[3456789]\d{9}$/ //var isPhone = /^\d+$/ var isPhone = /^[\d\s#()*+.\-]+$/ return isPhone.test(phone) }; function isTrueCompanyUrl(url) { //验证公司网址 var IsTrue = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})?(\/[^\s]*)?$/ return IsTrue.test(url); }; function hasIllegalHtml(inputString) { //检查form中是否包含标签字符 var illegalHtmlRegex = /<[^>]*>|[&<>"']/; return illegalHtmlRegex.test(inputString); } const emailValid = async (rule, value, callback, msg, that) => { if (!isvalidEmail(value)) { return callback(new Error(msg)); } else { callback(); } }; const charValid = async (rule, value, callback, msg, that) => { if (!isCharacter(value)) { return callback(new Error(msg)); } else { callback(); } }; const selectValid = (rule, value, callback, msg) => { if (!isNotBlankInput(value)) { return callback(new Error(msg)); } else { callback(); } }; const countryselectValid = (rule, value, callback, msg) => { if (!isNotBlankInput(value) && this.form.mCountry == "44") { return callback(new Error(msg)); } else { callback(); } }; const cellValid = async (rule, value, callback, msg, that) => { if (!isNotBlankInput(value)) { return callback(new Error(msg)); } else if (!isvalidatemobile(value)) { var errmsg = 'Invalid phone number'; return callback(new Error(errmsg)); } else { callback(); } }; const rulesother = (rule, value, callback, type, that) => { console.log("value:" + value + ",type:" + type + "," + this.form.isPurNeed) var lblOther = 'Others (Please specify)'; if (!isNotBlankInput(value) && type == 'department_others' && this.form.mdeptCode == 'D9') { var msg = 'Please specify your department' return callback(new Error(msg)); } else if (!validateSpecificSymbol(value) && type == 'department_others' && this.form.mdeptCode == 'D9') { var msg = ''; if (1252 == 1252) { msg = 'Invalid input of ' + 'Department'; } else { msg = 'Department' + ' Format is not valid'; } return callback(new Error(msg)); } else if (!isNotBlankInput(value) && type == 'position_others' && this.form.mtitlCode == 'T00') { var msg = 'Please specify your title/position' return callback(new Error(msg)); } else if (!validateSpecificSymbol(value) && type == 'position_others' && this.form.mtitlCode == 'T00') { var msg = ''; if (1252 == 1252) { msg = 'Invalid input of ' + 'title/position'; } else { msg = 'Position' + ' Format is not valid'; } return callback(new Error(msg)); } else if (!isNotBlankInput(value) && type == 'others' && this.form.cb_service.includes('AppendTB')) { return callback(new Error(msg)); } else if (hasIllegalHtml(value) && type == 'department_others') { return callback(new Error('Invalid input of department')); } else if (hasIllegalHtml(value) && type == 'position_others') { return callback(new Error('Invalid input of position')); } else { callback(); } }; const CompanyUrlValid = (rule, value, callback, msg) => { if (isNotBlankInput(value)) { if (!isTrueCompanyUrl(value)) { return callback(new Error(msg)) } else { callback(); } } else { callback(); } }; const htmlValid = (rule, value, callback, msg, that) => { if (hasIllegalHtml(value)) { return callback(new Error(msg)); } else { callback(); } }; const rules = { mFName: [ { required: true, message: 'Please input your first name', trigger: ["blur", "change"] }, { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { charValid(rule, value, callback, 'Accept alphabets and spaces only', this); htmlValid(rule, value, callback, 'Invalid input of name', this); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], mLName: [ { required: true, message: 'Please input your last name', trigger: ["blur", "change"] }, { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { charValid(rule, value, callback, 'Accept alphabets and spaces only', this); htmlValid(rule, value, callback, 'Invalid input of name', this); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], mEmail: [ { required: true, message: 'Please input your email address', trigger: ["blur", "change"] }, { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { emailValid(rule, value, callback, 'Invalid email address', this); htmlValid(rule, value, callback, 'Invalid email address', this); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], mCname: [ { required: true, message: 'Please input your company name', trigger: ["blur", "change"] }, { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { htmlValid(rule, value, callback, 'Invalid input of company name', this); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], mAddress: [ { required: true, message: 'Please input your address', trigger: ["blur", "change"] }, { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { htmlValid(rule, value, callback, 'Invalid input of address', this); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], mProvince: [ { required: true, message: 'Please input your address', trigger: ["blur", "change"] }, ], mCity: [ { required: true, message: 'Please input your address', trigger: ["blur", "change"] }, ], mArea: [ { required: true, message: 'Please input your address', trigger: ["blur", "change"] }, ], Phone: [ { required: true, message: 'Please input Mobile Phone Number', trigger: ["blur", "change"] }, ], mTel: [ { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { cellValid(rule, value, callback, 'Please input your phone number', this); htmlValid(rule, value, callback, 'Invalid mobile number', this); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], mFax: [ { required: true, message: 'Please input Fax Number', trigger: ["blur", "change"] }, ], country: [ { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { selectValid(rule, value, callback, 'Please select ' + 'Country / Region'); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], province: [ { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { countryselectValid(rule, value, callback, 'Please select ' + 'Province / Municipality'); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], CompanyUrl:[ { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { CompanyUrlValid(rule, value, callback, 'Please input a valid company website', this); htmlValid(rule, value, callback, 'Invalid input of Company Website', this); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], cellcountryCode: [ { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { selectValid(rule, value, callback, 'Please select ' + 'Country / Region Code'); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], department: [ { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { selectValid(rule, value, callback, 'Please indicate your department'); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], department_others: [ { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { rulesother(rule, this.form.department_others, callback, 'department_others', this); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], position: [ { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { selectValid(rule, value, callback, 'Please indicate your title/position'); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], position_others: [ { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { rulesother(rule, this.form.position_others, callback, 'position_others', this); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], chkIsOpt1: [ { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { selectValid(rule, value, callback, 'Please read and agree the terms and policy'); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], //signType: [ // { validator: this.validateSignType, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } //], EnqDetails: [ { validator: (rule, value, callback) => { htmlValid(rule, value, callback, 'Invalid Error', this); }, trigger: ["blur", "change"] } ], selectedValues: [ { required: true, message: 'Please indicate your enquiry', trigger: ["blur", "change"] }, ] } // 清空表单验证信息 this.$nextTick(() => { this.$refs['form_CommonInq'].resetFields(); }) return rules; }, }, created() { //this.GetPreregInfoBaseData(); this.setDefaultSelection(); this.GetCellCountryData(); this.getFunctionOrJobTitle(); this.changecountry(); this.Load(); if ('' == 321) { this.initTest(); } setTimeout(() => { console.log("this.VType: " + this.VType); if (this.VType == 'CND') { = "CN"; that.changecountry(); /*that.GetCountryData(); that.GetCellCountryData();*/ } setTimeout(() => { //this.GetlblSelectOther(); }, 500); }, 500); }, components: { M_el_input, M_el_select },//引入组件 watch: { "this.form.countrylist": function (newval, oldval) { if (newval != oldval) { this.changecountry(); } }, }, methods: { //检验是否勾选查询类别 validateSignType(rule, value, callback) { var that = this; if (that.form.checkVisit || that.form.checkExhibit || that.form.checkMedia || that.form.checkConference) { callback(); } else { callback(new Error('Please indicate your enquiry')); } }, //自定义 input 组件 获取值 fromChild(childval, name) { console.log("fromChild:" + childval) this.$set(this.form, name); if (childval != "" && childval != undefined && childval != null) { childval = childval.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ""); this.form[name] = childval; } else { this.form[name] = ""; } if (name.includes('tt_')) { this.$refs['form_CommonInq'].validateField(name); } }, //自定义 select 组件 获取值 fromselectcomponent(childval, objName) { console.log(objName + '--' + childval) var that = this; if (childval != "" && childval != undefined && childval != null) { this.form[objName] = childval; } else { this.form[objName] = ""; } if (objName == "country") { this.changecountry(); } if (objName == "province") { this.changeprovince(); } if (objName == "cellcountryCode"){ this.changecellcountrycode(); } if (objName == "department") { this.changedeptcode(); } if (objName == "position") { this.changetitelcode(); } if (that.form.mdeptCode != 'D9') { that.form.department_others = ""; } if (that.form.mtitlCode != 'T00') { that.form.position_others = ""; } }, //非空 isNotBlankInput(str) { let isCheck=false; if(str!= "" && str != undefined) { isCheck = true; } return isCheck }, // 更新选项的 check 值 handleSelectionChange(selectedValues) { this.TypeOptions.forEach(option => { option.check = selectedValues.includes(option.value); }); this.ElseOptions.forEach(option => { option.check = selectedValues.includes(option.value); }); }, //设置默认选中的项 setDefaultSelection() { if (('1' == '1') && 'False' == 'False') { this.form.selectedValues = ['Visit']; this.TypeOptions[2].check = true; this.ElseOptions[0].check = true; } if (('1' == '2') && 'False' == 'False') { this.form.selectedValues = ['Exhibit']; this.TypeOptions[0].check = true; this.ElseOptions[1].check = true; } if (('1' == '3') && 'False' == 'False') { this.form.selectedValues = ['Media']; this.TypeOptions[3].check = true; this.ElseOptions[2].check = true; } }, //获取基础数据 getFunctionOrJobTitle() { var that = this; $.ajax({ url: "", data: { ShowCode: 'EP25', LangId: 1252, }, type: "POST", async: false, success: function (data) { if (data.status = 200) { that.form.countrylist = data.CountryList; that.form.provincelist = data.ProvinceList; that.form.positionlist = data.JobTitleList; that.form.departmentlist = data.JobFuctionList; } else { console.log("失败"); } } }); }, //获取 区号 GetCellCountryData() { var that = this; $.ajax({ url: "", data: { ShowCode: 'EP25', LangId:'1252' }, type: "POST", async: false, success: function (data) { if (data.status = 200) { that.form.cellcountrylist = data.CountryList; } else { console.log("失败"); } } }) }, //获取国家 changecountry() { if ( == "CN") { this.form.province = ""; } else { this.form.IProvince = ""; } var that = this; this.form.province = ""; if (this.form.countrylist.length > 0) { var getItem = this.form.countrylist.filter(function (item, index) { if (item.DetailCode == { that.form.mCountry = item.Code; = item.Name; return item; } }); } }, //获取省份 changeprovince() { var that = this; if (this.form.provincelist.length > 0) { var getItem = this.form.provincelist.filter(function (item, index) { if (item.DetailCode == that.form.province) { that.form.IProvince = item.Code; that.form.province = item.Name; return item; } }); } }, //获取地区代码 changecellcountrycode() { var that = this; if (this.form.cellcountrylist.length > 0) { var getItem = this.form.cellcountrylist.filter(function (item, index) { if (item.DetailCode == that.form.cellcountryCode) { that.form.cellcountryCode = item.Name; that.form.mcellCode = item.Option; return item; } }); } }, //获取部门 changedeptcode() { var that = this; if (this.form.departmentlist.length > 0) { var getItem = this.form.departmentlist.filter(function (item, index) { if (item.DetailCode == that.form.department) { that.form.department = item.Name; that.form.mdeptCode = item.DetailCode; return item; } }); } }, //获取职位 changetitelcode() { var that = this; if (this.form.positionlist.length > 0) { var getItem = this.form.positionlist.filter(function (item, index) { if (item.DetailCode == that.form.position) { that.form.position = item.Name; that.form.mtitlCode = item.DetailCode; return item; } }); } }, //测试预填 initTest() { var that = this; this.form.mFName = "Adsale"; this.form.mLName = "Test"; this.form.mEmail = ""; this.form.mCname = "Adsale test company"; this.form.mAddress = "123区456路"; //this.form.mProvince = "address 1"; //this.form.mCity = "address 2"; //this.form.mArea = "address 3"; //this.form.mTelCC = "86"; //this.form.mTelAC = "21"; this.form.mTel = "123"; //this.form.mFaxCC = "86"; //this.form.mFaxAC = "21"; //this.form.mFax = "456"; this.form.CompanyUrl = ""; this.form.EnqDetails = "查詢詳情"; setTimeout(() => { = that.form.countrylist[1].Name; that.form.mCountry = that.form.countrylist[1].Code; //that.form.province = that.form.provincelist[0].Name; //that.form.IProvince = that.form.provincelist[0].Code; that.form.cellcountryCode = that.form.cellcountrylist[0].Name; that.form.mcellCode = that.form.cellcountrylist[0].Option; that.form.position = that.form.positionlist[0].Name; that.form.mtitlCode = that.form.positionlist[0].DetailCode; that.form.department = that.form.departmentlist[0].Name; that.form.mdeptCode = that.form.departmentlist[0].DetailCode; //this.changecountry(); }, 1000); }, //初始化 Load() { //var that = this; //that.form.cellcountryCode = that.form.cellcountrylist[0].Name; //that.form.mcellCode = that.form.cellcountrylist[0].Option; }, submitForm(formName) { var that = this; that.$refs[formName].validate((valid) => { if (valid) { VerifyData(); } else { this.$nextTick(() => { let isError = document.getElementsByClassName("is-error"); //自动滚动到 is-error 类名的元素位置 isError[0].scrollIntoView({ block: "center", behavior: "smooth", }); return; }); console.log('error submit!!'); return false; } }); }, } }) </script> <script> //提交验证 function TodoSubmit() { var that = v; var exhc1 = ''; var exhc2 = ''; var exhc3 = ''; var exhc4 = ''; if (that.form.mCountry != '44') { that.form.IProvince = '0'; } if ('False') { exhc1 = that.TypeOptions[2].check ? '1' : '0'; exhc2 = that.TypeOptions[0].check ? '1' : '0'; exhc3 = that.TypeOptions[3].check ? '1' : '0'; exhc4 = that.TypeOptions[1].check ? '1' : '0'; } else { exhc1 = that.ElseOptions[0].check ? '1' : '0'; exhc2 = that.ElseOptions[1].check ? '1' : '0'; exhc3 = that.ElseOptions[2].check ? 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