New Works - The Serious Leisure Perspective (SLP)

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Stebbins </a> </li> </ul> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="main"> <div id="banner-bot"> <div id="banner-top"> <div id="banner"> <div class="wsite-header"></div> <em id="tl"></em> <em id="tr"></em> <em id="bl"></em> <em id="br"></em> </div> </div> </div> <div id="content"> <div id="wsite-content" class="wsite-elements wsite-not-footer"> <h2 class="wsite-content-title" style="text-align:left;">New Works</h2> <div class="paragraph" style="text-align:justify;display:block;"><br />References included here were published in the last two years (2023+); see the<a href=""> Bibliography</a> for earlier materials. Last updated February 10,&nbsp;2025.&nbsp;<br /><br /><br /><strong>Books</strong><br /><br />Beech, M. (2023). <em>William Frederick Denning: Grand amateur and doyen of British meteor astronomy</em>. Springer: Cham, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-031-44442-5.<br /><br />Nimrod, G. (2023). <em>The aging of Aquarius: The Hippies of the 60s in their 60s and beyond</em>. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.<br /><br />Posp&iacute;&scaron;il, J. (2023). <em>Hodnoty a voln&yacute; &#269;as: Nov&eacute; v&yacute;zvy pro soci&aacute;ln&iacute; pedagogiku a pedagogiku voln&eacute;ho &#269;asu [Values and leisure: New challenges to social and leisure pedagogy].</em> Publishers: Univerzita Palack&eacute;ho v Olomouc. DOI: 10.5507/cmtf.22.24462363 (in Czech).<br /><br /><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Stebbins, R. A. (2023). </span><em style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Project-based leisure: Toward personal well-being and community development. </em><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.</span><em style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">&nbsp;</em><br /><br /><span style="color:black">Trujillo, B. (2024). <em>The virtue of playfulness: Why happy people are playful</em>. Routledge.</span><br /><br /><br /><strong>&#8203;Articles &amp; Chapters</strong><br /><br />Acheampong, E. Y., Akwaa-Sekyi, E. K., &amp; Frimpong, R. (2024). Identification of sport talents through leisure activity: a pathway for achieving football commercialization. <em>Leisure/Loisir</em>, 1&ndash;29.<br /><br />Aguirre-Cardona, A., Aldana-Villalobos, K., &amp; Rubio-Florido, I. (2024). Leisure, work, and study among university students, an approach from a Colombian Perspective. <em>Retos</em>, 53(abril)., 563-570,<br /><br />Ako&#287;uz Yaz&#305;c&#305;, N. (2023). A study on the serious leisure time perceptions of street basketball players in terms of different variables. <em>Journal of Education and Recreation Patterns (JERP)</em>, 4 (1), 01-13, DOI: <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Aksu, H. S., Kaya, A., &amp; Demirel, M. (2023). Giri&#351;imcilik e&#287;iliminin ciddi serbest zaman faaliyetleri ve s&uuml;re de&#287;i&#351;kenleri a&ccedil;&#305;s&#305;ndan incelenmesi. <em>Tourism</em> <em>and Recreation</em>, 5(2), 106-113.<br /><br />Alanazi, H. M. N. (2024). The role of leisure activities in enhancing well-being in Saudi&rsquo;s retired community: A mixed methods study.&nbsp;<em>Humanities and Social Sciences Communications,</em>&nbsp;<strong>11</strong>, 604. <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />An, B., Sato, M., &amp; Harada, M. (2024). Grit, leisure involvement, and life satisfaction: A case of amateur triathletes in Japan.&nbsp;<em>Leisure Sciences</em>,&nbsp;<em>46</em>(3), 237&ndash;253. <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Andrade, R. D., Tavares, G. H., Farias, G. O., Beltrame, T. S., &amp; Felden, &Eacute;. P. G. (2024). Proposition of a theoretical model for leisure practices based on constraints and attitudes.&nbsp;<em>World Leisure Journal</em>,&nbsp;<em>66</em>(2), 250&ndash;266. <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Ankers, E. (2024). Experiences and perceptions of motherhood and climbing.&nbsp;<em>Annals of Leisure Research</em>,&nbsp;<em>27</em>(4), 579&ndash;595.<br /><br />Arnegger, J., Herz, M., &amp; Campbell, M. (2024). Mass ecotourism, media, and wildlife experience. <em>Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism</em>, 45, 100732, <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Arosteguy, A., &amp; Gomes, C. L. (2023). Leisure, culture and territory: A social cartography in two suburbs of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. <em>The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society</em>, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/10632921.2023.2172121</a>.<br /><br /><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Axenti, O., &amp; Pot&acirc;ng, A. (2024). Psihologia transportului manifestarea comportamentului &icirc;n trafic &icirc;n raport cu experien&#539;a de &#537;ofat manifestation of traffic behavior in relation to driving experience. <em>Psihologie Revista &#536;tiin&#539;ifico-Practic&#259;,</em> 45(2), 85-93. DOI: 10.46728/pspj.2024.v45.i2.p85-93. Text in Romanian, abstract in English.</span><br /><br /><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Ayhan, C., Dugenci, A., Isik, O., Gumus, H., &amp; Gungor, N. B.&nbsp; (2024). The effect of leisure involvement on happiness and successful aging in elderly. <em>Work</em>, online edition.</span><br /><br />Bach&oacute;rz, A. (2023). &ldquo;She quit her corporate job and took up... cooking.&rdquo; Professional food work, unobvious career shifts and the search for an alternative relationship with the world. <em>Studia Socjologiczne,</em>1(248), 59&ndash;86, DOI: 10.24425/sts.2023.144834. (In Polish with English abstract)<br /><br /><a href=";_sg%5B1%5D=bw6ve538TKyEA6wQUYeuXqWfxYeVBsepGYTYj3jXl_-zU0XGgq5btpRWymZE4G-F5cEbiTI.CW5Hs1FerljJQGiHXli_4oEpQb_pcOnHtRpABVtfmSuyjJueAEwHQUQfiyZTPqIwzcGzgPNNJYvFcKcJWSfyzA">Ba&#269;i&#263;</a>, J. (2023). Razlozi uklju&#269;enja studenata u volonterski anga&#382;man. <a href=""><em>&#1057;&#1048;&#1053;&#1045;&#1047;&#1040;</em></a>, 4(3), 41-51. DOI: <a href="" target="_blank">10.7251/SIN2303003B</a>. In Serbian, with English abstract.<br /><br />Bargeman, B., Calvi, L., Westerlaken, R., &amp; Duursma, G. (2024). Volunteering dynamics in leisure, tourism and hospitality: Developing sustainable practices for well-being and social impact. <em>Research in Hospitality Management</em>, <em>14</em>(1), 28&ndash;32.<br /><br />Bason, T. (2023). Follow, follow, follow: Analysing the motivations for attending small-scale events abroad. <em>Journal of Sport &amp; Tourism,</em> 27(1), 1-14, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/14775085.2022.2094992</a>.<br /><br />Beder, C., &amp; &Uuml;st&uuml;n, &Uuml;. D. (2024). Examining the transformational leadership tendencies of serious and casual leisure participant sports management students. SHS Web of Conferences 206, 01016 (2024) ERPA 2024,<br /><br />Bedir, F., &Ouml;nal, L., &amp; Stebbins, R. (2023). Adult deviant leisure tendency scale (ADLTS) &ndash; Scale development study. <em>World Leisure Journal.</em> 65(4), 605-616, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/16078055.2023.2213686</a><br /><br />&#8203;Belhassen, V. (2023). Work, leisure and the social order: Insights from the pandemic. <em>Annals of Leisure Research</em>, 26(4), 514-520, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/11745398.2021.1964992</a>.<br /><br />Beverland, M. B., Fernandez, K. V., &amp; Eckhardt, G. M. (2024). Consumer work and agency in the analog revival.&nbsp;<em>Journal of Consumer Research</em>, <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Bhandari, K. (2023). Fatalism and leisure in Nepal. <em>Leisure Studies</em>, 42(6), 883-896, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/02614367.2023.2168031</a>.<br /><br />Bill, T., Dessart, G., &amp; Antonini Philippe, R. (2024). Does ultra-endurance passion make athletes happy? <em>Sports</em>, 12(6), 149,<br /><br />Braun, A. (2023). Voluntourism on the Camino de Santiago &ndash; How iteration changes motives, stakeholder interaction, and reintegration of hospitaleros. <em>Journal of Global Hospitality and Tourism</em>, 2(1), 99-113. <a href=""></a><br />&#8203;<br />Brown, C. E., Collins, T., Foy, R. K.&nbsp;<em>et al.</em>&nbsp;(2024). The how rather than the what: A qualitative analysis of modalities and caregiver descriptions of special interests in autistic youth.&nbsp;<em>Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,</em>&nbsp;<a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Buelens, L., Geudens, T., Vlieghe, J., &amp; De Baets, T. (2024). Naar een (on)pedagogiek van het amateurorkest? <em>Cultuur+Educatie</em>, 23(66), 102-116. Written in Dutch with short abstract in English.<br /><br />Caramelo, J. &amp; S&aacute; Costa, A. (2024). Las bandas de m&uacute;sica civiles m&aacute;s all&aacute; de la educaci&oacute;n musical: Una revisi&oacute;n de alcance (2010-2021).&nbsp;<em>Revista Electr&oacute;nica Complutense de Investigaci&oacute;n en Educaci&oacute;n Musical, 21</em>, 201-227. <a href=""></a>. Article also available in English.<br /><br />Cardoso, J. B. F, &amp; Dell&rsquo;Arno, F. (2023). Amador por voca&ccedil;&atilde;o: a pintura como lazer s&eacute;rio. <em>Art Research Journal / Revista de Pesquisa em Artes</em>, 10(1), 1-23. DOI: 10.36025/arj.v10i1.261, Abstract also available in English.<br /><br />Carter, D. P. (2023). Sustaining civic recreation: Understanding what shapes climbers&rsquo; contributions to local resource stewardship and advocacy. <em>Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership</em>, 15(1), 77&ndash;93, <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Cecchin, H. F. G., da Costa, H. E. R., Pacheco, G. R., de Valencia, G. B., &amp; Murta, S. G. (2024). A mixed methods study of suicide protective factors in college students. <em>Psicologia: Reflex&atilde;o e Cr&iacute;tica</em>, 37(35),<br /><br />Cho, H., Abbasi, G. A., Kang, H.-K., &amp;; Lee, Y. H. (2024). Exploring constraints and sport experiences: A case study of adult workers in Singapore. <em>Behavioral Sciences</em>,14(9), 848. 10.3390/bs14090848.<br /><br />Chun, S., Heo, J., &amp; Lee, Y (2023). Savouring the ordinary moments in the midst of trauma: Benefits of casual leisure on adjustment following traumatic spinal cord injury. <em>Leisure Studies</em>, 42(2), 253-267, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/02614367.2022.2097299</a>.<br /><br /><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Codina, N., Pestana, Montesinos, J. V., Valenzuela, R., &amp; Stebbins, R. A. (2024). Perspectivas temporales tras el ocio serio de la juventud. <em>Cauriensia. </em></span><em style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)"><span>Revista Anual De Ciencias Eclesi&aacute;sticas</span></em><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">, <em>19</em>, 1167&ndash;1190. </span><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)"><a href=""><span><br /></span></a></span><br />Coelho, L. S. (2024). The right to ride: An ethnography of an urban and marginal practice.&nbsp;<em>Revista Pol&iacute;ticas P&uacute;blicas &amp; Cidades</em>,&nbsp;<em>13</em>(2), e841.<br /><br />Corcuera, M. (2024). The creative process in honeycomb. <em>Creativity Theories &ndash; Research - Applications</em>, 11(2), 109-136. <a href=""></a><br /><br />Cova, B., &amp; Guercini, S. (2023). Tribal entrepreneurs: &nbsp;Caught in the crossfire of the tribal and market logics? <em>Consumption Markets &amp; Culture</em>, online edition, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/10253866.2023.2252751</a>.<br /><br />Debra, L., &amp; Winter, C. (2023). The contradictory ethics of native duck shooting: Recreation, protection and management.<em> Annals of Leisure Research,</em> 26(2), 251-268, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/11745398.2021.1974904</a>.<br /><br />De Martino, M., Alonzi, R., &amp; Isidori, E.&nbsp; (2023). Pedagogy of work in postmodern society: Between job insecurity and digital revolution // &#1042;&#1077;&#1089;&#1090;&#1085;&#1080;&#1082; &#1056;&#1086;&#1089;&#1089;&#1080;&#1081;&#1089;&#1082;&#1086;&#1075;&#1086; &#1091;&#1085;&#1080;&#1074;&#1077;&#1088;&#1089;&#1080;&#1090;&#1077;&#1090;&#1072; &#1076;&#1088;&#1091;&#1078;&#1073;&#1099; &#1085;&#1072;&#1088;&#1086;&#1076;&#1086;&#1074;. <em>Journal of Philosophy</em>, 27(1), 94&mdash;107, <a href=""></a> (article in English).<br /><br />de Oliveira Ferreira, H., Silva, S. T. J. A., Neves de Oliveira, S., Apolin&aacute;rio-Souza, T., &amp; Marcos Gon&ccedil;alves Maciel, G. (2023). Analysis of the "quadrilha feij&atilde;o queimado" group from the perspective of serious leisure. <em>Revista Foco</em> |Curitiba (PR)|, 16(3),.01-11. (in Portuguese with English abstract)<br /><br />Dieser, R. B. (2023). Advancing the association for humanistic counseling principles through the serious leisure perspective. <em>Journal of Humanistic Counseling</em>, 00, 1&ndash; 11. <a href=""></a><br /><br />Dieser, R. B. (2023). The serious leisure-devotee work nexus of Viktor and Elly Frankl. <em>International Forum for Logotherapy</em>, 47(1), 53-61.<br /><br />Dieser, R. B. (2024). Viktor Frankl&rsquo;s (centripetal) leisure: An initial exploration.&nbsp;<em>Leisure/Loisir</em>,&nbsp;<em>48</em>(4), 681&ndash;698. ht<a href="tps://doi-or">tps://doi-or</a><br /><br />Dittrich, M., &amp; Mey, B. (2023). Voluntary labour supply by birth cohort: empirical evidence from Germany. <em>Empirica</em>. <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Donald, W. E., &amp; Duck, N. J. (2024). Life is too short to be serious all the time: Donald Duck presents unconventional motivations for publishing in academia.&nbsp;<em>GILE Journal of Skills Development</em>,&nbsp;<em>4</em>(1), 141&ndash;145, <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Donner, F. (2024). Structures that tilt: Understanding &ldquo;toxic&rdquo; behaviors in online gaming. <em>New Media &amp; Society</em>, <em>0</em>(0). <a href=""></a>. Online preprint.<br /><br /><a href="">Dor-Haim, P.</a> (2025). Understanding self-fulfillment: Principals&rsquo; perspectives in special education for complex disabilities. <a href=""><em>Journal of Educational Administration</em></a>, 63(1), 34-47. <a href=""></a>.<br /><br /><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Duan, Z. G., He, Y., &amp; Qiu, J. G. (2024). Tracing the pioneers: Ballroom dance instructors and &ldquo;taxi-dance girls&rdquo; in modern Chinese leisure sports. </span><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)"><a href=""><em><span>Sport History Review</span></em></a></span><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">, 55(2), 146-172, DOI: </span><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)"><a href="" target="_blank"><span></span></a></span><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">.</span><br /><br />Duursma, G., Losekoot, E., &amp; de Jong, G. (2023). The role of volunteers in creating hospitality: Insights from museums, <em>Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, </em>54, 373&ndash;382,<br /><br />Egili &Ccedil;ankaya, G. Z., &amp; Akta&#351;, G. (2023). K&uuml;resel bisiklet ekosisteminde dijital d&ouml;n&uuml;&#351;&uuml;m: Uygulamalar ve beklentiler. <em>International Journal of Contemporary Tourism Research</em>, 7(2), 117-128., in Turkish with English abstract.<br /><br />Farkas, J., &amp; Barcsi, T. (2023). Leisure in pain: A logotherapeutic view. <em>International Forum for Logotherapy</em>, 47(1), 62-80.<br /><br />Fernandez-Lasa, U., Eizagirre-Sagastibeltza, O., Romero Da Cruz, S., &amp; Usabiaga Arruabarrena, O. (2024). Exploring women&rsquo;s engagement in leisure sport participation: The influence of serious leisure in Basque pelota.&nbsp;<em>Annals of Leisure Research</em>,&nbsp;<em>27</em>(4), 490&ndash;504.<br /><br /><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Finkielsztein, M. (2023). Between sport and leisure: Competitive senior ballroom dancing as serious leisure. <em>Qualitative Sociology Review </em>19(4), 52-70. DOI: <a href=""><span style="color:windowtext"></span></a>.18778/1733-8077.19.4.03M.</span><br /><br />&#8203;Foley, C., Darcy, S., Hergesell, A., Almond, B., McDonald, M., Nguyen, L. T., &amp; Morgan-Brett, E. (2023). Extracurricular activities, graduate attributes and serious leisure: Competitive sport versus social-cultural clubs in campus life, <em>Leisure Studies</em>, 42(6), 971-988, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/02614367.2023.2168030</a>.<br /><br />Garcia, R. M., &amp; Villar, B. C. (2023). Educar el ocio en la sociedad apresurada: El ocio valioso como horizonte/Educating leisure in hasty society: Valuable leisure as the horizon. <em>Revista Ciencias Pedag&oacute;gicas e Innovaci&oacute;n</em>, 10(2), 159-169. http:/ (in Spanish with English abstract).<br /><br />Gat, O. (2024). The leisure culture experiences of Bedouin children living in unregulated villages in the southern region (Negev) of the state of Israel.<em> US-China Education Review A</em>, 14(7), 411-432, doi: 10.137265/2161-623X/2024.07.00.<br /><br />Geng, W.; Wan, Q.; Wang, H.; Dai, Y.; Weng, L.; Zhao, M.; Lei, Y.; Duan, Y. (2023). Leisure involvement, leisure benefits, and subjective well-being of bicycle riders in an urban forest park: The moderation of age. <em>Forests</em>, 14, 1676, <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Ghvanidze S., Kang S. K., &Scaron;&#269;asn&yacute; M., Hanf, J. H. (2023). Profiling cannabis consumption motivation and situations as casual leisure. IES Working Papers 4/2024. IES FSV. Charles University, <a href="">Czech Republic</a>. <em>(PDF) PROFILING CANNABIS CONSUMPTION MOTIVATION AND SITUATIONS AS CASUAL LEISURE</em>. Available from:<br /><a href=""></a><br /><br />Ghvanidze, S., &Scaron;&#269;asn&yacute;, M., Kang, S. K. <em>et al.</em> (2024). Exploring motivations for cannabis use in casual leisure: A German perspective. <em>International Journal of Sociology of Leisure</em> (2024). <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />God&iacute;nez-Burgos, E. (2023). Ocio, trabajo y sentido de la vida bajo el neoliberalismo. Leisure, work and meaning of life under neoliberalism. <em>Sincronia&nbsp;: Revista de Filosof&iacute;a, Letras y Humanidades</em>, 27(83), 42-69, DOI: 10.32870/sincronia.axxvii.n83.3a23. (in Spanish with English abstract).<br /><br />G&oacute;mez-Morales, B., Castro, D., &amp; Nieto-Ferrando, J. (2023). High season is coming: Travel motivations of <em>Game of Thrones</em> fans. <em>Current Issues in Tourism</em>, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/13683500.2023.2272731</a>, online edition.<br /><br />Gupta, A., Eilert, M., &amp; Gentry, J. W. (2024). Meaningful consumption. <em>Journal of Macromarketing</em>, <em>44</em>(3), 637-652. <a href=""></a><br />&#8203;<br />Gwon, I. J., &amp; Kim, I. (2024). Participation experience and significance in stand-up paddleboarding(sup) as serious leisure. <em>Korean Society for the Sociology of Sport,</em> 37(1), 15-33. 10.22173/ksss.2024.37.1.2 In Korean with English abstract.<br /><br /><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">Haim-Litevsky, D., Komemi, R., &amp; Lipskaya-Velikovsky, L (2023). Sense of belonging, meaningful daily life participation, and well-being: Integrated investigation. <em>International Journal of </em>E<em>nvironmental Research and Public Health</em>, 20, 4121. </span><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)"><a href=""><span></span></a></span><span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0)">.</span><br /><br /><a href=";value2=Hallmann,+Kirstin">Hallmann, K</a>., <a href=";value2=Wright,+Richard+K.">Wright, R. K.</a>, &amp;&nbsp;<a href=";value2=Morellato,+Massimo">Morellato, M</a>. (2023).&nbsp;Serious leisure event volunteering and social capital<strong>. </strong><a href=""><em>Event Management</em></a><em>,</em> 27(3), 353-366, <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Hallmann, K. &amp; Zehrer, A. (2023) Interrelationships of landscapes, sportscapes and sport experiences in destinations, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/15022250.2023.2202644</a>.<br /><br />Hayl&#305;, &Ccedil;. M., Chung, S., K&ouml;sem, D. D., &amp; Karata&#351;, R. (2024). Development of the leisure time attitude scale for children with visual impairment. <em>International Journal of Special Education</em>, 39(2), 1-11. DOI:<br /><br />&#8203;Hennessy, C. (2023). The functions of leisure in later life: Bridging individual- and community-level perspectives. <em>Ageing &amp; Society,</em> doi:10.1017/S0144686X23000028.<br /><br />Heo, J., &amp; Ryu, J. (2023). <a href="">Maintaining active lifestyle through pickleball: A qualitative exploration of older pickleball players</a>. <em>The International Journal of Aging and Human Development,</em> 010.1177/00914150231208012.<br /><br />Hern&aacute;ndez-L&oacute;pez, E. M., &amp; Urbar-Serrano, F. A. (2024). The impact of online informal learning of English (OILE) through fandom participation. <em>Revista Lengua y Cultura Biannual Publication</em>, 5(10), 92-98.&nbsp;<br /><br />Hetherington, A., Liu, S., &amp; Meldrum, J. (2023). Evaluating the impact of retirement leisure planning on retirement satisfaction and vitality: A mixed-method study. <em>Annals of Leisure Research,</em> 26(1), 140-161, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/11745398.2021.1902357</a>.<br /><br />Hutchinson, S., &amp; Kleiber, D. (2023). On time, leisure, and health in retirement: Implications for public health services<em>. International Journal of Environmental Research on Public Health</em>, 20, 2490. <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Hutzell, R. R. (2023). Focus editing: Serious leisure and values actualization. <em>International Forum for Logotherapy</em>, 47(1), 47-51.<br /><br />Iso-Ahola, S. E., &amp; Baumeister, R. F. (2023). Leisure and meaning in life. <em>Frontiers in Psychology</em>, 14,<br /><br />Jang, Y. H., &amp; Yoo, Y. E. (2023). Impact of emotional labor on happiness among early childhood educators: Moderating effect of serious leisure. <em>The Journal of Korea Open Association for Early Childhood Education,</em> 28(4), 61-80. 10.20437/KOAECE28-4-03. In Korean with English abstract.<br /><br />Kavlak, H. T., &amp; Aksu, H. S. (2023). The effect of attitudes towards physical violence and demographic variables on serious leisure time activity choice. <em>Journal of Education and Recreation Patterns</em> (JERP), 4 (2), 495-50.<br /><br />Khan, M. K., &amp; Ullah, A. (2024). Exploring the elements that influence postgraduate students' reading trends in university. <em>Inverge Journal of Social </em>Sciences, 3(3), 54-67,<br /><br />Khir, M. M., Sabar, S., &amp; Rashid, M. M. (2024). Experiencing virtual events: A case of covid-19. INCOMAR 2023 The 9th International Conference on Marketing and Retailing, <em>European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, </em>pp, 334-342, DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2024.05.28.<br /><br />K&#305;l&#305;&ccedil;, M. &amp; Keskin, C. (2023). Ev kadinlarinin serbest zaman yoksunlu&#287;unun incelenmesi: D&uuml;zce &ouml;rne&#287;i. <em>Ad&#305;yaman &Uuml;niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstit&uuml;s&uuml; Dergisi</em>, 0(43), 603-632. DOI: 10.14520/adyusbd.1195742. (written entirely in Turkish)<br /><br />Kitheka, B., &amp; Comer, R. (2023). Cribbage culture and social worlds: An analysis of closeness, inclusiveness, and specialization. <em>Journal of Leisure Research</em>, 54(1), 131-151, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/00222216.2022.2148145</a>.<br /><br />Kleiber, D. (2024). The legacy of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi for leisure studies: An introduction to this special &lsquo;tribute&rsquo; issue.&nbsp;<em>Journal of Leisure Research</em>, 1&ndash;11. <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Komyathy, B. (2023). Frederick W. Taylor and the congruence of active leisure &amp; work. <em>World Leisure Journal</em>, 65(1), 28-44, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/16078055.2022.2125573</a> .<br /><br />Komyathy, B. 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The mediating role of passion in the relationship between serious leisure and well-being among university sport club participants. <em>Journal of Leisure Research</em>, 54(4), 409-428, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/00222216.2023.2165886</a>.<br /><br />Lee, K., Gould, J., &amp; Hsu, H.-Y. (2023). Thickening serious leisure: A review of studies that employed the Serious Leisure Inventory and Measure (SLIM) between 2008 and 2019. <em>Leisure Studies</em>, 42(2), 296-313, DOI: <a href="">10.1080/02614367.2022.2107053</a>.<br /><br />Lee, K., Liu, H. L. (Stella), &amp; Bentley, J. P. (2024). The contribution of serious leisure qualities to passion in the context of collegiate sport club participation.&nbsp;<em>Leisure Studies</em>,&nbsp;<em>43</em>(5), 861&ndash;872. <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Lemari&eacute;, J. (2023). 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E., Nimmi, P. M., &amp; Ma. Y. (2024). Exploring the relationship between self-perceived academic performance and entrepreneurial intention: The moderating roles of serious leisure, perceived stress and gender.<em> Higher Education Skills and Work-Based Learning</em>, 14(4), 767-781.&nbsp;<a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Munuzturlar, M. A., Munusturlar, S., &amp; Uygur, &Ouml;. (2023). Hem &ldquo;ciddi&rdquo; hem &ldquo;sorumluluk sahibi&rdquo;: Ciddi bo&#351; zaman kat&#305;l&#305;m d&uuml;zeylerine g&ouml;re tekvando sporcular&#305;n&#305;n ki&#351;ilik &ouml;zelliklerinin kar&#351;&#305;la&#351;t&#305;r&#305;lmas&#305;/ Both &ldquo;serious&rdquo; and &ldquo;conscientious&rdquo;: A comparison of personality traits of taekwondo athletes by serious leisure participation. <em>GSI Journals Serie A: Advancements in Tourism, Recreation and Sports Sciences</em> (ATRSS), 6(2), 391-404. (in Turkish with extended summary in English)<br /><br />Ngai, S. S.&#8208;Y., Cheung, C.&#8208;K., Ng, Y.&#8208;H., Lee, B. J., Dup&eacute;r&eacute;, V., Wang, M., Chen, C., Li, Y., Zhou, Q., Wong, L.&#8208;M., &amp; Zhang, X. (2024). Pathways from school to work: A sequence analysis of non&#8208;engaged youth. <em>Journal of Adolescence</em>, 96(1655&ndash;1672),<br /><br />Nguyen, M. H., &amp; Phan, H. T. M. (2024). Joint leisure activities of older Vietnamese married couples. <em>Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology</em>, 39, 335&ndash;354. <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Nichols, G., Reid, F., &amp; Findlay-King, L. (2023). The role of mutual aid in meeting society&rsquo;s needs: The example of community sports clubs&rsquo; responses to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. <em>Voluntary Sector Review</em>, XX(XX): 1&ndash;17, DOI: 10.1332/20408056Y2023D00000000, online preprint edition.<br /><br />Nichols, G., Reid, F., &amp; Findlay-King, L. (2023). The role of mutual aid in meeting society&rsquo;s needs: The example of community sports clubs&rsquo; responses to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. <em>Voluntary Sector Review</em>, XX(XX): 1&ndash;17, DOI: 10.1332/20408056Y2023D00000000, online preprint edition.<br /><br />Nimmi, P. M., Krishna, A., &amp; Donald, W. E. (2023). Enabling educators to foster creativity and perceived employability: The role of serious leisure. In B. Christiansen &amp; A. Even (Eds.), <em>Examining applied multicultural industrial and organizational psychology</em> (pp. 235-254). IGI Global. <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Nowakowska, I. (2024). 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A., Neves de Oliveira, S., Apolin&aacute;rio-Souza, T., &amp; Maciel, M. (2023). <a href=";_iepl%5BactivityTimestamp%5D=1680885713&amp;_iepl%5BactivityType%5D=person_add_publication&amp;_iepl%5Bcontexts%5D%5B0%5D=homeFeed&amp;_iepl%5BrecommendationActualVariant%5D=&amp;_iepl%5BrecommendationDomain%5D=&amp;_iepl%5BrecommendationScore%5D=&amp;_iepl%5BrecommendationTargetActivityCombination%5D=&amp;_iepl%5BrecommendationType%5D=&amp;_iepl%5BfeedVisitIdentifier%5D=&amp;_iepl%5BpositionInFeed%5D=3&amp;_iepl%5BsingleItemViewId%5D=ScA4RZSiPRxa1Irs8QgPOakT&amp;_iepl%5BviewId%5D=vKY3Bx1n3nkDnLjjhYdL16Vw&amp;_iepl%5BhomeFeedVariantCode%5D=ncls&amp;_iepl%5B__typename%5D=HomeFeedTrackingPayload&amp;_iepl%5BinteractionType%5D=publicationTitle&amp;_iepl%5BtargetEntityId%5D=PB%3A369816794">Analysis of the "quadrilha feij&atilde;o queimado" group from the perspective of serious leisure</a>. <em>Revista Foco |Curitiba (PR)</em>, 16(3), 1-11. (in Portuguese with English abstract)<br /><br />Olivier, S. (2023). University and leisure&mdash;a commentary and my broad thoughts. <em>International Journal of Sociology of Leisure, </em>6(1), 11&ndash;14. <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />&Ouml;nal, L. (2023). Psikolojik Sa&#287;l&#305;k ve Sapk&#305;n Bo&#351; Zaman Etkile&#351;imi: Sanal Bahis ve Kumar Tutkunlar&#305; &Uuml;zerine Bir &#304;nceleme; The Relationship Between Psychological Health and Deviant Leisure: A Study of Online Gambling and Betting Players. &nbsp;<em>Herkes i&ccedil;in Spor ve Rekreasyon Dergisi</em>, 5 (2), 110-117, in Turkish with English abstract.<br /><br />&Ouml;zk&#305;l&#305;&ccedil;, S., &amp; Demirel, M. (2023). Ciddi bo&#351; zaman faaliyeti olarak pilates ve fitness yapan bireylerde merhamet alg&#305;s&#305;. <em>T&uuml;rkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi</em>, DOI: 10.32706/tusbid.1163777.<br /><br />Park, J. Y., Kim, M. J., &amp; Lee, C. W. (2023). The mediating effect of leisure consumer involvement on the relationship between serious leisure and outdoor brand experiences. <em>Journal of Korean Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women</em>, 37(3), 141-159. 10.16915/jkapesgw.2023. In Korean with English abstract.<br /><br />Parowicz I. (2024). Genealogical memory and its function in bridging the &lsquo;floating gap&rsquo;. <em>Genealogy,</em> 8(1), <a href=""></a>.<br /><br />Pavlova, M. K., &amp; Luhr M. (2023). Volunteering and political participation are differentially associated with eudaimonic and social well-being across age groups and European countries. <em>PLoS ONE</em> 18(2): e0281354. <a href=""></a>.<br />&#8203;<br />Payette, B., &amp; Chr&eacute;tien, L. (2023). 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(2024). Drone Society: An abductive analysis of civilian drone culture. PhD dissertation, University of Oregon.<br /><br />Schulte-Holthaus, S. (2023). <em>From passion to performance: Entrepreneurial passion in the creative industries</em>. Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Hohenheim, Germany, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12786.27841.<br /><br />Y&#305;ld&#305;z, A. (2023). Using serious leisure theory to understand charity runners&rsquo; motivations, social relations, and experiences. PhD thesis, Middle East Technical University (summary in Turkish).<br /><br /></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div id="footer-right"> <style type="text/css"> @font-face { font-family: SQMarket-Medium; font-style: normal; font-weight: 500; src: url("//") format("woff2"), url("//") format("woff"); } </style> <div id="weebly-footer-signup-container-v3"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="signup-container-header" id="signup-link-href" > <div class="powered-by"> <div class="footer-published-ab-powered-by"> Powered by <span class="link weebly-icon"></span> <img class="footer-ab-published-toast-image" src="//"> <span class="footer-ab-published-toast-text">Create your own unique website with customizable templates.</span> <span class="footer-ab-published-toast-button-wrapper"> <button class="footer-published-ab-button">Get Started</button> </span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> if (document.readystate === 'complete') { Weebly.footer.setupContainer('', '1739487796'); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { Weebly.footer.setupContainer('', '1739487796'); }); } </script> <script type='text/javascript'> //<!-- if (document.cookie.match(/(^|;)\s*is_mobile=1/)) { var windowHref = window.location.href || ''; if (windowHref.indexOf('?') > -1) { windowHref += '&'; } else { windowHref += '?'; } windowHref = windowHref.replace(/'/g, "%27"); document.write( "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + "<a class='wsite-view-link-mobile' href='" + windowHref + "view=mobile'>Mobile Site</a>" ); } //--> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <div id="customer-accounts-app"></div> <script src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-7870337-1']); _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', 'none']); _gaq.push(['_setAllowLinker', true]); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 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