Hydro-Vacuum S.A. - Pump testing station

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The parameters of this facility allow testing of pumps with a capacity of up to 8000 m<sup>3</sup>/h, head up to 1600 m and motor power up to 2000 KW at 6000 V, 1000 V, 500 V, 400 V. </br></br> HYDRO-VACUUM S.A. is an innovative, modern factory that is a leader in the production of pumps and pump systems in Poland. Its research and technical-technological potential allows it not only to design and manufacture a range of modern pumps, but also to comprehensively carry out research, repair and testing orders. </br></br> ANSYS CFX/CFD software for 3D numerical calculations allows analysis and optimization of pump flow channel shapes, aimed at achieving the highest energy efficiency. On the basis of the virtual 3D model, it is possible to make a prototype using classical or rapid prototyping "Rapid Prototyping" methods. The fully functional prototype is subjected to verification measurements at the test station, where not only the basic energy characteristics of the pumps are determined, but also cavitation and thermal imaging tests are conducted. Such an action gives the opportunity to quickly analyze the deviations of the parameters of the tested pumps and make possible corrective actions. The analysis of the obtained measurements allows for the optimal configuration of the pumping unit, which is important for the energy efficiency of liquid transport at the target users. An additional advantage of coupling the results of real measurements and CFD numerical analyses is the ability to diagnose the causes of improper pump operation in the pumping system and to indicate possible corrective measures, eliminating the impact of an improperly designed system on the increased failure rate and low energy efficiency of the installed pumping units. </div> <div class="poziom2_R dzielenie"> <img src="grafika/galeria/stacja_prob/stacjaprob.jpg" style="height:auto; width: 90%;"> </div> </div> <div class="poziom1_all_white"> <div class="poziom2_L"> <p class="nagH3">Benefits and offers for customers:</p> <ul> <li> Comprehensive handling of research orders <li>Comprehensive, professional handling of repair orders <li>Verification of a wide range of relevant parameters of pumps based on approved measuring equipment, including characteristics: energy (head, power and efficiency depending on capacity: H(Q), P(Q), n(Q) and anti-cavitation surplus NPSH(Q) <li>Documentation of the correctness of the performance of services in the form of a pump test protocol <li>Possibility to receive professional advice from highly qualified and properly equipped engineering staff (contact phone: 56 450 74 19, 56 450 75 27) </ul> </div> </div> <div class="poziom1_all_white"> <div class="poziom2_L dzielenie"> <p class="nagH3">Diagram of the pump test station:</p> <ul> <li> 2MW inverter <li> Switchgear cabinet <li> Transformer 2,5 MVA 6kV <li> Transformer 0,8 MVA 0,4kV; 0,5kV; 1,0kV <li> Measurement cabinets 5a- 0,4 kV; 5b- 0,5 kV; 5c- 1,0 kV <li> Measuring and switching cabinet 6 kV <li> Connection cabinets <li> Water tanks 2 x 80 m3 <li> Supply manifold DN700 <li> Measuring collector DN700/ PN25/ 8000 m<sup>3</sup>/h <li> Measuring collector DN300/ PN40/ 2500 m<sup>3</sup>/h <li> Measuring collector DN200/ PN160/ 1000 m<sup>3</sup>/h <li> Measuring collector DN150/ PN160/ 630 m<sup>3</sup>/h <li> Measuring collector DN100/ PN100/ 250 m<sup>3</sup>/h <li> Measuring collector DN50/ PN100/ 63 m<sup>3</sup>/h <li> Pressure well 600 x 7000 <li> Underfloor tank 4000x1500x4000 <li> Control room <li> Control and instrumentation automation cabinet </ul> </div> <div class="poziom2_R dzielenie"> <p class="nagH3">Research capabilities of pump test stations:</p> Single-stage pumps: <ul> <li> Q up to 8000 m<sup>3</sup>/h <li> H up to 100 m <li> P up to 2000 kW <li> Discharge spigot diameters up to DN700 </ul> Single-stage pumps - submersible: <ul> <li> Q up to 2500 m<sup>3</sup>/h <li> H up to 100 m <li> P up to 1000 kW <li> Discharge spigot diameters up to DN400 </ul> Multistage pumps: <ul> <li> Q up to 1000 m<sup>3</sup>/h <li> H up to 1600 m <li> P up to 2000 kW <li> Discharge spigot diameters up to DN300 </ul> Submersible multistage pumps: <ul> <li> Q up to 1000 m<sup>3</sup>/h <li> H up to 1600 m <li> P up to 2000 kW <li> Discharge spigot diameters up to DN300 </ul> Single-stage - two-stream pumps: <ul> <li> Q up to 8000 m<sup>3</sup>/h <li> H up to 250 m <li> P up to 2000 kW <li> Discharge spigot diameters up to DN700 </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container px-3 py-5" id="hanging-icons"> <h2 class="pb-2 border-bottom akt_tyt" style="border:0px solid #aaa;"><a href="news.php" style=" color:#434343; text-decoration: none;">News</a></h2> <div class="row g-4 py-5 row-cols-1 row-cols-lg-3" > <div class="col d-flex align-items-start"> <!-- <div class="icon-square bg-light text-dark flex-shrink-0 me-3"> <svg class="bi" width="1em" height="1em"><use xlink:href="#toggles2"/></svg> </div>--> <div> <div class="akt_H2">New Deep-well pumps GBE</div> <div class="akt_tekst">Type GBE 6-inch submersible pumps are a new generation of GBD submersible pumps. 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