Award-Winning Yahoo Fantasy App Unveils New Design and $1 Million Giveaway for 2024 Season | Yahoo Inc.
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Today, Yahoo Sports announced updates to its award-winning Yahoo Fantasy app, highlighted by a modern design and new content aimed to help all users – from beginners to the most experienced – have their best fantasy seasons yet. Adding to the excitement: Yahoo Sports and NBC Sports are teaming up to give away <a href="" target="_blank">$1 million</a> to one lucky Yahoo Fantasy user via a first-of-its-kind sweepstakes. </p><p>"Yahoo has been a leader in fantasy sports for a long time, but 2024 will be our biggest season yet,” said Ryan Spoon, President of Yahoo Sports. “We’re introducing experiences that make fantasy more accessible for those new to the game, more engaging for skilled users, and incredibly exciting for all who enter for the chance to win $1 million."</p><p><strong>Modern Design</strong></p><p>Yahoo Sports is an original fantasy pioneer, with a more than 25-year history of innovation that has made it an award-winning experience. This year, Yahoo Sports continues that legacy with a redesigned Yahoo Fantasy app intended to make it easier and more exciting for people to play fantasy sports. Highlights include:</p><div class="w-embed"><img style="width:300px;" src=""></div><ul role="list"><li><strong>Bold New Look: </strong>The app has a bold new look, highlighted by bright colors, engaging visuals, and a refreshed app loading screen.</li><li><strong>Global Navigation: </strong>The app features a new global navigation with three updated tabs – Home, News, and Scores – that guide users more quickly to the information they need to make smart roster decisions.<ul role="list"><li><strong>Home Tab:</strong> The app’s dynamic home screen displays team scores and data that update in real-time, giving users a reason to make it their primary fantasy destination on game days. Users can easily dive into their fantasy match-ups and swipe to set their line-ups, check for available players, and see their league standings – all within the home tab. </li><li><strong>News Tab:</strong> The news tab prominently surfaces top-notch analysis and advice from Yahoo Fantasy experts, helping users more easily access the information they need to set a winning lineup.</li><li><strong>Scores Tab:</strong><em> </em>The scores tab keeps users up-to-date on the day’s scores, ensuring that fans don’t need to leave the app to see how their favorite teams are doing.</li></ul></li><li><strong>100+ Fantasy Team Logos: </strong>The app features more than 100 new fantasy team logos – everything from pizza slices to spooky zombies – to give users more ways to express their personality when playing fantasy sports.</li></ul><div class="w-embed"><img style="width:300px;" src=""></div><p><strong>New Content</strong></p><p>Yahoo Sports is introducing new content this football season that will educate, entertain and elevate the performance of fantasy players. This includes:</p><ul role="list"><li><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Yahoo Fantasy Forecast</strong></a>, a show hosted by <a href="" target="_blank">Matt Harmon</a> and featuring <a href="" target="_blank">Nate Tice</a>, that delivers news and analysis five times a week to make fantasy players more informed managers.</li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Yahoo Fantasy U</strong></a>, an online guide that helps fans uplevel their fantasy knowledge and skills. For first-time fantasy players, Fantasy U will teach the basics on signing up, drafting and managing a team. For more experienced users, the program will teach the finer points of fantasy strategy.</li><li><strong>Get to the Points</strong>, a fantasy newsletter authored by <a href="" target="_blank">Andy Behrens</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Scott Pianowski</a> that will deliver key fantasy insights straight to fans’ email inboxes.</li><li>The new content complements Yahoo Fantasy’s existing programming. This includes <strong>Yahoo Fantasy Football Live</strong>, hosted by <a href="" target="_blank">Jason Fitz</a>, which will now air twice a week — on Thursdays and Sundays — to give users the last-minute information they need to know to set their lineups. Yahoo Fantasy Football Live is entering its 19th year, making it one of the longest running fantasy football shows on the internet.</li></ul><p>In addition, Yahoo Sports has added <strong>Tera Roberts</strong> as a fantasy analyst. She’ll contribute her expertise in weekly articles, social Q&A’s, and as a guest on Yahoo Fantasy Forecast and Yahoo Fantasy Football Live. Also, <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Sal Vetri</strong></a> will have an expanded role for Yahoo Sports this season, becoming a regular on Yahoo Fantasy Forecast and Yahoo Fantasy Football Live in addition to delivering his weekly keys to victory and unique social series. Roberts and Vetri join Harmon, Behrens, Pianowski, Fitz, and <a href="" target="_blank">Dalton Del Don</a> in rounding out the Yahoo Fantasy Football crew.</p><p><strong>$1 Million Fantasy Football Sweepstakes</strong></p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""></div></figure><p>To celebrate the launch of the redesigned app, Yahoo Sports and NBC Sports are teaming up to give Yahoo Fantasy Football users the chance to win $1 million dollars. By playing in a private Yahoo Fantasy Football league, users can enter for a chance to win $1 million. Users can earn additional entries if players on their fantasy team score a touchdown in a week one NFL game broadcast on NBC and/or Peacock. One lucky Yahoo Fantasy user will take home the $1 million prize. For more information, visit the official rules <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. To sign up for a private Yahoo Fantasy Football league and enter the sweepstakes, visit <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p><p>The Yahoo Fantasy app is available for free in the <a href="" target="_blank">Apple App Store</a> and on <a href="" target="_blank">Google Play</a>.</p><p>###</p><p><strong>About Yahoo<br></strong>Yahoo serves as a trusted guide for hundreds of millions of people globally, helping them achieve their goals online through our portfolio of iconic products. For advertisers, Yahoo Advertising offers omnichannel solutions and powerful data to engage with our brands and deliver results. To learn more about Yahoo, please visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p></div><h2 class="h3 text-primary w-condition-invisible w-dyn-bind-empty"></h2><p class="w-condition-invisible">This article was written by a 3rd party news source. 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