Introducing Daily Draw: A New Free-to-Play Game From Yahoo Sports | Yahoo Inc.

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", "image": "", "dateModified":"Nov 30, 2024", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Yahoo Inc.", "url": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Yahoo Inc.", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } } </script></head><body><a href="#main" class="skip-to-main">Skip to main content</a><div data-animation="over-right" class="sticky-top sticky-nav w-nav" data-easing2="ease" data-easing="ease-out-quart" data-collapse="medium" data-w-id="0902344f-bfbc-d630-804d-ceb779a9738b" role="banner" data-duration="500" data-doc-height="1"><div class="nav-navbar"><div class="container nav-container"><a href="/" class="nav-logo_link w-nav-brand"><img src="" loading="eager" alt="yahoo!" class="nav-logo"></a><nav role="navigation" class="nav-menu w-nav-menu"><div class="nav-link-group"><div data-hover="true" data-delay="0" class="nav-drop_wrapper w-dropdown"><div class="nav-link nav-drop w-dropdown-toggle"><div class="nav-drop_icon w-icon-dropdown-toggle"></div><div>Our Company</div></div><nav class="nav-drop_list w-dropdown-list"><a href="/about" class="nav-drop_link w-dropdown-link">About</a><a href="/press" class="nav-drop_link w-dropdown-link">Press</a><a href="/technology" class="nav-drop_link w-dropdown-link">Technology</a><a href="/office-locations" class="nav-drop_link w-dropdown-link">Office Locations</a></nav></div><a href="/our-brands" class="nav-link w-nav-link">Our Brands</a><a href="/our-business-solutions" class="nav-link w-nav-link">Our Business Solutions</a><a href="" target="_blank" class="nav-link w-nav-link">Join Our Team</a></div><a href="#" class="nav-link btn btn-secondary nav-cta nowrap d-none w-nav-link">Contact Us</a></nav><div class="d-flex local-menu"><div class="nav-btn w-nav-button"><div class="nav-bar top"></div><div class="nav-bar middle"></div><div class="nav-bar bottom"></div></div><a id="site-search" href="#" aria-label="Open Search Bar" class="search-btn search-btn-nav local-search w-button">magglass</a></div></div><div class="nav-overlay"></div></div><div class="site-search-container box-shadow-2"><div class="container w-container"><div class="content-container"><form action="/search" class="search-container w-form"><label for="search" class="sr-only">Search</label><input class="search-input w-input" maxlength="256" name="query" placeholder="Search…" type="search" id="search-nav" required=""><input type="submit" class="btn-search w-button" value="magglass"></form></div></div></div></div><main id="main" class="main-content"><section class="section pb-0"><div class="container"><div class="content-container"><p class="tags-categories">November 30, 2024</p><h1 class="condensed">Introducing Daily Draw: A New Free-to-Play Game From Yahoo Sports</h1><p class="italic">Daily Draw headlines a series of updates to the evolving Yahoo Sports app and gives fans a fun new way to engage with the biggest sporting event of the day, every day. </p><p class="bold w-condition-invisible">Note: Verizon Media is now known as Yahoo.</p></div></div></section><section class="section"><div class="container"><img src="" alt="" loading="lazy" class="full-width-image border-radius box-shadow-3 my-0"></div></section><section class="section pb-3"><div class="container"><div class="content-container"><div class="row justify-center"><div class="col-sm-12 px-1 position-relative"><div class="social-share-column position-sticky"><a id="facebook-share" aria-label="Share on Facebook" title="Share on Facebook" href="#" class="social-share w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Facebook" class="social-share-image"></a><a id="linkedin-share" aria-label="Share on LinkedIn" title="Share on LinkedIn" href="#" class="social-share w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="LinkedIn" class="social-share-image"></a><a id="twitter-share" href="#" class="social-share w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" aria-label="Share on Twitter" title="Share on Twitter" alt="X Logo" class="social-media"></a></div></div><div class="col col-lg-10 col-sm-12"><div class="collection-content w-richtext"><p><strong>NEW YORK, Nov. 30, 2024 -</strong> Today, Yahoo Sports announced Daily Draw, a free-to-play game launching Dec. 20 in the Yahoo Sports app that gives fans a fun new way to engage with each day’s marquee sporting event. Here’s how:</p><ul role="list"><li>Fans who play Daily Draw will receive a randomly-generated pack of six cards every day in the Yahoo Sports app.&nbsp;</li><li>Fans can simply swipe to open their pack and look through their cards.</li><li>Each card features a game, team or player-specific prediction about the day’s single biggest sporting event. If the event were a Chiefs-Ravens game, examples of cards could be: the Chiefs will beat the Ravens by more than three points, the Chiefs will score more than 28 points, Lamar Jackson will rush for more than 40 yards, etc.</li><li>Fans must select four cards to play from the six in their pack.</li><li>Cards carry different point values and fans receive points if their selected predictions are correct.&nbsp;</li><li>Daily Draw has a leaderboard. At the end of each day, the top three finishers are eligible to earn a cash prize.</li></ul><p>“The goal of Daily Draw is to amplify that day’s biggest sports event and to give fans a new way to play, follow, and engage alongside those events,” said Ryan Spoon, President of Yahoo Sports. “We look forward to launching Daily Draw later this year and giving fans yet another way to participate and build community in our evolving Yahoo Sports app.”&nbsp;</p><p>‍<strong>Yahoo Sports App Updates</strong></p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""></div></figure><p>Daily Draw reflects the Yahoo Sports app’s ongoing evolution toward becoming not only a leading destination for scores and news, but also a home for community engagement. Daily Draw features a communal leaderboard and integrates the app’s recently-launched <a href=";utm_medium=member_desktop" target="_blank">Game Discussions</a> feature so fans can chat about their predictions with other fans and Yahoo Sports experts.&nbsp;</p><p>Other updates to the Yahoo Sports app include:</p><ul role="list"><li>A new home screen that showcases more editorial coverage to get fans caught up on the biggest storylines in sports. The home screen prominently displays written, video, and audio content and better packages related coverage together. With increased access to news and analysis, fans can have meaningful conversations with other fans via Game Discussions and test their knowledge in Daily Draw.&nbsp;</li><li>Improved game pages, which feature richer stats and data, more accessible video content, and a new header that shows league scores so fans don’t have to leave their favorite team’s game page to see rival team scores. Coming soon, game pages will also enable fans to toggle between a recap of all plays and key plays such as those in an NFL scoring drive. This enables fans to more quickly get caught up on a game’s most important moments.</li><li>A modern design, with bolder iconography and fonts, as well as new spacing to promote smoother app navigation.</li></ul><p><strong>Yahoo Fantasy<br>‍</strong>Over time, Daily Draw will be available in the award-winning Yahoo Fantasy app. This will further accelerate the recent momentum from Yahoo Fantasy, highlighted by a <a href="" target="_blank">redesigned fantasy app</a> and record fantasy football and basketball user numbers.&nbsp;</p><p>Fans can download or update the latest version of the Yahoo Sports app in the <a href="" target="_blank">Apple App Store</a> and on <a href=";hl=en" target="_blank">Google Play</a>.</p><p>###</p><p><strong>About Yahoo<br>‍</strong>Yahoo serves as a trusted guide for hundreds of millions of people globally, helping them achieve their goals online through our portfolio of iconic products. For advertisers, Yahoo Advertising offers omnichannel solutions and powerful data to engage with our brands and deliver results. To learn more about Yahoo, please visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p></div><h2 class="h3 text-primary w-condition-invisible w-dyn-bind-empty"></h2><p class="w-condition-invisible">This article was written by a 3rd party news source. To read the full article, please visit their website.</p><a href="#" class="btn btn-primary w-condition-invisible w-button">Read the Story</a></div></div></div></div></section></main><footer class="section footer position-relative"><div class="container"><h2 class="sr-only">Yahoo Inc. 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